teknah · 1 month
@playedbetter for Komand'r!
The crew of the Wishbone had scattered for a bit, one could call it going on break. Save for Nero, who landed at the nearest planet with an INTERPLAN embassy, where he'd spent a harrowing morning trying to argue that he'd carried out his missions to the best of his ability.
Now here he was at a pub, slouched in his seat. Mentally and physically destroyed. Comforted only by alcohol and grease.
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1mpulsee · 11 months
@playedbetter / Owen : "Hey you're looking a little shakey, you alright?"
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a lie catches in his throat . he’s been trembling NONSTOP - he’s starting to ache . they barely knew each other . he should be telling Owen that he’s fine .
❝ I had a really bad day . ❞
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instead, he’s shaking his head and letting tears well up . he wipes at them, but doesn’t try to HIDE their presence .
❝ it was just … AWFUL . ❞
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starsandpigs · 7 days
@playedbetter / starter call.
" oh my gosh, i know this sounds like super crazypants-- but i could have sworn that i think i saw a fairy like seven and a half minutes ago flying in the sky. " she pauses and then looks down at her juice container. " maybe i shouldn't go rifiling through grunkle stan's fridge without asking. "
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greenleads · 21 days
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ANSWERED &. 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬. | @playedbetter
❛ you look like you've got something to say. ❜ (Zatanna!)
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― “ If  I  had  the  desire  to  say  anything  to  you,  I  would  do  so. ”     a  light  sip  of  cold  water  touches  her  lips,  regarding  Zatanna  with  moderate  politeness.  As  they  were  in  public,  for  once,  she'd  prefer  to  keep  her  truest  thoughts  to  herself.  However,  there  was  one  thing  she  could  say  aloud.    “  All  I  wanted  was  a  nice  day  out  in  the  light  rain,  Zatanna,  and  look. ”     she  points  toward  the  sky.      “ It's  the  sun.  My  day's  been  ruined. ”   
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mortemesque · 1 month
mr. driscoll was good at keeping his head down . he worked , he grocery shopped at local stores , he enjoyed fishing and carpentry . he spent a lot of time upkeeping his lawn . he was devout to his privacy , attentive to detail , kept to himself , and found some semblance of peace between the night terrors .
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his gaze falls high from their peak at an icy distance , landing on what looked like a ghost from his past , distant in the grocery store . she looks the same as she always has . he's quick to close space – grocery basket shaking in one hand , workboots rap against the grocery store tile . his voice shutters when he nears her , nearly overcome with emotion . " ... jane ? " he spits out between shaky breaths . and then reality strikes . he squeezes his eyes shut , trying to make reality out . " shit . i'm sorry . uhm , you look just like her . "
@playedbetter ... ﹟starter call !
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unalivedpool · 1 month
Your url is simply inspired and also legit I loved how you wrote the backstory blurb
i am so sorry to everyone for having a tiktok-ified url but it's so deadpool and also i, unfortunately, found it too funny not to go with it SJHJSHFJDHJ but thank you so much, i'm glad you liked how i wrote my little backstory blurb ! it was a lot of fun to write and i'll definitely be adding to it later on down the line !! ❤️
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inkisionary · 10 months
@playedbetter liked for a starter. [Kayn and Rhaast]
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He closed a singular eye, measuring the proportions of a tree with his fingers as he did his best to redraw it’s stretching branches. His fingers remain in the air for a moment as his eyes refocus to a figure standing in the shadows of the foliage. Opening slowly to stare at the man who had stood there just across from him. Hwei was confused at first, before smiling softly. He gives a small wave before returning to his work. Only to glance at the figure again, observing the way they stood ominously.
It was when the wave of aura had hit him, an overpowering, looming hatred that wasn’t physically present in the man. Rather, emanating around him. He could feel the pain, the hatred, the writhing hunger that clawed at the edges of the man's silhouette. It shrieked, it snarled, like an animal on a leash as it became aware of Hweis's presence. He could feel it was ancient, it hated everything, it reached for every living thing and wished to consume it. The mans aura was quite different.. even though this ancient being wished to feed and gnawed at the edges, he stood rather strong. Unmoved by its jeering and clawing, even as his arm and part of his eye was consumed. The other remained strong, as if trying it’s best to remain steady against the beast. That or he was barely bothered by it’s presence.
Hweis head tilted, the shifting colors of his eyes steadying as he calmed his visions. Were he not careful perhaps they’d manifest for all to see. “You don’t have to remain so far.” he says rather calmly, ignoring the onslaught of terror that waited for him in the veil of shadows that hung heavily over the stranger. Returning back to working on his piece, his eyes glanced to the side once and a while to see if the other moved from his spot. “Unless you wish for me to paint you also,” he adds. “But I recommend not standing, it’s a rather tough pose to hold for hours..”
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deathl1es · 27 days
"it's always something with you , isn't it ? it's always an emergency ." (Zatanna to John!)
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John knelt down, tying his boot for a moment before looking up at Zatanna with his big blue eyes. He feigned innocence for a moment before letting out a laugh, shrugging as he spoke, "Never said it was an emergency, love. Just asked if you'd be there when I needed you to be."
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fractur3ds0n · 29 days
@playedbetter ( for azrael )
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A rampage completed, Banner locked away in their mind. The massive beast sat on the edge of the building, watching the people beneath him like ants in the dirt. He'd heard the other approach him, yet he stayed. Unlike Banner, Hulk wasn't scared of anything.
"What you want?" The savage beast asks softly, turning to look at Azrael. "What you want with Hulk?"
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1mpulsee · 11 months
@playedbetter cont .
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bart blinked open his eyes, tiredly glancing up at owen through the dull ACHE all over his body . this is what he gets for trying to take a nap in a place he’s never slept before - he must’ve fallen off of the couch . at least he was wide awake now .
❝ how about ibuprofen for the pain and the weed for FUN ? ❞ he suggests, only slightly joking .
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the boy slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes . ❝ sorry about that, owen . I get twitchy sometimes . ❞
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psielapki · 1 month
@playedbetter's   machine   herald   viktor   &   the   fate   /   spotify   starter   call   &   song
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                    𝘪𝘵   𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴   𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦   𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘴   𝘢𝘨𝘰   𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯   𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩   𝘮𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘮   𝘢𝘯𝘥   𝘷𝘪𝘬𝘵𝘰𝘳   𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥   𝘴𝘪𝘵   𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦   𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩   𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳,   arms   touching   ;   slunched   back   making   them   see   eye   -   to   -   eye,   even   if   one   felt   pain   and   the   other   couldn't   really   distinguish   the   color   of   the   iris   (   or   the   position   of   it,   too   ).
                    now,   when   comparing   the   two,   the   face   blind   mage   is   tiny   &   frail,   yet   there   is   no   hesitation   nor   fear   as   she   flicks   the   armoured   forehead   of   the   well   -   known   criminal,   viktor.   ❝   remember   the   way   you   used   to   feel?   ❞   she   asks,   muses,   deep   in   thought.   ❝   before   you   were   made   of   steel?   ❞
                    something   about   the   new   body   of   his   makes   her   think,   think,   think   一   harder   and   faster   than   usual,   detaching   her   from   the   reality   they   both   reside   in.
                                                                                (   or   do   they   ?   )
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mxldito · 1 month
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
oc asks: character design edition
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wardrobe - Coyote's got a lot of stuff. This motherfucker loves stealing clothes and their closet is slowly beginning to burst at the seams because of it. There are things that they forget are in there or they get buried in the back of the closet, or they just put off wearing (they won't admit that they don't really like it).
You can tell which clothes are their favorites because those, they'll wear until it's no longer even possible to wear them anymore. To them, it's part of the look. I'm sure they could go out of their way to buy new clothes but unless they see something really specific they can't find anywhere else, they're not buying shit. They're no good with a needle and thread. But if something is dear enough to them, they'll ask a friend. This works out perfectly since they're very involved with their local punk scene.
I've mentioned it previously but their beloved Rat Fink t-shirt has been hanging on for dear life since their teens and they won't let it die.
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heroesvow · 1 month
"you stepped in when you didn't need to." (Morrigan to Alistair DA:I era)
feeling safe prompts / @playedbetter
Denerim castle was far less lonely with Kieran and Morrigan around. If someone would have told Alistair ten years prior that he would not only be king, but he'd invite the witch who he argued with for over a year to stay with him along with the son they created in some scary ritual he would have laughed. A loud laugh, one where he rolled on the ground and clutched his stomach.
And yet those ten years did pass and he did in fact invite them both to the castle for however long they wished. He had picked up on the change in Morrigan, and it shouldn't be a surprise, it's not like he was the same immature Grey Warden he once was. He had hoped his former companion picked up on the man he had become and the king he had grown into.
If anything, the two didn't argue like they used to, light teasing and bickering for old times sake? It happened, but more often than not he was far too busy with his duties to spend time arguing over trivial matters, and Kieran was far too much of a delight to ever risk arguing in front of the lad. Truthfully Alistair loved having him around . . . both of them, they were both something tangible and real, a reminder of who he was and who he turned into. Everyone needed someone he could relax around, and his letters to Leliana and the Hero of Ferelden only did so much, having both Morrigan and Kieran at his side for at least a little while was worth it. Morrigan was honest, and she didn't kiss his ass like so many in Denerim did, she was a refreshing breathe of air.
Morrigan's honesty continued to surprise him, and he tries to not look too shocked as he takes a seat beside her on a rather lavish cushioned loveseat. Kieran was in the corner reading one of the many tomes from the castle's library, it was a pretty scene, the boy looked so content reading in the firelight.
" I admit, I was surprised to have received your letter, but with what you told me of what went down with your mother right before the Inquisition's victory I felt like it was the least I could do to offer you asylum. " Kieran might be his son biologically, but Morrigan was the boy's only parent, she raised him, and Alistair knew he had no right to offer input. Still, if he could make their lives a little easier, he was happy to do it, though the gnawing emptiness in his chest that was a family hurt him when he looked upon Kieran, he could ignore it. He had ignored that feeling since he was a boy forcefully sleeping in the stables of Redcliffe . . . he was fine.
" Don't think anything of it, Morrigan. You and the boy can stay as long as you wish. The castle is big, and your prior work in Orlais has luckily helped ease some of the castle staff. They also relaxed when I explained who you were that you're just as Fereldan as I am, and a hero of the blight in your own right. I hope that shuts up any wagging tongues. "
Tearing his gaze away from Kieran, the softness in his tone gives way to a familiar teasing octave, and he shoots a lopsided smile at her. No use in being serious all the time. " So . . . how much did you miss me after all these years? "
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owlwayne · 1 month
" i'm not batman. " owlman stepped forward, segmented fellow cape trailing behind him. so far, all of the family that bruce had picked up were pacifists. or at least they had the code to avoid killing at all costs. but then, there was this one. this one seemed different.
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" i am very different from him. "
starter call! // @playedbetter (jason)
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teknah · 1 month
Send '📁' for a fun fact about my muse's canon! Can be about my muse, their universe, behind-the-scenes facts, anything goes!
Vigilante AU Nero as Direlash always has shuriken on hand. He has some sort of a sturdy tether and grappling hook he tosses by hand. And to compensate for them not being all the way as high-tech as other modern vigilantes, he just throws them harder/farther/etc.
Mainverse Nero has probably been to alternate universes where a more successful version of himself exists. He has attempted to bash their head in with a rock and take their place. But the fact he's back in his mainverse afterwards indicates they survived and kicked him out.
Mainverse Nero has also been a mecha pilot at one point. He doesn't remember much because he's pretty sure he was on some potent painkillers, stumbled into a cockpit, and just started going around where he really shouldn't be-- like Mister Magoo or something.
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chaosmultiverse · 10 months
Looking around some more in this strange and twisted office Narrator was absolutely determined to find his Stanley. Each step came a little quicker than the last till finally he pushed open a door and saw him. "Stanley,"
Stanley had been practicing darts within the break room when someone came bursting in, Stanley was pretty used to that at this point but he didn't recognize the person coming in, it didn't look like one of the Days, it wasn't Cyrus, nor Arthur, it sounded like a narrator but... Whose was it?
He put aside the dart and signed.
"Yes, I am Stanley, not to be rude but who are you? Whose Narrator are you?"
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