#Photjanee is a GOOD mom!
respectthepetty · 1 year
My School President color question: Should we read into Tinn's dad also wearing blue in the last episode as a way to draw comparison between him and Gun?
BESTIE @bengiyo! BB! Ben-ha-mean! Bad Benny! Eggs Benny!
I'm happy you asked this question but slightly bothered you only asked about the dad instead of asking about the two bigger influences - the moms, so I'm flipping your ask and giving you
My School President - PTA Edition
I'll start with the biggest GunTinn shipper, Gim:
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She normally wore red and blue (the greenish colors are blue, I swear). However, she wore black each time her headaches occurred.
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And when she got the news about the potential tumor, she was wearing yellow, which yellow represents caution, anxiety, and sickness.
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I truly thought Gim was going to die since they had her in black and yellow in these pivotal scenes (which is why I'm terrified for my little Lamb Chop in Never Let Me Go), but she made it out alive! So let's transition to the next parent, Photjanee:
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A lot of people unnecessarily hated on Photjanee, when she was playing it nice and neutral. Not all parents can be shippers like Gim, but Photjanee wasn't actively trying to crush people's hopes AND she was actually in Gun's corner.
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Each time Tinn got closer to Gun, Photjanee's color did too. When Tinn asked to spend the night with the band in the school, when Tinn asked to go on the beach trip (peach because he didn't disclose it was with the band), when Photjanee planned to ask Tinn about Gun, and when Gun and Tinn danced at prom, Photjanee wore hues of (Gun's) red.
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Much like Gim, the only time Photjanee wore yellow is when she was anxious and cautious after the picture of Tinn and Gun kissing was released to the entire school.
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But she called her husband, and he helped her figure out what to do, which brings me to the last parent and your ask, Tinn's dad:
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Just like his wife, Tinn's dad (did he have a name?!) played it safe and neutral. Also like his wife, he wore the peach color when unknowingly helping Tinn get closer to Gun.
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So to your ask:
Should we read into Tinn's dad also wearing blue in the last episode as a way to draw comparison between him and Gun?
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Yes and no.
Blue is Tinn's color, so really, like Gun wearing blue, Tinn's dad is showing his alliance with his son. He's letting his son know that he accepts him and loves him. He helps alleviate tension at the dinner table, and even helps Tinn by getting Photjanee to agree to let Gun spend the night IN TINN'S ROOM!
Photjanee did this as well. Before we knew she was Tinn's mom, the very first time we see her in the very first episode, she wears blue.
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Because they love their son.
And Gun loves their son too.
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bengiyo · 5 months
Top 5 BL parent-child relationships?
I actually don't think we had a ton of parents this year, but some of them were good!
Gim and Gun in My School President
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When I tell you I ugly cried when they were singing Let Me Tell You at Hot Wave and I thought that might be the last thing she ever saw of her son: was him being brave on stage and doing what he loved even as he worried about her. I'm literally tearing up right now just thinking about it. She showed up as soon as her son and his friends were in trouble and intimidated people into letting them go. The last lesson she tried to teach her son was to cherish the people who love you. I love her so much.
Photjanee and Tinn's Father in My School President
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It takes a lot to recognize that you may have messed up with your kid, and even more to not interfere in their affairs when you're worried. She recognized that something she had done made her loving son not trust her with something important about himself, and she turned to her husband to figure that out. Then, when the crisis moment came and someone came for her son, she put herself right in front of the opposition and said "No, don't you ever touch my son ever again." She stood in the crowd and said, "Scream louder," for his first love. This dad always has his son's back, and will do the dad thing of nudging the stern mom to relent and let them have a little fun because he trusts his son.
Jim and Li Ming in Moonlight Chicken
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The hardest part about being an uncle who becomes a father is it's not something you planned. In Jim's case, he also lost his partner. Despite his poverty and his grief, Jim still gave Li Ming all of his best qualities. Li Ming is kind and thoughtful. He is righteous and stubborn. He values community. Nowhere else in this genre have we ever seen a father and son expressed like them. They are one of the most important things Aof has ever given us, and it doesn't surprise me that this is what we got out of his original work.
Shiro and His Parents in What Did You Eat Yesterday? 2
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When Shiro told his father that his friend borrowed the character from his name and so the child is named Goro like him. He went on to say that he always regretted that he couldn't give them grandkids, but feels like he's done right by them by passing on what he learned from them, you could see something finally click between all of them and give them peace. Shiro's parents have not handled his queerness gracefully, and I've loved the slow work between all of them to do better by each other. Coming out of the painful barrier they put between them and Kenji in the movie, I like how much of this season was Shiro's parents undoing that.
Ueda Koji in Our Dining Table
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This man lost his wife and now caring for a very young son with the help of his depressed adult son. No matter the grief he's carrying, he's continued to maintain his profession and provide for his sons. When he sees a kind stranger reignite his own son, he does everything he can to support that relationship, including physically throwing his own son out of the house to go reconcile. He gave Yutaka the kindest advice I've ever seen about going into love with your heart open and your mind clear, knowing that you will probably lose that love at some point. Incredible father figure of the year.
Ask Me Top 5 BL 2023 Anything
Wow, congratulations, anon. You are the first person to make me cry as I answered all of these questions.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Our Syy 2 x My School President
We are thankfully back with My School President this week, and can ignore all future conversations about last week’s episodes. We have folks switching roles this week, and I am absolutely here for it. Excited to see how they do this without using lots of extras. I have missed my boys.
Since we know that Golf and Au are probably friends, I’m excited to see Au in his 609 Bedtime Story era as we enter the Multiverse of Cuteness.
I’m kinda glad the characters have at least kept their names even if their roles in the story have swapped. This will make conversation easier.
Oh my it looks like we have some swaps in the band too! Sound and Win have switched. Yo and Pat have switched. Por and Tiwson have switched.
Principal!Lookwa!!! I am so here for this.
Fourth has absolutely lethal eye game.
@telomeke added context for the 250 parents and faculty selection of the school president. I like the way the show is using this as a plot contrivance to move the story along while also getting in some political commentary.
I love that his name is Winnie the Pooh.
The band is now Lion, and they roar at each other. Their jackets have tails. I am complete.
Satang always looks partially booted up. I want to see him fight.
They eat hot pot instead of BBQ pork!
Okay, I liked the new song! I’m so glad Gemini gets to sing this time!
I continue to love Photjanee. “I’m not kind as those moms in the series.” I love her. It’s interesting how her character remains in line with authority, but is not in a place to wield it this time.
Loving the meta-commentary about how the story should be going.
Ford’s English pronunciation is actually really good.
We’re doing the daydreaming bit at the kitchen table!!
We need to talk about that lip bite.
I was hoping Gun would message them as Chinzhilla. Au knows what the people want…. NAY… WHAT WE NEED.
Fourth and Ford are an underrated duo.
Putting on his helmet, my beloved. All of the motorbike and scooter tropes work on me every time.
Yes, good. Let’s reverse the Tiwson and Por “I want to eat you” moment as well. I’m going to need Ford in a bigger role, because this boy is serving FACE.
I’m enjoying how different some of the earlier scenes are playing out with the characters switched. Everyone still feels like their original character in different circumstances.
Even the ballroom dancing scenes are different! It feels right, though, because Gun always felt less assured than Tinn. Staring at each other as they dance with others feels like something these two would do from this angle.
Not Tiwsom walking in with the tux to dance with Por!
Nooo, the Let Me Tell You instrumental is going! I don’t want to cry at work!
The Sound and Win reversal is also a lot of fun.
I am obsessed with the chinzhilla headband.
I feel like Tinn is more aware of Gun’s crush than Gun was of Tinn’s.
TiwsonPor is real!!
This was so much fun! I like how they’re reframing key moments with the characters in different positions. I like that everything doesn’t happen exactly the same way. It shows a real understanding of the charactes
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bengiyo · 1 year
My School President Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
We're nearing the end and heading back to the beach.
Last week, we finally faced Hot Wave, but not before saddling Tinn with the responsibility of keeping a health scare away from Gun. Gun finally learned how much Tinn has done for him, and the two are finally looking at each other properly. I still tear up watching the video for Let Me Tell You when I think about the last thing Mrs. Gim might have seen was her son singing his heart out on stage.
I know I said last week that it didn't matter if they won at this point, but this shit hurted. I think about how much of a loser Gun feels like all the time, and he put so much hope into this competition.
Win and Gun haven't gotten into any universities.
Chinzhilla is not okay, and you can feel them tearing at the seams.
Oh, Gun, please talk to Tinn.
Wasn't exactly expecting Por to be the one trying to hold the band together, and it's so sad to see him crying alone.
I'm so relieved that Mrs. Gim is okay and seems like herself. She consistently asks the right things to Gun so he's receptive to more uplifting perspectives.
Oof, Fourth is so dehydrated in this hospital scene. Get some chapstick for my boy.
Tinn remains the best boy. He knows things aren't great for Chinzhilla and so arranges a performance before a friendly crowd, and he was trying to bring a gift for his boyfriend's mom.
I like the design of Tinn's family's home theater setup.
Baby Tinn photos!!
You know Tinn's parents have their shit together. They both have actual pajamas.
I get Photjanee. She can be worried about her son without being a villain. She worries that she wasn't a good mother. She worries that she can't help her son and that be won't forgive her. She cares that she was a good partner to her husband.
At least the show is doing some interesting character work with the band's loss. Win's breakdown is affective, and I like Sound just letting him get the feelings out.
Oh good. They're by the pool. Hopefully we get Gun back on his feet.
It's interesting seeing them okay in the past without Sound, because now it feels like he's missing.
I feel so much for Gun, because he's just a a guy, you know? We see him through Tinn's eyes a lot, but so many other things and people tell Gun that his best isn't enough.
Fourth is a good crier.
"I want to eat you." Listen, Mark Pakin, you have no idea how hard these folks ride on crumbs.
The greatest subversion of a trope ever is future winner of the 2023 NAMGOONG BEST BOY AWARD Tiwson not catching Por before he fell down those stairs.
That's right, Por. Get these boys back to the beach.
I just knew they were gonna cut off the question. I like Photjanee going to see Gun away from school. I like that she seems to be trying to understand Gun more now that she's aware of his importance to Tinn.
Look, y'all, I have never doubted Photjanee, and we're seeing it here. Whatever reservations she has, she's not inflicting them on Tinn. She didn't forbid the trip.
Gun's shirt says TOGETHER FOREVER in a heart shape.
Gosh I love Chinzhilla, but they do seem to always face unforseen troubles.
Did Phat just quote Sam from The Lord of the Rings??? I'm gonna McFuckinLoseIt.
I love playing You Got Ma Back as they make the trek together.
Things were getting tense. Oishii must save us. Everyone drink the BL Juice so we can make it up the mountain.
Gosh Chinzhilla is so dumb together sometimes. Tinn's reactions to them are golden.
A band is a little family, and only family can cut you this deep. And just like that, they also come back together. I just really want them to succeed together.
Of course Tinn went with Gun to get water for them while they rested.
I love these boys so much. Gun just didn't want to let his friends down.
I NEVER ONCE DOUBTED PHOTJANEE. This is how parents should work out their worries for their kids. We talked about this during 21 Days Theory, and here we are again. You talk with the other parent or caregiver, and you make sure that whatever your kid might face, you have their back.
Suddenly Tiwson. You just knew he was gonna show up. Ford Arun, you be careful with those eyes too!
"I want veggies." We know, Fourth.
Oh, Yak. You're such a weirdo, but you care. He remembers them as glowing. I love this show when they tried to sing their seniors home. Now they're singing themselves home. I need to lay down.
Oh my God. I said it felt like Sound was missing, and so they just put him in this song.
And now Tinn is here? Help
They let Tinn and Tiwson be part of the Chinzhilla tribute. I am HOLLERING through my TEARS.
Tinn for him a music box that plays the song he wrote for him. I can't take anymore! I surrender!
Noh Shinwoo would love Tinn.
I swear this show better not deny me like Mr. Unlucky or I will revolt.
Okay, Tinn, you're getting smoother.
I believe in Photjanee. This cliffhanger and preview cannot stop me.
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