#Prashna Kundli Expert
prashnakundli · 10 months
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subir-astrologer · 1 year
Astrology is given to us by great Rishis / Sages and is very very old knowledge and is more than 10,000 years old ( year is not exact, its only for understand ).
During olden days the person going away from home / family for long time for earning or work was treated as sinner as they had done some sin in their past life or present life so they have to be away from their family / home.
During olden days there were not much means of transport to travel very very far like at present we have vehicle, train, airplane, ship etc etc. People mostly had to walk or go by boat and with some invention during that time some bigger boats to some more far places which in today’s time will be considered very near.
It was with-in the country but far from home.
In today’s modern yug because of the facilities of so much means of transportations, one can think of going much farther far places i.e other countries by planes or ships.
Since the astrology was written in olden days so the dictum related to other country as per the horoscope was not written. It is only an idea about the direction the person will go as per his horoscope is given.
Understanding the direction means the direction from the birth place of that person.
In today’s time understand the direction is very difficult and even if one understands the direction then in that same direction lies many countries, which again makes it difficult to choose a single country.
The dictum do not hold good in today’s time always.
So, with time one need to modify the dictums of astrology as per the circumstances and use it in make the predictions.
There have been many new discoveries in astrology and many new dictums are present in more refined way for accurate predictions because of the research done by many scholar astrologers in this field of vedic astrology.
New dictums as per modern vedic astrology is presented today because of scholar re-searcher astrologers.
One such research work in understanding the best country / countries that will suit a person better to prosper in life / career is called ASTROCARTOGRAPHY.
This shastra is not vedic and and more over I am not an expert of it and so I cannot comment much on this shastra / knowledge. One need to google it.
According to vedic KP astrology there is a way by which one can determine which country one should migrate as it would suit him for better prosperity in life.
It is by horary / prashna kundli one can predict the name of the country.
But there is a catch and that is, the querent need to give few names of the countries which he intend / love to migrate and by horary astrology one can determine which will be the best country that will suit the native and should migrate.
The only issue of a horary astrology is that the native cannot ask this kind of question in open forum. They need to ask the question to the astrologer in person ( telephonic call will also do ). 
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astrolawger-blog · 4 years
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Alka Tyagi is a Gold Medalist renowned Vedic Astrologer, Numerologist & Vastu Expert having an experience of more than 15 years in the field of Astrology.
She has an expertise in Kundli Millan, Delay Marriage, Prashna Kundli, Relationships, Property, Children, Job, Health, Career, Education & Legal issue along with their solutions
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On Demand You can top up your credit and call any astrologer from the list of the best astrologers in India. Once you make the call from the website / app, you will receive a call from the astrologer on your phone.
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Reliable website for free astrology predictions, future predictions and horoscopes as we hire astrologers after a full review and multiple interviews.
Here the best astrologers will give you the most authentic astrology answers by studying your zodiac sign and astrology chart. Talk to Astrologer
Our astrologers are experts in various forms of occult science such as Vedic Astrology, Nadi Astrology, Numerology, Prashna Astrology, Palmistry, Tarot Readers, Gemology Vasthu and KP Astrology.
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prashnakundli · 10 months
What is Prashna Kundli in astrology? - Prashna Kundli
In astrology, Prashna Kundli (also spelled as Prashna Kundali or Prasna Kundali) is a branch of predictive astrology that focuses on answering specific questions posed by a person (querent) based on the time of asking the question. It is also known as "Horary Astrology" or "Question Astrology." Unlike traditional birth chart analysis, where the astrologer
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jyotishseva1 · 3 years
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Astrology can Help you as navigation for future path of life. We had started Online Consultation Just Download App and Register You will get free Horoscope and You will get 100 Rs gift wallet money for call Now .My GiftCode is : FS1591 उपहार कोड का उपयोग करें और कॉल नाउ बटन का उपयोग करके ऐप के माध्यम से उसके साथ बात करें For Astro, Please visit:https://www.futurestudyonline.com/astro-details/1591 Expertise :Career Consultation ,Prashna kundli expert,Vedic Astrology,Vedic Astrology Expert For Mobile App, Please visit: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=futurestudyonline.vedicjyotishvidyapeeth For IOS Mobile App, Please visit: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/futurestudy-online/id1498930538 (at Shri Harmilap Prem Mandir) https://www.instagram.com/p/COC6FA6Lm3v/?igshid=1hwoy7fsayg5s
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Best Astrologer in Chandigarh, Mohali, Punjab | Online Best Astrloger in India | Best Famous Astrologer in Chandigarh | Top Astrologer in India | Best Astrologer in Mohali | Best Astrologer in Punjab | Best Astrologer Vedant Sharmaa |
Individuals are prevalently mindful that the universe is represented by a power, celestial or outer, that impacts our day by day life. While there is a level of individuals who might not have conviction, the worldwide people everywhere has faith in certain impacts the planetary framework and stars have on our destiny. Indian astrology or better still Hindu astrology is one of the most broadly regarded and rehearsed the nation over. The establishment of Hindu astrology depends on the Vedas. The Hindus firmly accept that the planetary situating and development at the hour of birth sway our lives, and the impacts are a consequence of our karmic past. The Navagrahas (planetary framework) are related with the Supreme Being and thus rule our lives.
India has large amounts of astrologer rehearsing different types of Hindu astrology. The vast majority of them have inside and out information regarding the matter just as Hindu sacred writings that help them give precise readings and forecasts. They additionally resolve issues for people through exhortation and therapeutic estimates that can assist them with defeating testing circumstances throughout everyday life.
One of the Best astrologer in Chandigarh, Vedant Sharmaa.
This celebrated astrologer in Chandigarh is a specialist in various types of Vedic Astrology that incorporate Parashara, Prasna, Hora, and Jamini, just as K P astrology. He utilizes customary strategies for Vedic and Sidereal (in light of current situation of heavenly bodies) Astrology. He additionally makes it a highlight utilize the set up standards of Jamini Sutra. For K P astrology, Vedant Sharmaa utilizes Prasna Jyotish techniques. His counsel abilities cover fields of wellbeing, way of life, profession, and prosperity. He offers answers for customers that contain celestial experiences just as reasonable answers for singular issues. Vedant Sharmaa has been rehearsing astrology for as long as five years.
At a youthful age, he had an essential information on astrology. Afterward, he sought after additional examinations in astrology and attempted an expert course. This prominent astrologer then proceeded to do his apprenticeship under a widely acclaimed astrology in Varanasi for a very long time.
This famous astrologer has tremendous information in astrology and is a specialist in Prashna Kundli, Kundli coordinating, birthstones, and gemology. He is very precise in his readings and expectations. He delivers administrations to customers on issues identified with wellbeing, relationship, individual issues, labor, profession, work move, and property. He advocates simple and basic healing measures to his customers that help them have a glad existence. Online best astrologer in India
He began learning astrology as an interest that later formed into an enthusiasm for him. He began tuning in to individuals and their issues and had a go at settling them. Before long, astrology turned into an enslavement. A certified astrology, Vedant Sharmaa, is a specialist in Vedic Astrology.  
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This famous astrology utilizes Vedic standards in anticipating horoscopes. He is of the firm conviction that cautious investigation should be made of the planets, signs, and houses. The presence of any Yogas -  This famous astrologer offers precise readings and expectations. Vedant Sharmaa is likewise a specialist in Horary Astrology. He offers types of assistance on issues identified with affection, relationship, wellbeing, marriage, and profession. He prescribes accommodating answers for assist customers with defeating alarming occasions and improve joy in their lives.
The Taurus Character - The Second Sign of the Zodiac.
The Taurus CharacterThe Second Sign of the ZodiacBy Rebecca Brents
Need a couple of words to portray Taurus? Shouldn't something be said about "laid back" and "obliging?" Taurus likes to unwind, make life at a conscious stride and separately plan. Nothing more should be said. Taurus confides in sparing real resources ... also, "directing" its own energy is first on the overview. You can't push these individuals any speedier than they have a mind to go. Either become accustomed to it ... or then again decide to make stomach settling specialists part of your step by step life.
The image of the strong calm sort - especially the film legend in former period westerns - who just couldn't be pushed cockeyed, not in his own penchants nor in his stay on guideline, was quintessentially a Taurus. These individuals can take a huge load of worsening, guff, and issues, and handle troubles with open minded assurance, until something transforms into the absolute last thing that could be tolerated ... also, a while later the ensuing angry outburst leaves obliteration like a twister cut a zone across the land.
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Right when Taurus individuals get distracted, the show is glorious. It's canny to look for cover until the coast is overly clear. Fortunately, with Taurus, such minutes are extraordinary. This sign really needs life to be peaceful, enchanting, charming, reliable, and stable.
Taurus people strike a casual development, getting a charge out of the world's genuine delights. The overall idea of stopping to appreciate the view is an astoundingly Taurus thought. No other sign may like the sheer physical-ness of life more than Taurus. They love pretty shadings, interesting surfaces, pleasant structures, charming and rich shapes, scrumptious aromas, complex flavors, moderating and rousing melodies, and their sleek tastes are stunning.  
They need enough sheer greatness in their lives to work fittingly. Ecological elements that are unsanitary, confused, awful, or fundamentally unappealing ... can make a Taurus really wiped out. Likewise, a Taurus who keeps a disaster area around him is demonstrating indications of significant issues - deep down, mentally, significantly ... additionally, over the long haul truly.
Taurus is a closed in on a major level. He (or she) venerates a reliable, characteristic setting, where he can kick back in comfort and do nothing he might not want to do. Notwithstanding the way that he loathes being poked into whatever wasn't in particular his idea (and still, by the day's end, he'll get to it on his own arrangement), changes of any kind surprise him. This sign likes to plan his future - course far into the future, and a while later follow his game plan.
Getting a Taurus to move snappier or adjust his viewpoint is a certified involvement in the consistent article. Taurus makes determination a workmanship. It is the most fixed of the Fixed Signs (close by Aquarius, Scorpio, and Leo), and if you live with one (or need to exist together with one) it helps with recollecting that. You'll save yourself a lot of mileage.
Likewise, Taurus is the Fixed Earth sign, with severe relationship with the land. Taurus has a powerful ability to aggregate with nature and the Earth as living spirits. Close by those quiet, canny ecological components I referred to, Taurus needs to put energy in nature - out in the forested zones, up in the mountains, by a hustling stream or a flooding trout lake, on a property or homestead ... preferably in all of these spots.
Taurus similarly needs to have a touch of the Earth. Monstrous pieces of the earth, if possible. To keep an eye out over huge plots of land, woods, and fields that are his, all his, is a Taurean's dream. Regardless, a Taurus needs to guarantee his own home ... with whatever amount of land enveloping it that he can shoulder.
This sign works personally with issues of money, pay, and ownership for as long as its can remember, either by collecting an individual fortune (some will be contributed insightfully "for the future," and some will be spent on the comforts and shallow focal points that advertise this achievement to everyone) or by winding up unpleasantly based on perseverance and acquiring money until it can tap its regular capacities and assurance the simple financial stream that can be its legacy.
Taurus is a sign expected to be princely, to control and regulate material assets, to associate with the real world. This joins everything from getting a charge out of stimulating delights, to recognizing fine food, music, and workmanship, to understanding the recovering witchcraft of genuine reaching (and incredible sex!!), to considering children, pets, and plants - watching them create, make, and grow up. Taurus loves adventures that create after some time. All things considered, it's the best sort of bounty ... moreover, that well known resistance can make a fine accumulate.
Nevertheless, there is a downside to even this serene, sensitive, supportive sign. Other than the stiff necked attitude, it might be unnecessarily materialistic, outrageous, narcissistic, and status-and-money insightful. It can moreover be incredibly possessive of people in comfortable associations in a way that suggests "ownership" clearly. As such, it can end up being genuinely jealous - routinely over irregular information, and it isn't above using money as a weapon when there is impact to get from that.
Regardless, its endurance is inconceivable. Also, as a buddy, amigo, or sweetheart, you could sure do a ton more lamentable than having a person from this genuine, liberal, pleasant sign as the other segment of the association.
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blogkundaliexpert · 4 years
How is your free Janam Kundali prediction helpful for the future?
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Janam Kundali by date of birth and time is a mirror reflecting every aspect of your life. Accurate Janam Kundali is an astrological tool that accurately predicts your past, present, and future.
Also, birth Kundali reading gives you a brief idea of your life path and soul purposes. It outlines your Karma accounts and spiritual needs. Do you want to know which other benefits you can gain from this free Janam Kundali predictions that forecast the future?
What is an accurate Janam Kundali?
Eagerness to know the future or future plans is the natural human tendency. We all are curious about our destiny. Various future forecasting astrology tools can help us to get a brief idea of future life.
The need for knowing the unknown pushed us to discover our original Vedic Astrology. Astrologers derive Janam Kundali analysis interpretation in scientific ways. But before jumping into predictions and its benefits lets understand what online Janam Kundali is.
Your horoscope or free Janam Kundali in Hindi by date of birth and time outlines the precise locations of various planets at the exact moment of your birth. In other words, it is the celestial snapshot of planetary positions or locations at your birth time.
Janam Kundli in Hindi free with Predictions: How Do It Work?
Once you have your accurate Kundli chart, you can get predictions based on the planetary positions or locations in your chart. Expert Astrologers carefully interpret your chart for every detail such as places of planets, different houses, birth time Nakshatra, etc.
Also, there are various birth charts which precisely predict a specific life area. D9 chart helps to see the marital journey; Vedic Prashna Kundali solves your time-specific confusion. Lagna Kundli gives insight into your personality and traits.
Further free Janam Kundali Analysis helps you to know your future life course. Nowadays, astrology websites also provide a free and reliable interpretation of the natal chart. Janam Kundali reading free online in Hindi is a quick and reliable source of the future projection.
 Advantages of New-born Baby Janam Kundli for Future Life:
·         Janam Kundli can predict your career path. It can foretell your aspirations and the profession which suits you most as per your zodiac sign.
·         Kundali reading for a career can anticipate any sudden shift or change of career. It predicts new opportunities, promotions, and even career crisis!
·         With the help of your birth chart, you can know your financial future. It even gives advice to save or invest money on the right timings.
·         Will you have a love marriage or an arranged one? Know your love-life through your birth chart.
·         Kundali matching before the wedding helps foresee the compatibility of future partners.
·         With, Janam kundali Milan, it accurately portrays your marital journey. It even foresees your bonding with family members of your spouse!
·         Janam Kundali for future life predictions is the most effective tool to know personality traits, characteristics features and hidden qualities of your prospective partner.
·         Vedic Medical Astrology predicts health issues or medical problems you may face in your life, with the help of the birth chart.
·         Do you feel stuck and demotivated in life? Are you suffering from unknown fear and loss of confidence? These can be symptoms of Planetary Dosha. Birth Chart predicts such Dosha accurately.
·         Mangal, Shani, or Rahu Dosha may give adverse effects on your life. Specifically on marital life. Janam Kundli Analysis can provide effective remedies of such Dosha.  
·         To be successful in life, you need clarity of purpose and life goal. Horoscope can tell you about your life purpose and your soul-goal!
·         Are you a Karma believer? You can trace your past life karma or karma account in general with a horoscope.
New-born Baby Janam Kundli in Hindi without Name
How Accurate Are Janam Kundali in Hindi Predictions?
Seeing the immense benefits of Janam Kundali analysis you may think are these predictions really work? Can you rely on career, finance or love predictions? These points may rest your confusion.
Janam Kundli Predictions is a time-tested and traditional tool. Our ancestors used it for years and enjoyed its benefits hassle-free.
Despite such technological advancements even today we use this scientific instrument for its accuracy and right results.
An expert astrologer can correctly predict your life event and exact timings. The increasing use of Janam Kundali reading free online is the evidence that such forecasts work! Visit:Tabij.in +91-9776190123
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World Famous State Winner Expert in Lal Kitab & Prashna Kundli
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prashnakundli · 10 months
How accurate is Prashna Kundli? - Prashna Kundli
The accuracy of Prashna Kundli, like any other form of astrology, is a topic of debate and varies from person to person. Some individuals believe in its accuracy and have experienced positive results, while others remain skeptical and consider it as a belief system without scientific evidence. The accuracy of Prashna Kundli can be influenced
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prashnakundli · 10 months
Discover Answers – Single Question Report – Prashna Kundli - Prashna Kundli
Introducing the Comprehensive Single Question Astrology Report!
Are you seeking answers to a specific question that holds great importance to you? Look no further! Our Ask A Question astrology service is designed to cater to 79% of individuals who have a single, precise query on their minds.
Our team of experienced astrologers combines Horary Astrology with the Natal Astrology horoscope chart to provide accurate responses to your unique questions. Not only do you receive an answer, but we also offer valuable Vedic astrology remedies to help fulfill your desires.
With our easy-to-understand PDF report, delivered via email, you will gain profound insights and guidance to navigate life’s challenges effectively.
Why Choose Ask A Question Astrology Service?
No Birth Details Required: Even if you are unsure about your birth details, our reliable Horary Astrology system ensures accurate predictions for your question.
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How It Works:
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Discover clarity and direction with our Ask A Question Astrology Service. Your answers await!
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prashnakundli · 10 months
अब आपको जन्मकुंडली की जरूरत नहीं, क्योंकि हम अब प्रश्न कुंडली के माध्यम से भी आपको बता सकते हैं कि विवाह कब होगा। प्रश्न कुंडली के यह नए रूप के बारे में जानें। - Prashna Kundli
प्रश्न कुंडली: ज्योतिष शास्त्र में इसका बड़ा महत्व
ज्योतिष शास्त्र में प्रश्न कुंडली का भी बड़ा महत्व होता है। कई जातकों को अपनी जन्मतिथि, जन्म समय या जन्म स्थान के ज्ञात न होने के कारण उनके प्रश्नों का उत्तर जानने के लिए प्रश्न कुंडली ही एकमात्र साधन होता है। जब कोई व्यक्ति अपने विवाह से जुड़ा प्रश्न जानने की इच्छा रखता है और उसके पास उसकी कुंडली नहीं होती है, तो प्रश्न कुंडली का सहारा लिया जाता है। यानी, जब आपने सवाल पूछा, तो उस समय की जो भी कुंडली होती है, वही प्रश्न कुंडली कहलाती है।
प्रश्न कुंडली का मुख्यत्व: इसका मुख्य उपयोग किसी तात्कालिक प्रश्न का उत्तर जानने के लिए किया जाता है। अब एक ज्योतिषी प्रश्न कुंडली के माध्यम से कैसे आपके विव���ह के सवाल का जवाब देता है, आइए जानते हैं।
अगर लड़के का प्रश्न है और शनि सम भाव (दूसरे, चौथे, छठे, आठवें, दसवें और बारहवें भाव) में है, तो लड़के का विवाह जल्दी होगा, ऐसा कहा जाता है।
अगर लड़की का प्रश्न है और शनि विषम भावों में विराजमान है, तो लड़की का जल्दी विवाह होगा, ऐसा कहा जाता है।
प्रश्न कुंडली में ज��� सप्तम का स्वामी है, अगर वह शुभ स्थान में विराजमान है या किसी उच्च ग्रह के साथ बैठा है, तो शादी के बाद समृद्धि मिलेगी, ऐसा कहा जाता है।
अगर प्रश्न कुंडली में तीसरे, पांचवे, सातवें और ग्यारहवें भाव में चंद्रमा है और वह गुरु के द्वारा देखा जाता है, तो जातक का जल्दी विवाह होगा, ऐसा कहा जाता है।
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prashnakundli · 10 months
Unveiling Destiny- A Comprehensive Guide to Prashna Kundli
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prashnakundli · 10 months
Unveiling Destiny- A Comprehensive Guide to Prashna Kundli
In the vast realm of astrology, the art of Prashna Kundli stands as a beacon of divine insight and guidance. Derived from ancient Vedic wisdom, Prashna Kundli, also known as Horary Astrology, offers seekers a remarkable way to seek answers to their most pressing questions. This mystical technique allows individuals to unravel the mysteries of their lives by examining the positions of celestial bodies at the exact moment of the inquiry. In this blog, we delve deep into the fascinating world of Prashna Kundli, exploring its origins, methodologies, and significance in modern times.
1. Origins and Significance: We begin our journey by tracing the roots of Prashna Kundli back to ancient India, where sages and seers developed this extraordinary system to divine the course of events and foresee the future. Understanding the spiritual and philosophical underpinnings of Prashna Kundli unlocks its profound significance as a tool for introspection, self-awareness, and finding purpose in life.
2. The Prashna Kundli Chart: Learn how to construct a Prashna Kundli chart step-by-step. Explore the key elements, such as Ascendant, Moon, and significators, which hold the key to unraveling the cosmic answers to your questions. We'll also discuss the importance of focusing on the "current moment" when framing the query and how that moment's energy reflects in the chart.
3. The Art of Asking the Right Question: Asking the right question is paramount in Prashna Kundli. Discover the art of framing precise and meaningful queries that yield accurate and insightful responses from the universe. Learn about the types of questions that are suitable for Prashna Kundli and those that might not yield satisfactory results.
4. Interpretation and Analysis: Once the Prashna Kundli chart is prepared, understanding its symbols and deciphering their meanings become essential. In this section, we will explore the significance of each house, planets, and their aspects in the context of the query. Uncover the techniques used by astrologers to interpret the chart accurately and provide profound insights to the seeker.
5. Timing and Prediction: Timing plays a crucial role in astrology, and Prashna Kundli is no exception. Delve into the techniques used to predict the timing of events based on planetary positions and transits. We'll discuss the concept of "Vimshottari Dasha" and how it influences the unfolding of events in one's life.
6. Practical Applications and Real-Life Examples: Explore the diverse range of applications for Prashna Kundli in various aspects of life, such as career, relationships, finance, and health. Through real-life examples, witness the accuracy and efficacy of Prashna Kundli in providing meaningful guidance and answers to life's most perplexing questions.
7. Ethics and Responsible Use: As with any esoteric practice, ethical considerations are paramount. We'll discuss the importance of ethical conduct when using Prashna Kundli for guidance and the responsibility that comes with handling such powerful knowledge.
Conclusion: Prashna Kundli opens the door to the cosmic web that connects us to the universe's wisdom. As we conclude this blog, you will gain a profound appreciation for this ancient art and its ability to offer clarity and direction in life's labyrinth. Whether you are a seasoned astrologer or a curious seeker, Prashna Kundli will undoubtedly leave you awe-inspired by the divine language of the stars and its impact on our destinies. Embrace the timeless wisdom of Prashna Kundli and embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
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