#Promotional SMS In Saudi Arabia
romuya-bulksms · 2 years
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You can ping me if you need it.
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newblog12 · 2 years
SMS Marketing Saudi Arabia | Promotional SMS | Promotional Bulk SMS
Promotional Bulk SMS Service Allows You To Promote Your Brand With SMS Marketing In Saudi Arabia & Connect With Your Customers Through Best Promotional SMS
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I would think that SM Entertainment would be focusing more on The USA market. I’m confused as to why Lee Soo Man is in Saudi Arabia with BoA. Like what are you trying to create. Does Saudi Arabia even have a music market? Do they have singers? Cause I thought that type of stuff went against their precious religion. I don’t like this and it concerns me a lot. Don’t mix K-pop with Muslims. That religion is something else. This scares me. I don’t want NCT, Shinee and any other group involved in anything going on in that country. I would worry about their safety. I am surprised that BoA was even there. Cause that country is not very welcoming towards women. I just don’t understand what Lee Soo Man is doing. It’s like he keeps going backwards and not forwards. 
A kpop group would NOT be able to function in Saudi Arabia and a Saudi citizen would never be able to function in a kpop group. So why are you in that damn country? I also know that SM Entertainment is going through some financial shit and the idea of them taking money from the Saudi Government, is scary. Cause the next thing you know, NCT members will be out her promoting Islam. 
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isitandwonder · 4 years
Hi. Did you, at some point, believe in Charmie and A&T relationship? Because you have written so superb fics bout them (dont mentioning looot of sex between them in those fics 😊 ). And now it looks like you are quite disgusted by charmie fandom and also by Armie too.. So when did you change your mind (if there of course was any changing of mind)?
Hi nonnie!
I think I talked about this before but anyway...
Yes, at some point at the end of 2017/beginning of 2018 when the promo was in full swing, I did believe there was/had been something happening between these two.
What started to change my mind though was in February 2018 when they returned to Crema and Liz was there and said they made Ford there (I remember we discussed her being at almost every awards red carpet and promo event before, as some kind of no homo device)... I was so confused. This couldn’t be right! T & A had been hanging out all by themselves during the filming, they’d been the only two English speaking people in town (lol, sorry, but Crema is not a small Sicilian village in the 1950s, I’ve been there), they’d bonded deeply... they told us all about  that!
I’m still grateful to the person pointing out that Liz and Harper had been there most of the filming... then gradually more and more ‘came to light’: that Will had been there before filming, that Tim had hung out with some locals (even a kind of gf was mentioned), stuff like that. That started to burst my bubble.
I confess, I had a shit day accepting that it had all been a fantasy because at that point they seemed so cute and right together. They sold that pretty well and I’m not mad at them - it was me who got in too deep, they just promoted their film. And wasn’t it easy to see all these bluring lines and believe in them?
Anyway, once you see the ‘cracks’ you start to question and see more. Things like Armie cancelling the Asia promo tour; saying he ‘sucked dick on film’, reducing cmbyn to THAT.
So I accepted it had been just a fantasy, but still shipped them as in ‘I like to imagine them together though I know it’s not real’. That’s were most of my fics come from, because these stories are pure fiction; I made it all up.
I think then came TIFF and those IG stories - they were clearly taking the piss at shippers, but in a kind way, saying ‘we know what’s going on and don’t mind’. What secret couple posts such stories, I ask you? So I felt validated in my shipping because they were okay with it.
When did I fall out of love with Armie though? I think it started right after the Oscars with above mentioned incidents. He was never my type anyway, I’m all here for the twinks :). He really only does things for me in the contrast he provides to Tim. 
But then I learned more and more about him. His weird family. The way he was okay with how Liz pimped out their kids on her IG (because, come on, if a father doesn’t want that he can make it stop. Now it looks like he used Liz to sell the image of the perfect American family). His fights and ramblings on social media.
I still truly think there was a window for him that he could have used to stear his life and career in a different direction. I still believe cmbyn was a huge formative experience for him. For a while, something changed. Maybe it was all PR bla bla, but maybe not. He dared to accept a stage role after it. He made STBY, which I haven’t seen but people say he was very good in. But then he fell back into old patterns.
I became indifferent to Armie. But then he went to Saudi Arabia. And that was it. I can’t support someone who does what he did. Oliver would at least be whipped there, if not executed; Armie is a gay icon after portraying that beloved character. That’s a responsibility. All he had to do was not go to SA. I don’t expect big political statements - but why did he go there for a government event? Sorry, that was the final nail to the coffin.
But, you know, I still could ignore him. I followed Tim who is goofy and kind and weirdly smart and a great actor. I confess, I speculated about his sexuality (always traveling with male friends, no gf, taking his mum or sister to awards) - but then the Lily thing started - and I was happy for him. Someone his age, who knows about life in the limelight, with whom he could share his life.
And that’s when shit hit the fan. You know, I don’t know either Armie or Tim and what they do has no real influence on my life. But I knew a lot of people on here. I’d been with cmabn since 2017; I’ve written some well liked stories. But suddenly many people I used to have fun with, I thought were my friends, for which I wrote stories - they totally freaked out and behaved abysmal. They sent hate to Tim, to fellow fans. They bullied people really badly on here. Many deleted stories or blogs. And the worst was - these mutuals of mine thought that funny. They were proud of their shitty behavior. They started to scream at anyone doubting Tim was gay and in love with Armie. I got death threats for pointing out that maybe T&A played their friendship up a bit during cmbyn promo.
And almsot no one stopped these people destroying what had been a fun small fandom. Almost no one said to these people ‘Calm down, stop it’. Instead, these people, who used to be my mutuals, congratulated themselves on how efficiently they harrassed Tim on IG and fellow fans on here. I remember a person who told me to my face they loved me first ridiculing Tim and in the end sending vile hate to me.
That’s why I can’t support Charmie any longer. Because of these scumbags of fans. Hating on Tim is one thing, he has people working for him, sadly, these things happen to anyone in the industry. But hating on fellow fans just because some don’t follow a certain narrative BNFs made up? That, to me, is unforgivable.
Therefore, I now delight in how their King Armie is exposed as just another straight white man, cheating on his wife (and maybe doing worse). He debased himself going to SA, and I really don’t know how people who profess to love cmbyn and it’s message can still support him after that. Then he showed his privileged white ass during quarantine. And now those Biden tweets.
I know many on here just ignore these things. I can’t do that. I can’t forget what he did. I can’t support someone like that, who has no principles, either privately or politically (and maybe even sexually assaulted a woman).
And what really did it for me is that Armie can do all these despicable things and people still love and defend him him (a grown man and father of 33) - while Tim just has some gfs, or buys bagels, or carries his guitar - and people ridicule and hate and cancel him for it.
He did nothing wrong despite not living up to the narrative some very rude people who don’t know him wrote for him! But suddenly he’s the whipping boy for them. Because he’s into girls (like Armie, btw).
I just can’t with that. I can’t with the hate spread on here. I can’t with the motives showing behind this narrative, the sexism, the homophobia, the misogyny, the racism... I have to laugh when I read the eulogies some write here about the deep, true, pure, everlasting love between A&T that will win in the end (sorry, I’m not 13 anymore, and neither are the people who write this); I also can’t with the ideas of fucking someone so hard for real they can’t walk anymore (fic is different from reality, you know). It is either pathetic, embarrassing, or truly disturbing.
And I really, really hate these people breaking the fourth wall. You NEVER tweet to the actors about your conspiracy theories! You never harrass them on SM! You never insult their friends, business partners, SOs. And you don’t, never, ever bully some small local businesses during an economic crisis because they dared to burst your bubble.
If you support Charmie - you support this behavior. I don’t. And as being quiet has only led to the assholes taking over - I now try a different strategy. If people don’t like it they can unfollow.
Sorry, these last few days have shown just how unhinged some Charmies are. I know some had planned actions against Tim at The King red carpet in London (and thankfully didn’t realize them). I really don’t put it past some of them to now truly become violent against Tim at some event, in the name of the greater good of Charmie. They are completely bonkers.
I’ve seen threats against me and others in different forums as well. People want to make us pay for what we did (like, what did we do?). People call for their followers to take action against us. I have no idea what they will or can do, as I’ve lost so much within this fandom already (fics, followers, friends) but as they are truly mental I expect the worst. It’s not that I’m afraid but it’s still a weird feeling to see people talk about you like this... because you don’t like an actor. Or don’t think he’s gay...
Yeah, so, that was surely more than you bargained for.
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dojae-huh · 4 years
1 - With america, I'm still not sure they will let kpop become mainstream in their own country Or even let it be a popular genre. Lets see america fall for something else other than BTS, I remember wonder girls, boa and Bi (rain) being popular enough for the Hollywood actors to talk abt them in late 2000 and early 2010s but the hype died before they could make a real dent. America is very racist when it comes to music and only let's a genre get hyped for a small period of time.
2 - look at the way Latin music and artists were treated in early 2000s and are treated now in America. Their fanbase hasnt died down but they are never on the charts now or get the hype anymore. This is why I was saying western market is very fickle and sm has always wanted to break markets that buy everything for a long time. They womt stop their idols from being pushed in america but idols like exo who didnt feel comfortable, werent forced to go on to America as much as NCT.
3 - SEA fans would not only have been loyal fans of kpop but most SM idols. Suju is the biggest example of an idol group doing well even when they're so much older now. China still is in love with gd and exo... so yes I do think that sm wont dislike having idols working in America but for them as a company asia and asia Pacific are more important than america market, they dont even think Europe was important before the nct 127 tour.
4 - Russia, middleeast and south asian markets are also being experimented with. Suju was one of the first boybands ever to perform in Saudi Arabia and last few years UAE has become a favourite spot for videos of SM idols and also a place where theyve performed more times than theyve ever done before. So I still think asia is the focus for sm...
Of course Asia is more important, it’s only natural. However, SM does everything to be high on Billboard, so don’t understimate its interest. 
Shakira and J Lo are still doing very well. Check the yearly concert yearnings. Mainstream - no, but it’s enough to make a certain amount of teens and young adults interested, they’ll spread it further. Kpop is not played on radio/TV in Russia, but there are hundred thousands of fans, who make their own communities on social media. 
SM’s end goal is to sell the technology of training/performance/promotion. The faces can be white. The music is written by international plethora of writers anyway, it has new quality (the mix of genres), but not a local “alien” sound.  
And look at the countries where songs trend. A group might never give a concert in a certain country, but will be able to sell digital albums. Everyone has a phone now. Most with the internet. TV or the radio don’t matter as much.  
Side note, but I’ve remembered Mongolia. A big country with a small population. Teens copy everything Korean, and their pop-groups are also a copy of k-pop. Hm, I see they have improved.
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sameer243-blog · 4 years
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Promotional sms services are used to deliver the messages to your customers regarding your business promotion, offer, discounts and more. Saudi bulk sms is optimized to target your customers and boost up your business. We give you the leverage of sending millions of messages everyday to any segment of Saudi Arabia for bulk sms marketing. It increases your brand value and so do your customers trust on your products and services.On that account it is a powerful tool that generate leads for you cost effectively. We have the best techno savvy features and faster communicational arrangements programme to lift up your business. You can interact with your customers easily through your excel sheet directly. Get to know more about us through our website.
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haus-of-wu · 5 years
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not gonna lie - me finally getting around to making part 2 is bc kangin’s departure has me going through some shit so i figured we all needed some nostalgia
also a number of y’all vaguely requested / shamed me in the tags to do this for the other members
(@SM: please let there be a OT15 talk/variety show special for their 15th anniversary, just to get the whole crew together to talk about the good times, i’m begging you) 
if you want to know my deeper thoughts about scandals/departures, it’ll be below the cut
other SJ powerpoint memes by me: beginner’s guide to SJ part 1 / welcome back kyu
thesis statement:
SJ always talks about how they want to do a comeback with everybody, aka as many members as possible. they’re adults, they’re not naive, they know their members best. let them do a comeback with as many people as they want.
they’re adults, let them make their own decisions, and respect those decisions.
they didn’t thrive for 13+ years in the industry and make their own sublabel by mistake y’all, they know what they’re doing
about kangin:
yes, drinking and driving is a trash thing to do. it’s especially a garbage thing to do twice. thankfully no one was hurt, but to do the same thing twice in seven years isn’t a great track record.
being an idol is stressful - and there’s a number of healthy and unhealthy ways to cope with the pressure. alcohol is definitely one of them. i think the fact that both times kangin turned himself in to police says something about his character. it’s not like he thought he was above the law. he’s taken his punishment and feels regretful about these incidents.
given the number of rehab stints western artists go through, i’m not super shocked that this is something kangin struggled with. what i find scarier is that he didn’t feel like he had someone he could lean on to call to get him home.
alcohol misuse (i am refraining from saying abuse/addiction bc i don’t have enough information to feel confident in slapping a label on kangin) isn’t something you’re born with, it’s the result of a multitude of things/stressors happening in your life.
it pains me to see him leave SJ. i selfishly wish this decision had been made earlier. his last offense was in 2016 - it’s been three years of some of us ELF clinging onto a thread of hope that he’d be able to participate in activities again. i can only imagine that kangin has been going back in forth in his head for all this time wondering whether he should throw the towel in.
sad hours: seeing those photos of SJ holding each other at the airport when they found out kangin made that announcement is just...depressing - kudos to them for still being able to hold it together to slay in saudi arabia
about sungmin:
the tldr is the timing of sungmin’s relationship/marriage, and the way he went about it wasn’t great.
as i mentioned on the slide, whenever you start a romantic relationship with someone, you have to start playing the balancing game of spending time with your SO versus with your friends. in sungmin’s case, when friend time is also technically work time, this put a strain on the team dynamic.
especially when sungmin’s overall level of diligence/responsibility regarding SJ things began to drop, it’s understandable that the team started to become skeptical about saeun, marriage, and what not. they were rearranging entire promotion schedules for him. that’s not easy when the group is this big.
it definitely didn’t help when sungmin just went off and said something along the lines of “if you don’t want to support me anymore, i’m fine with it, you can leave” in response to haters telling him to leave SJ. definitely a move made in the heat of the moment, along with a number of other sorta petty moves that set off antis even more.
all this being said, it has been five years. the beginning of a romantic relationship is much more distracting/time consuming than being n years married. SJ has moved on, so why can’t the antis?
(hey, remember when sungmin showed up for kyuhyun’s pre-public service meal? remember how things were a-okay between the members in 2016 ?? it’s 2019 now guys come on)
about zhoumi and henry:
now that henry’s kinda YOLO’d off on his own, i have zero idea what the status of SJM is (SM, you can’t keep hiding zhoumi in the closet forever)
i really want an SJM comeback, but with 2/3 of the china crew gone, and sungmin’s nebulous status, it’s highly unlikely
:/ :/ keep doing your thing, i guess
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yellowpages243 · 4 years
Transactional Bulk  SMS is basically non-marketing automated text messages that are used to send OTP and other important informational messages regarding any products and services to support the customers. They are delivered to all the recipients irrespective of their opt-out status, this is the reason why all the banks use transactional SMS service. This exclusive feature of transactional SMS gives it an edge over other modes of SMS as the important details can be delivered at any time.
 They are delivered 24*7 with no time restriction. They have a rapid reach, they can be sent from one source to the other at a very fast pace.  There is no time lag i.e. they are delivered to the customers without any sort of delay. This is especially useful when urgent immediate information needs to be sent to the customers. They are often used for sending home delivery messages, hotel booking alerts, etc. 
There are innumerable ways in which transactional SMS can help you like you can update your clients about their orders, product launches, discount, promotions, and other important details with the help of bulk transactional SMS in a very short period of time to a large number of customers without any hassle.
Even different financial institutes can notify the customers about the account balance and you can inform them about other important details as well!
Using transactional bulk SMS  service a large number of educational institutes utilize these benefits for sending timely benefits to students and parents.
This service is often used in real estate and healthcare sectors. You can send text alerts for registrations, project details, business meeting details, property-related fairs, listings. In the healthcare sector also you can intimate the patients about appointments, preventive checkups, pending med claims, vaccination alerts, and more.
Transactional Bulk SMS is even used in the logistics and automobile industry, you can enhance the customer experience by keeping them informed about scheduled service, upcoming launches, and payment reminders. In the domain of logistics, you can provide timely and continuous information to drivers, delivery people, and customers. Transactional SMS has become popular lately. Transactional SMS UAE has been promoted by various companies.
Transactional bulk  SMS service is widely used all across the world. This service has benefitted a large number of firms and organizations by saving a lot of money that can be used for delivering other services to their customers. For an incredible service of Bulk Transactional SMS, you can take advantage of Saudi Bulk SMS. 
Saudi Bulk SMS providers have plenty of features that helps in sending transactional SMS in KSA. you can reach a wide set of audience anywhere in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Bulk SMS helps you in sending multiple SMS seamlessly without engaging any traffic. 
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armaan243-blog · 4 years
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Transactional SMS gateways are used to send non-promotional messages to customers from various industries and corporations to share mandatory and confidential information. Transactional SMSs consists of messages like OTPs, account information, EMI due dates, etc, Transactional bulk SMS services are for non-marketing purposes. These messages can be sent to the opt-out numbers also, anywhere in Saudi Arabia. Transactional SMSs consist of important details that are required for your clients and customers. Such messages need an immediate response so these bulk SMSs are basically automated or scheduled for a specific time. For example, when you register for something you immediately get a reply like ""we have received your request our team will contact you soon"". You can get the best transactional SMS service in Saudi by Saudi Bulk SMS that provides you multiple SMS features.
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kaif243-blog · 4 years
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Bulk SMS gateways are considered to be an effective and effortless medium of promotion and communication. For the firms and organizations, it makes it easier for them to reach out to the wide set of audiences at once in a fraction of second by sending them Bulk SMSs. Bulk SMS gateway service provider enables smooth access for you to interact with your customers easily by sending them SMS messages. Saudi Bulk SMS is one of the renowned bulk SMS gateway providers in Saudi Arabia that allows you to send a number of messages to as many customers or clients you want simultaneously. You can send promotional as well as transactional SMS to anywhere in Saudi Arabia flawlessly without emerging any traffic.
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speedysuitluminary · 4 years
Just like the term ‘promotional SMS’ defines itself, it is used for marketing and promotion through SMS messages sending to a large number of audiences. Bulk SMS marketing services are used for multipurpose, one of the major purposes is, sending messages to many customers for promotion of your services and businesses by sending them Promotional SMS.
For example, you can inform your customers about
the latest product, offers, and discounts by sending them promotional bulk SMS. bulk SMS marketing service is one of the easiest ways to communicate through all your customers for promotional activities. You
can send messages to as many people you want, on their mobile devices representing your business and services.
 Bulk SMS marketing service is taken to create more engagement with the customers for your product and services. Promotional SMS can be sent to all the mobile networks except the opt-out numbers.
Advantages of bulk SMS marketing services;
Do the promotion effectively and easily through promotional SMS
Through SMS you can interact with your customers anywhere in SAUDI
SMS marketing is affordable and you will get a cost-effective benefit
Connect your customers to you through Mobile devices
Enhancement in the visibility of your service and products to attract more customers
You can send as many SMSs you want just at one click
Grow your business and set higher standards
Achieve the target of the customers more than usual
As we all know sending SMS is the most reliable source for exchanging information. It is likely for a message to be seen by the people within 2 to 3 minutes of delivery. Promotional bulk SMS services take lesser investment and give long term benefits. Sending SMS is secured for Data communication. SMS marketing is useful for all the SMEs, shop owners, one-person companies, hotels, restaurants, and all the initial business setups to enhance their services and increase the customer rate.
Saudi promotional bulk SMS services is a renowned brand for SMS services. You can induce the Bulk SMS marketing service of Saudi bulk SMS at an affordable rate. When you contract with Saudi Bulk SMS, you get the liberty to choose the service in your way, composing SMS for marketing and other communication purposes.
We provide our customers with the leverage of;
Instant delivery of messages
Hundreds of messages per second
Immediate response for any bulk SMS marketing solution
Saves your precious time
Innovative and techno-savvy features
To do a reasonable and valuable bulk SMS marketing switch Saudi bulk SMS services. Send promotional SMS to your customers in any language you want to any location in Suadi Arabia. Saudi bulk SMS is a trustworthy company and has provided the bulk SMS service to multiple customers in Saudi with a satisfying response.
To take our service and to know more about the promotional bulk SMS services visit our website.
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daniyalk243-blog · 4 years
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Bulk SMS with sender ID helps the receiver to recognize the SMS sender. Sender ID is the name that appears on your phone screen while receiving a message. SMS sender ID in Saudi Arabia helps the industries in doing verified marketing, with the SMS Id your customers can easily recognize you and approach you for your goods and services. Bulk SMS with sender ID helps in doing an effective promotion while sending the message to a large number of audiences you can use Sender Id this will help you win the trust of the customers. Saudi Bulk SMS provides you the services of Sender ID  SMS so that you can win the trust of your customers and engage more customers for your services and products.
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majidalisbs · 4 years
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Get the best bulk SMS in KSA through Saudi Bulk SMS and send as many messages as you want.
In the region of Saudi Arabia, there are so many oil refinery industries established, for the promotion and marketing of the oil reserves, sending bulk SMS is the most effective way. With the help of the best SMS service provider in Saudi Arabia, you can do the promotion of your industries anywhere in Saudi Arabia. Bulk SMS business has been proven one of the most effective services to engage your customers and clients for your service by sending SMS in KSA. The industry owner either small or large can send as many SMSs they want through the best bulk SMS service provider in Saudi Arabia that is Saudi Bulk SMS. Saudi Bulk SMS provides excellent features and techno-savvy skills to send any type of messages locally or worldwide. We have the credibility of many customers and now it is your turn to take our service and do the promotion is the smartest way possible. Visit- https://saudibulksms.com/en/bulk-sms-saudi-arabia/
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coolvarunjain-blog · 4 years
SAUDI BULK SMS for bulk SMS services in SAUDI.
Bulk SMS is a large number of compiled messages that are sent to the mobile phones for promotion or marketing, in the name of the company it has been composed for. Precisely we can say it is a new way of business advertisement. SAUDI BULK SMS is one of the extensive bulk SMS service providers in Saudi.   https://saudibulksms.com/en/bulk-sms-saudi-arabia/ 
Keywords - Bulk SMS, Bulk SMS services
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bulksmsuaee-blog · 4 years
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Bulk SMS is the large number of compiled messages that are sent to the mobile phones for promotion or marketing, in the name of the company it has been composed for. Precisely we can say it is a new way of business advertisement. SAUDI BULK SMS is one of the extensive bulk SMS service providers in Saudi. We provide an instant service of bulk SMS to any media, banks, enterprises etc. Bulk SMS service is now essential for every industry as it helps to connect large number of customers at once through message. It becomes easier to convey the message of any offer, information, marketing etc, if the SMSs are composed in an organised way. We provide you an easy and affordable way of SMS service which reaches an immense number of Target customers. 
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abdulhaqposts-blog · 4 years
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Promotional SMS Promote your business or a brand by using our promotional bulk SMS. Saudi bulk SMS is the best promotional SMS service provider in Saudi Arabia. https://saudibulksms.com/en/promotional-sms-services-saudi/ Promotional SMS service, Promotional bulk SMS
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