#Please help the school bully with 91% IQ is making fun of me
keiren-lorelei ยท 6 months
I want to enhance the agility item I just upgraded. Upgrading costs eggs. I am out of eggs. Eggs cost grain. I am out of grain. Grain costs gold medals. I am out of gold medals. Tapjoy offers 17 free gold medals if I take a quick IQ test. It doesn't matter what I score, I'll get gold medals either way. "I'll be able to buy more grain with those medals!" I start the test. 50 questions. 4 of the 50 questions ask me to look at colours. I am a little colourblind. 4 of the 50 questions are unsolvable because I am a little colourblind. May luck be on my side. I complete the test. My IQ is: 84% "That's odd, I don't remember IQs being a percentage" I give myself a headache thinking about how different the world might be if IQ was measured in percentages. I return to my game and find myself 17 gold medals richer. I buy more grain. I am out of gold medals again.
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