phoboscomics · 8 months
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Surprise! I’m not dead! A new comic is coming! Maybe February?
It still needs cleaning up of the rough parts but it will be out soon. Then again, to quote Douglas Addams : “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.”
So what in store for february? A single comic? As you might’ve noticed, I’m quite slow at making these. A mixture of drawing inexperience, shame, endless corrections, rogue legacy 2 and nitpicking. Also, here’s a tip, don’t try and juggle a webcomic with a job search.
So, to avoid letting my tumblr die from famine, I’ll post something I usually keep in between friends. You see, steam next fest begins tomorrow and I love playing as many demos as I can and then write up mini reviews. So guess what, you’re gonna get mini reviews for christmas february as well!
I’ll see you all in a couple of weeks then, first with the reviews for the steam next fest round-up, then for the next big Phobos comic! (By the way, it will contained marked spoilers for “For a few dollars more” so watch it!)
Until then, have a graph detailing the diageses of the truman show. My treat.
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