#Putting music on and exercising regularly helps a lot so those airpods my dad got me will be really nice bc they fit in my pocket
solradguy · 2 years
I found out about ADHD induced anger the other day through a shitpost on Reddit and I'm frustrated that I didn't know about it until now lol Not even the behavioral specialist I saw mentioned it!!! Sometimes I'll get mad over the dumbest shit and sit there simmering over it for hours and then once I finally pull myself out of it I'm just like "well that was fucking stupid" lmfao
I've been calling it "baby brain mode" because I figured out that I get into those moods the easiest when I'm hungry, sleepy, or when I'm bored but absolutely nothing sounds fun/engaging. Usually I'm pretty good at recognizing when I'm going into baby brain mode and can distract myself out of it or go get a snack or whatever but sometimes I don't and then I end up frowning at a wall for like an hour lol
Tbh I'm mostly bringing this up in case other people with ADHD also didn't know about it. Here's an article (with sources) that explains it more: healthline.com/health/adhd/adhd-and-anger
Content warning on the article for mentions of suicide and drug abuse.
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