PhotographerxFirst Officer
Joseph x Jose
“By death, we are seperated, but i hope that...
After a long but successful sea voyage, all members of Baden's fleet gathered under the cantin to hold a celebratory party. Drinking for a while, everyone is brave and drunk enough to ask what is on their mind now.
“Captain, i have a question. Do you have some kind of magic that makes our trip avoid all the storm?” This one is from Emma, the shining flower of the fleet.
“Only on this trip? Oh please, i have been on this ship for 2 years and haven’t been caught up in heavy rain even once, lady.” Kevin, the brave warrior but weak against women, interrupted.
The captain Jose answered with a dry laugh, “No, i am afraid i have nothing like that. I’m just an ordinary captain. With a little luck.”
“A little luck?!” His long-time friend and the oldest member of the ship, Demi speaks up, “What kind of thing are you high on? I don’t see you drink that much pal.”
“It’s over 5 years since i stepped on this ship, and you know what. I can count the number of rain we met with one hand. If you say this isn’t magic, then i don’t know what it is.”
“Alright alright. There is indeed magic, but not from me.” Getting called out like that Jose, without excuses, takes out the sun amulet on his necklace. “It’s from the God i worshipped.”
“WHAT?!?” The crews shout in unison.
“Since when you joined a religion?” Demi raises her eyebrows, also raises a question.
“6 years ago.”
“Isn’t it when the incident happened? The one that only you survived.” Demi remembers. Back then, when she heard the news of the sunk ship, she looked around everywhere and was glad to find Jose in the hospital losing an eye and a hand, but still alive. Better that than a corpse. What she didn’t understand is why he insisted on coming back to sea.
“Yeah, that one.”
“What happened that time, Jose?” Demi asks with worry in her voice.
Jose takes one look at everyone and sees the expecting eyes from his crews. He sighs “It’s late. I’m going to sleep. You all enjoy yourselves.” With that sentence, he leaves the cabin.
Everyone left looks at each other, more questions in their mind now, until Demi claps to catch their attention, “He will tell us once he is ready to tell us. Until then, nobody forces him. Am I clear?”
“Yes, madam!!!”
Next morning, Jose comes up to the deck alone with two glasses of rum. He puts one down and clicks his glass with it.
Looking down at the rum in his own glass, Jose mumbles, “That one is for you. Thank for keeping me safe this time too.”
“The sea is dangerous, i know it better than everyone else in this ship,” he looks up to the sky, no black clouds in sight, “but i can’t stop going to the sea. Can’t stop remembering you.”
Finishing the glass in one go, Jose notices that there is sunlight hitting his face. 
The sun also comes up now.
Jose watches the sun rising. “It’s really beautiful as you said. There is no place to watch the sunrise better than at sea. Hm, can’t agree with you more.”
“Hope that in death we will meet again, dear Joseph.”
...in death, we will meet again.”
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