#Prett princess killer
maybe-iam-awriter · 6 years
Choices Ch. 2
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader
Word Count: 2485
Warning(s): Cussing, talk of parent’s fighting, arrests, violence
Summary:  Being Reggie’s little sister wasn’t easy already. But being his sister and not agreeing with his hate towards the Southside was nearly impossible. Tensions are rising and Y/N needs to make some choices that could change her life drastically. This is still in 2x20.
A/N: First thing: I know the meeting Archie calls is at his garage but I’ve written it to be at Reggie’s house so it gives the Reader a chance to be there. Second: I’ve loved the response I’ve gotten from you guys! I didn’t expect people to read my stuff let alone react so nicely to it! Thank you
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Riverdale but I do own the OCs and the story is mine. I do not post anywhere but on this profile so if you see my stuff anywhere else let me know!
Side Note: If it seems like something in my fic is not mine or of original canon let me know! I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes!
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I parked in the driveway and stared at the house for a little bit. Both of my parent’s cars were there and the light to their bedroom was off. Guess they already fell asleep. I can’t remember the last time my parents and I had an actual conversation that lasted more than a minute. Instead of the expected silence, Reggie was there to greet me once I walked in the door.
“I really am sorry, Y/N/N. I didn’t mean to yell. This Black Hood being back just has me on edge and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.” He pleaded. I just threw my arms around him. As stupid as he was, he was the family that stood by me and always took care of me.
“Please, just be careful. Like you said, the Black Hood is back and-and” I started to sob. Reggie pulled away slightly to look at me.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’ll be careful, I promise” He smiled as he wiped some stray tears. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“So does that mean you’ll lay off the Serpents?” I asked hopefully. He rolled his eyes and looked at me for a while.
“Fine, I’ll try my best not to go after them as much.” He relented. It wasn’t perfect but I’ll take it! “Now, get to bed! We still have school tomorrow.” I allowed him to push me towards my bedroom.
The next morning was similar to the day before. Reggie making breakfast for the two of us and parents nowhere to be seen. The car ride was peaceful and as usual Reggie dropped me of at the bakery. I wasn’t too far from the school now. While I was sipping my delicious cup of coffee and enjoying my walk, the sound of a motorcycle caught my attention.
“Hey, Princess! Where’s your carriage?” Of course, I know of only one person to call me that. Sure enough, standing over his bike in his school uniform was Sweet Pea.
“Heya Sweets!” I greeted him as I walked towards him and his bike. “I actually enjoy walking to school, you know fresh air.”
“Guess why the bike is perfect. Fresh air and less time getting places.” He shrugs while gesturing to the motorcycle.
“Hmm, nope just not the same.” I took another sip of my coffee.
“Get on and try it out. Your life will change forever.” He tempted me.
“Ummm, I don’t know about you but if I show up to school on the back of a bike let alone a Serpent’s bike, I’d be killed.”
“Whatever you say, Northsider. Maybe one day.” He said before driving off. I looked at my watch and realized that if I didn’t hurry now I was going to be late. So I ran a lot quicker to school and I barely made it before the bell. Out of breath, I was walking into the school to hear the PA system go off instead of the bell.
“Attention, students. This is Principal Weatherbee. I need Fangs Fogarty to come to my office immediately.” The students were in uproar. Down the hallway, I could see Jughead and his serpent friend who I am assuming is Fangs looking panicked. Reggie appeared at the top of the stairs with his mob.
“You’re dead vixen killer!” He yelled before racing towards Fangs. So dramatic, I rolled my eyes. My eyes widened right after because the Sheriff and a few deputies ran past me to get to Fangs.
“Mr. Fogarty, you need to come with us.”
“I didn’t do anything,” Fangs said to the sheriff as he turned to walk away. He was met with Reggie. He pivoted again and tried to break through the sheriff and deputies. They just grabbed him and threw him against the wall while he squirmed. A clanking sound pulled everyone’s attention. His pocket knife fell to the ground.  After a breath, the deputies holding Fangs threw him face down to the ground. As he was dragged out, I made eye contact with Sweet Pea. He looked furious. I looked back at Reggie and he looked so pleased with himself. Everyone was at a loss of what to do now that the action was all over.
“Get to class.” Principal Weatherbee ordered the rest of the students in the hall. The teachers must be insane if they think they could hold the attention of any student right now. They pretty much let us chat the whole period because they too were wondering what happens now. Once lunch came around, I made my way to the student lounge. Before I got there, I saw Sweet Pea at his locker.
“Hey, Sweet Pea!” He looked up and gave me a cold stare. “I’m sorry about your friend, Fangs.” He scoffed at me.
“The only reason you know his name is because he was just named the Black Hood.” He slammed his locker shut.
“But he isn’t, right?”
“Oh, so that’s why you want to talk to me. You just want to figure out if Fangs really did it. If he killed Midge? Tried to kill everyone else?” He was getting angrier. I took a step back on reflex.
“Hey, I could just jump on the bandwagon and say he did it. You’re right, I didn’t know his name before today. I don’t know him so I can’t say if he would or wouldn’t hurt Midge. That’s why I’m asking you. Did he kill Midge?” I stubbornly lifted my chin to stare him in the eye. He took a step closer to me and leaned in.
“No.” His breath hit my face. “You happy, Northsider?”
“No, I’m not happy. An innocent kid just got hauled away and is probably scared shitless. Nothing about this makes me happy.” He leaned back and studied me for a bit.
“Y/N!” I turned around and saw Archie in the pretty much empty hallway. “Uh, Reggie is looking for you” He kept glancing between me and Sweet Pea.
“Okay, I’ll be in there in a bit.” I looked back at Sweet Pea. “I’ll see you later.” I walked over to Archie as we headed to the lounge.
“What was that about? Was he giving you issues?” Archie fired at me as I got closer.
“It’s nothing. I wanted to talk to him.” Before I could finish my statement Archie was already talking.
“You should be careful.” “Why because all the serpents are Black Hoods? Maybe Jughead is in on it too.” I bit back at him. Archie hesitated before answering.
“I just don’t want to see you hurt. You know Reggie would be pissed if he heard you were talking to him.” We got to the door. Before we entered, I turned to Archie.
“I appreciate you looking out for me, I do. But could you not tell Reggie, you know, about me talking to Sweet Pea?”  He was hesitant but he agreed. “Thank you.” With that we walked in to see the normal group of people in there- well minus Jughead. He was probably trying to do damage control. I wasn’t in the mood to talk with anyone considering they were all bashing Fangs and the rest of the serpents. Lunch ended and classes dragged on. It wasn’t until after school when I decided to voice my opinions on the whole thing.
“Vixen Killer? Really, Reg? What happened to not going after them as much?” I questioned as we drove home.
“That was before I knew one of them killed Midge!” He hit the steering wheel causing me to flinch. Reggie calmed down slightly after seeing this.
“But you don’t know that he killed her!”
“C’mon Y/N/N, you saw that video” He started but I interrupted him.
“Yes, the video where it proves Midge and him were possibly sleeping together. That doesn’t mean he killed her!”
“Why are you defending them? It’s clear he’s the one who did it.”
“No, Sweet Pea said-”
“You talked to Sweet Pea?” Well, shit. 
“He’s not bad” Reggie scoffed at me.
“No, he’s just a gang member whose friend just got arrested for being a serial killer.” I rolled my eyes.
“Reggie you’re being ridiculous.”
“How?! Y/N, how am I being ridiculous?” I couldn’t keep my calm anymore.
“Hmm, let’s see, I know this guy. He’s just a teenager and he has a group of friends that are like family. Sure he gets into fights but he really is just a good kid. He was enjoying an extracurricular activity and being a student at Riverdale High until it was taken away from him just because of a group he is a part of. Now tell me Reggie, am I talking about Fangs and the Serpents or you and the Dark Circle?”  
“We are completely different.”
“You’re right, he’s innocent of the crime he’s accused of.” I sneered at him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He parked in front of the house and looked at me.
“Just that we all can’t be innocent because of Daddy’s checkbook.” I got out of the car without turning around.
“Y/N, you get your ass back here! I’m not done talking with you.”
“I am. I have work in an hour and need to get ready.” I shouted over my shoulders. My shift went by so quickly. Time sure flies when you’re angry. Considering the events of today, I guess it wasn’t too weird that the normal crowd of teenagers weren’t there today. Home was just as empty as Pops. Today was honestly one of the worst days I’ve ever experienced. Luckily, sleep came quickly and I was woken up the next morning by loud obnoxious knocking.
“Y/N, I need to talk to Reggie.” Archie demanded once I opened the door.
“Um, hold on, I’ll get him.” I gestured for him to come back down. I knocked on Reggie’s door before opening it. “Hey, Reg. Archie is in the living room asking for you.” He sat up in his bed and nodded at me. I was about to walk out when I saw a black hood and pocket knife on his chair. Reggie must have seen my gaze.
“Y/N/N, it’s not what it looks like.” He walked towards me.
“Really, because it looks pretty damn incriminating. I’ll be in the living room.” I muttered as I walked out. “He’ll be here in a second.”
“I hope you don’t mind I called the rest of the bulldogs to come meet here.” I nodded and headed to the kitchen. Looks like I got a football team to make breakfast for. Not too long after, the whole gang was there eating while I cleaned up the kitchen.
“Have you guys lost your minds?” Archie started his meeting off. This definitely caught my attention as I eavesdropped. “Vandalizing the Southside?”
“We were celebrating Fangs’ arrest!” Reggie defended himself.
“That’s not something to celebrate, you idiot! He didn’t do it.” Archie yelled back at him. I threw my hands up and made a mocking face where no one could see me in the kitchen.
“Archie, he had a knife on him!” Kevin Keller spoke up.
“Okay, we’re not having this argument, you guys. The Circle is officially disbanded.” Reggie scoffed at Archie as he got in his face.
“That’s not your decision to make, dude. You’re not the one paying us. Hiram is.” Archie took a step back confused.
“Wait...Mr. Lodge is paying you?” He looked around. My heart dropped to my stomach. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
“Yeah, he’s the one that suggested we go out and have a little fun.” Reggie’s words only made me sicker. “Said you might’ve started the Dark Circle but it was mine now.” I couldn’t listen any longer. I grabbed my bag and rushed to the door. “Y/N wait!”
“Why? I don’t have anything to worry about remember, the Black Hood was caught.” I shot at him as I walked out the door. I was walking aimlessly now. How could Reggie be so stupid?! Getting in bed with a mobster, heading a group of-of well terrorists! I should’ve paid more attention because I would’ve noticed I wasn’t on the Southside anymore.
“Oh, what does the princess have to cry about?” Sweet Pea’s voice rang. I looked around confused before I realized he was talking to me. My hand touched my cheek to find that I was in fact crying.
“I-I didn’t even notice.” I trailed off.
“Well, let me guess you’re crying over your slashed tires. Oh right, you don’t have slashed tires. We do.” His voice was once again cold.
“I heard about that now actually.” I pushed my hair back in frustration. “I can’t believe Reggie.”
“Really? Can’t believe that Reggie Mantle, the guy who has been picking a fight with the Serpents every chance he got, wouldn’t slash our tires and set a dumpster on fire?” Sweet Pea scoffed.
“No, I can definitely believe that. I just, Reggie’s my big brother.” I wrapped my arms around myself. “We got into a pretty bad fight yesterday. We never yell at each other you know because well our-our parents. That-That’s all they did uh did when they were home. Sure, we don’t hear them fight as much anymore but that’s because they’re not home and well, shit I’m rambling now.” I babbled on and I looked up at Sweet Pea to see his face softened a bit. His hand reached up and I flinched back. He hesitated before wiping a tear off my cheek. He withdrew slowly.
“What was the fight about?” I bit my lip at his question.
“Well, it was actually kind of about you. Which is why I’m guessing he had no problem going after you. Apparently Hiram Lodge hired the Dark Circle which by the way is its own monster. Archie has no control of it anymore. Reggie has pretty much taken over. Lodge is the one who told them to screw with you guys last night.” I was rambling once again. Sweet Pea’s jaw was clenched. “I’m making this worse aren’t I?”
“We knew the Lodges’ hands weren’t completely clean from this but it was only a suspicion. The only reason why the sheriff is holding Fangs is because of the pocketknife. They can’t make anything stick, so he’ll probably be released. We’ve been told to lay low so no one could pin anything on us.”
“That’s not gonna be pretty. Some of this town is out for Fangs’ blood.”
“I know.”
“Well, I’m working tonight at Pops but let me know if you need anything.” I took out a scrap of paper from my bag and wrote my number on it. Sweet Pea took it slowly while nodding. “I gotta go back home and get ready for my shift. I’m sorry about this huge mess.”
“It’s not your fault. And I uh I’m sorry about treating you like it was. You know, you’re not too bad for a Northsider.” He gave me a small smirk.
“And you’re not too bad for a Southsider.” I threw back with my own smirk.
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