greenrich · 1 year
Happy Independence Day!
May this Independence Day bring forth a brighter and greener future for our nation. Let's celebrate not just our freedom, but also our commitment to preserving and nurturing our environmen
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The Dagga Couple describe how legalization could look in South Africa
Lets imagine for a moment that legalizing Cannabis in South Africa was a possible reality in the next 6 years.
Whether you are for or against this controversial intoxicant, it might be worth looking into the many studies available clarifying a substantial amount of data in Cannabis' favour. 
Digital Weed News went to find out about the Dagga Couple's fundraiser in Newtown, Johannesburg, this coming weekend. Their 420 D Day will take place on April 16 2016 at Carfax and will have live music, food and gear. We’ll be there persuading you all to share your #daggastories a little differently. The day is very much about celebrating Cannabis for the culture and fun of it - not exclusively under the banner of Medical Marijuana.
In what turned out to be an all round look at Cannabis culture, I thought the evening gave me my first logical capture of what seems like a future well on it's way to becoming a reality, but not without a unique set of challenges and advantages.
After some discussion it was easy to agree that South Africa does not have the same problems that Colorado has had and we probably won't share the extreme success. We are not the same as the European nor the Uruguayan models. Looking at what has happened in Canada where their Liberal government recently campaigned to be voted in based on their promise to legalize Cannabis,things don’t go the way we always hope they might. After less than half year period under Justin Trudeau's leadership, 26 000 people in Canada are reported to have been arrested on Cannabis charges because nothing has changed of the active laws that govern in this regard, including long time respected Cannabis activist Dana Larson, just this week, for his #overgrowCanada campaign. Of course a spokesperson for the government was reported to say that this could be sorted out but not sooner that 2017. Hey, I'm not here to judge, but these are the realities governments face. UNGASS, the UN Gerneral Assembly Special Session on drugs is taking place in New York next week and the US has to face that state level Cannabis law changes are putting the geriatric drug war on discussion with a twist. Is it not true that the USA has campaigned hard against drugs including Marijuana? Now perhaps the discussion can be resolved with global precedents giving more countries a path forward. 
Back to our evening with the Dagga Couple. Jules had some pretty relevant ideas that were well worth sharing with our local culture. “Why not give us a moratorium, a 365 day period to show them the sky won't fall down?" he offered jovially. But more seriously, he went on to suggest a designated urban street area as an example that evoked visions of beautifully lit coffee shops and a friendly mix of people enjoying weed peacefully with a variety of entertainment to suit,. "A greenzone" Buzz from Below the Lion added. Jules wrote off a referendum, citing mere mortals too low in the money that it takes to organise such a direct interact with the public.
The subject of licensing featured too and thanks to Myrtle I had some lens twisting focus correction on the blurred rumours I had heard. As I understood her logical clarification of a none-sensible topic, medical Marijuana will have to go through the standard quality control and potency testing I would expect any medicine to have. However, licenses are not going to be dished out to favoured applicants by gatekeepers as imagined. It was interesting to me from Myrtle's account too that hemp is not the easy to grow crop I had thought. She shared with us that as she understood it, a successful Hemp trial had been conducted in SA but results had not been released to date. My take home from the legalization discussion was loud and clear when it came to how we could bridge current prohibition with legalization. It is a call to end the arrests of crime free citizens.
 Cannabis users are not criminals and the huge numbers of arrests being made that don’t serve and protect the community are terrible. I heard about an otherwise crime free woman who was locked up with hardened criminals in Pollsmoor Maximum Security Prison in Cape Town over a weekend for two grams of weed. We heard about a collection that was made for a family man who had been locked up for four months because he could not afford his bail of R1500 for a small quantity of weed; that is just over $100.
Look, either you are ashamed to use Cannabis or not, but being proud of using excessive power over people who pose no measurable threat can't be in our Ubuntu nature.
The Dagga Couple are launching their latest campaign to bring people out of the fear they have about being known to use Cannabis, and to come out as #proudlygreen
Support initiatives to stop wasting time on processing Cannabis arrests and support education about the benefits Cannabis offers. Digital Weed News will be at the Dagga couple's event celebrating Cannabis Culture. It's their 420 D Day fundraiser for the Trial of the Plant; their challenge on the law that prohibits Cannabis use as unconstitutional. Go see their case timeline and useful information and initiatives under their NGO Fileds of Green for All. Their website is www.daggacouple.co.za
Also listen to our podcast with the DC and main sponsors herehttps://m.soundcloud.com/vivienne-brown-2/420-d-dayepisode-3-or-4
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