#Polka Dot Mushroom cookies and Cream
bluegoba27 · 10 months
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The Polka Dot Brand Psilocybin Magic Mushroom Belgian Chocolate Bars are highly potent and boasts four grams of magic mushrooms. 20-30 minutes after ingestion you will notice a distortion of space and time, bright, beautiful colors, visual distortions, mystical experiences, euphoria and happiness. The amazing taste of the many flavors of Belgian Chocolate are suitable for anybody’s choice to your liking. There are many health benefits of Psilocybin or Magic Mushrooms. First of all, it could be used to treat depression, PTSD and battling addiction to substances such as cigarettes, drugs and alcohol. A crave-worthy chocolate to help you conquer your day–or make it an adventure depending on how you choose to dose–Polka dot Mushroom Belgian Chocolate Coverture is not only delicious, but also the equivalent to 4g of 🍄 Psilocybin & Psilocin from Psychedelic Mushrooms 🍄.
The flavors of Polka Dot Brand Psilocybin Magic Mushroom Belgian Chocolate Bars available are: https://chemheadshop.com/product/polkadot-shroom-chocolate-bars-4g/
Crunch Dark Chocolate Match Green Tea Milk Chocolate Mint Berries and Cream Cookies and Cream Micro dosing psychedelics is the practice of consuming very low, sub-hallucinogenic doses of a psychedelic substance, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) or psilocybin-containing mushrooms. According to media reports, micro dosing has grown in popularity, yet the scientific literature contains minimal research on this practice.
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50 questions you’ve never been asked! 
Tagged by the lovely  @lorelaigilmo, thanks 💕
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? Black because I’m basic like that.
2. a food you never eat? Tomatoes and mushrooms are just a no no for me. 
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold, to the point my mum gets worried sometimes at me being so cold.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Reading. 
5. what is your favourite candy bar? Kinder bueno is the first thing that came to mind, so I guess that. 
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? Nope. 
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? ‘She didn’t even close the door properly.’ I said that to myself as I got up to close my bedroom door. 
8. what is your favourite ice cream? Idk, there are so many good flavours that I love, so I guess anything with cookie dough.
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Some H2O.
10. do you like your wallet? Yeah, I’ve had it for years now and I really need to get a new one but haven’t gotten around to doing so. 
11. what was the last thing you ate? French toast.
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nope, of course not. Why would you think that? Definitely not planning on buying clothes this week too, haha, totally not. 
13. the last sporting event you watched? There was some sort of football match on tv, but I stood up and left the room when it was on tv. Wasn’t in the mood to watch any sports. 
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? My go to for movie night is sweet. But if I’m making my own, i’ll add so butter on it and add sugar which is really nice. I also quite enjoy the carmel one but rip to my teeth anytime I have any.
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? My bestie.
16. ever go camping? I’ve never been but I really want to.
17. do you take vitamins? Use to take them on and off but recently I’ve been consistent in taking them.
18. do you go to church every sunday? Nope, but I keep telling myself that I really should and that I will, but when sunday comes round I don’t go. Mostly because I’m lazy as hell.
19. do you have a tan? I wished. I usually get a little bit of a tan when I go on holiday during the summer but right now I’m looking like Casper. At least i’m friendly.
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? Pizza is always my go to because It’s what I have more of but love them both and if given the choice I’ll happily feast on both. 
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? I can do but I hardly ever drink sodas. They’re not really something I enjoy drinking. 
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? A mixture of colours, from black to light pink. Currently wearing light blue socks. 
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? I don’t drive, yet.
24. what terrifies you? Dying. Not being good enough. Failing. A whole lot of stuff that if I keep going will open a can of worms that I won’t be able to shut. 
25. look to your left, what do you see? My water bottle, glass with water in it and a Gilmore girls framed poster one of my besties got me for my bday, all on my table.
26. what chore do you hate? Don’t really hate any. Kinda like cleaning. Yep, I’m weird like that but cleaning the bathroom is always long so I guess that’s my least favourite. 
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? I think about Chase from House Md. 
28. what’s your favourite soda? Not really into sodas, like I rather just have a soft drink or even water but If I had to pick it would be coca-cola cherry.
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Well, I don’t have a car so I have no choice but to walk in like a scrub.
30. who’s the last person you talked to? My Mum.
31. favourite cut of beef? Idk, as long as it’s cooked well and tastes good I kinda don’t care.
32. last song you listened to? Currently listening to Hardest to Love, by The Weeknd. 
33. last book you read? Finished Red Queen by Christina Henry the other day and started her new book Looking Glass. 
34. favourite day of the week? It’s currently Wednesday because that’s when Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist airs in the UK. But when I was still in Uni it was Friday because that’s when I had my classic movie nights. 
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? Not without struggling the whole time.
36. how do you like your coffee? I don’t. I’m not a coffee girl which is sad because Lorelai and Rory would definitely be disappointed but oh wells, it just doesn’t agree with me. 
37. favourite pair of shoes? My navy and black converses. I’ve used my navy ones so much that the colour on them look more like a really dirty light blue. Really need to buy new ones. Maybe that might be my next shopping purchase.
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? Around 12-1am but that might change once I’ve finished with my uni exam. 
39. at what time do you normally get up? Around 8-9 am
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets because i’m very up early to see the sunrise but it's nice too. 
41. how many blankets are on your bed? Normally one but it’s been oddly warm lately here and I’ve had to take it off the bed or I would have melted. 
42. describe your kitchen plates. Mostly white, but we also have some polka dot ones
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? Any cocktail really. Gin Martini is pretty good the odd times I’ve made some for me and my mum. 
44. do you play cards? Yeah, I love card games. Fav is Blackjack (Switch) played it a lot with my friends back in the day.
45. what colour is your car? We don’t have a car in London but our family car in Madeira is blue with a slight hint of green in it. 
46. can you change a tire? Nope but I’ve helped my dad change one last summer. 
47. what is your favourite province? *Shrugs* No idea. 
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? Probably when I was helping with the summer school program at my school, that was years ago but it was fun and it’s crazy I was getting paid for basically just chilling with other students. 
49. how did you get your biggest scar? Burnt my arm on the iron. My mum had just used it and it was on the window so it could cool down. I didn’t know it was hot and when I passed by my arm hit the edge of the iron and burned it. 
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? Helped my mum with some stuff she needed. 
This was fun to do and longer than expected. 
Tagging: @schnoogles @property-of-jason-todd @supernovaexplosion @harleyquins @regalmadness and anymore who wants to do this too, go ahead. 
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