#Plus another Carlos and Grace team up? yes please
beansschool · 1 year
Thought tonight was the Robert episode and got too excited rip.
Don't get me wrong, fascinated by this Kendra storyline and I'm always here for Tommy content but like I am a sucker for family bonding ok
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bluenet13 · 3 years
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Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose
Written for @badthingshappenbingo
Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star
Characters: TK Strand, Carlos Reyes, Nancy Gillian, Tommy Vega, Owen Strand, Mateo Chavez, Marjan Marwani, Paul Strickland, Grace Ryder, Judd Ryder, Charlie Ryder, Evie Vega, Isabella Vega.
Prompt: Hurt Caretaker
Summary: When the 126 decides to hold their own Super Bowl, things don't go according to plan. Flag football quickly devolves into foul play, and the 126 may never recover.
Links: ff.net - AO3
"So, what are we doing on Sunday? What's the plan this year?" Mateo asks cheerfully. It's the last hour of their shift and they're all lounging around, hoping they don't have any late calls.
"What happens on Sunday?" Paul turns to look at him but doesn't move from his position on the couch where he's reading a book.
"The Super Bowl! Duh," Mateo says, sounding mildly outraged as he takes in everyone's confused looks. "We have to watch my Bengals win it all this year."
"Your Bengals?" Judd asks, eyebrow lifted behind the coffee mug he's holding. "Last year it was your Chiefs, and the year before it was the Niners. I'm noticing a trend here."
Marjan chuckles and they all turn to look at where she's playing cards with TK and Nancy. She lifts her hands in surrender, and says, "I think you just jinxed Cinci."
"Please don't get into baseball, probie," TK mutters under his breath, not particularly caring about football, being more of an MLB fan himself. "But I already talked to Carlos about this. You should all come to the loft to watch the game."
Nancy gasps and sets her hand over her heart. "Really? Can we finally see your new love nest?" Her mocking grin says she's teasing, but the twinkle in her eye betrays how happy she is about the invitation.
TK rolls his eyes but nods. "We will see you all at 6:00."
"Wait, I have another idea," Mateo jumps in, but is interrupted by Nancy before he can explain.
"No, we're not going to your house Mateo. We've heard enough stories about 'One Night Strand'."
Both TK and Mateo glare at her, but Mateo quickly shakes his head and gets back to his idea. "I wasn't going to suggest that. I want to see the loft, too. I was just thinking we should meet up earlier in the day and play our own game of football. Flag football that is, but it will be great."
"Where's this coming from, dude?" Nancy sounds as incredulous as they all look, but she's the first one to recover and ask the question on everyone's mind.
Mateo blushes and ducks his head. "We were just watching 'Friends' the other night and they had this episode when they play football on Thanksgiving so I thought it could be fun to try."
"You're watching 'Friends' with my dad?" TK cringes, gaze locked on his cards as he does his best to avoid everyone's teasing glares.
"Well, yes. Cap says it reminds him of NYC. And I have never seen it so why not?" Mateo shrugs but smiles as he asks, "So, what do you guys say?"
They all look doubtful, but Mateo's excitement is contagious and Marjan finds herself nodding first, the others soon follow as they all agree.
On Sunday everyone from the 126, plus their families, arrive at a park near downtown Austin. The players of the group look a bit scruffy, scrounging up older clothing since they're planning to get dirty, but Tommy, Grace, and Owen look impeccable as they sit on a bench. Evie and Izzy are dressed in cheerleader uniforms and would be the most adorable sight in the park if not for Charlie wearing a matching shell and skirt.
"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Grace asks, staring doubtfully as her friends.
The 126 captains look at each other and promptly shake their heads. They turn back to look at the team, only to find themselves grinning as they take in their laughter and bickering as they try to decide on the rules for the game. "Probably not," Owen replies sincerely, "but after everything, they deserve to have some fun."
Grace follows their line of sight and finds herself smiling too. They've all missed being a family so for today they can overlook the shenanigans and just have fun.
Back on the field, the bickering has moved on from rules to teams as they all seem to disagree on every decision that needs to be made.
"I'm the referee so I say Mateo should be a captain as this was his idea," Marjan proposes.
"Who said you are the referee?" TK mutters, "we all know you're not really the poster child for following rules."
"And you are?" Marjan challenges, eyebrow raised but no bite behind her words.
"You've both got a point there, so I will be the referee and you can all play. I can keep you children in line," Nancy directs, arms crossed over her chest, daring anyone to disagree. Seeing everyone quietly nod, she smirks and keeps going, "But Marj is right, Mateo, TK you're the captains. Probie, you go first."
"Judd," Mateo calls quickly, knowing he's the only one with any football experience. Judd nods and walks to Mateo.
"Carlos," TK says easily, and Carlos doesn't have to move as they are already holding hands and standing as close to each other as they can.
"Wait, no! Tarlos can't be in the same team. You guys are a power couple and that's an unfair advantage," Mateo cries, turning to Nancy for support.
"I'm the referee and I say he's right, Carlos you go with Mateo and Judd. TK, Marj and Paul you're the other team."
"Come on, partner, you're supposed to have my back," TK whines, glaring at Nancy.
"It's okay, babe. You're still on my team for life," Carlos says softly, kissing TK goodbye before he steps away.
"You guys are nauseating." Nancy mock-gags and pushes TK towards his team. "You all have ten minutes to warm up."
As the teams meet in the center of the field, loud cheers can be heard from the bench as Evie and Izzy happily scream for their uncle Judd and Carlos, Owen and Tommy taking pity on TK's team and rooting for that trio. Meanwhile Charlie just giggles as the twins shake their pom poms in the air, her little hand trying to grab the flashy piece as her eyes follow it from side to side.
"Ready?" Nancy asks, "remember no tackling or punches of any kind. Just grab the flag and play's over." At everyone's nods she blows the whistle, signaling the beginning of the game.
TK grabs the ball and drop kicks it to Carlos on the other side. He catches it easily but only manages a few feet before Marjan takes his flag away. In his team's first play, Carlos throws a perfect pass to Mateo on the right, and he runs it easily for a touchdown.
"That's not fair. Judd is too big, and we can't even see the quarterback!" TK cries.
"Too bad you didn't draft the only lineman in the 126," Mateo says cheerfully, bumping fists with his team as they celebrate.
"Don't be a sore loser, Strand, and go line up for the extra point," Judd roars, as they all laugh at TK's antics.
TK pouts but follows Marjan and Mateo. And he gets his revenge on the next play when he hands off the ball to Marjan, who scores before Paul kicks it in tying the game.
On the next drive Mateo's team switches it up and he lines up behind Judd to take the handoff. Mateo takes a step back and throws the football to Carlos. He runs four feet, but TK is suddenly there, snatching his flag away. TK fakes stumbling on the ground and takes Carlos down with him. They untangle from each other, and TK steals a kiss before he gets up. His smirk only disappears when Nancy procures a yellow cloth out of nowhere, throwing it to the grass as she yells, "penalty! Illegal touching."
"It was worth it," TK says honestly, even as he gives his team an apologetic look.
In the next drive Carlos intercepts Paul's pass to TK and the paramedic can't help slapping Carlos' ass as he congratulates him, his hand lingering there for a moment longer.
"Illegal use of hands, 10 yards." Nancy throws the flag again and glares at her partner. "And come on dude, keep it G rated, there's kids around," she hisses and points to the twins and the other children running around the park and TK at least manages to look mildly apologetic.
The teams alternate points on the next four scores and it seems everything will be tied up at half time until TK makes a perfect pass to an open Marjan in the endzone, but Judd jumps in out of nowhere, intercepting the ball and running it for a touchdown. By the time Nancy blows the whistle for halftime the score is 28-21 and while the winning team is giddy, TK and Marjan are growing furious.
"Everybody drink up," Tommy directs when they join the spectators during halftime. She hands them waters and Gatorades, and points to the twins who have granola bars and other snacks. "We don't need any dehydration today. Remember, we don't want to watch the Super Bowl from the ER!"
At that they all turn to look at TK and he grumbles indignantly, "I'm not the only one who's ended up at the hospital."
"Yes, but you're the only one who's been there multiple times. I'm not a betting man but if I were I'd pick against you every single time." Judd looks at the others for confirmation and they all nod.
"It's just probability, dude," Mateo says as he takes a bite from a cereal bar.
"And what do you know about probabilities, probie?" TK challenges.
"More than you know about self-preservation," Mateo says easily, making everyone but TK chuckle.
"Let's save the fight for the game boys," Marjan cuts in, grabbing TK and pulling him away. "Come on, team talk."
"So, what's the plan?" Paul asks when they huddle a little farther away from the others.
"I think it's time to start playing a little dirty," Marjan explains, "if we want to win, of course." She adds the last part innocently. Paul shakes his head, while TK nods enthusiastically.
"Time to start the second half." Nancy calls everyone back and hands the twins their pom poms back after showing them her idea for a routine.
"Say good job, Daddy," Grace coaches Charlie as Judd leans in to kiss them goodbye.
"Good luck Uncle Carlos!" Evie shouts.
"You've got this," Izzy adds.
TK's mood sours further when Mateo scores in the first drive of the second half, his team going up two scores. As TK passes the younger firefighter, he deliberately bumps into him, causing Mateo to stumble dramatically. "Yo ref! I'm being assaulted over here!" he yells, but Nancy has been distracted by Charlie who is waving at her with her chubby baby hands.
TK's team scores next but misses the extra point as Paul's kick goes wide. The game continues to go on uneventfully until Mateo's team goes for a trick play, Carlos handing the ball off to his captain, who waits and gives it back to Carlos so he can throw it in the endzone to a wide-open Judd. The crowd erupts in cheers and even Owen and Tommy shout for Mateo's team.
"Go Daddy, you're our MVP!" Grace gushes, lifting Charlie carefully in the air. And Evie and Izzy jump and shriek in excitement.
TK's team manages to cut their lead in the next drive, when Paul passes to TK and he catches it in the endzone, the paramedic barely running past Carlos' extended hand as his boyfriend almost takes his flag. "Take that!" TK shouts happily, bouncing the ball off the ground hard and grinning cockily as he passes Carlos on his way back to his team.
"Taunting! That's taunting," Mateo demands, crowding Nancy and trying to convince her to throw a flag.
"Don't be a sore loser," TK echoes, and with that the game gets even more heated.
The next drive ends with a loss of down as Judd stiff arms Paul as he's reaching for his flag. The game follows with three more penalties as everyone's competitive natures start to take over and the game becomes less flag football and more mock Super Bowl. But TK's team manages to score again, running it for a two-point conversion as they even the score with five minutes left to play.
Judd gives the next handoff to Carlos who hands the ball to Mateo, and he runs until Marjan trips him with her foot as she touches the flag but fails to get it completely. Mateo goes flying and is limping when he finally gets up. Marjan apologizes and spins a tale about a spot of uneven ground and saves her team from another penalty.
TK is the next victim as Mateo elbows him in the face as they're running side to side. The paramedic goes down hard as the hit makes him lose his balance. Carlos is instantly at his side, giving his boyfriend a hand as TK slowly gets up.
"Are you okay?" Carlos asks softly, proving time and time again that he's the only one above the dirty plays and smack talk.
"Yes, baby. I'm fine. Thank you." TK squeezes his hand reassuringly before they step away.
TK, Marjan and Paul turn to Nancy expectantly, but she just shrugs apologetically. "Sorry dude, missed it."
"Oh, come on, ref! How do you miss that elbow?" Owen screams from the sidelines, his tone a mix between outrage and concern for his son.
Next injury is again on TK's side as Judd is called for interference when he pushes Paul out of the way as he waits for TK's pass. Paul's wrist twisting painfully as he tries to slow his fall.
"Whoa time out!" Tommy yells from the sidelines as she runs onto the field and puts a hand on Paul's shoulder.
"She can't call a timeout! Nancy, tell her she can't call a timeout!" Mateo yells.
"Come on, ref, don't you know the rules?" Judd shouts. But once again Nancy has been distracted and is now playing peek-a-boo with the baby.
"Are you okay? Let me see that wrist," Tommy says, ignoring the others still arguing.
"I'm fine," Paul says, getting up, eyes blazing.
"That was a nasty fall, why don't you take a minute and let me check you out?" Tommy tries again.
"No, no, I'm good. There's just a few minutes left, I will ice it after the game." That seems to calm Tommy as she nods and goes back to the bench.
The score slows down as the penalties continue increasing, with Paul taking revenge as he takes Mateo's flag and his balance along with it and TK suspiciously misses his next pass and hits Judd on the side of the head instead.
"Throw the flag, Gillian," Grace cries from the bench, already half up to the field before Judd stands up and gives her a thumbs up.
"Inaccuracy is not a fault. I'm sorry." Nancy shrugs but glares at her partner for good measure.
In the next play Carlos lets Marjan get away unscathed and Judd scoffs. "What are you doing Reyes! Take her down!"
With more flags than touchdowns in the last few minutes the teams reach the last minute of the game all tied up at 42 and TK's team in possession of the football.
"Okay team, time to be Eli and Tyree against the Patriots in '08," TK says in the huddle.
"Who and when?" Marjan asks, looking at Paul but he looks just as confused.
TK sighs and shakes his head. "The Giants in Super Bowl XLII, and just the best play in the Super Bowl's history," he explains, but his team still looks at a complete loss. "Let's just win the game, okay?"
Paul and Marjan nod cheerfully and go line up. Paul gives TK the ball, he takes a few steps back giving him teammates time to get open in the endzone. Carlos is coming straight at him, but TK twists out of the way. Carlos tries again and his fingers almost close around the flag but at the last moment he sidesteps his boyfriend and goes crashing to the ground, missing the flag completely as TK throws and scores.
"That's cheating!" Mateo shouts, running towards Nancy and ignoring TK's team celebrations.
"Are you accusing your own team of cheating, probie?" Nancy asks doubtfully.
"Yes, Carlos missed on purpose! Come on, you all saw it, his hand was on the flag, and he pulled away. He let TK win!"
At the mention of his boyfriend, TK finally turns around and takes in the carnage left behind on the field. Mateo is still ranting, hands waving manically in the air but it's obvious he's not putting any weight on his left ankle. Judd has the beginnings of a black eye and a split lip, Marjan's arms are scratched, and she has a turf burn on her shin, and Paul is cradling his injured wrist to his chest. Carlos is still lying on the ground where he landed, his face twisted in pain and both hands holding his knee. Tommy and Owen are running to their fallen teammates, Izzy and Evie have stopped cheering and now stare wide-eyed at the field, and Charlie is crying while Grace tries to put her back in her stroller so she can help too.
"Gillian, your referee days are over. Go get the first aid kit from the car and help me take care of these fools!" Tommy throws her the keys to the SUV and runs to Carlos, seeing as somehow he seems to be the worse off at the moment. "Are you okay? What happened?"
Carlos grimaces and shakes his head. "I don't know. I landed wrongly; I think."
Tommy takes a look and decides that's the understatement of the year as Carlos' knee is already swollen and bruised. "Carlos, did you hear something pop when you fell down?"
"I don't think so." Carlos shrugs helplessly.
"Come on, Reyes. Being vague doesn't help us right now. Do we need to go to the hospital?" Tommy pushes, grabbing the kit that Evie offers, and seeing Izzy following Nancy out of the corner of her eye, as they go treat the others.
"No, no hospital," Carlos says too quickly and Tommy lifts an eyebrow questionably. "Really, I don't think anything is broken. It's probably just a sprain."
Tommy nods and takes the bandage and cold pack that her daughter is offering and wraps Carlos' knee, securing the pack in place so they can hopefully reduce the swelling. "Don't move. I will be back in a minute. Need to take a look at Strickland's wrist."
As soon as Tommy steps away there's a hand on Carlos' back and fingers running through his curls. "Are you okay?" TK asks tentatively.
Carlos makes a non-committal noise and buries his face on TK's chest, whimpering a little as the movement sends a wave of pain up and down his leg.
"I'm sorry," TK says sadly, "this was a terrible idea."
"Not your fault," Carlos murmurs, words muffled against TK's shirt.
"It kinda is. You let me win." TK leans down and whispers the words close to Carlos' ear and presses a kiss to his temple before pulling back.
Carlos' looks up at TK and blushes a little, knowing he's been caught. "You work in the 126, I thought you could use the bragging rights more."
TK can't help but smile and dips his head to steal a chaste kiss. "Anything I can do to help?"
"This. This is all I need," Carlos says softly, snuggling deeper into TK's arms.
TK hums his agreement and pulls Carlos in closer. They are both tired and hurting but content in each other's arms.
"You should get someone to take a look at you though." Carlos whispers a moment later.
TK looks confused but for the first time notices that his head is hurting a little. He runs his hand through his hair, winces when he hits a sore spot and frowns when his fingers come back slick with blood.
"Doesn't look too serious. But you have a cut and bruise there." Carlos gingerly strokes TK's temple and just above his hairline and smiles when TK turns his head and kisses his palm.
TK looks back where Nancy is wrapping Mateo's ankle, Grace is fussing over Judd and trying to get him to keep the ice pack on his face, Tommy is still trying to determine if Paul's wrist is broken, and Owen is standing to the side keeping an eye on baby Charlie and the twins. He shakes his head before letting it rest over Carlos' and sighs. "They can look at it later. They're all busy now."
"I think I'm going to have to call an entirely different crew to be on shift tomorrow. Possibly the next two shifts," Owen mutters hours later as he stands in the loft and takes in his family. Carlos is sprawled on the couch, knee still wrapped and resting on a pillow, TK is curled on his side as he rests his bandaged head on his boyfriend's chest. Judd and Mateo are on the floor, surrounded by pillows and ice packs. Paul, wrist in a brace, is on the other side of the room with Marjan, still not talking to anyone but Nancy as she continues to carefully clean debris and dirt off the wound on Marjan's leg. "Carlos you should call your Sergeant too. This has never happened before, we're going to be the butt of the jokes from everyone in the AFD and the APD."
"You should all be ashamed of yourselves," Tommy chastises as she continues to check that no one's injuries are worse than they thought. "See, girls. This is why we don't choose violence. It helps no one and leaves you looking foolish."
"Yes, mommy," Evie and Izzy say in unison as they come back from the kitchen and start handing out snacks.
Grace is bouncing Charlie up and down her hip, stopping for a moment to glare at everyone. "I sure as heck hope nobody we know saw you playing that game. You're all embarrassing."
They all at least have the decency to look chagrined and even a little regretful. Still, no one talks as they continue to mope around and watch the Super Bowl quietly.
"So, who won our game?" Mateo asks at halftime, finally breaking the silence. "Nancy?"
"Don't look at me, dude. I plead the Fifth." Nancy lifts her hands in surrender and purposely focuses on the halftime show.
"We scored the last touchdown, so we won," TK says cheekily, and shrugs awkwardly, as he's squeezed between Carlos and the back of the couch.
"Carlos let you! That invalidates the score," Mateo hisses, still not letting it go.
"I did not," Carlos defends himself, but his tone doesn't convince anyone.
"You did!" Everyone says making Carlos groan as he buries his face in his hands.
"See, so everyone agrees that last play shouldn't count," Mateo starts again. "The score was a tie; we need to play extra time to figure out a winner!"
"Dude, there's no winner. You all suck and you're all hurt so I'd say you're all losers here," Nancy says seriously.
"And there's no way any of you are stepping on that field again. You're all forbidden from playing anything other than board games or video games ever again." Owen looks at Tommy for confirmation and they both nod, making everyone grumble before they reluctantly agree.
"What if we finish it on Madden?" Mateo suggests as the second half begins.
"Mateo!" They all shout back as someone smacks him with a pillow, successfully silencing him.
As the Super Bowl goes on the 126 family start to forget their own game and why they were even mad at each other, and by the end of the night the room is again filled with familiar chatter and laughter.
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