#Puyo Puyo vs
carlosyt14 · 9 months
[WIP] Creating a frozen free fall puyo skin... (For Puyo Puyo VS 2)
Once I finish, I need someone to play test this because my computer has quote-unquote "I cannot work if Ethernet 2 is not working correctly" issue
> Red mostly done
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rokujuyondx97 · 1 year
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Hey, if you're so affraid, is 'cause he's the BIG BAD WOLF!!
From the books to the big screen, now to every device. Mr. Wolf is ready to steay every Puyo, every spell, even your Wallet.
Available on GameBanana (main) and Dropbox (alternate).
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Favorite Sega Character: Losers Bracket Round 5
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worpiworpi · 18 days
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all my fellas
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n3onarcades · 9 months
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Drew some random sillies!!!
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shinigami-striker · 6 months
25 Years of Dreamcast Nostalgia [JP] | Monday, 11.27.2023
Happy 25th anniversary to the Sega Dreamcast in Japan, featuring a few awesome games dedicated to the last first-party video game console produced by SEGA!
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rozalega · 3 months
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Uuhhhhh I forgot how to draw them lol
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aknosom · 5 days
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catastrophic skill issue tbh
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duckapus · 5 months
Mario vs Muppet
As the battle bus rolls across the felt countryside, Kamek stands up from his seat near the front and turns to address everyone, "This is it. The last seed. Given Kermit's abilities, we'll have to be especially careful not to be see-"
Everyone looks to see who spoke, and it's Mario, who's standing up as well with his head lowered, eyes hidden by the bill of his hat, "We've tried the stealthy approach twice now, and it's only made things worse. We know where the seed is, we know what Kermit can do, we're riding in a fucking tank, and quite frankly he's made this personal." He raises his head, revealing a steely glare and a fire in his eyes, "I say we do this the Avatar way and storm the place. Memes, violence, excessive amounts of fire, the works."
While some of the group has concerns, there's a general ascent to the idea. 4, Meggy and Marcy in particular remember all too well the first conversion they ever saw.
Seeing that they're in agreement, Mario nods firmly, "Alright, here's what we're gonna do..."
It's a lovely, peaceful day at Muppet Castle. The kind of day that makes you absolutely sure that nothing can go wrong.
Those are, of course, the best days for everything to go wrong.
Kermit gets out of his throne to see what that noise is, and his eyes bulge out when he sees the battle bus about to hit the wall at top speed, "WHAT THE FU-"
He's thrown ragdolling across the room, which is now full of dust, rubble, and a completely undamaged tour bus on tank treads. The door opens, revealing Mario with a rocket launcher, "YOU KILLED-A MY BROTHER! YOU SONS OF-A BITCHES!"
With that, and a rocket that Kermit just barely blocks with his shadow hands, the rest of the group pours out of the bus with various weapons in their hands, apart from Phineas, Ferb and Cubot who stay inside to use the bus's weapon systems.
4 speaks up, "Alright Kermit, give us the Wonder Seed or we'll take it from you."
Kermit gulps, then scowls and pulls out the blue seed, "Oh, you mean this?" and then, in a show of defiance, he puts it in his mouth and swallows.
Everyone looks at him with varying degrees of shock, with Marcy as the first to recover, "Well, I guess we're dissecting frogs today."
And so the fight's on. Muppets and shadow hands pour in from every direction, many immediately getting blown up by the battle bus's arsenal. Marcy and Schezo raise their blades and jump directly into the fray, while Meggy, Kamek and Sig try to keep their distance and fire ink and magic from afar. 4...ends up in a slapfight with a converted Fozzie Bear. And Mario only has eyes for Kermit, chasing him all over the battlefield in a frenzy of missiles and Madness, which eventually causes the two to separate from the brawl end enter the halls, which thankfully takes the shadow hands out of the equation.
"I'm-a gonna get you!"
Kermit runs for his life, knowing even in his corrupted state that he stands no chance against an Avatar in full Crazy Stupid Mode. He rounds a corner, and when he sees where he is he grins, "Oh, Luigi!"
Mario freezes in his tracks at that name, and then flinches back when he sees the felt form of his lost brother burst out of a nearby door and plant himself between the two, Kermit smirks down at him.
"That's right, if you want to get to me, you'll have to go through your brother first!" He throws his head back in an evil laugh...which lasts for only a few seconds before a now flaming, ragdolling Luigi hits the wall behind him, "WAT!?"
Mario just gives him a blank wall-eyed stare, "You don't know me very well, do you?"
Kermit looks on in horror as Mario slowly approaches, "Iiiiiii'm about to whup some-bo-dy's aaaaaaass..." before running again.
Back in the throne room, things are...more-or-less going in the group's favor for once, seeing as the crowd of Muppets has thinned out significantly. Not to say everything's going smoothly. In particular, Schezo's apparently accidentally said something inappropriate yet again and is on the receiving end of a Miss Piggy Beatdown, and 4's still "fighting" Fozzie.
They end up near a balcony, where Statler and Waldorf are of course watching all the action, "Uh, not that I'm complaining, but shouldn't you be down here trying to stop us like everyone else?"
"Are you kidding? This is the best show they've had all week!"
"Maybe even all year!"
"Plus my grandkids would kill me if they found out I attacked Phineas and Ferb."
He just shrugs at this, "Fair enough."
And now back to Kermit, who's found a table to hide under.
"Come here, fishy fishy!"
He shivers in fear, praying that the crazy plumber moves on, and after several seconds of silence he's almost convinced that it's safe...
And then a gloved hand shoots down around his neck, "Got ya bitch!"
He yanks the oversized frog up and onto the table, a massive knife in his free hand, and Kermit breaks, "Please, I'll give you anything to let me go!"
Mario...seemingly thinks it over, a wild look in his eyes, "...offer me money."
"O-of course, all the money you could ever want!"
"Offer me power."
"I-I'll make you a king! I'll give you Anything!"
"Just name it! What do you want!?"
"...I want my brother back, you son of a bitch." And the knife comes down, tearing through the soft fabric body, fluffy clouds of stuffing falling around them as the seed is exposed. And then he grabs the seed and goes back the way he came, leaving what's left of his enemy behind...
...which has a single, hilariously ironic remark about the situation, "Wow, what an asshole."
A few moments later, Mario bursts back into the Throne room, "I GOT IT!"
4 gives him a thumbs up from where he's sitting on the now-unconscious Fozzie, "Perfect! Alright everybody, let's blow this joint!"
The rest of the group heeds his words, finishing up with whoever they're fighting and going back to the bus. Once they're all in, Phineas does a three-point turn before flooring it back out the hole they'd made, and once they're a few yards away from the castle makes a sharp turn towards the Tower.
"Get some rest guys. It's gonna be a long drive, and we need to be ready for whatever's in there."
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ebbofcyanwhispers · 11 months
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AF icons for my beloved @whisperingzeltus ~
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thetetrisking · 2 years
hee hoo hee hoo i did the funny again
audio from rvb complete season 9, i did chop up the scenes to make it easier on me though
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carlosyt14 · 8 months
A Rinku had to be sacrificed in the making of this video...
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rokujuyondx97 · 1 year
Mr. Wolf x PPVS2 update
Currently I'm improving Mr. Wolf (TBG) mod for PPVS2, adding new voice lines, retaining most of the old ones, updating the icons, and putting a new icon and field.
And, who will adapt Mr. Wolf to the Puyo Puyo art style?
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rabbitriceball · 8 months
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Aight so some variants of Tomboy (and Carbuncle), my BF variant from my upcoming FNF mod (Madou Funkin'). I actually have this mod in early development when I came across "Vs. Arle", so any similarities to the two mods that crop up once I get it out are coincidental. I'm basing Madou Funkin' off of the first Puyo Puyo arcade game.
Three of the Tomboys' colors (except for B3 Tomboy's hair) I pulled from @color-palettes, credit to them and the makers of their palettes for the colors used!
Also, didn't bother to shade the four Tomboy variants or give them mics because...I'm lazy.
Anyway info on the Tomboys are under "Keep reading".
Tomboy (the Madou Funkin'-canon Tomboy, btw)
Aroace (all the Tomboys are brw)
16yo (Madou!GF is 14yo)
Best friends with Madou!GF
HUGE tomboy (it's in the name)
Has average intelligence but just overly snarky
B-Side Tomboy
Just as dumb as normal BF, unlike normal Tomby
"Thunder? *scoffs*"
Sticks to elemental spells like Fireball, Ice Storm, and Thunder/Lightning.
REALLY wants to try "Flame Tornado"
B3 Tomboy
Addicted to the Pokémon Scream Tail
Not dumb, just looney
Would probably win at a staring contest against the other Tomboys since she could stare at someone for 11 hours straight (it's not like Starecrown, she's fine to blink).
B3 Carby looks like a paler version of his Fever/Fever 2 design.
Neo Tomboy (and Ecolo)
The Dark Arle outfit ain't for the drip, she's actually possessed by a Neo version of Ecolo.
Ecolo has no association with Monster's gang at all.
Perkier than she looks, in fact she can briefly break free from Ecolo's control sometimes.
Likes attending the concerts of the Neo Spooky Kids.
Likes things that taste bitter.
"Does Carbuncle even exist?"
D-Side Tomboy
Felt like the DA! outfit fit D-Sides more.
D-Side Carbuncle is more fox-like.
Likes foods that make you go "it tastes like fire, oh my god" - basically, REALLY SPICY foods.
The only Tomboy who is keeping her hair down.
Tomboy may be really snarky, but D-Side Tomboy is even snarkier!
The Corruption from FNF Corruption would probably look the same in Madou Funkin' if it were to appear...although why would it appear anyway when the Puyo Puyo series has powerful magicians and even full on gods?
I haven't shown the icons to everyone yet, just people on Neni's Discord server, so I haven't drawn up a Minus version.
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What townsfolk of Arca see Agares VS What Agares actually is.
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playstonkers · 2 months
Do Vegans Dry in Milk?
Matt and Chris throw jelly beans at each other in a vicious blood feud. Pumpkin discovers the magical qualities of Fanta.
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