prashnakundli · 9 months
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prashnakundli · 10 months
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prashnakundli · 10 months
What is Prashna Kundli in astrology? - Prashna Kundli
In astrology, Prashna Kundli (also spelled as Prashna Kundali or Prasna Kundali) is a branch of predictive astrology that focuses on answering specific questions posed by a person (querent) based on the time of asking the question. It is also known as "Horary Astrology" or "Question Astrology." Unlike traditional birth chart analysis, where the astrologer
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prashnakundli · 10 months
How accurate is Prashna Kundli? - Prashna Kundli
The accuracy of Prashna Kundli, like any other form of astrology, is a topic of debate and varies from person to person. Some individuals believe in its accuracy and have experienced positive results, while others remain skeptical and consider it as a belief system without scientific evidence. The accuracy of Prashna Kundli can be influenced
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prashnakundli · 10 months
Discover Answers – Single Question Report – Prashna Kundli - Prashna Kundli
Introducing the Comprehensive Single Question Astrology Report!
Are you seeking answers to a specific question that holds great importance to you? Look no further! Our Ask A Question astrology service is designed to cater to 79% of individuals who have a single, precise query on their minds.
Our team of experienced astrologers combines Horary Astrology with the Natal Astrology horoscope chart to provide accurate responses to your unique questions. Not only do you receive an answer, but we also offer valuable Vedic astrology remedies to help fulfill your desires.
With our easy-to-understand PDF report, delivered via email, you will gain profound insights and guidance to navigate life’s challenges effectively.
Why Choose Ask A Question Astrology Service?
No Birth Details Required: Even if you are unsure about your birth details, our reliable Horary Astrology system ensures accurate predictions for your question.
Scientific Approach: Horary Astrology (Prashna Kundli) employs a scientific approach, making it as reliable as any other branch of astrology.
Diverse Categories: Whether it’s about relationships, career, finances, health, or more, we cover various categories to address your concerns comprehensively.
How It Works:
Select your relevant category from the options provided.
Choose from our predefined commonly asked questions or write your own question.
Our astrologers will use their expertise to analyze your query and provide personalized insights and remedies.
Receive the detailed report in your email, giving you the guidance you seek.
This service is ideal for those without accurate birth details as well, guaranteeing highly accurate predictions.
Discover clarity and direction with our Ask A Question Astrology Service. Your answers await!
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prashnakundli · 10 months
अब आपको जन्मकुंडली की जरूरत नहीं, क्योंकि हम अब प्रश्न कुंडली के माध्यम से भी आपको बता सकते हैं कि विवाह कब होगा। प्रश्न कुंडली के यह नए रूप के बारे में जानें। - Prashna Kundli
प्रश्न कुंडली: ज्योतिष शास्त्र में इसका बड़ा महत्व
ज्योतिष शास्त्र में प्रश्न कुंडली का भी बड़ा महत्व होता है। कई जातकों को अपनी जन्मतिथि, जन्म समय या जन्म स्थान के ज्ञात न होने के कारण उनके प्रश्नों का उत्तर जानने के लिए प्रश्न कुंडली ही एकमात्र साधन होता है। जब कोई व्यक्ति अपने विवाह से जुड़ा प्रश्न जानने की इच्छा रखता है और उसके पास उसकी कुंडली नहीं होती है, तो प्रश्न कुंडली का सहारा लिया जाता है। यानी, जब आपने सवाल पूछा, तो उस समय की जो भी कुंडली होती है, वही प्रश्न कुंडली कहलाती है।
प्रश्न कुंडली का मुख्यत्व: इसका मुख्य उपयोग किसी तात्कालिक प्रश्न का उत्तर जानने के लिए किया जाता है। अब एक ज्योतिषी प्रश्न कुंडली के माध्यम से कैसे आपके विवाह के सवाल का जवाब देता है, आइए जानते हैं।
अगर लड़के का प्रश्न है और शनि सम भाव (दूसरे, चौथे, छठे, आठवें, दसवें और बारहवें भाव) में है, तो लड़के का विवाह जल्दी होगा, ऐसा कहा जाता है।
अगर लड़की का प्रश्न है और शनि विषम भावों में विराजमान है, तो लड़की का जल्दी विवाह होगा, ऐसा कहा जाता है।
प्रश्न कुंडली में जो सप्तम का स्वामी है, अगर वह शुभ स्थान में विराजमान है या किसी उच्च ग्रह के साथ बैठा है, तो शादी के बाद समृद्धि मिलेगी, ऐसा कहा जाता है।
अगर प्रश्न कुंडली में तीसरे, पांचवे, सातवें और ग्यारहवें भाव में चंद्रमा है और वह गुरु के द्वारा देखा जाता है, तो जातक का जल्दी विवाह होगा, ऐसा कहा जाता है।
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prashnakundli · 10 months
Unveiling Destiny- A Comprehensive Guide to Prashna Kundli
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prashnakundli · 10 months
Unveiling Destiny- A Comprehensive Guide to Prashna Kundli
In the vast realm of astrology, the art of Prashna Kundli stands as a beacon of divine insight and guidance. Derived from ancient Vedic wisdom, Prashna Kundli, also known as Horary Astrology, offers seekers a remarkable way to seek answers to their most pressing questions. This mystical technique allows individuals to unravel the mysteries of their lives by examining the positions of celestial bodies at the exact moment of the inquiry. In this blog, we delve deep into the fascinating world of Prashna Kundli, exploring its origins, methodologies, and significance in modern times.
1. Origins and Significance: We begin our journey by tracing the roots of Prashna Kundli back to ancient India, where sages and seers developed this extraordinary system to divine the course of events and foresee the future. Understanding the spiritual and philosophical underpinnings of Prashna Kundli unlocks its profound significance as a tool for introspection, self-awareness, and finding purpose in life.
2. The Prashna Kundli Chart: Learn how to construct a Prashna Kundli chart step-by-step. Explore the key elements, such as Ascendant, Moon, and significators, which hold the key to unraveling the cosmic answers to your questions. We'll also discuss the importance of focusing on the "current moment" when framing the query and how that moment's energy reflects in the chart.
3. The Art of Asking the Right Question: Asking the right question is paramount in Prashna Kundli. Discover the art of framing precise and meaningful queries that yield accurate and insightful responses from the universe. Learn about the types of questions that are suitable for Prashna Kundli and those that might not yield satisfactory results.
4. Interpretation and Analysis: Once the Prashna Kundli chart is prepared, understanding its symbols and deciphering their meanings become essential. In this section, we will explore the significance of each house, planets, and their aspects in the context of the query. Uncover the techniques used by astrologers to interpret the chart accurately and provide profound insights to the seeker.
5. Timing and Prediction: Timing plays a crucial role in astrology, and Prashna Kundli is no exception. Delve into the techniques used to predict the timing of events based on planetary positions and transits. We'll discuss the concept of "Vimshottari Dasha" and how it influences the unfolding of events in one's life.
6. Practical Applications and Real-Life Examples: Explore the diverse range of applications for Prashna Kundli in various aspects of life, such as career, relationships, finance, and health. Through real-life examples, witness the accuracy and efficacy of Prashna Kundli in providing meaningful guidance and answers to life's most perplexing questions.
7. Ethics and Responsible Use: As with any esoteric practice, ethical considerations are paramount. We'll discuss the importance of ethical conduct when using Prashna Kundli for guidance and the responsibility that comes with handling such powerful knowledge.
Conclusion: Prashna Kundli opens the door to the cosmic web that connects us to the universe's wisdom. As we conclude this blog, you will gain a profound appreciation for this ancient art and its ability to offer clarity and direction in life's labyrinth. Whether you are a seasoned astrologer or a curious seeker, Prashna Kundli will undoubtedly leave you awe-inspired by the divine language of the stars and its impact on our destinies. Embrace the timeless wisdom of Prashna Kundli and embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
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prashnakundli · 10 months
Prashna Kundli | Prashna Kundli Expert | प्रश्‍न कुण्‍डली
Prashna Kundali is apparently utilized to provide answers to the questions of curious minds. Prashna Kundli comes into picture when you do not have birth details or birth time is missing. When a person asks question, that time and date is recorded and considered as the Janma(birth) of query and Kundli is prepared and then answered. Question asked through Prashna Kundli should be straight forward.
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