novahospitallko · 1 year
Things to Avoid After Cervical Cerclage
Following a cervical cerclage procedure, ladies need to stay away from the things listed below:
Strenuous physical activities, including jogging or heavy lifting, might place an undue strain on the cervix and raise the risk of problems.
Reason: Following cervical cerclage, it's necessary to avoid certain activities that could place physical strain on the cervix, raising the possibility of problems and jeopardizing the procedure's success. Running or lifting weights are examples of severe physical activity that might cause the cervix to open early, resulting in premature labour or miscarriage.
Prolonged standing or sitting can also put a strain on the cervix, producing pain and raising the chance of problems.
Sexual activity should be avoided for at least two weeks after the operation to allow the cervix to heal and limit the risk of infection.
Reason: Having sex too soon after the operation increases the risk of infection and can result in bleeding.
Furthermore, the physical strain of sexual activity might cause the cervix to open too early, which can result in preterm labour or miscarriage.
Long-distance travel can be exhausting and raise the likelihood of blood clots, which is harmful after cervical cerclage. Women should stay away from long journeys and, if required, consult their doctor about the most secure way.
Reason: The risk of problems following cervical cerclage is further increased by long-distance travel. On long flights or vehicle trips, sitting for an extended period can lead to severe blood clots.
 After a cervical cerclage, women who need to travel should consult their doctor to suggest the best mode of transportation and take any necessary safety measures, such as walking around or using compression stockings.
Long periods of standing or sitting might strain the cervix, so it's crucial to take frequent breaks and move about as much as you can.
Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol since they may delay recovery and raise the possibility of infection and other problems.
Reason: Smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided after cervical cerclage since they can slow healing and raise the risk of infection and other problems. Women who smoke or drink should speak with their doctor about ways to stop or cut back on their consumption.
It's crucial to carefully adhere to the doctor's instructions and take any medication provided to ensure a speedy recovery. Get cervical cerclage therapy and support from the best gynaecology hospital in Lucknow, especially if you have a history of cervical incompetence or early birth.
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