#Plant-Based Meat Market Orientation
writerblogs · 10 months
Global Plant-Based Meat Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Health Consciousness and Growing Trend of Veganism
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The global Plant-Based Meat Market is estimated to be valued at USD 5.06 Bn in 2021 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 19.3% over the forecast period 2022-2030.
A) Market Overview:
The Plant-Based Meat Market refers to meat substitutes that are derived from plant sources and offer a healthier and more sustainable alternative to traditional meat products. These products are widely used by individuals who follow vegetarian, vegan, or flexitarian diets, as well as those who are health-conscious and concerned about the environmental impact of meat production. Plant-based meat products provide comparable taste, texture, and nutritional value to conventional meat, making them an attractive option for consumers looking to reduce their meat consumption without compromising on flavor or protein intake.
B) Market Dynamics:
The Plant-Based Meat Market is driven by several factors. Firstly, increasing health consciousness among consumers is a key driver for the market. Plant-based meat products are lower in saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories compared to animal-based meat, making them a healthier choice for individuals looking to improve their overall well-being.
Secondly, the growing trend of veganism and vegetarianism is driving the demand for plant-based meat products. Vegan and vegetarian diets are gaining popularity due to ethical concerns regarding animal welfare and environmental sustainability. Plant-based meat allows individuals to enjoy meat-like products without the need for animal slaughter or consumption.
C) Market Key Trends:
One of the key trends in the Plant-Based Meat Market is the rise in innovative product offerings. Manufacturers are constantly developing new plant-based meat products that mimic the taste, texture, and appearance of animal-based meat. For example, Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods Inc. have launched plant-based burgers that closely resemble beef patties in taste and appearance. This trend of innovation is expected to continue, with companies exploring new plant protein sources and refining their manufacturing processes to create even more realistic meat alternatives.
D) SWOT Analysis:
1. Increasing health consciousness
2. Growing trend of veganism and vegetarianism
1. Higher cost compared to conventional meat
2. Limited availability of plant-based meat products in certain regions
1. Growing consumer awareness about the environmental impact of meat production
2. Expansion into new markets and regions
1. Competition from alternative protein sources, such as cultured meat and insect-based proteins
2. Negative perception and skepticism regarding the taste and quality of plant-based meat products
E) Key Takeaways:
Paragraph 1: The global Plant-Based Meat Market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 19.3% over the forecast period, due to increasing health consciousness among consumers and the growing trend of veganism and vegetarianism.
Paragraph 2: In terms of regional analysis, North America is anticipated to be the fastest-growing and dominating region in the Plant-Based Meat Market. The region has a significant consumer base seeking healthy and sustainable food options, along with a well-established distribution network for plant-based meat products.
Paragraph 3: Key players operating in the global Plant-Based Meat Market include Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods Inc., Maple Leaf Foods, Vegetarian Butcher, Conagra, Inc., Kellogg NA Co., Quorn, Amy's Kitchen, Inc., Tofurky, Gold&Green Foods Ltd., Sunfed, VBites Foods Limited, Kraft Foods, Inc., Lightlife Foods, Inc., Trader Joe's, Yves Veggie Cuisine, Marlow Foods Ltd., Ojah B.V., Moving Mountains, Eat JUST Inc., LikeMeat GmbH, GoodDot, OmniFoods, No Evil Foods, and Dr. Praeger's Sensible Foods.
In conclusion, the global Plant-Based Meat Market is poised for significant growth due to factors such as increasing health consciousness and the growing trend of veganism and vegetarianism. With innovative product offerings and expanding market opportunities, key players in the industry are well-positioned to capitalize on this upward trend.
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industry93 · 2 days
Dehydrated Onions Market Size, Share, Report, Analysis, Trends
The Global Dehydrated Onions Market, currently valued at approximately US$1.0 billion in 2023, is expected to reach US$1.6 billion by the end of 2030. This growth trajectory reflects a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.7% during the forecast period, driven by emerging trends and consumer preferences shifting towards convenient and healthy food options.
Consumer Trends Catalyzing Growth As consumers increasingly seek out clean labels and minimal processing in their food choices, the dehydrated onions market is witnessing significant growth. The trend towards clean eating—favoring natural ingredients with minimal additives—is pushing manufacturers to adapt by offering products that align with these health-centric values.
Moreover, the integration of health and wellness into everyday diet is enhancing the appeal of dehydrated onions, known for their high antioxidant content and nutritional benefits. This alignment with consumer health priorities is setting the stage for continued market expansion.
Dominance of Specific Product Segments In 2023, the white onion segment emerged as the market leader due to its versatility in various dishes, from casseroles to baked goods, and its extended shelf life which simplifies storage and handling. The chopped segment of dehydrated onions is also anticipated to lead, offering consistent size and texture that is crucial in culinary applications, ensuring uniformity in dishes and enhancing overall food quality.
Innovations in Drying Techniques The air drying segment is currently the most preferred dehydration method, maintaining the flavor and quality of onions efficiently. This method's cost-effectiveness and lower energy consumption contribute to its dominance in the market.
Geographical Insights The Asia Pacific region is at the forefront of the dehydrated onions market, driven by the increasing popularity of street food and quick-service restaurants. This regional market's growth is further bolstered by a rapid shift towards convenient and ready-to-use food ingredients. Meanwhile, North America is anticipated to be the fastest-growing region, influenced by its robust food processing industry and evolving home cooking trends.
Challenges and Competitive Dynamics Despite robust growth, the dehydrated onions market faces competition from fresh and frozen alternatives, which are often perceived to have superior flavor and texture. The sensory differences, particularly in aroma and texture when rehydrated, pose a challenge to market expansion.
However, the top players in the market, including Olam International, Kisan Foods, and Jain Farm Fresh Foods Ltd, are continuously innovating and expanding their distribution networks to mitigate these challenges and enhance their market presence.
Future Opportunities Looking ahead, the dehydrated onions market has lucrative growth opportunities in several areas:
Organic and Non-GMO Products: Increasing consumer demand for health-oriented products is driving interest in organic and non-GMO dehydrated onions, perceived to offer better nutritional benefits.
Plant-Based and Vegan Diets: The rise in vegan and plant-based dietary preferences is expanding the use of dehydrated onions in various culinary applications, particularly in meat substitutes.
Foodservice Industry: The practical benefits of dehydrated onions, such as longer shelf life and ease of use, are making them increasingly popular in the foodservice sector, aiding in cost management and operational efficiency.
Regulatory Landscape The market is also shaped by stringent regulatory standards across different regions, ensuring the safety and quality of dehydrated onions. In the U.S., the FDA oversees food safety and labeling standards, while in Europe, the EFSA provides scientific advice on food safety, influencing market operations.
Know More:https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/dehydrated-onions-market
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educationseekers · 3 months
How Food Tech Courses Equip You to Make an Impact 
Do you ever wonder about the magic behind your favorite food products? Or dream of creating innovative food solutions that could change the world? If so, then food technology might just be the perfect field for you! In today's fast-paced world, where culinary delights meet advanced technology, food tech courses are helping students make a big impact in the food industry. 
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Imagine being equipped with the knowledge and skills to revolutionise how we produce, package, and consume food. That's precisely what food tech courses offer – a gateway to a world of endless possibilities. Whether you're passionate about engineering delicious flavors, ensuring food safety, or developing sustainable food systems, there's a niche for you in the vast landscape of food technology. 
Shoolini University supports your passion for transforming the food tech industry through its Food Technology courses. Shoolini helps to equip students with scientific expertise providing industry exposure making them future ready. Nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, Shoolini University offers a growth oriented, and research focused ecosystem for students like you to drive positive change and make a lasting impact. 
In this blog, let us explore how the specialised food tech courses help you change the world of food technology.  
Understanding the Nexus of Food and Technology 
Food Technology covers a broad spectrum of disciplines, including food science, engineering, biotechnology, nutrition, and sustainability. It uses advancements in fields like biotechnology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and data analytics to enhance various aspects of the food system, from production and processing to distribution and consumption. 
By enrolling in food tech courses, students delve into the intricacies of food production, quality assurance, safety regulations, and supply chain management. They gain insights into innovative techniques such as precision agriculture, cellular agriculture, 3D food printing, and functional food development. Understanding these technologies equips students with the expertise needed to address global food challenges efficiently and sustainably. 
Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice 
One of the significant benefits of food tech courses is their emphasis on practical, hands-on learning experiences. Whether through laboratory experiments, industry internships, or research projects, students can apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. This hands-on learning method strengthens what you learn in class and helps you become more creative and better at solving problems. 
Moreover, many food tech programs collaborate closely with industry partners, allowing students to gain valuable industry insights and forge professional connections. Exposure to industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies empowers you to stay ahead of the curve and make meaningful contributions to the field upon graduation. 
Nurturing Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
Food tech courses cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset by encouraging students to explore innovative solutions to pressing food-related issues. Whether it's developing sustainable packaging alternatives, creating plant-based meat substitutes, or optimising food delivery systems, aspiring entrepreneurs are equipped with the knowledge and resources to turn their ideas into reality. Some of the famous startups today are Zomato, Chai Point, Swiggy, Big Basket, HealthifyMe.   
In addition to technical skills, food tech programs often provide training in business development, marketing, and project management. This holistic approach prepares graduates to develop groundbreaking technologies and to navigate the complexities of the business landscape, secure funding, and scale their ventures for maximum impact. 
Driving Sustainable Change 
The primary aim of education is to ensure sustainability across the entire food system. Sustainable principles are a fundamental part of food tech education, focusing on reducing waste, emissions, and promoting ethical sourcing and biodiversity. 
By studying topics such as alternative protein sources, vertical farming, and circular economy models, students gain a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of food, health, and the environment. With this knowledge, they can push for sustainable policies, work with everyone involved in making and selling food, and lead efforts to create a fairer and stronger food system. 
Food Tech Courses at Shoolini 
Shoolini University is the No.1 Private University in India ranked by Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024 and QS World University Rankings 2024. The Subject Rankings 2024 ranks Shoolini as No.1 Private University in India in Engineering and Life Sciences. The tranquil environment and top rankings are the reasons why you should study Food Technology at Shoolini.  
The faculty at Shoolini's School of Bio-Engineering and Food Technology are alumni of prestigious global universities like Oxford, NIH, NCI, and Johns Hopkins Medical School, as well as renowned Indian institutions like IISc, JNU, DU, and ZSI. Students receive constant support in a research-oriented atmosphere. With access to over 104 advanced labs and 10 centers of excellence, they have ample opportunities to excel and innovate. 
At Shoolini, undergraduates benefit from the Summit Research Program (SRP), which offers hands-on research experience and personal mentorship. This fully residential program guides students to publish papers and file patents starting from their first year, building a strong scientific foundation and mindset. 
Here are the specialised Food Tech courses offered by Shoolini:  
B Tech Food Technology  
B Sc Food Technology  
M Tech Food Technology  
M Sc Food Technology  
PhD Food Technology  
In a world where food security, nutrition, and sustainability are paramount concerns, the role of food technology in driving positive change cannot be overstated. Food tech courses serve as a catalyst for innovation, equipping individuals with the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to tackle complex food challenges head-on. Whether you aspire to become a food technologist, product developer, quality assurance manager, or entrepreneur, food tech courses provide the springboard for your dreams to take flight. 
So why wait? Take the first step towards a fulfilling career in food technology today and join the ranks of passionate individuals who are shaping the future of food one innovation at a time. With Shoolini University by your side, the possibilities are limitless! 
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Sustainable Practices in the Frozen Food Market: A Green Revolution
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The Frozen Food Market is estimated for $300 billion for the forecast period 2023-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.
Market Overview:
Frozen food products such as frozen pasta, frozen pizza, frozen ready meals, frozen meat and seafood among others have gained popularity in recent years. Changing lifestyle and increase in number of working women have fueled the demand for convenience food products globally.
Market Dynamics:
The growth of the frozen food market can be attributed to two major drivers - rising demand for convenience food and growth of retail sector globally. Consumers today seek ready to eat food options that can be prepared quickly to save time in cooking and cleaning. Also, increasing organized retail channels such as supermarkets and hypermarkets have increased the availability of frozen food products globally. This has resulted in higher adoption of frozen food. Further, rising urbanization has fueled the demand for packaged and ready-to-eat food commodities.
Frozen Food Market Drivers:
Growth in Urban Population and Rising Number of Dual Income Households Drives Convenience Food Demand
The frozen food market has seen significant growth in recent years due to increasing urbanization and dual income households worldwide. As more people move to cities for employment opportunities, convenient options that save time in meal preparation have become highly popular. Frozen foods allow harried urban residents to have home cooked meals with little effort. Working professionals with busy schedules also rely on frozen entrees, snacks and side dishes to reduce cooking time. The hectic modern lifestyles have amplified the need for easy to prepare food items.
Rising Health Awareness Boosts Demand for Healthy Frozen Meals and Snacks
Customers are increasingly health conscious and prefer food products with clean labels, no artificial preservatives and natural ingredients. To cater to these evolving tastes, frozen food manufacturers have launched a variety of healthy options such as gluten free, low calorie, lowfat, whole grain, protein rich and plant based meals and snacks. The growing health and wellness trend has prompted more choices in frozen vegetables, fruits and meat alternatives. This in turn is fueling the sales of nutritious frozen products targeting health oriented consumers.
Frozen Food Market Restrain: Rise in Food Safety Issues Negatively Impacts Consumer Confidence
Major food safety issues involving contaminated or expired frozen food products in the past have dented consumer trust in the frozen food industry. Recalls due to detection of pathogens like listeria or harmful materials like glass or plastic pieces create negative publicity. There is also a perception that freezing may destroy some nutrients in foods. While food manufacturers follow stringent safety and quality processes, occasional errors still occur in the complex supply chain. This undermines confidence in frozen items and prompts some consumers to prefer fresh alternatives. Ensuring utmost safety at all stages from production to consumption remains a key challenge.
Frozen Food Market Opportunity: Growing Demand for Organic and Plant based Frozen Products Presents New Prospects
With the shift towards sustainable living and flexitarian diets, there is a rising demand for organic, vegan and plant based frozen foods. Companies are innovating with new varieties of frozen fruits, vegetables, meat alternatives and dairy free desserts produced from organic or natural ingredients without GMOs, artificial colors and preservatives. The market potential for sustainably sourced and ethically packaged frozen commodities is growing exponentially. This demand creates opportunities for startups to introduce niche frozen products aligned with contemporary values of health, ethics and environment protection. Capitalizing on current food trends can open up fresh revenue streams.
Frozen Food Market Trend: Personalized Nutrition Drives Customized Meal Options
A notable trend is the growth in customized and personalized frozen meals tailored to specific dietary needs and preferences. Using online questionnaires, companies now offer tailored meal plans and individually packed frozen dishes tailored for parameters like macro/micronutrient targets, allergies, lifestyle and more. Meals are modified for different goals like weight management, muscle gain, general wellness etc. Personalization also extends to accommodating religious/regional dietary restrictions. This highly customized approach meets the evolving demand for nutrient-dense, tailored frozen foods delivering unique health benefits. It helps address the diverse needs of modern consumer segments.
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viral-spices · 11 months
Going Global with Sesame Seeds: A Guide for Exporters on Meeting Rising Demands
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Sesame seeds, tiny powerhouses packed with numerous health benefits and culinary uses, have gained significant popularity in recent years. This surge in demand has presented a lucrative opportunity for exporters around the world. In this blog post, we will explore the factors driving the growing demand for sesame seeds and the potential opportunities for exporters to tap into this thriving market.
Health Benefits and Culinary Versatility
Sesame seeds have been an integral part of traditional medicine and cuisine for centuries. They are rich in essential nutrients like protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. These seeds contain antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Sesame seeds also boost your immune system.
Furthermore, sesame seeds offer a versatile range of culinary applications. From sprinkling them on salads, blending them into dressings and sauces, to incorporating them into baked goods and confectioneries, sesame seeds add a delightful crunch and nutty flavor to various dishes.
Growing Demand for Plant-Based Foods
Sesame seeds are experiencing a surge in demand worldwide, thanks to the growing global emphasis on healthier living and plant-oriented diets. As individuals become more health-conscious, the natural nutritional benefits of sesame seeds make them an invaluable resource for vegetarians and vegans. As a result, they are extensively used in plant-based meat alternatives, energy bars, and protein powders.
International Cuisine Adoption
The increasing globalization of food culture has also contributed to the rising demand for sesame seeds. As consumers explore diverse culinary traditions, sesame seeds have become a staple ingredient in various international cuisines. Middle Eastern tahini, Asian sesame oil, and African halva are just a few examples of how sesame seeds are incorporated into traditional dishes worldwide. This widespread adoption of sesame seeds in different cuisines has opened new markets and opportunities for exporters.
Demand for Clean Label and Organic Products
In recent years, there has been a growing consumer preference for clean label and organic products. Sesame seeds naturally align with this trend as they are typically free from additives and preservatives. Moreover, the demand for organic sesame seeds has witnessed a significant upswing due to their perceived health benefits and environmental sustainability. Exporters who can cater to this niche market segment have the potential to tap into a high-value customer base.
Export Opportunities for Entrepreneurs
Exporters can leverage the growing demand for sesame seeds by focusing on several key strategies. Firstly, establishing strong relationships with local farmers and suppliers to ensure a consistent and high-quality supply of sesame seeds is crucial. Additionally, investing in state-of-the-art processing and packaging facilities will enhance the value proposition and attract discerning buyers.
Moreover, exporters should consider obtaining organic certifications to cater to the increasing demand for organic sesame seeds. Collaborating with international distributors and participating in trade fairs and exhibitions will enable exporters to showcase their products and connect with potential buyers on a global scale.
When it comes to premium quality sesame products, Veerral Agro Tech and Organic Products India stands out as a leading name in the industry. As prominent sesame exporters, sesame supplier, and sesame manufacturer, Veerral Agro Tech and Organic Products India ensure unmatched standards of excellence. With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Veerral Agro Tech has gained a reputation for delivering top-notch sesame products worldwide. Our extensive range caters to diverse requirements, making them a go-to choose for sesame enthusiasts. Trust us to enhance your culinary delights and elevate your sesame experience. Contact us now!
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Protein Alternatives Market - Demand And Current Trends
Protein alternatives are substitutes for animal-based protein. Protein-rich plants like soybeans, peas, and almonds have long been used as substitutes for meat and other animal products. However, the term "protein alternative" can also refer to more contemporary developments that replicate traditionally animal-based foods like eggs, dairy, and various kinds of meat. Consumers and investors alike have been paying increasing attention to the protein alternatives, which ranges from plant-based eggs to cultured meats made from animal cells in culture. Animal exploitation and the environmental effects of food production would be reduced if alternative proteins were used in place of currently produced animal products.
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The protein alternatives market growth is projected to be fueled by the rise in the consumption of clean proteins as well as by growing awareness of consumers and adoption of proteins from sustainably derived sources. Consumer awareness of the value of clean protein in daily diets for sustaining energy and managing weight is expected to have a beneficial effect on the growth of the protein alternatives market. The protein substitute offers several health advantages, including improving nutritional makeup and boosting the immune system of the body, which should expand the market for protein substitutes in food applications and promote Protein Alternatives Industry.
Key Benefits For Stakeholders
This report provides a quantitative analysis of the market segments, current trends, estimations, and dynamics of the protein alternatives market analysis from 2021 to 2031 to identify the prevailing protein alternatives market opportunities.
The market research is offered along with information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities.
Porter's five forces analysis highlights the potency of buyers and suppliers to enable stakeholders make profit-oriented business decisions and strengthen their supplier-buyer network.
In-depth analysis of the protein alternatives market segmentation assists to determine the prevailing market opportunities.
Major countries in each region are mapped according to their revenue contribution to the global market.
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blogaarti · 1 year
Global Plant-Based Beverages Market Should Grow to US$34.8 Bn in 2026 From US$15.3 Bn 2019
Of late, consumers across the globe are undergoing a massive shift to adopt green and ethical food sources. Such trends are driven by various factors namely, environmental concerns, animal rights, a greater focus on healthcare, and a high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases. It is believed that adopting a low-fat, low-calorie, and low-cholesterol diet derived from plant-based food sources is inherently healthier. The growth of social media and e-commerce platforms has immensely enhanced the discoverability of plant-based food alternatives. Furthermore, the incidence of several food allergies and lactose intolerance is also pursuing many individuals to adopt cleaner and non-diary diets. The global plant-based beverages market is set to grow at breakneck speeds in such market conditions. The influence of these factors and rapidly changing consumer perception are expected to steer the plant-based beverages market to fruition during the forecast period of 2019 to 2026.
 For More Industry Insights Read: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/plant-based-beverages-market
 According to Fairfield Market Research, the global plant-based beverages market is poised to reach US$34,806 million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 12.9%. Since this valuation was US$15,309 million in 2019, the projected value suitably points to remarkable growth possibilities residing in the global plant-based beverages market.
 Growing Consumer Demand for Alternatives to Dairy Enhances Product Differentiation in Plant-based Beverages Market 
The robust increase in the demand for plant-based beverages has created an incentive for market players to intensify their research and development efforts. Since a significant proportion of this demand is generated by healthy and fitness-oriented individuals, the sales of plant-based nutritional supplements are reaching recording-breaking numbers. Several market players are focusing on product-based models to improve sales. The current regulatory framework governing plant-based beverages has tremendous scope for improvement, allowing manufacturers to promote their products flexibly. The market players are working to improve the efficacy of dietary supplements that aim to replace conventional food items. R&D investments are being directed to set up laboratories, procure research equipment, and hire professionals to boost the performance of plant-based beverages. Such trends are facilitating the development of plant-based alternatives that resemble meat and dairy in terms of taste and nutritional value. This favourable focus on R&D is poised to aid in the expansion of the plant-based beverages market in future.
 Robust Adoption of Healthier Lifestyles Enables North America to Sustain Market Lead Sound healthcare awareness and the presence of prominent market players are expected to aid North America’s dominance over the plant-based beverages market. Consumers in the region are developing a propensity to adopt cruelty-free and ethical food products. Vegan and vegetarian lifestyles are gaining traction in major economies such as the USA and Canada. The number of health and fitness-focused individuals is also increasing in this region. Moreover, the prevalence of several cardiovascular diseases and food allergies is creating an incentive for consumers to adopt plant-based diets and supplements. The presence of such factors is expected to facilitate growth across North America’s plant-based beverages market at a healthy value CAGR of 12.7%.
 Key Market Players 
Some of the prominent market entities in the global plant-based beverages market include Good Karma Foods, Inc., Ripple Foods, Califia Farms LP, Koia, Harmless Harvest Inc., Danone SA, Blue Diamond Growers, PBC, and Pureharvest. The market players are expected to intensify their research and development efforts to develop more effective supplements.
 For More Information Visit: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/plant-based-beverages-market
 About Us
Fairfield Market Research is a UK-based market research provider. Fairfield offers a wide spectrum of services, ranging from customized reports to consulting solutions. With a strong European footprint, Fairfield operates globally and helps businesses navigate through business cycles, with quick responses and multi-pronged approaches. The company values an eye for insightful take on global matters, ably backed by a team of exceptionally experienced researchers. With a strong repository of syndicated market research reports that are continuously published & updated to ensure the ever-changing needs of customers are met with absolute promptness.
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imr-riya · 1 year
Vegan Cheese Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2022-2028
Vegan Cheese Market size is projected to reach USD 4.63 billion by 2028 from an estimated USD 1.92 billion in 2021, growing at a CAGR of 13.4% globally.
Veganism is referred to as the refusal from the utilizations of animal-based products, especially in food and beverage products. Vegan cheese is the substitute for dairy cheese that is derived from plant-based sources such as almond milk, coconut milk, cashew milk, soy milk, pine nuts, hazelnut, others. Moreover, with the switching consumer tastes and preferences and shifting consumer lifestyle, producers are developing with the flavors of vegan cheese such as herbs, spice, and blends.  In addition, vegan cheese is the least in fat and gluten-free which helps to growth of the vegan cheese market. Furthermore, increased interest in plant-based foods has been raised owing to awareness associated with health, sustainability, and animal welfare. Regarding conventional production of dairy, there are three key areas of concern environment impact (pollution of soil and water, emissions of greenhouse gases, and land use), human health (increased antibiotic resistance and exposure to zoonotic diseases), and animal welfare (treatment of farmed animals, including disease, injury, and mental/emotional well-being). Hence, plant-based products provide a more sustainable and ethical option to consumers that are significantly growing in popularity among consumers.
The income earned from the sale of This Study and technologies by various application industries is considered in the report. This section also includes an analysis of global production volume and production volume by type for the projection period. Factors that influence market growth are important because they may be used to design diverse strategies for capturing the lucrative possibilities that exist in the ever-growing industry. In addition, market expert perspectives have been incorporated to better understand the industry.
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Key Industry Players in Vegan Cheese Market:
·         UPrise Foods
·         Daiya Foods
·         Parmela Creamery
·         Tyne Cheese Limited
·         Good Planet Foods
·         Vtopian Artisan Cheese Company
·         Kite Hill
·         Feel Foods Ltd.
·         Tesco
·         Miyoko's Kitchen Company
·         Vermont Farmstead Company
·         Follow Your Heart
·         Galaxy Nutritional Foods Inc.
·         Violife Foods
·         Mad Millie
·         Field Roast Grain Meat Co.
·         Nush
·         Go Veggie and other major players.
Plant-based cheese products gain popularity, as consumers are making the switch from conventional cheese. Sensing the growing interest in vegan cheese, an array of vegan cheese brands have entered the global market due to which, the competition in the vegan cheese market is high. As the demand for vegan cheese grows at an exponential rate, plant-based cheese brands are currently expanding their production capacity to meet the demand.
Segmentation Analysis Includes,
By Type:
·         Mozzarella
·         Gouda
·         Parmesan
·         Cheddar
·         Cream Cheese
·         Ricotta
·         Others
By Source:
·         Almond Milk
·         Coconut Milk
·         Cashew Milk
·         Soy Milk
·         Pine Nuts
·         Hazelnut
·         Others
By End-Use:
·         Food Service Industry
·         Household/Retail
By Region:
·         North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
·         Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Europe)
·         Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
·         Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Africa, Rest of MEA)
·         South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
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Key Benefits:
·         The report provides a quantitative analysis of the current vegan cheese market trends, estimations, and dynamics of the market size from 2019 to 2027 to identify the prevailing opportunities.
·         Porter’s five forces analysis highlights the potency of buyers and suppliers to enable stakeholders to make profit-oriented business decisions and strengthen their supplier–buyer network.
·         In-depth analysis and the market size and segmentation assist to determine the prevailing vegan cheese market opportunities.
·         The major countries in each region are mapped according to their revenue contribution to the market.
·         The market player positioning segment facilitates benchmarking and provides a clear understanding of the present position of the market players in the vegan cheese industry.
Vegan cheese is lactose and easily digestible cheese. Soy milk, Almond milk, rice milk, and other sources including peanut milk, coconut milk, and others are used to make vegan cheese, which is entirely made from plants. The global vegan market is expanding as a result of a number of causes, including increasing consumer development of eco-friendly- friendly, animal-free sources of protein, growing worries about the use of antibiotics, allergies, and hormones, and concerns about animal welfare. Numerous vegan cheeses use, such as in fast food snacks, bakeries, and confectioneries, also contribute to the market's expansion.
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The Presence of top tier vegan cheese brands, growing consumer awareness, increasing number of social media influencers and celebrities promoting vegan cheese, and shift toward a healthier lifestyle are some of the major factors expected to drive the growth of the market for vegan cheese in these two regions. Several companies are expanding their product portfolio in tune with the evolving consumer trends and lifestyle preferences.
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pranalipawarshinde · 10 months
High Pressure Processing Equipment Market size, demand, growth, COVID 19 impact analysis, share, revenue and forecast 2021-2031 | Universal Pasteurization Co, Hydrofresh HPP, ThyssenKrupp AG
Global High Pressure Processing Equipment Market report from Global Insight Services is the single authoritative source of intelligence on High Pressure Processing Equipment Market. The report will provide you with analysis of impact of latest market disruptions such as Russia-Ukraine war and Covid-19 on the market. Report provides qualitative analysis of the market using various frameworks such as Porters’ and PESTLE analysis. Report includes in-depth segmentation and market size data by categories, product types, applications, and geographies. Report also includes comprehensive analysis of key issues, trends and drivers, restraints and challenges, competitive landscape, as well as recent events such as M&A activities in the market.
Get Access to A Free Sample Copy of Our Latest Report – https://www.globalinsightservices.com/request-sample/GIS22876
High pressure processing equipment is used to preserve food by subjecting it to high pressures. This process is also known as racialization, and it works by inactivating microorganisms and enzymes that can cause spoilage. High pressure processing equipment is mainly used for juices, dairy products, and prepared meals.
Key Trends
One of the key trends in high pressure processing equipment technology is the development of more compact and portable units. This trend is being driven by the need for more flexibility in food processing, as well as the desire to reduce costs.
Another key trend is the development of higher-pressure units that can process food more quickly and effectively. This trend is being driven by the need for faster turnaround times and the desire to improve food quality.
Finally, there is a trend toward the use of more environmentally friendly high pressure processing equipment. This trend is being driven by the need to reduce the impact of food processing on the environment.
Key Drivers
There are several key drivers of the high pressure processing equipment market.
One of the most important drivers is the increasing demand for safe and fresh food. With the growing concerns over food safety and quality, many consumers are looking for ways to ensure that their food is free of harmful bacteria and contaminants.
Another key driver of the high pressure processing equipment market is the increasing popularity of organic and natural foods. As more consumers become aware of the health benefits of eating organic and natural foods, they are increasingly looking for ways to incorporate these foods into their diets.
Finally, the increasing cost of traditional food preservation methods is also driving the high pressure processing equipment market.
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Restraints & Challenges
High Pressure Processing Equipment market is restrained by the high cost of installation and maintenance of the equipment.
In addition, the lack of awareness about the benefits of high pressure processing equipment among food processing companies is another key challenge for market growth.
Market Segments
The high pressure processing equipment market is segmented by orientation, application, end-user, and region. By orientation, the market is segmented by horizontal, and vertical. Based on application, it is bifurcated into fruits, vegetables, meat, and others. On the basis of end-use, it is divided into SMEs, and large production plants. Region-wise, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World.
Key Players
The global high pressure processing equipment market includes players such as Avure Technologies Inc, Hiperbaric Espana, Bao Tou KeFa High Pressure Technology Co Ltd, CHIC FresherTech, Kobe Steel Ltd, Multivac Sepp Haggenmuller Se and Co KG, Stansted Fluid Power Ltd, Universal Pasteurization Co, Hydrofresh HPP, ThyssenKrupp AG, and others.
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xanacts · 4 years
Hi this is Melaninskinny! I've wanted to become vegan for a bit I mean for health reasons but because honestly I feel bad eating meat. Assuming you are vegan, when did you become vegan? How did you start? And do you have recommendations on what to eat and good recipes. Thanks in advance! Hope you're staying safe and feeling loved ❤️
I’m actually vegetarian but I’ve been working on vegan for a while—when I’m at my apartment, I am mostly vegan but when I’m with my family I’ll eat dairy products to make it easier for them.
I started eating vegetarian in high school so it was kinda hard because I didn’t have a lot of money and some products that you need to substitute are expensive (like tofu or plant-based “meats”). Because of that, I started with very small switches: first no red meats, then no eggs (unless bought at a farmers market or they came from my grandpa), then no chicken, etc. I never ate fish in the first place so that was easy.
I became more vegan-oriented in college and did it much the same way. Small switches here and there: no milk (oat or almond instead), then no butter (earth balance), then no eggs at all, then no dairy-based coffee creamer, then no cheese (daiya is fantastic with a great cheese flavor/consistency but v expensive), and so on.
My favorite recipes include:
1. skillet cauliflower (cauli with water or spray butter, Parmesan, red pepper flakes, garlic, onion, paprika, salt, pepper; like 200 cals for a whole head of cauli)
2. tomato, red bell pepper, and carrot soup (recipes online! usually about 150 cals per serving)
3. Carrot fries (recipes online! cals depend on how you cook them)
4. Chickpea ANYTHING (esp roasted so they’re crunchy) but also specifically chickpea & red lentil soup (wonderful recipes online; cals usually around 200 per serving and very filling bc of the beans)
5. Black beans mixed with salsa and/or guac salsa on a low-cal tortilla (cals depend on how much you add)
6. Zoodles with peas and carrots (cook in earth balance butter with garlic, lemon juice, onion, black pepper, salt, add a lil cheese if you want and it MIGHT put you just over 100 cals)
7. Fruit smoothies (specifically with strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry then mixed with spinach, cherry juice, and low cal vanilla yogurt; super filling but cals depend a LOT on serving size and how much of each ingredient you add)
8. Not a recipe but the tofurkey deli slices are tasty, filling, and low cal as fuck
My fav vegetables in general are:
• zucchini
• cauliflower
• any bell peppers
• jalapeños (I’ll eat them whole, raw)
• onions
• carrots
• peas
• broccoli
• cucumber
• not vegetables, but I could eat truckloads of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and watermelon (good for when you’re craving water & sugar too)
Hope this helps!! Mostly it’s about making small changes over a long period of time and finding substitutions you enjoy, otherwise you won’t stick with it! It’s def a bit of a lifestyle. Important to remember also that vegetables and spices are always much cheaper than substitutions; those are what you’ll always run the grocery bill up with. Thank you for the ask!!! Stay safe, much love, you are beautiful ❤️
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vegannewsnow · 4 years
Beyond Meat Added To KFC, Taco Bell, And Pizza Hut In Massive Deal
Yum brands, owner of KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell is partnering with Beyond Meat to put meat substitutes on the menu.
Yum brands, owner of KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell is partnering with Beyond Meat to put meat substitutes on the menu.
While initially this will be exclusive to the Chinese market it’s more than likely the positive results there will translate to the U.S. and the rest of the western world much like their Beyond Meat KFC tests in the U.S. have done.
“We see great potential for the plant-based…
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allaboutfoodgwu · 5 years
Anywhey You Want It
Protein is something humans reap naturally from food. From hunter-gatherer times, until the 1950’s, people seemed to survive, grow and function just fine without additives and supplements, so what happened? In the early 1900’s, a man named Bob Hoffman was one of the first people to suggest nutrition influenced the health and strength of a “man” (24, Hall and Fair).
Bob Hoffman greatly protested the early protein powders. He believed everything humans needed for an ideal physique could be provided by a balanced diet. His focus on nutrition’s bodily effect prompted people to pursue a perfected form—a way to maximize protein consumption, for a better physical outcome.
Thus, protein powder was born. One of the first was “by Patton’s dietetic of Los Angeles and Schenectady and contained such ingredients as soy beans, deep sea kelp, and whole wheat germ” (24, Hall and Fair). This sparked the beginning of body building that Americans, today, may be more familiar with. Protein became a revolutionary way to bulk muscle, without eating massive amounts of food.
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So if protein powder was born among the body building community in Los Angeles, how did it end up in the hands of the average consumer? Re-appropriation of protein supplements to target specific demographics like professional athletes, body builders, or people looking to lose weight, has driven the market in multiple directions. Protein powder was born from a culture obsessed with physical appearance. Now that protein products are becoming more ubiquitous in grocery stores, questions of who has access to such an excessive product and why are they buying it come to mind. Could protein powder be an indicator of larger cultural beauty standards?
Ulterior to the relationship between protein powder, working out and beauty standards, the expansive availability of vegan protein powders may be in response to increased popularity of veganism and vegetarianism. Agriculture and animal production are two of the largest contributors of green-house gases and climate change. In response, research has suggested Americans should reduce meat consumption to discourage animal production (Joyce, et al, 2012).
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Being the meat centered culture that America is, concerns of protein deficiency are large. Protein powder then becomes a viable option to help make up any nutritional gaps created by the omission of animal products. This study cannot speak for all American’s, however, so from her on I will be talking about protein powder consumers.
Funny enough, modern vegan powders are not totally unlike the original made back in 1950, soy is still a fairly common additive. The major difference between then and now though, is that people want more than just protein, they want a full serving of vegetables, antioxidant fruits, super food blends, biotin, collagen, vitamins, probiotics—things that would not be in your average hamburger.
My point is, protein powder has become a lot more than just protein, it’s become more of a cultural product in America, and for this study D.C. It is still used by athletes and body builders, but now D.C. residents outside these categories are hoppin’ on the Whey Train, hoping these magical protein powders will transform them as well. A self-awareness of environmental impact, in hand with influences from cultural beauty and fitness paradigms, creates an imaginary necessity for protein powder.
Understanding protein powder is not vital for survival, I would like to reconfigure it as a dietary accessory. Using ethnographic data collected from GNC, Safeway, Whole Foods and CVS, I use the position of protein powder in the store, as well as the availability of natural/conventional powders to generate an idea of the kind of customer these stores are targeting.
So what is my protein powder consumer profile? It seems the person stores are marketing to is affluent, health oriented and body conscious. Quick disclaimer: I only witnessed protein powder being purchased once during my time in the field, so all of my conclusions as to who protein consumers really are, are drawn from observations of the greater environment of each store.
Out in the real world D.C. residents do purchase protein powder. The fact that specialty stores, like GNC, exist shows there is demand in D.C.; however, I think demand for vegan or ‘natural’ protein powder is growing. 
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GNC has a limited selection of “healthy” powders, as the majority of their brands contain long lists of unknown (and unpronounceable) substances. The lack of business when I visited the store seems to suggest a decline in the popularity of their products, though I would also posit online markets may reflect a very different reality. These observations from GNC, combined with high prices ranging from $19.99 to $64.99, tells me protein buyers must be of higher economic status. Being located in a business area of D.C., I also suggest GNC’s protein customer is educated and health conscious (because they are buying protein powder).
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Whole Foods has a growing supply of natural protein powders. The average Whole Foods customer fits the archetype of my consumer—affluent and health conscious with the added bonus of environmental awareness. Whole Foods itself has a reputation for being fairly elite, as suggested by its nickname, “Whole Paycheck.” The high prices, starting at $25.99, of natural protein powder works to limit those who have access to the additive, repositioning protein as a status symbol (and supporting my hypothesized affluency of a protein powder consumer).
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Safeway tries to recreate the Whole Foods upper class ambiance by placing protein powder in the ‘natural’ aisle, which stands apart from the rest of the store because of its ‘natural’ wood flooring and organic labels. The aesthetic shift accentuates the segregation of ‘natural’ foods from the rest of the store. Protein powders can only be found in this aisle, and their selection is limited to natural and vegan brands.
Prices did start a little lower, at $16.99, however the large aisles, carts and adjacency to neighborhoods, suggested it is more of family grocery store. Therefore, these prices may still be considered high if two or more people are using the protein product.
The aesthetic separation of the natural aisle works to further emphasize protein powder as a status symbol by mimicking “whole paycheck.” Consumers of natural protein powder are physically and economically separate from the average Safeway shopper.
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CVS bridges the gap between Whole Foods and Safeway as it has both natural and conventional protein powders, despite its limited selection. Once more, I would like to bring attention to the placement of the conventional powder behind a support beam. This suggests CVS prioritizes the visibility of the natural protein powders. Maybe this means they expect customers who are looking for protein powder to be looking for natural brands. The natural products are consistently more expensive, starting at $23.99, than those that are not, which start at $20.79. The customer who purchases the natural product is likely someone with the resources to do so. Yes, there are the conventional options, but it seems clear that protein powders have taken a turn for the natural and expensive.
Discussion Looking across the four stores, protein powder is clearly a dietary accessory. Where powders once served a specific purpose for body builders, protein markets have expanded their appeal by incorporating other nutritional additives. High prices limit the accessibility of protein powder, something even greater affected by the even higher prices of natural products. The concept of ‘natural’ seems to be a marketing tool used by stores (with the exception of GNC because they have a more specific weight lifting demographic). “Natural” and “organic” tend to have upper class connotations or affiliations due to price trends (and whole paycheck). Protein powder’s affiliation with body builders may appeal to consumers’ desire to improve their musculature, but I argue this association is too limited now.
The socioeconomic affiliation with “natural” pricing and superadditives advertised on protein powder labels began to appeal to a broader audience. The cosmetic origins of protein continue on today as they aid in achieving cultural ‘fit’ beauty standards. This leads me to believe my Whey Train people are of a middle to upper socioeconomic class who seem to favor plant-based proteins in the interest of improving their health and physique.  
Adele Queener
Hall, Daniel and Fair, John. (2004). The Pioneers of Protein. Iron Game History. 8(3), 23-34.
Joyce, A., Dixon, A., Comfort, J. & Hallett, J. (2012). Reducing the Environmental Impact of Dietary Choice: Perspectives from a Behavioral and Social Change Approach. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. Doi:10.1155/2012/978672.  
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jayu123-me · 2 years
Rice Flour Market will reach US$ 1,003.1 Million at 4.4% CAGR by 2025
The global rice flour market is expected to experience steady growth in coming years, according to a Transparency Market Research (TMR) report. Given the low entrance obstacles due to less early investment, several businesses operate on the rice flour market.
Vendors in the global rice flour market are benefitted from the emergence and increasing awareness of gluten-free food products. Due to the extensive use of traditional rice flour in bakery and processed food items, the standard segment will dominate the market. Due to increased consumer preference and increased consumer inclination towards organic products, organic segments will, however, develop at a greater CAGR during the forecast period. Consumers are increasingly aware of the advantages of organic products, which are supposed to lead to the development of the organic sector in the marketplace.
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A study by Transparency Market Research world-wide on the rice flour market finds that the forecast period from 2017 to 2025 is steadily rising to 4.4 percent CAGR. The market value is anticipated to rise in this speed, from USD 712,9 million in 2017 to $1003.1 million by 2025-end.
The dominance of both value and quantity is expected to be in ASia Pacific. By the end of 2025, rice flour is anticipated to increase as staple food on the market in the region as well. In addition, New Zealand and Australia are also anticipated to see remarkable development on their markets, aside from the Oriental countries in the Asia Pacific, known to eat rice.
Popularity of Gluten-Free Food to Bolster Rice Flour Market
In 2016, hospitalizations for coeliac illness rose more than 600 percent from 1998 to 2013, according to DDW (Digestive Disease Week). The increased preference of rice flour over wheat flour is increased globally. Wheat and gluten sensitivity instances The growers are also accelerating the demand for rice flour as well as other gluten-free flours by applying white rice flour to a broad spectrum of flour based products as a gluten-free ingredient. With an increasing consumer base, baked and snack foods have become more tractable since the latest past, with enhanced, healthier, easier to cook and ready-to-eat choices for food to fit their busier lifestyle. This is expected to create immense demand in the global rice flour market in the coming years.
Enquiry before buying :
The volatility of grains prices due to climate change is one of the main problems for the development of the worldwide rice flour industry. Climate irregularity and seasonal changes have an important effect on plants, which influence crop yields in many areas adversely, ultimately leading to input and price differences in production. Furthermore the volatility in crop prices is also due to fluctuating energy, chemicals and fertilizer expenses.
Organic Rice Floor to Emerge as Key Market Trend
Organic rice flour obtained from organic rice cultivated in accordance with organic farming laws and instructions and cultivated without any pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, chemicals or other noxious substances. In recent years there has been considerable worldwide growth in demand for organic flours such as organic wheat flour, organic rice flour and organic maize flour.  Increased consumer awareness of organic products and powerful public support for developing natural and nutritionally rich products are main factors driving demand for organic products on the world market. The demand for organic rice flour for bread, cookies, processed food, sweets, meats and sauces and other organic products is high.
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ijtsrd · 2 years
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Status of Secondary Sector in Nabarangpur, Odisha
by Arun Kumar Tripathy "Status of Secondary Sector in Nabarangpur, Odisha"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5 , August 2021,
URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd45120.pdf
Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/economics/other/45120/status-of-secondary-sector-in-nabarangpur-odisha/arun-kumar-tripathy
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Industry, group of productive enterprises or organizations that produce or supply goods, services, or sources of income. In economics, industries are generally classified as primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary secondary industries are further classified as heavy and light. Primary sector of a nation’s economy includes agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying, and the extraction of minerals. It may be divided into two categories genetic industry, including the production of raw materials that may be increased by human intervention in the production process and extractive industry, including the production of exhaustible raw materials that cannot be augmented through cultivation. The genetic industries include agriculture, forestry and livestock management and fishing-”all of which are subject to scientific and technological improvement of renewable resources. The extractive industries include the mining of mineral ores, the quarrying of stone, and the extraction of mineral fuels. Primary industry tends to dominate the economies of undeveloped and developing nations, but as secondary and tertiary industries are developed, its share of the economic output tends to decrease. Secondary industry may be divided into heavy, or large scale, and light, or small scale, industry. Large scale industry generally requires heavy capital investment in plants and machinery, serves a large and diverse market including other manufacturing industries, has a complex industrial organization and frequently a skilled specialized labour force, and generates a large volume of output. Examples would include petroleum refining, steel and iron manufacturing see metalwork , motor vehicle and heavy machinery manufacture, cement production, nonferrous metal refining, meat packing, and hydroelectric power generation. Tertiary industry sector includes, among others, banking, finance, insurance, investment, and real estate services wholesale, retail, and resale trade transportation professional, consulting, legal, and personal services tourism, hotels, restaurants, and entertainment repair and maintenance services and health, social welfare, administrative, police, security, and defense services. An extension of tertiary industry that is often recognized as its own sector, quaternary industry, is concerned with information based or knowledge oriented products and services. Like the tertiary sector, it comprises a mixture of private and government endeavours. Industries and activities in this sector include information systems and information technology IT research and development, including technological development and scientific research financial and strategic analysis and consulting media and communications technologies and services and education, including teaching and educational technologies and services. 
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blogaarti · 2 years
Global Plant-Based Beverages Market Should Grow to US$34.8 Bn in 2026 From US$15.3 Bn 2019
Of late, consumers across the globe are undergoing a massive shift to adopt green and ethical food sources. Such trends are driven by various factors namely, environmental concerns, animal rights, a greater focus on healthcare, and a high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases. It is believed that adopting a low-fat, low-calorie, and low-cholesterol diet derived from plant-based food sources is inherently healthier. The growth of social media and e-commerce platforms has immensely enhanced the discoverability of plant-based food alternatives. Furthermore, the incidence of several food allergies and lactose intolerance is also pursuing many individuals to adopt cleaner and non-diary diets. The global plant-based beverages market is set to grow at breakneck speeds in such market conditions. The influence of these factors and rapidly changing consumer perception are expected to steer the plant-based beverages market to fruition during the forecast period of 2019 to 2026.
According to Fairfield Market Research, the global plant-based beverages market is poised to reach US$34,806 million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 12.9%. Since this valuation was US$15,309 million in 2019, the projected value suitably points to remarkable growth possibilities residing in the global plant-based beverages market.
 For More Industry Insight, Read: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/plant-based-beverages-market
 Growing Consumer Demand for Alternatives to Dairy Enhances Product Differentiation in Plant-based Beverages Market 
The robust increase in the demand for plant-based beverages has created an incentive for market players to intensify their research and development efforts. Since a significant proportion of this demand is generated by healthy and fitness-oriented individuals, the sales of plant-based nutritional supplements are reaching recording-breaking numbers. Several market players are focusing on product-based models to improve sales. The current regulatory framework governing plant-based beverages has tremendous scope for improvement, allowing manufacturers to promote their products flexibly. The market players are working to improve the efficacy of dietary supplements that aim to replace conventional food items. R&D investments are being directed to set up laboratories, procure research equipment, and hire professionals to boost the performance of plant-based beverages. Such trends are facilitating the development of plant-based alternatives that resemble meat and dairy in terms of taste and nutritional value. This favourable focus on R&D is poised to aid in the expansion of the plant-based beverages market in future.
 Robust Adoption of Healthier Lifestyles Enables North America to Sustain Market Lead Sound healthcare awareness and the presence of prominent market players are expected to aid North America’s dominance over the plant-based beverages market. Consumers in the region are developing a propensity to adopt cruelty-free and ethical food products. Vegan and vegetarian lifestyles are gaining traction in major economies such as the USA and Canada. The number of health and fitness-focused individuals is also increasing in this region. Moreover, the prevalence of several cardiovascular diseases and food allergies is creating an incentive for consumers to adopt plant-based diets and supplements. The presence of such factors is expected to facilitate growth across North America’s plant-based beverages market at a healthy value CAGR of 12.7%.
 Key Market Players 
Some of the prominent market entities in the global plant-based beverages market include Good Karma Foods, Inc., Ripple Foods, Califia Farms LP, Koia, Harmless Harvest Inc., Danone SA, Blue Diamond Growers, PBC, and Pureharvest. The market players are expected to intensify their research and development efforts to develop more effective supplements.
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Fairfield Market Research is a UK-based market research provider. Fairfield offers a wide spectrum of services, ranging from customized reports to consulting solutions. With a strong European footprint, Fairfield operates globally and helps businesses navigate through business cycles, with quick responses and multi-pronged approaches. The company values an eye for insightful take on global matters, ably backed by a team of exceptionally experienced researchers. With a strong repository of syndicated market research reports that are continuously published & updated to ensure the ever-changing needs of customers are met with absolute promptness.
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sunadmalghe · 3 years
Potato Fiber Market Size 2021 Industry Key Strategies, Segmentation, Application, Trends and Opportunities Forecast to 2026
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The potato is a tuberous, starchy crop originates from the perennial nightshade plant. Potato is rich source of soluble and insoluble fibers.  According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 74 % of the fiber in a whole baked potato is insoluble. Potato fiber are used in diversified products such as meat products, baked products, health foods, bread & dough. Potato is considered as the fifth most essential crop globally, after corn, sugar cane, wheat, and rice. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a small baked potato with skin supplies about 3.4 grams of fiber, or 14% of the daily value and 130 calories.
Potatoes consist of calcium, potassium, fiber and magnesium that help reduce blood pressure. Potatoes improve heart health as they contains fiber that helps in lowering the blood cholesterol. Potato fiber contains vitamin-C which helps in boosting the immune system. Moreover, rise in urban population, increase in disposable income, and surge in consumer preference toward nutrition-rich products is expected to further augment the demand for the potato fiber market. Introduction and rapid expansion of quick service restaurant (QSRs) have further fueled the demand for potato fiber in developing as well as developed region. Potato fibers are the natural ingredients which increases firmness and crunchiness and it also result in softer and lighter texture of the product. They are also used in meat and seafood as they bind moisture, extend shelf life, provide shear and heat stability and improve textures. They are also used as food coating, as they offer great crispiness after frying or heating in the oven.
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Furthermore, increased millennials expenditure on dining out has resulted in increased demand for potato fiber.
The global potato fiber market is segmented based on the type, nature, end user and region. By type, market is divided into soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. On the basis of nature, the market is segmented into organic and conventional. By end users, the market is bifurcated into animal and human. By region, it is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
Some of the most prominent players in the potato fiber market include BI Nutraceuticals, Ingredition Germany Gmbh, Emsland Group, Avebe, Lyckeby Starch AB, J. Rettenmaier & Söhne Gmb, Sanacel, ROQUETTE FRERES S.A., and Agrana.
This report provides a quantitative analysis of the current trends, estimations, and dynamics of the global potato fiber market from 2018 to 2026 to identify the prevailing market opportunities.
The key countries in all the major regions are mapped based on their market share.
Porter’s five forces analysis highlights the potency of the buyers and the suppliers to enable stakeholders to make profit-oriented business decisions and strengthen their supplier–buyer network.
In-depth analysis of the market segmentation assists in determining the prevailing market opportunities.
Major countries in each region are mapped according to their revenue contribution to the global industry. Market player positioning facilitates benchmarking and provides a clear understanding of the present position of the market players.
The report includes the analysis of the regional as well as global market, key players, market segments, application areas, and growth strategies.
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By Type
Soluble Fiber
Insoluble Fiber
By Nature
By End Users
By Region
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Rest of LAMEA
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