#Pricess Charlotte
didanagy · 1 year
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Daughters of Queen Charlotte and George III:
Charlotte, Princess Royal, Queen of Württemberg (1766-1828) Portrait by Sir William Beechey
Princess Augusta Sophia of the United Kingdom (1768-1840).Portrait by William Beechey
Princess Elizabeth of the United Kingdom,Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg, (1770-1840).Portrait by Sir William Beechey, 1797
Princess Mary, Duchess of Gloucester and Edinburgh (1776-1857). Portrait by Thomas Lawrence, 1824.
Princess Sophia of the United Kingdom (1777-1848). Portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence, c. 1825
Princess Amelia of the United Kingdom (1783-1810). Portrait by Sir William Beechey
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princegeorgeofwales · 2 years
Charlotte told me she likes my sparkly shoes and George says I need some glitter in my hair ✨  Having a lush day 🥰
@ Owain Wyn Evans
George looks so proud of his joke  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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vladfromparis-blog · 5 years
There was an incredible project to film DUNE in 1975, unfortunately it was never realized for lack of money.
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- The project was incredible: the director was Alejandro JODOROWSKY who is a great person, the visuals were made by Moebius and Gigger, who then did the sets for Alien!
But today i just want to get you attention on the previous casting : That’s a real unbelievable casting : 
Charlotte Rampling was already in it but as the young CHANI !!!
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- Salvador DALI as The Emperor !
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-Mick Jagger as Feyd-Rautha
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- The son of Jodorowsky, Brontis as Paul
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-David Carradine as Duke Leto
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Alain Delon as Duncan Idaho
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Amanda Lear as Pricess Irulan
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Omar Sharif as Stilgar
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and also :
- Gloria Swanson as Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam
- Toshiro Mifune as Thifur Hawat
- Herve Villechaize as Count Hashimir Fenring
- Max von Sydow as Dr. Wellington Yueh
- John Huston as Liet-Kynes
- Judi Dench as Lady Jessica 
and and and ................ Orson Welles as Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
The Producer was Michel Seydoux ..the uncle of Lea Seydoux :-)
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‘Ouf! Bless me! It is good to see you too, my dear Princess.’ Dr Nott exclaimed with a chuckle as the excited Princess flew full speed into his arms, nearly knocking him over. It had been two days since Charlotte’s return to Warwick, and during that time she had impatiently waited for her beloved Notty - the two had not seen each other since Charlotte left for Brighton for what felt like a thousand years ago.
‘O, Notty! I have so much to tell you! Both horrid and wonderful! But mostly horrid so I think it best we go and sit you down!’ Charlotte grasped Dr Nott’s hand and led him to one of the rooms used for her lessons.
Fifteen minutes later Charlotte had finished her retelling of the events that had occurred while she had been away from Warwick. She had not been able to resist the temptation of putting on a play of sorts, and had done her best to act out all of the incidents. With her sweeping gestures and exaggerated yet on point imitations of people involved in the drama (her impression of the sinister Duke of Cumberland being particularly impressive), the “play” would have been amusing to watch if not for the fact that Charlotte had actually experienced the events of it. Consequently, Dr Nott was aghast.
 Poor child… he thought mournfully. The sadness and worry that had plagued the Pricess’s young mind had certainly taken its toll on her; upon closer inspection he noted that she had lost some weight and that there were small, dark circles under her eyes. But even so she was as lively and merry as ever, which could certainly be attributed to her young age; and she was a naturally optimistic and cheerful girl, who tended to look on the bright side of things. Dr Nott only prayed that she would not lose this indomitable spirit as she grew older.
‘You are looking very thoughtful Notty! What is it you are thinking about? How it is that Uncle Ed is almost bald when my other Uncles aren’t? I’ve wondered that too – O, but I didn’t tell you about his baldness, did I? Hmmm… So what are you thinking about then? No, wait don’t tell me! You’re thinking about Arthur! I reckon you would like to see him? Well, I’d be thrilled to show him to you!’
Dr Nott decided that he’d indulge his little student; she deserved it after all she had experienced. ‘Certainly I am very curious about your new friend, my dear Princess’, he nodded. ‘Judging by your earlier descriptions, Arthur seems to be a very fine pony.’
Once again, the excited Charlotte grasped Dr Nott’s hand, ‘You will not be disappointed Notty, Arthur truly is the finest pony in the world!’
When he saw him, Dr Nott readily agreed.
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