#Peridot the Caterpie
Chapter 3- Part 11
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Oh. He’s…not that bad at all, honestly. His Pokémon are at about the same level as Xera’s, but we’ve got a bird.
His first two Pokémon are Caterpie and Wurmple, which Breeze makes quick work of with Gust. Even so, Breeze still takes damage, and with his last Pokémon being Weedle, I’ll have Glare finish this battle.
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Being a Poison-type, Glare won’t have to worry about Weedle poisoning her. With Intimidate and Leer, plus a flinch proc from Bite, Weedle is taken down pretty easily!
This entire session has taught me that Glare’s attacks alone might not be the strongest, but stacking the effects on top of each other- poison from Poison Sting and/or ongoing damage from Wrap, with the additional possible flinch from Bite…it can build up. What I’m saying is Glare seems more like a crafty and annoying enemy to fight rather than a difficult one, and I love that for her.
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And with that, Xera has proven herself to Seacrest, and at last…we can touch grass!
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In all seriousness, the flowers are like patches of grass where you encounter wild Pokémon, sound effects and rustling animation and all, so…I wonder if this is, in fact, another area to catch Pokémon? Grass- and Bug-types, maybe? I won’t be checking that right this second, but with Julia and her Electric-types being the first Gym, and I doubt we’ll be getting a Ground-type this early, a Grass-type would be helpful.
I’ll think about that at least after I go to the Pokémon Center. I can just go around like so, following the train tracks here-
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Well, so much for the Pokémon Center. Fine, lady! I’ll fight you! Streak could use more exp. points, so he can take down the Pikipek.
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As for Bounsweet, Glare can handle it- type advantages are still good!
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Well neither is interrupting a Trainer trying to go to the Pokémon Center with another battle!! Geez, the nerve of these people…
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…Oh. Oh, that’s…pretty useful, actually. That’s a…nice thing to be given.
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That’s, uh…pretty poignant, actually-
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…Right then. Uh…sorry for getting so upset, Marigold, I’m sure those flowers will bloom someday. Depending on the hijinks Xera gets up to, that blooming might happen a lot sooner than you think. 
Does Xera care about restoring the city at this point? She doesn’t know this game’s synopsis, she wouldn’t know restoration is even an option, would she? Or is she just focused on taking on the League (and possibly getting revenge on the one(s) who blew up the train)? I feel like she’s definitely got a good heart for Pokémon; she likes Victoria, feels indebted to Ame, and Cain…is a work in progress. But Reborn as a whole…hm. 
Even if she’s just trying to survive and prepare to battle Gym Leaders for right now, I’m sure plot things and character development will change that attitude soon enough.
But anyways, enough of me waxing about the characterization of my player character. We can go to the Pokémon Center now, we’ve healed up, now let’s see what’s up a bit further here…
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So this is the way to the upper part of Peridot Ward, huh? Mm- let’s not go there just yet. I’d like to see if I missed anything in Lower Peridot Ward first before embarking into the upper portion.
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That’ll have to be for next time, though. We might not have progressed the story very much, but we learned a lot, caught some new Pokémon, and now we know what to prepare for. The first Gym Leader is none other than Julia, an Electric-type specialist, and we can’t level up any Pokémon past Lv. 20. So next time, we’ll see what we can do regarding that, and then we’ll see the upper section of Peridot Ward! See you then!
Species: Totodile
Gender: Male
Level: 10
Ability: Sheer Force*
Item: Quick Claw
Brave nature; Alert to sounds
Species: Pidgey
Gender: Female
Level: 10
Ability: Keen Eye
Item: None
Lax nature; Mischievous.
Species: Zigzagoon
Gender: Male
Level: 9
Ability: Pickup
Item: None
Lax nature; Quick to flee.
Species: Ekans
Gender: Female
Level: 9
Ability: Intimidate
Item: None
Naughty nature; Highly curious.
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NUMBER OF RELOADS: 1 (No, I’m not counting that crash because that wasn’t my decision, I only count reloads that are voluntary)
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gleamingrednuzlocke · 3 years
Chapter 3-On the Road
Neth, Cassia, and their Pokemon made it back to Viridian City, where they decided to chill at the Pokemon Center and drink some ice cold lemonade and chat for a bit because Cassia had some news to share to Neth that she wanted to tell him.
“Wait, you're doing Pokemon Contests?” Neth asked.
Cassia nodded. “Yep!” She replied. “After I saw contests live on TV a few years ago I figured doing that as my goal then the gym challenge like you or Miles.” She explained.
Neth smiled at his friend, as much as it was his, Miles and Cassia’s goal to do the gym challenge together, he realized that trainers need to find their own path in life, and if Cassia’s was to be a Pokemon coordinator, then a coordinator she wanted to be.
Shelby, who was eating berries with Morgan and Jasper, looked up at her trainer and asked, “What’s a Pokémon contest?” She asked.
With a smile Cassia explained, “A Pokémon contest is a performance where trainers, called coordinators, perform with their Pokémon. There are two rounds performing and a battle round.”
The Squirtle smiled interested in this conversation. “Oooh that sounds fun!”
“It is!” Cassia exclaimed. “Also you and I both get to dress up, and the battle isn’t like a typical gym battle!”
Shelby’s eyes glistened like stars hearing how fun contest battles were. She never thought of performing in front of everyone in Kanto before. The Squirtle then jumped on her trainer, her eyes growing bigger. “When is our first contest?” Shelby asked.
“In Cerulean City.” Cassia replied. “The contest is on Tuesday.”
“Well, we better get there, fast!” Shelby shouted.
Cassia chuckled, seeing the Squirtle was slowly starting to act like her now. “Relax Shelby.” She reassured her starter Pokémon. “We have plenty of time before Cerulean.” Cassia then went to her bag and pulled out her map and pointed at their current location; Viridian City. “So we’re here and it will take us till tomorrow morning to get to Pewter City, then a day or two to get Cerulean.”
“See you’ll have plenty of time.” Neth told the Squirtle. “By the time you're in Cerulean it will be Sunday night or Monday morning.”
Shelby sighed, but felt the excitement in her as she’ll start performing in the contest soon. Cassia put her Squirtle down, then went to her bag and pulled out two extra maps. “Here Neth, I had extras for you and Miles to bring with you on your journey.” She told him.
“Thanks Cass.” Neth replied. He took his own map, leaving Cassia with Miles’s map with her till she sees him.
As Cassia was putting the map for Miles away, she had to ask Neth about him. “How is Miles by the way?” She asked. Neth looked up at the girl. “I haven’t seen him since…” her voice trailed off, but Neth quickly interrupted.
“He’s fine.” He replied, turning away from his friend. “He too started his journey. He got a Charmander, and just left.” Neth explained.
“Oh did he say anything about me?” Cassia asked. Neth shook his head. “Figures.”
It soon got quiet between the two trainers as they silently drank their lemonades. The three Pokémon looked up from eating their berries and wondered if they should say anything to bring the mood back up.
“Should we say something?” Jasper asked.
“I don’t know.” Morgan replied. As much as he wanted to cheer them up he didn’t want to make the two trainers feel worse by helping them. So he, Jasper and Shelby waited before deciding on what to do.
After what felt like forever, Neth had an idea hoping that would change the topic. “Hey, why don’t we travel together?” Neth asked. “It will make the journey fun, plus we could make it to Cerulean faster.”
Cassia smiled and was ready to agree till her PokeGear started to ring. She gave Neth a signal to hold on for a second as she took this call. “Hello? Oh hi mom!” Her face dropped as she sighed when her mom told her what was going on. “Again?” She asked. Cassia sighed, “alright I’ll head on over.” She then hung up and sighed.
However, the expression Neth had made him guess what happened. “Let me guess, your grandfather again?” He asked.
The coordinator to be nodded. “Oh yeah. He fell again thanks to missing out on his medications.” She told him. It was well known in Viridian City, that Cassia’s grandfather would always fall in the most random places in Viridian City from the roads to the entrances of buildings. Cassia’s family had tried taking him into a nursing home, but he always refused so he lived with her family so they could take care of him.
Cassia sighed hoping to travel alongside Neth, but she had to help her family first. “I gotta get going, just travel on without me.” She told him.
Neth nodded. “Alright, but let’s travel together once we see each other again, okay?” He asked.
“Okay!” Cassia replied. “Shelby! Come on, let's go!” She yelled.
Shelby nodded. “Coming!” She yelled back. Before she could take off, she turned back to face Morgan. “Take care Morgan! Be safe out there!” Shelby reminded him before going with her trainer.
Once the two were gone, Neth was studying the map and finishing his lemonade before telling his two Pokémon the game plan. “Alright, before we head off to Pewter City, I think we should check out Route 22 to train and find a new team member.” He explained. “Then we head on the path leading towards Pewter City.”
“Sounds like a plan!” Jasper agreed. The Rattata turned towards Morgan, hoping the Bulbasaur liked the idea.
Morgan looked back at Neth and Jasper as they waited for him to hear what he thought of the plan. “Uh…sure sounds like a great plan.” He told them.
“Great!” Neth replied. “We’ll set off when you're ready.” Jasper and Morgan nodded as Neth went to put everything back in his bag and wait on his team.
The Rattata gobbled up the rest of the berries and gave his trainer a smile. “Okay I’m ready when you are!” Jasper beamed.
Neth chuckled seeing how hyped up Jasper is since joining the team. Neth then looked towards Morgan and saw how quiet, but trying to be too happy he was. When the Seed Pokemon looked at him, Morgan gave a quick (but fake) smile to show he was ready to leave too. Knowing what Morgan has been through a lot and it’s only been day one of their journey he didn’t want to ask Morgan more questions to make him uncomfortable.
“Alright.” Neth started as he grabbed his bag. “Let’s get going.” The two Pokemon followed him out of the Viridian Pokemon Center and made their way left towards Route 22. Though as they walked, a tall man in a grey coat and hat walked by and Neth almost ran into him. He went into a halt as the man turned to him, glaring at the young trainer with his cold, black eyes.
Neth and Morgan gulped at the man, and took a step back. “Ah. S-sorry.” He apologized.
The tall man glared as a wave of fear rushed over Neth and his team. They were anxious this man was now going to mug them of their Pokedollars or worse. Neth let out a gulp, and was ready to book it with his team. However, the man spoke up.
“Watch it, next time.” He threatened with a low growl before walking away from Neth and his team. The trio waited till the man was completely gone from Viridian and sighed that he just threatened them and nothing else.
“Man that was scary!” Morgan yelled. “I-I thought we were going to die!”
Neth sighed and gave Morgan a pet, something that Neth noticed that calms the Bulbasaur down when he’s in distress. “Hey there are just jerk trainers like that. If we see him again, let’s beat him in a battle.” He promised his starter.
Jasper glared and crossed his arms. “Well I hope we don’t run into him.”
Once everyone was settled down, the trio made it to Route 22. From there, Morgan and Jasper stopped when they saw a Mankey doing some training, punching rocks and scratching at berries that fell from the tree.
“Oh that’s cool!” Jasper cheered. He ran towards the Mankey to get a close up of the Fighting-type’s training.
“W-wait! Jasper!” Neth shouted.
The Mankey heard Neth and before Jasper got a good close up, the Pig Monkey Pokemon quickly scratched the Rattata that was ready to attack her.
“Jasper!” Neth shouted. He went over to his Pokémon and picked him up. Luckily, Jasper just had a minor scratch wound that would heal in a matter of days. “Are you okay?”
“H-hang on mom.” Jasper said, dizzy from the attack. “I just need to steal snacks from this stupid traveler first.”
Neth sighed seeing his Pokémon was going to be alright. “Trainer.” A feminine voice spoke up. Neth looked around to see who spoke up and was surprised it was the Manky. “What are you doing, disturbing my training?” She asked.
“O-oh. I didn’t mean to.” Neth apologized. “Jasper just wanted to see you train, and…” he paused, realizing Mankey was a girl. “I never knew Mankey could be female as well? I thought they were male only Pokemon?”
The Mankey sighed and rolled her eyes. “You're not the only trainer who said that.” She told them.
“Oh. Well sorry if I disturbed your training.”
The Mankey nodded. “I’m sorry for attacking your Rattata.”
“Apology accepted.” Neth loved how strong Mankey was and quickly decided to ask her, “hey is it alright if we can train together?” He asked. The Mankey turned to face him. “I mean if it bothers you we can train somewhere else on the route.”
“On one condition.” Mankey spoke up. “I’d like to train alongside your team.”
Neth’s eyes widened as he didn’t have to capture and battle for a team member, but the team member asked him. “Alright! Welcome to the team!” He accepted. The Mankey smiled and held her fist to signal a fist bump. Neth smiled and he and his new team mate fist bumped back. Once that was settled, Neth grabbed his Pokeball and put Mankey in. Once the ball clicked three times, which signaled the capture he started to think of a name for her. He was trying to think of a name that fits a Mankey that isn’t too girly for her tastes.
Once the trainer finally thought of a name for his Mankey he quickly sent her back out. “Hey Mankey, do you like the name Amber?” He asked.
Mankey nodded, accepting the name. “Not too girly, but fitting.” She replied. “Why not!” Neth smiled glad that Amber joined the team and liked her name.
Training on Route 22 wasn’t too bad. There weren’t as many Mankey, and Amber was great to have around. She gave good training advice to Jasper and Morgan. The training helped and soon Morgan and Jasper were learning new moves.
For Morgan it was Leech Seed, and for Jasper it was Quick Attack.
“Alright Morgan if you use your Leech Seed you can heal as you deal more damage.” Amber told him.
Morgan nodded and did what he was told, and soon he launched a seed at a wild Rattata he was fighting. Soon the Rattata was feeling tired as the Leech Seed started to drain his energy and Morgan came in with a quick Tackle attack defeating the Rattata.
“That was fun!” Morgan beamed as a true smile appeared on his face.
After a whole hour of training, Neth and his team decided to head back to Viridian City and head on to Route 2. However, the joyous walk came to a vault as they saw two Pidgey in a battle with a Caterpie?
The Caterpie looked tired, but she wanted to keep on fighting the two flying-type Pokemon. “Give it up, worm!” Pidgey shouted.
The Caterpie glared and went in for another Tackle, but it didn’t take out the Pidgey. The Tiny Bird Pokémon snickered before Tackling the Worm Pokémon to the ground.
“Hey!” Neth shouted as he and his team were running towards the Pidgey.
“A trainer!” One Pidgey exclaimed. The two flying type birds were ready to fight till they saw Morgan, Jasper and Amber running towards them. It was then the two Pidgey realized they were screwed.
“Quick, let's bail!” The other Pidgey exclaimed as they flew off.
Neth growled seeing the Pidgey fly off. He started to calm down and then turned his gaze towards the Caterpie. The Worm Pokémon slowly started to crawl, breathing heavily.
“I-I could have…handled them.” She coughed out. Morgan went over to her and used his vines to put her on his back. The Caterpie gave a groan, as much as she wanted to struggle she was too weak to do so.
Neth crouched down to Morgan’s level and looked at how bad the Caterpie was. The bug-type Pokémon has some scrapes and cuts from the Pidgey. Luckily the Pidgey around Pallet and Viridian don’t learn too strong of flying type moves otherwise this little Caterpie would be dead.
“We need to make it to the Pokemon Center! And fast!” Neth exclaimed. Running as fast as a Ponyta, Neth and his team quickly dashed back to the Viridian Pokemon center to get the Caterpie some help.
At the Pokemon Center, Neth and his team waited to hear the results on how the Caterpie was feeling.About an hour and a half passed before Nurse Joy came in holding the Caterpie in her hands. The Caterpie was now wide awake and no longer injured.“Neth. The Caterpie brought in is doing just fine, she just got beaten up a bit, but she’s okay.”
Neth sighed in relief as Nurse Joy handed over Caterpie to Neth. “Thank you.” He replied, giving a small smile. The nurse smiled in reply and Neth and his team went off from Viridian City back on Route 2. On their way, The Caterpie jumped off Neth’s hands and started to crawl her way back. “H-hey! Caterpie! Wait up!” Neth yelled, running after the Caterpie.
The Caterpie was on the grass; looking for another Pokemon to fight. Neth and his team caught up with the Worm Pokemon before she got herself hurt again.
“Caterpie!” Morgan shouted. The Caterpie heard the Bulbasaur’s call and turned towards him. “What are you doing?” He asked.
“Battling! I need to show these riff raff Pokemon I’m not just a weak little bug-type!” The Caterpie explained.
“Why?” Morgan asked.
Caterpie rolled her eyes. “Because the Caterpie around here is always taken away, or worse.” She explained. Morgan and Neth looked at each other as the Caterpie continued. “So I made it my goal to battle as many Pokémon to show them that not all Caterpie aren’t week.”
“Well it’s true.” Jasper grumbled, hoping the Caterpie didn’t hear him.
However, it was too late. “What was that, rat!” She snapped.
“N-nothing!” Jasper lied, scared hearing that kind of voice from a Caterpie.
“Thought so.” Caterpie then looked back at Neth. “See because I’m different then other Caterpie I can strike fear into the heart of a Rattata.” She explained, proud that she almost gave Jasper a heart attack.
“But,” Neth started. “Would you like to train and get stronger with a team?” He asked.
Caterpie tilted her head in confusion. “What do you mean?” She asked.
“I mean if you joined my team, you can be 10x more stronger and make new friends.” Neth offered.
“Plus.” Amber started. “If any Pokémon tries to hurt you, you have a Mankey, Bulbasaur and Rattata by your side.” She explained pointing at herself, Morgan and Jasper in that order.
Caterpie thought about it for a bit. Sure, she heard trainers capturing her fellow Caterpie, but never heard what happened to them afterwards. She wasn’t anxious for what would happen to her, but hearing that adventure and battling stronger Pokemon then the usual Rattata and Pidgey gave her a story to tell when she does see her family again. Caterpie gave a gleeful smile hearing she was strong, and turned towards Neth. “Alright trainer,”
“Neth.” He corrected in reply.
“Neth. How do I join your team?” She asked. Neth smiled and held his hand out for Caterpie to climb up his shoulder. Slowly, the Caterpie crawled her way up and once she was close enough Neth grabbed the Pokeball and placed her in.
After three clicks, Caterpie was caught.
“Looks like we got another friend.” Neth said. He then let Caterpie out and looked at her to think of a name for her. “Hmm…you're green in color. Maybe…Peridot! I’ll call you Peridot!” He exclaimed.
“Why Peridot?” Caterpie asked.
“Because you're as green as a Peridot.”
Hearing Neth’s reason made the other teammates look at one another if they heard Neth correctly. “Does he know Caterpie evolves into Butterfree, which are blueish-purple in color?” Amber whispered.
“I... hope so.” Morgan replied not sure if his trainer knew either.
Now Neth had four teammates on his team, and was ready to take the next step heading down to Viridian Forest on the road towards his journey.
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Ruby,Sapphire,Pearl,Amethyst,Lapis,Peridot,Bismuth,Jasper and Aquamarine heres the Pokemon that Ash Ketchum has caught part 1
Bulbasuar (met it when his adventures began it was the caretaker of a Pokemon Orphanage and its now the peacekeeper of Professor Oak’s lab)
Charizard (met it when it was a Charmander where it was abandon by its previous sad excuse of a trainer named Damien even lying to it by saying he will be back for it then the poisonous traits of Damien began clouding its mind because after it evolved it began disobeying Ash not listening to him at all and refusing to battle unless its strong foe or another Fire type like its self but after it lost to Poliwrath Ash nursed it back to health after that Charizard began obeying Ash again and helped Ash in many jams)
Squirtle (it used to be a troublemaker leader called the Squirtle Squad and is now a member of the Pokemon fire rescue team)
Butterfree (the first Pokemon Ash has caught met it when was a Caterpie it a strong battler and is now smitten by a pink Butterfree)
Beedrill (caught it at the Jhoto bug catching contest which Ash won in it has a strong poison sting attack so watch out)
Pidgeot (the second Pokemon Ash has caught met it when it was Pidgeotto when a group of Pidgey and Pidgeotto were being attacked by Spearow lead by a Fearow with a bad attitude not wanting to give up it evolved and chased Fearow and Spearow away)
Pikachu (his starter and ace its a speedy one and its electric attacks surpass other Pikachu and doesn’t want to evolve because it want to defeat Raichus in the name of Pikachus everywhere)
Primeape (met it when it was a Mankey where it stole Ash’s hat and Ash was trying to get it back but when troublemakers called Team Rocket kicked it evolved after Ash caught it it became the Pokemon P1 champion)
Muk (met it where it was leading a group of Grimer that causing trouble towards Magnamite Ash ended up catching it its hugger so be careful)
Haunter (its prankster where it can make anyone laugh Ash met it where its friends with a Gastly and Gengar)
Kingler (met it when it was a Krabby and the seventh one he caught after he caught it it was sent to Professor Oak’s immideiately after it won its first battle in the Indigo Plateu it evolved into Kingler and won the next two battles with ease then when Jhoto League was happening Murphy’s law kicked in and Kingler got shocked by Voltorb before it can even battle)
Mr. Mime (Ash met it where it was trying to get away from the circus because the circus want to catch it because their Mr. Mime was being a lazy bum then when the runaway Mr. Mime met Ash’s mother it decide to be a part time house keeper and a battler)
Tauros (30 of them) (Ash caught them at the Safari Zone enough for a ranch herd they usually get off coruse when they see Ash in excitement)
Lapras (met it in the Orange Island after it got beached despite being young it has strong range of Ice attacks)
Snorlax (met it in the Orange Islands where it was causing a grapefruit shortage Ash decide to catch it in order to stop it but when sleep gets disturbed its a force to be reckon with so look out)
Dragonite (recently caught it met it when it was a Dragonair it had trouble flying so Ash and Pikachu teach it how to fly but when Team Rocket was causing trouble and Ash and Pikachu were heading straight to the ocean Daragonair’s determination to save Ash and Pikachu not only increased its speed it also evolved).
Peridot: “Oh, ok…WAIT DID YOU SAY PART 1!?!?”
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gleamingrednuzlocke · 3 years
Chapter 4-Camping at Viridian Forest
Hey long time no see!
Sorry for the delay. For those who follow my other stories, you probably know why I haven’t updated the past few weeks. For those who just follow Gleaming Red, I’ll give you the long story short: Personal life was a rollercoaster.
Though I’m glad to be updating and working on stories again.
Viridian Forest, the only known forest in all of Kanto, was a deep dark forest that’s a nature maze. However, despite it sunlight was able to seek through the trees giving little light for trainers crossing the path. It is also considered to be the best place for starting trainers. Many kinds of Pokémon live in this forest from the common Caterpie and Weedle to the rare Pikachu.
Neth didn’t care what he was going to find in Viridian Forest. He knew whoever would be next Pokémon would be the next friend and teammate. Morgan stayed close with Neth, while Amber and Jasper were able to go through the forest fine. Peridot was on Neth’s shoulder enjoying the sights and smells of Viridian Forest.
After breathing in some of that forest air, Peridot let out a sigh. “Smells like home.” She told herself.
“So you lived here before, Peridot?” Neth asked.
Peridot shook her head. “I lived near the edge of Viridian Forest, but never inside the forest.” She explained.
“Well, if we're lucky we can maybe find some of your friends.” The trainer told her. Peridot giggled and nodded.
While Amber was swinging on the trees, the Mankey saw a yellow tail with a thorn on it. Thinking it was a Caterpie, Amber tried to pull it out from the tree. “Found one!” She yelled.
Team Neth’s eyes widened seeing it wasn’t a Caterpie, nor a shiny Caterpie, but a Weedle. “Uh that’s a Weedle.” Peridot corrected her teammate.
Amber then looked at the Weedle, who was glaring at her. “Oops, sorry!” She apologized. Amber put the Weedle down gently, but the bug-type was still upset.
“You’re the third Pokémon today who mistook me for a Caterpie!” Weedle shouted.
“Hey we’re sorry Weedle. It wasn’t Amber’s fault.” Neth reassured the Hairy Bug Pokemon, but he wasn’t convinced.
“Yeah. Plus don’t Weedle and shiny Caterpie look the same?” Amber asked.
Weedle glared. “No!” He shouted. “We Weedle have a stinger on our tails, while Caterpie do not!”
Peridot looked at her tail to confirm Weedle's explanation. “He’s right.”
“Plus shiny Caterpie are absolutely rare. I’d never seen a shiny Caterpie in this forest!” Weedle explained. The Hairy Bug Pokémon kept on ranting on how rare a shiny Caterpie is and how the regular green Caterpie are common here.
The team started to feel annoyed with how brainy the Weedle was to the point Amber grabbed a Pokeball from Neth’s backpack and threw a Pokeball to shut up the Weedle. Not knowing that the Weedle was caught and joined the team.
“Amber!” Jasper shouted.
“What?” The Mankey asked. She looked and saw the Pokeball gave out the final click meaning it was official; the annoying Weedle joined the team. “Oh.” She realized.
Neth sighed and walked over to the Pokeball and picked it up. “It’s alright Amber, a team member is a team member no matter how annoying they are.” He explained. Soon Neth released the Weedle from his Pokeball and the bug-type was breathing heavily like he was suffocating inside. “You okay?” Neth asked.
Weedle finally caught his breath before letting out a sigh. “Yes I am.” He told the trainer.
“Good.” Neth sighed. “I’m glad you're fine, Kunzite.” He continued calling Weedle by his new name.
The Weedle’s eyes widened hearing Neth calling him by his new name. “Oh is that name now?” He asked. Neth nodded in reply. “It’s a cool name! I like it!” Kunzite beamed.
With Kunzite on the team, Neth’s team was now a team of five. Neth figured training the team again as now he has two bug-types on the team. Kunzite and Peridot had the advantage of taking down other bug Pokemon, while Morgan, Jasper and Amber took down stronger Pokemon like Pikachu. With all that training, Morgan ended up being one level higher than the rest of the team.
“Hey trainer!” A little boy shouted. Neth and his team paused on training and spotted two little boys, who were bug catchers, each with a Pokeball in their hands. “We saw you training? Care to battle us?” The Bug Catcher named Rick asked.
“Yeah!” The other bug catcher, who was named Doug, continued. “Or are you scared?”
Neth blinked in surprise. Sure, these kids were younger than him, but he wasn’t going to let two kids talk to him like that, “Hah! I’m not scared!” Neth shouted. “I’d love to battle!”
Bug Catcher Rick chuckled, “Alright! Let’s battle!” He shouted as he threw two of his Pokeballs and let out his own Weedle and Caterpie.
“Peridot! Morgan! Go!” Neth yelled. Morgan and Peridot were now in front of Neth ready to battle, though Morgan was a bit nervous battling, even though he was strong for a bug-type.
“Hey.” Peridot spoke up, causing Morgan to turn and face her. “You’ll be fine. I promise. It’s an easy battle anyways.” She reassured the Bulbasaur. Morgan gave a smile and nodded before focusing on the battle.
“Caterpie use Tackle! Weedle, use Poison Sting” Bug Catcher Rick yelled.
The Bug Catcher’s Weedle used Poison Sting on Morgan, who then flinched as the Poison Sting hit him. Gladly it didn’t do poison damage due to Morgan being half poison-type. The Caterpie tackled Peridot, but it didn’t do as much damage.
“Quick! Peridot use-“ Neth tried to command his bug-type Pokemon, but before he could Peridot used a Tackle attack on both the Caterpie and the Weedle, knocking them out.
“Well, that was easy!” Peridot beamed.
The Bug Catcher fell to his knees and put his two bug-types back into their Pokeballs. The other Bug Catcher, Doug glared and stepped up to battle Neth next. “Alright! I have three bug-types!” He shouted as he released a Kakuna from his Pokeball.
“Hah! This will be very easy!” Peridot yelled. She went to use another Tackle attack, but the smirk the Bug Catcher gave said he had a trick up his sleeve.
“Kakuna! Harden!” The Bug Catcher commanded. The Kakuna shined as Peridot rammed into it, however despite the Harden, the Cocoon Pokemon was tackled straight into the ground and knocked out. Though at the cost of Peridot getting dizzy. “K-Kakuna?” Doug asked. Seeing his Pokemon was knocked out he sent Kakuna back into his Pokeball and glared at Neth. Doug took out another Pokeball and out came a Weedle.
Even though Peridot could handle a Weedle, she felt dizzy from the tackle and decided to fall back. “This is your battle Morgan.” She said, dizzy from the attack.
Morgan gulped and turned towards the Weedle. “W-well it shouldn’t be that hard.” He said to himself.
“Morgan, let’s use Tackle!” Neth commanded. Morgan nodded and ran towards Weedle and used Tackle.
“Use your Tackle too, Weedle!” Doug commanded. The Weedle squirmed his way towards Bulbasaur, and the two tackles ended up bumping the two Pokemon and pushing them both back. The two Pokemon skid back and saw that their tackle attacks were equally strong. “Weedle, use String Shot!” The Bug Catcher commanded once more.
The Weedle then launched his String Shot at Morgan, which wrapped up the Bulbasaur’s legs causing him to fall flat on his face.
“Morgan!” Neth gasped.The Bulbasaur struggled to get the String Shot off of him, and one by one the sticky string came off his legs. “Are you okay?” Neth asked.
“I’m fine.” Morgan replied, getting the last of the String shot off of his legs.
Neth gave a sigh, and decided to call out the next move for Morgan to use. “Morgan uses the Tackle once more!”
Morgan nodded as he started to run, but instead of Tackle coming out, Morgan’s vines appeared and slapped the Weedle, knocking it out. The Bulbasaur stopped himself and was surprised by what he did. “What was that?” Morgan asked.
“I think that was Vine Whip?” Neth answered.
“Vine…whip?” Morgan asked, looking at his vines. “So I learned a new move.” He thought to himself. A smile formed on the Bulbasaur’s face as he gave a chuckle.
Doug put Weedle back to his Pokeball and let out another Weedle. Morgan gave a smile and was ready to battle again. “Morgan, let’s use Vine Whip again!” Neth commanded.
Morgan let out his vines and then went to attack the Weedle. The Hairy Bug Pokemon was hit a few times with Vine Whip, but wasn’t down just yet.
“Weedle, Poison Sting!” Doug commanded. Weedle then launched Poison Sting at the Bulbasaur, which injured him. Luckily he wasn’t poisoned.
“Morgan, finish it off with Tackle!” Neth commanded. Morgan nodded and used Tackle on the Weedle and knocked it out, ending the battle.
Bug Catcher Doug sighed and put his other Weedle back into the Pokeball. “Man, we lost!” He sighed.
The other Bug Catcher, Rick glared and pointed a finger at Neth. “You win this time!” He yelled. “Next time we battle, we will win for sure!” Then the two boys ran off.
Once they were gone, the rest of Neth’s team cheered for their trainer as well as Morgan and Peridot. “That was amazing, Morgan!” Amber cheered, hugging the grass-type starter.
Morgan blushed and let out a chuckle. “Y-you think so?” He asked.
“Absolutely! Told you that training would help!” Amber beamed, giving a punch to Morgan’s arm. The latter flinched not knowing how strong the fighting-type was, though laughed it off like it didn’t hurt.
However, the celebration was cut short when Peridot started to not look good and was glowing a bit. “P-peridot?” Jasper asked. Peridot slowly looked up at her team who looked concerned for her. “Are you okay?”
“I-I don’t feel so good.” Peridot whimpered. Soon she glowed even brighter and Neth knew what this was.
“She’s evolving.” Neth whispered.
Peridot changed shape and soon went from a worm shape to a crescent cocoon shape; a Metapod. Peridot blinked her eyes and just stared at Neth and the team.
“A Metapod.” Kunzite and Neth said at the same time. Neth smiled and walked up to Peridot and picked her up. “Congratulations Peridot! You evolved!” He beamed, however, Peridot didn’t respond back. “I guess you can’t talk for a while.” He chuckled.
Morgan and the rest of the team went up to Neth and Peridot worried that their new friend wouldn’t talk anymore. “Does that mean Peridot can’t talk anymore?” Morgan asked.
“Don’t be silly.” Kunzite replied. “When Weedle and Caterpie evolve into Kakuna and Metapod respectively we just lose our ability to talk till we evolve into our final forms.” He explained.
The Bulbasaur sighed, relieved his new friend will be able to speak to him again soon even if it would take a while.
“But how would Peridot respond to us?” Jasper asked.
“We have our ways.” Kunzite answered. Jasper glared and face palmed not getting the answer he wanted.
A tad bit later, Neth decided to do a bit more training while trying to get through Viridian Forest. Training a Metapod wasn’t hard, but Peridot wasn’t gaining as much experience as she did when she was a Caterpie.
“Hey you!” A voice called out. Neth turned and saw it was a little girl. “Battle me!” She commanded him.
With word getting out from the trainers that were training in the forest hearing about Neth they wanted to battle him as well. Neth loved a challenge, but he knew his team needed to rest as well.
“Alright.” He replied with a smile on his face.
The battle wasn’t too bad, the young girl had a Rattata that was quickly poisoned by Kunzite, making the battle end sooner.
“No!” The young girl cried. “My little Rattata!” The girl stood there and cried for a bit before she felt her Rattata nuzzle her cheek. She stopped crying and gave a sniffle to see Rattata was alright. “Rattata!” She beamed.
Neth kneeled down to the girl’s height and took out an Antidote from his bag. “Here, in case you get lost on your way out of Viridian Forest, heal Rattata with this to remove the poison. Then head straight to the Pokémon Center, okay.” He told the girl.
The girl sniffled before drying her eyes and took the Antidote from Neth’s hands. “T-thank you. You're so kind.” She told him. Neth smiled as a way of saying thank you. The young girl walked off and started to heal her Rattata.
Once she left, a glow appeared behind Neth and he turned to see Kunzite starting to evolve into his next stage. Soon the glow faded and Kunzite was now a Kakuna. “Nice! You evolved too Kunzite!”
Like with Peridot, Kunzite didn’t say anything, but did give a little hop to show his excitement. Neth chuckled, but before he could pick up Kunzite, he realized the problem. He’d been carrying Peridot throughout the forest and now he has to carry two cocoon Pokemon throughout the rest of the forest.
Morgan saw his trainer struggling, trying to carry Peridot and Kunzite. The Bulbasaur remembered he could use his vines and had an idea. Morgan then used his vines and tapped Neth’s shoulder.
“What is it?” Neth asked.
“C-could I help carry Peridot?” Morgan asked.
Neth looked at the Metapod before turning back to his starter Pokemon. “Are you sure?” He asked. Morgan nodded. “Okay,” he loosened his hold on Peridot as Morgan used his vines and carried Peridot. “Be careful alright.”
“I will.” Morgan replied.
Team Neth walked a bit longer, but Neth stopped to look up and saw from the bit of light they had, the sun started to set. The trainer let out a sigh. “Looks like we have to set up camp here for the night.”
“Fine by me.” Jasper replied, giving out a yawn.
Neth put his stuff down and took out his tent and got it set up. Soon he, Morgan and Amber went to look for wood for the fire as Neth and Jasper stayed behind to keep an eye on Peridot and Kunzite.
“We’re back!” Amber beamed as she and Morgan carried the wood for the fire. “Is this enough wood?” She asked.
“That’s plenty!” Neth replied. Amber and Morgan put the wood down in a pile and Neth used two stones to flick a flame and a campfire was made. “Perfect.”
Soon Neth dug into his backpack and took out cans of Pokémon Food for his Pokémon while he decided to have a bag of potato chips and a can of lemonade for his meal. However, as he took out the food a small photo fell on the ground.
Neth picked up and froze seeing the photo. It was when he, Miles, and Cassia were 7 years old and were at a Pokémon summer camp. The memories where the three were all cheerful and did everything together played in Neth’s mind; he wished that these memories stayed till their journey started.
“Neth?” Morgan asked, but Neth didn’t reply as he was so absorbed with the photo. “N-Neth!” Morgan spoke up a bit louder.
“Y-yeah!” Neth replied.
“You okay?” Morgan asked again, tilting his head.
“Yeah. I’m fine. Just thinking of something.”
Morgan was about to ask again, but decided not to. Whatever Neth was thinking about it was personal and Morgan wasn’t sure whether to pressure his training to spill the beans or stay quiet. “Well, alright then.” He said then went back to eating.
Neth sighed and decided to put the photo back in his bag then ate his dinner. Once he finished he changed out of his travel clothes and into his pajamas, which were a purple shirt with a gengar face on the back, bluish-grey sweatpants, and purple socks.
After dinner, everyone was asleep except Morgan. The Bulbasaur wasn’t used to sleeping on the grass, not even inside a tent. As long as he could remember he always slept somewhere warm, Morgan looked to see Neth, Amber and Jasper were sound asleep, while Kunzite and Peridot were asleep inside of their Pokeballs. Morgan got up slowly and walked towards Neth, but stopped not wanting to disturb his trainer of sleep.
Just before Morgan was about to try and sleep more he felt Neth grab him and held him close as he slept. “Couldn’t sleep?” Neth whispered.
Morgan smiled and gave a slow nod before closing his eyes. “Yeah.” He replied before drifting off to sleep.
As morning came, the caws of the Pidgey and Pidgeotto flying high woke up Team Neth. Neth yawned and stretched before he gave a wake up call to his team. “Wake up everyone!” Neth yelled.
The team groaned as they looked up at their trainer tiredly.
“Are you ready for a new day of training?” Neth asked. The team groaned and decided to fall back asleep. After packing everything up and the rest of the team being fully awake, Neth and his team were off and were just at the last end of Viridian Forest.
“Almost out of Viridian Forest!” Amber beamed. “Man, I can taste victory when we get to Pewter City!” She cheered.
Morgan chuckled nervously. He wasn’t too excited to take on the first gym, it felt horrifying every step they took. “Y-yeah.” He replied to his friend.
Amber saw how nervous Morgan was and rubbed his head. “Hey, I know your strong Morgan. You’ll be fine.” She reassured him.
“Thanks.” Morgan replied. Soon Morgan stopped when he saw his trainer stopped.
Neth glanced at Amber and Morgan and stepped aside. “We’re here.” He told his team. Morgan and Amber stood by Jasper and looked to see they were at the entrance of a city where the houses have Pewter colored rooftops, a museum and a building with a brown roof on it.
“Is this Pewter City?” Amber asked.
Neth smiled and nodded. “Yes!” He replied.
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