#Pvblic Foundation
atomicdinosaurdonut · 4 years
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awesomeblockchain · 6 years
Blockchain For Impact Hosts Inaugural Summit at the UN on Frontier Technologies to Power the SDGs Over 400 innovators, social entrepreneurs and investors came together to co-create innovative solutions to accelerate progress on the Global Goals Blockchain for Impact hosted its inaugural event in NYC on June 4th, 2018 at the United Nations, and brought together over 400 innovators, entrepreneurs and investors to support concrete initiatives to accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On Monday June 4, 2018, Blockchain Commission for Sustainable Development, its commissioners in attendance and its founding members were proud to launch Blockchain for Impact (BFI), a collaborative convening, advocacy and action platform designed to serve the growing community of conscious leadership reflecting the full breadth of the global blockchain ecosystem as it seeks to engage with leaders from the UN system. Throughout the day, leaders came together to launch the first Blockchain for Impact Subcommittees addressing the following topics: Additionally, delegates at the event had an opportunity to engage with BFI Working Groups representing the following key emphases across all subcommittee activities: 1. Capacity Building & Growth to Scale; 2. Smart City Operating Systems; 3. AI & Data Sovereignty; 4. Youth-Led Innovation; 5. Social & Environmental Impact Metrics, Monitoring & Evaluation; 6. Diversity in Blockchain; 7. Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Countries & Small Island Developing States. The Opening of the Summit featured a number of senior officials from the United Nations who highlighted the importance of blockchain and other frontier technologies to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. The President of ECOSOC, Her Excellency Madam Marie Chatardov\cE1, underscored the commitment of the Economic and Social Council to harness the immense potential of frontier technologies for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. She welcomed this important and exciting dialogue and pointed out that -Blockchain technology stands out with its transformative potential in a very wide array of applications, including digital finance, cryptocurrency and climate coin, to name a few." Mr. Navid Hanif, Director of Financing for Sustainable Development Office, welcomed the work of Blockchain Commission for Sustainable Development, highlighting that new technologies are already having an enormous impact on sustainable development financing, including access to financial services, mobile money, and efficient fiscal policy. He encouraged participants to find the right balance between supporting the digitalization of the financial system and maintaining its stability and integrity, stating, 'We invite you to bring your expertise and knowledge to bear on financing the SDGs in an inclusive, secure and innovative manner.' Ms. Michelle Gyles-McDonnough, Director, Sustainable Development Unit in the Executive Office of the Secretary-General, stated that -the UN must be nimble and effective, flexible and efficient, and use all available means, including new technologies, to achieve sustainable development outcomes contemplated in this transformative agenda. A key element of the Secretary-General's vision is that the UN and partners leverage the power of frontier technologies, including blockchain, for a quantum leap to grow economies, reduce inequalities, and increase the opportunities for marginalized populations around the world." H.E. Mr. Juan Sandoval, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations and Co-Chair of the UN STI Forum 2018, in welcoming this important event, stated that it comes at a perfect time when the UN is hosting its 3rd Annual Forum on Science, Technology, and Innovation. He explained the direct linkages between STI and the work of Blockchain for Impact in advancing the SDGs, and also highlighted the leadership role of Mexico in this rapidly emerging sector. Mr. Henri Dommel, Director of Inclusive Finance at UNCDF, shared his thoughts on how financial inclusion lends itself to using the power of digital finance, including blockchain, to provide access to the unbanked, including SMEs. -We were truly honored to have so many amazing people in the room, deeply committed to supporting the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," commented Amir Dossal, President, Global Partnerships Forum & Vice-Chair, Blockchain Commission, during opening remarks. -Thank you for your passion and for your commitment to implement Secretary-General Ant\cF3nio Guterres' vision to help the underprivileged around the globe!" Members of Blockchain for Impact (BFI) were invited to participate in an exciting series of impact-oriented events and task forces-not just during the summit, but throughout the year. Through the Commission, Blockchain for Impact members will engage with leaders from UN Member States and UN agencies on industry governance, regulatory standards, and social impact projects. Members will work closely with those leading the SDGs and supporting UN efforts-through its Funds, Programs and Specialized Agencies-to apply blockchain technology to sustainable development and humanitarian challenges.
Hazami Barmada and Erin Dunne of the Global People's Summit and Alexandra Bettencourt with UNDESA at the Blockchain for Impact Summit. -Today we are sitting at one of the most important times in human history; the imperative for action around the advent of new technology is not only an opportunity but our responsibility," stated Sergio Fernandez de Cordova, Chairman, PVBLIC Foundation & Vice-Chair of Blockchain Commission for Sustainable Development to the full room. -It is time to start building technology with purpose, heart, and conscience that is scalable globally." -The differentiating level of success of BFI was a direct result of the passion and commitment of the diverse representation of participants across geographies, UN Officials, regulators, legislators innovators, disruptors and humanitarians," announced, Vincent Molinari, Chairman, 5th Element Fund & Vice-Chair, Blockchain Commission for Sustainable Development. -Blockchain and smart contracts have the ability to exponentiate the delivery of global humanitarian good in just a few years."
MAJA VUJINOVIC, CEO, O Group, participating in a panel discussion on the evolution of regulation at the Blockchain for Impact Summit at the UN on June 4, 2018.
SUSAN OH, Founder & CEO, MKR AI and ANN GREENBERG of Entertainment AI participating on a panel about how blockchain and tokenomics impact AI and other frontier techs at the Blockchain for Impact Summit at the UN on June 4, 2018.
Delegates at the Blockchain for Impact Summit at the UN on June 4, 2018, worked together to formulate the vision, mission and mandate of newly launched topical subcommittees. Delegates at the Blockchain for Impact Summit at the UN on June 4, 2018, worked together to formulate the vision, mission and mandate of newly launched topical subcommittees.
Delegates from the private and public sectors engaged in deep discussions about how to best develop effective partnerships that would bring blockchain technology to the impact space at the Blockchain for Impact Summit at the UN on June 4, 2018. Delegates from the private and public sectors engaged in deep discussions about how to best develop effective partnerships that would bring blockchain technology to the impact space at the Blockchain for Impact Summit at the UN on June 4, 2018. -We are truly grateful to the hundreds of delegates who participated in the Blockchain for Impact summit," stated Amir Dossal, expressing his gratitude to the assemblage, while wrapping up the closing session. -Their leadership work in moving the needle from talk to action through innovative collaboration will no doubt inspire many others to do more for our common humanity. Thank You!"
Closing Speech, MR. DENNIS KUCINICH, former U.S. Representative from Ohio at the Blockchain for Impact Summit at the UN on June 4, 2018.
Closing Speech, MR. DENNIS KUCINICH, former U.S. Representative from Ohio at the Blockchain for Impact Summit at the UN on June 4, 2018. Closing remarks and acknowledgments were then provided by Mr. WILLIAM KENNEDY, Officer in Charge, UN Office for Partnerships and MR. DENNIS KUCINICH, former U.S. Representative from Ohio. Delegates were then treated to attend a follow-up celebration on a dinner cruise along the Manhattan waterfront circling the Statue of Liberty with special remarks from Ms. VIKTORIIA PIRUMOVA of Decenturion. Mr. Kennedy, whose Office serves as the UN's Gateway for Partnerships, thanked participants for their time and commitment to the mission of the United Nations, -We have a dream and this is it - this is the dream for a new UN, you all represent that and Blockchain for Impact. The entire marketplace is here, and I am profoundly grateful for this!
Leaders from United Nations, Member States, and leading executives from across sectors shaped the narrative, mission and mandate of the first Blockchain for Impact Summit at the UN on June 4, 2018, encouraging delegates to embrace a brighter future looking building technology for good. Special insights into the perspectives of the public sector and the UN ecosystem were provided by MR. ULISES G\cD3MEZ NOLASCO, Deputy Attorney, Fiscal Investigation of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico; MINIVA CHIBUYE, Economic Affairs Officer, United Nations Office of the High Representative for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS (UN-OHRLLS); MARINA PETROVIC, UNDP AltFinLab; and, GREG SCOTT, Inter-Regional Advisor, Global Geospatial Information Management, United Nations Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNSD). Rousing and informative keynotes were also provided by ROSTIN BEHNAM, Commissioner, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission; GENERAL WESLEY K. CLARK (RET.), former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, Europe; and MR. DENNIS KUCINICH, former U.S. Representative from Ohio. The private sector was well represented through keynotes and panels featuring JASON KELLEY, General Manager, Blockchain Services, IBM; CHRIS KELLY, Founder, Kelly Investments & First General Counsel, Facebook; MARCO SANTORI, President, Blockchain; ; BOB WIGLEY, Advisory Board Member, Blockchain.com & Founding Commissioner, Blockchain Commission for Sustainable Development; and SERGEY SHOLOM, President, GNation Additional speakers included: JOSEPH BARISONZI, Partner, SDG. Systems; SINEAD BOVELL, Founder & CEO, WAYE; NEELAM BRAR, Founder & CEO, Blockhous; CHARLES BRIGHAM, UN Lead for Open SDG Data Hub, Esri; SHAUN CONWAY, Founder & President, ixo Foundation; GERARD DACHE, Government Blockchain Association; TONY DIMATTEO, CEO, Lottery.com; CLINTON DOW, Geoprocessing Product Engineer & Blockchain Local Resident, Esri Global; SAM ENGLEBARDT, Co-Founder & Head of Strategic Partnerships, Galaxy Digital; JOY FRIEDMAN, Chief Strategy Officer, Organizer; JULIO FRIEDMAN, The Carbon Wrangler; JEREMY GARDNER, Ausum.VC; ANN GREENBERG, Entertainment AI; JAMIE HALL. DR. MELISSA JANE KRONFELD, Founder, Passion for a Purpose; MICHAEL LANDAU, Chairman & CEO, CTI Africa & MPWR Data; JANE LIPPENCOTT, Co-Founder, Zen Cash; KELLY LOVELL, Youth Mobilizer & CEO, Lovell Corporation; ALEX MARTINI, CEO, Blockfusion Technologies; MARIA MIKHAYLENKO, Head of Risk and Analytics, BANKEX; KATE MITSELMAKHER, CEO, Founder & General Partner, Bloccelerate VC; AMBER NYSTROM, Co-Founding Principal, 5th Element Group & Fifth Element Fund; SUSAN OH, Founder & CEO, MKR AI; FARIS OWEIS, VP of Corporate Development & Chief Instigator, DigitalTown; ; CHELSEA RUSTRUM, Co-Founder, Blox 7 & Founder, Blockchain for Good; TOUFI SALIBA, CEO, Toda. Network & ACM Global Chair PB CC; AARTI TANDON, Executive Director, Smart Cities New York; SLOANE JOIE TRUGMAN, Founder & Lead of Strategy, Innovation & Transformation, Amunet Insights; MAJA VUJINOVIC, CEO, O Group; SAMSON WILLIAMS, Partner, Axes and Eggs; LAWRENCE WINTERMEYER, Co-Founder & Principal, Elipses.
Vice-Chairs, Blockchain Commission for Sustainable Development at the Blockchain for Impact Summit at the UN on June 4, 2018.: (from right to left) Amir Dossal, President, Global Partnerships Forum; Sergio Fernandez de Cordova, Chairman, PVBLIC Foundation; Vincent Molinari, Chairman, 5th Element Fund. More information about this initiative can be found at: Efraim Wyeth, Executive Director
Blockchain for Impact United Nations Plaza | Fifth Floor | New York, NY 10017 Blockchain for Impact (BFI), is a collaborative convening, advocacy and action platform designed to serve the growing community of conscious leadership reflecting the full breadth of the global blockchain ecosystem as it seeks to engage with leaders from the UN system. BFI is a collaborative advocacy and action platform representing the full breadth of the global blockchain ecosystem focused on bringing the Blockchain community together to help solve many of the most pressing issues of our day, building on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as a framework for the future of impact. Members of Blockchain for Impact (BFI) are invited to participate in an exciting series of impact-oriented events and task forces throughout the year. Through the Commission, Blockchain for Impact members will engage with the United Nations system on industry governance, regulatory standards, and social impact projects, working closely with the UN Departments, Funds, Programs and Specialized Agencies, to apply blockchain technology to sustainable development and humanitarian challenges. The Blockchain Commission for Sustainable Development was established in the margins of the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly in 2017 to develop a multi-sectoral framework to support the UN system - along with Member States, Intergovernmental Organizations, the private sector and civil society - in utilizing blockchain-based technologies to develop local, national and global solutions for the most pressing issues of our day. The Blockchain Commission envisions the development of radically creative decentralized solutions to issues including; conservation of natural resources, protection of the commons, economic growth, empowerment of all communities, financial inclusion and security, public health and welfare, civic trust and protection of the integrity of democratic systems - among others - for the benefit of our common humanity. The Blockchain Commission suggests that the transformative power of blockchain technology should not be seen as a threat to existing systems of governance; rather, it should be seen as an opportunity for national and international institutions to defend the rights of those they represent, and to accelerate our collective progress towards meeting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
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urockradio · 7 years
Rock The Vote Before The Flood
Rock The Vote Before The Flood
{$inline_image} U-Rock Newspaper
indi.com – College Students of America! VOTE YOUR FUTURE! supported by PVBLIC Foundation Show us your pledge to Rock the Vote and get your fellow students to join you! Rock the Vote has partnered with Leonardo …
Tweeted by @LeonarDiCapriop https://twitter.com/LeonarDiCapriop/status/914755350569480192
 {$excerpt:n} Source: U-Rock Newspaper
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effieworldwide · 8 years
Effie Worldwide & PVBLIC Foundation Partner to Support the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals
September 27, 2016
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During a special SDG Media Zone event at the opening of the United Nations General Assembly, Effie Worldwide announced its partnership with PVBLIC Foundation to further the mission of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
PVBLIC Foundation, a media for social change non-profit, has amplified media reach across every category, from the White House to the United Nations and nearly 100 non-profits.
To kick off the partnership, Effie Worldwide and PVBLIC Foundation led a panel discussion at the UN SDG Media Zone Tent about the role and responsibility of marketers to address the 17 SDGs and share examples of what marketers are doing now to foster positive change.
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Participants on the panel included (from left) Dagny Scott, Co-Founder, Fearless Unlimited; Keith Weed, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Unilever; Sergio Fernández de Córdova, Co-Founder & Chairman, PVBLIC Foundation; Neal Davies, President & CEO, Effie Worldwide; Freya Williams, CEO, North America, Futerra; and Alan Bethke, SVP, Marketing, Subaru of America.
PVBLIC Foundation Chairman, Sergio Fernández de Córdova commented, “As we celebrate the one-year anniversary of the SDGs here at the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly, it is important that we start to measure effective communications around the SDGs in order to build leadership amongst brands and marketers by celebrating their commitment to positive change – we at PVBLIC are proud to partner with an organization whose DNA is already aligned with the SDGs, whose worldwide mission is to encourage effectiveness among the marketing communications industry through education and recognition.”
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Starting with the 2017 North American Effie Awards competition, Effie Worldwide will identify and track marketing efforts that were effective in addressing one or more of the 17 SDGs, starting with its entries, due later this fall.
To intensify the scope of learning on the impact brands are having with their purposeful marketing efforts, Effie Worldwide also announced that it is expanding its Positive Change Effie Awards program, which was founded in 2014 in collaboration with the World Economic Forum.  For this year’s competition, social sustainability as well as environmental sustainability cases will be invited to enter under the Positive Change Awards.  North America/Europe’s 2017 Call for Entries is open now and the Asia Pacific competition will open in mid-October and run through December 2016.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development — adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historic UN Summit — officially came into force on January 1, 2016. 
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Image via sustainabledevelopment.un.org. 
Over the next fifteen years, with these new Goals that universally apply to all, countries will mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind.
To learn more about Effie Worldwide, visit effie.org. To learn more about PVBLIC Foundation, visit pvblic.org.
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coinwealth · 3 years
TPS Engage allows advertisers to pay for digital OOH ads with crypto
Digital out of home (DOOH) ad platform TPS Engage now accepts cryptocurrency as a form of payment, the company told Campaign US. 
Co-founders Radu Bogdan Savonea and Matei Psatta decided to allow advertisers to pay with two different cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and eGold, after realizing that many of its new clients include crypto and NFT startups. 
The company will accept crypto payments at 300,000 locations in 40 countries. The initiative aligns with TPS Engage’s mission to remove barriers around buying OOH ads programmatically. 
Earlier this year, TPS Engage gained traction with the crypto community after placing a viral ad in Times Square that responded to the GameStop meme stock frenzy, fueled by Reddit. The ad, which said “GME go BRRR” became the #2 most upvoted Reddit post of all time. 
TPS Engage also works with Safemoon, one of crypto’s safe-currencies, currencies that place a high emphasis on privacy and security, listed on the NASDAQ. From there, the crypto advertisers just kept rolling in, Psatta said. 
“We’re trying to build a decentralized version of billboards, where literally anyone can just hop on a platform and book an ad without having to wait weeks,” he said. “This was the perfect opportunity to make it possible.” 
Media buyers can connect their cryptocurrency wallets directly to TPS Engage’s buying platform. Advertisers can then select the time slots, dates and locations they’d like to advertise and check out similarly to a cash transaction. 
TPS Engage receives the payment in cryptocurrency and converts it to U.S. dollars or other types of currency for bidding. The platform helps advertisers navigate complexities around financial regulations in different regions.
“That gives us the flexibility and the comfort to accept the cryptocurrency without having the risk of the currency fluctuating, losing value or gaining value,” Savonea said. 
Advertisers including DogeCoin and crypto platform FibSwap DEx have paid TPS Engage for billboard space using cryptocurrency since the feature has launched. While Bitcoin and eGold are the only currencies permitted on the platform so far, TPS Engage expects to add more. 
TPS Engage, however, isn’t just used by crypto enthusiasts. Snoop Dogg used the platform to advertise his latest album in April, and Kanye West used it to promote his new album, Donda Deluxe, in five countries. 
The company has also worked with philanthropic clients, like the PVBLIC Foundation, which used TPS to promote its vaccination program, and the UN, which tapped TPS  for its climate campaign around COP26.
source https://usapangbitcoin.org/tps-engage-allows-advertisers-to-pay-for-digital-ooh-ads-with-crypto/
source https://usapangbitcoin.wordpress.com/2021/12/09/tps-engage-allows-advertisers-to-pay-for-digital-ooh-ads-with-crypto/
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icrowdnewswire1 · 8 years
PVBLIC will support the #Goal17 Twitter Challenge that will run March 6-10, 2017 through Global Partnerships Week. Five tweets. Five days. A week of innovation, impact and partnerships.The challenge is meant to inspire and inform the public on how public-private partnerships (#P3s) are crucial to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Corporate, Government Continue reading PVBLIC Foundation is proud to partner with the U.S. Department of State to kick-off its annual Global Partnerships Week (GPW) The post PVBLIC Foundation is proud to partner with the U.S. Department of State to kick-off its annual Global Partnerships Week (GPW) appeared first on iCrowdNewswire.
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icrowdnewswire1 · 8 years
PVBLIC will support the #Goal17 Twitter Challenge that will run March 6-10, 2017 through Global Partnerships Week. Five tweets. Five days. A week of innovation, impact and partnerships.The challenge is meant to inspire and inform the public on how public-private partnerships (#P3s) are crucial to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Corporate, Government Continue reading PVBLIC Foundation is proud to partner with the U.S. Department of State to kick-off its annual Global Partnerships Week (GPW) The post PVBLIC Foundation is proud to partner with the U.S. Department of State to kick-off its annual Global Partnerships Week (GPW) appeared first on iCrowdNewswire.
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icrowdnewswire1 · 8 years
PVBLIC will support the #Goal17 Twitter Challenge that will run March 6-10, 2017 through Global Partnerships Week. Five tweets. Five days. A week of innovation, impact and partnerships.The challenge is meant to inspire and inform the public on how public-private partnerships (#P3s) are crucial to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Corporate, Government Continue reading PVBLIC Foundation is proud to partner with the U.S. Department of State to kick-off its annual Global Partnerships Week (GPW) The post PVBLIC Foundation is proud to partner with the U.S. Department of State to kick-off its annual Global Partnerships Week (GPW) appeared first on iCrowdNewswire.
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