#Pharmaceutical Conferences 2023
medicalconference · 1 year
Top 7 Reasons to Attend a Pharmaceutical Conference
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Are you wondering whether to attending the upcoming pharmaceutical events is worth your time and effort? Well, pharmaceutical conferences are very beneficial for people from this field. By attending such events, you can grasp the latest updates and knowledge regarding the pharma field. 
Let's discuss compelling reasons why professional pharmacists or students should consider participating in these upcoming events!
1. Networking Opportunities
One of the primary advantages of participating in the international pharmaceutical conference is the opportunity to expand your professional network. You can get a chance to meet like-minded individuals, industry experts, and potential collaborators. 
Also, you can gain widespread recognition and exposure for your ideas and work worldwide. Thus, attending pharmaceutical events opens doors to exciting career prospects and invaluable connections.
2. Stay Informed About Latest Updates
The pharmaceutical industry is ever-evolving. Therefore, keeping up with the latest trends, innovations, and technologies is crucial. By attending the international pharmaceutical conference 2023, you'll gain insights into what's on the horizon for the pharma industry. 
You will discover new strategies and products to benefit your career or organization. And all these advantages come your way when you actively participate in such events.  
3. Interact with Industry Leaders
At the Pharma Conference 2023, you'll listen to industry leaders and have the chance to engage with them. By approaching these experts, you can gain invaluable insights on medicinal chemistry, drugs, nanoparticles, etc., to improve your professional journey. 
You can research the speakers and plan your interactions for maximum benefit. Your aim should be recognition and exposure to achieve your career dreams of excelling.
4. Gain Inspiration from Peers
Your fellow attendees, including pharmacists and professionals from various related fields, offer a wealth of knowledge and experience. You can efficiently learn from their successes, challenges, and solutions. 
You should be part of these conferences to exchange ideas, ask questions, and provide feedback. These interactions will inspire you and help you grow.
5. Spark New Ideas
Surrounding yourself with industry professionals can ignite your creativity. You may get ideas to revolutionize your career or business during key presentations or casual discussions. Instant feedback from peers in these pharma conferences can help refine these ideas.
6. Stay Updated on Latest Medical Technology
In a rapidly changing industry like pharmaceuticals, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Conferences provide real-time access to the latest technologies and strategies. This knowledge can help you maintain a competitive edge and improve your services.
7. Enhance Your Professional Development
Participating in the upcoming pharmaceutical conference can expand your horizons and boost your professional growth. It's an investment in your future, and the benefits extend beyond the event. 
Professionals from various sectors, including medical directors, compliance executives, physicians, nurses, clinical research organizations, and pharmaceutical manufacturers, can benefit. By enrolling in these upcoming events, anyone can return with newfound knowledge to advance their career. The pharmaceutical industry overlaps with many other fields like nursing and medicine, making global events relevant to a broad audience. 
Joining the international pharmaceutical conference is a valuable opportunity to grow professionally for anyone interested in pharma. Whether you're a seasoned expert or just starting in the field, this event offers a platform for personal and career development. 
Don't miss out on the chance to be part of this dynamic gathering of industry leaders and innovators.
Visit Now - https://www.bioleagues.com/pharmaceutical-science-conference.php
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darkmaga-retard · 10 days
Story at-a-glance
In early 2023, a private conference with pharmaceutical industry leaders and investors highlighted anti-obesity and Alzheimer’s drugs as the next big money-makers and had the FDA head as its keynote speaker
Since then, the FDA has taken questionable steps to promote these drugs, particularly Ozempic, an anti-obesity medication. There's been a massive push to get everyone, including children, on Ozempic, using shockingly aggressive marketing tactics
This rush is eerily similar to the fen-phen craze, a temporary weight loss drug later pulled from the market for causing severe heart and lung issues
Worse, Ozempic comes with serious side effects, including paralyzing the digestive tract. This article will address the above controversy and explore the common causes of obesity, including those rarely discussed
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Olivia Little at MMFA:
Scandal, school board election failures, and a disastrous 60 Minutes interview appear to have diminished Moms for Liberty’s once powerful influence, and last weekend’s summit provided plenty of additional evidence that the group is currently flailing.  Nearly every Republican presidential hopeful and a number of right-wing giants spoke at Moms for Liberty’s lively summit last year. But this year’s gathering was comparatively small, with far fewer panels and a weaker speaker lineup. In fact, Glenn Beck and D-list comedian Rob Schneider were advertised as the star headliners until the exceptionally late addition of former President Donald Trump just days before the event.  This is the second year that my colleague Madeline Peltz and I attended Moms for Liberty’s summit. It was immediately apparent to us that the small crowd had seemingly been reduced to largely die-hard members who, unlike many, remained loyal to Moms for Liberty through its year of scandal and failure. Co-founder Tina Descovich acknowledged that the organization was losing some support while presenting an award, saying, “You have been a friend to Moms for Liberty when some have stepped away.”
Invoking transgender panic
Much of the conference was spent attempting to terrify parents into believing that schools are secretly grooming, manipulating, and transitioning students. The bag handed to us at registration included an illustrated flyer laying out the ridiculous “school to clinic pipeline,” which, according to the flyer, begins at “pronouns” and ends in a hospital. Almost every speaker we listened to incorporated transgender panic into their speech. One panel was even titled “Protecting Kids from Secret Gender Transitions in Schools.” 
Spiritual warfare is anything you want it to be
“This is spiritual warfare,” said far-right political commentator Sebastian Gorka at Friday’s lunch session, “and they are on the side of the devil.” Speakers repeated vague accusations of “spiritual warfare” throughout the weekend. Even comedian-turned-conservative-activist Rob Schneider accused the pharmaceutical industry of engaging in spiritual warfare.  [...] The summit’s itinerary included the March for Kids, an event promoting parental rights with coalition partners such as Gays Against Groomers and PragerU. (It’s worth noting that the March for Kids wasn’t actually a march, but a largely empty assembly at DAR Constitution Hall.) March for Kids speaker Naomi Van Wyk used the rhetoric of spiritual warfare to describe homosexuality and encouraged intervention to alter same-sex attraction, promoting a form of conversion therapy. 
[...] The Heritage Foundation was one of the earliest supporters of Moms for Liberty and, in turn, the group fell in line with Heritage’s policy priorities and shepherded members toward the think tank’s “resources for parents.” In 2022, Moms for Liberty was the recipient of Heritage’s Salvatori Prize for American Citizenship and Heritage President Kevin Roberts spoke at the group’s 2023 summit. In a breakout session last year, anti-trans activist “Billboard Chris” Elston revealed that The Heritage Foundation had identified and brought together 40 people, including him, in March 2022 to “fight gender ideology.” 
Olivia Little of Media Matters For America went to the 2024 Joyful Warriors National Summit hosted by right-wing extremist “parental rights” group Moms For Liberty.
Little revealed that M4L’s influence has waned over the past year or so.
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reportsofawartime · 3 months
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(引用にゴミノートがついているのでテスト。これにも同じように付くのなら何も読んでいないことが分る) ### シェディング: LNP/mRNAをラットに投与すると13%が呼気として排出 * 第一三共のmRNAコロナワクチンの[2.4非臨床試験の総括評価](https://pmda.go.jp/drugs/2023/P20230803003/430574000_30500AMX00171_F100_1.pdf…)[4]より * LNPの成分の一つであるT168-1857aに14Cで標識、目印をつける
* その後一週間(168時間)で13%が呼気で放出されたことが判明 * CO2に代謝されて放出の可能性があってもLNPのままでの放出を否定するものでは無い * その他、体内にLNPが75%、尿中2.8%、糞中6.8% 含まれていた * 図は[ヒト氏ツイート](https://x.com/GVdFrnRWbN18944/status/1781903825814872250…)[6]より一部抜粋 図は第一三共のmRNAコロナワクチンの[2.4非臨床試験の総括評価](https://pmda.go.jp/drugs/2023/P20230803003/430574000_30500AMX00171_F100_1.pdf…)[4]資料より作成されたものである。LNPの成分の一つであるT168-1857aに放射性同位元素14Cで標識をつけ、つまり目印をつけており、LNPがどのように体内に溜るのか、また体外に放出されるのかが調査された。 その結果、168時間、つまり一週間の間に呼気によって13%が体外に放出されたことが判明した。これはLNP/mRNAがシェディングするという確かな証拠である。CO2に代謝されて放出の可能性があるという見解があるが、それが仮にあったとしてもLNPのままでの放出を否定するものでは無い。つまりLNPの形でmRNAが入ったまま呼気として体外に放出された可能性があるということである 。 その他、体内にLNPが75%、尿中2.8%、糞中6.8% 含まれていた。[LNPには毒性がある](https://jstage.jst.go.jp/article/dds/31/1/31_35/_article/-char/ja/…)[5]ことが知られており、一週間では体内に75%も留まることも同時に判明したということも重要である。まさに接種者が毒を射たされ、周囲にも毒をバラ捲いているということである。 ### 参考文献 1. [首相官邸ホームページ, 遺伝子治療とゲノム編集治療の研究開発の現状と課題](https://kantei.go.jp/jp/singi/kenkouiryou/genome/advisory_board/dai4/siryou4-1.pdf…) 2. [厚労省, ICH見解「ウイルスとベクターの排出に関する基本的な考え方」について](https://mhlw.go.jp/web/t_doc?dataId=00tc1096&dataType=1&pageNo=1…) EMA200907.[European Medicines Agency, ICH Consideration General Principles to Address Virus and Vector Shedding, 2009/07](https://ema.europa.eu/en/documents/scientific-guideline/international-conference-harmonisation-technical-requirements-registration-pharmaceuticals-human-use-considerations-general-principles-address-virus-and-vector-shedding_en.pdf…) 3. [独立行政法人 医薬品医療機器総合機構, ICH 医薬品規制調和国際会議](https://pmda.go.jp/int-activities/int-harmony/ich/0014.html…) 4. [PMDA, SARS-CoV-2 mRNA ダイチロナ筋注 2.4 非臨床試験の総括評価](https://pmda.go.jp/drugs/2023/P20230803003/430574000_30500AMX00171_F100_1.pdf…) 5. [曽宮正晴, 黒田俊一, 非カチオン性リポソームによる核酸医薬送達法の可能性. Drug Delivery System, 2016, 31.1: 35-43.](https://jstage.jst.go.jp/article/dds/31/1/31_35/_article/-char/ja/…) 6. [ヒト, ツイート](https://x.com/GVdFrnRWbN18944/status/1781903825814872250…)
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non-un-topo · 8 months
Trying to decide which essay I should submit to a conference coming up at the library I work at, but all of my writing suddenly seems boring af to me
Here they are just because I honestly can't decide. The conference is looking for "unique projects, which are engaged with feminist, anti-racist, intersectional, interdisciplinary and/or decolonizing approaches." High grades are a bonus? All of my writing uses intersectional, feminist, and decolonial frameworks.
"The Cure in the Care: Concerning Women's and Mothers' Emotional Suffering" Nov 2022. Received a 95.
Big critique of North American neoliberal psychiatry and the medical model, how mothers are perceived by these institutions. Topics discussed include postpartum depression, the pharmaceutical industry, obstetric violence, racism and colonialism within the medical model, merged with an analysis of two texts from the syllabus.
"More Than a Nip and a Tuck: Barriers to Accessing Cosmetic Procedures for Transgender Women of Colour Versus Cisgender Women" Apr 2023. Received a 91.
Thinking about this one because a lot of my work covers trans issues, and it seems like the direction I'm going in. I also just think this one has more thought-provoking things to say, maybe something a lot of students haven't thought about before. It has the lowest grade of the three, though.
"Embracing the Animal, Enhancing the Human: Tanya Tagaq’s Art and Performance as Radical Resistance to Colonialism Versus Cow Imagery in ‘Beloved’" Dec 2023. Received a 95.
The most recent one. A textual analysis of some of Tanya Tagaq's work applied to a larger analysis of colonialism and motherhood. Much about how Tagaq's art and performance challenge the colonial man vs animal idea by embracing animality in empowering ways. Beloved is also analyzed as a dehumanizing/disempowering example of merging the human with animal.
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jordanianroyals · 2 years
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25 January 2023: King Abdullah II was briefed on the government’s programme to implement the Economic Modernisation Vision in the industry, labour, and tourism sectors, within a specific timeframe.
During a meeting attended by Crown Prince Hussein, King Abdullah stressed the importance of working to ensure the projects under the vision are implemented successfully by having the required tools, qualified human resources, and funding.
His Majesty urged identifying the roles and responsibilities of each employee at the relevant ministries, and tying performance assessments to project implementation. (Source: Petra)
The King also called for keeping the public informed on the progress of implementing the economic vision, in order to maintain transparency and accountability. His Majesty said the delivery unit at the Prime Ministry must follow up with each ministry on progress in implementation and check for any delays or inconsistencies. Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh gave a briefing on the monthly programme of priorities for the concerned ministries, noting that nine ministries so far have identified these priorities and the projects that fall under them within the Economic Modernisation Vision. The prime minister noted that work is underway to set up an electronic system to monitor delivery and execution, submitting monthly and quarterly reports on progress. Minister of Industry, Trade, and Supply and Minister of Labour Yousef Shamali, and Tourism Minister Makram Queisi gave a briefing on their ministries’ programmes and tasks within the economic vision. Shamali said the industry and labour ministries’ priorities include building and developing a centre for exhibitions, devising and implementing a national strategy for exports over the next two years, and preparing industry policies to focus on high-value sectors such as the textile and pharmaceutical industries. He also referred to plans to establish a technical training centre specialised in hybrid and electric vehicles, as well as heavy machinery. Queisi said the tourism ministry’s priorities within the economic vision include developing the tourism product and the historical narrative of archaeological sites, encouraging tourists to extend their stays, and streamlining measures for investors in the sector. The minister also pointed to plans to regulate adventure tourism, bolster cooperation with the Public Security Directorate to ensure tourists’ security and safeguard tourism sites, implementing promotional campaigns, and developing conference and medical tourism.
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Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Market Worth $3.8 billion by 2029
The size of global laboratory information management system market in terms of revenue was estimated to be worth $2.1 billion in 2024 and is poised to reach $3.8 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 12.9% from 2024 to 2029. The comprehensive research encompasses an exhaustive examination of industry trends, meticulous pricing analysis, patent scrutiny, insights derived from conferences and webinars, identification of key stakeholders, and a nuanced understanding of market purchasing dynamics.
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Driver: Growing use of LIMS to comply with stringent regulatory requirements Automating routine lab procedures with the help of devoted workstations and software improves lab productivity and enables individual researchers to focus on important tasks. This is a major factor driving the adoption of informatics in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. According to a study, error rates for fully automated operations vary from 1–5%, those for semi-automated operations range from 1–10%, while those for manual operations vary from 10–30% (Source: Journal of Lab Automation).
Restraint: High maintenance and service costs The high maintenance and service costs associated with LIMS solutions can significantly impact the growth of the LIMS market. While LIMS solutions offer numerous benefits in terms of streamlining laboratory workflows and improving data management, the costs involved in maintaining and servicing these systems can pose challenges for organizations, especially smaller laboratories or those with limited budgets.
Opportunity: Growing use of LIMS in cannabis industry
Medical cannabis has demonstrated effectiveness in a range of medical applications, including alleviating chemotherapy-induced nausea, stimulating appetite in AIDS patients, managing muscular spasms in multiple sclerosis patients, and reducing intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients. Due to these potential health benefits, numerous countries and states have legalized medical cannabis. This legalization has spurred the emergence of cannabis testing laboratories, which offer quality control services for the medical cannabis industry.
Challenge: Dearth of trained professionals With the growing trend towards digitization, the healthcare industry's adoption of IT solutions has surged significantly over the past decade. This has led to an increased demand for skilled IT professionals and individuals with advanced analytical capabilities to interpret data from CIT solutions, including LIMS. However, a substantial gap exists between the supply and demand for these skilled professionals, which may hinder the adoption of LIMS, especially in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies, which represent over 50% of the LIMS market.
North America dominated the laboratory information management system industry in 2023 The laboratory information management system market is segmented into five major regions- North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America accounted for the largest share of the Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) market. This growth is propelled by factors such as the region's high per-capita healthcare expenditure, continuous innovation in laboratory technologies, and the integration of LIMS with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Clinical Decision Support (CDS) systems. The accessibility to advanced healthcare facilities and the increasing number of biobanks further contribute to the expanding LIMS market in North America. Additionally, the emphasis on quality control, regulatory compliance, and the adoption of digitization in laboratory processes are driving the demand for LIMS solutions in the region. Overall, the North American market's robust growth in the LIMS sector can be attributed to a combination of technological advancements, regulatory requirements, and the healthcare industry's evolving needs.
Prominent companies in this market include LabWare (US), LabVantage Solutions Inc. (US), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (US), Agilent Technologies (US), LabLynx, Inc. (US), Dassault Systèmes (France), Labworks LLC (US), Autoscribe Informatics (a wholly owned subsidiary of Autoscribe Limited) (US), Accelerated Technology Laboratories (ATL) (US), CloudLIMS (US), Computing Solutions, Inc. (US), GenoLogics Inc. (an Illumina Company) (Canada), Siemens (Germany), Novatek International (Canada), Ovation (US), Clinsys (US), Eusoft Ltd. (Italy), Caliber International (US), LABTrack (US), Agilab SAS (US), Agaram Technologies (India), and AssayNet Inc. (Canada), Blaze Systems Corporation (US), and LabLogic Systems Limited (UK).
Recent Developments of the Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) Industry:
In February 2024, Labware has inaugurated its newest office in Seoul, Korea and established LabWare Korea Co., Ltd. This office will provide localized support, training, and implementation services to LabWare's growing customer network in Korea. Staffed by experienced LIMS professionals, the office aims to strengthen LabWare's foothold in the Asia-Pacific region by offering tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of Korean organizations.
In January 2024, STARLIMS has launched Life Sciences for Public Health (LPH) 1.0, a LMS tailored for the Public Health sector. Featuring HTML5 browser-based technology, it signifies a significant advancement, promising a modernized user interface and enhanced functionalities. The release marks the beginning of a comprehensive, multi-year product roadmap aiming to elevate user experience and innovation in the Public Health LIMS market.
In Novemeber 2023, LabWare (US) partnered with Körber (US). This partnership was carried to seamlessly integrate capabilities between LabWare's Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and Körber's Manufacturing Execution System (MES) - PAS-X.
In October 2022, LabVantage Solutions, Inc. (US) and Biomax Informatics AG (Germany) finalized their merger agreement, with the goal of elevating scientific data contextualization, expediting product development, and delivering innovative capabilities for the life science and bio-manufacturing industries.
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misfitwashere · 1 month
August 15, 2024
Heather Cox Richardson
Aug 16, 2024
In 2021 a study by the RAND Corporation found that drug prices average 2.56 times higher in the U.S. than in 32 other countries. For name brand drugs, U.S. prices were 3.44 times those in comparable nations. Almost exactly two years ago, on August 16, 2022, President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. Among other things, that law permitted Medicare to negotiate drug prices, a provision about 83% of voters supported.
Republicans opposed the measure, siding with drug company executives who insist that high prices are necessary to create an incentive for drug companies to innovate, as their investment in research and development depends on the revenue they expect from new drugs. Ultimately, not a single Republican voted for the Inflation Reduction Act itself, and Vice President Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote that gave the act the votes to go to the president’s desk. 
About a year later, on August 29, 2023, the government announced the first ten drugs over whose prices it would negotiate on behalf of about 65 million Medicare recipients. The ten drugs are among those with the highest total spending in Medicare Part D, which is the Medicare plan that covers drugs administered at home. The original plan for Medicare and Medicaid in 1965 covered drugs administered in health care settings, but it was not until 2003, after almost 40 years of medical innovation had significantly changed our management of chronic illnesses, that Congress included those drugs someone takes at home. At the time, to get Republicans behind the bill, Congress explicitly prohibited the government from negotiating the prices of medications. 
Today the Biden-Harris administration announced it has reached agreements with pharmaceutical companies for those ten drugs. The new prices offer discounts of from 38% to 79% off list prices. The new prices would have saved the government an estimated $6 billion last year if they had been in effect. About 9 million people take those drugs and will save about $1.5 billion out of pocket after the new prices go into effect on January 1, 2026. 
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services expects to select the next 15 drugs for negotiation by February 1, 2025, although Trump and the Republicans have vowed to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act conferring on the government the ability to negotiate drug prices, so a Trump-Vance victory would presumably change that plan. 
Speaking together in Maryland today for the first time since Biden announced he would not accept the Democratic nomination for president and instead endorsed Vice President Harris, Biden and Harris praised the drug negotiations and each other. We’re in a weird moment, in which the press seems to be demanding detailed policy positions from Vice President Harris as she tries to win the presidency in 2024, while putting little comparable pressure on former president Donald Trump, who is the Republican presidential nominee.
Yesterday the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that inflation had fallen below 3% for the past year while economic growth continues strong and unemployment is low, putting us in what some call a “Goldilocks economy,” neither too hot nor too cold. Today, news broke that retail sales were up 1%, higher than expected, and the stock market rallied, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average ending the day over 40,000. 
There is every reason to think that a Harris presidency will continue the policies that put the U.S. in such an enviable position. Nonetheless, a reporter today asked President Biden: “How much does it bother you that Vice President Harris might soon, for political reasons, start to distance herself from your economic plan?” Biden responded: “She’s not going to.” Another asked: “Will Bidenomics continue under Vice President Harris?” The president responded: “It doesn’t matter what the hell you call it, the economy is going to continue. With…all the legislation we passed, it’s working. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s working.”
In contrast, Trump has been unable to articulate any actual policies for an economic program. After yesterday’s planned economic speech became a rant, he called reporters to his property in Bedminster, New Jersey, today for what was billed as a press conference about the economy. He appeared before a table with containers of coffee and breakfast cereal, but the reason for those props never became clear. 
He began the event by reading from a script that rehashed the greatest hits of the 1950s, saying: “Kamala Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy, broke the border, and broke the world, frankly.” He claimed that Harris has “a very strong communist lean” and is in favor of “the death of the American dream.” He predicted a stock market crash like that of 1929 and warned that “you’re all going to be thrown into a communist system…where everybody gets health care.” As he spoke, on the Fox News Channel, a stock ticker in the corner of the screen showed the stock market over 40,563. Trump spoke nonstop for an hour—essentially garnering free press coverage by advertising that he would take questions—before taking questions for another hour, during which he said of his strategy, “All we have to do is define our opponent as being a communist or a socialist or somebody that's gonna destroy our country." 
He never got around to talking about the coffee and breakfast cereal.
CNN fact checker Daniel Dale called it “a whole bunch of nonsense.”
In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, earlier today, Republican vice presidential candidate Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) said: “We actually have the plans, we have the policies, to accomplish this stuff—that’s a big thing that sets us apart from Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.” 
In fact, the Republican Party platform lists things like “END INFLATION, AND MAKE AMERICA AFFORDABLE AGAIN,” but Trump’s promises to deport more than 10 million migrants and to put a tariff wall around the country are both highly inflationary measures. Sixteen economists who have won Nobel prizes said in June that Trump’s policies would fuel inflation. They lauded the Biden-Harris administration’s policies and wrote: “We believe that a second Trump term would have a negative impact on the U.S.'s economic standing in the world, and a destabilizing effect on the U.S.'s domestic economy.”
To the degree there is an actual set of policies in place on the Republican side, more evidence appeared today to suggest those policies are those set by the 2025 Project, no matter how strongly Trump has tried to distance himself from it. 
Two men associated with the British nonprofit Centre for Climate Reporting secretly video recorded one of the key authors of Project 2025, Christian nationalist Russell Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget under Trump and the budget director for the extremist Republican Study Committee. In the recording, released today, Vought assured the men, who he thought might donate to the cause, that he and his Center for Renewing America were secretly writing a blueprint of executive orders, memos, and regulations that Trump could enact immediately upon taking office a second time.
Vought assured the men that Trump was only disavowing Project 2025 for political reasons. In reality, Vought said, Trump is “very supportive of what we do.” Vought also said that he does not believe the president is bound by the Posse Comitatus Act, an 1878 law that prohibits the use of federal troops for law enforcement purposes against U.S. citizens. “The President has, you know, the ability both along the border and elsewhere to maintain law and order with the military,” Vought said. “And that’s something that, you know, it’s going to be important for, for him to remember and his lawyers to affirm.” In summer 2020, defense officials stopped Trump from mobilizing active duty troops against protesters.
Project 2025 calls for gutting the nonpartisan civil service and replacing it with people loyal to a strong president, and making the Department of Justice and the Department of Defense loyal to the president. With the power concentrated in the president, the government would enforce strict Christian nationalist ideals, revoking the rights of LGBTQ+ people, women, and immigrants and racial minorities. 
Yesterday, Jill Lawrence of The Bulwark noted that Trump and his allies don’t even need to enact all of Project 2025: simply gutting the nonpartisan civil service and filling almost 2 million government jobs with those who are loyal to Trump “above even laws, courts, security, liberty, the ‘general welfare,’ and the rest of the Constitution” would be enough to destroy the county as we know it. 
Think Aileen Cannon, the Trump-appointed judge who dismissed the federal case charging Trump for retaining classified documents, or House speaker Mike Johnson, who killed a bipartisan border security bill because Trump wanted to keep the issue of immigration open so he could campaign on it. Trump could install into official positions doctors who endorse quack health remedies, or officials who nod as Trump changes the trajectory of a tropical storm with a Sharpie. “Personnel is policy,” Project 2025’s authors say, and, if elected, Trump has vowed to have his own loyalists take over the United States government. 
But Americans largely oppose Project 2025 and the Trump agenda, even in its vague state. In his appearance in Maryland today, Biden mocked Trump and added: “You may have heard about the MAGA Republican Project 2025 plan. They want to repeal Medicare's power to negotiate drug prices, let Big Pharma get back to charging whatever they want. Let me tell ya what our Project 2025 is—beat the hell out of ‘em.”
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medicalconference · 1 year
Advantages of attending Pharmaceutical Conferences
Every event has its purpose of serving professionals and organizations. Conferences are one great opportunity to observe and gain developmental insights from peers, industry leaders, and other professionals.
Pharmaceutical Conference introduction and uses.
Pharmaceutical conferences are a great event that brings professionals like researchers, professors, drug developing companies, and other industry experts together to network and share new ideas, innovations, and the latest trends related to the pharma industry. 
Professionals find new opportunities to unite with like-minded individuals in these events, Which leads to the betterment of the industry and endless possibilities for newcomers.
So let us explore the advantages of attending pharmaceutical conferences. 
5 advantages of attending pharma conferences
Networking and exposure.
Events such as conferences are great for newcomers to present their ideologies and innovations they wish to implement in the industry in front of market leaders and industry experts to find new opportunities and begin with their networking sources.
Attending such events earns you new confidence and provides you with deep knowledge of the industry.
This gives them a great start with their career and adds value to their CV.
Experienced professionals can expand their networks by finding what is new in the industry and collaborating with well-known individuals in their domain for knowledge-sharing and networking. This opens doors to new possibilities because there is always room for learning and developing new skills.
Industry experts can get to know young professionals and gain futuristic insights by observing the presentations and projects of that fresh knowledge and discovering new talents.
International pharmaceutical conferences earn you a large exposure and get a world level of recognition for your works and ideas.
Attending conferences gains you a reputation in the pharmaceutical industry even before you start your career in it. As we stated before conferences are great spaces to network and grow your circle with the subject matter experts in the industry. 
Which aggregates to make you a well-known personality in the industry. 
It is normal for us to struggle with finding what goes on our resume before having some experience. Attending these kinds of events solves this problem. Attending as many conferences as you could and collecting certificates gets you a lot of reputation among industry experts. 
Because they get to go through your works and observe your presentation, get familiar with your concepts and you get their valuable contact gaining great exposure in the field.
Technical know-how.
International pharmaceutical conferences can be used in collecting contacts and won't end with that single session, It continues all around your career. 
You can make use of those valuable contacts collected throughout your life to get a clear picture of the industry.
Knowledge exchanges happen endlessly creating infinite opportunities to expose. 
You might even get an opportunity to meet your inspiration who pulled you towards the industry. 
Regular updates on new trends.
We are living in a fast-paced world, and changes happen almost every day in the industry. Keeping up with trends is so easy when you go to the pharmaceutical conference in 2023 and meet new people frequently.
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Research is happening all around the world, and you can get easy access to information on these while attending such events and getting in touch with like-minded individuals.  
Information is an underrated asset while building your career no one talks much about it. 
You can do wonders with your career when you gain access to the right information. All these happen only when you make efforts to work on events like conferences and workshops. 
Recognitions and rewards.
The conference does not only serve your long-term goals by gaining your networks and contacts. It also gives you wide recognition for your ideas presented.
They are evaluated and observed by industry experts. In some conferences, if they find your work as the best among every other submission they might even reward you with prizes or opportunities, You will miss these out if you never attend these conferences.
So it is always a path towards betterment when you attend events like conferences. 
Everyone here works for good recognition and exposure so they get to fulfill their dreams of excelling in their career.
Who will attend the pharmaceutical conference?
Pharmaceutical conferences don't limit their presence among pharma professionals, Let us have look at the list of people who will show up to the pharmaceutical conference.
Drug developers and suppliers
Chemists and druggists.
Medical Technology companies.
Pharmaceutical company executives. 
How to attend a pharmaceutical conference?
Stay informed with conferences happening all around the world and grab a perfect opportunity to showcase your talents in our upcoming pharmaceutical conferences.  
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darkmaga-retard · 2 days
The GLP-1 saga epitomizes the unsustainable corruption within our medical system
A Midwestern Doctor
Sep 19, 2024
Story at a Glance:
•In early 2023, a private conference with pharmaceutical industry leaders and investors highlighted anti-obesity and Alzheimer’s drugs as the next big money-makers and had the FDA head as its keynote speaker. •Since then, the FDA has taken questionable steps to promote these drugs, particularly Ozempic, an anti-obesity medication. There's been a massive push to get everyone, including children, on Ozempic, using shockingly aggressive marketing tactics. •This rush is eerily similar to the fen-phen craze, a temporary weight loss drug later pulled from the market for causing severe heart and lung issues. •Worse, Ozempic comes with serious side effects, including paralyzing the digestive tract. This article will address the above controversy and explore the common causes of obesity, including those rarely discussed.
Note: recently Comedian Jimmy Dore and Food Activist Calley Means discussed The Great Ozempic Scam, an article recently published here. Their interview added a few critical points to this story, so I am publishing an abridged version of the article beginning with their interview.
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March 7, 2023
Heather Cox Richardson
In a New York Times op-ed today, President Joe Biden offered the opening salvo in his battle with the Republicans over budget measures. He outlined his promise to make the Medicare trust solvent beyond 2050 without cutting benefits. Indeed, he says, his plan will make the program deliver better value on the money Americans invest in it.
Biden noted that both he and former president Barack Obama signed into law the biggest health reforms since the creation of Medicare in 1965. In 2010, Obama established the Affordable Care Act, more popularly known as Obamacare, extending medical coverage to many for whom it was out of reach. That law significantly slowed the growth of healthcare spending. In 2022, Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act, permitting Medicare officials to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies for lower drug prices and capping the costs of drugs for seniors. This measure is projected to reduce the deficit by $159 billion. Biden proposes to build on those two measures, increasing the scope of Medicare’s negotiations over drug prices, a process he claims would yield $200 billion in savings that he would put directly into Medicare’s trust fund. He also proposes to raise the Medicare tax rate on earned and unearned income above $400,000 from its current rate of 3.8% to 5%. That money, too, would go into Medicare’s trust fund. “When Medicare was passed, the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans didn’t have more than five times the wealth of the bottom 50 percent combined,” Biden commented, “and it only makes sense that some adjustments be made to reflect that reality today. Let’s ask them to pay their fair share so that the millions of workers who helped them build that wealth can retire with dignity and the Medicare they paid into.” Biden wrote that his budget would protect Medicare for more than another generation, beyond 2050. In contrast, he pointed out, MAGA Republicans want to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, getting rid of drug negotiations and price caps. Biden promised that this week he will release his “full budget vision to invest in America, lower costs, grow the economy and not raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000. I urge my Republican friends in Congress to do the same—and show the American people what they value.” The circus at the Conservative Political Action Conference and the outrage when House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) gave exclusive access to 44,000 hours of videos from the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, have taken oxygen away from what amounts to a crisis in the Republican Party. Republican leadership has vowed to cut the U.S. budget significantly but has also said publicly that it would not touch Social Security or Medicare. (However, former vice president Mike Pence promptly negated that promise when he said, "While I respect the speaker's commitment to take Social Security and Medicare off the table for the debt ceiling negotiations, we've got to put them on the table in the long term.”) Few Republicans will agree to cuts in the defense budget, either. So McCarthy is in the impossible position of delivering the budget cuts his conference demands without actually having the room to cut in most of the budget. It’s a circle he is unlikely to be able to square. Biden seems to be pushing the Republicans to release a budget plan not only to illustrate to the American people that for all their grandstanding they don’t have one, but also because he would like to return to a political norm in which parties actually explain how they would address issues, and then let voters choose which approach they prefer. It’s an old model and one the Republicans, who since 1980 have for the most part simply complained about the government rather than offering positive solutions, have no interest in adopting. Worse for them, polls show that the solutions Democrats want are popular, while their own insistence on privatizing everything is not. Going forward, I suspect we’ll see a lot of distractions rather than an actual budget plan from the Republicans. While they try to fudge the budget issue, the Republicans are still vowing to refuse to lift the debt ceiling, which is separate from the budget. The debt ceiling is a holdover from the World War I era, when Congress stopped debating which financial instruments the Treasury should use and instead just set an upper limit on borrowing. Raising the debt ceiling does not create new spending; it simply enables the government to pay for expenses already incurred. If it is not lifted, the U.S. Treasury will default. The U.S. has hit the current limit of $31.4 trillion, and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is using extraordinary measures to pay bills. Republicans are eager to pin the growing debt on Biden and the Democrats, but as Jim Tankersley noted in the New York Times yesterday, “Republicans bear at least equal blame as Democrats for the biggest drivers of federal debt growth that passed Congress over the last two presidential administrations.” Since early 2017—the start of Trump’s administration—three fifths of the ballooning new debt was signed into law by Trump, and nearly 75% of it came from bills approved by a majority of Republicans in at least one chamber of Congress. In laws passed on strict party-line votes, Republicans added slightly more debt than Democrats did. Notably, the Republicans’ tax cuts for the wealthy and for corporations under Trump cost at least $2 trillion over time. Today the Senate Subcommittee on Economic Policy, which sits under the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee and is chaired by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), heard from economist Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics. Zandi warned that a U.S. default would “be a catastrophic blow to the already fragile economy.” As Chelsey Cox of CNBC reported, Zandi explained that “[g]lobal financial markets and the economy would be upended, and even if resolved quickly, Americans would likely pay for this default for generations, as global investors would rightly believe that the federal government’s finances have been politicized and that a time may come when they would not be paid what they are owed when owed it.” Zaidi also warned that, considering how much of the budget is now off-limits, the cuts Republicans promise will be so extreme they will prompt a recession that will cost as many as 2.6 million jobs. The Republican Party is in its current chaos in part because it has been boxed in by the former president. Trump’s base has forced party leaders to take impossible extremists stands like, for example, a showdown over the debt ceiling. New materials released tonight in the Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit against the Fox News Network confirm that Fox News Channel executives and hosts did not believe that Trump won the election in 2020, although they continued to push that lie on their channel to hold Trump viewers. But tonight’s material went further, suggesting that some of the hosts who were most vocal in promoting Trump were less fond of him in private. On January 4, 2021, host Tucker Carlson tweeted to someone: We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait…. I hate him passionately.” Speaking of Trump’s presidency, Tucker wrote: “We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.”
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fairfield-research · 4 months
Cleanroom Consumables Market Trends, Challenges, In-Depth Insights, Strategies (2023-2030)
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In a notable shift, cleanroom technology applications are breaking barriers beyond the electronics industry, making significant strides in healthcare facilities, research laboratories, medical device manufacturing units, biotechnology centers, and food and beverage processing companies. The emergence of newer niche markets utilizing cleanrooms, such as biotechnology and food and beverages, is reshaping the landscape of cleanroom consumables markets, promising substantial growth opportunities.
For More Industry Insights: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/cleanroom-consumables-market
Healthcare Segment Drives Demand Surge for Cleanroom Consumables
The healthcare sector, witnessing a surge in surgeries and hospital admissions globally, is emerging as a primary driver for the demand for cleanroom consumables. With millions of hospital admissions annually and a rise in both invasive and non-invasive surgical procedures worldwide, the consumption of cleanroom consumables, especially gloves, is witnessing unprecedented growth.
Gloves Reign Supreme as Bestselling Cleanroom Consumable
Gloves continue to dominate the cleanroom consumables market, with industries such as pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, medical devices, and biotechnology driving significant demand. The emphasis on safety and personal hygiene, especially amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, further bolsters the demand for medical-grade gloves to prevent hospital-acquired infections and ensure safety standards.
Rise of Reusable and Disposable Garments
While gloves take the lead, both reusable and disposable garments play pivotal roles in the cleanroom ecosystem. Factors such as the frequency of garb changes, containment requirements, and occasional visitor protocols influence the choice between disposable and reusable garments. Cleanroom apparel consumption, including coveralls, frocks, pants, bouffants, face masks, shoe covers, and hoods, is expected to witness accelerated demand, particularly in pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, and biotechnology industries.
COVID-19 Pandemic Unveils Supply Chain Vulnerabilities
The global COVID-19 pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in global supply systems, emphasizing the criticality of cleanroom technologies in maintaining quality and safety standards. The unprecedented demand for personal protective equipment and medical supplies highlighted the fragility of supply chains, with disruptions in Asian manufacturing hubs amplifying cost pressures on cleanroom consumables.
Developed Regions Lead Global Market
North America emerges as a dominant force in the global cleanroom consumables market, leveraging early entry advantages and novel product launches. Meanwhile, Europe continues to witness significant demand, driven by research and development activities in cleanroom technology and consumables. The presence of numerous conferences, exhibitions, and publications underscores Europe's commitment to advancing cleanroom technologies.
Key Players Driving Market Innovation Several key players are driving innovation and market growth in the global cleanroom consumables market, including DuPont, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Berkshire Corporation, Kimberly-Clark
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fmarkets · 5 months
Challenges Persist as Amneal Pharmaceuticals Struggles to Turn Revenue into Profits $AMRX #Nasdaq
Exclusive Licensing Agreement with Zambon Biotech SA Offers Hope Despite Financial ConcernsAmneal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is set to release its fourth-quarter and full-year 2023 financial results on Friday, March 1, 2024, before the market opens. The company, listed on NASDAQ as AMRX, will also be conducting a conference call and live webcast at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time to discuss the financial results with the investment community. Interested parties can access the financial results and webcast through the Investor Relations section of the comp
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bhavanameti · 5 months
Asia-Pacific Plasma Therapy Market Expected to Reach $214 Million by 2030
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Meticulous Research®, a leading global market research company, published a research report titled, ‘Asia-Pacific Plasma Therapy Market, By Type (Pure Platelet-rich Plasma, Platelet-rich Fibrin), Application (Orthopedics, Dermatology, Cosmetology, Rheumatology, Ophthalmology, Stomatology), End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Research Institutes) - Forecast to 2030’.
In the latest Meticulous Research® report, the Asia-Pacific Plasma Therapy Market is forecasted to reach $214 million by 2030, with a notable CAGR of 13.4% from 2023 to 2030. This growth is propelled by increased healthcare spending, a growing elderly population, and a notable rise in accidents across the region. Additionally, advocacy through conferences for Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) adoption and ongoing research activities drive market expansion. Despite stringent regulations posing challenges, the increasing adoption of PRP treatments and advancements in healthcare infrastructure offer promising growth prospects.
Key Players:
Leading players in the Asia-Pacific plasma therapy market include Arthrex, Inc., DePuy Synthes, Inc., Global Stem Cells Group, Inc., Terumo Corporation, Regen Lab SA, Stryker Corporation, Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc., Exactech Inc., Beijing Manson Technology Co., Ltd., Alocuro, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Grifols, S.A., Octapharma AG, and CSL Limited.
Future Outlook:
Segmented by type, application, end-user, and country, the market is expected to be dominated by Pure PRP in 2023 due to its efficacy as a point-of-care therapy. The dermatology & cosmetology segment is projected to witness the highest CAGR, driven by increasing incidences of skin and hair-related conditions. Hospitals & clinics are likely to hold the largest market share in 2023, leveraging PRP therapy for pain management, regenerative medicine, and cosmetic enhancements.
Geographic Review:
Covering major countries such as China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, and the Rest of Asia-Pacific, Japan is anticipated to lead the market in 2023. This is attributed to growing awareness of PRP therapy and increasing infertility issues, with physicians employing PRP in fertility treatments to aid market growth."
Download Sample Report Here @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5556
Key Questions Answered in the Report:
Which market segments exhibit high growth potential?
What are the historical and forecasted market trends?
What are the major drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities?
Who are the key players in the market?
Contact Us: Meticulous Research® Email- [email protected] Contact Sales- +1-646-781-8004 Connect with us on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/meticulous-research
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Regenerative Medicine Market worth $49.0 billion by 2028
The Global Regenerative Medicine Market in terms of revenue was estimated to be worth $16.0 Billion in 2023 and is poised to reach $49.0 Billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 25.1% from 2023 to 2028. The new research study consists of an industry trend analysis of the market. The new research study consists of industry trends, pricing analysis, patent analysis, conference and webinar materials, key stakeholders, and buying behaviour in the market. This is mainly due to various factors such as rising emphasis on personalized medicine, rising partnerships and collaborations by major market players, increased therapeutic area scope and rise in regenerative medicine regulatory approvals. However, the legal and ethical concerns associated with regenerative medicine along with the growing high treatment cost are predicted to cause market growth barriers.
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Browse in-depth TOC on "Regenerative Medicine Industry"
258 - Tables
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303 – Pages
The regenerative medicine market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 25.1% during the forecast period of 2023 to 2028. The important factors impacting market growth are the increasing focus on personalized medicine, and the emerging applications in new therapeutic areas. Increasing collaborations and partnerships by major market players and increasing regulatory approvals in regenerative medicine are expected to provide lucrative growth of the market in the near future.
Cell therapy segment accounted for the largest share of the regenerative medicine industry
Based on product, the regenerative medicine market is segmented into gene therapy, cell therapy (stem cell therapy [cell transplantations, stem cell therapy products {Autologous stem cell therapy, allogenic stem cell therapy] cell-based immunotherapy products), and tissue engineering products. The cell therapy segment accounted for the largest share of the regenerative medicine market in 2022. The high adoption of stem cell therapy is a key contributor to the growth of this segment. The growing applications of hematopoietic stem cell transplantations (HSCT) are expected to drive the growth of the cell therapy market.
Musculoskeletal disorder wins the largest share of therapeutic areas
Based on therapeutic area, the regenerative medicine market is classified into oncology, neurology, musculoskeletal disorders, ophthalmology, cardiovascular diseases, dermatology & wound care and other applications. In 2022, the musculoskeletal disorders segment accounted for the largest share of the global regenerative medicine market. Rise in the orthopedic disorders prevalence along with increasing musculoskeletal regeneration research can be attributed to the rising growth rate of this segment.
During the forecast period, North America exhibited the most rapid growth.
The largest share of the global regenerative medicine market was of North America, closely followed by Europe and then the Asia Pacific. This can be accredited to the growth of stem cell research, healthcare sector expansion, and the increase in the adoption of stem cell therapy and cell immunotherapies for  cancer and other chronic diseases treatment.
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Key Market Players:
Novartis AG (Switzerland), Biogen, Inc. (US), Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. (US), Gilead Sciences, Inc. (US), Amgen Inc. (US), Smith+Nephew (UK), MEDIPOST Co., Ltd. (Korea), JCR Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (Japan), Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (Japan), CORESTEM, Inc (South Korea), Vericel Corporation (US), MIMEDX Group, Inc. (US), Organogenesis Inc. (US), Medtronic (Ireland), Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (US), Orthocell Ltd. (Australia), Mesoblast Ltd. (Australia), BioRestorative Therapies, Inc. (US), Pluristem Therapeutics Inc. (US), TEGOSCIENCE (South Korea), ANTEROGEN.CO.,LTD. (South Korea), Bluebird bio, Inc. (US), Stempeutics Research Pvt Ltd. (India), Sibiono GeneTech Co. Ltd. (China), Aspect Biosystems Ltd. (Canada), and Athersys, Inc. (US).
Market Dynamics
Growing focus on personalized medicine
Emerging applications in new therapeutic areas
Increasing collaborations and partnerships by major market players
Increasing regulatory approvals in regenerative medicine
Lack of long-term data
Ethical and legal concerns and high cost of treatments
Harnessing the potential of 3D printing
Integration with artificial intelligence and big data
Growing number of organ transplants
Lack of favorable reimbursement policies across various regions
Recent Developments of Regenerative Medicine Industry:
In December 2023, the U.S. FDA greenlit a historic treatment, Casgevy (CRISPR Therapeutics.). This first-ever cell-based gene therapy tackled sickle cell disease in patients 12+ and marked a revolutionary step in gene therapy with its novel genome editing tech.
In January 2023, Sarepta and Catalent entered into a commercial supply agreement for Catalent to manufacture delandistrogene moxeparvovec (SRP-9001) (ELEVIDYS), Sarepta’s most advanced gene therapy candidate for the treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).
In August 2023, Gilead Sciences and Tentarix Biotherapeutics entered into three multi-year collaborations to leverage Tentarix's Tentacles platform for the discovery and development of innovative, multi-functional protein-based therapies for cancer and inflammatory diseases.
In December 2023, Bristol-Myers Squibb received approval for ABECMA for patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma with at least two prior treatments, including specific medications in Japan.
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ranakaushal · 5 months
The 10 Top Universities in Delhi NCR in 2024
Delhi NCR accommodates a number of highly-regarded universities that serve a broad spectrum of career objectives and academic interests. The top 10 universities in Delhi NCR in 2024 immensely contribute to the city’s diversified and lively higher education arena. Find complete details of these universities below:
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KIIT or Kalinga Institute of Industrial technology
Established in 1992, this university is a household name in the higher education sector, offering some of the best study programmes in Technology, Biotechnology, Nursing, Law, Administration, Computer Application, Design, Film and Television Production, Architecture, Communication & Journalism, Pharmaceuticals and Commerce. With a ranking between 601-800 in Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024 and 151-200 in Times Higher Education Young University Ranking 2023, KIIT offers value-based, quality higher education to students coming from different parts of India and the world.
IIT Delhi
The Indian Institute of Technology has a couple of satellite campuses in Jhajjar and Sonipat, with its main campus in Hauz Khas, New Delhi. Standing 2nd in the NIRF ranking in Engineering category, the university offers BTech and MTech courses along with MBA, MSc and MDes.
IIFT, Delhi
The Indian Institute of Fashion Technology offers specialized programmes in Business Analytics and International Business and has been conferred the status of Deemed to be University.
AIIMS, Delhi
Standing right on top in the NIRF rankings in Medical category, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences is recognized as an institute of national importance providing UG, PG and doctoral courses through 40+ departments across Dentistry, Medicine, Paramedical and Nursing.
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies & Law School
Founded in 2007, the CPJ College is affiliated to GGSIPU, New Delhi and offers undergraduate programmes under the MCIT discipline or Management, Commerce and Information Technology.
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Also called the Pusa Institute, IARI is India’s premiere destination for agricultural education, research and extension. Administered and financed by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, the university offers MTech, Ph.D and M.Sc programmes in more than 26 disciplines.
SRM University, Delhi NCR
This full-fledged university founded by the Haryana State Government under the Private Universities Act, 2006 offers doctoral and degree programmes in varied disciplines. These include Law, Engineering, Hotel Management and Science.
National Law University, Delhi
One of the most popular law schools in Delhi, the NLU takes 2nd position in the NIRF rankings in Law category, 2023.
Jamia Millia Islamia
A central university in New Delhi, the JMI is UGC recognized and accredited by an “A” grade by the NAAC. The university features several research centers including the Nelson Mandela Center for Peace and Conflict resolution and the Center for Management Studies.
School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
Established in 1941, SPA offers B.Plan and B.Arch courses at undergraduate level and M.Plan, M.Des, MBEM and M.Arch courses at post-graduate level along with several doctoral programmes.
So, whether you are looking to pursue a career in business; take up research or get involved in creative assignments, these top 10 universities in Delhi NCR will support and develop your skills, helping you to use your full potential
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