#Please help is there a term for Ghoulfucker for the aces that just really love body horror and angst
anne-ominous · 5 months
Things I want to read about The Ghoul when I look him up:
The journey into cynacism and completely abandoning his moral code
How long did it take to reach the point where murder, cannibalism, and trafficking were just fun ways to pass the time
How he made a name for himself before the show, how much was putting on a front and playing the part before he simply became that person instead
What he did with his eavesdropped information, did he go back to Lee and her group, or just keep it to himself, and how would he have felt if he didn't tell anyone else when everything finally went down
What the fuck was he doing in that coffin for like 30 years
Things I have actually seen when looking up The Ghoul:
a thousand generic fics of him raw-dogging the protagonist or a reader-insert
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