#Posting now cause I took an little break from typing sh-t and drawing
thebisexualteen · 5 months
this is all about Jennie. I'll say Nora and Noah's info if I get it soon
-15 yrs old
-Birthday's in June 27th
-A little teen who basically does the most craziest sh-t
-Roams around the earth with Gus and Clementine(Who's Clementine? Someone u also don't need to worry about)
- 5'3
-Palisman is an little cute duck(The palisman's name is ducki)
-Doesn't need to cover her witch ears when going to Earth cause of her hood and hair
-"Look Ducki, it's more space facts" Jennie reading a book about space with Ducki
-She would love anything involved with oreos
-Etc. Got too lazy to finish this
Yall can call Jennie "Jen"
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