#Poor Ashaa
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Meet the Ty’zels, a prominent family on Dromund Kaas, mom is an Imperial Academy Overseer, Dad is a leader at the Sith Academy, daughter is a former sith lord and former Emperor’s Wrath turned Grey Jedi, and son is a sith acolyte turned Jedi Knight, who is subsequently erased from their family and imperial history. A totally screwed up family tbqh. (Btw, dad has sith blood in him but it’s so little that he has barely any physical identifiers other than the red hued skin and hair, and the small tentacles.)
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starpeace · 2 years
for the oc asks: 32 and 33
32. which oc believes in ghosts?
is having actual practical experience of ghosts cheating? because ashaa is literally haunted by a jedi’s force ghost. he’s in her lightsaber and it’s really annoying but he has good soresu tips
33. which oc has the most genre awareness? which oc has the least?
i would say sirilla has the most genre awareness. esp during the clone wars when she has that General Sense of Impending Tragedy that kind of comes with the jedi seer territory. definitely commander “it’s probably fine if the love of my life falls to the dark side like how bad can it be” rook has the least. poor guy
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