#Phyto-C Skin Care
How Does Vitamin C Skincare Restore Elasticity and Erase Age?
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As we grow older, our skin loses elasticity. We can make improvements by eating a diet rich in nutrients, reducing or minimizing exposure to sunlight, and using vitamin C skin care products prudently. A lot of products with L-ascorbic acid or vitamin C are on the market, touting incremental benefits for your skin. You should read the ingredients list on the label and their percentage before deciding to order a serum, lotion, gel, or cream to take care of your mature skin needs.
Reduce Sunlight Exposure
Without elasticity, you cannot stretch your skin and regain its original shape. Losing skin elasticity is referred to as elastosis. If it is not treated, your skin will look leathery, crinkled, or saggy. The portions of the skin that are exposed to sunlight will suffer from elastosis. If you experience losing elasticity due to sun exposure, it is called actinic elastosis.
You can also lose skin elasticity because of poor nutrition, air pollution, and smoking. You need to make lifestyle changes and consume foods rich in L-ascorbic acid to regain lost skin elasticity. However, only a small amount of L-ascorbic acid is received through foods. Hence, it necessitates the inclusion of serums or creams that consist of L-ascorbic acid as one of the ingredients and have a concentration of between 7% and 20% in your daily skincare to regain elasticity and look younger and brighter.
According to board-certified dermatologists, E in C Advanced is the best serum with ingredients like vitamin E (5%), L-ascorbic acid (20%), zinc sulfate, anhydrous alcohol, water, and bioflavonoids to protect your skin from free radicals. It is the best vitamin C serum for skin available on the market for skin health enthusiasts like you.
L-ascorbic acid in this serum focuses on water-based aspects of your skin. Vitamin E works efficiently to neutralize harmful free radicals. So, the combination of these two ingredients helps to correct dark spots and erase aging signs such as fine lines and wrinkles. They also work together to create a thin barrier on your skin and provide extended protection. So, you will enjoy healthy and hydrated skin by regularly using this serum on your skin.
Regular application of this serum to your skin stimulates collagen production. It helps to reduce surgical scars as well. A higher concentration of L-ascorbic acid treats your dry skin. It also restores elastin in your skin.
Increased Collagen Is Necessary To Maintain Youthful Skin
Collagen is present in ligaments, fat, tendons, and other areas. It keeps different pieces in your body together and strengthens bone structure. When you have healthy collagen levels through regular use of serums rich in L-ascorbic acid and consuming foods rich in this important antioxidant, you will enjoy a youthful appearance.
Eliminates Wrinkles And Fine Lines Around The Eyes
Wrinkles and fine lines are common around your eyes because of depleted collagen levels. You can eliminate these aging signs around the eyes and look brighter and younger with blemish-free skin on the face with the help of Eye Firming Cream, the best vitamin C cream.
It is developed with potent ingredients like L-ascorbic acid (7%), Aloe Barbadensis Extract, Sorbitol, vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, green tea extract, etc. It targets the wrinkles and fine lines caused by stress and the reduction in collagen on your face. Regular use of this Eye Firming Cream is recommended in the morning and evening on clean skin to firm up sagging or loose skin. In addition, it corrects uneven skin tone and dull skin. You no longer need to bother about lifeless skin. It promotes new skin cells and helps you maintain brighter and younger-looking skin.
Hydrate Skin And Diminish Aging Signs
The naturally occurring sugar molecule, hyaluronic acid, helps you improve hydration and aids in getting a fuller and smoother appearance to your skin. It also prevents thinning of the skin and dryness. So, hydrated skin makes your wrinkles and fine lines less visible. It is the best ingredient to reduce aging signs on your skin. It improves the flexibility of your skin by enhancing its elasticity. In addition, it prevents acne-related issues by balancing the production of oil in your skin.
Looking For Natural Ways To Refine Skin Texture 
Serum Twenty is the best vitamin C serum for face to reduce aging signs, including fine lines and wrinkles on your facial skin. It also protects you against photoaging. L-ascorbic acid penetrates your skin and ensures essential antioxidant absorption to refine your skin texture. It also treats your lifeless skin and helps you maintain vibrant and young-looking skin.
Some of the best ingredients in this highly touted skin care serum are zinc sulfate, sodium hyaluronate, L-ascorbic acid (20%), and bioflavonoids. A recent study shows that regular use of this serum improves skin gloss, brightens skin, and reduces facial color spots. It enhances the smoothness of your skin by improving hydration.
It evened out the skin tone and treated lifeless or dull skin. It has also been shown to improve skin elasticity and collagen. Therefore, many users tout this as a miracle serum to reverse aging signs and rejuvenate dull skin. It is affordable.
Bioflavonoids, aka flavonoids, possess anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. The depigmentation and anti-inflammatory properties of this ingredient help you cure skin ailments. Antiaging properties help you fight aging skin and rejuvenate dull skin.
This ingredient in the serum promotes the absorption of L-ascorbic acid and stimulates the natural secretion of collagen. It also improves elastin and helps restore your skin to its original condition. You can also get this ingredient by consuming citrus fruits and foods. Zinc sulfate is the best ingredient for those suffering from irritated or sensitive skin. It also reduces rosacea.
Losing skin elasticity and collagen is common as you grow older. Aging signs and lost elasticity can be reversed through the use of proven vitamin C skin care products available at sites like Phyto-C Skin Care. It is also advised to consume plenty of fruits and exercise daily to maintain good health.
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myblogscmi · 10 months
Global Frankincense Extracts Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Demand for Natural
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The global Frankincense Extracts market is estimated to be valued at US$ 302.14 million in 2022 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.44% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. A) Market Overview: Frankincense extracts are derived from the resin of Boswellia trees and have been used for centuries for their medicinal and aromatic properties. The market for frankincense extracts is driven by the increasing demand for natural and organic products. Frankincense extracts are widely used in the pharmaceutical, personal care, and aromatherapy industries due to their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and fragrance properties. The rising consumer preference for natural ingredients and the growing awareness about the health benefits of frankincense extracts are fueling the market growth. B) Market Key Trends: One key trend in the Frankincense Extracts Market is the growing adoption of frankincense extracts in skincare products. Frankincense extracts possess anti-aging and skin rejuvenating properties, making them a popular ingredient in anti-aging creams, serums, and lotions. The extracts help in reducing wrinkles, improving skin elasticity, and promoting a youthful appearance. For instance, Edens Garden Inc., a key player in the market, offers a range of skincare products containing frankincense extracts that target various skin concerns. C) PEST Analysis: Political: The political stability of the countries where frankincense extract production takes place can impact the supply and pricing of the extracts. Economic: The economic growth of emerging markets can contribute to the increased demand for frankincense extracts. Social: The growing awareness about natural and organic products among consumers is driving the demand for frankincense extracts. Technological: Technological advancements in extraction methods and processing techniques are improving the efficiency and quality of frankincense extracts. D) Key Takeaways:
The global frankincense extracts market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 8.44% over the forecast period. This growth can be attributed to the increasing demand for natural and organic products. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the ingredients they use, and frankincense extracts provide a natural and effective solution in the pharmaceutical, personal care, and aromatherapy industries.
In terms of regional analysis, North America is currently the fastest-growing and dominating region in the market. The region has a well-established pharmaceutical and personal care industry, where the demand for natural ingredients is high. Moreover, the presence of key players such as De Monchy Aromatics Limited and AOS Products Private Limited in North America further contributes to the market growth in the region.
Key players operating in the global frankincense extracts market include De Monchy Aromatics Limited, AOS Products Private Limited, TriVita, Inc., Edens Garden Inc., Prime Natural Beauty, and Phyto Life Sciences P. Ltd. These players focus on product innovation, strategic partnerships, and expansion to enhance their market presence. For example, AOS Products Private Limited offers a wide range of frankincense extracts for various applications, including pharmaceuticals, personal care, and fragrance industries.
In conclusion, the global frankincense extracts market is witnessing high growth due to the increasing demand for natural and organic products. Skincare applications, political stability, economic growth in emerging markets, growing consumer awareness, and technological advancements are the key factors driving the market. With North America leading the market, key players are striving to innovate and expand their product offerings to meet the rising demand for frankincense extracts.
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robinsdayspa · 2 years
Personalized Skincare
A European facial is a thorough, deep cleansing treatment for the face and neck. Though it is generally referred to as an introductory facial, it should continue as part of your ongoing skin care routine. It is a monthly routine for both women and men whether you have dry, oily, combination, normal or sensitive skin, you can find a facial that is perfect for you. Facials give pores a much-needed deep cleanse, while putting nutrients and hydration back into the skin. The European facial begins with cleansing to remove makeup and impurities. This is followed by an exfoliation process that removes dead skin cells and generates skin cell turnover. Next, the pores are deeply cleaned with steam that is gently blown over the face. An extraction process for a deeper cleaning is the next step and is optional but if you are concerned about extractions on your sensitive skin, skip it, lay back, relax and prepare to look radiant. To further the client relaxation, a face, neck, and shoulder massage comes next. After the massage, a mask is applied perfectly suited for your skin and finally, a moisturizer with sunblock is applied. The European facial will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to greet the world with a healthy, glowing complexion.
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The Clear Skin Facial is gentle, clarifying and addresses oily, acne or sensitive skin types. It is a soothing experience with a cleansing probiotic cleanser, mask, serum, and a moisturizer. It is a calming and unclogs the pores and removes all impurities including black heads, whiteheads and pimples, that also detoxifies the skin for a clear complexion. Say goodbye to problem skin and hello to radiant glow! Cooling cucumber tones and revitalizes while nourishing yogurt works to exfoliate and refine so acne prone skin will glow with newfound confidence in no time. All products used from Eminence skincare.
A skin resurfacing procedure using a special blade to gently exfoliate the top layer of dead epidermal cells and fine vellus hair (peach fuzz). Prevents dead skin buildup and improves the appearance of acne scars. Add to any facial.
This facial gives hydrating nutrients to reveal a radiant, bright and luminous complexion. It reduces the visible appearance of age spots, dark spots, fine wrinkles and imperfections while moisturizing and nourishing your skin. The main goal of a Vitamin C Facial is to brighten, hydrate, soothe irritations, even out skin tone, repair any existing damage and prevent any future damage. The regular use of Vitamin C will leave your skin looking and feeling radiant. This is due to concentration of oleic and linoleic acids. All of these nutrients help support the skins natural collagen, improving the clarity and smoothness of your skin. Ideal for all skin types.
Stimulating gel treatment for oily, non-sensitive, dry, and fatigued skin types. To revive dull and to slow aging with natural phyto-hormones and vitamins found in lime. Invigorating nettle future oxygenates, and super active paprika stimulates to leave the skin smooth and beautiful. Complexion is revitalized, bright and blemished areas are improved.
The benefits of Detox Facial are smaller pores and it deeply cleanses the skin free of dirt, oil and impurities. It first draws bacteria, toxins, dirt, oil, and other micro-particles to the surface of the skin. It then absorbs those foreign substances and carries them away when you rinse the charcoal off your face.
The benefits of this facial is to prevent or reduce fine lines and wrinkles, lighten hyperpigmentation, and to tighten the skin. The collagen focuses on to increase circulation to all over the face, nourishing and replenishing to hydrate your skin which makes it be lifted and plump. Its great to slow to effects of premature aging
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paulshealthblog · 4 years
Hair Fall Control Natural Remedies
It's not simple to ask your self how to stop hair thinning? I could tell you with certainty which you can find thousands of people round the globe who are searching for a natural remedy that can help them get rid of the very most embarrassing problem. A problem that they could barely cope with!
First of all, let us discuss exactly what causes hair loss in men and why it's usually noticed at an earlier age. Generally, men have a greater demand for a certain type of vitamin B6, which is important for making new cells, due to their own hair and skin are made up of those cells.
Home Remedies Falling Hair
Now what I'm going to speak about is phytoestrogens. They are natural plant hormones, that's seen in such plants as soy and soybeans. Some studies also revealed that they are able to affect hair growth in men. But the fact is that this male hormone is from the human body naturally. And that is the reason why a lot of men still carry on to have normal hair growth.
You can find two different types of hair follicles in your body. One produces healthy hair, while the other person may be the one which is going to soon be affected by the presence of the phyto estrogens.
These phyto estrogens were discovered to be found in soy products when the study has been conducted on men. The outcomes showed that they did have a beneficial impact on the hair follicles in adult males.
Now, let's consider that young age is your prime time for having hair to grow back. That's as the hair roots are slowly growing, forming a part of the hair which is likely to be available for use for caring.
When we could control the rate at which your hair follicles are growing, then we'd have the ability to prevent them from getting affected by the phyto estrogens. Therefore there's a good probability that some of the men out there would be able to stop hair loss.
Men ought to start applying the proper amount of oil to their scalp every day, to find the advantages of what it has to offer you. Stop hair fall: It's an all natural means to boost healthy hairloss.
Supplements rich in good nutritional elements are best as they'll be more likely to be consumed by the body. You might also try having a daily multivitamin that includes these nutrients as well as vitamins A, B and C.
Therefore yes, it's a lot easier to get a lot of hair to grow back if you're still in a position to get yourself a healthy hair, and consuming enough nourishment. This is exactly the reason many people decide to have a multivitamin using those nutrients.
I trust you've learned some wonderful tools you may use to get you to the right track to start growing hair . You might realize that as soon as you get started taking it, then it actually helps you dispose of one's hair problem once and for everybody.
We've all heard the tales of men that have ceased their hair thinning ancient, however how exactly to prevent baldness, has it been possible for them? And will there be a way for people to reverse the damage and recover our own hair?
There are always a whole lot of diverse theories about the reason why a person's hair begins to fall out. Nowadays you will see there are a lot of products on the market that claim to be able to stop baldness, however they're not worth the risk.
Home Remedies For Hair Loss And Regrowth
The majority of people will not feel that a product will cause more harm than good and therefore they'll stick with a healthy amount of chemicals in their products. However, the chemical agents that have been in shampoo and conditioner can in fact cause baldness.
The majority of the time when a individual loses their hair they have been utilizing a product that includes a component called natural product. Natural product can be really a compound that has been used for a long time to treat alopecia and continues to be used now. Natural product is known to work by keeping the development of hair . And it's available in shampoos which most users may use without worry.
If a person wishes to stop hair thinning then they need to get past the fables about how to prevent hair loss. They need to stop using drugs that are dangerous, and so they need to avoid using compounds that cause more damage than good.
Unfortunately, plenty of the stuff on the industry now is perhaps not what you ought to be looking for when you're attempting to determine how to stop baldness. You see hair loss is not caused by the'bad genes' that it is caused by something that can not be changed. No matter how much of the substance available on the market which claims to deal with hair loss. This type of hair loss is genetically based and can't be treated with the chemicals in commercial products.
There are two matters you want to know about if you wish to put an end to hair thinning, and all these are what is from the business products and your own personal research. If you wish to be on the safe side then you ought to prevent shampoos and conditioners that comprise Natural product.
Home Remedies For Hair Fall And Regrowth
Shampoo and conditioner with Natural herbs are just going to cause more problems which you never need. And you don't desire to take in more compounds than things you really want.
If you genuinely want to put an end to hair thinning then you should stop trying shampoo and conditioner and just use them when you must. There are many natural products available which are going to block the problem from happening.
The absolute most crucial things to do is do your research so you can ensure that you're making the right decisions for your wellness. It is not ever a good idea to try out something out of despair.
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tienseuropa-blog · 5 years
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TIENS Kangli - dietary supplement for women, natural boost of oestrogen’s. The main component of Kangli are soya-derived isoflavones, i.e. natural plant oestrogens (phyto-oestrogens) enriched with strong antioxidants: vitamin C and vitamin E. Oestrogens are responsible for regulation of the menstrual cycle and forming the female body shape. This group of hormones influences also the lipid, calcium and protein metabolism in the female body, women’s libido and emotions. It also has an effect on blood clotting. Oestrogen level dysfunctions thusmean not only health problems, but are reflected in a woman’s natural beauty and psyche. Meanwhile, with age the presence of oestrogen in the female body slowly, yet systematically decreases. This process begins around the age of 30, and intensifies in the following decade. This is when the skin loses its firmness, and wrinkles or mood swings begin to manifest. The levels of oestrogen are affected not only by age, but also by a bad diet, lack of physical exercise or stress. For a better mood and enhanced natural beauty, it is hence worth taking care of their proper levels. Dietary supplements based on soya, such as Kangli help to achieve this. 🔻 💥❗️ As Tien's consultant, you can enjoy and resell our exclusive and national brands in the health, beauty and household products. You will also benefit from a compensation plan that rewards your efforts and an organization that offers unparalleled support and advice for your services. - Become Tien's Advisor and change your life! - Buy products at the consultant price and save instantly! - Register other consultants! - Take advantage of the lucrative Tiens Compensation Plan and enjoy the bonuses! Start your journey to success by pressing the button below. 🔻 💥❗️ - Tiens Sponsor ID 85038212 and sponsor Name Hatice Akgül Remember without sponsor Id you can't join the TIENS family. https://b2c-de.tiens.com/RegisterIndex 🔻 💥❗️ Tiens Sponsor ID 85038212 - - https://b2c-de.tiens.com/RegisterIndex 🔻 💥❗️ .............#health #business #product #onlineshopping#onlinejobs #online #usa #tiens #woman #job https://www.instagram.com/p/B3AE0aJgnNg/?igshid=1q6aaf3k5uxhx
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The Use Of The Right Cream For Uneven Skin Tone
Uneven skin tone and texture are a common concern; they can range from slight lip sunburn to heavily pigmented spots caused by diseases. Dry, scaly, or rough areas with uneven skin texture are frequently caused by dehydration. Uneven skin tone results from hyperpigmentation, or an excess of melanin, and UV exposure. The useful components include vitamins B5 and C: Vitamin B5 moisturizes and smoothes out the texture of the skin, while vitamin C brightens the face and lessens discoloration. Resolving these issues can lead to more balanced and healthier skin.
Signs that tell you about uneven skin tone
Severe skin conditions have more apparent signs. Patients with uneven skin tone and texture should monitor symptoms and consult a doctor for diagnosis. After inflammation, dark areas known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation—which is frequently caused by acne scars—appear. These patches may eventually vanish. Age spots are seen in dark color and appear on the skin's flat surface. In other words, they are called Melasma for which B5 Skin care is advised especially if the body is undergoing hormonal changes. It is important to use the right treatment or product to get the problem cured from the root.
How to Equalize Your Uneven Skin Tone with right cream
Vitamin B5 helps fight skin aging and inflammation, among its many other advantages for the skin. It draws and holds moisture in its natural capacity as a humectant. You must apply sunscreen every 5 hours for better results. Make sure its application is done often, especially on the areas that are exposed to UV rays easily like the face. Take good care of your skin, particularly if it's irritated or inflamed. Do not pick at insect bites or acne scars to avoid long-term problems.
The Right Skincare Products
Certain skincare ingredients can help reduce melanin production for a more even skin tone. Applying vitamin C serum has additional advantages and for those who don't know how to keep vitamin c serum from oxidizing, be sure to store it in an airtight container and away from direct sunlight.
Vitamin B3 does its best to work as a barrier for melanin transfer entering the cells. There are niacinamide serums that you get in the market which offer similar results. Retinoids are also effective, providing anti-aging benefits and preventing melanin from reaching skin cells. Start with retinoids to give your skin time to adjust and prevent any unwanted reactions.
If you're looking to tackle hyperpigmentation, redness, and plumpness, products with Vitamin B5, Vitamin C, and retinol can work wonders.
Also, Use - Best Vitamin C Serum for Sensitive Skin
Pollution and damaging UV rays causes redness prone skin, gradually weakening it. If you're feeling stuck, don't panic; by using these suggestions, you can protect your skin from environmental deterioration and give it a much-needed boost. Vitamin C and retinoids should be a part of your skincare regimen, and you should always use sunscreen to get that healthy, glowing skin.
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fernandaromeroblog · 5 years
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Mother’s Day Giveaway 👇🏼 Alright since it’s my first Mother’s Day as you know I wanted to give you guys something special. TO PARTICIPATE Describe your Mom in one word and tag 2 more friends the more the merrier and better chances to WIN. What you will get is @phytoc_skincare the SuperHealTM O-Live is a five-piece skin care collection designed to deeply nourish and replenish compromised skin. Featuring Phyto-C’s patented SuperHealTM Olive Leaf Extract, an exclusive ingredient that uses the exceptional antioxidant and healing powers of olive leaf extract, that delivers antioxidants and powerful healing benefits to skin while possessing natural anti-inflammatory properties. Ideal for all skin types, it has been found to relieve the symptoms of rosacea, eczema and psoriasis. Good luck!!!! 🙌🏼 Amigas y amigos ya que va hacer mi primer día de las Madres quería darles algo especial. Voy a regalar la colección de @phytoc_skincare!!! Lo único que tiene que hacer es con una sola palabra describe a tu Mami y tagea a dos amigas o amigos entre más mejor! 🙏🏼 Suerte! The winner will be announced on 05.12.19 (at Culver City, California) https://www.instagram.com/fernandaromeroo/p/BxQLOQcHCYE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6dik9ntxfxqi
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talk2wendyw · 2 years
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At home ✨treatments✨ do deep work, your home care maintenance is a must! Check out a few of our favorites! ⬇️ 🔸 Almond & Mineral Treatment 🔸 The finely crushed almonds in this treatment gently exfoliate to uncover soft, gorgeous looking skin. Combine that with paprika and ground ivy, and you'll be left with a rosy looking complexion. 🔸Hungarian Herbal Mud Treatment 🔸 This world-famous treatment benefits all skin types by detoxifying skin, opening pores, eliminating toxins and increasing circulation. It includes cinnamon to fight off bacteria, ivy for vitamin C, sage to tone and heal, and paprika to stimulate and refresh skin. 🔸Eight Greens Phyto Masque HOT🔸 The whole plants and seeds in our Eight Greens Phyto Masque - Hot are naturally high in phytoestrogens and antioxidants. This unique mask will help improve hydration, the look of elasticity, the appearance of signs of aging, normalization of oily skin and the appearance of breakouts -all to return your skin to its youthful-looking glow. ✨ Inspo: @spaestique 📸: @thefacialroom . . . #eminenceorganics #organicskincare #healthyskin #glowup #beautifulskin #spaestique #getafacialtreatment #cleanskin #beauty #gorgeous #shoplocal Repost from @eminence.lisa.wensley (at Phenix Salon Suites San Dimas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZN5-XNFr-k/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The Best Vitamin C Serum with 7% L-Ascorbic Acid to Target Wrinkles: High-Quality Skin Care Products at Affordable Rates
Stress causes the human body to produce a stress hormone called cortisol. As a result, your skin loses elastin and collagen, making you suffer from wrinkles and fine lines. You may also notice other changes, like shifts in pigmentation, excessive oil on the skin, and circles around the eyes, because of stress. Lack of sleep leads to the development of bags under your eyes. A weakened immune system leads to rashes on your skin. The best way to get rid of fine lines and other skin issues around the eyes is through the use of vitamin C Serum available on the market. It is also necessary to ensure sound sleep of 6 to 7 hours daily to prevent eye bags.
High-quality skincare products for skin health
The skin around the eyes is very thin and is expected to show early aging signs. Ultra Violet rays break down the collagen in your skin. Your skin is exposed to oxidative stress because of smoking. The blood vessels in your facial skin are also constricted due to smoking. You need to avoid exposure to UV rays and smoking. To rebuild the collagen in your skin and get back your lost elastin, you can make use of the best vitamin C skincare products, such as Eye Firming Cream.
Benefits offered by eye firming cream
Formulated with green tea extract, hyaluronic acid, and 7% L-ascorbic acid, Eye Firming Cream is touted as the best vitamin C skin care product by certified dermatologists. Regular use of this cream firms up the skin around the eyes. In addition, it revitalizes your skin from the wrinkles and fine lines caused by fatigue and stress. It also brightens your skin, making you look younger and more attractive.
Eye firming cream available at online boutiques fades dark spots and corrects uneven skin tone on your face. It increases collagen production and improves thickness to fade wrinkles and fine lines. Hyaluronic acid retains water and soothes dry skin under your eyes. It also ensures firmness and reduces lines and wrinkles on your face. It reduces puffiness by shrinking dilated blood vessels. It relieves your sunken appearance.
Prevents dryness
Green tea extract is another potent ingredient in this Eye Firming cream to reduce puffiness. It addresses dark circles under the eyes and soothes the skin. Caffeine in this ingredient plays a vital role in constricting blood vessels in sensitive tissues. It ensures moisture for the delicate skin under the eyes. It strengthens the barrier of your skin and protects you from environmental aggressors. It eliminates fine lines and combats dryness.
The best serum to correct acne scars
When your skin is damaged by pimples, nodules, cysts, pimples, and acne, you will suffer from acne scars. To prevent acne scars on your face, you should not squeeze or scratch the affected skin area. The best treatment for acne scars is to use the best vitamin C serum for face such as E in C Advanced, available online. This serum is formulated using ingredients including vitamin E (5%) and L-ascorbic acid (20%) to protect your skin against rough skin, dark spots, and wrinkles. It eliminates scars on your skin. It also treats minor skin abrasions and blemishes. It repairs damaged skin and helps you maintain youthful and radiant-looking skin. To enjoy all these skin care benefits, you need to apply this serum twice a day, in the morning and evening.
Dark circles under the eyes, sunken faces, and acne scars are commonly observed on many people's faces due to various reasons like sleep deprivation, exposure to environmental aggressors, and bad habits. You can regain lost elasticity, eliminate skin blemishes and eye bags, and ensure radiant skin by using skin care products available at online stores.
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oziva · 2 years
Anti-Ageing & Glow with Youth Elixir Moisturising Cream
OZiva Youth Elixir Anti-Ageing Moisturising Cream is one of the best anti-ageing creams on the market. It focuses on making you look younger by reducing, masking or preventing signs of skin ageing like fine lines, wrinkles and the loss of elasticity and firmness. This product targets the removal of all the above signs for a rejuvenating effect on skin. 
When we are young, the regenerative process in the skin exceeds the destructive ones. Hence, we are easily able to maintain the skin’s youthful and glowing appearance. 
 Unfortunately, ageing is inevitable and a huge process of life. With genetically programmed chronological ageing, the degradation process of the elastic and collagen networks gradually dominates due to an excess of proteases and a deficiency of inhibitors. 
 As a result, wrinkles deepen, skin becomes less elastic, facial features begin to sag and skin loses its youthful appearance. It might begin as early as the early 20s, where collagen content in skin automatically begins to decrease each year, or it may begin in the 30s. 
The following are the ageing associated signs and their differences for you to understand more: 
Fine Lines: Fine lines are small and shallow lines that appear on the face and are the earliest signs of ageing. As we age, the skin naturally loses moisture and elasticity leading to breakdown of fat in the deeper layers of the skin due to which fine lines become more pronounced
Wrinkles: Fine lines appear first, and then the creases deepen when the skin begins to lose its elasticity. These creases are called wrinkles and some of the wrinkles can be deep around your eyes, mouth and neck. 
Loss of elasticity and firmness: The loss of the elastic tissue (elastin) in the skin with age causes the skin to hang loosely
While ageing cannot be denied, you can slow down its signs through the careful usage of anti-ageing products. Some of the best anti-ageing creams can help you get a healthy glow at any age, throughout 20s, 30s, and 40s. 
The best anti-ageing creams tackle the diminishment of ageing signs from the inside and outside! Powerful plant-powered ingredients such as Phyto Retinol, Rose Oil and Tiare Flower can help reduce fine lines, wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin from the outside (through application) while Acai Berry and Acerola Cherry (a powerful source of Vitamin C) can help replenish the body’s natural collagen from the inside for a healthy glow. 
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Does your skin tend to act like a rebellious teen, throwing tantrums in the form of irritation, rashes, and sudden breakouts? No matter how hard you try to protect and nourish your skin, it just doesn’t seem happy? You may have a sensitive skin type! Here are five simple steps you can take to help put together a skincare routine great for sensitive skin.
1. Start with a gentle cleanser. Cleansing is important, but don’t go overboard with harsh cleansers that can rob your skin of healthy oils and lead to dryness. The right cleanser should be gentle and support a healthy balance of moisture. We recommend Alastin Gentle Cleanser. The Alastin Gentle Cleanser contains calming antioxidants that help soothe and protect the skin. Key ingredients include: · D-Panthenol is a Vitamin B5 derivative that helps soften and moisturize skin · Oat Beta Glucan is an anti-inflammatory ingredient that helps reduce redness, itching and irritation · Bisabolol is a concentrated form of chamomile that has strong anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties · Oat Kernel Extract is an antioxidant and skin-conditioning agent 2. Soothe irritation with a calming serum. A calming serum can help reduce redness and flare-ups, common signs of sensitive skin. Choosing the right serum is key to reducing redness and improving the appearance of discoloration and uneven skin tone. We recommend SkinCeuticals Phyto Corrective Gel. This serum contains thyme, olive, cucumber, Eucalyptus leaf, and hyaluronic acid. Thyme has strong antibacterial properties that help fight acne and inflammation. Cucumber also possesses anti-inflammatory properties necessary to soothe skin irritation and reduce inflammation. Eucalyptus leaf is another powerful ingredient with cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. 3. Choose a hydrating moisturizer. The best moisturizer for sensitive skin should be lightweight but carry potent ingredients that provide intense hydration, nourish and restore the skin’s natural protective barrier, while also soothing the drying effects of environmental aggressors, skin disorders, and dermatological treatments. Choose a moisturizer with safe ingredients, such as glycerin, dimethicone, shea butter, and sodium hyaluronate. We recommend Avene Cold Cream Facial Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin. This moisturizer contains pharmaceutical grade mineral oil and white beeswax to hydrate, soothe, and soften skin.
4. Use a hydrating sunscreen. Sunscreen is key to protecting your skin from the harmful effects of sun exposure. Choose a sunscreen packed with antioxidants and vital minerals, such as micronized zinc oxide. We recommend West Dermatology Sheer Physical Spray SPF 50 Sunscreen. This mineral sunscreen provides broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection and contains the following key ingredients: 12 % Zinc Oxide, Green Tea Polyphenols, Resveratrol, Vitamin C, Emblica, and Co-Q10. Zinc oxide may help reduce irritation and seal in moisture without clogging the pores. Green tea polyphenols contain powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that protect the skin. 5. Restore balance with specialized treatment. Use a calming mask once a week to give your sensitive skin that extra protection and care it needs. Be sure to choose a product with plant-based ingredients that possess anti-inflammatory properties. We recommend SkinCeuticals Phyto Corrective Calming Masque. This corrective mask is clinically tested effective post-procedure to provide: · 20% reduction in visual redness · 47% reduction in discomfort · 5°F average reduction in skin surface temperature Bonus Tip: Ingredients to avoid When building your skin care product regime, pay careful attention to the ingredients. Avoid products that contain sulfates, retinol, alcohol, fragrance, and parabens. These ingredients can work against the good ones and do more damage than good when it comes to your skin health. Got Questions? If you have any questions about building a skin care routine for sensitive skin, don’t hesitate to give us a call or schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified dermatologists. They’ll be happy to build a customized skincare routine that is right for you! Contact your local dermatologist today:
West Dermatology Rancho Santa Margarita 22032 El Paseo #220, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 407-5184
Get Directions to our dermatology office
Tips on Building a Skincare Routine for Sensitive Skin in Rancho Santa Margarita!🧴
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Does your skin tend to act like a rebellious teen, throwing tantrums in the form of irritation, rashes, and sudden breakouts? No matter how hard you try to protect and nourish your skin, it just doesn’t seem happy? You may have a sensitive skin type! Here are five simple steps you can take to help put together a skincare routine great for sensitive skin.
1. Start with a gentle cleanser. Cleansing is important, but don’t go overboard with harsh cleansers that can rob your skin of healthy oils and lead to dryness. The right cleanser should be gentle and support a healthy balance of moisture. We recommend Alastin Gentle Cleanser. The Alastin Gentle Cleanser contains calming antioxidants that help soothe and protect the skin. Key ingredients include: · D-Panthenol is a Vitamin B5 derivative that helps soften and moisturize skin · Oat Beta Glucan is an anti-inflammatory ingredient that helps reduce redness, itching and irritation · Bisabolol is a concentrated form of chamomile that has strong anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties · Oat Kernel Extract is an antioxidant and skin-conditioning agent 2. Soothe irritation with a calming serum. A calming serum can help reduce redness and flare-ups, common signs of sensitive skin. Choosing the right serum is key to reducing redness and improving the appearance of discoloration and uneven skin tone. We recommend SkinCeuticals Phyto Corrective Gel. This serum contains thyme, olive, cucumber, Eucalyptus leaf, and hyaluronic acid. Thyme has strong antibacterial properties that help fight acne and inflammation. Cucumber also possesses anti-inflammatory properties necessary to soothe skin irritation and reduce inflammation. Eucalyptus leaf is another powerful ingredient with cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. 3. Choose a hydrating moisturizer. The best moisturizer for sensitive skin should be lightweight but carry potent ingredients that provide intense hydration, nourish and restore the skin’s natural protective barrier, while also soothing the drying effects of environmental aggressors, skin disorders, and dermatological treatments. Choose a moisturizer with safe ingredients, such as glycerin, dimethicone, shea butter, and sodium hyaluronate. We recommend Avene Cold Cream Facial Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin. This moisturizer contains pharmaceutical grade mineral oil and white beeswax to hydrate, soothe, and soften skin.
4. Use a hydrating sunscreen. Sunscreen is key to protecting your skin from the harmful effects of sun exposure. Choose a sunscreen packed with antioxidants and vital minerals, such as micronized zinc oxide. We recommend West Dermatology Sheer Physical Spray SPF 50 Sunscreen. This mineral sunscreen provides broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection and contains the following key ingredients: 12 % Zinc Oxide, Green Tea Polyphenols, Resveratrol, Vitamin C, Emblica, and Co-Q10. Zinc oxide may help reduce irritation and seal in moisture without clogging the pores. Green tea polyphenols contain powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that protect the skin. 5. Restore balance with specialized treatment. Use a calming mask once a week to give your sensitive skin that extra protection and care it needs. Be sure to choose a product with plant-based ingredients that possess anti-inflammatory properties. We recommend SkinCeuticals Phyto Corrective Calming Masque. This corrective mask is clinically tested effective post-procedure to provide: · 20% reduction in visual redness · 47% reduction in discomfort · 5°F average reduction in skin surface temperature Bonus Tip: Ingredients to avoid When building your skin care product regime, pay careful attention to the ingredients. Avoid products that contain sulfates, retinol, alcohol, fragrance, and parabens. These ingredients can work against the good ones and do more damage than good when it comes to your skin health. Got Questions? If you have any questions about building a skin care routine for sensitive skin, don’t hesitate to give us a call or schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified dermatologists. They’ll be happy to build a customized skincare routine that is right for you! Contact your local dermatologist today:
West Dermatology - La Jolla/UTC 9339 Genesee Ave #350A, San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 943-4485
Get Directions to our dermatology office
Tips on Building a Skincare Routine for Sensitive Skin in La Jolla/UTC!🧴
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The Correct Way to Include Vitamin C Serum Acne killing product
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When it comes you using Vitamin C, it is important to understand that its right yet timely application is important. Whether it is the skin firmness or brightening, this product does miracle. Besides, it also helps in lessening down the wrinkles while promoting the collagen at a faster pace. To maximize its benefits, you must know when to use it. Rich amounts of it fortify the skin's protective barrier, enhancing firmness and radiance and decreasing the visibility of fine lines and creases. As a high-dose booster, it balances out skin tone and promotes a more luminous complexion.
Regarding when to use it for optimal efficiency, there are differing views. Some suggest morning application while for some, night application gives cells to repair properly.
The right time of applying the best vitamin c serum for oily skin
Morning Application:
Easy to penetrate into the skin, HyperC based vitamin C serum complements moisturizers and makeup well. Applied in the morning, its photoactive qualities protect against oxidative stress brought on by free radicals. While using vitamin C serum during the day helps shield your skin from the sun, always wear SPF for additional protection. Pairing SPF with vitamin C serum gives your skin added defense against sun damage.
Night Application:
Applying serum at night is another option. Your skin can benefit from the serum's healing properties while your body is sleeping. Its anti-aging qualities increase suppleness, promote collagen synthesis, and heal damage. Application at night contributes to the accumulation of vitamin C reserves for photoprotection in the morning.
Thus, should you use serum at night or in the morning? The answer is both. Having grasped the advantages, let's choose the ideal vitamin C serum for your skin type.
Time and Consistency Are Key
Remember that the benefits of serum might not become apparent right away, so persistence and patience are essential. Results vary based on individual skin problems, but generally speaking, it might take 2-3 months of consistent application to detect a brightening impact.
Vitamin C products with high concentration and excellent formulation might be expensive and hard to find. Consequently, it's critical to spend your money on a solution that is both worthwhile and efficient if you're depending on it to prevent skin aging. If not, all of your money and labor will be wasted.
Preventing Vitamin C Oxidation
When skincare products containing vitamin C come into touch with light or air, they often undergo oxidation. Vitamin C is broken down by this process producing erythrulose that removes the tan. Oxidized Vitamin C products can cause unwanted tanning and breakouts. This may be avoided by keeping your skincare products in opaque, dark bottles out of direct sunlight and by making sure the lids are tight after every use to prolong their shelf life.
Think about formulas with extra soothing components like niacinamide while looking for the finest vitamin C serum. A number of skin issues, including hyperpigmentation, dullness, acne scars, and dark spots, are successfully treated by this powerful mixture. The antioxidant qualities of Phyto vitamin C lighten dark spots, enhance skin tone, and rapidly eliminate acne scars. Your skin will feel refreshed and renewed because of its non-greasy, non-sticky composition, which also guarantees rapid absorption without leaving behind any residue
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