#Pixiula Sociology
projectgalaxyfae · 1 year
Personal Expression & Gender - Pixiula Ecology & Sociology
Personal Identity & Expression:
For Pixiula figuring out ones own personal identity is something that is is seen as quite impotent to ones own development and is very much tied to there values of individuality. it is typically expected for a Pixiula to have mostly figured out there gender identity by there mid to late 20s.
The ways that Pixiula expresses there own identity is via a few ways that are often used in tandem, with them being through ether: self-referential language (Honorifics & Pronouns), Fashion & Clothing, Hairstyle, Way of Speaking (tone and pitch), & Body Language (Walking Posture, Sitting Posture, ect) 
Sex vs Gender:
Since Pixiula do not develop any type of Reproductive Organs or Genitalia until they become adults, it meany they are Sexless until they reach full maturity. Pixiula hold the belief that sex is only important in the case of reproduction and that it should have no other impact in ones day to day life or that of larger society. 
Due to them being sexless in there early life Pixiula don't think that Gender is tied to ones Sex or Genitalia at all and is instead an expression of ones own deeper mind and there soul.
Gender development:
Pixiula on average start to go through there development and discovery of there own gender identity at about age 14 with landing on what they feel fits a bit after they become an adult.
The gender development of a Pixiula is often happens with a mix of exploring ones own mind and the experimentation of ones own appearance and scenes of style, as well as what one would like to be refers to in terms of Honorifics and pronouns.
Gender Identity Terminology:
Anam - a term that loosely means "expression of a sole" and is the Pixiula word equivalent of gender identity.
Anam-aeth - a term used for those who have yet to discover and identifies there gender identity, often used for children but is also used by adults who are still unsure of there own gender.
Ain-Anam - a gender identity characterized by: soft & ethereal appearance, a demure, nurturing, and kind demeanor, a calm mid tone pitch voice, and is accosted with the deity of the Shining Moon & the motion element Water
lle-Anam - a gender identity characterized by: elegant & graceful appearance, a generous, trustful, and loyal demeanor, a calm high pitch voice, and is accosted with the deity of the Setting Moon & the still element Crystal
Thu-Anam - a gender identity characterized by: flamboyant & bold appearance, a creative, humorous, and sincerer demeanor, a bold high pitch voice, and is accosted with the deity of the Setting Sun & the motion element Electricity
Niu-Anam - a gender identity characterized by: stoic & hardy appearance, a honest, calm, and dependable demeanor, a calm low pitch voice, and is accosted with the deity of the Dawing Moon & the still element Metal
Bre-Anam - a gender identity characterized by: cute & playful appearance , a compassionate, forgiving and friendly demeanor, a energetic high pitch voice, and is accosted with the deity of the Dawing Sun & the motion element Wind
Cin-Anam - a gender identity characterized by: charming & alluring appearance, a confident, assertive, and passionate demeanor, a bold mid tone pitch voice, and is accosted with the deity of the Hidden Moon & the the motion element Fire
Lef-Anam - a gender identity characterized by: dapper & classy appearance, a patient, diligent, and knowledgeable demeanor, a bold low pitch voice, and is accosted with the deity of the Hidden Sun & the still element Wood
Ral-Anam - a gender identity characterized by: wild & tough appearance, a determined, ambitious, and courageous demeanor, a energetic low pitch voice, and is accosted with the deity of the Shining Sun & the still element Rock
Aet-Anam - someone who identifies as having no gender
Tuu-Anam - someone who identifies as ether: two genders at once, a mix of two genders, or who's identity fluctuates between two genders
Pronouns & Honorifics:  - wip
sorry i still need to work on this soo i'll update it later : b
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projectgalaxyfae · 1 year
Family & Childcare - Pixiula Ecology & Sociology
Family Unit:
Pixiula form family units are normally made up of 2 generations, the heads of the family and there partners are the first generation, with the second generation including all the young children and children who are adults but have yet to form a partnership with someone.
Family Hierarchy:
The oldest members / set of twins out of the original Partnership are the head of the family, with the rest of the members / set of twins of the original partnership being second to them. other members / set of twins who became part of the partnership are ranked in order of joining. 
As for the children the order is based on age with the oldest having a say in choices made and being the responsible one, and as they get younger there is less responsible and have less of say in the family.
In case of family gatherings and other such things ware non-immediate family is involved it is ether the ones who own / live in the house who are in charge OR is the oldest member / set of twins of the entire family (usually a grate-grate grandparents.)
Roles & Expectations
A role that everyone is expected to fulfill is to care and aid ones own twin as Pixiula see that ones twin is ones most precious family member and that one must show the most care to there twin.
All members of the partnership are expected to look after, teach and raise all the children in the family group even the ones that do not have any blood relation, as part of forming a partnership it to aid each other and to care for any children of the members of the partnership. It is also expected all members of a partnership to take turns caring for and protecting any eggs that are currently developing.
The oldest children are expected to some what aid in the care of there younger siblings and also to aid in larger family matters if they are of adult age. regardless of the age of children they are expected to show gratitude to there parents, thought it is not expected a child to follow all order a parent gives and that it is normal for children to be rebellious in some way. 
Kinship Terminology
Twu-Cara - One's own Twin sibling
Tul-Carant - One's own Birth / Hatching Parents (Biological Parents)
Sep-Carant - One's own Care / Foster Parents (the partners of one's biological Parents who are not the biological parents said person / aka step-parents) 
Eld-Cara - One's older Sibling (used for both biological and non biological siblings)
Noe-Cara - One's younger Sibling (used for both biological and non biological siblings) 
Tul-Clann - One's own children
Tuo-Carant - One's parent's Twin Sibling (close auntie / uncle)
Tou-Cara - the child of One's Parents Twin Sibling (Sibling cousin)
Oth-Carant - one's parents non-twin siblings (distant auntie / uncle)
Oth-Cara - one's own cousins 
Eld-Carant - one's own grandparents
Eldeld-Carant - one's own grate grandparents (add and extra eld for each grate)
Noenoe-Clann -  one's own grate grandchildren (add an extra noe for each grate)
Family Closeness
Immediate family is made up of ones own: twin / Twu-Cara, Tul-Carant (bio parents), Sep-Carant (care / step parents), Siblings / Eld-Cara / Noe-Cara, Tuo-Carant (closes auntie / uncle), Tou-Cara, Tul-Clann (children)
non-immediate Family is made up of ones own: Oth-Carant (didtent auntie / uncle), Oth-Cara (cousins), Eld-Carant (grandparents), Noe-Clann (grandchildern)
Pixiula Contents Page / Index
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projectgalaxyfae · 1 year
Inherent Characteristics - Pixiula Ecology & Sociology
Pixiula are a social species that are drawn to forming group, and so they are generally sociable, & friendly witch they need to be if they wish to form group and stay in that group as well. this sociability is also tied to the fact that Pixiula can be quite talkative and generally like long conversations that cover all sorts of topics.
Due to the kind of environment early Pixiula lived and developed in traits such as intelligence, observant, and a sharp mind ended up being quite useful and something that is shared amongst most Pixiula.
Across the whole species of Pixiula the main set of values that are shared across all group are: cooperation, community, Individuality, Independence, creativity, intellect, & wittiness.
Community & Cooperation are valued to Pixiula as it is seen as important for those to be able to socialize with others and form a understanding and connections with others, and to be able to work well in teams and organised groups.
Individuality & Independence are valued to Pixiula as it is seen as important for those to have time by them selves to be able to understand and explore there own mind, and be able to self-sufficient, stand out on there own, as well as be able to share there options openly.
Pixiula have the idea that Individuality and Community are main values as it comes from the idea that if one can balance and master both then they are a much more valued and even desirable person.
Intellect is a very old value for Pixiula witch is still around today, this is because it is seen as more impressive for one to overcome something with smarts and problem solving skill than it with pure or brute strength.
Wit is also something that is valued among Pixiula as the ability to be able to keep up with conversion, create clever retorts, and be able to come up with witty humor is something that is expected when partaking in long conversation and dissections.
Creativity became a value for Pixiula as it is seen as something that shows ones intelligence and problem solving skills, as well as being seen as a way of expressing and reaching into ones own sole.
Just like values Pixiula also have a set of stigmas that are shared across all groups witch are: Abandonment, Messiness, Dirtiness, Laziness, Recursively, & Illiteracy (in adults).
Abandonment is something that Pixiula very much stigmatize , if you need to leave something it is expected that you have someone to take over and care for what you are leaving. if the thing one is leaving can not be taken care by others then it is expect you deal with it in stead of trying to leave and abandon it.
Dirtiness and Messiness weather it be of themselves or there home is stigmatized as that one should spend some time on maintaining ones self and home easily, to the point that young children are expected to be able to care for there own cleanliness from a some what young age.
Laziness and especially laziness willing is not really tolerated by Pixiula and it is very much seen as a distasteful trait. For Pixiula all should be putting in there effort and energy to participate in every day life, work, socialization and personal improvement, with the failure to do so being shunned.
Recluses are shunned by Pixiula as it is a behavior is seen as going against there value for community and that one should try and achieve a balance there Individuality and Community. Recluses are also seen as people who abandon there work, duty and family.
Illiteracy in adults is quite a shameful thing among Pixiula as the ability to read and write it something that they have connected to intelligence, and so the inability to do those things will have one labeled as willingly ignorant and being seen as abandoning the of developing ones mind.
Pixiula Contents page / Index    
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projectgalaxyfae · 1 year
Hierarchy & Class - Pixiula Ecology & Sociology
Hierarchy Structure
For Pixiula Class is determent by a mix of ones own intelligence, ability to form connection and network, skills, creativity, and wealth. when it come to the role of leader Pixiula tend to have two co-rules witch are often a pair of twins, with each one getting there own title and having to deal with certain aspects of ruling.
The Pixiula Hierarchy is generally set up in the following list: Monarchy > Oracles > Court-royals + Nobility + High Priests > Court-nobles + Priests + Scribes > Artisans + Merchants + Performers + Worriers > Servants + Farmers + Hunters
- hierarchy diagram to be added -
The Monarchy
Pixiula hierarchy structure generally includes a pair of rulers at the top usually given the titles: Nicnevan & Elphane, though it is typically not a absolute monarchy but is in fact a constitutional one. the Monarchy decisions can be overruled and they can even be removed from power: by ether the Oracles if the majority of them chose to or if most people of the domain call for an election.
The Monarchy is often not hereditary as it is more based on nominations and so technically anyone can become the next Monarch but usually the Nominations are ether: members of the current royal family / Court-royals, Nobility or even Court-Nobles.
The Monarchy tends to change in a few ways: death, retirement or voted out via election, if the monarchy is alive when they lose there power and title they can leave a nomination for the next Monarchy but they are not allowed to actively talk and partake in the meeting about the nominations thought they may listen in.
As the Monarchy is a set of twins when one is replaced the other must be as well, thought when it comes to the new Monarchy only one twin need to be nominated but both are often discuses when the choosing of the next monarchy is in prostration. 
The nominations for the Monarchy are often done by the Oracles, and a collation of random picked people from all class levels, in witch they will hold a large meeting to discusses and pick who will be ruling next, these discussions can sometime last several days.
The Nicnevan & The Elphane
The Nicnevan and The Elphane are the titles for the current ruling twins Monarchs of a particular domain, thought they both hold a lot of power they perform different roles and govern different parts of the domain and it's society.
The Nicnevan's Role includes: Intra / Local Domain issues, Privet issues, restricted events and celebrations (naming ceremonies, coming of age ceremonies, ect), civil unrest, protests, laws & law changes
The Ephane's Role includes: Inter / Cross Domain issues, Public issues, public events and celebrations (festivals, marriages, ect), trade agreements, treaties and cross domain wars.
Upper Class
Oracles - Oracles are those who have been special chosen by the Deities, a Oracles job includes: cleansing, blessings, curse braking, leading rituals, and relaying or interpreting divine messages.
Court-royals - the partners of the current Nicnevan & Elphane + the immediate family of partners of the current Nicnevan & Elphane + select Nobles and there immediate family. 
Nobility - non-immediate Family of Monarchy & Court-Royals + family of Oracles + select high class and/or rich families (including notable Court-nobles, Scribes & Artisans)
High Priests - High Priests are those who used to be Priests who have been recognized for there skills and spirituality, with there jobs being to documentation of religious history, poems, songs, and Oracles visions. High Priests also ether work as a spiritual aid for other or as a personal aid to a Oracles.
Middle Class
Court-nobles - non-immediate Family of Nobles + family of High Priests + select high class, and/or rich families (including notable Merchants, Performers, Worriers, & even servants)
Priests - Priests are those who have chosen to devote them selves to The Daities and who's job includes documentation of religious history, poems, and songs, they also work under a High Priests as an aid.
Scribes - Scribes are those who often work as a witter or tutor for the upper class with the job of documenting history, old poems, old stories, old song and teaching children. Scribe also induces the following occupations: poets, authors, accountants, architects, doctors, tactician, & scientist.
Artisans - Artisans are those who often work as ether a: builders, seamstress, tailors, carpenter, blacksmith, glassblower, Jeweler, engineer, painters, artists, and other such jobs. Artisans can ether work personal for a sole high class family or as general businesses that sells to all that can afford.
Merchants - Merchants are those who work as a trader, seller, and transporter of all sort of goods, merchants often work for a particulate high class family, or a business often for a set pay. thought rare some can become independent Merchants that don't relay on pay from a business or high class family
Performers - Performers are those who work as a: musicians, bards, dancer, gymnast, actor, jester, comedians, magician and other such jobs. Performers can ether work solo on the streets, in a travailing troop, or work personally for a high class family
Worriers - Worriers are those often ether work as personal bodyguards to the upper class or those who can afford it, there is also the royal army witch also work as the protectors of the people in witch they also must deal with criminals.
Lower Class
Servants - Servants are those who work for middle and upper class people, to domestic duties and other such jobs. Servants tend to live next on or on a particular area of there employers estate.
Farmers - Farmers are those who ether farm and tend to plants and mushrooms or care for and manage domesticated animals, Farmers often ether sell there produces to make money or work for middle and upper class families on there farms.
Hunters - Hunters are those who make there living by hunting, fishing and foraging, Hunters will separate there spoils by what they wish to use and what they will sell to make money. hunters may be paid by middle and upper class to ether hunt for a particulate thing or to be there personal hunter.
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projectgalaxyfae · 1 year
Partnership & Mateing - Pixiula Ecology & Sociology
Polyamory vs Monogamy 
Pixiula are Polyamories, with twins pairing up with other twins or the same individual, and it is fairly common for more members to be added to the partnership over time. the average number of member in a partnership is 6 individuals or 3 sets of twins, thought this number can change based on Class, Ethnic Group and Nationality.
In some cases one person will form a partnership a set of twins, though this is on the uncommon end. there are also rare cases of each individual twin marring a separate individual twin or separate non-related individual. Monogamy or only having a partnership with only one person, is some what a rare among most groups of Pixiula.
When it comes to the sexuality Pixiula are most commonly having multisexual attractions (bisexual, pansexual, omniesexual, polysexual, ect) with monosexual attractions (hetrosexual & homosexual) being on the rare side. When it comes to the development and identification of one sexuality Pixiula will start to develop attractions in there late teens just before there final maturity metamorphosis at age 20.
From a social and societal wise most sexuality are accepted or at least do not face much hatred towards them, thought Pixiula have an exception for Asexuality with it often being seen as something odd & unusual, and is seen as something to not even ponder the thought off and that is should be brushed to the side. 
In more recent times there has been a rise in certain places for acceptance of Asexuality and thought who are not interested in relationships or getting married.
Social Courtship 
For Pixiula Social Courtship is done to show someone that you wish to form a long term partnership with therm or join someones pre-establish partnership, meany aspect of Social Courtship are continued to be shown even after a partnership as form as to show the continued love, attraction and care for others in the partnership.
It is common to see teenage Pixiula partaking in Social Courtship and even promises to form partnership with each other when of age, tough for most this dose not happen for a verity of reasons.
Social Courtship includes: hugs, kisses on the head or face, kisses on hand, hand holding, tail holding, paying with hair, general gifts, handmade gifts, functional or personal gifts, poems & songs about persons of affections's beauty, poems & songs about persons of affections's nature and personality, invitations and dates at public places, and a focus on the connection with the other partners or family of persons of affection.
Sexual Courtship
Sexual Courtship is often done between those who are already in a partnership with each other, thought it is not rare for those to start with Sexual Courtship and then move on to Social Courtship and Partnership later down the line. 
As pre-adult Pixiula have no sexual instincts yet and do not have any form of reproductive organs, they are not yet informed of most things related to sexual act or Sexual Courtship, nor do they have any drive to it. 
Sexual Courtship includes: kisses on neck, kisses on chest, belly or back, ear nibbles, stroking or groping chest, hips, waist, butt, or tail base, secrete gifts, frivolous or showy gifts, poems & songs about person of affections's allure and attractiveness, poems & songs about what one wished to do persons of affections, invitations and dates at once own privet room or part of the home, and a focus on the connection of the individual person of affection.
Partnership & Marriage:
Pixiula often from life long partnerships with there mates, with the most basic form of Partnership Ceremony / Marriage being a blessing from a older family member (often a parent or grandparent) from each person in the partnerships family, & some kind of exchange of some kind of personal item or symbol that represent the marriage.
Some of the common items exchange in a marriage includes: trinket or accessory made of a piece of the egg they wore born from, trinket or accessory made of ones fallen out plumage, trinket or accessory made with a shared personal symbol on it, or personal hand made object.
As for other things Pixiula do during Partnership Ceremony / Marriage, they do thing such as: group dances, group songs, hold a banquet, and also play certain wit or humor based games.
Separation & Divorce:
Not all partnerships between Pixiual work out and this can lead to separation / divorce of the partnership, and in some cases one can get an annulment or have there partnership be invalided instead of a divorce. 
Things that can have a partnership is made invaded / a marriage is annulled includes: Faking Identity, lied about not being in another partnership, lied about if they have had children or not / how meany children they have, Faking ones status and wealth, lied about criminal status (being a criminal), & / or the marriage being a forced one (any member of the partnership being blackmailed or threatened into the marriage)
Sometime a partnership was valid but later stuff may cause member to want a separation, hear are some of the most accepted reasons to divorce: a member of the partnership is abusive, cheating (dating / marring someone who is not part or the partnership OR pursing someone with out informing member of the partnership and containing to lie about it.), member of the partnership refusing to contribute and aid in the day to day care of the house or children, or a member of the partnership start to crimes.
There are other reason a partnership may be separated but some of these can be seen as distressful or embarrassing, but are allowed with includes reasons such as: member of a partnership is unable to produce children, member of a partnership is not bring in enough income, a member of a partnership is not doing enough to show they love another member / showing too much favoritism towards a certain member of the partnership, or members of a partnership disagree on how children should be raised.
Pixiula Contents Page / Index
Update: 24th March 2024
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projectgalaxyfae · 1 year
Pixiula Contents Page / Index
PThis page will be updated overtime as the Pixiula info and lore is filled in
Anatomy & Physical Traits:
Basic Pixiula Diagram - link
Body Basics - Average body type + Body coloration + Body Segment Lines - link
Hair & Fur - Hair + Seasonal Body Fur - link
Head & Face - Eyes + Ears + Teeth + Antennae - link
Plumage - Plumage Basics + Plumage Nubs + Head Plumage + Back Plumage - link
Torso & Limbs - Torso + Back Markings + Tail + Hands + Feed - link
Sexual Dimorphism (aka sex differences) - Link
Life Cycle & Ageing - Life Span + Egg Development & Pregnancy + Babies + Child Development + Teen-hood & Adulthood + Elderly & Late Life + Death & Death Ceremonies - Link
Diet - Feeding Behaviors + Flavor Preferences + Preservation & Processing - Link
Injuries, Illness & Medicine - WIP
Inherent Characteristics - Personality + Values + Stigmas - Link
Personal Expression & Gender - Personal Identity & Expression, Sex Vs Gender + Gender Development + Terminology - Link
Partnership & Mateing - Polyamory vs Monogamy + Sexuality + Social Courtship + Sexual Courtship + Partnership & Marriage + Separation & Divorce - Link
Family & Childcare - Family Unit + Family Hierarchy + Roles & Expectations + Kinship Terminology + Family Closeness - Link
Social Hierarchy & Class - Hierarchy Structure + Royalty + Upper Class + Middle Class + Lower Class - link
Titles & Honorifics - Pronouns + Gender related Honorifics + Class related Titles + Marriage related Titles + Job related Titles - WIP
Crime & Punishment - WIP
Hunting & Foraging - Hunting + Hunting Methods + Foraging - Link
Agriculture & Farming - Farming + Plants + Animals
Domesticated Animals -
Taming & Teamed Animals -
Wild Animals - 
Race & Ethnicity:
Ethnic Groups p1
Ethnic Groups p2
Ethnic Groups p3
Ethnic Groups p4
Ethnic Groups p5
Ethnic Groups p6
Ethnic Groups p7
Ethnic Groups p8
Ethnic Groups p9
Ethnic Groups p10
Ethnic Groups p11
Ethnic Groups p12
Land Nomads p1
Land Nomads p2
Land Nomads p3
Sea Nomads p1
Sea Nomads p2
Sea Nomads p3
General Culture:
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projectgalaxyfae · 1 year
Some things to look forward to
ok so progress is going well and i want to share a few thing to look forward too:
the Ecology & Sociology part of the Pixiula Species will be all posted soon
a map of the world is being work on
reference image for the Pixiula clothing fashion style is being started (i plant to design some capsule wardrobes)
Enthnic groups are currently being refined and finished
Ddraimoti the main domesticated animal species are being reworked
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projectgalaxyfae · 1 year
most of the Biology & Physiology stuff to do with the Pixiula that i have written out is posted, i’ll be moving on to the Ecology & Sociology notes next : )
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