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vondehnvisuals · 1 year
A Letter to His Grace, Glory, and Majesty, Charles III, House of Windsor
King Sean, House von Dehn, Domain: http://www.vondehnvisuals.com Hand of Stephen, Twitter: @vondehnvisuals Kingdom of God, Email: [email protected] July 1st, 2023, To His Grace, Glory, and Majesty, King Charles III, House of Windsor, It is a Great Honour and Pleasure for Me to have cause to Write Your Majesty despite the sombre nature of the subject Matter it Self. I am Writing to…
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vondehnvisuals · 2 years
Volume CCLI: The Tuesday Tell a Vision Edition; The Apocalyptic Death Toll Post Vaccination
Volume CCLI: The Tuesday Tell a Vision Edition; The Apocalyptic Death Toll Post Vaccination
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vondehnvisuals · 3 years
Volume CCV: The Super Natural Son Day Review; Trudeau's Treasonous Connection to Pfizer Finally Found
Volume CCV: The Super Natural Son Day Review; Trudeau’s Treasonous Connection to Pfizer Finally Found
Hello every One, and welcome to the Super Natural ‘Son’ Day Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, always a Pleasure to have You in My House. This ‘Son’ Day Edition is in reference to Canada’s own ‘sunny Ways, sunny days’ incompetent prime minister and glow-ball man-child, ‘Just-in’ Trudeau. Not since his father, Pierre-Elliot Trudeau, has a Man succeeded in creating so much division…
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vondehnvisuals · 2 years
Volume CCXIX: The Magical Monday Motive a Sean Edition; The Prince of Peppers is Thing King Big
Volume CCXIX: The Magical Monday Motive a Sean Edition; The Prince of Peppers is Thing King Big
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vondehnvisuals · 3 years
Volume CCIX: The Witches, Wizards and Warlocks Lucky Wednesday Edition; Holding Lairs (Lawyers) Accountable - Complaints to the BAR
Volume CCIX: The Witches, Wizards and Warlocks Lucky Wednesday Edition; Holding Lairs (Lawyers) Accountable – Complaints to the BAR
Hello every One and welcome to the Witches, Wizards and Warlocks ‘Lucky’ Wednesday Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, Your Highness is always welcome in My House. There were no specific events today that One would immediately identify as ‘Lucky’, though sometimes Luck can be a little more subtle and equally Significant when We [see with] real eyes that We make Our Luck!!! Isn’t…
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vondehnvisuals · 3 years
Volume CCIX: The Tuesday Tell a Vision Edition; Matrix Resurrections IV De-Coded, Part VIII
Volume CCIX: The Tuesday Tell a Vision Edition; Matrix Resurrections IV De-Coded, Part VIII
Hello every One and welcome to the Good News Journal’s Tuesday Tell a Vision Edition and the continuation of Our Matrix Resurrections IV De-Coded series, thank King or Queen You for joining Me. Last week, I was tall King about how they have ‘evolved’ the Matrix. They are using a new code for programming, but Mr. Anderson has created a Modal using the ‘old’ Matrix code. The Significance here is…
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vondehnvisuals · 3 years
Volume CCVIII: The Super Natural Sunday Edition; The Spring, the Fall, and the Quickening of Consciousness
Volume CCVIII: The Super Natural Sunday Edition; The Spring, the Fall, and the Quickening of Consciousness
Hello every One, and welcome to the Super Natural Sun Day Re-View, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always an Honour to have Your Highness in My House. Why and how are You ‘in My House’? Well, You are in My thoughts, You are My reason and Purpose for Writing. When One clicks on a link to My Blog, it is a knock on My Door step, and the Words of My Post invite You into My Mind – am I…
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vondehnvisuals · 3 years
Volume CCVIII: The Fabulous Free Lance Friday Edition; The West and the Mass Exodus
Volume CCVIII: The Fabulous Free Lance Friday Edition; The West and the Mass Exodus
Hello every One and welcome to the Free Lance Friday Edition of the Good News Journal, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always a Pleasure to have Your Highness in My House. Today is My most Favourite day for Writing because I allow My Self to say whatever I Wish and there are plenty of things to be tall King about! Today’s Title, ‘The West and the Mass Exodus’ is in direct reference…
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vondehnvisuals · 3 years
Volume CCVIII: The Witches, Wizards and Warlocks Lucky Wednesday Edition; The Magic of Micro and Macro Cosmos Colliding
Volume CCVIII: The Witches, Wizards and Warlocks Lucky Wednesday Edition; The Magic of Micro and Macro Cosmos Colliding
Hello every One and welcome to the Lucky Witches, Wizards and Warlocks Wednesday Edition where We are tall King about Casting Spells for Characters to perform on the world stage of this Glow-ball Product-Sean. The Lucky of My Wednesday this week was the Magic of a Spell Cast upon Me last night, though the effects of its Magic were what made today feel Lucky. Today’s Title is tall King about the…
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vondehnvisuals · 3 years
Volume CCVIII: The Tuesday Tell a Vision Edition; Matrix Resurrections IV De-Coded, Part VII
Volume CCVIII: The Tuesday Tell a Vision Edition; Matrix Resurrections IV De-Coded, Part VII
Hello every One, and welcome to the Good News Journal, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, Your Royal Highness is always appreciated. Today We Will be getting right back into Our Matrix Resurrections IV De-Coded series, where I provide My Mystical Interpret-a-Sean of the film. Today’s feature photo Shows the choice Presented to Morpheus, and We are reminded that the choice is as much a part…
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vondehnvisuals · 3 years
Volume CCVIII: The Magical Monday Motive a Sean Edition; Elon Barks at the Big, Bad Wolf
Volume CCVIII: The Magical Monday Motive a Sean Edition; Elon Barks at the Big, Bad Wolf
Hello every One, and welcome to the Magical Monday Motive a Sean Edition of the Good News Journal, thank King or Queen You for joining Me. Today’s Title made My Monday feel somewhat Magical as well as comical because I also suggested that I would fight Trudeau for the Title, ‘One on One’, cage match style. So I was thing King it Will be fun to be tall King about that to add some comic relief to a…
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vondehnvisuals · 3 years
Volume CCVII: The Tuesday Tell a Vision Edition; Matrix Resurrections IV De-Coded, Part VI
Volume CCVII: The Tuesday Tell a Vision Edition; Matrix Resurrections IV De-Coded, Part VI
Hello every One and welcome to the Tuesday Tell a Vision Edition where I Give a Spiritual Interpret-a-Sean of a film, and this series is on the new film, ‘Matrix Resurrections IV’. Thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always a Pleasure to have You in My House. Last week We took a bit of a de-Tour to go back and revisit some of the Signs that led to where We are now. We’re only 9:11 into…
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vondehnvisuals · 3 years
Volume CCVII: The Magical Motive a Sean Edition; 03/07/22, Happy Name Day, Dad
Volume CCVII: The Magical Motive a Sean Edition; 03/07/22, Happy Name Day, Dad
Hello every One and welcome to the Good News Journal’s Magical Monday Motive a Sean Edition, thank King Your Royal Highness for being here, it is always a Pleasure to have You in My House. Today does feel like a Magical Monday in Deed because despite knowing My father’s name day (what most call a birth day) for as long back as I can remember, it was always ‘March 7th’ in My Mind. I had never…
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vondehnvisuals · 3 years
Volume CCVI: The Super Natural Sunday Re-View; Distract-Sean and Project-Sean
Volume CCVI: The Super Natural Sunday Re-View; Distract-Sean and Project-Sean
Hello every One and welcome to the Super Natural Sunday Re-View, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always a Pleasure to have You in My House. Today Will be a very short recap of the week, mostly tall King about the Distract-Sean tactics State Actors like to use to project the People’s attention somewhere else, or on some One else to divert eyes away from Home. There was Good News, too…
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vondehnvisuals · 3 years
Volume CCVI: The Sensei Sean All Saturday Edition; Satanism and the War Ship of Lucifer, Part V
Volume CCVI: The Sensei Sean All Saturday Edition; Satanism and the War Ship of Lucifer, Part V
Hello every One and welcome to the Sensei Sean all Saturday Edition of the Good News Journal, thank King or Queen You for joining Me. Today I Will be finishing up My little mini-series on Satanism and the War Ship of Lucifer, though I am thing King it Will not be what You might be expecting. It Will also be tall King about some Good News regarding mandates in My Microcosm which also ultimately…
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vondehnvisuals · 3 years
Volume CCVI: The Witches, Wizards and Warlocks Lucky Wednesday Edition; The New Moon is the Most Magical Time to be Casting Spells
Volume CCVI: The Witches, Wizards and Warlocks Lucky Wednesday Edition; The New Moon is the Most Magical Time to be Casting Spells
Hello every One, and welcome to the Witches, Wizards and Warlocks Lucky Wednesday Edition, thank King or Queen You for being here, it is always a Pleasure to have Your Highness in My House. Wednesday’s are Lucky because for Witches, Wizards and Warlocks, Luck is not subject to fate but something We choose to Create. Today I Will be tall King about an event of great importance in My microcosm that…
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