#Qi XiYi
igaku0 · 2 years
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bookofjin · 8 years
Annals of Emperor Hui, Part 3
[From JS004. Covers the years 300 - 302, a hallmark of prosperity and tranquility compared to what was to follow.]
[Yongkang 1]
[7 February 300 – 25 January 301]
1st Year of Yongkang [“Eternal Prosperity”], Spring, the 1st Month, guihai [7 February], New Moon, a great amnesty. Changed the inaugural.
On jimao [23 February], an eclipse of the sun. [Not OK]
On bingzi [20 February], the imperial grandson Lin passed on [Lin 霖 a scribal error? He is called Bin 虨 elsewhere]
2nd Month, dingyou [12 March], a great storm, flying sand pulled out trees.
3rd Month [6 April – 4 May], in Weishi [in Chenliu] a rain of blood. An unnatural star seen in the southern regions.
On guiwei [27 April], Empress Jia falsely decreed the murder of the commoner Yu at Xuchang.
Summer, 4th Month, xinmao [5 May], an eclipse of the sun. [Not OK]
On guisi [7 May], the King of Liang, Rong, and the King of Zhao, Lun, falsely decreed the demotion of Empress Jia to be a commoner. The Minister of Works, Zhang Hua, and the Supervisor of the Masters of Writing, Pei Wei, both met with murder. Palace Attendant Jia Mi and his faction with several tens of people were all executed.
On jiawu, [8 May], Lun falsely decreed a great amnesty, himself to be Chancellor of the State and Commander-in-Chief of All Armies in the Centre and Outside, like when Xuan and Wen [Sima Yi & Sima Zhao] assisted in the old affairs of Wei. Posthumously restored the former August Heir-Apparent to his rank.
On dingyou [11 May], used the King of Liang, Rong, as Grand Steward; the Brilliantly Blessed Grandee of the Left, He Shao [JS033], as Minister over the Masses; the Brilliantly Blessed Grandee of the Right, Liu Shi [JS041], as Minister of Works; the King of Huainan, Yun, as General of Agile Cavalry.
On jihai [13 May], the King of Zhao, Lun, falsely decreed the death of the commoner Jia at Jinyongcheng.
5th Month,  jisi [12 June], established the imperial grandsons Zang as August Grandson-Heir [taisun 太孫 lit. “Grand” Grandchild]; Shang as King of Xiangyang.
6th Month, renying [15 July], buried the Pitied and Mindful [minhuai] Heir-Apparent, Yu, at Xianpingling [lit. “Mound of Eminent Peace”]. The General who Consoles the Army, the King of Qinghe, Xia, died.
On guimao [16 July], lightning struck the signpost of Conyangling [the tomb of Sima Zhao].
Autumn, 8th Month [31 August – 29 September], the King of Huainan, Yun, raised troops to punish the King of Zhao, Lun, failing to overcome him. Yun and his two sons, the King of Qin, Yu and the King of Han, Di, all met with murder.
An amnesty limited to Luoyang.
The General who Pacifies the East, the King of Pengcheng, Zhi, passed away.
Changed the fief of the King of Wu, Yan, to be King of Bintu county. Used the King of Qi, Jiong, as General who Pacifies the East, headquartered at Xuchang; the Brilliantly Blessed Grandee Chen Zhun as Grand Commandant, Recording the Affairs of the Masters of Writing.
9th Month [30 September – 29 October], changed Minister over the Masses to Imperial Chancellor and used the King of Liang, Rong as it.
Winter, 10th Month [30 October – 27 November], yellow fog at the four frontiers.
11th Month, wuwu, [28 November], a great storm, with flying sand and rocks, for six days then stopped.
On jiazi [4 December], Established the August Empress Ms. Yang. A great amnesty and a great celebration for three days.
12th Month [28 December – 25 January], a broom star seen in the east. The Inspector of Yi province, Zhao Xin, and Li Xiang, a vagrant of Luoyang [should be Lüeyang 略陽], murdered the Interior Clerk of Chengdu, Geng Sheng; the Grand Warden of Jianwei, Li Mi; the Grand Warden of Wenshan, Hou Gu and the Colonel of the Western Yi [xiyi xiaowei], Chen Zong. They seized Chengdu in rebellion.
[Yongning 1]
[26 January 301 – 15 March 302]
1st Year of Yongning [“Eternal tranquillity”], Spring, the 1st Month, yichou [3 February], the King of Zhao, Lun, usurped the throne.
On bingyin [4 February], moved the Emperor to Jinyongcheng, titling him Grand High August [taishang huang]. Changed the name of Jinyong to the Yongchang Palace [“Eternally Flourishing”]. Demoted  August Grandson-Heir Zang to be King of Puyang. The Five Stars passed through the sky, indulging in the contrary without consistancy. [???]
On guiyou [11 February], Lun murdered the King of Puyang Zang.
Li Te, a vagrant of Luoyang, killed Zhao Xin and sent his head to the imperial capital.
3rd Month [26 March – 24 April], the  General who Pacifies the East, the King of Qi, Jiong, rose with troops to thereby punish Lun, transmitting a call to arms to the provinces and commanderies, and garrisoning at Yandi.
The Great General who Conquers the North, the King of Chengdu, Ying; the Great General who Conquers the West, the King of Hejian, Yong; the King of Changshan, Ai; the Inspector of Yu province, Li Yi; the Inspector of Yan province, Wang Yan; the Commander of the Gentlemen-of-the-Household of the South, the Duke of Xinye, Xin; all rose with troops to obey him. The multitudes numbered several hundred thousands.
Lun dispatched his general Lü He to set out for Yique, Zhang Hong and Sun Fu set out for Eban and thereby resist Jiong. Sun Hui, Shi Yi and Xu Chao to set out for Huangqiao to thereby resist Ying. They and Ying's generals Zhao Xiang and Shi Chao fought at the Xiu River. Hui and others were greatly defeated, abandoned the army and and fled.
Intercalary Month, bingxu [25 April], New Moon, an eclipse of the sun. [OK]
Summer, 4th Month [24 May – 22 June], Jupiter [the “Year Star”] was visible in daytime. Jiong's generals He Xu and others struck Zhang Hong at Yangdi, great routing him and beheading Sun Fu and others.
On xinyou [30 May], the General of the Guards of the Left, Wang Yu, and the Master of Writing, the King of Huailing, Cui, directed troops to enter the palace. They captured Lun's faction: Sun Xiu, Sun Hui, Xu Chao, Shi Yi Luo Xiu and others, all were beheaded. Thereupon Lun reverted to the grades, promptly that day Drove the Carriage to turn over to the proper. The crowd of subjects bowed their heads to apologize the crime. The Emperor said: “Not the transgression of you Sirs.”
On guihai [1 June] a decree said: “We, though not being virtuous, succeeded to and inherited the august command. Distantly [We were] not able to  shine and aid the great profession, and calm and soothe the four quarters. Close by [We were] not able to begin clarifying law and power, and put to effect the suppression of faithless traitors, coming to making the traitorous subject Sun Xiu daring to indulge in murder and cruelty, spying on the royal chambers. Thereupon [he] offered the King of Zhao, Lun to greedily take possession of the Heavenly rank.”
“The Great General who Garrisons the East, the King of Qi, Jiong; the Great General who Conquers the North, the King of Chengdu, Ying; the Great General who Conquers the West, the King of Hejian, Yong; together, due to their clarity and virtue, thickly intimate, their loyalty to the law truly manifest, restoring and saving the state from difficulty. The Master of Writing, Cui, together erected a great scheme, the General of the Guards of the Left, Wang Yu and the group of Excellencies, ministers and gentlemen, united together to plan and plot, personally bringing the root barracks, beheading Xiu and his two sons. Before when the King of Zhao, Lun, was misled by Xiu, he, his sons and others came to Jinyong to welcome Us in the secluded palace, spun around the carriage and the gate closed. [?] How to be bestowing one person a single banquet in his celebration? The ancestral temple and the altars of soil and grain truly have relied on them.”
And so there was a great amnesty and changed the inaugural [to Yongning]. Orphans and widows were bestowed 5 hu of grain. A great celebration for five days.
Executed the King of Zhao, Lun; the King of Yiyang, Wei; the Marquis of Jiumen, Zhi; and others of Lun's faction.
5th Month [23 June – 21 July], established the King of Xiangyang, Shang, as August Grandson-Heir.
6th Month, wuchen [5 August], a great amnesty. Promoted the magistrates’ ranks two grades. Restored the fief of the King of Bintu, Yan, to be King of Wu.
On gengwu [7 August], the King of Donglai, Rui, and the General of the Guards of the Left, Wang Yu, schemed to dismiss the King of Qi, Jiong. The affair leaked. Rui was demoted to be a commoner. Yu  submitted to execution executed and exterminated his three kindred.
On jiaxu [11 August], used the King of Qi, Jiong, as Great Marshal, Commander-in-Chief of All Army Affairs in the Centre and Outside; the King of Chengdu, Ying as Great General, Recording the Affairs of the Masters of Writing; the King of Hejian, Yong, as Grand Commandant. Abolished the Imperial Chancellor and again set up the office of Minister over the Masses.
On jimao [16 August], used the King of Liang, Rong, as Grand Steward, acting as Minister over the Masses. Enfeoffed the King of Qi, Jiong's meritorious officials, Ge Yu as Duke of Mouping, Lu Ji as Duke of Xiaohuang, Wei Yi as Duke of Pingyin, Liu Zhen as Duke of Anxiang, and Han Tai as Duke of Fengqiu.
Autumn, 7th Month [21 August – 18 September], established son of the King of Wu, Yan's son Guo  as King of Han. Restored the fief of the King of Changshan, Ai, to be King of Changsha.
8th Month [19 September – 18 October], a great amnesty.
On wuchen [4 October], pardoned those who had moved from the border.
The Inspector of Yi province, Luo Shang [JS057], punished the Qiang, and routed them.
On jisi [5 October], moved the King of Nanping, Xiang, to be King of Yidu.
The King of Xiapi, Wei, passed away.
Used the King of Dongping, Mao, as General who Pacifies the East and Commander-in-Chief of All Army Affairs of Xu province.
9th Month [19 October – 16 November], recalled the King of Dong'an, Yao and restored his feudal title.
Winter, the 10th Month [17 November – 16 December], the vagrant Li Te rebelled in Shu.
12th Month [15 January – 13 February], the Minister of Works, He Shao, passed away.
Enfeoffed the sons of the King of Qi, Jiong: Bing to be King of Yue'an, Ying to be King of Jiyang and Chao to be King of Huainan.
This year twelve commanderies and states had drought, six had locusts.
[Tai'an 1]
[14 February 302 – 2 February 303
1st Year of Tai'an [“Grand Calm”], Spring, 1st Month, gengzi [5 March], the General who Calms the East, the King of Qiao, Sui, passed away.
3rd Month, guimao [7 May], an amnesty for the four provinces of Si, Ji, Yan and Yu.
The August Grandson-Heir, Shang, passed away.
Summer, the 4th Month [14 May – 11 June], a broom star was seen in daytime.
5th Month, yiyou [18 June], the Palace Attendant, Grand Steward and acting Minister over the Masses, the King of Liang, Rong, passed away.
Used the Brilliantly Blessed Grandee of the Right, Liu Shi [JS041], as Grand Tutor.
The Grand Commandant, the King of Hejian, Yong, dispatched general Ya Bo to strike Li Te in Shu. He was defeated by Te. Te thereupon captured Zitong and Baxi, and murdered the Grand Warden of Guanghan, Zhang Wei, titling himself Great General.
On guimao [6 July], established the King of Qinghe, Xia' son Tan as August Heir-Apparent. Bestowed on orphans and widows silk. A great celebration for five days.
Used the King of Qi, Jiong as Grand Master; the King of Donghai, Yue, as Minister of Works.
Autumn, 7th Month [10 August – 8 September], in the four provinces of Yan, Yu, Xu and Ji great floods.
Winter, 10th Month [7 November – 5 December], the earth shook.
12th month, dingmao [26 January],  the King of Hejian, Yong, petitioned that the King of Qi, Jiong, was spying and keeping an eye on the spirit-like receptacles and had no heart for his lord. He and the King of Chengdu, Ying; the King of Xinye, Xin; and the King of Fanyang, Xiao, assembled together at Luoyang, and requested to dismiss Jiong to return him to his residence.
The King of Changsha, Ai, received the Driving Carriage to garrison the southern Zhiche gate. He attacked Jiong and killed him, secluded his various sons in Jinyongcheng and deposed Jiong's younger brother, the King of Beihai, Shi.
A great amnesty and change of the inaugural [to Tai'an].
Used the King of Changsha, Ai, as Grand Commandant and Commander-in-Chief of All Army Affairs in the Centre and Outside. Enfeoffed the King of Donglai, Rui's son Zhao as King of Qi.
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