#Plainfield North
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Grand staircase of the "Marsh Mansion" , built in 1893, located in Plainfield, New Jersey, UNITED STATES
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postsify · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Water Heater Installation in North Plainfield, NJ
Efficient water heating is crucial for everyday comfort, and when it's time to install or upgrade your water heater, the process can seem complex and daunting. But fear not. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about water heater installation North Plainfield NJ. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast looking to tackle the project yourself or a homeowner who wants to understand the process better, we've got you covered.
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Understanding Your Water Heating Needs
Before you begin the installation process, it's essential to assess your water heating requirements. How much hot water does your household use, and at what times? Factors like the number of occupants in your home, your daily routines, and the number of bathrooms will all influence the type and size of water heater you need.
Determining the Right Type of Water Heater
There are several types of water heaters available, each with its own set of pros and cons. For example:
Conventional Tank-Style Water Heaters: These are the most common type of water heaters and store hot water in a tank. They are relatively affordable but can be less energy-efficient than other options due to standby heat loss.
Tankless (On-Demand) Water Heaters: These units heat water directly without the use of a storage tank. They are highly energy-efficient and can provide an endless supply of hot water, but they usually have higher upfront costs.
Heat Pump Water Heaters: This type of water heater transfers heat from the air to the water and can be two to three times more energy-efficient than conventional electric resistance water heaters.
Solar Water Heaters: These water heaters use the sun’s energy to heat water and are the most energy-efficient option.
Sizing Your Water Heater
The size of your water heater is critical. A unit that's too small may leave you with cold showers, while one that's too large can waste energy. You can roughly estimate the water heater size you need based on the peak hour demand in your home. For households with two to three people, a 30-40 gallon tank is usually sufficient. Larger households may require a 50-gallon tank or more.
Preparing for Water Heater Installation
Now that you've chosen the right water heater for your needs, it's time to prepare for installation. This includes gathering the necessary tools and materials and making any required adjustments to your home's plumbing and electrical systems.
Tools and Materials You'll Need
Before you start the installation process, make sure you have the following tools and materials on hand:
Pipe wrench
Adjustable wrench
Safety gloves and goggles
Metal file
Soldering torch and materials (for certain types of water heaters)
Teflon tape
Pipe sealant
Checking Your Home's Readiness
Ensure that your home is ready for the new water heater. The installation site should be clear and accessible, with enough room for the water heater and service access. If you're switching to a different type of water heater, you may need to make adjustments to your home's plumbing and electrical systems.
Professional versus DIY Installation
Deciding whether to install your water heater yourself or hire a professional is a critical choice. While DIY installation can save you money, it requires a good level of plumbing and electrical skills. Professional installation ensures the job is done correctly and may be necessary if your new water heater's type or size requires significant changes to your home's systems.
Pros and Cons of DIY Installation
DIY installation can be a rewarding project for those with the necessary skills. It allows you to save money and learn more about your home's systems. However, if the installation is not done correctly, it can lead to leaks, electrical hazards, and energy inefficiency, which could end up costing you more in the long run.
Hiring a Professional Installer
A professional installer can assess your water heating needs, recommend the best type of water heater, and ensure that it's installed safely and correctly. They will also be familiar with local building codes and obtain any necessary permits for you.
Obtaining Permits and Local Regulations
In North Plainfield, NJ, water heater installations may require permits and must adhere to local building codes and regulations. It's crucial to check with your local municipal office to understand what's needed before you begin the installation process.
Why Permits Are Important
Permits are an essential part of the installation process. They ensure that the work is performed to the required standards and that your new water heater complies with safety and energy efficiency regulations. Skipping permits can lead to fines and may affect your homeowner's insurance.
Understanding North Plainfield's Building Codes
North Plainfield, NJ, has specific building codes related to water heater installations. These codes may cover the location of the water heater, the type of venting required, and other safety and performance standards. Make sure you understand and follow these codes to ensure a successful and legal installation.
The Installation Process
Now that you've done your pre-installation assessment and are prepared to move forward, it's time to begin the installation. Below we'll cover the general steps you'll need to take when installing a conventional tank-style water heater.
Step 1: Turn Off All Utilities
Before you do anything, turn off the electricity or gas and the water supply to your old water heater. If you're replacing an old unit, drain it and disconnect the water and gas or electrical lines.
Step 2: Prepare the Installation Site
Clear the area around the installation site and ensure that the new water heater will have proper footing. Consider using a water heater pan and a suitable drain if one is not already in place.
Step 3: Connect the Water Supply
Connect your new water heater to the water supply. Use Teflon tape or pipe sealant on threaded fittings to prevent leaks. Make sure to connect hot to hot and cold to cold.
Step 4: Install the Pressure Relief Valve
The pressure relief valve is a critical safety feature. Make sure it is installed and piped to the floor drain correctly.
Step 5: Connect the vent (For gas heaters)
For gas water heaters, the vent system must be properly installed to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Follow the manufacturer's instructions closely.
Step 6: Connect the Flue (For gas heaters)
If you're installing a gas water heater, make sure the flue is connected to the vent at the top of the water heater.
Step 7: Electrical Connections (For electric heaters)
For electric water heaters, ensure that all electrical connections are made securely and that the unit is grounded properly.
Step 8: Fill the Tank and Check for Leaks
Open the water supply and fill the tank with water. Check all connections for leaks. If there are any leaks, turn off the water supply and tighten the fittings until the leaks stop.
Step 9: Turn On the Power
Once you have confirmed that there are no leaks, you can turn on the power or gas to your water heater. Monitor the unit for a reasonable amount of time to ensure everything is working as it should.
Post-Installation Checks and Maintenance
After your water heater is installed, there are a few additional steps you should take to ensure everything is functioning properly and to maintain your unit over time.
Check for Proper Operation
After turning on the water heater, check that it's heating water as expected. The water should reach the desired temperature, and you should have a consistent supply without any fluctuating temperatures (which could indicate a problem with the mixing valve).
Insulate Your Pipes
You can improve the efficiency of your water heater by insulating the hot water pipes. This will help reduce heat loss as the water travels to your taps.
Set the Temperature
Adjust the water heater's temperature to a safe and comfortable level. The recommended setting is generally around 120 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent scalding and save energy.
Regular Maintenance
Regular maintenance can extend the life of your water heater. This includes flushing the tank to remove sediment and checking the anode rod, which helps prevent corrosion in the tank.
The Role of Building Inspections
Building inspections are typically required for water heater installations in North Plainfield, NJ, and they are an important step in the process. The inspector will verify that your installation meets local building codes and is safe.
What to Expect During an Inspection
During the inspection, the inspector will check various components of your water heater installation, including the venting system, the pressure relief valve, the electrical or gas connections, and the water supply.
Pass or Fail?
If your installation meets all the requirements, you will receive a pass. If there are any issues, the inspector will note them, and you will need to correct them before your installation is approved.
Final Words
Water heater installation can be a significant project, but with the right information and preparation, you can tackle it with confidence. Whether you're installing a new unit yourself or hiring a professional, understanding the process, from start to finish, is key to ensuring a successful and efficient hot water solution for your home.
Remember to approach each step with patience and careful attention to detail. If at any point you feel uncertain, don't hesitate to seek advice from experts or your local municipal office. Your diligence will pay off in the form of long-term comfort and peace of mind. if you need hydro jetting Newark nj we have best plumbers for your help.
If you're considering a water heater installation in North Plainfield, NJ, you're making an investment in your home's comfort and energy efficiency. By following the guidelines in this post, you'll be well on your way to enjoying a reliable supply of hot water for years to come.
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porcelainapparition · 2 months
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North Plainfield, New Jersey
built in 1900
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The White Dragon (28)
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28. Crossroads
Summary: Days could make a big difference 
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: Crestan shows up so A LOT of cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, injury, burns, dragon fire, death, violence, armies, war and all that comes with it. Daemon slander, sorry guys.
Might miss some warnings but you know what this is about :) 
Wordcount: 4.2k
Notes: we have a small time jump, in the last chapter, following Rhaegar, two weeks went by. I know is weird to read a story about an insert reader with no reader HAHA but we will be back soon!
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The Lannister army had crossed, unseen, the Riverlands.
From Casterly Rock they marched south-east through the River Road and towards Riverrrun, unknown to them, Prince Daemon was there only a day ago, but he didn’t leave any men there, so, taken by surprise, Riverrun was taken almost too easily by half of the Lannister Army as they were making their own preparations to march… 
Thanks to Joanna Lannister, Lady of Riverrun, the casualties were to a minimum, and even if Jason Lannister, his brother, took his husband as a prisoner, she surrendered the Tully forces to his brother, everything to avoid bloodshed, the life of her men, family and people where the most important thing at the moment. 
So the Lannisters took control of Riverrun, and with that, and from there, thanks to scouts, and the maester of Riverrun’s sigil and ravens, they could easily pinpoint the location of the Winter Wolves, that were coming south from Moat Cailin and towards the Twins
So half of the Lannister army (the rest was with their navy), and the Tully forces turned, they marched North through all those small towns, and got to the Twins before the wolves, to gather the Frey forces as well, two armies, their former River Lords, The Freys were easily swayed to arm their men against the Northerner army
And together, the three forces crossed the River north, and awaited for the Winter Wolves. Hidden behind the treeline.
When they saw them marching south, they caught him between the river and them hidden in the woods. It could have been a slaughter of the older men's army, taking a big toll on the Stark Army taking out their most seasoned men. 
It was an assured victory
But… The Tullys, as commanded by their Lady Joanna Tully (former Lannister), turned their backs on the army, taking out their spears and pushing the Lannisters against the wolves, and they trapped them instead, covering their escape route. The battle had already begun, so the Lannisters were already caught against the Winter Wolves.
And Joanna and her husband had intentionally failed to notify the Lannisters about the very much grown dragon that was accompanying the northerner army, and the dragon had not been flying with the army, so the scouts hadn't seen it.
So the Lannisters and Freys were caught on plainfield, not protected by the trees, and between the Wolves and the Tullys. And from over the treeline, they saw in horror the golden and cream beast that breathed fire all over them 
Meanwhile… Rhaegar atop of Karnax had to reign in it, not to burn the entire forest near the Twins. 
As the Winter Wolves fought the Lannisters, and were winning, he attacked the rear part of the army, to make sure his fire didn’t burn the Northerners.
He felt like an almighty god, with the power of fire at his disposal, everything under him, everything he wanted to burn, it burned under Karnax’s golden flames. It felt so powerful, but with that, he also felt scared, terribly scared, the smell of burned flesh reached his nostrils and the sounds of their screams filled his ears, and that filled him with the need to throw up. 
The Freys soon surrendered, seeing the Tully army turning had already diminished their desire to fight alongside the Lannisters, so as soon as karnax breathed fire above them, they dropped their weapons and waited in the sidelines. And it didn’t take long for the Winter Wolves to slaughter the Lannister Army.
They captured a few captains, and a second grade Lannister uncle who was leading the attack, and by sunset, the battle was over and won. The first victory for the blacks. 
Rhaegar’s legs almost gave up when he landed on the ground again. Lord Roderick came close to him, see the boy was pale as a ghost
“Are you alright boy?”, he asked, grabbing by the shoulders, Rhaegar barely nodded, but he had his heart pounding so hard he could barely hear him, “you are shaking like a leaf in autumn”, he laughed
Rhaegar fall to his knees in front of the Lord of Barrowton, he felt dizzy, adrenalin abandoning his body
“You saved our asses boy!”, the men said, as the rest of the Lords of the Winter wolves surrounded the both their leader, Rhaegar and Karnax, “we might be dead if it wasn’t for you and your dragon”
“That boy needs some ale!”, laughed one, “and a woman to comfort him”
“No!”, he managed to say, “I’m betrothed!”, he said then. gaining laughs of approval from all those close to them, “but I want that Ale!”, he laughed 
The Twins were now for the blacks.
Rhaegar handed them the only Targaryen sigil he had on him at the moment, his own, The white dragon over the tricolor bolts on a black field, and that is the sigil that hanged by one of the Twins’s towers as a sign of their allegiance
And at night, they camped outside on the southside, as they were already accustomed to, by the fire, and under the stars, sharing tales of the fresh battle. These were seasoned men, ready for the Stranger, or their old god, to take them, so they shared their own stories between laughs.
“I’ve never flown into battle like that before”, Rhaegar admitted, “before this I only contested in one tournament, and the Knight from the vale knocked off my horse and on my ass”, he admitted, making all the men laugh
“Well boy, you did great”, said Roderick. “A Strong Dragon”
“Thanks Lord Roderick”, he said, “I really want to be a knight”
“Do ya’ now?”, he asked, amused, “Hey Manderly!”, Lord Roderick called, “come ‘ere”, Robin Manderly was the old uncle of the Lord of White Harbor, “you follow the Seven, right?”, he asked as the men showed up in the midst of night
“That’s right”, he said
“You are a knight”, he nodded, “Well, the boy wants to be a knight, Knight him already would ya’?
“I’ll be honored”, he muttered. So Rhaegar kneeled on the ground, by the fire, and the tall lord, with long and white beard and long gray hairs, took out his sword
“Rhaegar of House Targaryen and Strong, do you swear before the eyes of gods and men to defend those who cannot defend themselves, to protect all women and children, to obey your captains, your liege lord, and your king, to fight bravely when needed and do such other tasks as are laid upon you, however hard or humble or dangerous they may be?”, he asked, placing the blade on his shoulder
“Yes I do”, he answered firmly, so he changed to his right shoulder
“So now arise, as a Knight of the seven Kingdoms”, he said solemnly. And Rhaegar stood, with a big smile on his face, as all those Lords and men from the North cheered for him. 
Back in Riverrun, Lady Joanna Lannister and Tully sipped her cup of wine from Lannisport as she watched The Tully forces return home, unharmed and complete. And no sign of the Lannister army, just as planned
“What has happened?”, asked Jason, her brother, entering the room, he didn’t march alongside their men, instead preferring to stay in the comforts of Riverrun. Through the doors of the Hall entered the army captains, who grabbed Jason as the few Lannister soldiers who had remained, screamed loudly as they were being killed by the tully soldiers, and could be heard from outside the walls, “Traitor!”, he called his own sister, “how could you do this?”
“I’m a Tully now”, she answered simply, “and you are a traitor to the crown”, she said firmly. Not feeling not even a little of remorse, “you come here, threaten my husband, my children, my family” 
“We are your family!”, he said. And she shook her head.
“What shall we do now, My Lady?”, asked the commander
“Release my husband and the rest of the prisoners”, she commanded, and a soldier ran to fulfill her command. She walked towards Jason
“Family protects you and guards you, you betrayed me all those years ago, marrying me to that man, and you did nothing to protect me from him, even though you knew”, her husband was released and walked through the doors, alongside their two boys, one of six and ten, and the other of four and ten. 
“Take him to the cells”, Lord Tully commanded as he walked through the room to embrace his wife. Joanna hugged his husband and children. “You did amazing sweet wife”, he whispered against her golden hair, “my golden lioness”
“The Tully forces had return home whole”, she answered, “the Lannister forces were slaughtered at the Twins”
“You have secured the Riverlands”, sentenced his husband.
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2 weeks ago
According to Crestan, he had been dragged from one part of this forsaken land to another… What is seemed to be a simple mission of sneaking prince Daemon to King’s Panting or whatever the fuck the name was, it was postponed bitterly, instead the prince had asked him to go up a river, it was barely deep enough to hold his ship… and then that river turned into three huge rivers called “The trident”
His men were getting restless, since they had to row… And Crestan had a lot of trouble explaining that they were most likely not going to be paid for their efforts, instead the only rewards will be their lives, and not be burned.
Apparently Daemon wanted to reach Riverrrun, and he couldn’t do it by Dragon, but a colorful pirate ship would be less conspicuous. What the actual fuck
Riverrun was an interesting castle to see, he had to admit, built over the river, it was certainly a sight. He wouldn’t mind being named lord of a castle, he thought. 
While Daemon negotiated with the Tullys, he waited patiently in his boat, that weird as fuck looking dragon would fly over them, with his strange, dolphin like roar. 
Apparently the negotiations had been fruitful, he had no idea Daemon had used him, and the fact he so easily crept up the river finally convinced them. The Tully forces were going to leave for Harrenhal soon. Even though Lord Tully had expressed his concern, the location of the Lannister army was yet to be revealed, they were the Green’s greatest ally, of course they were arming themselves… Where were they?
So Daemon promised that the northern army was going to come down soon, with them, a dragon. And Harrenhal has also a dragon, both of them could come in to help. 
If they only knew the Lannister Army attacked barely a day after they left. 
So finally, they went downriver again, and soon, Crestan thought he would be relieved, but a week had already gone by… if you were not dead after the attack, you were now probably really gone…
But the mission you gave him was also in King’s Landing, if Crestan couldn’t save you, he would save your daughter, just like you had asked him to. 
So they sailed down river again, and then they took another four days to turn around to finally pass by Dragonstone and reach King’s Landing
Even though a war was about to break out, Crestan had no trouble making port at the Black Water. He could already smell the disgusting city, and why the bay held that name. He thought it was a wretched city. 
Daemon hid himself in a cradle, and Crestad had two of his men to download it towards the city streets towards a house he had previously agreed on. 
He was a clever man, Crestan thought, but in this kind of city you could never be too careful, you could always get caught. Too many eyes. 
Crestan wanted to clean his hands of whatever this was, but Daemon knew he was a very skilled sword, so he forced him to escort him into the city, if he, the Rogue Prince, took out his Valyrian steel sword in the middle of the street everyone was going to hear about it. So he needed protection since he was going to the darkest parts of town. 
They walked in silence, Crestan didn’t really want to give him a reason to keep him around, so against all his instincts he just kept quiet and moved through the streets as two hooded figures. 
He had never been to King’s Landing, but what he thought of it was that it smelled like piss and shit, and these dragon lords were extremely obsessed with themselves, black banners with a three headed green dragon were everywhere in sight, everywhere he looked. His eyesight made him look towards the biggest building he had ever seen, and he truly had seen many
“That is the dragonpit”, said Daemon, “where Targaryens keep their dragons”, he said, amused. Crestan kept looking at the most dangerous building in all of Westeros, a stable for dragons. He wondered how many winged beasts were there, and if any or all of them were as big as Vhaelar. And then of course he remembered you.
Where the fuck where you?
He followed Daemon to the darkest parts of the city, he knew because the smell got worse, the streets were narrower and uglier. 
And they arrived to a two story building, with big dark green doors, when the door opened, Crestan wanted to kill the Rogue Prince
“A fucking whore house?”, he asked, “you brought me all the way here to fuck some whores?”
“Quiet”, he warned, as they both entered
The woman who welcomed them led them through a dark hallway towards the back of the building and down some stairs. He met with a strange looking woman that was waiting for them, clearly not from Westeros, if anything, she looked like she came from the strange lands of Lys. He had traveled around most parts of Essos, so he knew.
“The Rogue Prince Daemon”, she purred, she wore a white dress, and fixed her black hair up in her head. “And you are…?”, she asked looking right at him
“A friend”, said Daemon, “a friend from Essos”
“Don’t mind me miss”, he said with a charming smile, he didn’t really, really, he didn’t care what they could possibly discuss, so Daemon caught on to that and took what she offered him and then walked over to the next room, leaving him there. Alone.
So he pretended to get comfortable in one of the chairs that were displayed around the room, almost yawning, uninterested, but as soon as they closed the doors, he stood up, walking towards the double doors silently.
“...What we discussed” he heard 
“I have exactly the right men for the job”, she slithered with that strange accent, “it requires a special kind of men, bloodthirsty, that the only value they know is the one for gold…and a lot of coin”
“I just want the job done”, he whispered, Crestan could barely hear him
“Killing a child… a prince…”, she said back, “is nasty”
“That one-eyed cunt killed my niece, so I’m going to take his nephew”, he answered 
“He is just a child”, she said then
“I didn’t know a common whore cared for what happened in the Red Keep”
“You’ll find out that I’m not common”, she said back, “do you want the service from these men or not?”, he heard the rustling of coin, a big bag full of them
“They will go into the Red Keep, and kill prince Jaehaerys”, he commanded, “the boy of 6”
Crestan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 
“They will be violent, and vile”, she warned
“Even better”, he responded, “I want it to happen in front of their mother, extra coin if it is in front of that cunt Alicent, I want that family destroyed from within”
he went back and plunged himself back on the chair, making sure he looked very comfortable, and closed his eyes pretending he didn’t hear a thing.
Daemon came back with a pleased smile, and Crestan, despite the gruesome deaths the silver haired prince had threatened him with, this is the first time he actually felt scared when he saw him.
What kind of sick fuck orders the death of a child?
Yes he was a pirate, he had stole shit, killed some fuckers, but an innocent child?
Yes you were attacked and probably killed, but that wasn’t that child’s fault? Why doesn’t Daemon go after the motherfucker with the big dragon?
You are going to have to wait a little longer. The gods or whomever the fuck was up there have him here for a fucking reason. 
Fuck this shit.
As they were being led out of that crap establishment, in his mind he planned the perfect distraction, he needed to get himself away from him, miss him with an excuse. 
He might be a thief, he might be a liar, some would say a real cunt, and a little bit of a coward, but he wasn’t a sick fuck 
The odds were in his favor, as they walked down towards a big street, they faced a crowd of people, going for the Sept for a mass or something, and they got caught in it. 
He heard Daemon calling for his name as he let himself get dragged by the group of religious followers, he didn’t answer, instead, he led this people led him away from him, it had been so fucking easy it was almost laughable.
Daemon thought he was going back towards his boat, it wasn’t that difficult to find the harbor. So he started walking. But Crestan did exactly the opposite, as he started walking towards the Castle, or what he guessed was the The third biggest building? that wasn’t the dragon stable or the big ass temple? that had to be the one. big, Red, Red Weep or something? yeah he’s got this, he thought, as he adjusted his cape and walked down the filthy streets. 
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Two weeks had passed since the accident, and Aegon had survived the wound and the painful recovery, the outer layers of skin of his right arm, face and torso had melted off of him, and right now a new one was making his way in his flesh
He insisted on being moved to the throne room every day, servants carried him in the same chair they carried his own father through his last days, placing him in the first step leading towards the Iron Throne, and front here, he would receive lords and ladies, and would try to rule his faux Kingdom
Queen Alicent could barely stand to look at him, Aegon soon realized this and started to push her away from the war council, spurred by her continued abuse towards him since his childhood, her slaps and her angry looks. So he expelled her from the council. His right hand was Criston Cole now, the only one who matched his anger and wanted to see the black’s heads roll. 
And his other council members were hiding things from him, he knew it, if there was any good news from the Lannister army Tyland wouldn’t shut up about it, but nothing had been said and it’s been two weeks since they left Casterly Rock.
Something bad had happened and they were hiding it from him. 
Besides Borros had scouted the whole of Shipwreck bay, looking for the corpse of the princess or her fucking dragon, and nothing had showed up, that cunt, you, could still be fucking alive, maybe hiding in dragonstone or somewhere else, ready to fuck them up. 
Their most important army hasn't even left Old Town yet, tangled in impossible paperwork and bureaucracy, just thinking about it made his head spin and ache. 
Enemies were everywhere, some in plain sight, and other hidden, he couldn’t even leave the Keep, in case a rogue city watch soldier would come up against him.
There was no one who could trust. 
Not even his brother.
So he called him in, to meet him in the throne room, he needed 
“The Baratheon army will be here in a week”, he said, swallowing his pain with wine, “Borros is coming with a daughter of his choosing, that you will marry”
“I thought Daeron was the one”
“That idiot cunt hasn't even left Oldtown yet”, he spit, “he doesn’t even know how to command an army”
You don’t either, he thought bitterly 
“I’m not marrying any of his daughters brother, that wasn’t the deal”, he said
“Oh yes, this shit again”, he snapped, “Aemma this, Aema that, she is fucking useless, her family doesn’t give two shits about her, you all said that as long as we had her they wouldn’t attack but guess what, they have, that little bitch is useless”
“Don’t speak to her like that”, he said
“If you are not going to marry one of the Baratheon cunts then you will do this for me…the royal army is ready, you will fly with them and take Harrenhal”, he commanded
“Brother, you know who might be there”, he said slowly, “our nephews…”
“Those fucking traitors”, he said dismissively, “kill those little cunts”
“Is your grace, to you”, he said, pointing his burnt finger at him. Aegon blamed Aemond for his disfiguration, for his burns, it was his fault. If he had gone instead of him, one of the Strongest dragons on the black side would be dead, and he would be whole. “You’ll do as your King commands”
“You’ll send me to kill our nephews?”, he asked. Aegon grabbed the arms of his chair enraged
“You have done shit for this war”, he said, “but complain”
“Send me everywhere else”, he begged
“Storm’s End then”, he said, “Daeron is being summoned, but that cunt Borros needs a reminder of his alliance”
“Very well, brother, I will go to Storm’s End, lead the Baratheon army here”, at least he bought his nephews more time, as he figured out what to do
But one thing was clear, his brother was losing his mind.
Aemond knew about what happened in the Twins, he knew they were losing the war, alongside half of the Lannister army. He knew more things that his brother did, and yet… he still didn’t know how to stop this war. 
So without further discussion, he left the hall in search of his dragon. But deep in his gut, he knew he should have left King’s Landing
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“Aegon is now disfigured, and injured”, spoke Rhaenyra, way more excited than she should be, “The North is about to Reach Harrenhal, but we don’t have news  from the Tullys, even if we have their support”
“The Tullys, Rhaegar Strong, his dragon, and a part of the Northerner army has destroyed seven thousand Lannister infantry”, reported one of his lords, “securing the Riverlands and destroying the lannister force in half”
“My nephew came through”, she whispered, at his side, Jace clenched his fist, he too wanted to prove his worth on the battlefield, riding into battle at Vermax’s back, “Where is the other half of their army?”, asked Rhaenyra
“They hadn't left the Westerlands”, said another, “if they do by sea, Dorne will sink their ships as they intent to make the pass”, Lord Corlys said, if they do by land, they will cross the Riverlands, a place we hold, with two dragons in Harrenhal it will be easy to erase the other half
“But is much easier for them to meet with the army from Oldtown”, she said, “and pressure Highgarden for the Kingdom’s food
“They are all going to meet in Harrenhal, reports from the capital had said that they are gathering the royal army”
“What about the Baratheons?”
“No word from Storm’s End, they sided with the greens, and without a proper master of whisperers, we cannot gather intelligence from the Stormlands”
“Even without the Baratheons… we are winning”, Rhaenya whispered, almost excited
“Not quite yet your grace, the greens have the treasury, my friends over the narrow sea had told me they paid handsomely for the triarchy fleet, to act as mercenaries, we expect them to attack right from Pentos, and that leaves us in the very first line”
“How about your fleet Lord Corlys?”
“Ready to defend us”, he said proudly 
“So we should expect a naval battle”, said Jacaerys, “I’m ready to defend us”, he said firmly, Rhaenyra caressed the back of his head with a soft smile. 
“You will”, she promised. 
Rhaenys had left Dragonstone, alongside Luke, and Rhaena to protect Driftmark, and also prepare the fleet. Rhaenyra felt a certain uneasiness in her belly, she hadn't received word from Daemon lately, everything had been terribly quiet, like the calm before the storm. But she shook those feelings away. they were winning
Thanks to you they were winning
Aegon was crippled, Vhagar hasn’t been seen since Aemond had killed you, and their fleet paled in comparison to Lord Corlys… the northerner army had wiped half the Lannister and remained intact, thanks to your son…
Her children were safe
Everything was looking up. 
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More notes: this chapter came out a little strange… i tried to write what was happening in different places at the same time, it didn’t go quite right but… I kinda like writing about battles and war plans and schemes! haha GO JOANNA YOU LIONESS GOLDEN TROUT I LOVE YOUUU, her sigil is a Merlion BTW just made that up! I’m on fireeee. Sorry for the rant it’s just the joanna thing came so unexpectedly and I ended up loving it… if I’m aloud to because I’m feeling happy and ingenious, but also a lit self-centered right now 
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beauxned-blog · 6 months
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James Hurst
Position: T 6'-5", 310 lbs. (196 cm, 140 kg) Team: New Orleans Saints Born: December 17, 1991 in Plainfield, IN College: North Carolina
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garadinervi · 1 year
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bpNichol, (ca. 1982), TWO: Less Time, [«The Capilano Review», No. 31, Edited by editors Steven Smith and Richard Truhlar; North Vancouver, 1984], scored by jwcurry, (white plainfield broadside printed black photocopy), Canadian Small Change Association, Ottawa, May 12, 2011, Edition of 10 copies issued as part of MESSAGIO GALORE take VI, not released separately (performance by Roland Prevost, Carmel Purkis, jwcurry, John Lavery, Sandra Ridley and Grant Wilkins, City Hall Art Gallery, Ottawa, Jnuary 24, 2009, video here) [room 3o2 books, Ottawa. © bpNichol, jwcurry]
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guerrerense · 4 months
Demonstration por Robby Gragg Por Flickr: EMFX Tier 4 demo 1606 leads a manifest north through Plainfield, IL.
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paulinedorchester · 9 months
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The High Holy Days, 1944: Scenes from the liberation of Europe: Italy
(above, from The Jewish Chronicle, September 22nd, 1944)
On September 18th, The New York Times had published a more detailed account of the services in Florence and Rome (Cpl. Green appears to have been confused about the location):
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Aaron Paperman was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1914, and received his ordination in 1937 from the Rabbinical College of Telshe, Lithuania (a credential that marks him as ultra-Orthodox). Prior to joining up in September, 1942, he served the Orthodox Jewish Congregation of Plainfield, New Jersey. He was still in the Army in late 1945, by which time he had been promoted to Major and awarded the Bronze Star. He remained in Italy for some time with the Army of the Occupation, working with the residents of a displaced persons camp near Rome. I've had some trouble tracing his later movements, but he apparently spent at least a few years back in Baltimore before moving permanently to Israel, where he died in 2002.
Here is Rabbi Paperman, with Rabbi Zolli, at a service that was, in fact, held at the Great Synagogue of Rome (and broadcast), on July 31st:
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The Rome Rosh Hashanah service drew special attention on September 19th from Rabbi Hochman's hometown paper, the Boston Globe (Chelsea is a small city just outside Boston):
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Jacob Hochman was born in Poland in 1913 and was came to the United States in 1921. He was an alumnus of Yeshiva University, which suggests that his upbringing was Orthodox, but in 1938 he received ordination from from the Jewish Theological Seminary, which trains rabbis for the Conservative movement. Prior to his induction in January 1943 he served a congregation in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. He was stationed in North Africa for a time before arriving in Italy, and was still in the Army towards the end of 1945. After his discharge he served congregations in Roslyn, N.Y., Los Angeles, and Milton, Massachusetts (another Boston suburb), before his untimely death in 1966.
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landrysg · 1 year
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Good morning, North Plainfield. Neighbors up the street reported a few weeks ago that the fox family had kits, but this morning was my first glimpse of them in the yard behind mine.
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Garage Heater Repair in Aurora-Furnace Installation in Romeoville-A/C installation in Winfield-HVAC contractor Batavia
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https://executiveheatingandairpros.com/testimonials We're the group you can trust for HVAC services in Aurora, Romeoville, Winfield, and Batavia. Our knowledgeable professionals are experts in complete HVAC solutions, furnace installations, a/c installations, and garage heater repairs. You may rely on us to maintain an efficient and comfortable interior atmosphere all year round.
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packedwithpackards · 2 years
Places with 'Packard' in the name across the U.S.
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Packard Road in Plainfield, MA. Photo taken by Bob Mills. As he described it in July or August 1980, Packard Road connects "Cummington to Plainfield over steep hills. It is mostly a gravel road with lots of ferns, rocks, and trees, but nothing else but a few random farmhouses. Only Plainfield has a few restored old homes – the area is rather poverty-stricken."
In my searching, I discovered a number of places across the U.S., which have Packard in the name, apart from the image above and Packard Cemetery.
Let's start with Packard Rocks, Rhode Island. We know, as stated in Rhode Island History (Jan. 1942 edition, p 22) that the 500-acre farm that Captain Samuel Packard, the person who tried to illegally capture African to serve as his slaves, bought in 1800s, "extended from Packard's Rocks in the Narragansett Bay to the Fish Pond at the Head of Narrow River." This isn't much of a surprise since this Samuel Packard was buried in Rhode Island like his wife Abigail. Other books confirm the location of Packard's Rocks, sometimes called Packard Rocks, although none told the history of the place.  [1] Even the GNIS entry lists nothing on the origin of the name! But, based on what was stated earlier, it was likely given its name because it was once part of a farm owned by Samuel Packard. While I couldn't find land records using an official government site, and an unofficial one, for Rhode Island, I did find its location, and a map showing a Packard Road in the region in 1900, highlighting the road with a yellow square:
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This is document 99999924, a plat recorded on January 1, 1900 if the North Kingston Town Clerk website is accurate on this date.
I looked through the land evidences too (since the probate and town records cannot be accessed unless you are at a Family History Library), but since the indexes are spotty, I couldn't find anything without going through the whole book.
With that, we move onto the next one: a historical Packard post office. It fulfilled this role in 1892, 1901, and 1902, according to the GNIS. Further information is not known at this time. The final place I'll focus on is Packard, Michigan. It is presently a populated community place, and has some scattered mentions in books. But nothing notes its origin, unfortunately. But, we can say it had that name by at least 1901 as a railroad station was there. There is a lot of false drops in the search results, so it is hard to search for completely accurately.
That's all for this week. Until next week!
Note: This was originally posted on Sept. 17, 2019 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
© 2018-2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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int0design · 1 year
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georgianadesign: Decks by Kiefer, North Plainfield, NJ. https://georgianadesign.tumblr.com/post/711444119916068864
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porcelainapparition · 6 months
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North Plainfield, New Jersey
built in 1904
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thethinkingman · 2 years
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This load is a picture of why so many people leave trucking, don’t recommend it to others and refuse to get into the industry.
I loaded last Friday in Ocala Fl. Once loaded, and on the way to Orange MA, I called the site contact to confirm delivery. He was very quick to inform me it would not deliver Monday due to the customer ignoring his requests for a ship date for over a week. He couldn’t schedule a crane Friday afternoon for Monday morning. After some phone calls a decision was made for me to bring the load home and sit on it until a crane appointment is made.
I arrived home Saturday morning. Monday late afternoon I was informed the crane was scheduled for Friday morning and I needed to be there at 0800. So Wednesday morning I left home and headed to MA.
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Friday I arrive on site at 0750 and was informed the crane wasn’t arriving until 0830. Sometime around 0900 the crane still wasn’t on site, but the trucks carrying the counterweights had arrived. The new ETA for the crane was 1000. In this time period I was informed that the crane was scheduled for 0800 and I wasn’t supposed to be on-site until 0900.
At 0930 the crane arrived and the three trucks supporting the crane were unloaded and the crane was set up by 1030. I back in and unchain. While doing this the rigging supervisor decided he didn’t like the lift points thinking they were to light, or not thick enough. After some pictures and a conversation with the manufacturer they decided to try lifting it. Now it’s 1130.
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At this point we had to cancel a load we were supposed to pick up in PA going to GA that payed very well. Due to the shipper having a 1400 cut off time we had to cancel before the crane was set up. The next load has a 1600 cutoff in North Plainfield NJ which is 4.5 hours from where I was sitting. By the time I was unloaded, took pictures, sent in paperwork and got traffick and parked cars moved it was 1200 when I left. Being the traffic hell hole the north east is on a Friday afternoon I ran into the inevitable heavy traffic and was not going to make the next pickup by 1600. Now it doesn’t load until Monday morning and delivers in Iowa Wednesday morning.
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So now a load that was supposed to load Friday and deliver Monday allowing us to get loaded so I could be home for Thanksgiving is postponed until Monday and delivering Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. Thus I will be on the road for Thanksgiving this year. Hopefully we can get reloaded so I’m not sitting through the holiday weekend.
Now the problem. In trucking when there are delays like this you can get compensation for downtime, but not nearly the same amount you would make running under a load. The time I spent home at the beginning of the week payed me about half my average earning potential. The wait time Friday probably won’t be payed by the broker and absolutely will not be paid by the crane service. The 5 hours waiting to load in Florida, we were only paid for 2 of those hours. The weekend I’m spending sitting in Bordentown NJ is not paid and the neither the crane crew that caused us to miss two loads not the contractors on site will pay for the down time and missed loads. Now two weeks of earning for myself and my company have been ruined. Finally no one will compensate the driver for being stuck on the road half the country away from home on a major holiday.
So ask yourself this, in an industry that touches everything at least once from raw material to delivery to where you buy it, and is so vital to our way of life and national security, why would anyone want to get into this career?
#trucker #trucking #truckdriver #cdl #bluecollar #supplychain #transportation #freightbroker #truckingcompany #holiday
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thenightlymirror · 2 years
I still get these intrusive memories of working in the ambulance, almost like the memories were shattered and little shards were left in my future, and both are happening at once. What’s strange is that they are almost always banal. I’m eating breakfast now, and suddenly remember sitting in the van in a multiplex parking lot. On a Saturday or even Sunday (today is Sunday). I want to say it was Plainfield, but I don’t think that’s true. Somewhere off 355. Joliet. I know it’s southwest. And the sky is winter white, cold. I’m waiting for a few hours because someone may or may not need assistance. I think I waited a long time.
Do you remember the blood red van? Where an old woman died and sat there for hours and the smell stayed more or less permanently. Especially when you had to turn up the heat. The chains on the floor were very bad. That was the car when one of my AIDS patients vomited all over the wall and I just turned off my mind mopped up what I could. The way they hate you when you’ve seen them sick. So silent.
I think about that relationship so sentimentally compared to what I do now, living like vultures off the the corpses of rich North Shore Russians.
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