#Prince Stephen III of Weston
aristocraticvision · 8 months
Chapter 360: An Evening at the Palace
Lady Helena Reynolds entered the drawing room next to Princess Jessica, finally relaxing a bit after being so nervous at meeting the reigning monarch and his wife.
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“Dinner was wonderful, your royal highness,” Lady Helena said as she walked next to Princess Jessica into the lounge adjacent to the family dining room. “Please extend my compliments to your chef. It was a true delight.”
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“I’m sure Monsieur Tremont will appreciate your kind words,” Jessica replied as they sat down. “He so rarely has the opportunity to challenge himself anymore. Growing older, Stephen’s tastes – and I must admit, my own, as well – are fairly simple, so I know he was excited to have a visitor to impress.”
“Well, he certainly did so,” Helena replied. “It’s been such a lovely evening I almost wish it wouldn’t end.”
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“Such flattery,” Stephen said, smiling. “Though, I must admit, I’ve truly enjoyed myself as well. Michael has brought young ladies home before – but none have been quite as lovely as you.”
Helena dropped her gaze, nearly blushing.
“So how are you finding life in the city?” Jessica asked. “It must be quite a change from Hemingford.”
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“It is,” Helena replied, “though, having spent so many years in Paris after my parents passed, Hemingford was more of an adjustment than Weston. While I enjoyed the peace and beauty, there were times it seemed a bit more bucolic than I might have preferred. At least, until Michael arrived.”
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“Of course,” Stephen replied. “Which leads me to my next question. Do you two plan on going public with your relationship?”
“Stephen!” Jessica snapped as Helena dropped her gaze nervously. “That’s none of our business!”
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“It is very much our business, my dear,” Stephen said. “If they are serious about this relationship, going public will be a much better option than being found out by the press. Believe me, I learned that lesson with Michael’s mother.”
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“That may be, father,” Michael said, crossly. “But I would appreciate you allowing us to determine the next phase of our relationship. When we’re ready to go public, we will – but no amount of pressure from you or the press will push us into it.”
“Suit yourself,” Stephen said. “But I won’t be around forever, Michael. It’s time for you to start thinking about your future. That means a wife and a family. The monarchy requires stability, and it’s your responsibility to provide it.”
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“I think we’re all getting ahead of ourselves,” Jessica said, trying to de-escalate the conversation. “Michael and Helena have only recently begun seeing one another. I think there’s plenty of time for them to decide how they want to move forward.”
“Perhaps,” Stephen said, standing. “I apologize if I’ve overstepped. If you’ll excuse me, I should turn in before I say anything more.”
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“Father, you don’t have to ….” Michael began.
“Goodnight baroness, Michael,” Stephen said. “I’ll see you upstairs, my dear.”
After Stephen’s departure, the room was silent for a moment.
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“Mother, what the hell is going on?” Michael asked quietly. “This behavior is extreme – even for him.”
“I’m not sure, but I intend to find out,” Jessica said. “Now, as far as you two are concerned, I hope you’ll ignore my husband’s comments. Michael, why don’t you show Helena the gardens. They’re actually quite lovely at night.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 6 months
Chapter 367: A Window of Opportunity
“No, I was outside the door the entire time,” St. James said into the phone, carefully looking around to ensure he wasn’t being overheard.
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“Prince Stephen is beside himself,” he continued. “They had a terrible argument, and Princess Jessica had to intervene on her stepson’s behalf.”
“Typical of Stephen to be so hard on his son, “ Caroline said. “But is it truly that serious?”
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“Absolutely,” St. James replied. “The press is having a field day vilifying Crown Prince Michael, and even those most staunchly supportive of the monarchy are saying that Michael isn’t fit to rule.”
“And how is the young man handling the pressure?”
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“He’s near his breaking point, I think,” St. James said. “Lady Helena is the only person holding him together, and honestly I don’t know that even her considerable charms will be sufficient to do so for long.”
“Do your best to ingratiate yourself with Crown Prince Michael, and drive a wedge between Stephen and his son,” Caroline replied. “If we can drive Michael over the edge, there won’t be much hope for the dynasty.”
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“My thoughts exactly,” St. James said. “In one swift stroke, we can destroy Stephen and see Weston rid itself of the Marchand dynasty forever!”
“All in good time, St. James,” Caroline said. “Have you learned anything more about the prince’s health issues?”
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“No, Bixby is being especially tight-lipped on the subject,” St. James said. “All he’ll say is that the prince has been tired lately, or that he’s having medical tests done – nothing specific.”
“Very well,” Caroline replied. “Keep trying to learn more – if Stephen is truly ill, fate may do our job for us. I’ll be monitoring the situation from here, but I expect you to call me regularly with updates.”
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“It will,” St. James said. “If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll destroy this wretched family once and for all.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 7 months
Chapter 364: The Biopsy
Stephen shivered as he waited for the nurse to return to continue preparing him for his procedure, wondering why medical facilities always seemed to be so damn cold.
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He listened as two members of his security detail spoke in hushed tones beyond the curtain of his room. He’d had a difficult time slipping out of the palace without his usual army of assistants and security staff, but, having taken Bixby into his confidence, had arranged to keep his escort minimal.
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Despite the smaller entourage, the presence of a security team in the pre-op area was creating quite a bit of attention and curiosity among patients and staff alike. Fortunately, few were brave enough to try to sneak a peek at the man behind the curtain.
“Your royal highness,” Dr. Philson said, entering Stephen’s room. “Are you comfortable, sir?”
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“As much as can be expected,” Stephen replied. “Are we almost ready to begin?”
“Your anesthesiologist will be here in a moment,” Philson said. “Once you’re asleep, we’ll get started. The procedure is relatively simple and should last no more than thirty to forty-five minutes.”
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“Good,” Stephen said. “I need to get back to the palace before Jessica asks where I've gone. It’s been difficult keeping this from her the past few weeks. I know she suspects something is wrong, but I didn't want to worry her needlessly."
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“Again, your royal highness, I wish you would have confided in your wife about your condition,” Philson replied. "She might have been a comfort to you through this ordeal."
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“My condition?” Stephen asked. “And what condition is that exactly, doctor? Until I know what I’m facing, I simply don’t think it’s fair to create any more stress than necessary for my family.”
“Of course, sir,” Philson said. He’d had this particular conversation with the prince too many times before to think he would gain any traction this time. “Hopefully, today's biopsy will offer some clarity.”
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A nurse entered and smiled.
“Dr. Henstead, your anesthesiologist, will be here in just a moment,” she said.
“Good,” Stephen said. “I just want to get this over with.”
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Only a few minutes later, Dr. Philson approached a sleeping Prince Stephen in the procedure room. Before touching a single instrument, he bowed his head and whispered a quick prayer to whatever deity might be listening. He wasn’t a particularly religious man, but in this case, he felt it worth a try.
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He sighed.
“All right, ladies and gentlemen,” he said. “Let’s begin.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 8 months
Chapter 362: An Unconvincing Performance
As the lights came up after the first act of La traviata, Princess Jessica turned to her husband.
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“You know, I’ve never been a huge fan of Verdi, but I’m really enjoying this particular performance,” she said. “The staging is absolutely exquisite.”
“Mmm,” Stephen replied, nodding. “Yes, it’s quite nice.”
Jessica frowned.
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“Would you prefer to leave?” she asked. “Obviously, you’re not enjoying yourself, Stephen. Maybe it would be best if we just went home.”
“Why?” he asked, irritably, as they rose to enter the lounge for intermission. “Did I say I wasn’t enjoying myself?”
“No,” Jessica replied. “But it’s clear that you’d prefer not to be here.”
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“I’m sorry,” he said as they emerged into the crowded lounge to greet their guests. “I didn’t mean to give you that impression. I’m just not feeling my best this evening.”
“Or any other evening lately, Stephen,” the princess replied. “What is wrong? What did Dr. Philson say?”
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“The usual,” Stephen replied. “He wants to run more tests.”
Jessica studied him for a moment, then shrugged.
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“Well, we need to figure out what the problem is,” she said. “You’ve been surly and irritable for days, and I’m running out of patience. I understand if you’re not feeling well, but it feels like there’s more that you’re not telling me.”
“I promise, my dear,” Stephen said. “As soon as I hear anything definitive, you’ll be the first to know.”
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“I’d better be,” his wife replied. “Because if it’s something serious and I find out you didn’t tell me about it, an illness will be the least of your worries, my dear.”
Stephen grinned.
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“I stand warned,” he said, taking her arm. “I can accept almost any diagnosis, I think. But your disapproval … well, that's a condition more serious than I care to deal with.”
Jessica smiled and nodded.
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“I’m glad you realize that,” she said, standing on her tiptoes to wave across the room. “Now, there’s Lord and Lady Remington. We should say hello.”
“Of course,” Stephen replied, wearily.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 10 months
Chapter 351: Taking His Leave
“I’m glad to have caught you between meetings, father,” Ted said. “I won’t keep you – I just wanted to say goodbye before I leave for Torenth.”
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“Ah, so you’re going back today?” Stephen said, distractedly. “And what of Michael? Has he returned? There’s work to be done.”
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“I believe he’ll be back tomorrow,” Ted said. “Please take it easy on him, father. He’s quite taken with the Baroness Wexton, and this is the first time I’ve seen him so happy in a long time. I’m sure he’ll ….”
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“Michael’s happiness isn’t a priority right now,” Stephen said firmly. “I need him to start shouldering some of the responsibility for the crown that I wear and that he shall wear after me.”
“I’m sure he’ll do his duty,” Ted said, gently.
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Stephen sighed.
“I’m sorry, Ted,” he said. “You’re right, of course. It’s just been a very long day already.”
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“You look very tired, father,” Ted replied. “Why don’t you get some rest?”
The prince shook his head.
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“I’m fine, Ted,” Stephen said. “And I expect regular calls from Torenth as you continue working on my behalf.”
“I promise,” Ted said, smiling. “Goodbye, father.”
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Stephen hugged his stepson tightly.
“Goodbye, son,” he whispered, then pushed Ted to arm’s length. “Now, go find your mother. She’ll be livid if you leave without seeing her.”
Ted walked into the hallway where, as always, Bixby waited quietly.
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“Bix, is father alright?” he asked. "I get the feeling something is really wrong, and it worries me."
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“Oh, I’m sure he’s just tired, your highness,” Bixby replied. “He’s had some stomach troubles lately – likely caused by the stress he’s been under. I know Dr. Philson is hard at work addressing the issue, so I’m sure he’ll be fine quite soon.”
“Please let me know if anything changes,” Ted said, unconvinced.
“Of course, your highness,” he said.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 11 months
Chapter 345: A Faithful Friend
“Sam!” Prince Stephen said, smiling broadly. “Welcome home, my friend!”
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Sam Benedict, the prince’s chief of security, stopped and bowed respectfully.
“Your royal highness,” Sam said.
“I assume you settled everything in Egypt?” Stephan asked, motioning for Sam to sit. “I know Stephanie’s plane arrived this morning, but she mentioned that you had stayed behind to tie up loose ends?”
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“Well, I wanted to make sure Inspector Valsan and his men were formally charged before I left,” Sam said. “While I certainly trust the Egyptian government to handle the case, I needed to be certain justice would be served. However, since Egypt’s punishments tend to be harsher than ours, I don’t think Valsan or his men will see the light of day for many years to come – if ever.”
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“Good!” Stephen said. “I want you to know how grateful I am to you for sending my daughter home safely. Once again, you have saved us from great tragedy.”
“It was my pleasure,” Sam said, fidgeting uncomfortably. “However, I did want to discuss the future with you, if I may.”
“Of course, my friend,” Stephen said, curious. “What can I do for you?”
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“Well, to be honest, this trip made me realize how deeply the years are settling on me, Stephen,” he said. “I think it may be time to leave the security of the royal family to someone younger and more energetic than I.”
Stephen’s face fell.
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“Oh, Sam,” he said. “First Bix, now you! Am I to lose all my most faithful friends? Why do you have to resign? Couldn’t you simply take a more supervisory role?”
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“Stephen, I have served the Marchand family for nearly 40 years,” Sam replied. “I understand how difficult these changes might be for you, and I’ll do whatever I can to make the transition easier for you. But this is a choice I needed to make, and I hope you’ll support me, for the sake of all we’ve been through together. I even have a suggestion for my replacement -- Thomas Fiennes. You might remember him from ...."
“The investigation of Elizabeth’s abduction,” Stephen said. “Yes, he seemed quite capable.”
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“He is, Stephen,” Sam said, nodding. “He was just out of the academy during that investigation, and has only distinguished himself further since then. In fact, he has done a great job running our intelligence operations. I’ve never met a man with better instincts. He’ll be a worthy successor.”
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“But he’s not YOU,” Stephen said, then softened. “However, I certainly understand your desire to leave on your own terms. It’s something I envy. Of course, you have my support. Begrudgingly, but you have it, my dear friend. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m due at Prince George’s for some medical tests."
Sam frowned as they both stood.
“Nothing serious, I hope,” he said.
“I’ll be fine, Sam,” Stephen said.
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“Very well, then,” Sam replied. “I’ll let you know the transition schedule as soon as I’ve put it together.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 7 months
Chapter 366: Consequences
“What the hell were you thinking?” Stephen said sharply, pacing about angrily while Michael slumped in his chair. “How could you just walk out?”
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“I’m … I’m sorry, father,” Michael said. “I thought I could manage it, but it just overwhelmed me.”
“Overwhelmed you?” Stephen asked, shaking his head. “Michael, this isn’t just some minor engagement – these were very important people. People the crown needs on its side!”
“I know, father,” Michael said, miserably.
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“This can’t be explained away as a case of stage fright, Michael,” Stephen went on. “Have you seen the news broadcasts this morning? It’s being seen as a deliberate slight!”
Michael dropped his head into his hands.
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“I … I …,” he stammered. “What can I do, father?”
Stephen shook his head.
“I really don’t know, Michael,” he said. “I truly thought you’d turned a corner – that you were really trying to live up to your responsibilities as my heir. And now … this!”
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Michael looked up angrily, then stood to face his father.
“I told you I didn’t want to do this, father, but – as usual – you wouldn’t listen,” he said. “It’s normal to be nervous, you said. Well, this is more than just nerves, father. I was petrified! Physically ill, even! But that’s not important to you, is it? The only thing that matters is your image!”
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“That’s not true,” Stephen replied. “This is about your image – not mine! You’re my heir, and will reign after me, but how can you possibly be successful if you can’t even make a damn speech!”
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“Stop it, both of you,” Princess Jessica said from the open door, where she glared at them disapprovingly.
“But Jessica,” Stephen continued. “If he continues this way, he’ll do permanent damage to the monarchy!”
“I said stop it, Stephen,” Jessica repeated. “Michael, Helena arrived a few minutes ago. She’s waiting for you in the library.”
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“Thank you, mother,” Michael said, rushing past her into the hall.
“You shouldn’t coddle him like that,” Stephen said, stiffly.
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“And you should try to remember that he’s not you, Stephen,” his wife replied, calmly taking a seat. “Michael has never been good at these things, despite his best efforts. But you won’t accept that. You never would.”
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“How can I?” Stephen asked. “He’s my heir, Jessica! There are certain responsibilities he’ll have to accept if he’s going to rule Weston in my place! I love the boy – I always have. But the only way he’ll learn to overcome his fears is by challenging himself.”
“And if he can’t meet those challenges?” Jessica asked. “What then?”
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Stephen sat down behind his desk and took a deep breath.
“Then I may be the last Prince of Weston,” he said.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 11 months
Chapter 346: A Deeper Look
“Right this way, your royal highness,” Dr. Philson said, leading a gowned Prince Stephen into a room with a large cylindrical apparatus at one end.
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“I’ve never seen anything like this, doctor,” Stephen said, fascinated. "May I ask what it does?"
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“I'm not surprised you're not familiar with it, your royal highness," the physician replied. "It’s very new technology we installed about a month ago. It’s called a multidimensional scanner. It was developed at the Crighton Institute right here in Weston and is now being sold worldwide in partnership with Xelios Industries.”
“Hmmm,” the prince said. “Looks expensive.”
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“Oh, it was,” Dr. Philson said. “About 16 million, I believe. You paid for it through a crown grant, so you would likely know better than I.”
Stephen laughed.
“Well then, I’m glad I can benefit from my own generosity,” he joked. “So what exactly does it do?”
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“It’s very much like traditional magnetic resonance imaging – or MRI, as you may know it,” the doctor said. “However, this machine provides a real-time, three-dimensional image of the body’s biological processes as they occur, and the images are much more detailed than traditional scans. It’s also not as subject to error due to movement, so it’s much more comfortable for the patient as well.”
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“So I stand inside it?” Stephen asked, poking his head inside, and Philson nodded. “Good. Then let’s get started, shall we?”
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“Of course, your royal highness,” Dr. Philson replied, motioning to the technician. “Rebecca will get you set up. I’ll be in the control room right behind that window there. You’ll be able to see me, and I’ll be able to hear you the whole time. If you have any issues or discomfort, just let me know.”
“Very well,” Stephen said.
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As Dr. Philson settled into his seat in the control room a moment later, the technician activated the scanner and the machine whirred to life.
“Good,” Dr. Philson said as data began appearing on the screens before him. “Let’s see what we can see.”
Leaning in, the physician studied the screens carefully.
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“Oh no,” he whispered to himself, burying his head in his hands.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 10 months
Chapter 352: The Weight of Duty
Michael shifted uncomfortably his feet. He’d been waiting outside his father’s audience chamber for nearly ten minutes and was becoming impatient.
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“I’m terribly sorry, your highness,” Bixby said, noticing Michael’s discomfort. “His royal highness is meeting with Carl Salworth, the president of the Royal Academy of Science and Technology, regarding the academy’s annual gala. I’m sure he didn’t mean to make you wait.”
Michael couldn’t help but laugh.
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“It’s fine, Bix,” he said. “After all, isn’t waiting the very definition of my job?”
Bixby frowned.
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“I suppose you could look at it that way,” the aide said. “But I prefer to think of your role as helping to support Prince Stephen with his many duties. One is passive, while the other is active – and, I believe, more accurate.”
Michael sighed.
“You’re right, of course,” he said. “I apologize, Bix.”
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At that moment, a footman opened the door and a distinguished older gentleman emerged and bowed to Michael.
"Your highness," he said. "I look forward to working with you."
Michael nodded politely, covering his confusion as Salworth turned to leave.
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Stepping into his father’s audience chamber, Michael found Prince Stephen standing at the window, gazing out intently.
“Father?” Michael called, gently.
“Mmm?” Stephen mumbled, turning. “Oh yes, Michael. Good.”
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“I met Dr. Salworth on his way out,” Michael said. “From his comments, I’m assuming I have an assignment?”
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“Indeed,” Stephen replied, moving toward his son. “I’ve been struggling with too many commitments these days, so I’ve decided to start passing on some of my engagements to you. As my heir, I think it will be good for you to begin shouldering more of the load.”
“May I ask the nature of the task?” Michael asked.
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“You will be my representative at the Academy’s annual gala next month at the Weston Museum of Natural History,” Stephen said. “You will be recognizing the winners of this year’s Royal Science Grants and opening the museum’s new medieval Weston exhibit.”
Michael felt a pit grow in his stomach. Of all his royal duties, public speaking was his least favorite.
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“Father,” he began hesitantly. “You must know how uncomfortable I am in front of large groups like that, and ….”
“Michael,” Stephen said forcefully. “I understand your fears, but it’s time for you to grow up and begin acting like a Prince of Weston. I’m not going to be around forever, so you may as well get used to doing things you’re uncomfortable with.”
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Michael took a deep breath, knowing that any further resistance would do no good.
“I understand, father,” he said. “I’ll do my best.”
“I know you will, son,” Stephen said. “I know you’ll make me proud.”
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aristocraticvision · 10 months
Chapter 349: Bad News
While he was grateful not to be forced to wait, Prince Stephen felt exposed and uncomfortable as he approached the front desk at Dr. Philson’s successful medical practice. Normally, the physician would have visited him at the palace, but Stephen had requested this meeting be held strictly confidential – only Bixby knew his true whereabouts this morning.
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“Your royal highness,” the receptionist said, smiling. “Please follow me. Dr. Philson is ready to see you.”
“Thank you,” Stephen replied, turning to his security escort. “You can wait here, gentlemen.”
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Philson’s office was just down the hall, and the doctor bowed next to his desk as Stephen entered.
“Please have a seat, your royal highness,” Dr. Philson said, motioning to a chair. “Will the princess not be joining us?”
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“No,” Stephen said, settling into a chair. “I would prefer to keep this between us for now. I don’t want to worry her unnecessarily. Well? What did you find.”
“There are still several additional tests I’d like to run before making a final diagnosis, and ….”
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“Damn it, doctor, stop beating around the bush!” Stephen snapped. “What did you find?”
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“The scan detected a mass in your colon,” the doctor said, flatly. “It’s larger than I had expected – about two-and-a-half centimeters.”
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“But I just had a colonoscopy three years ago,” Stephen said. “Dr. Bremner’s results showed no evidence of it at the time?”
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“No, your royal highness,” Philson replied. “These types of tumors can be extremely difficult to detect during such a procedure. Many times, they appear only as tiny lesions that are easily missed.”
Stephen sagged.
“Then it’s likely cancer?” he asked.
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“We can’t be positive of that yet,” Philson replied. “But I’m also seeing evidence of possible lesions on your liver and the adjacent lymph nodes, which is doubly concerning. I’d like to schedule a biopsy right away.”
“Very well,” Stephen said. “When?”
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“I’ll reach out to Bixby personally to schedule, but as soon as possible,” the doctor replied. “I would encourage you to inform the princess, your royal highness. It will be important to have her support.”
“No,” Stephen said, rising. “Not until we know something definitive.”
“But your royal high ….”
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“I said no, doctor,” Stephen replied, angrily. “I’ll be the one to decide when and how to involve my wife and family, do you understand? It is my decision alone.”
"Very well, your royal highness," Philson said.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 11 months
Chapter 342: The Interview
Princess Grace of Corwyn shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She and her sister, Caroline – now known as Sister Mary Agnes, Abbess of the Convent of St. Selene in Nagana – had been interviewing candidates for most of the morning.
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So far, none of the candidates had even been close to what they were looking for, and Grace’s patience was wearing thin.
“Send in the next, Sethe,” Caroline said absently.
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Through the door walked a man of about 35. His jet black hair was cut short and he wore a cleanly clipped beard, while an expensive, tailored suit gave him an aristocratic air.
Caroline leaned forward with interest and asked his name.
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“Nathaniel St. James, ma’am,” the man replied, taking a seat across from her.
“Mmmm,” Caroline said, glacing at Grace, who nodded approvingly. “It says here you are a Westonian by birth?”
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“Yes, ma’am,” he replied. “I was born in Bilton, a small village on the coast south of Weston. My father was a fisherman, but my mother was born Lady Eustacia Howell, the daughter of the Count of Brenard. So while I do not hold any title, I do have noble blood by birth. I also attended university at Midborough in Allycia, majoring in government administration and  communications, so I’m well qualified for any position on the royal staff. It’s my understanding that is your ultimate goal, correct?”
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“Yes, it is,” Caroline replied. “But what I need to know is why you would consent to assist us. Mr. Raines said that you were quite eager to enlist when he explained our plans.”
St. James frowned.
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“I was – I am,” he said. “When my maternal grandfather passed away, he left no heirs, since both of my uncles, as well as my mother, had preceded him to the grave. I registered my claim to inherit his title and lands, but Prince Stephen denied it, saying that my mother’s estrangement from my grandparents disqualified her from any chance of inheritance – and through her, me as well."
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“How typical,” Grace said, shaking her head. “So familiar, too. Prince Stephen has a history of ruining the lives of not only those he dislikes, but their children, as well!”
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"Indeed," St. James replied. "I requested an audience with the prince to appeal, but was even denied that opportunity!”
“So what happened to your family’s lands and title?” Caroline asked. "Surely Stephen couldn't just deny you everything."
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“They were absorbed by the crown,” St. James replied, angrily. “The prince didn't care. For him, it was nothing! Eight generations of my family’s blood, sweat and tears just thrown away like garbage!”
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“I’m so sorry, Nathaniel,” Caroline said. “But I’m afraid it would be difficult for you to play a role in our plan. Prince Stephen would surely recognize your name, would he not?”
St. James grinned slightly.
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“No, ma’am,” he said. “My request was lodged under my mother’s maiden name, Falwell, so I can’t imagine he would make the connection; and I never met with the prince or any member of his staff in person.”
Caroline smiled.
“Then we may have a job for you after all, Nathaniel,” she said.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 340: Bixby’s Plea
After a full morning of palace business, Prince Stephen and his royal aide, Miles Bixby, were finally finishing up.
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“Oh yes, and let the prime minister’s office know that I will not be attending the foreign ministry’s annual dinner as planned,” Stephen said without looking up from his work.
“May I provide a reason for your absence, your royal highness?” Bixby asked.
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“Well, you could, but I doubt they’d be happy with the fact that I find the event unbearable,” Stephen said, leaning back casually. “Just say that important matters of state are taking precedence.”
Stephen noticed that his aide had not moved.
“Is there something else, Bix?” Stephen asked.
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“Yes, your royal highness,” Bixby replied, steadily. “A few months ago, we had discussed the timing of my retirement, and you had promised to find an acceptable replacement. I was wondering whether you had made any progress in that search?”
Stephen sighed. He had, indeed, made such a promise – but the thought of reigning without Bixby at his side had been so unsettling, he had continued to procrastinate.
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“No,” he said, standing. “I apologize for my inaction, Bix, but I simply can’t imagine anyone being able to take your place.”
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“Nonetheless, sir, I will be retiring in a few months as planned,” Bixby said. “I think it would be wise to find a replacement as soon as possible so that we might work together for a time before I leave. An orientation period, so to speak, so that your affairs will be properly managed during the transition.”
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“I’m sorry, Bix,” the prince said, sadly. “You’re right, as always. You have been a fixture in my life for as long as I can remember, and have served me better than I have ever deserved. I promise, my friend – we’ll begin the search immediately.”
“Well, on that note, sir, I have taken the liberty of reaching out to several of my contacts in our various ministries to gain recommendations,” Bixby said. “I should have a list of prospects for you to review soon.”
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“Government contacts?” Stephen asked, surprised. “To replace the head of my household staff?”
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“Well, sir, I don’t know that we’ll be able to find someone who can both run the household and act as your private secretary,” Bixby replied. “My recommendation would be to split the role into two positions. I will interview and select final candidates to run the household staff and provide you with a list of candidates for the secretary position.”
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Stephen burst into laughter, shaking his head.
“You’re right, of course,” he said. “It certainly will take two people to replace you – and even then it will be a stretch! And only you would have the nerve to suggest it!”
Bixby looked uncomfortable.
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“Oh relax, Bix – I think I your plan is, as always, an ideal one,” Stephen said, looking at his friend sadly. “But know this, my dear, dear friend: no one will ever replace you in my heart, either personally or professionally.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 339: Disturbing Results
Dr. Mark Philson was nervous as he waited outside Prince Stephen’s study at Fitzroy Park Palace.
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“Dr. Philson?” Bixby repeated.
The doctor turned.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” he said. “My mind was somewhere else.”
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“It’s perfectly alright, doctor,” Bixby replied. “Prince Stephen will see you now.”
The doctor followed Bixby into the study, then walked forward   and bowed at the neck.
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“Your royal highness,” he said.
“Doctor,” Stephen replied. “I didn’t expect to see you until next week, but fortunately, my morning schedule allowed for a brief audience. What news do you have? I assume my test results are back?”
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Dr. Philson nodded.
“Yes, your royal highness,” he said. “That’s why I wanted to see you. There were some irregularities in your blood work that I want to follow up on. I was hoping to schedule some time for additional testing at Prince George’s Hospital.”
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"You don't typically visit for this type of request, so I assume it's serious," Stephen asked. "Is there reason for me to be concerned?"
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“Not at this time,” the physician replied. “While by themselves the lab results could be the result of several factors, your continued weight loss and digestive issues are cause for some concern. However, I’d prefer not to speculate until I have more information.”
Stephen studied him for a moment, then nodded.
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“Well, then,” he said. “Have Bixby get something on the calendar.”
“Very good, your royal highness,” Dr. Philson said. “Thank you.”
The doctor stepped out of the room to find Bixby waiting.
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“His royal highness has asked us to find time for additional medical tests at Prince George’s,” Dr. Philson said. “As soon as possible, please.”
Bixby looked at him intently.
“Is there a problem, doctor?” he asked.
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“I sincerely hope not,” Dr. Philson replied.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 332: Unsettling News
“What do you mean they’ve disappeared?” Prince Stephen yelled angrily into the telephone.
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“I trusted you to manage the situation, Hassan, and now there are three Westonian citizens missing – including my daughter, the Princess Royal!”
Stephen stood, listening.
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“I don’t care if they walked out of the hotel on their own,” Stephen said. “You were supposed to have assigned them a supplemental security detail. Where exactly were they, and how did two young women slip by them without anyone noticing?”
He paused again as Hassan sputtered a reply.
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“Listen, I’m more than happy to take this up with Minister Ardek if you can’t settle this matter quickly,” Stephen said firmly. “I’ll give you 12 hours. After that, I’ll go public, and I don’t think your superiors will be very happy when I do. Egypt relies on tourist dollars, so just think of what will happen if I tell the world that your country is unsafe? That international travelers are being kidnapped from even your finest hotels?”
He paused again, listening.
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“Good, then we understand one another,” Stephen said, taking a deep breath. “Just find them, Hassan. Spare no expense. I’ll reimburse you myself if need be!”
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Turning, he called out for Bixby, who was waiting outside.
“I’ll expect a call every hour until they are located, Hassan, do you understand?” Stephen said. “Good, then get to work.”
He hung up, took a breath, then turned to Bixby.
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“Get Sam Benedict in here now,” Stephen said, his distress evident.
Bixby gasped, then nodded.
“Right away, sir,” he said, hurrying out.
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Stephen turned toward the window.
“Where are you, Steph?” he muttered.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 321: In the Gardens (Pt. 1)
The afternoon sun shone brightly over Howerton House, where Weston’s upper class gathered each year for what had become one of the highlights of the social season.
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Langston Crawford, the Tenth Earl of Howerton, stood next to his wife, Gabriella, as they chatted with their sovereign, Prince Stephen, and Princess Jessica.
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“I wish my father could have been here today,” Langston said. “Our annual garden party was one of his favorite events, and I’m sure he would have been honored to have you here, your royal highness.”
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“Nonsense,” Stephen replied. “The honor is mine. Your father was a dear friend and trusted advisor, and his passing was a blow to all of Weston. Not that you haven’t lived up to his standard, Langston – from what I hear, you have become a real force in the National Assembly, just as he was.”
“Thank you, your royal highness,” Langston replied, smiling. “I hope you and her highness enjoy yourselves this afternoon.”
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Nearby, Michael and Ted stood with Fred and a nervous Brent, who impatiently waited for his girlfriend, Sarah Parker to arrive with her parents.
“Calm down, Brent,” Ted said. “Everything is going to be fine.”
Brent took a deep breath.
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“I know,” he said. “I’m sorry. I’m just ready to get this over with.”
“You’re not the only one,” Freddy said, rolling his eyes.
“So what about you?” Brent asked Ted. “Is Jackson coming today?”
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“No, we’re trying to keep a low profile,” Ted said. “His family isn’t as open minded as mine, so we have to be ….”
“There she is!” Brent exclaimed, launching himself toward Sarah and her parents as they stood chatting with the Howertons.
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The others watched as he bowed formally to Edward Parker, the Viscount Finchley, and his wife, Lady Madeline, then kissed Sarah’s hand tenderly.
“You know, they really are a perfect match,” Fred said. “They’re both quintessential aristocrats when it comes down to it.”
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“He definitely has the manners for it,” Ted said, grinning. “But I’m not going to complain. I’d never have made it through my first season without him.”
“True,” Michael said. “His knowledge of protocol is flawless, but … hold on, who is THAT?”
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Ted and Fred followed Michael’s eyes to a striking young woman across the park.
“That, my friend, is Lady Helena Reynolds, the Baroness Wexton,” Fred said.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 303: Family Night
“Stop minimizing your accomplishments, Michael,” Prince Stephen said, disapprovingly. He turned to Ted and smiled. “He’s actually shown quite a flair for economic policy, and has taken a very creative approach to job creation that is truly making a difference along the north coast, where the fishing industry is waning.”
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“I’d heard something about that,” Ted said, nodding. “Since global warming has impacted fishing yields, Weston has been shifting labor toward offshore wind farming to bolster the energy sector.”
“Well, it seemed logical,” Michael said, humbly.
“Not just logical, but brilliant,” Stephen said, proudly. “Killed two birds with one stone, since additional energy production is our number one goal to help expand Weston’s economy.”
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“Then it seems you’re better at princing than you seem to think you are,” Ted joked to his stepbrother.
“He certainly is,” Stephen said, ignoring the hated phrase his two sons had been tossing about since childhood. “Michael’s problem is self-confidence, not ability.”
“Teddy!” Stephanie cried as she and her husband entered the room, shifting the family’s attention away from a grateful Michael. “I didn’t realize you were in town. No wonder father was so insistent we come.”
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Ted kissed his sister’s cheek as everyone greeted one another.
“You’re looking well,” Stephanie said, taking a seat. “Obviously, the posting in Torenth has been good for you.”
“I could say the same about both of you,” Ted replied. “I hear you’re representing the family well. But then you’ve always been quite good at smiling and waving.”
“If that was all there was to it, we’d all be successful, wouldn’t we?” Michael said, shaking his head.
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“Oh, stop feeling sorry for yourself, little brother,” Stephanie said. “So you froze up at a dinner. Even I dislike giving speeches like that, so stop beating yourself up and just move forward.”
“That’s exactly what I told him,” Teddy said.
Sensing Michael’s discomfort, Jessica stepped in.
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“Why don’t we talk about something else?” she suggested, nodding at the grateful look Michael gave her. “Teddy? I’m sure we’d all like to hear about your time in Torenth.”
“Well, there’s not that much to tell, really,” Teddy said. “I spend most of my time at the embassy, but I’ve done a bit of sightseeing. Torenth is lovely, but it’s certainly not home.”
“Have you met the imperial family?” Stephanie asked.
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“Only once,” Ted replied. “At the Torenthian Museum of Natural History. The emperor and empress were honorary chairpersons of the annual fundraiser. The emperor and I chatted for several minutes. He seems a decent sort.”
“He is,” Stephen replied. “A bit stuffy, but it runs in the family.”
“What are your plans?” Stephanie asked. “Will you be here for a while?”
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“Only a few days,” Ted said. “But I want to spend some time with friends. Michael and I are meeting Freddy and Brent for drinks later tonight.”
Stephen stood.
“Well, just don’t forget your responsibilities, son,” he told Michael. “We’re meeting with the labor delegation from Grenville Bay tomorrow morning bright and early.”
“Can’t you handle that on your own, dad?” Michael asked.
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“That’s not the point and you know it,” Stephen said. “I’m trying to prepare you for the throne, Michael. It’s not a responsibility you can fulfill only when it’s convenient.”
Jessica stood and spoke softly to her husband.
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“Michael has been very diligent in his duties, and you know that,” she said, softly. “I think he’s earned a bit of time off, don’t you?”
“Very well, then,” the prince said with a sigh. “Consider yourself on vacation until Teddy returns to Torenth. But I’ll expect you to redouble your efforts when that happens.”
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“I will, father,” Michael said, smiling. “I promise.”
Bixby entered quietly.
“Dinner is served, your royal highness,” he said.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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