#Phil Collen fan fiction
Better People
Phil Collen x Reader
This fic contains smut. Under 18s DNI
A/N: As requested this is supposed to be set whilst Phil was in Girl.
I was sitting at the bar waiting for my best friend to join me. I had just broken up with my boyfriend of two years and she had promised me that a night out was just what I needed. However, an hour into our ‘night out’, she was yet to show up. Not that I was too bothered. Sitting alone and drinking seemed like the perfect solution to my recent heartache.
There was some band playing in the bar, not that I was paying much attention, and I was downing drinks like there was no tomorrow. My fifth drink came in and I was feeling it. Not almost blackout drunk but definitely tipsy. It was that tipsiness that led to the next few moments playing out.
“Anyone sittin’ here?” I heard a deep voice come from beside me.
“Apparently not.” I attempted to grin, however, the feelings of everything that had happened over the last few days had caught up with me.
“I’m Phil.” The man introduced himself. I turned my head to look at him and was shocked by the level of makeup this man was wearing. Not that I found a problem with it. If anything it brought out his already beautiful eyes. It was then that it occurred to me that he was in the band that had been playing.
“Y/N.” I greeted back.
“Now Y/N what’s a beautiful girl like you doing sitting alone.” He flirted, although there was some concern in his voice. I obviously wasn’t hiding my upset very well.
“Well, my boyfriend of two years cheated on me and then my best friend who was supposed to cheer me up never showed. I’m having an overload of love right now.” I couldn’t help the sarcasm that slipped through.
“Sounds to me like you need better people around you.” 
“Yeah? Do you know of anyone?”
“Well I could show you a good time if you let me.”
It didn’t take long for Phil to take me back to my place. The two of us were a tangled set of limbs as we stumbled our way through my front door. Our lips not disconnecting for more than a second other than when we take a breath. 
“Which way’s the bedroom?” Phil between kisses as he trailed his lips down my neck.
“First door through there.” I vaguely pointed out to him, trying not to moan, but he got the hint. We continue our journey through to my bedroom. When we got there, Phil quickly pushed me gently across the room and onto the bed, climbing on top of me. I was tugging at his shirt that was already open and pushed it off of his shoulders. Sitting up slightly I allowed Phil to pull off my shirt and he quickly realised that I wasn’t wearing a bra.
The look on his face at that realisation was priceless and if I didn’t have other priorities I would have tried to get him to have that reaction again and again. Kissing up my stomach and landing on my breasts, Phil gave each one an adequate amount of attention. I soon got impatient and pulled him up to attach my lips to his again.
The two of us wrestled each other out of our trousers and underwear until we were completely bare to one another. Phil quickly climbed off of me and grabbed a condom from his abandoned trouser pocket. Sitting next to me, he put the condom on himself before rolling over to lay back on top of me. Pulling him into another kiss, I let out a moan as I felt him gently rub on my clit. Slowly he moved his fingers down and I felt that impatience rise in me again.
“Please Phil.”
“Please what?” He teased with a smirk on his face.
“Fuck me.”
“As you wish.” With that he lined himself up and pushed in. I couldn’t help the curses that I let out as I felt him fill me up, hitting a spot inside of me that my ex could never seem to find.
“Shit Phil.” I moaned as he looked in my eyes waiting for me to give him the go ahead to move. With a nod of my head, he started to roll his hips backwards and forwards, filling me up over and over again. 
I started to move my hips in sync with his, causing him to let out a groan. Satisfied with the noise, I repeated the action again and again. Not only did I get the same result but Phil grabbed my hips even tighter and started to pound into me harder causing my eyes to roll into the back of my head. 
“Oh fuck Y/N.” Phil groaned from above me as my nails dug into his back, probably leaving red marks. It wasn’t long after that, that the two of us hit our high in unison. My legs wrapped around his waist and he thrust deeper than before.
When we had finished, Phil was the perfect gentleman, the two of us washed up together and got ready for bed.
“So I suppose I better be off then.” Phil awkwardly stood in the doorway as I climbed back in bed.
“You could. Or you could stay for round two tomorrow?” My question was answered by Phil climbing into bed with me. Although round two didn’t wait until the morning.
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Chapter 12: Room numbers
Authors note: I'm not a hundred percent sure how I feel about this chapter, but it's also driving me crazy that I haven't finished this story yet. It's literally making it, so I can't write anything else. I have spent hours just staring at a blank page, trying to come up with something. This will be the second to last sirens and leppard chapter. But I have already started a sequel, so we will see. I hope you all enjoy it.
Room 306:
"Steve, wake up." Amaya giggled. she had already gotten ready for her day. washed her face, brushed her teeth, and brushed out her hair. when she returned to the main room, Steve was still curled into the blankets. All she could see confirming a person was even under the heap of white comforter was his wild hair. She wasn't surprised in the slightest, Steve was a lot of things, but a morning person wasn't one of them.
She frowned. Something seemed off today. Usually, he would just beg her to join him under the covers, but today, he just pulled the blanket up until there was nothing for her to see.
"Stevieeee," she purred, pulling on the edge of the blanket. He clutched it tight, not letting go.
"No," he grumbled. His voice was barely audible, but she could hear the sadness in it.
"Why not?" She asked, crawling back into bed with him. He engulfed her in his caccoon. The blanket was just thin enough that she could see him clear as day as they laid facing each other under the white comforter.
"Last night of the tour," he said slowly like that would answer her question. Amaya tilted her head to the side. What did that have to do with anything?
"And?" She questioned when the blonde didn't elaborate.
"Don't want this to end is all," he shrugged. His blue eyes were clouded with sadness. "I just... I don't think I've ever been this happy before. You make me feel happy... i love you more than I've ever loved someone."
"Oh, steve," she reached out a hand to craddle his face. "It won't end, baby. You make me happy, too. I'm not gonna throw away over a year of a loving relationship just because we aren't getting paid for it anymore. I love you too much for that"
"Promise?" He still looked nervous. It broke her heart.
"Promise," Amaya leaned in, kissing Steve softly.
"Promise you won't tell phil. I told you I love you more than him," he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
"Fear not Stevie. Your secret's safe with me, "she giggled, kissing his nose."Now get your ass out of bed. I want breakfast, " she stated, throwing the blanket off both of them.
Steve grumbled again, but this time sat up. He glanced at the clock on the bedside table before flopping back down. It was progress Amaya felt.
Room 304
"Last day of the tour," phil whispered, running his fingers through gemma's blonde hair he slowly worked out the knots that had formed as Her head lay on his chest. He wasn't even sure she was wake. The sun had just peaked over the horizon, and they had been dozing in and out of consciousness together.
"Shhhh," she hissed, pressing her finger against his lips. "I don't want to think about it"
"This will change nothing between us, you know that, right? Im not letting you go anywhere. i worked too hard for this." phil stated rolled over, so he was hoving over her on all fours. Gemma scooted up the bed until she was eye level with him again.
He had worked very hard to regain her trust. He was still putting in the work to ensure that their relationship would last. He started leaving her little notes and still had flowers sent to her dressingroom every couple of shows. Gemma was forever grateful she decided to let him try. Decided to let herself try.
"I love you, gem,"
"I love you too," Gemma smiled, reaching up to craddle phils face in her hands. "So much more than I originally planned"
Phil smiled as he swooped down and pressed a soft kiss against her lips. "So much ,my love, I love you so much." he lowered himself even more to bury his face against her neck. Her hands intantly made their way to his hair. He kissed the soft skin just to hear Gemma sigh.
Room 307:
Joe laid on his side so he could watch the women sleeping soundly beside him. The sun had risen and was shining in through the sheer white curtains. It's light casting everything in shades of gold.
She would be pissed if he let her sleep in much longer, but he couldn't bring himself to disturb her peace, not quite yet.
It was the last day of the tour. Tomorrow, he would be flying into Dublin. He would be going home. She would be flying home to London. They had talked it through, and he really believed they had a good shot. Still worry and doubt chewed away at him.
"It's rude to stare," Harper murmered, peering at Joe with half lidded eyes.
"Just admiring the finest of art," he grinned, leaning in to kiss her forehead.
She hummed slightly, her eyes falling shut for a spilled second before snapping back open.
"Go back to sleep, angel," he purred, kissing her forehead. She smiled at him before nodding. He knew they would be all right. They all would.
Her eyes fell shut again, and her breath evened out. They would have to get up and start there a day soon, but not yet. They could remain in their shared peace just a little longer.
Room 310
Bex sat across from Rick, sipping her tea and watching the man carefully. He was wearing the hotel provided robe. His bangs fell into his eyes. He looked so content that she almost felt bad for what she was going to say. "This isn't going to last"
"I know," Rick returned, looking up from his cup of tea. His eyes were filled with understanding. "Is this where you tell me you had fun, but this is the end?"
"You're a great guy. I just don't do relationships"
Rick nodded, sipping at his tea. He finished his tea and stood up, finding his shoes and sitting on the edge of the bed to put them on. "See you tonight?"
Bex nodded, smiling slightly. The second he closed the door, her smile faded. It was the first time she ever really felt pain over a man in a long time.
Room 309
Rebel leaned back against the savs solid chest as the warm water flowed over them. "You know this is kind of a waste of water. We are just gonna shower again later, " Rebel smiled.
"Yeah, but it feels nice," sav returned.
Rebel hummed in agreement. She spun around, wrapping her arms around his neck.
His wet hair clung to her skin. "Gonna miss this"
"Yeah, but we'll figure something out." Sav smiled, leaning down and capturing her lips.
Rebel happily kissed back for a moment before epulling back and resting their foreheads together. "Think the others are this.... pensive?"
"Probably. The end of the tour is always a time of mixed emotions. This tour is especially hard. So much love has formed. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Mel and chris planned this"
Rebel giggled at that. The water was starting to turn cold, but she couldn't find it in her to care.
Mal sat across from chris in the hotel lobby, grinning at the other man. "We couldn't have had this go any better," He asked. "I mean, when you called me and said you knew of a band that would work well with my boys, I didn't think you meant this well. Steve's barely drinking anymore. They all aren't fighting nearly as much. They have someone else to look at other than each other."
Chris nodded his agreement. "Bex is starting to trust. Gemma finally found someone to match her energy. Amaya found someone to take care of other than Gemma. And let's be honest, they all are staying out of trouble because they are too busy with each other"
It's been a great tour, " Mel stated, standing up and shaking Chris's hand.
"It sure has," the other man agreed.
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wasted-my-time · 8 months
Good Morning
A sequel to Sharp.
Phil's POV
I'm dreaming, I always know when it is a dream or not since I've been transformed.
I am just floating around in the sky, and there's nothing else going on but the sun being periodically eclipsed by the clouds. It is weird that I often dream of the sun without actually seeing it for five years. Alt least here it cannot kill me, it just keeps me warm, like the best blanket ever.
But there's a pressure on my chest, something is pushing me down, and it moves on me, and it's not a dream and it's real and I...
-Aaah, my hand! A female voice screams above me as I sit up in surprise, unsure of where I am just waking up.
Oh fuck, Jean! I forgot about her! I look down to see my right hand tightly gripping her wrist, my long nails piercing her skin.
-I'm sorry love, I didn't want to. It's not... It's a reflex, ok? I mumble and release my hold.
She sits back on the bed and nods, but I can still see fear in her eyes, I follow her gaze, leading me to the drops of blood leaking out of the wounds I caused.
-If you want to, I can do something and it won't hurt at all. I propose.
-Yeah, I guess... She whispers.
I carefully hold her hand up and lay small kisses on the scratches, only to get a bit of saliva on them, since my mouth is full of anaesthetics. Because yeah, I'm basically a big mosquito.
-Is it better now?
Another nod, less fear. She breaks eye contact to look down to her tigh, right where I bit her last night.
-How's your leg? I ask, posing a hand on her bent knee and rubbing it through her jeans with my thumb.
-It's like any other wound, it's really not that bad. She answers with a small smile.
-No regrets?
-Not at all. What do we do tonight, wanna' go out?
It's now a big frank grin lighting up her face.
-Great idea! Where do you want to go? I answer after checking the clock on her nightstand: 9h34 P.M. no sun in sight!
-Get dressed, we'll see afterwards.
She watches as I collect my clothes from the various places we left them last night and start to pull them on. I like the feeling of her observation, the uncertainty of being teased or of being the tease.
She chuckles at the sight of my partially buttoned shirt.
-Sorry about that, but I was impatient. She walks towards me and wraps her arms around my neck.
-Was it worth the wait?
-Every. Single. Second. She says, pausing between words to kiss my face, and pushes me back on the bed.
-You know, if it goes like that, we'll never make it out of here. I stop her as she's about to lay her lips on mind.
-Would you really mind?
-... No. I admit. But if I made the effort to dress, it's not to get it all off the second after. Maybe after we went to a few clubs.
-Do you hate clothes that much?
-Just a bit...
We went to the Marquee, the Taboo, and we just left the Blitz, and now Jean is blitzed, but I'm not so bad, alcohol doesn't have as much of an effect on me than when I was human.
Now I need blood to be really drunk.
-Hey, I know another place, somewhere you never went. I propose to her as she gets back in my car.
-How can you be so sure about that?
-It's a vampire place, humans need to be acompanied to get in. The Fallen Angel, it is called.
-Sounds good, let's go!
A few blocks away, we see the bar's neon sign: Two wings, one of an angel and one of a demon crowned by a half halo and a horn.
-'Can't believe I never noticed it. She mumbles to herself.
I park the car and jump out to open her door and help her to get out, as she can't walk very straight anymore.
-Hey Phil, you've found another angel for us? Igor, the doorman greets me from his spot beside the door.
-No, I'm just for him! Jean answers.
-I am still going to temporarily ask your hand, milochka. He adds and stamps blue angel wings on the back of her hand as she holds it out to him.
-How did you call her? I ask with faked offense while he stamps mine with red demon wings.
-Relax, it just means darling. He chuckles.
-I'll allow it this time, but watch out if it ever happens again! I joke, making him burst in laughters.
The guy could snap me in halves like a toothpick if he wanted to, I'm lucky he has some sense of humor.
Inside, the light coming from the street is absorbed by the heavy curtains blocking the windows and the only source of light are those red lightbulbs above the leather bench seats on the sides of the room and the ones lighting up the drink menu behind the bar.
-I can't see a thing. Jean whispers to me, causing all the clients (all the vampiric ones at least) to snicker under their breath.
Of course they heard her...
-Your eyes will adjust, don't worry.
-Hey, young Mister Collen, why don't you join me at my table?! Another man I know calls me.
-Jean, may I introduce you to Doctor Adelbert Von Stern.
-Oh, so you're from Germany! She remarks.
-I sure was born there, but when I left, it wasn't even called like that. He smiles, passing his fingers along his Lenin-like moustache, as he always does while talking about his younger years.
-And what kind of a doctor are you? She asks.
-Oh, what I learned is now vastly outdated. I would probably go to jail for applying some of those methods they used to teach. He chuckles. But one could say I am a vampire generalist.
-I'll go get some drinks, what do you want? I offer
-The house special vodka cranberry, please. The doctor asks.
-Dry martini, please.
I get to the bar, but still listen to Jean and my friend, it is always kind of touchy to bring a new human here. Adelbert is nice, but some of the other ones are rather snob.
-What's in the special? I hear her ask.
-Blood. They have the whole system to donate blood in an hidden room.
-Should I be afraid? She questions jokingly.
-No, they only take volunteers.
-Phil? Phiiil?! PHILIP! The barmaid repeats to tey to get my attention.
-Ah! What?
-If you came here, may I assume you wanted to order something. Otherwise you wouldn't have left your pretty girl over there. She finishes her sentence in a very less than friendly way.
-Oh, Marie, come on! You left me months ago. I try to argue
-One month ago! And because you were always seeing other girls.
Another resentful bird I shouldn't have slept with...
-It was only to get blood.
-There are lots of it here!
-But here, I have to pay for it!
-I own the place, you just had to ask!
-Good, so I can ask you for two house special vodka cranberries and a regular dry martini. Please.
-Arrogant de fils de pute... She mumbles God knows what in French and starts to prepare the drinks.
-Four pounds. She states when she is done.
-But I asked... I smile and slip a five pounds note on the counter. Keep the change.
-Of course I keep it! Now go, or I'll siphon every damn ounce of blood in your body to put it in my drinks!
-Try. I wink at her and pick the three glasses to bring them back to my table where I find Jean and the doctor both laughing their lungs out.
-What is it? I ask and give them their respective order.
-Apparently, you're an arrogant son of a bitch. Adelbert explains. According to Marie, of course... But if you ask me, she's only half wrong! He chuckles.
-You're not talking about my mother, at least? I ask and take the first sip of my drink.
Whatever he answers gets fuzzed by the feeling of the blood invading every single cell of my body in a euphoric wave.
-And there you can see one of the first things I have documented: Vampire drunkenness. One cannot get intoxicated if blood has not opened the way. I hear Adelbert explain once I snap my eyes back open to get focus out of my buzz.
-And afterwards? She asks.
-Alcool, opium, laudanum, cocaine... Anything will do, as long as it's paired with a bit of... Cranberry juice. I have not done much research with more modern drugs though.
-And by "research" he means he haven't tried it. I add. But yeah, they work too.
-Why have a body that can accommodate any substance without the least of side effects if it is not to act on it. And I can't ask my test subjects to do something I would not do myself.
-At least you're professional... I chuckle.
-Where is the loo in this place? Asks Jean as she gets up, only to lose balance and knock our table to the ground in a drunken attempt to stay on her feet.
-Oh no! Oh I'm so clumsy! She exclaims and gets down to pick up pieces of broken glass.
-It's alright, I'll take care of it, the toilets are the first door on the left.
She has barely left us that a much older vampire walks up to us from the other side of the club.
-Maybe it will teach you not to bring your human sluts in our places. She says, only inches away from my face.
-Regina, you spent the last two hundred years sleeping in your casket and you got up from your seat just to say this? Adelbert flies to my rescue.
She turns away from me only to grab him by the neck and put him up against the wall.
-You miserable little...
-Regina, if you refuse to leave my customers alone, at least agree to leave my bar! Marie jumps in and convinces the other woman to let go of my friend.
She spits on our feet before getting out and slamming the door behind her.
We help Marie to set the table back on its feet and to pick the shattered glass from the floor and Jean comes back right as we finish.
-Hey love, I think we will go now. I announce her.
-Hmm okay, are you taking me back to my place?
-Yes I'll drive you there, but I'm coming back to mother's home tonight.
I greet Adelbert and Marie goodbye, leaving her some more money because of the trouble we gave her.
The drive to her flat is pretty silent and it is only as I park in front of her building that she asks:
-Make me become like you, please.
-No. I answer unequivocally.
I sigh to give me some time to formulate a proper sentence.
-First, eternity's a bloody long time, second you've only seen the neat little glamorous part of being a vampire, third, it would put me in a kind of father figure regarding you, which I am not comfortable with, and finally you should think about it some more when you get sober.
She doesn't say a thing. God there it is, I upset her...
-Are you mad at me? I question.
-No, the things you said make sense... She mumbles and reach for the door.
-Wait, I'll give you my number. I get a pen from the glove box and write it on the back of her hand.
-Thank you. And good... She hesitates and cut her sentence short before looking at ger watch and adding with a little smile: Good morning, sleep well.
-Thanks. Be careful now.
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appetite4savage · 2 years
City of Angels (Phil Collen)
@thiswatch-lepparddef-werehi and I were taking about how City of Angels by Demi Lovato reminded us of Phil and how it needed to be a one shot… so here we are. It also has a touch of Daisy Jones & The Six because I’ve been obsessed with that show lately!
Warnings: Sexual/Adult/Explicit Content!
The City of Angels. What a silly name for city that is full of people who are far from angels.
I’ve lived here my whole life. I grew up going to Catholic school and being the perfect little girl my parents wanted to be. It all changed once I got to experience the wonders the Sunset Strip brought at nightfall.
The sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll scene changed me. I started staying out late and bringing home a different guy every night. Somehow my parents never knew it. Maybe they did, and just didn’t have the energy to care. That wasn’t an unusual thing for them. I think they forgot I existed most of the time anyway.
I live alone now, and haven’t spoken to them much over the last few months. I fill the void with whatever I can get my hands on, but still manage to function and maintain a job at the local music store.
I’ve seen all kinds of people in my shop. Guys in no-name bands to rockstars with number one albums. I treat them all the same. It’s always been about the music for me.
The bell over the door rings for the hundredth time today. I sigh and get up from my comfortable sitting position to greet them.
“Hey, welcome to Guitar World. How can I help you today?” I say in what I like to call my customer service voice.
The man takes off his sunglasses and I realize who it is. Phil Collen.
“Hello, love.” He smiles. “I’m just looking around.”
I try to pretend like I’m not absolutely fawning over him. Def Leppard has been a favorite band of mine for a long while. I watch intently while he strolls around, picking up various packs of strings and plucking the guitars that are on display.
Pull yourself together, Y/N. If he catches you staring, what will he think?
Almost as if he could hear this thought, he turns around and we make eye contact. I quickly pretend I was looking somewhere else, but I think he knows.
He comes up to the counter with the items he picked out.
I cough, nervously. “Will this be all?” I mutter as I scan everything.
“Actually, no.” He says. I pause, looking up at him. He’s leaning with one elbow onto the counter. “I’d like to know your name.”
Suddenly it feels my air circulation has cut off. Is this happening right now?
“Uh, Y/N.”
“Phil, but I think you already knew that.” He places money on the counter along with a note, winking before heading out the door.
I stand frozen for a moment before picking up the small sheet of paper and unfolding it. It’s his phone number.
I got off work hours ago, but still keep replaying that moment in my head. I hold the small piece of paper in my hand, tapping my fingers against the phone.
Without thinking any more about it, I dial the number quickly.
“Phil! Hi. It’s-“
“Y/N. I’ve been waiting for you to call.”
He was waiting for ME to call?
“Um, right. What are you up to?”
“Not much.”
“Do you want to meet me back at the shop? I’m about to lock up, and well, I understand if you don’t want to.” My words run together from my nervousness.
His laughter rings throughout the phone. “I’ll be there in 20.” The receiver clicks and I’m left with silence, aside from my heart beating out of my chest at ten thousand miles per hour.
Sure enough, he arrives a few minutes later. He’s wearing the same outfit he had on earlier, but with a leather jacket added on top of it. I don’t think he’s ever had a bad look in his life.
We end up walking around town, taking in the night scenery. There’s not much light other than the moon shining down above us.
After a bit of walking, we reach a building that is all too familiar to me. The church I grew up going in. The one I went to school in. I stop in my tracks and face it.
His warm hand grasps my shoulder. “Are you alright?”
“I’m okay. I just… I just grew up in this church and went to school here. It saw the good, bad and ugly parts of my life.”
“I see.” He says. He starts to walk up to the doors and go inside.
“What are you doing?”
He turns around to look at me. “I’m going inside.”
“No, we might get in trouble.” I try to stop him, but he just laughs at me in response. He goes inside.
Looking around frantically, I go inside after him.
All the memories come rushing back.
“So you wore one of those little skirts, eh?” He smirks.
“Yes, sometimes much shorter than I was supposed to.” I sit in one of the back pews as he glances around.
“Oh, a rulebreaker.” He inches closer, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the back of the room.
“Gave the nuns hell.” My back ends up pressed against the wall.
“I believe it.” He closed what little space there was between us, pressing his forehead against mine and snaking his arm around my waist. “Want to break some more?”
I don’t respond, I just immediately latch my lips onto his. He meanders his hand inside my top, the sensation of his touch giving me goosebumps.
He picks me up, gripping my hips as he carries me back to the pew we sat at before. He starts to pull off my top, but I stop him. “No time, the night guard will be here soon.” I learned the routine of this church like the back of my hand. After all, this is where I lost my virginity.
“So you did break some rules.” He laughs.
“Frequently. With half of the graduating class.”
He scoffs before he moves down to unbutton my jeans hastily, sliding them off of me along with my underwear. Instead of throwing the black, lacy fabric on the floor, he tucks them in his back pocket.
“Saving those for later.”
“On with it, Romeo.”
“As you wish.”
He reaches and puts two fingers inside, making me gasp from the sudden intrusion. “Already so wet. You’ve been thinking about this all day, haven’t you?”
I can’t get out any words other than a slight “Mm.”
He removes his fingers and starts undoing his own belt, sliding down his pants and boxers in one swift move.
I barely have time to catch my breath after he bottoms out on the first go.
“Goddammit, Phil!”
“Be careful how you use his name.” He whispers, his breath hitting my neck as he enters me again, and again. The old wood of the pew is knocking around just like it used to.
“Almost there.” I lock my ankles at the small of his back as a signal not to move. His movements get slower and slower until he fills me with his warmth.
He pants before leaning his head down on my shoulder.
“We have to go.”
He kisses my neck once more before pulling out of me, causing me to groan out of utter distaste.
We clean ourselves up and quickly get out of the building.
“Well, if there is a hell, we’re certainly going to it.”
“Oh well. I like the warmth anyway.” I wink, grabbing his hand and pulling him back down the sidewalk.
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i-love-def-leppard · 1 year
Welcome Home (Def Leppard x Reader)
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A/N: Hi everyone!! This is my first time ever writing something, let alone a fan-fiction so I’m a little nervous posting this. I am open to constructive criticism to improve my writing, which I promise will get better as time goes on. That being said, I hope you all enjoy my first story ever [EEEEKKKK]!!
🫶🏻 i-love-def-leppard
Dublin 1981 - Me and My Wine house
I walked up the rain stained steps of my home, thinking about how glad I was to finally be here after a long day of work.
Managing the local record store is something I am very grateful for. However, just like any other type of work environment, a few rude customers can quite literally turn my day to shit.
Quickly pushing my negative thoughts away, I step into the main entrance of my happy place as my nose becomes overwhelmed by the smell of someone cooking.
“Boooyyysss!! I’m homeee!!”
Immediately as those words leave my mouth, I become trampled by the one and only, Joe Elliott, running his way out the kitchen with pasta sauce stains on his shirt.
“Y/N, love! GOSH! The lord knows how much I’ve missed you and your precious face all day!”
He says as he releases his hands from my face while going in for a hug, never forgetting to leave a sloppy kiss on my cheek.
Suddenly raising his eyebrows with a smirk plastered on his adorable face, he says,
“Are you wearing what I think you’re wearin?!”
Quickly remembering that I’m wearing my cropped, v-neck, red Leppard tank top (paired with dark blue flare jeans and one of the boys leather jackets), I blush at his wandering eyes and proud facial expression.
“Well, duh Joe, of course!”
I say playfully shoving his chest.
“I’m very proud of you boys and how far you’ve all come with the band. Of course I’m gonna show you lot off any chance I get.”
“You are too good to us, love.” a new voice says from around the corner.
You exclaim, making your way around Joe’s figure to enter the curly haired bassist’s open arms.
Pulling away slowly from the embrace, Sav says,
“Nice outfit, Y/N/N.”
He smirks as his eyes trail down your form.
Leaving you blushing as always, he gives you no time to respond as he says,
“Anyone give you problems at the store today? Cause if they did, I swear on all things holy, I’ll-”
Sav’s words were suddenly cut off by two pairs of loud footsteps making their way down the stairs.
“I CALL DIBS ON HUGGING HER FIRST” yells Phil to his terror twin.
“Not if I get to her first, SLOW POKE!” Steve replies.
“I’m not slow Steve! I can beat you all day in a swimming race!” a furious Phil throws back.
“Yeah, alright merman. We all know you have some weird obsession with the water. Now knock it off in front of the lady.”
Steve says as he swiftly walks away from Phil pouting at the bottom of the stairs.
Laughing, you approach the taller blonde guitarist.
“Hi Steve. I’ve missed you.”
You say as you are engulfed in yet another Leppard hug.
His smell of cigarettes and signature cologne always gave you a comfort like no other.
“Apologies for Mr. Grumpy-pants, love” pointing at Phil.
“Now, I’d keep you in a hug all day if I could, but I’d upset blondie over there if I didn’t share you at least a little.”
Steve adds as he reluctantly removes his hands from around your waist.
“C’mere Phil” you look to him as you initiate a hug, giving him a sweet kiss on his cheek.
Instantly forgetting his small battle with Steve, a now relieved Phil whispers in your ear.
“Thank god your home. I’ve had to deal with them all day.”
Giggling at his words you see a sudden idea appear on his face.
“Y/N. Why don’t you take a break at that record store and let us take care of you. Come with us on our next tour, for the whole thing!”
“Then this way, we could see you all the time!”
“Phil, I’m only gone a few hours a day during the week haha” you reply.
“Just think about it, okay.” Phil slightly begs.
“Alright I will. And Phil, you’re sweet. You know I’d love that more than anything, but I’ve gotta contribute somehow” you reply.
“Aye! I know a way she can contrib-” Joe says with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Oh shut it Joe” says Rick as he finally makes an appearance.
“I mean I wouldn’t be opposed to-” joins in Sav.
Rick is quick to slap Sav on the arm, while the rest of the group, including you, giggle at their dirty remarks.
Rick’s always been very protective of you, which you loved.
It’s no secret that the boys were all attracted to you in one way or another, and you to them.
Their constant flirtatious behavior was nothing new to you and you secretly loved it. They all knew that.
Pulling Rick in for the final hug, you can’t help but realize how grateful you are for your boys.
Snapping you out of your appreciative daydream, you feel Joe grab your hand.
You are suddenly being pulled out of Rick’s arms, into the direction of the kitchen.
“C’mon love. Into the kitchen we go!” Joe says.
“I’ve made dinner!” he grins.
“Ughhh” everyone in the room groans.
“We left him unsupervised for 30 minutes and he manages to sneak himself into the kitchen. Unbelievable.” a nervous Rick replies.
Shaking my head at their silliness, I can’t help but be forever grateful for getting to come home to this everyday.
My boys.
THE END!!!! Thank you for reading🩷🩷
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The Dancer and the Rockstar pt. 3 {Joe Elliott x reader}
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Part 3 is here! I hope y'all enjoy it!
When he walked out onto the general admission area, his head immediately turned to the girl. There was a kind of glow in his eyes and then his lips moved, “Y/N….”.
For a moment, the world stopped around the two of them. After eleven years of not seeing each other, it felt like a giant weight was being lifted off their shoulders. His eyes met hers, and with their smiles, as if it were planned, they started running toward each other. 
*Insert slowmo running*
As soon as they made it to each other, they embraced each other. Like as if one has found the missing piece of a puzzle. 
“I missed you so much, love,” Joe whispered, hugging her even tighter.
“I missed you too, Joey,” Y/N used to call him that, well, really she was the only one who could call him that. He lifted her up and spun her around, “Those were the longest eleven years of my life.”
“Why haven’t we seen each other at all?” Joe pulled apart from the girl and put his hands on her shoulders.
“Yeah, why?” She repeated his question, “So, you’re in a band now?”
“Yeah, Def Leppard! Do you wanna meet the boys?” He questioned.
“Of course, I’d love to!” The singer nodded and brought the girl over to the boys.
“Boys, this is Y/N. She has been my best friend since kindergarten.” The girl waved to the band and the boys waved back. 
“Y/N, that is Rick Savage, we call him Sav, he is the bassist. Then, Steve Clark, he plays guitar. That is Pete Willis, he also plays guitar. Then, last is Rick Allen, he’s our drummer.” Joe pointed to everyone of the boys and they all gave sweet smiles to the girl, she smiled back.
“Boys, I need to ask you something.”” Tahlia stepped into the conversation.
“Yeah?” Joe was quick to respond.
“Could Y/N join you boys on tour? She refuses to leave the house, this is the first time in a while that she decided to go to a public place.” Tahlia cared about the girl and she wanted to make sure she was living her life to the fullest.
“Of course! We’d love to have her come with us!” The singer smiled. The dancer couldn’t contain her excitement. So, she began to hug the boy again.
“Finally, finally,” She exclaimed quietly, and slowly, tears began to trail down her cheeks. Lia smiled at the scene, she was happy that Y/N finally saw her best friend after eleve whole years.
“Why don’t you boys come by our apartment so we can get Y/N’s things?” 
“Sure,” Sav said. The group of seven walked out to Lia’s car and got in. (In this case 7 people can fit in the car). The group got in and drove about 20 minutes to get to the apartment. 
When Joe exited the car, he took a moment to look at the dance studio, “I remember this place…”
“You remember how I used to bring you here?” The dancer whispered beside him.
“How could I forget?” He turned to her with a smile and she gave him a grin, then the group walked inside. As they made it into the apartment, Y/N and the boys went into her bedroom.
“So, You and Joe were best friends?” Steve asked as he looked around the room at all of the pictures. 
“Yeah,” Both Y/N and the singer responded. 
“Then, why haven’t you seen each other in over 10 years?” Sav questioned. 
“I honestly don’t know. All I know is that it has been way too long.” Joe responded and Y/N agreed. 
“I remember this one time where….” Y/N started.
The 6 year old Y/N and Joe ran along the streets of Sheffield to get to the girls dance studio, South Sheffield Dance Studio. 
“Are we close?” Joe whined as Y/N pulled him by the hand.
“Yes, Joey.” Joe pouted again, mostly at the nickname, but also because they hadn’t made it there yet.
When they got there, the little girl reached up to open the door and they walked in. The room was small and there were maybe one or two other girls in the room. There were around six trophies on the shelf next to the registration counter, two of which Y/N won at a competition. Behind the counter was Hailey, one of the five dance instructors that taught at this school. 
“Welcome to my dance studio,” The girl giggled and took off her shoes to put them in one of the cubbies on the opposite wall of the registration ccounter, “Lets go to this room.” the dancer pointed to a pearly white door next to the cubbies.
The room was dark, it was only lit up by the fairy lights hanging on the walls. Lia used to say that it was for aesthetics, but Y/N liked it and to this day, it still is this way and it’s the girl’s favorite room. 
Y/N stood in front of the mirror, she didn’t know whether to dance or just talk to Joe.
“Dance for me, Y/N…” He whispered. She turned to him, feeling the nervousness rush to her cheeks.
“I’m not that good.” She whispered. 
“You will always be amazing in my eyes, please dance for me,” He whispered and she blushed, then she got up to dance. She was a bit nervous at first, especially because this is the first time he’d ever seen her dance. She’d twist and turn and go on her tiptoes, but the smile never left her face. The boy watched her with stars in his eyes. He always thought she would be amazing, and he was right. 
When she stopped dancing, she looked at the boy that was sitting down. She then smiled and sat next to him. 
“Has anyone ever told you that you are amazing?” 
“Well, no, not really.” She looked down at her lap and Joe put one of his hands on top of hers. 
“I think you’re wonderful!” 
“Hey, look at me!” Joe exclaimed and he started dancing, kind of badly. Y/N watched him with a smile on her face, then she decided to join him. They danced like this for a good five minutes, and without even realizing, they began sort of slow dancing.
“....And that was one of many times….” Joe finished speaking and looked at Y/N. She looked back at him, taking in the fact that he remembered these times so well.  
“Well anyway, can you lot help me pack my things?” the dancer asked the boys, who all seemed to be falling asleep.
“Sure, love,” Rick smiled. The dancer told the boys where most of her things were and they grabbed her things. Then, after they finished packing, Lia drove them back to the venue.
“Alright, loves, have fun!” Lia exclaimed as the group exited the car. 
“Bye Lia!” Y/N smiled and waved. Then, the 6 climbed into the tour bus. The group put their stuff down and relaxed. 
“Well, Y/N, prepare to have some fun!” Joe exclaimed and began to tickle her. She squealed, “Joey!!!” 
The night ended with the group falling asleep in the back of the bus, sort of on top of each other. Y/N was excited for what the rest of this tour held in store for her and the band.
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rockinnrollin · 2 years
I Want a Baby
Not a request, but due to Sav’s recent adorable instagram post this idea popped into my head. 
Wanings: Until the smut, just some cute fluff, maybe a couple swears but after the line, SMUT WARNING, breeding kink, daddy kink, unprotected sex, hickeys, more sweaing, so on so forth. 
Word Count: 1,549 (shes a big one)
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not my gif!!
You were spending a quiet Sunday afternoon lounging around with Sav when you got the call to officially say you could come see Joe, Kristine and their newborn baby.
When you and Sav first got together, the question of kids was answered pretty soon, and the answer was “No”. With both of you agreeing that Sav’s 3 kids were all you both needed, with Sav also saying “I’m getting too old for babies again.” You didn’t mind, never being one for babies anyway.
On the drive up to Joe’s house, you found yourself thinking about what life would be like if you did have a baby. The thought of baby clothes shopping was enough to make your heart melt, you already felt overwhelmed from getting Joe’s little one some clothes. You turned to see Sav’s face, feeling as if he could read your mind right now. Though you’re certain he can’t, he did have a “Don’t even think about it Y/N” look to him.
You got to Joe’s and even though you weren’t keen on kids, you felt a little excited. It is a new life and one quite close to you when you deep it. Sav had grabbed the little gift bag and followed on behind you as you made your way to Joe’s front door. Before Sav did his usual ‘Walk right in’ as Joe would usually prefer, you held your arm out to stop him.
“We can’t go in if you block me Y/N.” he chuckled.
“I know, but there’s also a baby in there.” you said back to him, voice close to a whisper.
“Alright.” He lightly tapped the door, and a few seconds later, Kristine was stood with a smile.
“Hello! Come in, don’t worry about being quiet, he’s already as loud as Joe!” She said full of energy and joy.
Sav turned around to you and said, “What the fuck is going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“Kris just had a baby and she’s so, I don’t know, full of life? I thought she would be exhausted!”
“Must just be made for it.” You said before stepping into Joe’s living room.
Just as Kristine said, Joe was sat with their son in his arms and his son was mirroring him with his beautiful, big green eyes. He even matched the full energy Joe seemed to have at all times, despite him being a newborn baby.
“God he’s your double Joe.” Sav said to his best mate while seemingly shaking hands with the baby.
“He is isn’t he? Shame, I carried him around for 9 whole months just for him to look like Joe.” Kristine said jokingly.
“That’s plenty from the pair of you.” Joe said.
“Am I alright to hold him?” Sav asked.
“Of course.”
The second Joe handed his son over to Sav, you were at the breaking point.
“Bless his heart, he’s just so adorable, isn’t he Y/N?” Sav said while keeping his finger shaking with baby’s little hand.
“Definitely, good on you both!” You said to Joe and Kristine.
“Do you want to hold him Y/N?” Kristine asked.
“I’ve not really held a baby, I’m afraid i’ll hurt him.” You told her.
“Don’t worry, I’ll show you.” She proceeded to fold her arms into place and get you to copy her.
“See, you’ve smashed it!”
Sav gently laid him into your arms and suddenly, you felt fine. It felt natural. The second you looked down at the baby, you were past the breaking point, you were so far past it.
In a similar fashion to the way he grabbed Sav’s finger, he reached up for your hair and lightly took a hold of it, almost like he was exploring the feel of it.
“Motherhood looks good on you.” Kristine said to you smiling.
“Don’t give her any ideas now.” Sav said jokingly.
After your few hours with baby Elliott, you and Sav headed back home to continue your lounging until you went to bed. But the whole drive home the thought of having a baby was eating away at you. It’s not like it’s not possible to have one.
You got back to the house and got yourselves comfy on the couch again. While you were partially listening to the TV in the background, you couldn’t get the image of Sav with a baby out of your head. You could feel him nudging your leg with his foot.
“What’s on your mind, love?” He asked, tilting his head to the side a little.
“Ah nothing.” you smiled back at him.
“I know your lying, what’s up?” He moved closer to you.
“Was just thinking about, you know, having a baby.” you said facing your feet.
“It’s not.. impossible.” Sav said taking your hand.
You took another look at him and before you knew it he had you lifted up and was carrying you up to your room. 
He lay you gently on the bed and starting undressing himself.
“Let’s get you a baby then, love.”
You started lifting your own shirt up and unclipping your bra as Sav pulled your leggings off.
“There we go lovey. Gonna get you fucked good yeah? Give my girl a baby.” God he was perfect.
“Please Savvy, fill me up.”
“Ah ah, what’s my name darling?” He said while giving you a light slap to your thigh.
“Good girl.”
He pulled his boxers down and got himself positioned above you. He leaned down to give you a passionate kiss before moving his hand down your body towards your cunt. He started rubbing at your clit and kissing along your jaw. His fingers were ghosting over your hole, teasing you.
“Fuck, Sav please.”
Another slap to the thigh.
“I’m sorry, daddy.” You whimpered.
“Good girl, what do you want my love?” He said, going back to your pussy.
“Fuck, please daddy, fill me.” You begged.
Sav finally gave in and sliped a finger into your cunt.
“Fuck, yes.”
He was working his finger in and out of you at near lightspeed, seemingly desperate to get you ready for his dick.
“How’s that love? You like that?" He said, kissing and nipping down your chest, you were certain he was leaving some hickeys with how hard he was nipping you.
"Feels so good! Please daddy, fuck me, fill me up, get me pregnant please!”
“God you’re such a good girl for daddy aren’t you? Spread those legs wider for me babe.” He said while taking his hand away from you cunt and moving it to his own cock, wanking himself off over the sight of you.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N.” He seemed to slip out of his dominant persona for a second as he looked down at you.
“Thank you daddy.”
“C’mere beautiful.” He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to him. He started reaching out for a condom, you had to reach out and grab his arm to stop him.
“Oh right, yeah.”
He moved his arm back to your hip and with the other he positioned himself. He slid his cock up and down your wet cunt, preparing to slide into you finally.
“Ready love?” He asked you. All you could do was nod. He finally pushed himself into you and held still for a second.
“Fuck me daddy, I’m ready please!”
“God you’re desprate aren’t you love? Beg me to fuck you.”
“Please daddy, fuck me. Fuck me hard please, wanna have your baby!”
That’s all it took for him to start fucking into you. He kept one hand beside your head, the other playing with your tits. He was thrusting into you like a wild man, seemingly desperate to fill you with his cum. You wrapped your arms behind his neck pulling him down to you, leaving a trail of hickeys down his neck. You could feel his nails digging into you tits, most likely leaving marks and bruises. 
He moved his hand from your tits down to your leg to lift it up over his shoulder. The new postition making Sav hit that spot inside of you. You couldn’t help but moan out louder, dragging your nails down his back which just made him fuck you harder. You could feel yourself tightening on Sav’s dick, so close to the edge.
“Oh fuck, Sav, please. I’m so close!” 
“Yeah? Cum for daddy, that’s a good girl.” 
You were at the breaking point, and couldn’t hold yourself back. You came calling out for Sav, scraping your nails down his back, kissing him inbetween you moans. This all must’ve pushed him over the edge too as you could feel his thrusts falling out of rythym, then feeling him finish inside you. 
“There w go my love.” He said, gently pulling out of you and kissing you forehead while doing so. “Such a good girl.” 
You smiled up at him and watched him leave for a moment, away to get a towel to sort you both out. 
As he was in the cupboard looking for a towel, the phone went. 
“Did you do it?” Joe asked, Sav could hear his smile through the phone. 
“Do what?” Sav said.
“Fuck her?” 
“Joe, what?” 
“How stupid do you think I am? ‘I’m too old for another baby’ my arse!” He laughed. 
“Well, how do you know?”
“The look she gave you. I expect to be the favourite Uncle of this new child too, you hear me Savage?” 
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cherryblossomfic · 4 years
The Playboy
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SUMMARY: A whirlwind fling with a Playboy heiress turns quickly turns into a lifetime commitment full of plenty of twists and turns. Is Def Leppard’s ‘playboy’ ready to join Hef’s world?
WARNINGS: Plenty of NSFW scenes, cheating, multiple partners, unsafe sex, alcoholism, pregnancy and loss, marriages and divorces. 
❀∙∴∙①∙∴∙❀ ⎪❀∙∴∙②∙∴∙❀ ⎪❀∙∴∙③∙∴∙❀ ⎪❀∙∴∙④∙∴∙❀ ⎪
❀∙∴∙⑤∙∴∙❀ ⎪❀∙∴∙⑥∙∴∙❀ ⎪❀∙∴∙⑦∙∴∙❀ ⎢
“You’re sure it’s not too much?” the brown-eyed brunette looked at herself in the mirror of the public restroom.
“Would you stop worrying? You look hot,” her redheaded friend, Samantha, adjusted her skirt.
“Okay, Riley. Let’s close our eyes and imagine one of your Dad’s models,” her blonde-headed friend, Brenna, applied lipstick to her full, red lips.
“Ugh, okay. I look fine,” she laughed as the three young ladies walked out into the arena.
As they walked down the steps toward the stage, each placed their visitor pass around their necks. Riley took one last look at her best friends before stepping up to the security guard.
“Right here,” she flashed her laminate at him. He then looked over the other two ladies.  “Do you know if the band are meeting before or after the show?”
He pointed over his shoulder to a man standing next to a door. “Ask him.”
“Right,” she huffed before walking past him.
“Passes?” the man spoke with a British accent.
Again, Riley held her pass up. “Should we come back now, or after the show?”
“How did you get VIP passes?”
“The company I work for,” she answered. “So?”
“Probably now,” he stepped back to let them in.
There were people everywhere under the stage as they followed yet another man through the halls and doorways. Finally, they made it to the greenroom where a few other people had gathered.
“Wow, Riley. What brings you here?” a radio DJ asked.
“I can be a fan, can’t I Randy?”
“Well… sure. But couldn’t you just have the Dad…”
“No talk about my father tonight, please. I’m here to have fun.”
“I’m all for that!” a loud British voice belted from the doorway.
“Oh my Lord,” Brenna nearly fell over at the sight of him.
“Tell me about it,” Samantha fanned herself with her hand.
“Ladies, welcome,” the lead singer walked in and looked them over. “Joe Elliott.”
“Pleasure,” Riley shook his hand. “I’m Riley, these are Sammy and Brenna.”
“Lovely,” he flirted with them.
Soon, there were two other men in the room and they too had lovely accents.
“So where are you from?” Sav asked them.
“I was born in Chicago, but I live with my father here in LA,” Riley answered.
“Yeah, we all work for him,” Samantha offered.
“Really? What does he do?” Rick Allen asked.
“Photography,” Brenna answered as Riley smiled and looked away.
“We have arrived!”
The entire room looked toward the door as the two blond men stepped in. Riley’s heart nearly flipped as she gazed at the shorter of the two. He had on a pair of tight jeans and a yellow tank top that showed a nice tuft of chest hair over the top.
“Yo, Earth to Riley,” Samantha laughed as Brenna handed her a beer.
“Phil, c’mere,” Rick waved him over. “These are Riley, Sammy and… Brenna?”
“Very good,” Brenna nodded her head.
“Pleasure,” he shook each of their hands, but stopped when he noticed Riley. “Riley, is it?”
“Yes,” she smiled at him. “And you’re Phil I take it?”
“Yeah, Phil Collen. And the bloke with no tan over there’s me mate Steve.”
Samantha and Brenna looked at Rick and giggled at the fact that neither of them realized they were still shaking hands.
“All right lads, let’s get ready!” their manager called from the door.
“Well, got’a go. Will you be at the meet ‘n greet after the show?”
“Probably not,” Riley sighed. “I’ve got a really early day ahead of me tomorrow.”
“Oh… well then…” he cleared his throat. “Can I at least ‘ave your number? I’m just interested in seeing what you think about the show.”
“Uh, huh,” Brenna covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.
“Sure,” she pulled a piece of paper from her purse and quickly jotted down her number.
“Thanks, Riley,” he smiled at her. “Enjoy the show.”
“I’m sure she will,” Samantha mumbled as she and Brenna broke up in laughter.
After the show, the girls left the arena in the limo, Def Leppard tunes cranked up as loud as the speakers would handle. One by one, the driver dropped them off until he ended his route.
As Riley stepped out of the car, she stopped and smiled. “Thanks for putting up with us, Don. We had a great time tonight.”
“Any time, Miss Riley.”
“Goodnight,” she nodded before stepping up to the huge stone steps of the house.
As she walked in, she noticed a few women scurry past to see who it was. As usual, Riley only shook her head and sighed. She then walked down the hall to the huge movie room and looked in. “I’m home. Night, Daddy.”
“Did you have fun?” he looked up from his seat in the smack dab middle of four blondes.
“I did. Thanks for waiting up for me.”
“Any time, pumpkin,” he winked.
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Home Now
Phil Collen x Reader
This fic contains smut. Under 18s DNI
For @make-me-your-animal
Some days were destined to be bad. From the moment I opened my eyes I knew that today would be one of those days. Everything that could’ve gone wrong, went wrong, because of course, why wouldn’t it?
First of all I slept through my alarm, which meant I was going to be late for work. Then I forgot my bag and had to drive back home to get it, making me even later than I was already. Due to the hell that was that morning, my boss shouted at me in front of everyone, meaning that I got pitiful looks off of people I barely knew all day. 
The worst thing about that day however, was the fact that Phil would not be home when I got back. Being married to the guitarist of a world famous band was amazing, until they went on tour. Of course I wanted him to do what he loved and I would never stop him, but the idea of not being able to crawl into his arms after this trainwreck of a day was heart wrenching. 
When I finally got home, I threw my keys down onto the table and turned on all the lights as I walked through the empty house. I moved straight into the sitting room and threw myself down onto the couch. 
What I had failed to notice however was the fact that the house was not empty and there was another body sprawled across the couch. When I felt it I jumped up in surprise only to be met with the familiar laughter that was my husband’s.
“What the hell are you doing here and why are you sitting in the dark like some creep?” I exclaimed as I looked over at him, still laughing his head off.
“I thought you saw me when you turned the light on. I thought I would wait for you to acknowledge me first.” Phil responded as he got up from the couch and pulled me into his arms.
I didn’t hesitate to snuggle into him, craving his warmth. “You still didn’t answer my first question, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you still be on tour?” 
“Small break love, I thought I would come back and surprise you.”
“I missed you.” I mumbled into his chest. “Today was horrible.”
“I missed you too sweetheart.” Phil kept his arms around me for a while before I went to pull away. Phil lifted his head as I grabbed his hand and started to gently drag him. “Where are we going?” He questioned curiously.
I pulled Phil up the stairs and along the hall to our bedroom. I quickly reached for his shirt and he didn’t object, lifting his arms up to make it easier to remove the article of clothing. I threw the t-shirt across the room before running my hands down his chest and stomach before landing them on his hips and using his belt loops to pull him closer to me.
“Oh that's a dangerous move sweetheart.” He chuckled lowly as I bit my lip. Whilst being slightly cautious, Phil pushed me backwards towards our shared bed and then lowered me down before climbing on top and hovering over me. Pecking me on the lips as a starting point, he then traced his lips down my chin and neck, unbuttoning my work shirt as he kisses my chest and the tops of my breasts,
Phil trailed his lips down my stomach as his hands came around underneath me to unhook my bra. I moved it off of my body as Phil continued his journey down. When he reached the top of my trousers, he wasted no time at all in undoing them and pulling them down, taking my underwear with them. 
I pulled Phil back up towards me, planting another kiss on his lips, moving my hands down to his hips again and I tugged on the material that covered them.
“Bit unfair that I’m naked and you’re not.” I told him
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” Phil grinned as he took his trousers off, leaving him completely naked as well. Giving him another kiss, I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer.
“You ready love?”
“Please Phil.” I breathed. Phil took no time in entering me. I gasped as I felt the familiar stretch that he provided. He bottomed out straight away but gave me a minute to get used to his size again. 
“You alright?” Phil whispered in my ear, his voice slightly strained from where he was holding back.
“Yeah, you can move.” I told him.
Phil didn’t hesitate to start rocking his hips. It wasn’t like the usual sex we had.
Usually we had hot, fast sex that left us sweating and swearing, my screams loud enough to be heard by the neighbours. This was more passionate, two people who hadn’t seen each other in months, coming together and showing their love for one another.
This was just what I needed after the long day I had. Phil set the gentle pace and I tightened my grip with my legs. Moving my head slightly I captured my lips with his again, one of my hands on the back of his neck, the other hooked under his arm, keeping him close.
“Please Phil.” I moaned between kisses.
“Please what sweetheart? Use your words.”
“Faster, please.” I begged, groaning when he complied and started moving quicker. The hand that I had under his arm, left scratches down his back, causing his pace to pick up yet again. The passion was still there as the two of us shared breaths.
“Shit love.” Phil groaned as I deliberately clenched down on him. I felt myself get closer and closer to the edge as I heard his noises of pleasure. I clenched again to get the same reaction.
“Fuck Phil.” I moaned, followed by a high pitched squeal. Phil moved one of his hands down to my clit and gently rubbed as he started kissing my neck.
“C’mon darlin’, come with me.” He whispered in my ear before nibbling on my earlobe. All the sensations were too much as I felt myself tip over the edge. I felt him release at the same time as me, urging my own orgasm on. 
When we both came down from our high, Phil slowly pulled out causing me to wince before rolling off of me. 
“Let me go grab you a cloth love.” He whispered as he got off of the bed and went through to the bathroom. He didn’t take long before returning and climbed back on the bed. Opening my legs slightly, Phil cleaned me up carefully before tossing the cloth over in the corner to be put in the wash later.
I clung onto him as he settled beside me and pulled the covers up over the pair of us. 
“I hope that made your day a little better?” Phil asked with a cheeky grin.
“That made my day a lot better thank you.” I smiled back, snuggling into his side.
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wasted-my-time · 2 years
A vampire Phil one shot inspired by @make-me-your-animal
Warning: Swearing (just a bit), smut (a little bit more) and well... There will be blood (not that much)
Why do I always arrive at the club after the end of the gig? The music is now coming out of regular speakers instead of amps and the stage is empty.
-Seems like I missed another one... I mumble to myself.
It doesn't matter, reason one: Today was pay day (in cash) and reason two: I don't work tomorrow.
I sit at the bar and decide to start lightly, a beer will do. For now.
A bloke with quite a bit of makeup sits on the stool next to mine and orders a Bloody Mary.
-You just got here, didn't you? He asks and turns his head to look at me without even touching his glass.
-Yes, how did you know?
-We didn't see you during the show.
-Me and my mates, we were playing tonight.
-Oh, I guess you have a nice view on the whole place from up there.
-It wasn't that nice, since you weren't there... He smiles. By the way, my name is Philip.
Oh my God, cheesy pick up lines, really?
-Lewis, when you'll be done trying to chat up this poor girl, could you bring me my drink, maybe? Another guy taps his shoulder and picks the glass off the counter top.
Lewis shoots a side look at the man, then leaves us with an amused smile.
-Sorry about him, he's used to women throwing themselves at him. He jokes and sits on the stool.
-It's alright.
Lewis did look kind of nice, but there's something purely magnetic about this one, be it the fine, delicate features, the pointed nose or the blood red lipstick.
I catch him staring at me staring at him and we make eye contact. Slowly, I feel my brain slipping away, as if hypnotized by the metallic blue eyes, without even realizing it, I stand up and take a step towards him. But he breaks the charm and looks down to take a sip of his drink, a satisfied half smile raising on his lips.
I sit back, unsure of what just happened.
-So, what's your name? He asks.
-Jean. And you?
-Philip. Yes, another one! He chuckles, then quickly closes his mouth, as to hide something.
But he wasn't fast enough, he has fangs, I saw them, what the fuck?!
-I guess you want some explanations. He responds to my horrified face.
-What's the deal? You're some weirdo pretending to be a vampire?!
-No, I can tell you that it's all very real.
-Prove it. I scoff.
-Well, a few minutes ago, you were pretty much under hypnosis.
-No! It's just... Just that... Right, maybe. I admit. Apart from that?
He opens his mouth and grabs one of the way too sharp teeth to try to pull it, but it stays in place, proving that they are not fakes.
-So, are you convinced?
-... Yeah.
I should probably be running by now, but for some reason, I find it kind of hot.
-What were your plans for me tonight?
-Mmmh... Buy you a drink, take you dancing. Maybe sleep with you, if you're interested.
He doesn't beat around the bush, I like it.
-No blood drinking? I pout and tilt my head,. almost offering my neck.
-Maybe later. Now let's dance, love!
A couple of dances (and drinks) later, a slow comes up and we end up swaying around, my arms wrapped around his shoulders while his right hand gently strokes the back of my neck and his left one lies on my waist.
At the end of the song, I decide it's time to make a move and reach for his mouth, grasping the back of his head with both of my hands. He lets me do and our lips meet in the sensation of wet tongues and smudged lipstick.
-Man, didn't your mum teach you not to play with your food? The other Phil comes passing by, interrupting our kiss.
-She sure told me to stay out of other people's business! He shouts back, causing his friend to burst in laughter.
-I don't mind playing, but I would rather discuss how I'll become food. I tell him and plant another kiss on the corner of his mouth.
-You're not food, but this is not the place to talk about it, let's go out.
The cool air of the night hits me in the face as we pass the door, but he doesn't seem to feel it. Unfortunately, there seems to be as much people in the street as there was inside, so we go in the small backstreet at the corner of the building.
At the end of the alley we find a bunch of milk crates by the brick wall of some restaurant and we pile them up to sit (un)comfortably.
-Are you scared? He asks.
-Yes, but a good kind of scared. If that makes sense.
-Almost. But, I was wondering, is it going to hurt?
-No, when it's done properly, it's rather pleasant.
-What do you mean "Done properly"?
-The comparison may be awful, but it's a bit like sex. You don't do it without asking first and you do your best so that the other person likes it. Forget it, that sounds terrible. He chuckles, and shakes his head, laughing of his own words.
-No, I think it gets the point across. But how would you do your best?
I'm past the point of intrigued questioning, I'm at teasing, and I think he knows.
He takes my hand in his and lets a wide grin split his face in two.
-First, I would take you to your place, because I doubt you would like to do that at mine, given the fact that I live with my mum.
-Then I would take my time making love to you. He is now whispering so close from my ear that I can almost feel his lips moving. And only after that, I would bite you.
-There? I moan, taking his hand to my neck.
-No, people would see the mark. Somewhere more... Intimate, where no one would ever see it. A place with soft skin and warm flesh. He whispers and lower his hand to caress my breasts, then trails down to my tigh.
-This sounds like a great idea to me. I answer before he kisses me and I bite softly at his bottom lip.
We both lean against my dresser and Phil takes off my shirt as I battle against the buttons of his blouse.
-Don't bother with those, I'll wear it wide open if they break. He stops, and smiles, slightly amused by my struggle.
I do as told and pull both sides of the clothing apart, a few buttons falling apart as it lays on the ground between us and my bed.
As if it was all he was waiting for, he snaps my bra off and pushes me on the bed, before marking yet another pause, looking at me like I was some art masterpiece.
-It's rude to stare. I tease him, taking my arms off my chest to reveal my tits.
-Then don't be so pleasant to stare at. He groans and climbs on top of me, working my skirt open and discarding it on the floor.
I may or may not have decided to wear lace panties tonight.
-You dirty, dirty, little girl, you wanted to take someone home, uh? His voice going low with lust when he pulls them down.
He starts to trail kisses all the way down my body, starting from the neck, then teasing my left nipple with his tongue, only to end on my inner thigh.
He stops and only at that moment, he seems to notice my core, exposed between my parted legs. A devilish grin rises on his lips as he lowers his head to start to kiss and lick exactly on the right spot...
Wait, what is he going to do down there? I think as I suddenly pull myself away from him, staring with wide eyes at his surprised face.
-Oh love don't worry, I would never do that! Not, there, not like this. He pleads, having already guessed what scared me. I just thought you would like it. I'm sorry.
-I understand, but I'd rather not. Okay?
He nods with a relieved smile and crawls back on top of me and our lips meet again, our tongues intertwined and my hands opening his trousers, which he promptly pulls down along with his boxers.
-Wait, I have condoms in there. I stop him to turn on my side and open my nightstand's drawer.
-I can't get you pregnant or sick, so I don't think it we'll need it.
-Good, 'cause I just saw the box was empty.
I turn again to lay on my back and pull him to me with my legs now crossed around his back. He pushes in and kisses me at the same time, my moan muffled by his lips. Each of his thrusts are so deep, but so slow it's driving me crazy.
-Come on, just a bit faster, please! I beg.
-I did say I was gonna' take my time. And I've got eternity, so you won't see me hurry up.
-Cheeky bastard, I'll make sure we both go mad over this.
-Yeah, how?
I start to play with the muscles of my lower stomach, repetitively squeezing and letting go, not giving him any break.
-Okay, you were right. He whispers between two hushed moans.
All of a sudden, he pulls out and I let out a small whine of disappointment.
-What are you doing? I ask.
-You'll see, I'm good with my hands. He winks.
He starts to massage my clit with his left index finger, the skin is pretty rough because of guitar playing, but I don't mind, he was right, he is good.
His right hand pushes my left leg further away and he lowers himself, then laying kiss after kiss on my thigh.
I feel heat building up in my guts, it won't last much longer, maybe he could get what he cane for.
-Phil, do it, bite me. I moan and push his head against my skin.
-You're sure?
-Yes, I'm telling you, please!
I find the force to open my eyes, I want to see him. At first it just looks like another kiss, but he opens his mouth wider and I see his fangs penetrating my skin. Where I thought there would be pain, all I find is pleasure, quite similar to the one his finger is giving me. The same kind heat radiates from my guts and the wound and it's just too much. My back arches as spasms shake my stomach and, oddly enough, my left leg.
I want to yell his name, beg him to never stop, but all that comes out of my mouth is a long, hoarse scream of delight. I think I'm having two orgasms at a time.
Shortly after, he licks the wound for a last time and pulls away from me, panting just as much as I do, looking just as satisfied.
He crawls up to me and rests his head on my shoulder, wiping away a drop of blood that ran down his chin.
-And? He gasps. How bad was it?
-Pretty good actually. You were correct when you compared it to sex.
-Great to hear it. Can I sleep here? I mean tomorrow, during the day. Because of the sun and everything...
-Anything you want.
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wasted-my-time · 1 year
By the fireplace
@make-me-your-animal I said it would be a quick one!
California is supposed to be sunny all the time, isn't it? So tell me why did the sun have to go on a strike on the very first day of my holiday! Or my last day of work, it depends on how you see it...
I get home, drenched because of the rain and sigh as I kick of my shoes in a wet suction sound. Yuck!
-So it wasn't that good of a day, innit? I hear Phil asking from the kitchen.
-Do you have other understatements?
-Maybe this will help. He comed up to me with what seems to be twk cocktails, which is... Surprising, to say the least.
-Made with alcohol-free gin that Sav recommended me. He explains in response to my puzzled face.
-Oh, fine then! But I'm gonna' change first. I answer and point at my soggy clothes.
-Sure, I'll wait for you in the living room!
Of course, when I return to join him, this time in the comforting dryness of a pair of sweatpants and one of his old T-shirts, he's got his guitar with him and is sitting on the edge of the brick fireplace.
-How cheesy is this going to get?
-Not that much actually, since I've been working on songs here for the whole day.
-And I thought it was all for me. I pout and sit on the couch to take a sip of my drink, which was waiting for me on the coffee table. You know what, Sav's a liar, this thing can't be fake. I joke.
-Yeah, that's what I thought too at first!
-So, show me that thing you've bee writing.
-I thought you'd never ask! Ok, so here's one I think you'll like, Joe has lyrics, he called it All We Need, but I only have the intro so far and it's not done and I'll probably change it and...
-Stop! Play it, then you can beat it up.
-Yeah, sure...
He starts this little jangly thing, reminding of a carillion in the wind. As he said it's just a short segment, but it is very nice.
-You were right when you said I would like it! But do you know what would make it better?
-No, tell me.
-I'll say it if you come here. I state the condition with a teasy smile.
-Alright. He accepts before resting his Telecaster on its stand and sitting just a foot away from me. What is it?
-No, closer. I insist and put my glass back on the table.
He closes the gap between us, then puts an arm around me and rests his head on my shoulder, looking up at me with those ever so blue eyes that makes me melt inside.
-That's the missing thing. I finally say and plant a kiss on his lips.
-Now I think I have another song idea... He whispers after I let go of his mouth.
-Tomorrow. Right now, you're finding inspiration and nothing else, is that clear?
-Yes ma'am. He smiles and lay me down on the couch for another, much longer kiss.
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wasted-my-time · 1 year
Passing Cloud
A Phil Collen series
Chapter 1: My brother's friend.
Special thanks to @genxrocker for title advice (I ended picking a Girl song) and to @make-me-your-animal for his enthusiasm.
Warnings: None, they don't even swear!
May 1980
"London, here I come" I think as the plane landed at the Heathrow airport, the first destination of what I hope will be many trips around the world.
I gather my luggages and walk out to find him, the main reason of my choice over which city I would start with: Paul, my twin brother. I didn't see him for two years and couldn't help but drop everything on the pavement and hud him tightly.
-Damn it's good to see you again, Hugo. He says once we parted.
-Tu peux me parler Français, tu sais¹. I inform him jokingly.
You can speak French to me, you know.
-When in Rome, do as the Romans do! So, how are you?
I chuckle at his proverbial manners, but choose to ignore it.
-Bien, à part que j'ai l'impression qu'il est sept heures du matin le lendemain d'un chiffre de nuit. Toi?
Good, except that I feel like it's seven in the morning after a night shift. You?
-I'm good. So, we put your stuff in the car and we go to my place?
-Ouais, j'suppose.
Yeah, I guess.
On the car, we both try to sum up the last two years: During the day Paul fixes guitars in a music shop and at night he works for a local band called Girl, as for me, I worked various jobs and decided that I should get out of Canada and see the world, you know the rest.
We just had time to walk through the door of his apartment when his telephone rang. Since the call was quite unlikely to be for me, I left Paul answer and listen to his half of the conversation.
-Hello? Oh, hi Phil!
-Going out tonight? Well, my brother just arrived from Montreal so I don't think so.
-One second, I'm asking him.
-Tu voudrais-tu venir?
Wanna' come along?
Oh, he's finally switching to French, it was about time!
-Pourquoi pas!
Why not!
-He said yes. He confirms to his friend.
-Yeah, nine o' clock, that's good!
-So, what do you think of London so far? Phil asks as our eyes meet in the rearview mirror of his car.
Nice eyes on that guy...
-Well I haven't seen much yet, I slept all day long because of the night flight and everything.
-Good, so you'll be able to stay up all night!
-So, where are we going? My twin asks.
-Well... The Monkberry's is open, so...
-Oh come on, you just want to see if Liz wanna' come back with you! Let her go for God's sake...
So he's into girls, just my luck.
-Maybe you're right, but it's worth trying, and that bar is a nice place.
-Sorry, but I'm not bringing my brother in a gay bar.
-Why not? His friends tries to argue.
Yeah, why not bring your gay brother in a gay bar? I think to myself.
-I don't know, it's... Odd.
-You're so shallow... Phil sighs then resorts himself to picking another place. Since it's the gentleman's first night in town, it has to be special: Let's go to the Marquee!
-Who's playing the gig?
-No idea, but it can't be so bad.
Apparently, it can indeed be so bad. The poor kids really are trying but it's clearly not working. And the crowd isn't any kind of helpful, barely applauding, but yawning in abundance. Truly exasperating, they are... I walk out the door and rest my back against the brick wall, my skin slightly tickled by the cooler air of the night.
-They ain't that good, uh? My brother's friend asks as he joins me.
-Let's say there's plenty of room for amelioration... I answer with an amused smile. You should've chosen something better for a first impression!
-Would it make up for it of I showed you the city tomorrow?
-Sure, if you don't mind...
-Good! And I've got a show tomorrow night, so I'll rectify whatever is going on inside... They're giving a bad image of the city.
-Thanks, and do...
-Guys, we're leaving this place, Phil, you'll be happy, we're going to Monkberry's. My brother interrupts me as he walks out the door and passes us by without even looking at us.
-What's got to him? I ask.
-I think he thinks I'm chatting you up and that if we go to the Monkberry's, I'll be after Liz and I'll leave you alone.
So maybe he's into both. Maybe it is actually a luck.
-And is it true that you're chatting me up? I ask in a rather puzzled tone.
-It wasn't my intention but I can if you want me to. He answers with an half smile that I can only call flirty.
-Ha ha! No, I'm just kidding! Don't worry. I'll help you get yourself a nice girl when we'll be at the other bar! He bursts in laughter at my even more puzzled face. Now we better go or Paul will complain about us taking too much time. He adds and pats me on the shoulder as he leaves his spot against the wall.
The italic under the French sentences is the translation, it just made sense to me that these two would speak French together. I will try to find a better way to integrate the translations.
Disclaimer: You've guessed it ladies and gentlemen, it is a story about two men! I know it is not accurate according to what we know of Phil's orientation, but if you're not happy with that, just don't read it!
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Opening up requests for any member of Def Leppard x Reader. Just send me an ask and I’ll try and get it done as soon as possible 💖💖
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appetite4savage · 1 year
Yours for the Weekend (Phil Collen)
Loosely inspired by The Weekend by SZA
Request from: @wasted-my-time for a Phil one shot ❤️
I knew about his reputation before we started this. Do you think that stopped me? Absolutely not.
“Fuck!” I yelped as he found it in his best interest to test the depths of my insides.
“That’s exactly what I like to hear.” He smirked before lowering his head to whisper in my ear. “It means I’m doing something right.” I shivered at the sudden raspy, deep tone.
I know I’m not his only girl. He just sees me a couple days out of the week.
But I know I’m his favorite.
I make him lose his mind every weekend.
He likes to take control - but he likes it when I do too. I smirk before flipping us over.
“Easy, cowgirl.” He says between breaths, resting his hands on my hips as I rocked back and forth.
I watch with satisfaction as his eyes roll to the back of his head in pleasure. I could look at this sight in front of me every day. Just knowing that I’m able to make him do that, it’s an amazing feeling.
“Pick up the pace?” I ask, and he just hums in response.
Before I knew it, he released a low, gutteral growl signifying his release.
I sigh as I fill up with his warmth. The feeling in my belly leaving me full.
I kiss his forehead before pulling off of him, collapsing onto the bundled up covers.
“Stay the night?”
I was a bit shocked he asked this, knowing one of his other prospects usually shows up the next morning. Just means I was doing what I intended to.
“Of course.”
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make-me-your-animal · 2 years
Sirens and Leppards
Part 1: opening night
"I think I'm gonna puke" Harper stated as the girls finished getting ready in the small dressingroom.
"Please for the love of god Harp do not" Bex hissed fluffing up her brunette hair and checking out her make up.
Rebel handed her counterpart her guitar giving her a soft reasuring smile. "What Bex ment to say is there's no reason to be nervous."
"No reason to be nervous?" Harper laughed humorlessly as she checked to make sure her guitar was in tune for the hundredth time that night. "We opening for def fucking leppard. This is like a wet dream come true. I mean they were half the reason we started this fuck show... my God do you think they'll watch our set?"
"Tenner says she'll pass out if she sees Joe" Gemma snickered adjusting her tits in the leather bralette. "Or suck his dick"
The guitarist turned the same color as her fiery hair and she opened her mouth to speak but Bex interupted her. "She will do no such thing"
"Ah yes your stupid rules"
"They aren't stupid Gemma" Bex insisted.
Before anybody else could argue anything diffrent there was a knock on the door. "Lets go ladies" their manager chris' voice rang out. The girls looked at each other for a final time before standing up.
They walked down the hall slowly. Each one by one taken to another location. When a tech handed Gemma her bass she turned to Amaya her bestfriend and the drummer of the band a final time. "Ready for this mate?"
"Are we ever ready?" The shy drummer grinned slightly.
"Nah, See you on the otherside"
Nobody ever really paid attention to the opener.  But the band played hard and some of the die hard rockers seemed to be enjoying themselves.
Everything was a whirlwind of lights and sounds. It was always an adrenaline rush being on stage. The crowd screaming as the girls finished the 4th song in their set. The leadsinger moved to the egde of the stage smiling down at the crowd from beneath the curtains of her teased up brunette hair.
"Is everyone having a good time tonight?" She asked into the mic earning a deafening roar from the crowd. "I know we're having a good time. Let me take this moment and introduce you to the band. For anyone who hasn't figured it out yet we are the Sirens. To my left over here on guitar we got Harper reign." She gracefully gestured to the short redhead who took a quick bow. "On my right we have Gemma bell on bass guitar and rebel star also on guitar" the tall lanky blonde and curvy ravenette waved to the crowd.
"Back there hiding behind the set is our lovely amaya storm"  amaya stood up  blowing a kiss before flipping her wild blonde hair and sitting back on her stool.
Gemma strolled up to the front of the stage stooping slightly too speak into the mic. With the 7 inch platforms she wore she was atleast 6'9. "And last but certainly not least the voice of the siren herself Ms. Bex fox."
When the finished the last song and took their bows condom balloons and a few stray roses littered the stage. They darted off stage.
"Hold on ladies" joe elliott stated. He stood at the bottom of the stairs leading off stage. He was poking one of the stray inflated condoms with the toe of his boot before kicking it away . "Take a look out there again. Remember this moment" 5 faces turned back to the stage there was a few cheers and whistles still sounded out. They continued to watch as the curtain rose to block the stage and techs could start swapping equipment "This is your guys first big tour right? Finally out of the clubs and out in the world. Can only go up from here right?"
Gemma scuffed decending the stairs carefully. Joe had to look up at her even when they her on level ground.  "No it could go down hill real fast" handing her bass off too a tech.
Harper bolted down the stairs and  hugged Joe unphased by gemmas words. Her head barely coming up to his biecepes. He chuckled petting her hair for a second before pulling away. "Now go get cleaned up. We are taking you ladies out for drinks after the gig. Our treat"
Gemma had to bend down to kissed Joe on the cheek  but he had to bend down to recieve pecks from the others. Bex just rolled her eyes when Joe look at her. "You'd have to pay me to lay my lips on you mate" she scowled before walking off.
Harper gave him a shy grin. "Shes not as bad as she seems I promise she's just very.... Bex"
" 's alright now go shower"
"Trying to tell us we stink?" Rebel teased.
"Nobody could put that much work into a set and not" He said shooing them away.
"Joe looked pretty chuffed" Gemma stated stripping off her leather top. It stuck to her skin making it hard to pull off. Then when  she thought she was free It caught up on all her jewelery making it impossible to pull off.
"With what our proformance or harper hanging on him" Amaya stated helping the tall blonde untangle herself.
"Would you two stop" Harper blushed.
"Come on harp you know we do it out of love" Gemma snickered finally free of her prison of chains and leather. She slowly peeled off her jeans leaving her in nothing but black lace panties as she headed for the showers. The other two followed her. Bex and rebel were already Showering.
"Yeah and what about phil" Harper snapped the grin on her face letting them know it was all for show. "You and him seemed to get pretty close during sound check"
Gemma shrugged. " He's a nice bloke. We kinda bonded over being vegetarian."
"And willing to flirt with a brick wall" Bex called from the other side of the showers. Gemma just flipped her the bird.
"Joes nice too. I think hes kinda charming" Harper stepped under the spray of water.
"Yeah if you like cavemen I supose" Gemma snickered everyone watched Bex tense up. She wasn't happy about all this talk about the headliners.
"You know what's nice about Showering in the venue?" Amaya stated lathering her hair in soap trying desperately to change the subject before Bex exploded.
"Horrible water pressure?" Rebel asked. Her thick dark hair had a horrible tendency to hold soap in it forever.
"We don't have to worry about our hair clogging the drains"
All the girls shuttered in unison at the idea of the matted hair and soap scum they had to pull out of the shower drain in their one bathroom apartment they shared just to take a shower But the tension was gone.
After Showering the girls all went about blowdrying their hair and putting on decent outfits. Then it was a game of sit and wait. Rebel even fell asleep for a couple minutes waiting for the guys.
Chris joined them after awhile handing out their room keys for the evening and congratulated them on a show well done. Gemma pocketed her and amayas key listening as the man rambled on about how proud he was of them. He was a great Manger but he was alittle more emotional then the average. Finally he left telling the girls his room number and to Just knock if they needed anything.
It was late when def leppard came off stage. Even later when they finished Showering and changing. But as promised all 5 of them showed up to the girls dressing room. Escorting them to the loading docks where they would beable to sneak out with out the crowds noticing.
Walking of course wasn't an option do to the amount of people swarming the area.  So the bands were loaded into 3 diffrent black suvs.  Gemma, Amaya, phil and steve in one. Both Rick's Bex and rebel in another. As per Gemmas suggestion leaving Joe and Harper alone in the final vichele. Bex complained about it but rebel pulled her away. Ensuring that nothing would happen in the 10 minute drive.
Phil and Gemma shared the back of the suv while Steve and Amaya rode in the front.
"Alright spill" phil stated the second the door was shut.
"Spill what?"
"Why were you so insistent that Joe and Harper share a vichele?"
"Because Harper has a thing for Joe" Gemma said. 
his whole face lite  up with child like joy. "Really?"
"Yes really so me and Amaya are trying to kinda Nudge them together a bit"
"That's brilliant" Steve grinned pulling a cigarette out and popping it in his mouth. He patted around his jacket  before sighing. "Anyone got a light?"
Amaya handed him the zippo she carried in her purse. Steve thanked her with a soft smile.
"Bex will absolutely throw a fit about it" Amaya stated.
"Only if Joe sleeps with her" Gemma corrected.
"It's Joe. He'll atleast try to shag her" Steve grinned cracking the window and breathing the smoke out.
"You guys have a vow of chastity or something?" Phil asked resting his arm on the back of the seat. He eyed her curiously.
"Pretty much" Gemma sighed batting her eyes at phil.
"Shes being dramatic. We all decided it would be best to avoid sleeping with... well you lot" blush apeared on amayas face again as she avoided eye contact with everyone. Poor thing was always shy around people she didn't know very well. The second she was alone with her bandmates it was a completely diffrent story.
"Fuck that we stuff I had no say in this shit" Gemma stated.
"So you wouldn't be apposed to sleeping with one of us?" Phil grinned his hand brushing against the smooth material of her jacket. 
Gemma just batted her eyes at him.
Amaya coughed awkwardly. "If you two are going to shag please don't do it here"
"And break Bexs rule?" Gemma gave her best 'who me' eyes. "I would never"
"Yes you would"
"She has a point" Gemma grinned turning her head to meet phils gaze. "I would"
"You would or your going too?" Phil raised an eyebrow holding her gaze.
"I guess that depends"
"Would you two cut it out!" Steve and Amaya cried at the same time.
Harper sat silently watching Joe out of the corner of her eye. He was watching her with the upmost curiosity. She wanted to say something but what. She had posters of this man on her wall since high n dry came out 6 years ago.
Def leppard as a whole had really inspired the girls to become serious about their music.   In the beginning the covered alot of their stuff.
"You ladies sounded great tonight" Joe said after awhile. Harper could kiss him just for breaking the awkward silence that surrounded them.
"Thanks" she smiled feeling more self conscious then normal.
"Are you alright luv?" He asked his green eyes narrowing. She seemed so bubbly and friendly earlier. Why was she acting so strange now?
"Oh yeah I'm just tired. It's kinda late."
Joe seemed content with that answer, turning towards the window and watching the traffic around them.
If you made it this far thank you -jasper
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After Love Bites ends I have a Joe Elliott x Reader angst-fluff with smut one shot nearly ready.
This is one shots only as I ma back at university and have assignments to do. 💖
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