#Pterrodax Mount
Finally got the 1 in 2500 drop chance pterrodax egg from bfa. Took about 1k kills, and it’s like a month of dailies to raise the thing, but only 11 mounts (once the dailies are done) away from the 500 mount achievement
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retrohearts-gaming · 5 years
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Kua'fon 🍃
Bugged quest chain finally fixed.
30 day quest took 40 (bugged)
I'm beyond happy I will never have to do these quest's again!
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zandaliciious · 4 years
general –
height: on the shorter side of zandalari “average” weight: living the life he has, izzi has become mainly bulk and muscle, meaning he’s a bit heavier than the defined “average” for his race. ethnicity: zandalari troll occupation: farmer, beast handler, bow-for-hire gender: male sexual identification:  demisexual romantic identification: demiromantic myers briggs type: defender alignment: lawful neutral
specifics –
favorite food: mon’dazi favorite drink: plain water is good, or pretty much any kind of fruit juice favorite brand: ....? favorite hobby: if he’s not working, or hanging around his favorite people, he’s probably on a shore somewhere with a fishing pole in hand favorite artist: his nephew, of course  favorite musician: there are a few who tie for his favorite, though he knows the name of only one favorite scent: the sea first thing in the morning favorite person(s): kahrini, khe'lo, alosh
random –
list ten facts about your muse: 1. Iz’ko and his family are cemented in the working caste.  They’re farmers, plain and simple. 2. Aside from chasing a few would-be poachers and thieves off his property, Iz’ko has not seen actual combat.  His talent for marksmanship was born of need; predatory beasts would make an easy meal of his livestock, and (as mentioned already) other inhabitants may try to make off with his prize animals.  Push comes to shove, and Izzi is damn good at shoving.  3. He is actually none-too-fond of the nickname ‘Izzi’.  His sister was the one to originally start addressing him as such, and that eventually spread to friends---now he’s basically stuck with it, and he has learned to tolerate it, to an extent.  That said, it is still reserved for those who fall into the ‘friends’ category.  It’s a good way to see where one stands with him, too; call him ‘Izzi’ at some point, and if he doesn’t raise an objection, one has gotten on his good side. 4.  The Horde -- because of collective action in Zuldazar, the Horde has his unwavering loyalty, so long as there are no contradictions between its needs and that of his Queen.  He is Zandalari first, Horde second..but he will make it perfectly clear that its members earned his favor and every shred of loyalty he has is to the faction, not its leadership. 5. While above is true to the fullest extent, he will not attack a member of the Alliance unless aggression is shown towards him (or an ally, friend, or family member) first. 6. His armor :  while reminiscent of the valiant gold worn by the most prestigious of their society, it is most certainly not.   Compared directly, one would notice that his is less...extravagant, less flashy, and far more practical. 7. The two ravasaurs most often at his side -- Chira, a vivid red female, and Minzi, a snow-white male -- serve as the “guard dogs” of his land when they’re not with him, and when they do accompany him in his travels, instead one of their adult offspring takes up the mantle.   8. Along with the above, most of the animals that fight alongside him are those he has raised; ravasaurs, pterrodaxes, devilsaurs, direhorns, and a couple anklyodon.  This extends to the ravasaur and pterrodax that serve as mounts, too; both raised and trained by his own hand. 9. His absolute favorite place in the world (besides Zuldazar, of course)?  Feralas.  It’s beautiful, serene; the wildlife is fun to watch, and that resort the goblins have going on?  To die for! 10. He’s actually very nervous around deep water.  Make no mistake, he can swim just fine, but there is something about the abyss that bodies of water create that puts him on edge, to a point that, even aboard a ship, he’s restless and jumpy.  This, however, he will not make too obvious, unless things are hitting the fan.  One has to pay close attention, and if they know what to look for, they’ll see it. list five things they like: 1. Unless he’s caught out in it (and even then, sometimes it’s nice), Izzi loves the rain.  Add a little thunder and lightning to the mix, and he’ll be ecstatic. 2. Sometimes it’s nice to just hop on his ravasaur and head out for a long ride across the land; no direction, no real purpose, just escaping the everyday monotony and checking things out. 3. He’s a warm weather guy and nothing is changing that. 4. It’s fairly basic, but Izzi loves what he does.  He enjoys his animals, actually likes the work most days, and the end reward is worth it all. 5.  Darkmoon Special Reserve.  That’s all that needs to be said about that. list five things they dislike: 1. Anything robotic, particularly those that appear entirely sentient, like hunter pets and certain assistant constructs.  They’re unnatural and creepy as hell.  If it does a basic function, such as pick up or move things, it’s fine, but if it actively engages the world around it, he wants little to do with it. 2. To go with one mentioned above, Izzi despises the cold.  Though his definition of cold likely differs from many others -- for him, it is defined as pretty much any temperature under 75 degrees F -- exposing him to such is a great way to see him very unhappy very quickly.   Needless to say, Winterspring can bite his ass, as can the jerks who made him go there. 3. Gnomes.  It is not that he dislikes them, necessarily, but it is...strange, talking to something that little and hearing it talk back. 4.  Silvermoon City.  He’s only been there twice and it was most certainly not for him.  Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar are more to his tastes. 5. Mon’Dazi.  He’s always got some on him~. common words / phrases that annoy them?:  Anything can be annoying if one hears it enough. personality types they prefer:  No preference. personality types they avoid: No preference. what do you find different ( or distinct ) about your portrayal?:  Seeing as Iz’ko is an OC, I should hope I have a distinct portrayal of him...
𝔗𝔞𝔤𝔤𝔢𝔡 𝔅𝔶:  @halforc-mercenary 𝔗𝔞𝔤𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔤:  @ anyone who would like to do this!
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draconicqueer · 7 years
I dare you to pick any WoW character you want and answer ALL of the questions
I should have known this would happen. Alright here goes, I’m doing Grassina, my worgen druid, (this is really long and so I’m hoping the read more works)
Fjord Penguin - Does your character put on their best outfit when going to social outings? In other words, do they prefer to keep up their appearance? She’s pretty cognizant of how… visible she is and so will try to keep up appearances when it is called for. That said unless it is a blatantly formal-wear gathering she will just show up in her plain worn leather armor.
Spirit Beast - If there is something that your character wants that is unattainable does your character let it be or do they continue to fight for it? She still wants peace between the Alliance and Horde. She hates the Forsaken as much as any Gilnean would but even more that that she thinks that Azeroth has enough going on and this war is just stupid. She will follow orders and has her share or Horde blood on her hands, but in any situation off the battle field she’ll speak up against the fighting
.Warp Stalker - Does your character prefer to fight from the shadows or face to face? Being primarily balance, she is a caster and so tends to stay away from the front line. Like she doesn’t fight from the shadows much, but she’s not really face to face, she does try to stay back if at all possible.
Wyvern - Is there someone in your character’s life they feel indebted to? How does your character prefer to “return a favor”? Innumerable people have helped her along her quest, but she’s not much of a feeling indebted person. She’d always be happy to do a solid for someone who has helped her, but really that’s more of just generally being helpful than any feeling of owing them.
Spore Walker - Is your character open about their emotions or do they tend to bottle them up? Has your character been known to emotionally lash out? She tries to keep on a calm face for the sake of everyone really. That said she’ll go on at least one rant a day before going back to her professional facade.
Crawdad - Time for a scavenger hunt. Find three items that represent your character. (bonus if pictures are included) I do not know how to include pictures, so oh well. One would be a potion bottle, as she owned a small apothecary in Gilneas before it fell, and she still misses her little potion shop. Next would be like, an alliance military insignia, because whether or not she likes it, that is a large part of her life now. Finally I think would be just a stormcrow feather, as being a druid is of course another significant facet of her life, and flying is 100% her favorite part of being a druid.
Rylak - Does your character have a preferred mount they use? If so, what? Well mostly she flies on her own, but she does have a snowy gryphon she will ride if she’s too tired to fly or she needs to cast from the air.
Hippogryph - Has your character taken someone under their wing? An apprentice? Adoption? Not really. She’ll be happy to give the new druids some pointers when she’s around but no apprentice or anything.
Nian - Is your character superstitious? Yeah I guess so. Even before the worgen curse gave her access to full-out druidry she was a bit of a hedge witch, practicing the kind of watered down druid magic that was common in and around Gilneas.
Jormungar - Is there anything your character wants to free themselves from? She would love to stop fighting, to just go read in peace, but she knows that the stakes on this war are too high for her to just step away.
Whale Shark - Do they wait for others to approach them or are they the ones to initiate conversation first? When it comes to business, formal communication, organizing the troops or anything she will happily start conversations. As for more personal matters she will tend to wait on the other person.
Fox - Does your character tackle a problem head on or do they look for alternative ways to solve something? She’ll usually try head on first. If that fails, she’ll start to look for other ways around it.
Zhevra - Does your character follow/wield the Light? Are they more connected to Shadow magic? Perhaps they follow a more neutral path? Something completely different? She understands and values the power that the light and shadow magics provide to her allies. Really being a balance druid, a follower of Elune, she’s basically on a kind of alternative light path herself.
Quilen - Is your character a leader or a follower? Somewhere in between? In between. She prefers to have someone helping to guide her general direction, but she prefers to manage the smaller details on her own.
Mud Jumper Toad - Your character gets to make three wishes. What would they be? I mean without any limitations on the scope, she would probably just start with kill Sargeras. After that probably for a way to peace between the factions to present itself. And finally, she’s not entirely selfless, she may well just wish to go back to running a little potion shop and living quietly.
Scorpid - Does your character prefer to fight alone or fight along side someone? She’s mostly a caster, and so will rarely turn down a tank to keep the enemies occupied. But when she fights as a bear or a cat, she will happily leap into combat alone, and would rather not have allies around to worry her.
Crystal Spider - What are your character’s thoughts on technology? Or do they prefer to use more primitive tools? She is impressed with, and makes great use of, the newer technologies, and she is an engineer. But she mostly uses her engineering in the context of benefitting the fight, and for more personal matters she will often use a more primitive approach, provided the difference in efficiency is not crippling.
Jungle Axebeak - Does your character belief in luck? Do they tend to have good or bad luck? She’s not given it much thought really. She I guess believes that sometimes the odds fall one way or the other, but she doesn’t tend to think of it as a permanent state. She must have had a certain amount of luck in the past to survive all she has I suppose.
Pandaren Phoenix - Does your character have high moral standards? Not so much high as strict. You don’t need to be a saint, but if you do not meet her standards she will not work with you under any circumstances.
Skytalon - Does your character remember their dreams? What is a reoccurring dream your character has? Any nightmares? These days, with the war keeping her busy, she sleeps rarely and deeply, preferring meditation when viable. She used to remember her dreams all the time, back in Gilneas. She had one repeating one where she was running frantically through the woods with an enemy behind her, bleeding and tired, and she comes to a clearing with a small pond. She approaches it to look for her reflection in the water but she sees none. Then the moon rises above the treeline behind her, and she sees it reflected before her, and she hears her pursuer, come out of the woods behind her. Last she sees the clearing again, but in 3d person, and she is gone from before the pond, and her pursuer, who she could never remember, is left confused.
Mana Wyrm - Has your character performed any sort of experiments? If so, provide an example of one? How does your character feel about them? She would test out new potion recipes all the time, but she was always very careful about it. She is somewhat wary or experimentation, but she knows as well as anyone how important it is.
Kunchong - If your character had to eat one type of food for the rest of their lives what would it be? Probably steak.
Ravager - Has your character gone through any significant physical changes recently? And tattoos, scars, or body modifications? One scar on her shoulder, from a bullet that grazed her when she was an uncontrolled worgen.
Saber Cat - Does your character belief in fight or flight? She will usually try fighting first, but she’s not as reluctant to flee as some.
Reef Cow - Does your character have any children? If not, do they want children? No and no.
Talbuk - Does your character partake in any sort of ritual(s)? Not sure exactly what counts here. She practices meditation, and will sometimes enact a ritual asking Elune for guidance.
Elderhorn - Does your character fight for their convictions? She will always speak up for them, but will not fight for them when the stakes are too high. Mostly meaning she won’t disobey orders.
Pterrodax - Does your character take more after their mother or father? How so? Ngl she grew up without her parents or even any memories of them, and so I have given this 0 thought.
Crested Basilisk - Is your character stubborn? Is there any wiggle room when it comes to changing their mind? She’s really pretty flexible.
Bat - What if your character lost their sight? How would they react and cope? Would probably just go into hiding for a while. Just live in the wild or with a good friend until she gets used to it.
Bear - Is your character strong physically? If not, what attributes makes up for a lack in such? She’s no warrior, but she stays in shape. Her strength does really lie in casting though.
Scarab Beetle - How resilient is your character? She’s good at going through the motions. Like she is fairly quick to break down mentally, but it won’t stop her from functioning for the most part.
Boar - What smell brings about pleasant memories for your character? Unpleasant memories? Crushed herbs are her favorite, and flowers, dragon’s teeth especially, and citrus. The smell of smoke is the worst one, it brings back more memories of conflict than any other.
Warden Owl - How lawful is your character? Do they take the law in their own hands? As previously mentioned a lot, she will almost always follow orders. When she is not in a military situation however, she will bend laws if she sees fit.
Draenor Kaliri - Does your character prefer the day or night time? If they had to stay awake during hours they aren’t use to, how would they cope? She lives at war. She is used to staying up at unusual and unreasonable hours. That said, she prefers night, being a follower of Elune and all.
Carrion Bird - Is your character neat and tidy or are they messy? Organized chaos 100%. She can always find things, even though it looks like a total disaster. 
Chimaera - Does your character have a duel type personality? Is there a part of them they hide from the general public? Not really.
Clefthoof - How does your character feel about hunting? Do they hunt? If so, are they are big game hunter or do they believe in hunting as a means to survival? She does hunt. Normally for survival. She’ll hunt for sport on occasion, but she makes sure every part of the animal is used.
Corehound - Who is someone your character is fiercely loyal to? No one really comes to mind. She is a fiercely loyal friend, but I really am not sure yet who exactly counts as a good friend.
Spiked Crab - Does your character ever get moody? What would bring about such an attitude? Usually it’s a ‘straw that broke the camel’s back’ situation.
Crane - What is your character’s preferred method of communication? Speaking? There are limited options in the WoW canon that I am aware of.
Crocolisk - Does your character like to take risks? Do they lie and wait for the right opportunity? In things that matter, in fights, she’ll try to avoid risks. Otherwise, with less significant stuff, stuff like professions, she’s quite a bit more willing.
Devilsaur - Is your character intimidating? What would be something that would intimidate your character? Yeah man pretty sure a giant wolf lady is fairly intimidating. She would be pretty intimidated with anyone much taller than her, it’s a rare enough occurrence.
Dragonhawk - Your character’s thoughts on magic and its uses. She is a druid who was a witch. She is all for it. Furthermore, while she’s not especially comfortable around warlocks or shadow priests, she does at least try to think that magic has no inherent morality either way.
Hecklefang Hyena - How is your character’s sense of humor? What are some things that your character finds funny? What makes them laugh? She has a fairly cynical sense of humor. She used to just be sarcastic af, but with all the war she’s seen her humor has gotten a bit darker. She will also laugh some under stress, like when she’s going through a full breakdown.
Moth - How intuitive is your character? Are they highly aware of their surroundings? Or do they tend to have tunnel vision? When she takes the time to look around she can see almost everything. She does not usually take that time.
Nether Ray - Does your character have a good sense of direction? Or do they get lost easily? No to both. She has a pretty poor sense of direction, but she rarely gets lost because she almost exclusively travels in flight form, in which navigation being pretty simple.
Shoveltusk - Is there a talent your character has that not many people know about? Not that I can think of.
Riverbeast - Is your character predictable or not? Her decisions are, strange but reliable? That sounds weird but like, to most people she is inscrutable but once you know her she’s like clockwork.
Wolf - Does your character like to travel with a group or by themselves? She prefers to travel with companions, but she is fairly particular about what that means. She would rather travel with a friend than alone, but rather alone than with most people.
Silithid - Does your character fall in line and conform with their society, or do they take their own path? Conforms to the order of a group she is currently part of. But does not take their rules with them when she is out of sight.
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