#Probably my last Necrom gifset
blighted-elf · 8 months
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The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom - Scenery 3/?
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reactionjournal · 4 years
Mandalorian S1 Catchup
I’ve been on this same damn episode for like a year it feels like. Probably literally. (I think I only got Disney+ in like August? but it’s been queued since I watched 105 a year ago)
Oh my god though the trick of slipping the tracking beacon onto Qin was incredible. Also I love baby yoda (whose name I know but don’t canonically know yet so here we are) trying to force...(???) push that person aiming the gun at him and just glancing down at his hand like, “Huh?” when Mando (I also know HIS name but again, canonically I don’t yet soooo)
“I told you that was a bad idea.” He says to the baby 😭
I love how much fun it feels like they’re having in this weird bar fight the lady is in? I don’t remember her name. 
“He’s not a local warrior. He’s Imperial.” “I’m in.” Wow I love her all over again.
Really interested in IG-11. It feels like necromancy to raise a destroyed robot and seat a new consciousness and programming? “Droids are not good or bad, they are neutral impressions of those who imprint them.” Is fascinating in the context of what I just said. Also... conceptually - this is gonna be me on my bullshit for a minute I just paused.
Conceptually how different is it to allow a new consciousness to be housed in your body when you’re dead than, say, donating your organs? Because I don’t know that there is a difference? Like obviously if there were a protocol for that they would have said it, but just as a hypothetical I think if I was a robot I’d want that? The only thing that I would stipulate is like, needing some very visible changes to my chassis so as not to hurt my loved ones when they see a new pilot behind my eyes. There are a lot of ways robots can have religion, but I think that would be the foundation of mine. Might be the foundation of mine for Turn Your Gays.
Okay, resumption.
“When you worked for the Empire?” “When I was SOLD to the Empire!” Is. Wow. This. TMG: Things will shortly get completely out of hand/I can feel it in the rotten air tonight
“Imps” as an abbreviation of Imperials is interesting
I know this is SW but why is everyone such a terrible shot in this campfire scene?
“He’s trying to eat me” oh my god
hey I’m sorry does this baby have Force Heal? I know I’m like fifty five years late to this party, but!!!!
Okay I’m sorry!!! He did a spinning dual-pistol killshot on two separate targets and they couldn’t hit one bird with like god 100 rounds of blaster fire? I...I mean it’s COOL I’m just so confused about how blasters work. It was cool though he gets this one.
Wow this is a terrible plan, I love it.
“I’ll give you 20 credits for the helmet.” Fuck the plan I’ll hunt that guy.
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I know I can’t read EVERYTHING as Indigenous but this man is a colonizer. I know he’s also an Imperial and that’s like already part and parcel but listen. 
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oh. yeah no I was just right, huh.
well he’s dead, that’s nice. It’s too bad they’re in a fucking Magnificent Seven/Seven Samurai style western shootout now!
Also I don’t like that whoever called that guy was like, “You should check [if you have the child] again” before opening fire. That’s a bad look OH SHIT THAT’S A TIE FIGHTER AHHHHHHHHH
Wow speeder bikes look as cool as they are deathtraps.
wow that’s a sith. 
IS THAT GIANCARLO ESPOSITO? I think I knew he was in this at one point but I forgot, fuck
Oh no Kuiil 😭😭😭
Oh my god this like... mundane conversation between the troopers who stole the baby. I needed this after that last thing.IG-11!!!!!!!!!!! IG-11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ST1: Aren’t IGs usually hunters? ST2, dismissively: Well, this one’s a nurse. I’m sorry, Nurse, but, you’re gonna have to get out of here.
“Night of a Thousand Tears” is...I don’t like that. I’m not gonna google it until later tho.
I appreciate how different this Giancarlo character is from Gus Fring.
“Mandalorian isn’t a race. It’s a Creed.” I assume that’s on a lot of gifsets? It’s a strong thing. Also it goes against the whole concept of Blood Quantum and Degree of Indian Blood etc which is a slow genocide in our world so! I’m for it!
Me: I’m not a gun guy Din, walking through a door with excellent gunmanship Me, sweating: don’t look at me
Wow Giancarlo is a fucking cool character. Two shots: One, a headshot on Din, two, a shot at the fucking generator for the E-Web. If he was an X-Com character I’d go, “Oh you’re my fucking MAIN character now!”
oh SHIT that painted fucking FLAME UNIT YO I know that’s the enemy but YO
Wow the baby just fucking sending the flame back. I....can Jedi do that? Is that why I never see flamethrowers? Because everyone is like, “uhhh HAHA fuck that there’s a Jedi”
IG-11 staying with Din 😭😭😭😭
Me, looking away when Din’s helmet comes off: no I can’t, it’s disrespectful. 
“No. Its kind were enemies. This individual is not.” Is so powerful it makes me want to CRY. No wait I am crying. It’s so... I. I think it’s the secret, close-knit sects and the raw pragmatism that makes me identify with them? (Pragmatism is for the marginalized and the oppressed.) And just. The concept of like... not being able to afford to treat people who resemble those who did you wrong as enemies. Not having the luxury of that is so. God. 
Also I want to hear the songs about the Jedi and Mandalore the Great
“You expect me to search this galaxy for the home of this creature and deliver it to a race of enemy sorcerers?” “This is the Way.” God. 
😭😭The mudhorn as a signet!!! “You are a clan of two”!!!!
Me, watching this Mandalorian forger fight with hammers and seeing her fucking SHATTER the armor of these stormtroopers and just thinking of that damn shitpost about warhammers being to, “crack the shell and get to the juicy knight meat inside.”
Anyway she’s rad as hell.
omg this fuckin ferry droid that looks like an astromech with arms and legs is killing me
wow IG-11 no....
Wow Din being sad...nooooo
DIN: I’m not...sad IG-11: Yes, you are. I’m a nurse droid. I analyzed your voice.
Noooo IG-11 😭😭
“I’m out of ideas.” DIN: I’m not ME: DIN THAT’S NOT AN IDEA BUD THAT’S-...well it worked out I guess..........
“And now that the scum and villainy have been washed away...” HEY HE SAID IT HE SAID THE THING
“You will have the pick of all quarries.” “I’m afraid I’m a dad now.” sorry is that not what happened? That’s what I heard.
Ohhh Giancarlo Esposito is back with a darksaber. Is that the first darksaber on screen? DIRECTED BY TAIKA WAITITI??? WAIT WHAT
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