#Princess Spa Party Kings Cross
masseurrsvp · 1 month
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Club Takamagahara (End) - Dating Game
Woo Doggy! This has been fun to write and I mean FUN. Having no real holds barred and getting really silly was a lot easier than I expected and I had a great time with this arc. 
One of the biggest complaints in the mobile game fandom is the Main Story offers no love interest for the MC and it trails off at this part as the MC is reduced to a go-fer for every NPC’s sidequest. Well I say NO MORE, you will be quite literally the center of everyone’s attention from here on out.
Cars lined up around the entire block of the street and women were lined up along the sidewalk for their tickets. From 8 to 10 p.m., the busiest time of the night was when the stage was filled with shows by the performers, from ancient erotic dramas like Cleopatra and Marc Antony to Chu Zihang's swordplay; off stage, the guests were already drunk. The guests who came late were often groups of girlfriends who had eaten dinner elsewhere and came to join the singing and dancing party in Takamagahara, the performers had to go over and greet them, there was a shortage of manpower everywhere. Both the escorts and waiters were running to work, Whale was roaring outside the dressing room backstage, like the circus troupe master. 
The message of the Romanceable MC Contest had caught fire and boosted to epic proportions. Princess Night was in full swing and featured all the top names in Male Escort business. Even before they got out of the cars, the women were screaming and taking pictures having lined up for hours.
The  white Cadillac Escalade stretch limousine rolled like an anaconda and reflected the millions of electric lights of the Tokyo night. It took up half the block, but there was space left for cars like this, reserved for the VIPs of the Takamagahara elite. No one could park there on pain of towing and a hefty fine.
A man in a hooded cloak pulled the lollipop out of his mouth. His bright green eyes scanned the crowd waiting outside. He crossed his legs one over the other and leaned back. “What percentage of the fans out there are mine?”
“From the ticket sales it seems that you are about 30% of the crowd today, Master Inoue.” The driver, a veteran and son of drivers, had been there for him since he first made it big hosting the Bliss Hall. This driver was so skilled at avoiding paparazzi that he put him under a lifetime contract. Now he was much older, but his driving was still as sharp as ever.
The man in the back seat was barely visible, dressed in all black and keeping the lights down so that it looked just like an empty limo. He huffed with a slight smirk. He crossed his arms and looked down. “Wow. And I’m supposed to have competition?” 
“You are the top male escort in Tokyo, Master Inoue,” rumbled the driver again.
That sharp green eye flicked up to the rear view mirror. “Second… to the top. If you would, sir. But apparently Ruri Kazama isn’t competing.”
Ruri Kazama. The name was so legendary among the escorts of Japan that they scarcely dared to utter it. Although he rarely appeared outside private showings, the man reigned supreme as the king of the male escort business.
“He’s unlikely he would have been able to respond on short notice, Master Inoue…”
“No one skips the Takamagahara…” He looked back outside, pushing back the thick velvet curtain slightly.
“You’ve skipped it by 3 hours sir.”
“I”m only here to see one woman. There’s no need to see any others or stay here too long. I come here, win her little heart, and leave with my prize money.”
“You’re really not going to entertain your fans, sir?”
He grinned, his radiant and white smile shining in the dark of the limo. “There’s value in scarcity. If I popped up in full all the time, there’d be no chase. And as you know very well, my most excellent driver… It's all about the chase! If you would, please?”
The driver put the truck in park and stepped out in his sharp suit and driver’s hat. He pulled the handle on the pearly side door and opened it.
Shining black cowboy boots covered in sparkling rhinestones stepped down from the limo. He moved as smooth and graceful as a dancer in skin tight leather pants. His black leather jacket was open to reveal his bare chest and sculpted abs. His hair, bleached white streamed from a black cowboy hat decorated with shark’s teeth.
His appearance sparked immediate mayhem, screams, and mad panting. Dozens of hands reached out desperately, stretching their fingers towards him as though they were pulled by an extremely powerful magnet. They were all screaming, “Diamond!”
Master Inoue - or to his fans, Diamond - stood still as a statue, hat tipped over his eyes, listening to their desperate pleas with his eyes closed.
It seemed arrogant, but for him, it was always like this. From the time he was a child, people couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. When they caught sight of his brilliant green eyes they were drawn to him before he even knew the difference between boys and girls. Sitting in the stroller, all he had to do was smile and the women would come and coo and smile and ask, please, can I hold him. Please!
“Please! Hold me, Diamond! Never let me go!”
Diamond lifted his head toward the voice. It was a woman in her thirties, tears in her eyes, begging with the desperation of a leper before Christ. If he just wanted to, he could heal her broken heart. He walked casually towards her and saw her eyes get bigger and bigger and then he took her delicate hand in his and gently kissed it.
The woman, struck with a Pentacostal frenzy, trembled and fell to her knees sobbing in desperation, clutching her hand and rocking back and forth. She would probably never wash that hand again.
The little favor revved the up crowd even more and the bouncers hurried to line up and make a barrier. That kiss was all he would grant. He turned and walked through the velvet rope staffed with burly workers with black masks over their eyes. They opened the doors to Takamagahara and he stepped inside. Immediately, two more workers turned to lead him to the VIP area.
“So who’s the lucky lady tonight?” Deep down, he was quite excited. His clients were usually 35 and older. For thousands of dollars, he would have dinner at a fancy restaurant, followed by drinks in some VIP Lounge. Or he would be asked to clean the house naked. Or pretend to be her boyfriend for the night. There was the common misconception that his clients were old or undateable. But that wasn’t his experience at all.
People who had $5,000 to spend on a naked butler could have anyone they wanted.
And they wanted him.
This challenge was new for him. The club picked his woman and they would be paying his escort fee. 
His only task would be to ‘Love her.’ If she felt that then she would give him tickets. Whoever got the most tickets was the winner. When she picked his ‘route’.
It wasn’t that you got a private party, MC. This was a show.  You were on the floor with everyone else. Rather than sticking to the edge of the crowd you got your table in the shape of a figure 8 in the middle of a raised platform filled with fish swimming about and surrounded by plush red couches in the shape of women’s lips. And already, the bottles were open. 
You’re wearing another dress, not a cheongsam this time. It was a light green satin tube dress that hugged your figure and barely covered anything. Your hair was long and down your shoulders and your make up again was light. For such a simple look, you had spent hours in the spa that day while they made sure your hair was softer than it ever had been. You smelled like lilac and roses. 
A man with short blond hair cropped above his ears, blue eyes and a black shirt so tight it conformed to every muscle in his body yelled above the music. “Where are you from?”
“Uh… Russia!”
“Russia! Woooow! Are you some sort of Oil Baron?”
“Yeah!” You yell figuring nothing you said mattered. They wouldn't remember anything anyway would they?
He flicks his wrist and produces an unopened rose stem, seemingly from thin air and offers it to you. “To me you’re worth more than all the oil in the world. I hope we get to know each other well, MC.”
Below the shirt, He wore pale form fitting jeans that hugged his considerable muscle just like Caesar’s outfit did. But his shoes were casual sneakers without ornamentation.
You accept the rose he offers you, feeling a bit shy.
Another man in a golden blouse that is made of fabric so sheer you could see the belly button piercing underneath, pulls out a cigarette and lights it up. He puffs out a perfect ring of smoke between his thin lips. “That would be Oil Baroness, Calypso…” He says. “She must have more pull than just money to bring us all to the same table.” His voice was deep and carried through the noise. He pulled another drag and sipped his liquor. But he was looking at you with calculating dark eyes.
A silver coin goes spinning on the table. A man in fiery red hair tied back in a ponytail, puffy red coat and a long chain over his bare chest lifts his chin at you. His eyes are as silver as that coin. “Heads or Tails, MC?”
“What am I betting on?” You ask.
His smile spreads further. “I just said heads or tails.”
“Hey, go easy, she’s new!” The man in the skintight black shirt returns with a bottle of vodka and pours it into a glass.
The redhead slaps his hand over the coin. It’s painted with an elaborate henna tattoo, elaborate, like stained glass. “You’re not going to win by going easy…”
The smell of the vodka is the mix of rubbing alcohol and gasoline. Light a match and it might produce a plume of flame! You lean away, repulsed, but the man next to you brazenly pours himself a glass and downs it. Sighing roughly like he might breathe fire, he grins. “That’s the good stuff! But you must drink it every day right?”
“Yeah!” You take cautious sips but the burn builds and builds until it overwhelms you and forces you to stop and cough into your arm.
Caesar, Mingfei and Chu Zihang were nowhere to be found. It was clear this club was over occupancy and over staffed so there was no rescuing you. All the waiters were running around. From somewhere in the hall, glass breaks.
A finger taps your shoulder. You’re met by a bright green gaze in a pale face.
You flinch as a crown is laid on your head.
“Your Majesty…” The man bows to you.
“Your Majesty!”  They all echo with bows and kittenish smiles. For years, you’d never considered trying to date anyone. You lived like you were preparing for war. Then the war came and never let up. Now, you’re surrounded by men who could honestly be called the handsomest in Tokyo who were placing their hands on their broad chests and bowing their heads in fealty.
Off stage, the women on the floor whooped with delight.
Cowboy hat tipped over one eye, shirtless in his jacket, with a bare hairless chest, the man who gave you the jeweled tiara leaned over the couch. Every muscle stood out in carefully carved relief and your eyes followed them down to where they disappeared below his waist. The elastic band of his boxers peek up from the pants. You’d seen naked people before. But they were all familiar, people you knew and were fine with. This is the first time encountering the bare chest of a complete stranger and he’s so close you can smell his sweat. “Wow…” He says quietly, in a low purr next to your ear.
“I’m sorry?”
“You are… beautiful.” His eyes roamed about your body with a lopsided smile, his eyebrows raising. “I have to say I am caught by surprise.”
If your face gets any hotter it might catch fire.
He vaults over the couch, plops next to you and leans in, filling your vision. He gives a quick wink. “I’m yours for the night.”
“Diamond is always this forward but the truth is, he’s the most inexperienced of all of us.”
Diamond shoots the yellow shirt a glare. “I’m experienced in everything she would possibly want, Armani.”
“Yes, but we must go gently, gently…” The black shirt lightly rustles your hair. “We don't want to scare her off.”
“I’m here to do what she wants me to do…” Diamond waves the other men away before addressing you again. “Well, what’s your name?”
You tell him.
“Beautiful… let me guess? Russian?” His hand crept over to envelope yours in a steady grip. His fingers were so much larger than yours and soft like they were bathed in milk every day. There were no calluses. When Mingfei or Caesar touched you, there were roughened, thick patches of skin from hours of practice at the shooting ranges. His nails were even, shining and unbroken.
He raises your hand to his lips and gives it a small kiss. “Pleased to make your acquaintance. You can call me, Diamond.”
“Okay, Diamond.” You glance up at his eyes. He follows your gaze down when it falls again, trying to hold it as much as possible to the point where he leans over and tilts his head to do so. Every time you look up, those eyes are there, to catch that glance, like a serpent hypnotizing his prey.
He holds your drink out to you and you accept it with thanks.
“Are you cold? I noticed you’re keeping your feet tucked under.”
“Yes, it’s… a little cold.”
He shrugged off his jacket and laid it over your shoulders. It was very warm and you realized that the smell of the cologne he was wearing surrounded you like a thick heavy fog.  You could now see his body in all its glory. You belatedly realize that the observation of your being cold was just an excuse for him to remove one of the few pieces of clothing he had!
His shoulders.. The way his neck curved into them and then down to his back. You’d seen shoulders like his before but for some reason, in seeing someone new, made your eye rest on it that much longer, on the way the muscle hugged his bone . The cold in the room made his nipples stand out and...
“Anything else I can do to make you more comfortable, Your Highness?” He stayed turned to you. The way his abs wrinkled. That little valley on his side that disappeared when it met the leather pants. You were naturally observant. Everything you saw was getting laser etched into your mind. In an effort to stop it, you return to his eyes but even that wasn’t safe. He was so close, you could notice small flecks of blue and gold that enhanced the color. 
“Your eyes are really pretty.” You say this, but it doesn’t sound right even in your own ears. It wasn’t really his eyes you wanted to say something about.
He gives an easy relaxed smile, his eyebrows lift once. “Your eyes are prettier.”
“No they’re not.”
“I think I’m gonna barf. Let a pro show you how it’s done.” The redhead plants one arm between you and Diamond and ignores his furious glare.
His lips were really pink, almost cherry red, but you don’t see any sign of gaudy lipstick that Caesar wore. Everything about this man was gorgeous, even the light smatter of freckles on his nose. And everything about him was natural, save his hair color. The breath from his nose tickles your lips. He’s not backing away, he only tilts his head a bit.
You start to imagine what it might be like to kiss him. He draws a bit closer… closer. You close your eyes and wait. Wait… nothing.
“Can I?” He asks, quietly pleading.
“Uh...huh?” You press the words out from a stomach that was already squeezed tight like a fist.
“Good. I’ll keep that in mind for later.” The redhead pulls back and sashays back to this spot on the couch, giving Diamond a sharp snap of his fingers, just inches on his face. “Get on my level.”
“Alright, Alright, point taken.” Diamond pours himself some vodka.
The man in the yellow blouse, Armani, tilts his glass a bit. “Popularity is just a sign of good marketing and ubiquity. None of us can doubt your social media prowess, Diamond, but this is much higher class.”
He’s then staring at you with a half-lidded gaze. “Perhaps the baroness should accustom herself to someone who has dined with high officials. The ones with real power.”
“Okay…” You whisper, you’re completely captivated, unable to move.
“But that’s boring.” The Redhead sighs. “She needs to have more anticipation and suspense!”
“Your name is Chance because whether or not you’re any good is a complete crapshoot.” Armani sips his whiskey.
“But you could hit the jackpot.” He winks at you. “I’m one in a million.”
A loud popping sound  made you suddenly duck but he held you close. Confetti and glitter rained from the ceiling and cascaded over your skin. You look at your arm and watch the play of the disco lights on the sparkle.
“It’s time to give out Star-Heart Tickets! Who is the Ikemen who’s won this round?!” Whale is still emceeing this event and apparently was watching you. A waiter comes by with a basket full of stars with hearts in the middle.
You look at face after glorious handsome face. They were all leaning forward, smiling, waiting. Off stage people were yelling. Bets were being taken. “Diamond! Diamond!”
“PIck Armani he’s the best!”
“You’ll love Calypso!”
“Go with Chance!!”
“I don’t know…” You say, your voice weak. You look at your glass but it seems like the level has hardly moved even though you already feel dizzy.
“No one!” Whale shouts loudly. 
There must be a microphone because you’re not sure how he’s hearing what you’re saying. A gasp ripples through the crowd surrounding you and they fall to a confused silence. All the men sitting around you sit up straight, their faces each registering different levels of surprise and consternation. Save Chance, who whooped loud. “Yeah! Now this is what I’ve been waiting for! Let the games begin!” He pumped his fist.
Chance makes a mighty leap on the table and stands in front of you, all six feet of masculine bravado. “Let me give it to you straight. It’s true, I’m not always everyone’s cup of tea, I go buck wild sometimes.” He sweeps his arms across the table at the other men. “But if girls just fall into your lap at the first sight, how do you know how to compete? Ya don’t!”
Armani stares up at Chance and slowly sets his whiskey down. The others also suddenly changed their demeanor, grave determination and desire in their eyes.
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chrysaliseuro2019 · 5 years
Crowds,Canals & a Musical
Chris headed off to Kent for the family and friends catch up while I stayed in London. Walked into West End and walked out as fast as I could. The sheer volume of people led me to wonder if aimlesstours.com had a worldwide special to London for Saturday 22nd June. The purpose of my visit was to buy a ticket to a play. Had a shortlist of four but all appeared sold out online so Half Price Tix - a total misnomer that should be reported to consumer affairs - was the last option. Unfortunately the first three choices not available so had to settle for number 4.
Scoped out the location of the theatre as suspected I’d be against the clock at showtime 7.30. Skedaddled out of the West End as fast as I could heading towards Angel to catch up with Georgie’s old mate Alex. A few hours to kill allowed for some exploring around the shops but even better a lengthy walk along Regents Canal which stretches for 13+ kilometres but I can’t claim to have walked that. With the sun out it was a walk of joy to watch the Poms and others celebrating the arrival of summer. The path a mere 2 metres at its widest snakes alongside the canal which is flanked by endless barges most looking to be occupied as houses. Did notice you could buy one for £100,000 seemed a little steep for a near derelict floating narrow home with no land included. Still, with London real estate prices, maybe it was a bargain.
There was plenty to see while enjoying my walk - many cyclists some wobbling nervously keeping a wary eye on the canal while others earnestly weaving their entitled way through the walkers consisting of families pushing prams, cuddling lovers, friends with or without dogs , strange odd-bods and every other person drawn to stroll the towpath (wondered if I fitted into the odd-bods category). Then of course there were the runners (all to be admired in my book), some plodding possibly under the strain of extra winter kilos while others fleet of foot bounced along barely raising a sweat.
Finally were the hardier folk, those taking to the canal on blow-up dinghies or in spa party boats happily yahooing along decked out in costumes, beers in hand seemingly oblivious to the colour of the canal, whatever effluent it might be carrying and the patches of green scum floating along with them.
Met Alex for a drink at a pub along the canal The Narrowboat and very much enjoyed our catchup. Apart from her Aussie accent Alex is very much a London girl these days thriving on the variety a big city offers.
As expected had to bolt to get to the theatre in time but while expensive £7+ for a day pass (compared to Melbourne $8+) it is frequent meaning if you miss one tube then another one will follow shortly after. Got to Phoenix Theatre in Charing Cross Road with a few minutes to spare to see Come From Away, the story about small town Gander in Newfoundland Canada where 7000 stranded passengers were housed for 5 days during airspace lockdowns after 9/11. I’d seen a documentary on it before leaving home and thought the premise interesting as a humanitarian story. So how did the play shape up? Firstly it was a musical but I can’t remember any of the songs. Secondly (and I could be wrong here) I’d be surprised if Newfoundlanders speak with an Irish accent but that’s how the British actors portrayed a Canadian accent. On the plus side the production was tight, actors enthusiastic and it was often amusing and occasionally poignant. However I seemed totally out of sync with the audience with my lack of enthusiasm as they were hollerin’ and whoopin’ throughout and at the end cheered loudly and shot up as one in a standing ovation leaving me feeling conspicuous as I sat, so I too joined the ovation. There’s a lot of North American accents in town so maybe they were making up the majority of the audience. Meanwhile I left wishing I could’ve got into any of choices 1-3 (Hamilton, Present Laughter, Black is the Colour of My Voice).
Sunday was catch up with friend Abigail from London days of ‘79-81. Met in Sloane Square (can’t ever think of Sloane Square without Princess Di coming to mind) for lunch with one year’s news condensed into 3 hours. As always it was wonderful to see her. While in the ‘hood it would be negligent not to peruse the shops in Kings Road which probably like most of us have lost their edginess of yesteryear. Gone are the avant-guard designers of the 60’s replaced largely by smaller chains like Reiss, Anthropologie etc. Nonetheless it was no hardship wandering along checking out what’s hot in London.
Bus back to Pimlico where Chris arrived home from his big weekend. Quiet night in catching up with news from home, blog etc.
Post Script - saw first hand how reactive London Police are to something out of the ordinary in 2019. A young heavily accented man with a freshly bandaged arm in Islington was running up to people yelling ‘Please help me’ ‘You’ve got to help me’ in desperate pleas. I saw him hassling an elderly lady with her backing off quite alarmed. He then approached another person doing the same. I slipped into a bookshop for a brief mosey and by the time I emerged, only a few minutes later, 2 police cars had arrived and the police had him on the ground handcuffed. Last I saw he was still beseeching for help and being loaded into the police van. Sadly London has more than its fair share of homeless, down-and-outs and trouble souls in 2019. :(
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babyconnectingworld · 4 years
10+ Fun Ideas for Memorable Birthday Party Alternatives
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/* custom css */ .tdi_71_1e5.td-a-rec{ text-align: center; }.tdi_71_1e5 .td-element-style{ z-index: -1; }.tdi_71_1e5.td-a-rec-img{ text-align: left; }.tdi_71_1e5.td-a-rec-img img{ margin: 0 auto 0 0; }@media (max-width: 767px) { .tdi_71_1e5.td-a-rec-img { text-align: center; } } This article may include advertisements, paid product features, affiliate links and other forms of sponsorship. Every parent wants to make their child’s birthday special. In the past, this has included celebrating with family and friends. The coronavirus has put a kibosh on nearly all social gatherings limiting the options for wishing loved ones a “Happy Birthday” and leaving parents scrambling for birthday party alternatives.  Fortunately, there are a number of ways to make your child’s big day one to remember.   
Ten Birthday Activities to do at Home
There are so many fun activities to do at home as birthday party alternatives.  Who needs friends when you have your family?  Mix and match any of the following options for a day your child will always remember. Scavenger Hunt.  Whether a list of items to cross off or clues leading to hidden treasure, a scavenger hunt can be as easy or involved as you choose to make it.  Either way, you child will enjoy searching throughout your house or your neighborhood.Spa Day.  Present the birthday kiddo a menu of spa services to select from and prepare a full day of pampering.  From shoulder massages to face masks to foot baths, there are endless possibilities to do right home.Nerf War.  Cue the Nerf darts!  If your family has a plethora of Nerf artillery, replenish the Nerf darts and assign everyone a blaster of their choosing (birthday child gets first pick!). Spread out in your back yard or throughout your house…and every man or woman for themselves!Dress Up and Pretend.  Who doesn’t have fun dressing up and pretending you are someone else?  Get out costumes for the kids – and possibly formal attire for the adults – and pretend you are at a Royal Ball.  Or that you are secret spy agents assigned to save the world. Or act out your favorite movie. So many fun options!Laser Tag.  Whether you already have laser guns or order them for your child’s birthday present, team up and fan out.  And don’t let the laser get you!Capture the Flag.  Split into teams and assign areas of the house or your yard as each team’s home base. Grab two different colored washcloths/rags as each team’s flag and hide in plain sight.  When both teams are ready, attempt to capture the other team’s flag and make it back to your home base without getting tagged!Have a Princess or Superhero Call or Facetime.  Many of the companies that once dispatched your favorite princesses and superheroes are now offering one-on-one virtual visits at a fee. Give your child this surprise alone – or on a video conference with his or her friends!Water Balloon Battle.  Easy and fun for everyone, don your bathing suits, and start filling up those balloons!King or Queen for the day.  Possibly an idea for older kids, let the birthday child make all the decisions for the household for 24 hours.  Ice cream for breakfast?  Whatever your highness wishes!Overnight camping trip…in the backyard.  If you don’t have a tent, build a fort in your backyard and grab your sleeping bags. Play outdoor games and grill out. Use the grill to make s’mores! And the best part?  No need to use an outhouse when you are just in your backyard:) Read More: How to throw a birthday party on the cheap
Drive by Birthday Parties
If you live in a home that has a street conducive to traffic slowing to a stop, consider one of your birthday party alternatives a parade of family and friends.  Set a time for everyone drive by with posters and balloons for the birthday honoree.  Play some music and make it a party!  Maybe even set out a box for people to drop gifts and cards for your kiddo. Craving more one-on-one attention?  Assign each person a different time to drive by giving you time to talk and play at a safe distance.  Use your driveway or sidewalk to outline a safe distance where each child can stand and visit.  Kids are craving time with their friends and this is a great way to have quick and safe time with one another. Read more: How to photograph your child’s birthday party
Birthday Party Alternatives from a Distance
To avoid the temptation of getting too close to others, there are quite a few birthday party alternatives that involve the mail or dropping items off: Card Shower.  A week or two prior to your child’s birthday, request family and friends send multiple birthday cards in the mail.  Watch the cards pile up or surprise the birthday girl or boy on the big day with the greeting card love.Keepsake drop off.  Before the big day, deliver little ceramic fairies or dinosaurs or a trinket of your child’s choosing for each friend to decorate and place in your yard on the birthday.  Another great idea is to use stones/rocks with paint for children to personize messages giving the birthday child a rock garden of birthday wishes.Chalk messages.  Set out baggies of chalk (to keep as party favors) and invite family and friends to write birthday wishes on your driveway and sidewalk.  Maybe even put out a sign asking neighbors who walk by to add their love for your child!Yard signs and balloons.  The majority of cities have local franchises that will set up yard signs to commemorate any occasion; Card My Yard and Sign Gypsies being two of these companies.  A cheaper option includes purchasing balloons and affixing weights, placing them throughout the yard.  Read more: How to make a birthday balloon wreath
Online Birthday Party Alternatives
The internet offers a number of online meeting places to host parties of more than 10 people.  According to Business of Apps, Zoom daily downloads increased from 56k in January 2020 to 2.13 million in March 2020.  While Zoom is used predominantly for business and educational meet ups, individual users can create an account and host an online party for free.  If you prefer to use a different online option, there are a number of websites/apps that offer free accounts such as House Party, Google Hangouts, Skype Meet Now, Facetime, and many more.   Any way you look at it, the world has changed.  Daily lives along with its highs and lows has flipped itself upside down.  One thing that remains constant: the need for family and friends and celebrating those we love.  Although it looks different, your child will remember this year’s birthday as a happy milestone in his or her life and hopefully, this list of birthday party alternatives has given you some fresh ideas!   WANT TO READ MORE? Looking for Creative Kids Birthday Party Ideas check out some additional ideas here. 💖 NEWSLETTER: DAILY READS IN YOUR INBOX 💖 Sign up to receive our picks for the best things to do, see and buy so you can relax and focus on more important tasks! Let us help you be the best version of yourself you can be! GET MORE FROM DAILY MOM, PARENTS PORTALNewsletter: Daily Mom delivered to you Facebook: @DailyMomOfficial Instagram: @DailyMomOfficial | @DailyMomTravel | @BestProductsClub YouTube: @DailyMomVideos Pinterest: @DailyMomOfficial 📌 LOVE IT? PIN IT!📌 Photo Credits: Unsplash.com Read the full article
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cvbucketlist-blog · 7 years
Bucketlist #026 - (141/312)
2017 GOALS
Art Gallery of Ontario
Toronto Islands
Ca Lem
Bruce Peninsula 
Cliff dive into water
Explore sea cave
Nuit Blanche
Catch ‘em all on Pokemon Go gen 1 (140/143)
Charcoal ice cream
Seven Lives
Famous Last Words
La Carnita
Koo Koo
The Black Hoof
Schlouppe Bistrot Nakamichi
La Betise
Kampai Garden
Le Mal Necessaire
Peameal bacon sandwich
Canal Lounge
Le Red Tiger
Big In Japan Bar
Dine with a city view
Butter Avenue
Red Bench
Marche Atwater
Candi Bar
Mme Lee
Wooffles & Cream
Terrasse Bonsecours
Cafe du Monde (beignets!)
King cake
Garde Manger
Au Pied du Cochon
Deville Diner
Live octopus
Twisters (aka Los Pollos)
The Boiling Crab
Blackstrap BBQ
Sweet Jesus
Deep dish pizza
Wah Sing
Mon Ami fried chicken
Burger Priest
Mr. Puffs
Kensington market
Doughnut cone
Koa Lua
Brigade Pizzeria Napolitaine
The Lockhart
Randolph Pub Ludique
Thai style ice cream
The Halal Guys
Poop Cafe
Pumpkin spice latte
L’Avenue (+ check out bathroom)
Marche Jean Talon
Le Poke Bar
La Diperie
Creme des Neiges
Qing Hua dumplings
Cadbury creme egg mcflurry
Le Lab
Yokato Yokabai
Triple sake bomb
Shaved ice
Captain’s Boil
Have a huge turkey leg
Uncle Tetsu cheesecake
Home cooked dinner by candle light
Five Guys burgers
Bang Bang ice cream with HK egg waffle cone
Lola Rosa
Sour amaretto
La Belle et la Boeuf
Allo Mon Coco
Kinka Izakaya
Mochi ice cream
Snakes & Lattes
Cat cafe
Kem Coba
Kinton Ramen
In N Out
Montreal love sign
Watkins Glen State Park
Brooklyn bridge
Casa Loma
Canadian Rockies (Banff or Jasper National Park)
CN Tower edge walk
Go up the CN Tower
Costa Rica
Cinque Terre, Italy
Return to Florence
Climb Stairway to Heaven in Hawaii
Zion National Park, Utah
Travel to random location with no itinerary
Hike the Inca Trail
Spain (especially Park Guell)
Visit 6 continents (no Antarctica)
Study/work/volunteer abroad
Northern Lights
New Orleans
Go on a cruise
Sunset in Santorini
Gondola ride in Venice
Real sushi in Japan
Asia tour
Europe tour
Giant turtles on Galapagos Islands
LOTR areas in New Zealand
Watch a show in Vegas
Walk across the Golden Gate bridge in SF
Broadway musical in NYC
Scuba dive in Great Barrier Reef
Stroll through Central Park
Antelope Canyons, Arizona
Board down the Alps
Road trip
Scarborough Bluffs
Humber bridge
Toronto sign at night
Albion falls in Hamilton
Brookfield Place
Diagon Alley
Fly by myself
Hike Dundas Peak
Ripley’s Aquarium
Disneyland LA
Walk of Fame in LA
Cable car in San Francisco
Disneyworld Orlando
Drink Butterbeer at Wizarding World of HP
Roll own sushi
Make pretty macarons
Take cooking class
Cook a really mean steak
Curl own hair nicely
Dance (ballroom, latin and contemporary, a little bit of hip hop)
Sewing basics
Bike.. properly (this is embarrassing)
Make pie from scratch
Make pizza from scratch (bonus: try to throw it in the air)
Hot air balloon festival
Have surprise party thrown for me
Van Gogh exhibition
Choir Choir Choir
Watch ballet
LOTR in Concert
1920s party
Obstacle course race
Easter egg hunt
Scavenger hunt (bonus: picture scavenger hunt)
Throw successful surprise party
Floating lantern festival
Attend a legit masquerade ball
Disney on Ice
White party
Toga party
Throw big house party
Ugly Christmas sweater party
Attend a concert
Meet Us the Duo
Chihuly exhibition
Ottawa Tulip Festival
Toronto Christmas Market
Food truck festival
Paint Night
Zelda symphony
Color Me Rad
Tam Tams
Piknic Electronik
Watch a musical
Lion King the musical
New Year’s kiss
Bake birthday cake for someone
Cosplay at Comic Con
Cirque du Soleil
Pursuit OCR
Axe throwing
Partner yoga
Laser tag
Archery tag
Dragon boat
Jet ski
Stand up paddle board
Horseback riding
Huge snowball fight with forts
Belaying/rock climbing
Bungee jump
Beach volleyball
Dog sled
Ice fishing
Go karting
Aerial yoga
Pole dancing
Water gun/water balloon fight
Escape room
Musical swings
Ride a camel
Be apart of human pyramid
Swim in deep fresh water cave
Be apart of flash mob
Skinny dip
Hide n seek in Ikea
Fish pedicure
Bathe an elephant
Take antique theme photo
Climb tall tree
Infinity pool
Tandem bike
Cross hanging bridge
Build elaborate sand castle
Do flip on trampoline
Swim with dolphins
Ceramic cafe
Pottery wheel
Fruit picking
Hold/pet tiger cub
Professional photoshoot
See cherry blossoms in full bloom
Sing at live karaoke bar
Mistletoe kiss
Attach lock of love
Catch bouquet at wedding
Get drawing done by artist
Go underneath/behind a waterfall
Gingerbread house
Carve pumpkin
Hike up mountain
Shoot a gun
Ride an elephant
Own 1861 dress
Sell piece of artwork
Make a singing/ukulele cover
Master the ukulele
Finish LOTR trilogy
Finish Millennium books
Have a table at a convention
Send postcard to PostSecret
Weigh at least 110 lbs
Donate blood
Watch all the Oscar’s best pictures (25/90)
Play Kingdom Hearts
Beat Twilight Princess
Be a bridesmaid
Adopt a puppy
Try watercolor
Obtain driver’s license
Reread The Little Prince
Design business cards
Make own website for artwork/portfolio/demo reel
Dye hair
Own ugly Christmas sweater
Make Facebook art page
Get celebrity’s autograph
Go to movies alone
Get gym membership
Studio internship
Screen animation at film festival
Donate hair
Display artwork in gallery
3 notes · View notes
Alright, sorry for the bad pun but it had to be done. This weekend, Ryan and I spent 3 jam-packed days in Budapest and, around walking just over a marathon, we ate our body weight in delicious Hungarian cuisine.
The weekend started, like most do, with an early morning ride to the airport. We boarded our Lufthansa flight at 9:15, feeling like kings when we sat next to each other, got free coffee and water, and even a snack! (It’s the little things, friends) We landed in Budapest a bit before 11:00, hopped on a bus downtown and showed up at our Pest apartment shortly after noon. We checked in quickly to the studio apartment and then turned straight around to start the culinary adventure at Tüköry Étterem, a Hungarian eatery about a mile from our Airbnb.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we started big. We sat down at the tiny sidewalk table and dove into the Hortobágyi palacsinta (Hungarian pancake), Gulyásleves (goulash soup), Cigánypecsenye steak burgonyáva (gypsy steak with Hungarian Bacon), and fried Camembert cheese because there didn’t seem to be enough fat in our meal. The goulash, unlike those our midwestern mothers made us, had hearty chunks of beef, big pieces of potato and carrot, and a paprika broth that dyed our fingers red. The gypsy roast had a ring of Hungarian bacon on top, which is essentially bacon flavored fat, grilled up to make it crispy. We washed this all down with a smooth Hungarian red wine, which we hadn’t expected to love quite so much. Our arteries clogged and moving a bit slower, we pushed away from the table and headed in the direction of our next destination.
Possibly a poor decision after so much fat, we boarded a tram that took us outside the city center to Széchenyi Thermal Bath, one of the many thermal baths Budapest is famous for. We had pre-bought tickets so after being led to our cabin, we changed quickly and then headed out to the crowded deck to join the fellow sun-and-water worshippers. Hailed as the “most authentic” of the baths by guidebooks, we were a bit surprised to see the place crawling with fellow tourists. Can’t blame them for wanting to do the same thing we do, but we were disappointed that we never saw the chess-playing Hungarian thinkers we had hoped to find. Instead, we waded through the waters surrounded by countless bachelorette and bachelor parties, trying to guess all the languages we were hearing.
After an hour in the glorious sun, we followed a guide up to a quick, peaceful massage. It was one of those that had me drooling and wondering if I had been there for even 10 minutes when they said it was at an end. Feeling significantly more relaxed, we made our way back to the pool to bop around in the thermal pool. The water, which bubbles up from the earth’s core at around 72 degrees Celsius (161 F) is mixed with cooler water to bring it down to a balmy 100, perfect for hanging out for an hour or a day and releasing the stress of being cooped up on a flight. We hung around for another hour or so before drying off and making our way out of the spa, leaving plenty of partiers behind us.
The Bath is located in the middle of Budapest’s City Park, a great expanse of green that was built for the millennium celebration of the city’s founding. In 896, the Magyars came from Central Asia and decided this part of the Carpathian basin would be the new home of their people. So in 1896, the Magyars (the Hungarian way to say Hungarian) threw a massive party and nearly all the city owes something to that fest. Within the park, there is a replica of a Transylvanian castle, an area which used to be part of Hungary. Although it was originally built out of paper, the locals loved it so much that it was rebuilt out of stone.
All around this park, there were tents full of food, stalls selling toys, and carnival rides. As we found out later, there was a children’s festival this weekend and, lucky for us, that meant lots of locals enjoying their favorite Hungarian treats right beside us. We did a quick stroll through the options before getting a kolbasz (sausage) and Lángos, a delicious fried flatbread topped with garlic, sour cream, and cheese. I’m telling you, the funnel cake has a savory run for its money! After feasting on that, we did another lap around the park to make some more room before finishing our meal with a Chimney Cake, a deliciously toasted pastry, flavored with cinnamon. We sat beside a little lake and peeled apart the cake over half an hour before we finally made our way back to the city center.
By this point, the sun was starting to go down. We stopped by our little apartment to drop off our wet towels and suits before heading back into the city for some final sightseeing that day. We took a quick (5 mile) stroll along the Danube, trying like everyone else to get the perfect picture of the Parliament building. We stopped by the memorial shoes along the river, in memory of the victims of WWII that were shot there and left to float down the river. After looking at everything lit up by night, we ended the night in the best way possible – sipping some Hungarian red wines in the shadow of St. Stephen’s Basilica at a famous little wine bar called Di Vino. By this point (11:30!) my feet and I were a bit worn out so we took our walk home and fell fast asleep.
We woke up without an alarm the next day although, with transparent curtains, that was still fairly early. We had a quick cup of coffee, accompanied by some Hungarian cartoons and then some British TV. Then we started a full day of sightseeing. We started by crossing from Pest over to Buda by way of the Chain Bridge. Budapest was actually the two cities of Buda and Pest (pronounced pesht) until the 1873 century. The two cities could only be reached by boats crossing or by walking across on the frozen river, leaving crossers at risk of being stuck on the wrong side of the river. One such man was Count Széchenyi, who was stuck on the wrong side of the river when his father was dying. After missing his father’s funeral, he vowed to build a permanent bridge so that no one would be in the same situation. He held to his word and the bridge was built in 1849, the first time the two cities were connected.
Now people cross with regularity and we joined the wave of people crossing over to Buda from Pest. Our goal was the top of the hill, where we started Rick Steves castle hill walk under the Turul statue. We read about this historic symbol of the Magyar people before walking beside the Royal Palace, a recreation of the seat of Hungarian power since the Turul allegedly dropped the Magyar sword here. We decided not to go inside but enjoyed the panoramic view before going through a courtyard to admire a statue of King Matthias, one of the only Hungarian-born Hungarian rulers.
After that, we walked beside the President’s Palace before reaching the former Court theater. It has since been converted into the home of the Prime Minister, Viktor Orban. Needless to say, some people didn’t take his actions very well but just goes to show no matter how powerful you become, people will always be jealous of what they don’t have. From the palace, we went down to see the Matthias church before joining the crowds to crawl over Fisherman’s Bastion. We walked around the outlook until we found a somewhat-secluded corner to sit down and enjoy a picnic lunch of paprika salami, cheese, and apples. After half an hour there overlooking the Parliament building, we got a Starbucks cold brew (I know, #basic but it was so warm!) before starting the walk down Castle Hill toward the city center.
There, we met up with Regina, a local woman who was to be our guide for a 3-hour walking tour. We were joined by Francoise, a French 50-year old woman on her first trip to Hungary. The tour started with a walk through the streets, Regina introducing herself and her little sister who wanted to learn more English. We headed towards the river where, after seeing the famous Little Princess statue, Regina pointed out Gellért Hill with a tall bronze statue on top. Known as the Liberation Monument, Regina explained that it was given to them by the Russians, who were their liberators (occupiers?) after they sided with the Germans in WWII. Our next stop was beside the Hungarian University of Science, where we were introduced to the various Hungarian inventions, including the rubrics cube, Microsoft word and excel, and the vitamin C supplement, extracted from peppers.
After this history lesson, we were taken to the Chain bridge and were told one of the most famous stories in Hungary. The short version is, a man was commissioned to make the lion statues for the bridge. He was so enthusiastic that he went to the zoo every day to study the lions and, when he unveiled them, he said: “if anyone can find a flaw in my perfect lions, I will jump off the chain bridge and kill myself.” As the story goes, there was a little boy walking with his mom who asked: “Mom, where are the lions’ tongues?” Distraught that the little boy had found a flaw, the man did, in fact, jump off the bridge.
“It’s not true,” Regina assured us, “the sculptor lived for another 20 years and the lions do have tongues. But it is very Hungarian.”
After the bridge, we headed away from the river towards St. Stephen’s Basilica. On the way, we stopped by “Uncle Charlie”, the statue of a jolly police officer who was always happy to let anyone rub his big belly for good luck. He seemed to have had plenty of luck himself because, legend has it, that he had hundreds of lovers throughout his life. Anyone still looking for luck can rub his belly or, If they want more luck in their love life, they can rub his mustache as well. After snapping a picture on his right side (the left side is saved for “professional ladies”), we finished our walk down to the Basilica.
Here, Regina told us more about the religion of the country – 60% Christian, 30% not religious after the Soviets and then the largest population of Jews in Europe. St. Stephan turned the country Christian at a time when it was beneficial to be aligned with the church. 40 years after his death, they decided to canonize him and, after digging him up, they found his hand mummified so they chopped that off and saved it in a golden case. Besides the hand, the church also holds the “right leg” of Hungary. As part of the 1953 Hungarian soccer team, Ferenc Puskas led the team in one of their most successful seasons, including beating the unbeaten England team by 6-3 (which is still used in place of “cheers” in Hungarians bars.) (Our guide also used the term “in brackets” in place of “by the way” when speaking, making me realize how much I do put things in brackets.)
After this stop, we made a trip to the world’s first metro, built in 1896 for the fair. Originally pulled by horses, the metro still uses the same tram cars but there have been a few upgrades, most notably electricity. The tram took us out to Heroes Square, an expansive space that was dominated by an obelisk with the Angel Gabrielle on top. Below him were the 7 chieftains of the Magyar tribes and behind that, 14 of the greatest kings in Hungary’s history. We got a brief history of each as we walked into the park.
The history of this little country is full of tension and oppression. As Regina told us, the Hungarians have only won one revolution ever. “There was a war over if chimney cakes were Hungarian or a Romanian. It ended a few months ago, saying they are Hungarian. That is the only revolution we ever won.” Between the Ottomans, the Austrians, the Germans, and the Russians, the Hungarian people have been in charge of their own country for a shockingly short time throughout history. She pointed out a little pond that is used for ice skating and where they sell chimney cakes and mulled wine in the winter. We walked through the park and saw the castle and the festivities again. We heard about the world famous zoos and the Hungarian People’s love of the thermal baths. Turns out, all you need is a doctor’s note to get into the Thermal Baths for free! Anyone a doctor?
After the park, we took the metro back to the city center and walked through the Jewish Quarter. After walking through some trendy restaurants and a flea market filling a secret little alley, Regina showed us the Grand Synagogue, which is the largest Synagogue in Europe. There is a moving memorial garden behind the synagogue, paying respect to the victims of the Holocaust. After gazing at the second largest Synagogue in the world (only a smaller capacity than one in New York City) we made a beeline for our last stop of the day, the Parliament building. We sat outside the iconic building, which is 96 meters tall, matched only by St. Stephan’s Basilica. The symbolism of this height is two-fold. Not only is it to commemorate the 1896 millennium celebration (as is nearly everything else in the city) but also to symbolize that the church and the state are equals.
At this point, we said goodbye to our guide and, armed with a dinner recommendation, we started out for another walk around. Starting at Di Vino for a rejuvenating charcuterie board and glasses of wine, we watched a performance on the street and finished our final game plan. It started with a walk back to the Jewish Quarter for a dinner at Regina’s favorite, called Bob. After settling in on the sidewalk seating, we ordered one Hungarian 3 course meal (goulash, Chicken Paprikas, and a chocolate dumpling) and stuffed cabbage (a surprising favorite) and of course, more Hungarian wine. I spent the dinner trying not to get distracted by the English safari-themed bachelorette party behind Ryan. It was a bit hard to do between the shouting, the bags of Cheetos and chips they pulled out of their purses, the bride dry-heaving at the table and then proceeding to put her feet up on the table. When we had mentioned the 20 or so bachelor/ette parties we had seen, Regina had given a bit of an eye roll.
“The locals don’t really like it. It is cheap here compared to the rest of Europe so they come and get really crazy and make a big mess.” But when asked about how the locals felt about other tourists, Regina was more upbeat. “It is so different from when I started 5 years ago. There is one music festival that brings in 500,000 people in one week (the city itself is only 1.9 million) but we like that people are seeing our city and they are spread out enough so it is okay.”
As another, German-speaking bachelorette party joined the restaurant and a bachelor party got turned away for not having enough room, we were wondering at the number of people making Budapest their holiday destination. Although I have to say, it was definitely growing on us. Ryan ranked it as one of only 5 cities he wished he had a 4th day in, next to cities like London and Paris. Leaving a lot of things undone, we ended our last full day by going back to St. Stephans and enjoying a Rose-shaped gelato caramel butter pecan and white chocolate lavender cone from Gelarto Rosa.
The last day came and, with quite a few things left on our list, we decided to end it our favorite way – with food. We started out with a last walk by the Danube and the Parliament building. After saying goodbye, we headed down Vaci Utca, which was once the envy of the Soviet Union. After running under “goulash communism” (a term that meant they still allowed some Hungarian Free enterprise) the city was the first to allow the western evils, including the first McDonalds behind the Iron Curtain. I’ve been McD’s free since 2007 but I decided to break my steak in this historic restaurant, where people once waited an hour in line for a taste of freedom.
After a cheap breakfast, we finished our walk down the street, ending at the Central Market. Here, we walked along rows of produce, meat, cheese, and of course, paprika. We saw all the kitschy tourist souvenirs, including a few communist era t-shirts. (Personal favorite was a “Tzar Wars” shirt with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin)
Saying no to all of that, we did decide to get a carved chess board and spent half an hour circling for options. We finally settled on a glossy brown-and-white board, sold by a sweet old woman. After buying the board and thanking her, we made our way to a corner for our last Chicken paprikas and stuffed cabbage, washed down with two Hungarian specialties – Unicum and Palinka. While Palinka was familiar (it’s just like schnapps) the unicum was an herbal drink that sent a shimmy down your spine. The Hungarians say it is just like medicine because it just kills everything on the inside. It certainly felt like it but Ryan finished it happily anyway.
While we ate our last meal, we wondered at the sweet old woman who had sold us the chess board. Not only did we wonder about the average annual income for Hungarians (€650/month after taxes) but we also talked about her life in particular. If she was in her early 80’s, like we thought, she would have been in grade school during the German Occupation, walking along the Danube at 5 years old at the same time men, women, and children were shot into the river by militiamen. She would have been a young girl when the country was “liberated” by the Soviets and she would have spent over half her life living under communist Russia. Only in the last few decades would she have been able to vote, to see the western world, and to embark in free enterprise. She would have been in her 60’s when Hungary got their independence and in her 70’s when the country joined the EU. All those things you read about in history books that seem like they can’t be real – those would have been her whole life.
That is the thought that I carry with me as we end this trip. After buying some paprika at the market, we boarded a bus to the airport. On reflection, the city and the people aren’t what you would expect when you think of a former Soviet country. The buildings are colorful, the people are friendly, the opportunities are plentiful, and the city is bustling with art and music and food and wine. It was an exhausting weekend (28 miles will do that) but one that left us wishing for a few more days to really get our fill of all things Magyar.
It was Buda-ful Alright, sorry for the bad pun but it had to be done. This weekend, Ryan and I spent 3 jam-packed days in Budapest and, around walking just over a marathon, we ate our body weight in delicious Hungarian cuisine.
0 notes
dorenekvance · 6 years
All you need to know about Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria
On the southwest coast of Gran Canaria, it is a small, quiet and beautiful beach. Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria hides in a wonderful side. Located between Puerto Rico and Mogan. One of the best places where you ‘ll be able to stay and enjoy your desired vacations with kids and friends.
Firstly, the sand on the beach is from a volcano and the color is a little bit dark. Maybe the wing is an issue because of the mixed directions it takes sometimes, making difficult have a sunbath or simply swimming.
Water and land sports to practice in Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria
All the family activities are covered to thank the several pools, water slides, and water activities. Turning Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria on a great place to spend a relaxing time. The entrance fee is approximately 10 euros.
Buggy adventure
For 2 hours and a half, you’ll drive a fantastic vehicle, the buggy. Joining a driver for security, the tour will take you to wide views of Taurito in Gran Canaria views.
The tour starts in front of the hotel, a few vans, it depends on the number of participants, take you to another part of the place and after that, you’ll climb into the famous buggies. Through wild south mountains, you’ll enjoy the nature and the native fauna of Gran Canaria.
Lago Taurito is the main water attraction park. The exceptional fact of the places is the water, it’s from the sea! Roller Coaster, Free Fall, Multipistas, and Space bowl are a few of them. The jewel of Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria.
There is and space for kids and a spa for the adults to relax. Even, if you don’t want to pass the time swimming and wet, there is a bowling, mini-golf, and tennis.
Banana boat
You’ll sit down on a big banana-shaped for 5-10 people. Feel the wind on your face and lose the balance laughing to get wet in the sea. Other water sports as jet ski in Gran Canaria or Flyboard are so valid.
Puerto de Mogán
The beach has approximately 250 metros long and it an artificial infrastructure. The water is usually calm, and the weather doesn’t give bad surprises. In summer, the beach is full of tourist and it protects by lifeguards, and a car park close.
Focusing on the town, the houses are white and through the streets, a few nice and charming canals. Like Venice. Originally, it was a fishing village and, since the 80s it’s turned into a holiday resort after the city discover the great benefits from the tourists. A good choice if you decide to visit places around Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria.
Many boat trips get out from the port and one of the destination in Puerto Rico, another port. The dolphins will swim next to the boat during the crossing. We recommend you, if you could, take a trip to “Yellow Submarine”, because it’s basically that, a submarine.
On the other hand, there are options for eating there. Supposing that you love ice cream, Gelatomania is an amazing election. However, Fridays are the Market day, and you can plan your trip around this event so popular.
5 Best Hotels close to Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria
  Paradise Costa Taurito Hotel
An elegant hotel 3 minutes walk from Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria and only 5 minutes by bus to Puerto de Mogán. Beautiful gardens surrounded by tennis and paddle courts. The swimming pool is full of seawater.
Moreover, the rooms have a lot of facilities like balconies, air-conditioned and a hairdryer on the toilet. A free public parking and the best hotel for couples.
Paradise Valle Taurito
An eco-tourist hotel built with local stone. The main aspect of this hotel is the skin care; however, the service is not included in the initial prize. A spa space for 15 euros with an indoor swimming pool sauna and Turkish bath. Feel as a king or queen with the volcanic lava exfoliation treatments.
Further, the restaurant offers a children’s menu, and the best part it a television service for them with classic films. Maybe, you can ask for all-inclusive bracelets to have better experience.
Taurito Princess Hotel
If you want to party all the time and 24 hours, this hotel is for you. Two swimming pools and a big buffet are some great advantages for your holidays, giving you the perfect holiday experience.
Live entertainment every night with magicians and dancers of all kind of dance. A good point is a free bus that the hotel offers to the customers for Puerto Mogán tours.
Balcon de Taurito Apartments
Close to the heart of Taurito, around of a quite number of shops, restaurants, and bars. The hotel gives you laundry services in case an emergency happens. The 24 hours reception located near to the relax area and giving you great services and any information, you will need.
In addition, most of the meals and drinks are included in the prize during the bar opening hours. Maybe, you ‘ll need be secure about a valuable property, reception offers a safe-deposit box at the front desk for the clients.
Mogán Princess & Beach Club
A 4 stars hotel all inclusive. It located high above the Taurito valley and with 212 rooms and suites in front of the coast, showing a spectacular view.
Fitness activities and entertainment shows, all day, are the protagonist of the leisure program of this hotel. For instance, there is an adult pool separated from the kids one. Have a cocktail on the terrace and chill out.
Top 5 the cheapest Restaurants in Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria
Lola Ville Burger & Chillout
Chill out feelings you will have after to take a seat on the terrace and the music will help more. The menu includes all the cocktails you can imagine and a good price you don’t imagine. Maybe you could have the chance to win a discount visiting the Facebook page.
VIP Pizza
Pizza lovers, we call you! Especially the Italian ones. Prizes from 6 to 12 euros and the sizes of the pizzas are impressive. The restaurant knows the ingredients as so important, then they have deals with Italian food producers. Giving as a result of the Italian experience as you would be in Italy.
Buffet Wok Europe
Chinese buffet restaurant who wants a simple way to eat everything you can. An election so typical in Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria for tourists. Through a big bar, you will choose a great variety of foods, all made like the Asian style. Indeed, the prize is only 8 euros per person.
Marina Pool Bar Restaurant
Tray its star meal: paella, but, it’s not only the unique option, you’ll be able to come to have a delicious breakfast of a fresh dinner. It’s a small hotel too, then you can sleep and eat in the same place. Have a beer in the terrace and in a privileged corner so close to the sea.  Maybe, a good option to see every detail of Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria.
Bacio Pastifrulligelleria
Ice cream is the protagonist. Any flavor you are thinking, it’s sure they have there. Coffees and other sweet meals and typical products can be tasted by the curious people who want to see the other face of Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria.
Taurito has a great treasure to discover. Don’t let the opportunity passes and come. Contact us in case you are looking for a hotel or beautiful apartment to stay. Visit our website for more information
The post All you need to know about Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria appeared first on Villa Gran Canaria | Holiday Rentals | Villas.
All you need to know about Playa Taurito in Gran Canaria published first on http://blog.villagrancanaria.com/
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weddingwade3 · 7 years
Enjoy The Luxury Of The Excalibur Hotel In Vegas
Check out more on our website Private Homes For Rent For Weddings
If you are harboring thoughts of bringing the family for a Las Vegas vacation, then perhaps you should seriously consider a stay at Excalibur Hotel and Casino. This hotel will have you feeling as though you've stepped into the fairy tales of your childhood. From the moment you cross the threshold from the outside world to the charmed existence of life in the hotel you will find that you have truly been charmed and are leading a somewhat enchanted existence.
Not only is there the magnificent casino to enjoy, there is also the wonderful pool, links golf, the castle walk for your shopping pleasure, and the midway where you can play all kinds of fun and exciting arcade and carnival games. Perhaps one of the most memorable and impressive of offerings is the Tournament of Kings dinner show. This show is offered nightly at 6:00 and 8:30 and you will eat in the manner of those in medieval times, without utensils while watching the evil wizard Mordred as he invades the evening festivities. This show is quite enjoyable and relies heavily upon audience participation.
Dining in the hotel and casino can be quite the adventure without the assistance of horses and actors as there are several dining options including the Roundtable Buffet, The Steakhouse at Camelot, Regale Italian Eatery, Sherwood Forest Cafe, and how could we forget Sir Galahad's Pub and Prime Rib House?
If you're looking for the fairytale wedding of your dreams, then Excalibur has the package for you. You can even elect to rent medieval costumes in which to get married. There are many different packages available to fit various budgets and wedding needs. Wedding packages vary in price from around $ 400 plus $ 55 for the cost of the minister to around $ 1575 plus the cost of the minister. These are all rather basic packages and do not include extras such as costume rentals, extra poses for the wedding photos, or video and candle services.
Before your big day make sure you make liberal use of the spa services available at Excalibur Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Of course this is a great idea even if you are just hoping to relax while on vacation. You remember relaxation right? That is what you did on occasion before you had children. You should definitely get the royal treatment that is available through the spa and enjoy every minute of your visit. Some of the spa services offered at Excalibur include: facials, wraps, Aveda facials, and various massages. There are add on services that can be purchased and packages available. This is a great way to spend an hour or three before your big day or any day.
Once you've finished getting pampered at the spa, step on over to Kristina's Salon and get primped. You can enjoy everything from manicures to full service hair styling services. Whether you are preparing for your big day and saying "I do!" or simply for a romantic evening on the strip this is a great place to begin.
Excalibur also offers full service catering and convention services. Whether you are hosting a wedding reception or a company convention we have the facilities as well as the expertise to keep everything operating seamlessly behind the scenes so that all eyes will be on the things that are important. Projections and profits for the corporate conventions and the bride and groom for wedding receptions.
Excalibur Hotel Casino can meet almost any lodging and accommodation needs for those staying and playing in Las Vegas, more than that we can provide a great 'fairy tale' atmosphere for your family vacation or just your big trip in general. If you haven't given proper consideration to the idea of staying here during your visit, I highly encourage that you do-especially if you have a little princess in your party that you are trying to impress.
We're a resource site for those looking for travel information or need travel advice . Visit us or check out our travel tips articles.
See More Here: Enjoy The Luxury Of The Excalibur Hotel In Vegas
0 notes
cvbucketlist-blog · 7 years
Bucketlist #024 - (131/309)
2017 GOALS
Art Gallery of Ontario
Toronto Islands 
Ca Lem
Kampai Garden
Roll own sushi
Scarborough Bluffs
Throw big house party
Road trip
Deep dish pizza
Bruce Peninsula
Cliff dive into water
Explore sea cave
Nuit Blanche
Catch ‘em all on Pokemon Go gen 1 (137/143)
Famous Last Words
La Carnita
Koo Koo
The Black Hoof
Schlouppe Bistrot Nakamichi
La Betise
Le Mal Necessaire
Peameal bacon sandwich
Canal Lounge
Le Red Tiger
Sweet Jesus
Big In Japan Bar
Dine with a city view
Butter Avenue
Red Bench
Marche Atwater
Candi Bar
Mme Lee
Wooffles & Cream
Terrasse Bonsecours
Cafe du Monde (beignets!)
King cake
Garde Manger
Wah Sing
Au Pied du Cochon
Deville Diner
Live octopus
Twisters (aka Los Pollos)
The Boiling Crab
Blackstrap BBQ
Burger Priest
Mr. Puffs
Kensington market
Doughnut cone
Koa Lua
Brigade Pizzeria Napolitaine
The Lockhart
Randolph Pub Ludique
Thai style ice cream
The Halal Guys
Poop Cafe
Pumpkin spice latte
L’Avenue (+ check out bathroom)
Marche Jean Talon
Le Poke Bar
La Diperie
Creme des Neiges
Qing Hua dumplings
Cadbury creme egg mcflurry
Le Lab
Yokato Yokabai
Triple sake bomb
Shaved ice
Captain’s Boil
Have a huge turkey leg
Uncle Tetsu cheesecake
Home cooked dinner by candle light
Five Guys burgers
Bang Bang ice cream with HK egg waffle cone
Lola Rosa
Sour amaretto
La Belle et la Boeuf
Allo Mon Coco
Kinka Izakaya
Mochi ice cream
Snakes & Lattes
Cat cafe
Kem Coba
Kinton Ramen
In N Out
Montreal love sign
Watkins Glen State Park
Brooklyn bridge
Casa Loma
Canadian Rockies (Banff or Jasper National Park)
CN Tower edge walk
Go up the CN Tower
Costa Rica
Cinque Terre, Italy
Return to Florence
Climb Stairway to Heaven in Hawaii
Zion National Park, Utah
Travel to random location with no itinerary
Hike the Inca Trail
Spain (especially Park Guell)
Visit 6 continents (no Antarctica)
Study/work/volunteer abroad
Northern Lights
New Orleans
Go on a cruise
Sunset in Santorini
Gondola ride in Venice
Real sushi in Japan
Asia tour
Europe tour
Giant turtles on Galapagos Islands
LOTR areas in New Zealand
Watch a show in Vegas
Walk across the Golden Gate bridge in SF
Broadway musical in NYC
Scuba dive in Great Barrier Reef
Stroll through Central Park
Antelope Canyons, Arizona
Board down the Alps
Humber bridge
Toronto sign at night
Albion falls in Hamilton
Brookfield Place
Diagon Alley
Fly by myself
Hike Dundas Peak
Ripley’s Aquarium
Disneyland LA
Walk of Fame in LA
Cable car in San Francisco
Disneyworld Orlando
Drink Butterbeer at Wizarding World of HP
Make pretty macarons
Take cooking class
Cook a really mean steak
Curl own hair nicely
Bike.. properly (this is embarrassing)
Dance (ballroom, latin and contemporary, a little bit of hip hop)
Sewing basics
Make pie from scratch
Make pizza from scratch (bonus: try to throw it in the air)
Hot air balloon festival
Have surprise party thrown for me
Van Gogh exhibition
Choir Choir Choir
Watch ballet
LOTR in Concert
1920s party
Obstacle course race
Easter egg hunt
Scavenger hunt (bonus: picture scavenger hunt)
Throw successful surprise party
Floating lantern festival
Attend a legit masquerade ball
Disney on Ice
White party
Toga party
Ugly Christmas sweater party
Attend a concert
Meet Us the Duo
Chihuly exhibition
Ottawa Tulip Festival
Toronto Christmas Market
Food truck festival
Paint Night
Zelda symphony
Color Me Rad
Tam Tams
Piknic Electronik
Watch a musical
Lion King the musical
New Year’s kiss
Bake birthday cake for someone
Cosplay at Comic Con
Cirque du Soleil
Axe throwing
Partner yoga
Laser tag
Archery tag
Dragon boat
Jet ski
Stand up paddle board
Horseback riding
Huge snowball fight with forts
Bouldering/rock climbing
Bungee jump
Beach volleyball
Dog sled
Ice fishing
Go karting
Aerial yoga
Pole dancing
Water gun/water balloon fight
Escape room
Musical swings
Ride a camel
Be apart of human pyramid
Swim in deep fresh water cave
Be apart of flash mob
Skinny dip
Hide n seek in Ikea
Fish pedicure
Bathe an elephant
Take antique theme photo
Climb tall tree
Infinity pool
Tandem bike
Cross hanging bridge
Build elaborate sand castle
Do flip on trampoline
Swim with dolphins
Ceramic cafe
Pottery wheel
Fruit picking
Hold/pet tiger cub
Professional photoshoot
See cherry blossoms in full bloom
Sing at live karaoke bar
Mistletoe kiss
Attach lock of love
Catch bouquet at wedding
Get drawing done by artist
Go underneath/behind a waterfall
Gingerbread house
Carve pumpkin
Hike up mountain
Shoot a gun
Ride an elephant
Own 1861 dress
Sell piece of artwork
Make a singing/ukulele cover
Master the ukulele
Finish LOTR trilogy
Finish Millennium books
Have a table at a convention
Send postcard to PostSecret
Weigh at least 110 lbs
Donate blood
Watch all the Oscar’s best pictures (24/90)
Play Kingdom Hearts
Beat Twilight Princess
Be a bridesmaid
Adopt a puppy
Try watercolor
Obtain driver’s license
Reread The Little Prince
Design business cards
Make own website for artwork/portfolio/demo reel
Dye hair
Own ugly Christmas sweater
Make Facebook art page
Get celebrity’s autograph
Go to movies alone
Get gym membership
Studio internship
Screen animation at film festival
Donate hair
Display artwork in gallery
3 notes · View notes
cvbucketlist-blog · 7 years
Bucketlist #023 - (129/307)
2017 GOALS
Art Gallery of Ontario 
Toronto Islands
Ca Lem
Kampai Garden
Roll own sushi
Scarborough Bluffs
Throw big house party
Road trip
Deep dish pizza
Bruce Peninsula
Cliff dive into water
Explore sea cave
Nuit Blanche 
Catch ‘em all on Pokemon Go gen 1 (136/143)
La Carnita
Koo Koo
Burger Priest
The Black Hoof
Schlouppe Bistrot Nakamichi
La Betise
Le Mal Necessaire
Peameal bacon sandwich
Canal Lounge
Le Red Tiger
Sweet Jesus
Big In Japan Bar
Dine with a city view
Butter Avenue
Red Bench
Marche Atwater
Candi Bar
Mme Lee
Wooffles & Cream
Terrasse Bonsecours
Cafe du Monde (beignets!)
King cake
Garde Manger
Wah Sing
Au Pied du Cochon
Deville Diner
Live octopus
Twisters (aka Los Pollos)
The Boiling Crab
Blackstrap BBQ
Mr. Puffs
Kensington market
Doughnut cone
Koa Lua
Brigade Pizzeria Napolitaine
The Lockhart
Randolph Pub Ludique
Thai style ice cream
The Halal Guys
Poop Cafe
Pumpkin spice latte
L’Avenue (+ check out bathroom)
Marche Jean Talon
Le Poke Bar
La Diperie
Creme des Neiges
Qing Hua dumplings
Cadbury creme egg mcflurry
Le Lab
Yokato Yokabai
Triple sake bomb
Shaved ice
Captain’s Boil
Have a huge turkey leg
Uncle Tetsu cheesecake
Home cooked dinner by candle light
Five Guys burgers
Bang Bang ice cream with HK egg waffle cone
Lola Rosa
Sour amaretto
La Belle et la Boeuf
Allo Mon Coco
Kinka Izakaya
Mochi ice cream
Snakes & Lattes
Cat cafe
Kem Coba
Kinton Ramen
In N Out
Montreal love sign
Watkins Glen State Park
Brooklyn bridge
Casa Loma
Canadian Rockies (Banff or Jasper National Park)
CN Tower edge walk
Go up the CN Tower
Costa Rica
Cinque Terre, Italy
Return to Florence
Climb Stairway to Heaven in Hawaii
Zion National Park, Utah
Travel to random location with no itinerary
Hike the Inca Trail
Spain (especially Park Guell)
Visit 6 continents (no Antarctica)
Study/work/volunteer abroad
Northern Lights
New Orleans
Go on a cruise
Sunset in Santorini
Gondola ride in Venice
Real sushi in Japan
Asia tour
Europe tour
Giant turtles on Galapagos Islands
LOTR areas in New Zealand
Watch a show in Vegas
Walk across the Golden Gate bridge in SF
Broadway musical in NYC
Scuba dive in Great Barrier Reef
Stroll through Central Park
Antelope Canyons, Arizona
Board down the Alps
Humber bridge
Toronto sign at night
Albion falls in Hamilton
Brookfield Place
Diagon Alley
Fly by myself
Hike Dundas Peak
Ripley’s Aquarium
Disneyland LA
Walk of Fame in LA
Cable car in San Francisco
Disneyworld Orlando
Drink Butterbeer at Wizarding World of HP
Make pretty macarons
Take cooking class
Cook a really mean steak
Curl own hair nicely
Bike.. properly (this is embarrassing)
Dance (ballroom, latin and contemporary, a little bit of hip hop)
Sewing basics
Make pie from scratch
Make pizza from scratch (bonus: try to throw it in the air)
Hot air balloon festival
Have surprise party thrown for me
Van Gogh exhibition
Choir Choir Choir
Watch ballet
LOTR in Concert
1920s party
Obstacle course race
Easter egg hunt
Scavenger hunt (bonus: picture scavenger hunt)
Throw successful surprise party
Floating lantern festival
Attend a legit masquerade ball
Disney on Ice
White party
Toga party
Ugly Christmas sweater party
Attend a concert
Meet Us the Duo
Chihuly exhibition
Ottawa Tulip Festival
Toronto Christmas Market
Food truck festival
Paint Night
Zelda symphony
Color Me Rad
Tam Tams
Piknic Electronik
Watch a musical
Lion King the musical
New Year’s kiss
Bake birthday cake for someone
Cosplay at Comic Con
Cirque du Soleil
Axe throwing
Partner yoga
Laser tag
Archery tag
Dragon boat
Jet ski
Stand up paddle board
Horseback riding
Huge snowball fight with forts
Bouldering/rock climbing
Bungee jump
Beach volleyball
Dog sled
Ice fishing
Go karting
Aerial yoga
Pole dancing
Water gun/water balloon fight
Escape room
Musical swings
Ride a camel
Be apart of human pyramid
Swim in deep fresh water cave 
Be apart of flash mob
Skinny dip
Hide n seek in Ikea
Fish pedicure
Bathe an elephant
Take antique theme photo
Climb tall tree
Infinity pool
Tandem bike
Cross hanging bridge
Build elaborate sand castle
Do flip on trampoline
Swim with dolphins
Ceramic cafe
Pottery wheel
Fruit picking
Hold/pet tiger cub
Professional photoshoot
See cherry blossoms in full bloom
Sing at live karaoke bar
Mistletoe kiss
Attach lock of love
Catch bouquet at wedding
Get drawing done by artist
Go underneath/behind a waterfall
Gingerbread house
Carve pumpkin
Hike up mountain
Shoot a gun
Ride an elephant
Own 1861 dress
Sell piece of artwork
Make a singing/ukulele cover
Master the ukulele
Finish LOTR trilogy
Finish Millennium books
Have a table at a convention
Send postcard to PostSecret
Weigh at least 110 lbs
Donate blood
Watch all the Oscar’s best pictures (24/90)
Play Kingdom Hearts
Beat Twilight Princess
Be a bridesmaid
Adopt a puppy
Try watercolor
Obtain driver’s license
Reread The Little Prince
Design business cards
Make own website for artwork/portfolio/demo reel
Dye hair
Own ugly Christmas sweater
Make Facebook art page
Get celebrity’s autograph
Go to movies alone
Get gym membership
Studio internship
Screen animation at film festival
Donate hair
Display artwork in gallery
1 note · View note
cvbucketlist-blog · 7 years
Bucketlist #021 - (121/300)
2017 GOALS
Throw big house party 
Kampai Garden
Bruce Peninsula
Scarborough Bluffs
Cliff dive into water
Swim in deep fresh water cave
Nuit Blanche
Catch ‘em all on Pokemon Go (133/143)
The Black Hoof
Schlouppe Bistrot Nakamichi
La Betise
Le Mal Necessaire
Peameal bacon sandwich
Le Blueboy
Canal Lounge
Ca Lem
Kensington market
Le Red Tiger
Sweet Jesus
Big In Japan Bar
Dine with a city view
Butter Avenue
Red Bench
Marche Atwater
Candi Bar
Mme Lee
Wooffles & Cream
Terrasse Bonsecours
Cafe du Monde (beignets!)
King cake
Garde Manger
Wah Sing
Au Pied du Cochon
Deville Diner
Live octopus
Twisters (aka Los Pollos)
The Boiling Crab
Blackstrap BBQ
Koa Lua
Brigade Pizzeria Napolitaine
The Lockhart
Randolph Pub Ludique
Thai style ice cream
The Halal Guys
Poop Cafe
Pumpkin spice latte
L’Avenue (+ check out bathroom)
Marche Jean Talon
Le Poke Bar
La Diperie
Creme des Neiges
Qing Hua dumplings
Cadbury creme egg mcflurry
Le Lab
Yokato Yokabai
Triple sake bomb
Shaved ice
Captain’s Boil
Have a huge turkey leg
Uncle Tetsu cheesecake
Home cooked dinner by candle light
Five Guys burgers
Bang Bang ice cream with HK egg waffle cone
Lola Rosa
Sour amaretto
La Belle et la Boeuf
Allo Mon Coco
Kinka Izakaya
Mochi ice cream
Snakes & Lattes
Cat cafe
Kem Coba
Kinton Ramen
In N Out
Montreal love sign
Watkins Glen State Park
Art Gallery of Ontario
Brooklyn bridge
Casa Loma
Toronto Islands
Humber bridge
Canadian Rockies (Banff or Jasper National Park)
Return to Woodbine Centre
CN Tower edge walk
Go up the CN Tower
Costa Rica
Cinque Terre, Italy
Return to Florence
Climb Stairway to Heaven in Hawaii
Zion National Park, Utah
Travel to random location with no itinerary
Hike the Inca Trail
Spain (especially Park Guell)
Visit 6 continents (no Antarctica)
Study/work/volunteer abroad
Road trip
Northern Lights
New Orleans
Go on a cruise
Sunset in Santorini
Gondola ride in Venice
Real sushi in Japan
Asia tour
Europe tour
Giant turtles on Galapagos Islands
LOTR areas in New Zealand
Watch a show in Vegas
Walk across the Golden Gate bridge in SF
Broadway musical in NYC
Scuba dive in Great Barrier Reef
Stroll through Central Park
Antelope Canyons, Arizona
Board down the Alps
Toronto sign at night
Albion falls in Hamilton
Brookfield Place
Diagon Alley
Fly by myself
Hike Dundas Peak
Ripley’s Aquarium
Disneyland LA
Walk of Fame in LA
Cable car in San Francisco
Disneyworld Orlando
Drink Butterbeer at Wizarding World of HP
Make own sushi
Make pretty macarons
Take cooking class
Cook a really mean steak
Curl own hair nicely
Bike.. properly (this is embarrassing)
Dance (ballroom, latin and contemporary, a little bit of hip hop)
Sewing basics
Make pie from scratch
Make pizza from scratch (bonus: try to throw it in the air)
Hot air balloon festival
Have surprise party thrown for me
Van Gogh exhibition
Choir Choir Choir
Watch ballet
LOTR in Concert
1920s party
Foam Fest
Mud Hero
Complete Tough Mudder
Easter egg hunt
Scavenger hunt (bonus: picture scavenger hunt)
Throw successful surprise party
Floating lantern festival
Attend a legit masquerade ball
Disney on Ice
White party
Toga party
Ugly Christmas sweater party
Attend a concert
Meet Us the Duo
Chihuly exhibition
Ottawa Tulip Festival
Toronto Christmas Market
Food truck festival
Paint Night
Zelda symphony
Color Me Rad
Tam Tams
Piknic Electronik
Watch a musical
Lion King the musical
New Year’s kiss
Bake birthday cake for someone
Cosplay at Comic Con
Cirque du Soleil
Axe throwing
Partner yoga
Laser tag
Archery tag
Dragon boat
Jet ski
Stand up paddle board
Horseback riding
Huge snowball fight with forts
Bouldering/rock climbing
Bungee jump
Beach volleyball
Dog sled
Ice fishing
Go karting
Aerial yoga
Pole dancing
Water gun/water balloon fight
Escape room
Musical swings
Ride a camel
Be apart of human pyramid
Explore sea cave
Be apart of flash mob
Skinny dip
Hide n seek in Ikea
Fish pedicure
Bathe an elephant
Take antique theme photo
Climb tall tree
Infinity pool
Tandem bike
Cross hanging bridge
Build elaborate sand castle
Do flip on trampoline
Swim with dolphins
Ceramic cafe
Pottery wheel
Fruit picking
Hold/pet tiger cub
Professional photoshoot
See cherry blossoms in full bloom
Sing at live karaoke bar
Mistletoe kiss
Attach lock of love
Catch bouquet at wedding
Get drawing done by artist
Go underneath/behind a waterfall
Gingerbread house
Carve pumpkin
Hike up mountain
Shoot a gun
Ride an elephant
Try watercolor
Own 1891 dress
Sell piece of artwork
Make a singing/ukulele cover
Master the ukulele
Finish LOTR trilogy
Finish Millennium books
Have a table at a convention
Send postcard to PostSecret
Weigh at least 110 lbs
Donate blood
Watch all the Oscar’s best pictures (24/89)
Play Kingdom Hearts
Beat Twilight Princess
Be a bridesmaid
Adopt a puppy
Obtain driver’s license
Reread The Little Prince
Design business cards
Make own website for artwork/portfolio/demo reel
Dye hair
Own ugly Christmas sweater
Make Facebook art page
Get celebrity’s autograph
Go to movies alone
Get gym membership
Studio internship
Screen animation at film festival
Donate hair
Display artwork in gallery
0 notes
cvbucketlist-blog · 7 years
Bucketlist #028 - (150/311)
2017 GOALS
Nuit Blanche
Catch ‘em all on Pokemon Go gen 1 (140/143)
Seven Lives
Famous Last Words
La Carnita
Koo Koo
The Black Hoof
Schlouppe Bistrot Nakamichi
La Betise
Kampai Garden
Le Mal Necessaire
Peameal bacon sandwich
Canal Lounge
Big In Japan Bar
Dine with a city view
Butter Avenue
Red Bench
Marche Atwater
Candi Bar
Mme Lee
Wooffles & Cream
Terrasse Bonsecours
Cafe du Monde (beignets!)
King cake
Garde Manger
Au Pied du Cochon
Deville Diner
Live octopus
Twisters (aka Los Pollos)
The Boiling Crab
Blackstrap BBQ
Ca Lem
Charcoal ice cream
Sweet Jesus
Deep dish pizza
Wah Sing
Mon Ami fried chicken
Burger Priest
Mr. Puffs
Kensington market
Doughnut cone
Koa Lua
Brigade Pizzeria Napolitaine
The Lockhart
Randolph Pub Ludique
Thai style ice cream
The Halal Guys
Poop Cafe
Pumpkin spice latte
L’Avenue (+ check out bathroom)
Marche Jean Talon
Le Poke Bar
La Diperie
Creme des Neiges
Qing Hua dumplings
Cadbury creme egg mcflurry
Le Lab
Yokato Yokabai
Triple sake bomb
Shaved ice
Captain’s Boil
Have a huge turkey leg
Uncle Tetsu cheesecake
Home cooked dinner by candle light
Five Guys burgers
Bang Bang ice cream with HK egg waffle cone
Lola Rosa
Sour amaretto
La Belle et la Boeuf
Allo Mon Coco
Kinka Izakaya
Mochi ice cream
Snakes & Lattes
Cat cafe
Kem Coba
Kinton Ramen
In N Out
Watkins Glen State Park
Brooklyn bridge
Canadian Rockies (Banff or Jasper National Park)
CN Tower edge walk
Go up the CN Tower
Costa Rica
Cinque Terre, Italy
Return to Florence
Climb Stairway to Heaven in Hawaii
Bruce Peninsula
Zion National Park, Utah
Travel to random location with no itinerary
Hike the Inca Trail
Spain (especially Park Guell)
Visit 6 continents (no Antarctica)
Study/work/volunteer abroad
Northern Lights
New Orleans
Go on a cruise
Sunset in Santorini
Gondola ride in Venice
Real sushi in Japan
Asia tour
Europe tour
Giant turtles on Galapagos Islands
LOTR areas in New Zealand
Watch a show in Vegas
Walk across the Golden Gate bridge in SF
Broadway musical in NYC
Scuba dive in Great Barrier Reef
Stroll through Central Park
Antelope Canyons, Arizona
Board down the Alps
Montreal love sign
Toronto Islands
Casa Loma
Art Gallery of Ontario
Road trip
Scarborough Bluffs
Humber bridge
Toronto sign at night
Albion falls in Hamilton
Brookfield Place
Diagon Alley
Fly by myself
Hike Dundas Peak
Ripley’s Aquarium
Disneyland LA
Walk of Fame in LA
Cable car in San Francisco
Disneyworld Orlando
Drink Butterbeer at Wizarding World of HP
Roll own sushi
Make pretty macarons
Take cooking class
Cook a really mean steak
Curl own hair nicely
Dance (ballroom, latin and contemporary, a little bit of hip hop)
Sewing basics
Bike.. properly (this is embarrassing)
Make pie from scratch
Make pizza from scratch (bonus: try to throw it in the air)
Hot air balloon festival
Have surprise party thrown for me
Van Gogh exhibition
Choir Choir Choir
Watch ballet
LOTR in Concert
1920s party
Obstacle course race
Easter egg hunt
Scavenger hunt (bonus: picture scavenger hunt)
Throw successful surprise party
Floating lantern festival
Attend a legit masquerade ball
Disney on Ice
White party
Toga party
Throw big house party
Ugly Christmas sweater party
Attend a concert
Meet Us the Duo
Chihuly exhibition
Ottawa Tulip Festival
Toronto Christmas Market
Food truck festival
Paint Night
Zelda symphony
Color Me Rad
Tam Tams
Piknic Electronik
Watch a musical
Lion King the musical
New Year’s kiss
Bake birthday cake for someone
Cosplay at Comic Con
Cirque du Soleil
Pursuit OCR
Axe throwing
Partner yoga
Laser tag
Archery tag
Dragon boat
Jet ski
Stand up paddle board
Horseback riding
Huge snowball fight with forts
Rock climbing
Bungee jump
Beach volleyball
Dog sled
Ice fishing
Go karting
Aerial yoga
Pole dancing
Tandem bike
Water gun/water balloon fight
Escape room
Musical swings
Ride a camel
Be apart of human pyramid
Swim in deep fresh water cave
Skinny dip
Hide n seek in Ikea
Fish pedicure
Bathe an elephant
Take antique theme photo
Climb tall tree
Infinity pool
Build elaborate sand castle
Do flip on trampoline
Cliff dive into water
Explore sea cave
Swim with dolphins
Ceramic cafe
Pottery wheel
Fruit picking
Hold/pet tiger cub
Professional photoshoot
Be apart of flash mob
Cross hanging bridge
See cherry blossoms in full bloom
Sing at live karaoke bar
Mistletoe kiss
Attach lock of love
Catch bouquet at wedding
Get drawing done by artist
Go underneath/behind a waterfall
Gingerbread house
Carve pumpkin
Hike up mountain
Shoot a gun
Ride an elephant
Own 1861 dress
Sell piece of artwork
Make a singing/ukulele cover
Master the ukulele
Finish LOTR trilogy
Finish Millennium books
Have a table at a convention
Send postcard to PostSecret
Weigh at least 110 lbs
Donate blood
Watch all the Oscar’s best pictures (25/90)
Play Kingdom Hearts
Beat Twilight Princess
Be a bridesmaid
Adopt a puppy
Try watercolor
Obtain driver’s license
Reread The Little Prince
Design business cards
Make own website for artwork/portfolio/demo reel
Dye hair
Own ugly Christmas sweater
Make Facebook art page
Get celebrity’s autograph
Go to movies alone
Get gym membership
Studio internship
Screen animation at film festival
Donate hair
Display artwork in gallery
0 notes
cvbucketlist-blog · 7 years
Bucketlist #027 - (145/311)
2017 GOALS
Nuit Blanche 
Catch ‘em all on Pokemon Go gen 1 (140/143)
Charcoal ice cream
Seven Lives
Famous Last Words
La Carnita
Koo Koo
The Black Hoof
Schlouppe Bistrot Nakamichi
La Betise
Kampai Garden
Le Mal Necessaire
Peameal bacon sandwich
Canal Lounge
Ca Lem
Big In Japan Bar
Dine with a city view
Butter Avenue
Red Bench
Marche Atwater
Candi Bar
Mme Lee
Wooffles & Cream
Terrasse Bonsecours
Cafe du Monde (beignets!)
King cake
Garde Manger
Au Pied du Cochon
Deville Diner
Live octopus
Twisters (aka Los Pollos)
The Boiling Crab
Blackstrap BBQ
Sweet Jesus
Deep dish pizza
Wah Sing
Mon Ami fried chicken
Burger Priest
Mr. Puffs
Kensington market
Doughnut cone
Koa Lua
Brigade Pizzeria Napolitaine
The Lockhart
Randolph Pub Ludique
Thai style ice cream
The Halal Guys
Poop Cafe
Pumpkin spice latte
L’Avenue (+ check out bathroom)
Marche Jean Talon
Le Poke Bar
La Diperie
Creme des Neiges
Qing Hua dumplings
Cadbury creme egg mcflurry
Le Lab
Yokato Yokabai
Triple sake bomb
Shaved ice
Captain’s Boil
Have a huge turkey leg
Uncle Tetsu cheesecake
Home cooked dinner by candle light
Five Guys burgers
Bang Bang ice cream with HK egg waffle cone
Lola Rosa
Sour amaretto
La Belle et la Boeuf
Allo Mon Coco
Kinka Izakaya
Mochi ice cream
Snakes & Lattes
Cat cafe
Kem Coba
Kinton Ramen
In N Out
Montreal love sign
Watkins Glen State Park
Brooklyn bridge
Canadian Rockies (Banff or Jasper National Park)
CN Tower edge walk
Go up the CN Tower
Costa Rica
Cinque Terre, Italy
Return to Florence
Climb Stairway to Heaven in Hawaii
Bruce Peninsula
Zion National Park, Utah
Travel to random location with no itinerary
Hike the Inca Trail
Spain (especially Park Guell)
Visit 6 continents (no Antarctica)
Study/work/volunteer abroad
Northern Lights
New Orleans
Go on a cruise
Sunset in Santorini
Gondola ride in Venice
Real sushi in Japan
Asia tour
Europe tour
Giant turtles on Galapagos Islands
LOTR areas in New Zealand
Watch a show in Vegas
Walk across the Golden Gate bridge in SF
Broadway musical in NYC
Scuba dive in Great Barrier Reef
Stroll through Central Park
Antelope Canyons, Arizona
Board down the Alps
Toronto Islands
Casa Loma
Art Gallery of Ontario
Road trip
Scarborough Bluffs
Humber bridge
Toronto sign at night
Albion falls in Hamilton
Brookfield Place
Diagon Alley
Fly by myself
Hike Dundas Peak
Ripley’s Aquarium
Disneyland LA
Walk of Fame in LA
Cable car in San Francisco
Disneyworld Orlando
Drink Butterbeer at Wizarding World of HP
Roll own sushi
Make pretty macarons
Take cooking class
Cook a really mean steak
Curl own hair nicely
Dance (ballroom, latin and contemporary, a little bit of hip hop)
Sewing basics
Bike.. properly (this is embarrassing)
Make pie from scratch
Make pizza from scratch (bonus: try to throw it in the air)
Hot air balloon festival
Have surprise party thrown for me
Van Gogh exhibition
Choir Choir Choir
Watch ballet
LOTR in Concert
1920s party
Obstacle course race
Easter egg hunt
Scavenger hunt (bonus: picture scavenger hunt)
Throw successful surprise party
Floating lantern festival
Attend a legit masquerade ball
Disney on Ice
White party
Toga party
Throw big house party
Ugly Christmas sweater party
Attend a concert
Meet Us the Duo
Chihuly exhibition
Ottawa Tulip Festival
Toronto Christmas Market
Food truck festival
Paint Night
Zelda symphony
Color Me Rad
Tam Tams
Piknic Electronik
Watch a musical
Lion King the musical
New Year’s kiss
Bake birthday cake for someone
Cosplay at Comic Con
Cirque du Soleil
Pursuit OCR
Axe throwing
Partner yoga
Laser tag
Archery tag
Dragon boat
Jet ski
Stand up paddle board
Horseback riding
Huge snowball fight with forts
Belaying/rock climbing
Bungee jump
Beach volleyball
Dog sled
Ice fishing
Go karting
Aerial yoga
Pole dancing
Tandem bike
Water gun/water balloon fight
Escape room
Musical swings
Ride a camel
Be apart of human pyramid
Swim in deep fresh water cave
Be apart of flash mob
Skinny dip
Hide n seek in Ikea
Fish pedicure
Bathe an elephant
Take antique theme photo
Climb tall tree
Infinity pool
Cross hanging bridge
Build elaborate sand castle
Do flip on trampoline
Cliff dive into water
Explore sea cave
Swim with dolphins
Ceramic cafe
Pottery wheel
Fruit picking
Hold/pet tiger cub
Professional photoshoot
See cherry blossoms in full bloom
Sing at live karaoke bar
Mistletoe kiss
Attach lock of love
Catch bouquet at wedding
Get drawing done by artist
Go underneath/behind a waterfall
Gingerbread house
Carve pumpkin
Hike up mountain
Shoot a gun
Ride an elephant
Own 1861 dress
Sell piece of artwork
Make a singing/ukulele cover
Master the ukulele
Finish LOTR trilogy
Finish Millennium books
Have a table at a convention
Send postcard to PostSecret
Weigh at least 110 lbs
Donate blood
Watch all the Oscar’s best pictures (25/90)
Play Kingdom Hearts
Beat Twilight Princess
Be a bridesmaid
Adopt a puppy
Try watercolor
Obtain driver’s license
Reread The Little Prince
Design business cards
Make own website for artwork/portfolio/demo reel
Dye hair
Own ugly Christmas sweater
Make Facebook art page
Get celebrity’s autograph
Go to movies alone
Get gym membership
Studio internship
Screen animation at film festival
Donate hair
Display artwork in gallery
0 notes
cvbucketlist-blog · 7 years
Bucketlist #025 - (135/312)
2017 GOALS
Art Gallery of Ontario
Toronto Islands
Ca Lem
Kampai Garden
Roll own sushi
Road trip 
Deep dish pizza
Bruce Peninsula
Cliff dive into water
Explore sea cave
Nuit Blanche
Catch ‘em all on Pokemon Go gen 1 (140/143)
Charcoal ice cream
Seven Lives
Famous Last Words
La Carnita
Koo Koo
The Black Hoof
Schlouppe Bistrot Nakamichi
La Betise
Le Mal Necessaire
Peameal bacon sandwich
Canal Lounge
Le Red Tiger
Sweet Jesus
Big In Japan Bar
Dine with a city view
Butter Avenue
Red Bench
Marche Atwater
Candi Bar
Mme Lee
Wooffles & Cream
Terrasse Bonsecours
Cafe du Monde (beignets!)
King cake
Garde Manger
Au Pied du Cochon
Deville Diner
Live octopus
Twisters (aka Los Pollos)
The Boiling Crab
Blackstrap BBQ
Wah Sing
Mon Ami fried chicken
Burger Priest
Mr. Puffs
Kensington market
Doughnut cone
Koa Lua
Brigade Pizzeria Napolitaine
The Lockhart
Randolph Pub Ludique
Thai style ice cream
The Halal Guys
Poop Cafe
Pumpkin spice latte
L’Avenue (+ check out bathroom)
Marche Jean Talon
Le Poke Bar
La Diperie
Creme des Neiges
Qing Hua dumplings
Cadbury creme egg mcflurry
Le Lab
Yokato Yokabai
Triple sake bomb
Shaved ice
Captain’s Boil
Have a huge turkey leg
Uncle Tetsu cheesecake
Home cooked dinner by candle light
Five Guys burgers
Bang Bang ice cream with HK egg waffle cone
Lola Rosa
Sour amaretto
La Belle et la Boeuf
Allo Mon Coco
Kinka Izakaya
Mochi ice cream
Snakes & Lattes
Cat cafe
Kem Coba
Kinton Ramen
In N Out
Montreal love sign
Watkins Glen State Park
Brooklyn bridge
Casa Loma
Canadian Rockies (Banff or Jasper National Park)
CN Tower edge walk
Go up the CN Tower
Costa Rica
Cinque Terre, Italy
Return to Florence
Climb Stairway to Heaven in Hawaii
Zion National Park, Utah
Travel to random location with no itinerary
Hike the Inca Trail
Spain (especially Park Guell)
Visit 6 continents (no Antarctica)
Study/work/volunteer abroad
Northern Lights
New Orleans
Go on a cruise
Sunset in Santorini
Gondola ride in Venice
Real sushi in Japan
Asia tour
Europe tour
Giant turtles on Galapagos Islands
LOTR areas in New Zealand
Watch a show in Vegas
Walk across the Golden Gate bridge in SF
Broadway musical in NYC
Scuba dive in Great Barrier Reef
Stroll through Central Park
Antelope Canyons, Arizona
Board down the Alps
Scarborough Bluffs
Humber bridge
Toronto sign at night
Albion falls in Hamilton
Brookfield Place
Diagon Alley
Fly by myself
Hike Dundas Peak
Ripley’s Aquarium
Disneyland LA
Walk of Fame in LA
Cable car in San Francisco
Disneyworld Orlando
Drink Butterbeer at Wizarding World of HP
Make pretty macarons
Take cooking class
Cook a really mean steak
Curl own hair nicely
Bike.. properly (this is embarrassing)
Dance (ballroom, latin and contemporary, a little bit of hip hop)
Sewing basics
Make pie from scratch
Make pizza from scratch (bonus: try to throw it in the air)
Hot air balloon festival
Have surprise party thrown for me
Van Gogh exhibition
Choir Choir Choir
Watch ballet
LOTR in Concert
1920s party
Obstacle course race
Easter egg hunt
Scavenger hunt (bonus: picture scavenger hunt)
Throw successful surprise party
Floating lantern festival
Attend a legit masquerade ball
Disney on Ice
White party
Toga party
Throw big house party
Ugly Christmas sweater party
Attend a concert
Meet Us the Duo
Chihuly exhibition
Ottawa Tulip Festival
Toronto Christmas Market
Food truck festival
Paint Night
Zelda symphony
Color Me Rad
Tam Tams
Piknic Electronik
Watch a musical
Lion King the musical
New Year’s kiss
Bake birthday cake for someone
Cosplay at Comic Con
Cirque du Soleil
Pursuit OCR
Axe throwing
Partner yoga
Laser tag
Archery tag
Dragon boat
Jet ski
Stand up paddle board
Horseback riding
Huge snowball fight with forts
Bouldering/rock climbing
Bungee jump
Beach volleyball
Dog sled
Ice fishing
Go karting
Aerial yoga
Pole dancing
Water gun/water balloon fight
Escape room
Musical swings
Ride a camel
Be apart of human pyramid
Swim in deep fresh water cave
Be apart of flash mob
Skinny dip
Hide n seek in Ikea
Fish pedicure
Bathe an elephant
Take antique theme photo
Climb tall tree
Infinity pool
Tandem bike
Cross hanging bridge
Build elaborate sand castle
Do flip on trampoline
Swim with dolphins
Ceramic cafe
Pottery wheel
Fruit picking
Hold/pet tiger cub
Professional photoshoot
See cherry blossoms in full bloom
Sing at live karaoke bar
Mistletoe kiss
Attach lock of love
Catch bouquet at wedding
Get drawing done by artist
Go underneath/behind a waterfall
Gingerbread house
Carve pumpkin
Hike up mountain
Shoot a gun
Ride an elephant
Own 1861 dress
Sell piece of artwork
Make a singing/ukulele cover
Master the ukulele
Finish LOTR trilogy
Finish Millennium books
Have a table at a convention
Send postcard to PostSecret
Weigh at least 110 lbs
Donate blood
Watch all the Oscar’s best pictures (24/90)
Play Kingdom Hearts
Beat Twilight Princess
Be a bridesmaid
Adopt a puppy
Try watercolor
Obtain driver’s license
Reread The Little Prince
Design business cards
Make own website for artwork/portfolio/demo reel
Dye hair
Own ugly Christmas sweater
Make Facebook art page
Get celebrity’s autograph
Go to movies alone
Get gym membership
Studio internship
Screen animation at film festival
Donate hair
Display artwork in gallery
0 notes
cvbucketlist-blog · 7 years
Bucketlist #022 - (127/303)
2017 GOALS
Kampai Garden 
Bruce Peninsula
Scarborough Bluffs
Cliff dive into water
Throw big house party
Art Gallery of Ontario
Nuit Blanche 
Catch ‘em all on Pokemon Go gen 1 (134/143)
Burger Priest
Mr. Puffs
The Black Hoof
Schlouppe Bistrot Nakamichi
La Betise
Le Mal Necessaire
Peameal bacon sandwich
Canal Lounge
Ca Lem
Le Red Tiger
Sweet Jesus
Big In Japan Bar
Dine with a city view
Butter Avenue
Red Bench
Marche Atwater
Candi Bar
Mme Lee
Wooffles & Cream
Terrasse Bonsecours
Cafe du Monde (beignets!)
King cake
Garde Manger
Wah Sing
Au Pied du Cochon
Deville Diner
Live octopus
Twisters (aka Los Pollos)
The Boiling Crab
Blackstrap BBQ
Kensington market
Doughnut cone
Koa Lua
Brigade Pizzeria Napolitaine
The Lockhart
Randolph Pub Ludique
Thai style ice cream
The Halal Guys
Poop Cafe
Pumpkin spice latte
L’Avenue (+ check out bathroom)
Marche Jean Talon
Le Poke Bar
La Diperie
Creme des Neiges
Qing Hua dumplings
Cadbury creme egg mcflurry
Le Lab
Yokato Yokabai
Triple sake bomb
Shaved ice
Captain’s Boil
Have a huge turkey leg
Uncle Tetsu cheesecake
Home cooked dinner by candle light
Five Guys burgers
Bang Bang ice cream with HK egg waffle cone
Lola Rosa
Sour amaretto
La Belle et la Boeuf
Allo Mon Coco
Kinka Izakaya
Mochi ice cream
Snakes & Lattes
Cat cafe
Kem Coba
Kinton Ramen
In N Out
Montreal love sign
Watkins Glen State Park
Brooklyn bridge
Casa Loma
Toronto Islands
Canadian Rockies (Banff or Jasper National Park)
CN Tower edge walk
Go up the CN Tower
Costa Rica
Cinque Terre, Italy
Return to Florence
Climb Stairway to Heaven in Hawaii
Zion National Park, Utah
Travel to random location with no itinerary
Hike the Inca Trail
Spain (especially Park Guell)
Visit 6 continents (no Antarctica)
Study/work/volunteer abroad
Road trip
Northern Lights
New Orleans
Go on a cruise
Sunset in Santorini
Gondola ride in Venice
Real sushi in Japan
Asia tour
Europe tour
Giant turtles on Galapagos Islands
LOTR areas in New Zealand
Watch a show in Vegas
Walk across the Golden Gate bridge in SF
Broadway musical in NYC
Scuba dive in Great Barrier Reef
Stroll through Central Park
Antelope Canyons, Arizona
Board down the Alps
Humber bridge
Toronto sign at night
Albion falls in Hamilton
Brookfield Place
Diagon Alley
Fly by myself
Hike Dundas Peak
Ripley’s Aquarium
Disneyland LA
Walk of Fame in LA
Cable car in San Francisco
Disneyworld Orlando
Drink Butterbeer at Wizarding World of HP
Roll own sushi
Make pretty macarons
Take cooking class
Cook a really mean steak
Curl own hair nicely
Bike.. properly (this is embarrassing)
Dance (ballroom, latin and contemporary, a little bit of hip hop)
Sewing basics
Make pie from scratch
Make pizza from scratch (bonus: try to throw it in the air)
Hot air balloon festival
Have surprise party thrown for me
Van Gogh exhibition
Choir Choir Choir
Watch ballet
LOTR in Concert
1920s party
Obstacle course race
Easter egg hunt
Scavenger hunt (bonus: picture scavenger hunt)
Throw successful surprise party
Floating lantern festival
Attend a legit masquerade ball
Disney on Ice
White party
Toga party
Ugly Christmas sweater party
Attend a concert
Meet Us the Duo
Chihuly exhibition
Ottawa Tulip Festival
Toronto Christmas Market
Food truck festival
Paint Night
Zelda symphony
Color Me Rad
Tam Tams
Piknic Electronik
Watch a musical
Lion King the musical
New Year’s kiss
Bake birthday cake for someone
Cosplay at Comic Con
Cirque du Soleil
Axe throwing
Partner yoga
Laser tag
Archery tag
Dragon boat
Jet ski
Stand up paddle board
Horseback riding
Huge snowball fight with forts
Bouldering/rock climbing
Bungee jump
Beach volleyball
Dog sled
Ice fishing
Go karting
Aerial yoga
Pole dancing
Water gun/water balloon fight
Escape room
Musical swings
Ride a camel
Be apart of human pyramid
Explore sea cave
Swim in deep fresh water cave
Be apart of flash mob
Skinny dip
Hide n seek in Ikea
Fish pedicure
Bathe an elephant
Take antique theme photo
Climb tall tree
Infinity pool
Tandem bike
Cross hanging bridge
Build elaborate sand castle
Do flip on trampoline
Swim with dolphins
Ceramic cafe
Pottery wheel
Fruit picking
Hold/pet tiger cub
Professional photoshoot
See cherry blossoms in full bloom
Sing at live karaoke bar
Mistletoe kiss
Attach lock of love
Catch bouquet at wedding
Get drawing done by artist
Go underneath/behind a waterfall
Gingerbread house
Carve pumpkin
Hike up mountain
Shoot a gun
Ride an elephant
Try watercolor
Own 1861 dress
Sell piece of artwork
Make a singing/ukulele cover
Master the ukulele
Finish LOTR trilogy
Finish Millennium books
Have a table at a convention
Send postcard to PostSecret
Weigh at least 110 lbs
Donate blood
Watch all the Oscar’s best pictures (24/90)
Play Kingdom Hearts
Beat Twilight Princess
Be a bridesmaid
Adopt a puppy
Obtain driver’s license
Reread The Little Prince
Design business cards
Make own website for artwork/portfolio/demo reel
Dye hair
Own ugly Christmas sweater
Make Facebook art page
Get celebrity’s autograph
Go to movies alone
Get gym membership
Studio internship
Screen animation at film festival
Donate hair
Display artwork in gallery
0 notes
weddingwade3 · 7 years
Excalibur Hotel And Casino-Vegas Fun For The Family
Check out more on our website Private Homes For Rent For Weddings
If you are harboring thoughts of bringing the family for a Las Vegas vacation, then perhaps you should seriously consider a stay at Excalibur Hotel and Casino. This hotel will have you feeling as though you've stepped into the fairy tales of your childhood. From the moment you cross the threshold from the outside world to the charmed existence of life in the hotel you will find that you have truly been charmed and are leading a somewhat enchanted existence.
Not only is there the magnificent casino to enjoy, there is also the wonderful pool, links golf, the castle walk for your shopping pleasure, and the midway where you can play all kinds of fun and exciting arcade and carnival games. Perhaps one of the most memorable and impressive of offerings is the Tournament of Kings dinner show. This show is offered nightly at 6:00 and 8:30 and you will eat in the manner of those in medieval times, without utensils while watching the evil wizard Mordred as he invades the evening festivities. This show is quite enjoyable and relies heavily upon audience participation.
Dining in the hotel and casino can be quite the adventure without the assistance of horses and actors as there are several dining options including the Roundtable Buffet, The Steakhouse at Camelot, Regale Italian Eatery, Sherwood Forest Cafe, and how could we forget Sir Galahad's Pub and Prime Rib House?
If you're looking for the fairytale wedding of your dreams, then Excalibur has the package for you. You can even elect to rent medieval costumes in which to get married. There are many different packages available to fit various budgets and wedding needs. Wedding packages vary in price from around $ 400 plus $ 55 for the cost of the minister to around $ 1575 plus the cost of the minister. These are all rather basic packages and do not include extras such as costume rentals, extra poses for the wedding photos, or video and candle services.
Before your big day make sure you make liberal use of the spa services available at Excalibur Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Of course this is a great idea even if you are just hoping to relax while on vacation. You remember relaxation right? That is what you did on occasion before you had children. You should definitely get the royal treatment that is available through the spa and enjoy every minute of your visit. Some of the spa services offered at Excalibur include: facials, wraps, Aveda facials, and various massages. There are add on services that can be purchased and packages available. This is a great way to spend an hour or three before your big day or any day.
Once you've finished getting pampered at the spa, step on over to Kristina's Salon and get primped. You can enjoy everything from manicures to full service hair styling services. Whether you are preparing for your big day and saying "I do!" or simply for a romantic evening on the strip this is a great place to begin.
Excalibur also offers full service catering and convention services. Whether you are hosting a wedding reception or a company convention we have the facilities as well as the expertise to keep everything operating seamlessly behind the scenes so that all eyes will be on the things that are important. Projections and profits for the corporate conventions and the bride and groom for wedding receptions.
Excalibur Hotel Casino can meet almost any lodging and accommodation needs for those staying and playing in Las Vegas, more than that we can provide a great 'fairy tale' atmosphere for your family vacation or just your big trip in general. If you haven't given proper consideration to the idea of staying here during your visit, I highly encourage that you do-especially if you have a little princess in your party that you are trying to impress.
We're a resource site for those looking for travel advice or need travel tips . Visit us or check out our travel articles.
Learn More Here: Excalibur Hotel And Casino-Vegas Fun For The Family
0 notes