#Pre Sale Cleaning Coburg
presalecleaning · 1 year
Long-term Perks of Professional Pre-sale Cleaning
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It is crucial for you to get in touch with a professional cleaner who can help you achieve that perfect home look and aesthetic appeal by cleaning every possible nook and corner. Any potential home buyer will look forward to investing in a property that is ready to live so that they do not have to waste their time and money in going about its cleaning. There are a lot of benefits that you can avail yourself by seeking help from a professional pre sale cleaning company:
Buyers prefer a home that looks fresh as new!
All you need is to opt for professional pre sale cleaning in Point Cook so that you can make your property look fresh as new! Potential buyers will not like walking into your home and seeing it in a messy appearance, and getting in touch with a professional cleaner will help you immensely. The cleaners have the required experience to offer you pristine cleaning services so that your home looks fresh as new and ready for sale! 
You will get deep high quality cleaning services: 
All you need is to avail of the best pre sale cleaning in Kew to make your home presentable and new! No matter how much time you spend cleaning, getting it done by the professional cleaners can seem to be like the cherry on top of the cake. The professional cleaners will use their specialised cleaning equipment to offer you deep cleaning services from your bathrooms to your upholstery! 
Deeper cleaning:
Professional cleaners can deep clean your bathroom and kitchen to get rid of harmful bacteria that contribute to nasty odours. Getting in touch with a professional cleaning service provider will help you disinfect and cleanse contaminants from your home environment. The cleaners ensure that your property has cleaner indoor air and a dust-free atmosphere.
You can get a higher price for your home!
Little do people know that opting for pre sale cleaning in Coburg will offer you a higher price for your home! Any interested buyer will look forward to a property that is appealing and good-looking. You need to try as much as you can in order to get a higher price for your property. Getting in touch with pre sale cleaning services can work in your favour. 
These are a few benefits that you can easily avail of by opting for presale cleaning of your property. 
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hobotalesaus · 4 years
EPISODE 1: Sam Veenbaas: Don’t Die Wondering.
At the base of Mount Youngal, a stones throw from the Murray River and about a days ride from Melbourne, the valley of Bunroy drips the frost from it's awnings and creaks with the morning sun. It's the middle of July and it's a colder cold than you've ever been. Around 30 free souls call this little valley home; including the greasy fingernails and Locky Lennard curls belonging to our mate Sammy Veenbaas. He's at a turning point in his life, a fork in the road, about to sign a deal with the Devil. On the one hand is stability and a monotonous 9-5 slaving away to the man, and on the other is freedom, stress, hardship and bloody good times. Such is life when all you want to do is bring old pieces of steel out of their slumber. But we all know that, that's why we're addicted to the smell of old oil, rat shit and sleezy centrefolds. This new deal with the Devil I'm referring to is a new business venture; shaking off the shackles. But lets leave that shit be for a minute and travel down the two lane blacktop to figure out where it all started for Sam.
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Hobo: Tell us about growing up mate. 
Sam: Being born in Wodonga, growing up in the small town of Finley, NSW, we left there at the age of 3.5 and moved permanently to Wodonga, VIC. Living in Wodonga for over 20 years I thought I would get out and go visit the place they call ‘Gods Country’, at the foot of the snowy mountains in a small valley named Bunroy, about 25mins out of the town Corryong.
Hobo: Do you think life would be better or worse if you stayed there up until now? 
Sam: Its been a turn for the better, that’s for sure. Living at the end of the line, no other properties after us, you don’t get to many visitors or passing by traffic. Its been a good way to clear the mind, figure out what I want in life and save some dollars to god knows what to do with.
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Hobo: Tell us about building the Fairlane. 
Sam:  The old brown turd is a 1959 Ford Fairlane/Galaxie. It’s a two door hardtop from the states. Imported in about 2015. I bought it stock, a two tone red over white, with a little 223 inline 6 cylinder in it. 
I picked it up in Geelong, off an old fella that had imported several cars from the states and didn’t have the time do get to them all, the day we picked it up we took it back to my cousins Hotrod and Custom shop in Coburg. Straight away I started stripping it, replacing bushes, pulling parts off it and getting it ready for paint. We painted it in a two day turn around, strip, rub back, mask up and paint. Was a rough job that was only meant for 12 months until I saved up for a proper paint job, but it’s been over four years now and it’s still there.
I was on my P plates and the little 6 was good, but I soon got sick of that. I ended up buying a Clevo and FMX auto to drop in, pulled the little 6 out, cleaned the engine bay, painted it and dropped the Clevo in.
I’ve slowly been doing it up. Little things here and there trying to get it to where I want it. My favourite mod so far would probably have to be my ‘Shag-pile’ roof line, it always gets compliments and makes people smile.
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Hobo: Did you ever want to do anything else besides work on cars or bikes?
Sam: I’ve been working on cars and bikes since I could walk or hold a tool. My old man was a big-time bike and car fella. I’d spend every night out in the shed with dad while mum was working late as a nurse. Weekends would consist of either working on something or driving around picking up parts or looking for new projects to buy. I honestly cannot remember ever thinking about doing anything else, it was a part of me, in my blood to work on cars and bikes. It keeps me sane.
Hobo: What have you got going on at the moment?
Sam: I’ve always got my Fairlane on the go; it’s one of those things that will never be ‘finished’. I’m always buying parts for it, coming up with new ideas and wanting to change something that I have already done to it.
I’m also currently helping my twin brother do a quick build of his ’73 iron head. It was a teardown, clean up, re-gasket, few new parts and full rewire. We also made a new king and queen seat and sissy bar for it. It got a new tins and fresh paint job while we went at it. We’re super close to finishing it and are both excited to see how it turns out.
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I’ve got my Harley, but it’s just a rider and park, wanting to keep it pretty stock for now.
Hobo: Do you have a favourite part of working on cars and bikes?
Sam: Nah, if I had to pick one thing, it would have to be the electrical work. Wiring is my go to. I believe it has a bit of an art to it; keeping it tidy, while making it work and most practical for your car or bike.
Hobo: Why do you think people do this shit, build things when they could just buy parts off a shelf?
Sam: I reckon half the reason comes down to quality, while also wanting to be able to say “I built that” in 30 years time when you’re still driving/riding it down the road and someone asks ‘where did you get that’. You also get that sense of accomplishment when you finish something and think, that thing is rad.
Hobo: Why is crafting things by hand so important?
Sam: I believe everyone has different skills. I think more people should ‘just give it a go’. Most of the time you can’t really wreck anything and if you do, just start again.
Making things by hand allows you to design it to your style, how you want it and to make it fit perfectly the first time you know? How many times have we bought parts off the internet or from the local auto parts store to find out we then have to modify it anyway?
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Hobo: What motto do you live by?
Sam: My old man always told us as kids, ‘Don’t Die Wondering’. That has always been the motto that I live by. You want something? Get it. You want to do something? Do it. Life’s to short to not do what you want to, who knows what’s coming around the next corner.
Hobo: What’s next for you?
Sam: Apart from my recent business venture (Veenbaas Mechanical), I am currently looking at a Pre Unit Triumph that’s for sale, pretty well sold on it but is proving difficult to go buy with all these restrictions going on in Victoria and not able to travel. If all goes well this will hopefully be my next project. After seeing Jimmy Staig’s green Pre Unit at the Boogaloo Invitational in 2017, I had to have one. Fast forward 3 years and my good buddy Luke Wallace’s Blue Pre Unit has sold me on them, in my opinion one of the most perfectly executed Triumph choppers I have seen. 
Thanks for the time Sam. One of a dying breed; a gentleman and a good bloke. And that shag pile roof lining is absolutely ace. Cheers!
Photos by Sam Veenbaas and A.V Aspect.
You can get in contact with Sam via his Facebook (Veenbaas Mechanical) or at the number below:
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presalecleaning · 2 years
Presale Cleaning Essentials You Must Follow!
Are you eager to take vital steps to make your property appealing to buyers? If so, how are you planning to go about the same? This blog post turns out to be perfect guidance to simplify your cleaning and make your property appealing to buyers. There are many ways by which you can boost your property’s value without spending much! Here are a few cleaning tips that will help you go about the same:
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Get rid of the clutter: 
One of the best ways to go about the pre sale cleaning in Coburg is by getting rid of clutter. It is true that one of the best things that you need to do is to remove clutter so that you get some space for cleaning. There is no denying that homeowners collect tons of useless items over the years, and getting rid of them is one of the basics of presale cleaning. 
Work on cleaning the hallways: 
It is essential to go about your pre sale cleaning in Kooyong by working on cleaning the hallways. Try to remove as much clutter as needed and pay heed to empty all the hangers. It is important to clean every nook and corner so that you get pristinely cleaned hallways so that it is appealing to the buyers in the first instance.
Banish odour from your upholstery:
One of the most vital things every homeowner must do to prepare their property for sale is to banish nasty odours. Upholstery and other fabrics are prone to absorbing foul smells, and we must do it all to eliminate them. Sprinkle some baking soda and let it sit for a couple of minutes, then clean it with a vacuum cleaner.
Remove excess and oversized furniture: 
It is essential to go about your pre sale cleaning in Toorak so that you can easily remove excess and accumulated dirt from every nook and corner. Try to place the bulky furniture in a way that complements the entire room’s setting. Keep away dusty-looking stands as they will give off negative vibes. 
Spruce up your kitchen: 
It is essential to pay heed to cleaning your kitchen so that you go through your pre sale cleaning in Sunshine like a cakewalk. Remove excess essentials and tuck them away. It is mandatory to clean the countertops so that they appear shiny.
These are some of the cleaning essentials you must follow to advance in your presale cleaning chores!
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presalecleaning · 3 years
Pre Sale Cleaning- A Checklist You Must Follow
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Pre-sale cleaning is not an easy job. It involves thorough cleaning and sanitation of the surroundings. It is not right to confuse it with the end of lease cleaning. As because in this case, you will have to make your home presentable for potential buyers. It is most helpful to leave this task up to the professionals as leave no stones unturned to guarantee you the best staging and cleaning of your property.
If you wish to go about the process by yourself, here is a checklist you must follow to get pristine results. So, let’s begin:
Proper planning is crucial:
It would be best if you had an appropriate plan to go about the cleaning process. The professional pre sale cleaning in Balwyn takes place similar to the following points:
It is crucial to walk through each room and glance through them from the buyer’s perspective.
Contact the local yet renowned cleaners to have a look at the nooks and corners.
Inspecting the entire house is important.
Sell and donate anything that you do not need and earn money and praises in the process.
 Tips to maximise your curb appeal:
It is rightfully said that the first imp[ression is a lasting one. You cannot let the buyer think negatively by judging the curb area. Hence, employing the professionals for pre sale cleaning in Brighton will help you get the following things done like a cakewalk:
Proper cleaning of the driveway doors and shutters
Checking the orderliness of the plants
Sweeping of the entryways and walkways
Cleaning of the gutters and other drainage areas
 Declutter all that you can!
The cleaners dealing with the pre sale cleaning across Camberwell advise the homeowners to declutter their belongings and display only valuable and attractive amenities in their home. Rearranging the furniture and cabinets to maximise the available space will be a good move!
 Pay special attention to the kitchens and bathrooms:
Of the many rooms, the buyers check the kitchen and bathrooms as soon as they enter your home. Employing the pre sale cleaning experts from Coburg will help you get a clean and odour-free kitchen effortlessly. Watch out for these handy kitchen and bathroom cleaning tips:
Thorough mopping and polishing of the floors
Sparkling countertops
Spotless appliances and fixtures
Sanitised and clean toilet seat and bathroom floors
You can also hang a fresh set of towels for a lasting impression!
Pro tip: Do not try to sell an empty house!
There are many red flags you must avoid at the time of selling your home. It would be best if you never made the blunder of selling an empty house. A vacant or deserted place looks dull and desperate and depreciates the resale value of your home by many folds! The buyers might offer meagre rates for such pitiful homes. It is best to get your worn-out furniture and upholsteries cleaned via the pre sale cleaning experts in Canterbury to make your house presentable to the buyers! 
The professionals will help you show off your home's best features: Hiring the professionals will help you in many unexpected ways! They make efforts to let you present your home to potential buyers just the right way! They advise you to make necessary changes, such as removing rugs to showcase your well-cleaned hardwood floors. They perform exemplary window cleaning and pull back the drapes to showcase the lovely views. Lastly, they clean the outdoors to create a lasting first impression.
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