#Polycule anything is very comforting to me I love a polycule sooo much
lesbiandanhowell · 4 months
Sam reacts to: Giving Love Advice to Tumblr
It's been a while but we're back!
- He turned that video out SOOO quickly, like didn't he ask for the submissions two days ago or something?
- Phil genuinely being so non judgmental about anything (polycule aroaco submission) makes me feel so comforted. You just know even if he might not entirely understand everything he will always love you and support you and that's why I love him.
- I was SOOO paranoid he would have a better help sponsor but its Scentbird, we're all good.
- I genuinely feel so bad for the photoshop person :(( like they genuinely were just trying to make their gf happy and didn't mean anything bad, it's so weirdly wholesome. If you're out there, I think that was cute.
- hot tub person? break up with him honestly what the fuck that is so silly of the boyfriend.
- Phil is the most wholesome fucking person, like he genuinely just takes all of these submission so very serious and like easing so many peoples doubts? (sexuality crisis person)
- "Have a little bit of whimsy" PHIL LESTER
- Phil loving the "have the courage" tattoo and quoting the brother urgh meme, I am obsessed with this man.
- Thank you for including the eye story and basically confirming that counts as relationship advice.
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jubberry · 3 years
ship tag game-
Rules: Answer with gifs then tag five people!
1. favorite ship?
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Well these two has my heart rn.
2. first ship?
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It really is about drinking your respect women juice for me. I really loved the dynamic between these two, and I loved how they played off with each other and helped each other grow.
3. first ship you were crazy for?
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and hiccunzel was the first pairing (and this crossover community in general) where I really made friends and built our own community. It was nice because it was really just a very creative space where anything goes, and it was really cool to just edit and stuff and talk about hcs or potential stories with characters that have never met.
For this pairing, I just really love the whole nerdy friends to lovers relationship, and the trope of the dragon + princess in the tower. It was just a lot of fun.
4. newest ship?
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I can't find any gifs of them cause idk the name of the monster, BUT WTF WAS GOING ON WITH THESE TWO.
5. Ship You Like But No One Else Does?
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I SHIP THE MOST OBSCURE BULLSHIT PAIRINGS but i do think these two would be so cute. People mostly dont like them cause no one knows they exist. I honestly have more obscure pairings but they dont have gifs so I cant share (in fact...... this was my old gif... so technically.......... they still have barely any content)
6. ship you wish was endgame?
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I honestly just wish Miranda was bi. Shep and Miranda has soo much amazing chemistry, I just love how they feel like theyre on the same level. I think Miranda is an interesting character in general, and contrast with her issue with perfection + Shep as a construct, if she is a person or not, would be a nice discussion. It would be an interesting dilemma to delve into, esp in a hurt and comfort, romantic relationship. I really think jennifer hale and miranda's va had soo much chemistry and theyre such a missed opportunity.
And I just want shepard to have an ice queen wife!!
7. Ship You Wish Had More Screen Time?
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I wish That never happened in general and honestly made me stop watching cause I hated it so much. These two are sooo sweet and they deserved more time together.
8. Ship You Want To Have More Screen Time?
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Hope i see more of these two being soft
9. Ship You Wish Was Canon?
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LOOK you cant expect perfuma to make her a cactus crown and huntara wearing said crown and expect me not to love them. That is the cutest shit and these two had such a great episode together, it wouldve made a LOT of sense for them to be with each other at the end.
10. Ship You Want To Be Canon?
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They really should have been a polycule and I am just gonna go off on the fact that thats exactly what happened at the end of the season.
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tillman · 4 years
top ten worst arthurian takes GO
god how can you limit me to only ten. almost everything everyone says is just so dumb in some way and god the main thing? i wouldnt give a shit i really wouldnt if people didnt constantly act like theyre talking about the REAL legends <3 and then source toafk.
and like. okay! i dont expect people to have read everything. thats fucking impossible. who is going to have read 1000 years worth of literature. but to then either claim superiority cus u like one branch over another or cus you think youre too cool to just.. admit u dont know something? it makes me very angry and i am legally allowed to bully you.
anyways under a cut cus well .... anyways im going to be mean i dont give a shit. 
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10) this is a catch all one but literally everything to do with lancelot. every single fucking thing. none of you people are normal.  the idea hes some sort of awful parent, the idea hes a “later addition” to the legends (just ... not true?????? the vulgate alone which solidified his existence is ..... 13th century..... thats.... so early in terms of arthuriana......), the general conception he fits into this “bimbo” type archetype (specifically that) in see him being characterized as a slutty and stupid vapid person whos only with guenevere to get closer to arthur, THE IDEA HES EVEN VAGUELY CLOSE TO ARTHUR? thats a huge plot point in a lot of the vulgate lancelot doesnt give a SHIT about arthur, th white, making him into the stereotypical full of himself man, bro its literally all fucking bad. whatever have your own takes on the character but hes . fucking hell just stop talking about lancelot if you cant be normal.
9) th white. i dont care anymore i dont think anyone should be looking at his work anymore it has nothing worthy of any attention. it truly has no value. 
8) jesus fuck uhm theres a lot i could say about how the general fandom and books themselves treat women but the treatment of morgause is just abhorrent. she isnt a fucking r*****. lot is literally worse than her in terms of parenting and being a human being yet shes the only one demonized ever. and like. okay! you can write her as an abusive mother and be uncomfortable with how she is written in the text but modern texts making HER the one to initiate the thing w arthur .... usually against his will for some reason. well. fuck you.  also not a huge thing but portraying guenevere as an abuser is rooted in so much misogyny. this is not the place to have a serious discussion about that but just be aware of how u are thinking about characters. 
7) everything to do with galahad and mordred LOL not even just galadred but bro they are substanceless characters theyre not that fucking deep. 
6) uhhh also everything to do with arthur/guenevere/lancelot <3 the power and age dynamic at play here literally physically makes me sick and also its glorified so heavily i just dont think you people should be allowed to touch these characters. it doesnt even have any hold in text you people just read th white and some other nonsense and were like wow <3 polycules solve all issues <3 and like they do but not this one LOL
5) stop combining elaine of astolat and elaine of corbenic this isnt a complaint this is a fucking PLEA I AM BEGGING you people. aslo please treat elaine of astolat right i love her so so much she means the world to me
4) i think you people are fucking weird around kay. ohhh booohooo the french were meaaan to himmmmmm. okay. stop pointing at the prehistories for reasons kay is actually sooo cool and soooo competent. ohhh hes soooo cool in the welsh texts. thats cool for the welsh texts and doesnt have anything to do with how hes characterized in literally everything else. he doesnt haev to be this competant killing machine to be a really cool character. also hes not. he. hes not thor? 
3) here this is a complaint for the original texts but villainizing gawain? cool thats hot. doing that by making him into a sexual abuser? i hate you. i hate you. prose tristan author and the post vulgate author who took it from them im going to litearlly fucking twist your head off your body.  oh here ill tie this back to the general fandom. gawain isnt some fucking “cinnamon roll” being “uwu slandered by the evil dutch texts fans...” gawains a shitty person and thats cool. hes mean and devious and smarmy and uses the image of the perfect knight to get thorugh loopholes. SGATGK isnt the only text in existance. its also not... an “early text” its pretty late. its. its the 14th century thats after lancelot was introduced to the . hes. its late okay.
2) if i have to see one more fucking take that isolde gave tristan the potion knowingly i literally might snap this is a threat. i cant fucking do it where are you people getting this from its jsut so fucking insane and so . wrong ? disgusting ? like i get it no ones read anything tristan and isolde related besides misreading le morte but jesus fucking CHRIST where are you even getting this one why do i have to KEEP seeing it.
1) STOP. making characters cishet.  stop it. stop. i fucking see you cishets. STOP thinking the arthurian stories are for you. they arent. shut the fuck up. 
anwyays thats all i. this was mean sorry im being mean right now but god <3 you people are fucking insane.
the thing i want to note is hey. its okay to not know things. arthuriana spans a thousand years of texts. if you only like the modern stuff cool good for you i hope you have fun. i do truly hope my friends and i are starting to create a space that people are comfortable admitting you dont know something or to ask questions or just simply not want to know. like thats cool and fine of you! do that! 
just stop fucking making weird arthurian takes and making me look at them. thank u. 
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