#Quantum of Axos
go-to-the-mirror · 9 months
You don't understand. I don't care that my friends change, I just hate that I always lose them. [...] You made a big mistake, Axos, trying to buy me with nostalgia. Do you even know what that word means, hm? It means pain. Pain from the past that hurts like a wound. And when it comes to war wounds, trust me, I'm a veteran.
I am used to my suffering, and I own it. It makes me who I am! You can throw what you like at me, Axos, but you don't touch my pain.
Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor, Classic Companions: Quantum of Axos
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lucascecil · 1 year
Third Doctor - Project: Blue Box
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TV Stories
◆ Spearhead from Space
◆ The Silurians
◆ The Ambassadors of Death
◆ Inferno
◆ Terror of the Autons
◆ The Mind of Evil
◆ The Claws of Axos
◆ Colony in Space
◆ The Daemons
◆ Day of the Daleks
◆ The Curse of Peladon
◆ The Sea Devils
◆ The Mutants
◆ The Time Monster
◆ The Three Doctors
◆ Carnival of Monsters
◆ Frontier in Space
◆ Planet of the Daleks
◆ The Green Death
◆ The Time Warrior
◆ Invasion of the Dinosaurs
◆ Death to the Daleks!
◆ The Monster of Peladon
◆ Planet of Spiders
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Audio Adventures
- 3rd Doctor Adventures & Audio Novels
◆ Scourge of the Cybermen
◆ Prisoners of the Lake
◆ The Havoc of Empires
◆ The Transcendence of Ephros
◆ The Hidden Realm
◆ The Conquest of Far
◆ Storm of the Horofax
◆ The Rise of the New Humans
◆ The Tyrants of Logic
◆ Primord
◆ The Scream of Ghosts
◆ Poison of the Daleks
◆ Operation: Hellfire
◆ The Unzal Incursion
◆ The Gulf
◆ Conspiracy in Space
◆ The Devil’s Hoofprints
◆ The Annihiltors
◆ Kaleidoscope
◆ Supernature
◆ The Conservitors
◆ The Iron Shore
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- The Companion Chronicles
◆ Old Soldiers
◆ Shadow of the Past
◆ The Last Post
◆ Binary
◆ The Blue Tooth
◆ The Rings of Ikiria
◆ The Sentinels of the New Dawn
◆ The Doll of Death
◆ The Magician’s Oath
◆ Tales from the Vault
◆ Find and Replace
◆ The Mists of Time
◆ The Scorchies
◆ The Many Deaths of Jo Grant
◆ Ghost in the Machine
◆ The Three Companions
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- The Lost Stories
◆ The Mega
- Classic Doctor, New Monsters
◆ The House That Hoxx Built
- Short Trips
◆ Landbound
◆ The Blame Game
◆ Walls of Confinement
◆ The Christmas Dimension
◆ Blue Boxes
◆ A Home From Home
◆ Taken for Granted
◆ Damascus
◆ Gardeners’ World
◆��The Switching
◆ The Other Woman
◆ Still Life
◆ Pop-Up
◆ Time Tunnel
◆ The Same Face
◆ Sphinx Lightning 
◆ Lost in the Wakefield Triangle
◆ Waiting for Gadot
◆ A True Gentleman 
◆ The Threshold
◆ Crime at the Cinema
◆ Decline of the Ancient Mariner
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◆ Dancing the Code
◆ The Eye of the Giant
◆ The Scales of Injustice
◆ Speed of Flight
◆ The Devil Goblins from Neptune
◆ The Face of the Enemy
◆ Catastrophea
◆ The Wages of Sin
◆ Last of the Gaderene
◆ Verdigris
◆ The Quantum Archangel
◆ Rags
◆ Amorality Tale
◆ The Suns of Caresh
◆ Deadly Reunion
◆ Island of Death
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tindogpodcast · 2 years
TDP 1111: #DoctorWho 10th Doctor Classic Companions
  This title was released in September 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 December 2022, and on general sale after this date.
The Tenth Doctor revisits his companions K9, Leela, Ace and Nyssa long after their time-travelling adventures have finished. Because they all need help, and when people need help, the Doctor will never refuse...
Splinters by John Dorney The Doctor finds K9 floating in space, and sets off to clear up Time War fallout. First, they find Leela protecting a village from the Spriggan.
The Stuntman by Lizzie Hopley The Doctor and K9 enter a virtual world of a movie stuntman to help Nyssa escape a Time War criminal's scheme.
Quantum of Axos by Roy Gill Ace investigates a new tech company which seems too good to be true and meets the Doctor and K9 as Axos escapes its trap.
A new Tin Dog Podcast
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denimbex1986 · 2 years
‘...Producer David Richardson says: “Was it really two years ago that we were all locked away in our homes, unable to mingle in the outside world? It feels like a lifetime, or like it was yesterday, or it never happened! 
“It was the worst of times but also, for me in my little bubble, in some ways the best of times because it meant that with the TV and film industry shut down indefinitely, David Tennant had availability to work with us! Tenth Doctor, Classic Companions was recorded towards the end of a big recording block – we’d pitched the premise of the set to David and he couldn’t resist the idea of the Doctor reuniting with some old friends.
“It was also clear that David was delighted to be working with Doctor Who legends from his own childhood – Louise, Sarah, Sophie and John received the warmest of welcomes and they in turn were thrilled to be working with David.”
SPLINTERS BY John Dorney opens the set...
With the stories being commissioned in lockdown it meant John had a short turnaround on his script to fit in with David Tennant’s new-found availability. John explains: “With a longer deadline you can often end up trying to second guess yourself for ages but with a shorter one you’ve just got to decide, ‘Well, what do I want to do?’ Often, it can be just as good, if not better, with a shorter turnaround. And, to be honest, this is one of my favourite things that I wrote during lockdown.
 “I didn’t have ages to run around trying to work out what I wanted it to be, exploring everything, and I feel it actually works better because of that. 
“One of my highlights was a joke that I’ve been playing about with for ages that I knew was a Tenth Doctor gag but I’d never found a spot for it. I eventually managed to get it in here because it was the perfect place for it – it was now or never! 
“Also, the opportunity to write for the Tenth Doctor is always great. It’s such a fun thing to do, and pairing him Leela was wonderful. When you’ve got a couple of really great actors, like David and Louise, you want to put something new in there for them, and see what interesting angles you can explore.”
THE SECOND story of the set is The Stuntman by Lizzie Hopley...
“With so many fabulous actors being available during lockdown Big Finish was understandably making the most of them. The brief was ‘old companions with K9’. We put up a bit of a fight for who got who! There was a bidding war and I ‘won’ David Tennant, Sarah Sutton and John Leeson. Now that was an exciting email to read!”...
ACE RETURNS in the third episode, Quantum of Axos by Roy Gill...Roy tells Vortex: “Writing this felt like being a kid on Christmas Day! Like you’re mixing up all your Doctor Who toys, teaming Ace with K9 and making up a new story! 
“I’ll always jump at the chance to write for David Tennant: he’s  so nimble, deft and mercurial as a performer. And I’ve always loved K9 – he’s a robot dog, how could you not? Plus Ace was pretty much ‘my’ companion when I was growing up watching Doctor Who. Those seasons with Sylvester really show her mature and change in a way that was relatively unusual for a companion then, so it was an extra thrill to write for her.” 
What was in the brief from Matt? Roy replies: “It just said the Tenth Doctor, Ace and K9...”...
JUST AS delighted to be joining the Tenth Doctor is Sophie Aldred, Ace herself, who admits it was hugely exciting when she got the message during lockdown asking if she would like to do an audio with David Tennant. Sophie says: ”It was so bizarre because at the beginning of lockdown I thought, ‘Right... how am I going to sort things out so I can keep working?’ So I bought myself a microphone, although I didn’t know what I was doing at first – like most of us, I guess. People had often said that my airing cupboard was actually very good acoustically so I turned this tiny little place into a studio! I took some of the shelves out, put my microphone in there, and I used the towels and sheets because, of course, they’re really good for dampening the sound. And then I got some woollen material, sewed it all together and put it on the walls, before I started learning the technical side of recording which took a little time...
“It would have been absolutely lovely to see David in person, of course, but it’s almost as good to hear his voice in your ears! So there was me in the airing cupboard with my laptop and microphone and we had a bit of a laugh because I said, ‘Well, where are you?’, and I think he said he was in the attic because it was nice and quiet! 
“It was just so funny having this visual image of us both sitting in these bizarre spaces that we would never have thought that we needed to use before – and recording Doctor Who. It’s amazing.” 
Sophie first worked with David back in 2001 when a young Scottish actor guest starred in a Big Finish Doctor Who adventure called Colditz. She recalls: “Yes, it is amazing to think of that and I remember I kind of clocked him at the time. David has a presence. When he walks into a room you can’t help but notice him and I did think, ‘Oh, who is this young man?’ 
“As an actor you are aware of him because he’s very good, obviously, and I just love his voice. I think he’d really wanted to play the Doctor as a Doctor Who fan. And then the very next time I met him was when he had left Doctor Who and he played my sidekick – let’s make that clear, MY sidekick – in Tree Fu Tom, the children’s series!
“David played this wonderful character called Twig, a funny character and a great job he did too. It was just so lovely to see him again. “We had a great time recording Quantum of Axos, and the way we worked together was really, really good. We had such a good ensemble cast as well and it was a lovely way to spend the day.”’
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Quantum of Axos
Just finished listening to this story where Ace meets The Tenth Doctor highly recommend it. Lots to say about it. Copying what I posted on another site...
Loved this. Ace is the best she's been in any (chronologically) post Hex story. This was easily the best story of the boxset. Still a 9/10 but only a couple of nitpicks and quibbles stop it from being a full ten. It was especially clever to have the fake-Axon-Ace provide the opportunity to contrast older and wiser Ace with the old S25 style. So anyway; the nitpicks. Firstly; why does she suddenly not remember the time war? IIRC in the (awful) Class audio she was in she could remember it so why can't she any more? And secondly: calling Ten "Professor". One of the few good things nearly ten years ago in The Light at the End was that I loved the moment where Ace deliberately pulled herself up and stopped short of calling Six professor and corrected herself to Doctor. it made great character sense to me. The other incarnations are still "the Doctor" but they aren't her "Professor". So it felt like a shame to backtrack and have her use the name for the 'wrong' version. It could've even been used to accentuate the fake-Axon-Ace by having just her call him that while the real Ace doesn't. I liked David Tennant's suggestion in the extras that it's set up for an Ace & K9 spin off. I loved Ace on TV and in her solo audios and audios with Hex. But lately with how far and badly downhill the character fell in her audios with Mel, I'd gone off her and thought it was best to just end Ace's story (chronologically) at Signs and Wonders. But between this and the brilliant Torchwood: The Red List my love for the character is reinvigorated! If the writers can maintain this good and in character writing and Sophie this brilliant performance then the more Ace we get the better! Bring it on!
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  Sci-Fi Bulletin: Exploring the Universes of SF, Fantasy & Horror! :
It’s the nostalgic trip of a lifetime for the Tenth Doctor, as he teams up with the best friends of his previous selves in a brand-new box set from Big Finish Productions coming in September 2022
David Tennant stars in three full-cast audio dramas recorded during the lockdown imposed by this year’s coronavirus pandemic.
The Tenth Doctor revisits classic companions K9, Leela, Ace and Nyssa long after their time-travelling adventures have finished. Because they all need help, and when people need help, the Doctor will never refuse.
Splinters by John Dorney
The Doctor finds K9 floating in space, and sets off to clear up Time War fallout. First, they find Leela protecting a village from the Spriggan.
The Stuntman by Lizzie Hopley  
The Doctor and K9 enter a virtual world of a movie stuntman to help Nyssa escape a Time War criminal’s scheme.
Quantum of Axos by Roy Gill
Ace investigates a new tech company which seems too good to be true, and meets the Doctor and K9 as Axos escapes its trap.
Producer David Richardson said: “We took our cue from School Reunion for this set – what would it be like if the Tenth Doctor met some of his past companions, later in their lives. The result is three emotional, exciting stories that cut to the core of Doctor Who, about moving on but never forgetting and always embracing the past.”
David Tennant said: “It’s been one of the great unexpected delights of being locked in one’s house for months on end, that this was something I was able to do. To be not only doing all these wonderful stories but to be appearing alongside people like Louise Jameson, John Leeson, Sarah Sutton and Sophie Aldred, it’s been just such a treat. I’ve loved it. It’s always such a lovely thing to return to, this show.”
The Who Shelf :
In September 2022, the Tenth Doctor meets some old friends in 'Tenth Doctor, Classic Companions' fr ...
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doctorwhonews · 7 years
Tim Pigott-Smith 1946-2017
Latest from the news site: The actor Tim Pigott-Smith has died, aged 70. Born in Rugby, Warwickshire, he trained as an actor at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. Appearing in a number of Shakespearean stage productions and small television roles, his big break came with the role of Ronald Merrick in ITV's The Jewel in the Crown, which saw him win Best Actor in the BAFTA Awards for 1985. Other notable appearances included Chief Constable John Stafford in The Chief (1990-1993), a recurring role in ITV drama The Vice as Ken Stott's nemesis, DCI Frank Vickers, Bloody Sunday and two separate adaptations of North and South. His film career included the 2004 film Alexander, The Four Feathers, Gangs of New York, Johnny English, The Remains of the Day, V for Vendetta, and also in the James Bond film Quantum of Solace. However, his first speaking role on television was on Doctor Who, playing Captain Harker in the 1971 story The Claws of Axos: "I have my orders, Brigadier," he announced as he puts our heroes under arrest! He returned to the show in 1976, playing Duke Giuliano's friend Marco in The Masque of Mandragora. Speaking to Doctor Who Magazine about this role in Issue 187, he said: My son had just been born, and my contribution to his upbringing was the night-time feed so, in the studio, everyone had to keep waking me up! But I have fond memories of The Masque of Mandragora. Actually, I nearly got fired, I think, for laughing. We had one of those terrible jokes about Scarlatti, the torturer - every time he came towards us with the branding iron, with an "S" on the end, we just cracked up! Rodney (Bennett) got a bit upset about that. As well as his 1985 BAFTA, he also won the Directors' Week Award for Best Actor in 2002 for his role as Major General Ford in Bloody Sunday. He received an OBE in 2017. His agent said: It is with deep regret that I have to announce the sad news that Tim Pigott-Smith died this morning. Much-loved and admired by his peers, he will be remembered by many as a gentleman and a true friend. He will be much missed. We ask that you respect the privacy of his wife, the actress Pamela Miles, his son Tom and the family. The actor can currently be seen in BBC One's Decline and Fall. Tim Pigott-Smith, 13th May 1946 - 7th April 2017 Reference: Doctor Who Magazine issue 187 Doctor Who News http://www.doctorwhonews.net/2017/04/tim-pigott-smith-070417183008.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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sapanas · 4 years
COVID 19 Impact on Blood Group Typing Market: 2020 Global Sales, Size, Share, Competitive Analysis And Upcoming Opportunities
Market Research Future (MRFR) collected data on several factors including implications of COVID 19 Impact on Blood Group Typing Market and demographic challenges, showed how it could move forward in the coming years.
Blood Group Typing Market Key Players:
Some of the players leading the global blood group typing market are Grifols International, S. A., Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Beckman Coulter, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., Immucor, Inc., Quotient, Ltd., Bag Healthcare GmbH, Novacyt Group, Rapid Labs, Agena Biosciences, Inc., AXO Science, Merck KGaA, and Day Medical SA among others.
Blood Group Typing Market Overview
Blood group typing process helps determine the type of blood group of an individual. This typing method is a mandatory requirement before blood transfusion to examine the compatibility between the blood group of donor and recipient. Blood typing methods also have significance in prenatal testing where the father has an RhD positive blood group, and the mother has an RhD negative blood group.
The blood group typing market is growing pervasively owing to the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and accident cases, worldwide. Moreover, technological advancements in blood group detections methods such as quantum dots (QDs) and magnetic beads in assays improve identification are escalating the market on the global platform, enhancing the clinical safety in the blood transfusion processes.
According to The American National Red Cross, over 21 MN blood components are transfused each year in the US. Following the same suit, an estimated 6.8 million people in the US donate blood each year. Considering the exponential growth, the market perceives currently; Market Research Future (MRFR), in its recently published study report asserts that the global blood group typing market will grow colossally by 2023, posting a CAGR over 10% during the review period (2018 – 2023).
Additional factors boosting the market growth include the augmenting demand for blood grouping during prenatal testing, the rise in blood donations, and growing usage of blood typing in the forensic sciences. Moreover, the growing number of road accidents and trauma cases which require blood transfusion and the increasing demand for blood products foster market growth.
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On the flip side, factors such as the stringent regulatory requirements for blood transfusion are expected to hamper the growth of the global blood group typing market. Also, the unmet clinical needs alongside the unavailability of external funding are obstructing the market growth, especially in the developing regions. Nevertheless, augmenting demand for the blood group typing in the diagnostics that can give fastest & accurate results is propelling the growth of the market.  
Blood Group Typing Market – Segments
MRFR has segmented its analysis into five key dynamics for enhanced understanding.
By Technique: PCR-based &Microarray Techniques, Assay-based Techniques, and Massively Parallel Sequencing among others.
By Test Type: Antibody Screening, HLA Typing, ABO Blood Tests, Cross-Matching Tests, and Antigen Typing among others.
By Product & Service: Consumables, Instruments, and Services.
By End-user: Hospitals, Blood Banks, and Clinical Laboratories among others.
By Regions:  North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest-of-the-World (RoW).
Global Blood Group Typing Market – Regional Analysis
The North American region, heading with the presence of a well-developed healthcare sector would retain its dominance over the global blood group typing market with the largest market share. The increasing occurrence of chronic diseases and the high per capita healthcare expenditures propel the growth in the regional market. This market will create a substantial revenue pocket throughout the forecast period. Furthermore, the presence of prominent market players impacts market growth positively.
The blood group typing market in the European & Asia Pacific region accounts for the second & third largest market, respectively.  In Europe, the blood group typing market is growing due to the well-spread awareness towards keeping good health and the initiatives undertaken by private and public organizations. Moreover, the growing prevalence of various Hematological disorders, chronic diseases, and the increasing number of blood transfusion procedures in the region are fostering market growth.
The Asia Pacific blood group typing market has been emerging as a promising market, globally. Factors such as the continuously developing economies, the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, spreading awareness towards healthcare, and increasing government funding for the healthcare sector are fostering the growth of the regional market.
Factors substantiating growth in the APAC market include the substantial funds transpired into R&D activities, huge patient population, and rapidly developing healthcare infrastructure, government support.  Furthermore, increasing healthcare expenditures and favorable government policies, especially in India and China, are propelling the growth of the market in the region.
Global Blood Group Typing Market – Competitive Analysis
The blood group typing market appears to be fragmented and fiercely competitive due to many large and small players churning the competition in the market.  Through the strategic initiative such as partnership, expansion, acquisition, product & technology launch, and collaboration, these players try to gain a competitive edge in the market.
Obtain Premium Research Report Details considering the impact of COVID-19 @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/blood-group-typing-market-6410
Industry, Innovation & Related News
April 08, 2019 ---- Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. (the US), a leading global pioneer in the field of clinical diagnostic products and life science research announced the receiving a 510(k) clearance from the U.S. FDA for its automated random access system for blood typing and screening named -  IH-500.
The IH-500 system is designed for blood typing and screening based on gel card technology with minimal user intervention across small to medium-sized laboratories. The system can process Bio-Rad’s entire range of IH gel cards for ABO blood grouping, reverse testing, phenotype, Rh-subgroups, antibody screening, antibody identification, single antigen testing, direct AHG testing (DAT), and cross-match, to deliver safe and accurate results.
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bhagyashribhole123 · 5 years
Blood Group Typing Market 2019 Global Market Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast to 2023
Blood group typing process is helpful in determining the type of blood group of an individual. This typing method is a mandatory requirement before blood transfusion to examine the compatibility between the blood group of donor and recipient. Blood typing methods also have significance in prenatal testing where the father has an RhD positive blood group, and the mother has an RhD negative blood group.
The blood group typing market is growing pervasively owing to the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and accident cases, worldwide. Moreover, technological advancements in blood group detections methods such as quantum dots (QDs) and magnetic beads in assays improve identification are escalating the market on the global platform, enhancing the clinical safety in the blood transfusion processes.
According to The American National Red Cross, over 21 MN blood components are transfused each year in the US. Following the same suit, an estimated 6.8 million people in the US donate blood each year. Recognizing the exponential growth, the market perceives currently; Market Research Future (MRFR), in its recently published study report asserts that the Global Blood Group Typing Market Size will grow colossally by 2023, posting a CAGR over 10% during the review period (2018 – 2023).
Additional factors boosting the market growth include the augmenting demand for blood grouping during prenatal testing, the rise in blood donations, and growing usage of blood typing in the forensic sciences. Moreover, the growing number of road accidents and trauma cases which require blood transfusion and the increasing demand for blood products foster the market growth.
On the flip side, factors such as the stringent regulatory requirements for blood transfusion are expected to hamper the growth of the global blood group typing market. Also, the unmet clinical needs alongside the unavailability of external funding are obstructing the market growth, especially in the developing regions. Nevertheless, augmenting demand for the blood group typing in the diagnostics that can give fastest & accurate results is propelling the growth of the market.
Global Blood Group Typing Market – Competitive Analysis
The blood group typing market appears to be fragmented and fiercely competitive due to many large and small players churning the competition in the market.  Through the strategic initiative such as partnership, expansion, acquisition, product & technology launch, and collaboration, these players try to gain a competitive edge in the market.
Key Players:
Some of the players leading the global blood group typing market are Grifols International, S. A., Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Beckman Coulter, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Inc., Immucor, Inc., Quotient, Ltd., Bag Healthcare GmbH, Novacyt Group, Rapid Labs, Agena Biosciences, Inc., AXO Science, Merck KGaA, and Day Medical SA among others.
Global Blood Group Typing Market – Segments
MRFR has segmented its analysis into five key dynamics for enhanced understanding.
By Technique: PCR-based & Microarray Techniques, Assay-based Techniques, and Massively Parallel Sequencing among others.
By Test Type  : Antibody Screening, HLA Typing, ABO Blood Tests, Cross-Matching Tests, and Antigen Typing among others.
By Product & Service: Consumables, Instruments, and Services.
By End-user : Hospitals, Blood Banks, and Clinical Laboratories among others.
By Regions :  North America, Europe, APAC and the Rest-of-the-World (RoW).
Browse More Information:- https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/blood-group-typing-market-6410
Global Blood Group Typing Market – Regional Analysis
The North America market is expected to retain its dominance over the global blood group typing market with the largest market share. A well-developed healthcare sector, the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, and the high per capita healthcare expenditures drive the market growth in the region. This market will create a substantial revenue pocket throughout the forecast period. Furthermore, the presence of prominent market players impacts the market growth positively.
The blood group typing market in the European & Asia Pacific region accounts for the second & third largest market, respectively.  In Europe, the blood group typing market is growing due to the well-spread awareness towards keeping good health and the initiatives undertaken by private and public organizations. Moreover, the growing prevalence of various Hematological disorders, chronic diseases, and the increasing number of blood transfusion procedures in the region are fostering the market growth.
The Asia Pacific region, on the other hand, is emerging as a promising market for the blood group typing owing to the continuously developing economies, the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, spreading awareness towards healthcare, and increasing government funding for the healthcare sector.
Factors substantiating growth in the APAC market include the substantial funds transpired into R&D activities, huge patient population, and rapidly developing healthcare infrastructure, government support.  Furthermore, increasing healthcare expenditures and favorable government policies, especially in India and China, are propelling the growth of the market in the region.
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Blood Group Typing Market – Insights On Functional Challenges 2025
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Snapshot
Blood group typing is a process of identifying type of blood that a person has. The process depends on the level of antigens on Red Blood Cells (RBC) present.  Blood group typing is usually conducted during organ and blood donation as organ or blood donation requires blood transfusion and also the knowledge of Rh factor present on the RBC. Identification of blood group is also important during the pregnancy as it prevents the new born from exposure of anemia. The global blood group typing market has seen a rise in growth due to technological advancements in the healthcare sector.
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The market is about to grow during the forecast period because of the increasing research and development activities in forensic science, increase in the number of accidents, rising organ donation, and increase number of pregnancy. On the downside, the lack of skilled professional is expected to slug the growth rate of this market, as pure professionals are needed in this area. The world blood group typing market is segmented on the basis of types of test, techniques used, end users, and offerings.
On the basis of product and services, the market is segmented into instruments, services and consumables. Consumable section held largest share in the global blood typing market in 2016. It accounts for the major contribution in the market. On the basis types of test, the market is classified into antigen typing, antibody screening, human leukocyte, ABO blood tests, and cross matching tests. Rise in increase of identification of the disease at its initial stage has increased the growth in the usage of the antibody screening test.
North America has emerged dominant in the global blood group typing market. Asia Pacific is expected to lead at the fastest pace in future as the development of the medical sector touch sky.
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Overview
Blood group typing consists of various methods and techniques that are used to detect the group of blood. The correct and reliable grouping of blood is vital to fulfil a variety of clinical ends, especially for safe blood transfusion and in organ donation processes. In recent years, there have been marked developments in the conventional detection methods. Constant technological advancements in microarray, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and other assay-based techniques have improved detection methods. As a result, the market has seen the advent of high-throughput devices that enable clinicians in multiplexed and quantitative detection of various blood group antigens. Advanced methods such as quantum dots (QDs) and magnetic beads in assays improve identification and enhance clinical safety of blood transfusion.
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Global Blood Group Typing Market: Key Trends
The rising number of blood donations and increasing number of patients needing transfusion due to accidents and trauma are the primary factors driving the blood group typing market. The growing demand for blood group typing for pregnancy and prenatal testing has boosted the market. Blood typing is also crucial to detect the condition of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) in pregnant women, thereby stimulating the demand for such tests. Increasing application of blood group typing in forensic sciences is further expected to catalyze the market growth.
The advent of novel molecular diagnostic tools that help in reliable and rapid identification of group in a large blood samples is expected to provide abundant opportunities to market players. For instance, the molecular genotyping of ABO blood groups in large populations can be accomplished with the help of these methods.
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Market Potential
A recent clinical study published in International Journal of Nanomedicine reveals that scientists have developed a novel multiplexed method for the identification of ABO blood groups. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University, a prominent military institution of higher learning in China. Researchers conducting the study, quantified blood group A and B antigens with QD fluorescence assay (QFA). The assay integrates the traditional QD labeling with magnetic beads to make high throughput and quantitative method for rapid detection of antigens present in the ABO blood groups of fairly large volume populations. The scientists evaluated the efficacy of the method by testing the blood samples for 791 people and they confirmed that the accuracy was 100%; in addition, they asserted that when the conditions were optimized, even detection in weak samples produced satisfactory results.
An estimate by the researchers states that the multiplexed detection can be completed within the short span of 35 minutes with over 105 RBCs (red blood cells). This study holds marked significance for blood transfusion safety. The findings of the study show promising prospect for the blood group typing market, since the testing process can be used to devise an effective clinical strategy to improvise on the identification methods for ABO blood groups.
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Regional Outlook
Geographically, North America is a prominent market for blood group typing devices and consumables. The regional market is expected to witness substantial growth in the coming years. The growth of the market is attributed to the constant technological advancements in PCR and assays for blood grouping leading to the design of cost-effective and novel blood-grouping platforms.
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Meanwhile, Asia Pacific is expected to provide lucrative avenues over the forecast period from 2017 to 2025. The impressive pace of growth of the Asia Pacific market for blood group typing is driven by some promising clinical studies in high throughput devices, increasing healthcare spending, and the growing number of blood transfusions.
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Competitive Analysis
Several players are making innovations in their offerings and using advanced technologies to discover novel methods for blood group typing. Key companies operating in the blood group typing market are Novacyt Group, Day medical SA, Rapid Labs, Quotient, Ltd., AXO Science, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Immucor, Inc., and Grifols, S.A.
About TMR Research
TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in today’s supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients’ conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.
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go-to-the-mirror · 9 months
What can I say, nostalgia hurts, that's its nature. You can never go back, and you can never go home.
Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor, Classic Companions: Quantum of Axos
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lucascecil · 1 year
Tenth Doctor - Project: Blue Box
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TV Stories
◆ The Christmas Invasion
◆ New Earth
◆ Tooth and Claw
◆ School Reunion
◆ The Girl in the Fireplace
◆ Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel
◆ The Idiot’s Lantern
◆ The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
◆ Love & Monsters
◆ Fear Hear
◆ Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
◆ The Runaway Bride
◆ Smith and Jones
◆ The Shakespeare Code
◆ Gridlock
◆ Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks
◆ The Lazarus Experiment
◆ 42
◆ Human Nature/Family of Blood
◆ Blink
◆ Utopia/Sound of the Drums/Last of the Time Lords
◆ Voyage of the Damned
◆ Partners in Crime
◆ The Fires of Pompeii
◆ Planet of the Ood
◆ The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky
◆ The Doctor’s Daughter
◆ The Unicorn and the Wasps
◆ Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
◆ Midnight
◆ Turn Left
◆ The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End
◆ The Next Doctor
◆ Planet of the Dead
◆ The Waters of Mars
◆ The End of Time
Tumblr media
Audio Adventures
- 10th Doctor Adventures
◆ Technophobia
◆ Time Reaver
◆ Death and the Queen
◆ Infamy of the Zaross
◆ The Sword of the Chevalier
◆ Cold Vegeance
◆ No Place
◆ One Mile Down
◆ The Creeping Death
◆ Out of Time
◆ The Gates of Hell
◆ Wink
◆ Expiry Dating
◆ Precious Annihilation
◆ Ghosts
◆ Buying Time
◆ The Wrong Woman
◆ The House of Kingdom
◆ Cycle of Destruction
◆ The Trojan Dalek
◆ The Lost
◆ The First Son
◆ The Dalek Defence
◆ The Triumph of Davros
◆ Splinters
◆ The Stuntman
◆ The Quantum of Axos
Tumblr media
- 10th Doctor Chronicles & Donna Noble: Kidnapped & Short Trips
◆ The Taste of Death
◆ Backtrack
◆ Wild Pastures
◆ Last Chance
◆ Out of This World
◆ Spinvasion
◆ The Sorcerer of Albion
◆ The Chiswick Cuckoos
◆ The Jago & Litefoot Revival
◆ The Shattered Hourglass
◆ Fear of Flying
Tumblr media
◆ The Stone Rose
◆ The Feast of the Drowned
◆ The Revolution Casket
◆ The Nightmare of Black Island
◆ The Art of Destruction
◆ The Price of Paradise
◆ Sting of the Zygons
◆ The Last Dodo
◆ Wooden Heart
◆ Forever Autumn
◆ Wetworld
◆ Sick Building
◆ The Pirate Loop
◆ Peacemaker
◆ Wishing Well
◆ Martha in the Mirror
◆ Snowglobe 7
◆ The Many Hands
◆ Ghosts of India
◆ The Doctor Trap
◆ Shining Darkness
◆ Beautiful Chaos
◆ The Eyeless
◆ Judgement of the Isskar
◆ The Slitheen Excursion
◆ Prisoner of the Daleks
◆ The Taking of Chelsea 426
◆ Autunomy
◆ The Krillitane Storm
◆ Shroud of Sorrow
◆ In the Blood
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arushisoni-blog · 7 years
Blood Group Typing Market - Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook by 2025
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Overview
Blood group typing consists of various methods and techniques that are used to detect the group of blood. The correct and reliable grouping of blood is vital to fulfil a variety of clinical ends, especially for safe blood transfusion and in organ donation processes. In recent years, there have been marked developments in the conventional detection methods. Constant technological advancements in microarray, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and other assay-based techniques have improved detection methods. As a result, the market has seen the advent of high-throughput devices that enable clinicians in multiplexed and quantitative detection of various blood group antigens. Advanced methods such as quantum dots (QDs) and magnetic beads in assays improve identification and enhance clinical safety of blood transfusion.
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Key Trends
The rising number of blood donations and increasing number of patients needing transfusion due to accidents and trauma are the primary factors driving the blood group typing market. The growing demand for blood group typing for pregnancy and prenatal testing has boosted the market. Blood typing is also crucial to detect the condition of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) in pregnant women, thereby stimulating the demand for such tests. Increasing application of blood group typing in forensic sciences is further expected to catalyze the market growth.
Request Sample Copy of the Report @
The advent of novel molecular diagnostic tools that help in reliable and rapid identification of group in a large blood samples is expected to provide abundant opportunities to market players. For instance, the molecular genotyping of ABO blood groups in large populations can be accomplished with the help of these methods.
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Market Potential
A recent clinical study published in International Journal of Nanomedicine reveals that scientists have developed a novel multiplexed method for the identification of ABO blood groups. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University, a prominent military institution of higher learning in China. Researchers conducting the study, quantified blood group A and B antigens with QD fluorescence assay (QFA). The assay integrates the traditional QD labeling with magnetic beads to make high throughput and quantitative method for rapid detection of antigens present in the ABO blood groups of fairly large volume populations. The scientists evaluated the efficacy of the method by testing the blood samples for 791 people and they confirmed that the accuracy was 100%; in addition, they asserted that when the conditions were optimized, even detection in weak samples produced satisfactory results.
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An estimate by the researchers states that the multiplexed detection can be completed within the short span of 35 minutes with over 105 RBCs (red blood cells). This study holds marked significance for blood transfusion safety. The findings of the study show promising prospect for the blood group typing market, since the testing process can be used to devise an effective clinical strategy to improvise on the identification methods for ABO blood groups.
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Regional Outlook
Geographically, North America is a prominent market for blood group typing devices and consumables. The regional market is expected to witness substantial growth in the coming years. The growth of the market is attributed to the constant technological advancements in PCR and assays for blood grouping leading to the design of cost-effective and novel blood-grouping platforms.
Meanwhile, Asia Pacific is expected to provide lucrative avenues over the forecast period from 2017 to 2025. The impressive pace of growth of the Asia Pacific market for blood group typing is driven by some promising clinical studies in high throughput devices, increasing healthcare spending, and the growing number of blood transfusions.
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Competitive Analysis
Several players are making innovations in their offerings and using advanced technologies to discover novel methods for blood group typing. Key companies operating in the blood group typing market are Novacyt Group, Day medical SA, Rapid Labs, Quotient, Ltd., AXO Science, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Immucor, Inc., and Grifols, S.A.
Enquiry For Discount @
The study presents reliable qualitative and quantitative insights into:
Market segments and sub-segments
Market trends and dynamics
Supply and demand chain of the market
Market valuation (revenue and/or volume)
Key trends/opportunities/challenges
Forces defining present and estimated future state of the competitive landscape
Technological developments
Value chain and stakeholder analysis
The regional analysis covers:
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
About TMR Research
TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in today’s supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients’ conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.
Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.
TMR Research,
3739 Balboa St # 1097,
San Francisco, CA 94121
United States
Tel: +1-415-520-1050
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minutmr-blog · 7 years
Blood Group Typing Market : Production & Consumption Professional Survey Report 2017 - 2025
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Overview
Blood group typing consists of various methods and techniques that are used to detect the group of blood. The correct and reliable grouping of blood is vital to fulfil a variety of clinical ends, especially for safe blood transfusion and in organ donation processes. In recent years, there have been marked developments in the conventional detection methods. Constant technological advancements in microarray, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and other assay-based techniques have improved detection methods. As a result, the market has seen the advent of high-throughput devices that enable clinicians in multiplexed and quantitative detection of various blood group antigens. Advanced methods such as quantum dots (QDs) and magnetic beads in assays improve identification and enhance clinical safety of blood transfusion.
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Key Trends
The rising number of blood donations and increasing number of patients needing transfusion due to accidents and trauma are the primary factors driving the blood group typing market. The growing demand for blood group typing for pregnancy and prenatal testing has boosted the market. Blood typing is also crucial to detect the condition of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) in pregnant women, thereby stimulating the demand for such tests. Increasing application of blood group typing in forensic sciences is further expected to catalyze the market growth.
Request Sample Copy of the Report@ https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=2471
The advent of novel molecular diagnostic tools that help in reliable and rapid identification of group in a large blood samples is expected to provide abundant opportunities to market players. For instance, the molecular genotyping of ABO blood groups in large populations can be accomplished with the help of these methods.
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Market Potential
A recent clinical study published in International Journal of Nanomedicine reveals that scientists have developed a novel multiplexed method for the identification of ABO blood groups. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University, a prominent military institution of higher learning in China. Researchers conducting the study, quantified blood group A and B antigens with QD fluorescence assay (QFA). The assay integrates the traditional QD labeling with magnetic beads to make high throughput and quantitative method for rapid detection of antigens present in the ABO blood groups of fairly large volume populations. The scientists evaluated the efficacy of the method by testing the blood samples for 791 people and they confirmed that the accuracy was 100%; in addition, they asserted that when the conditions were optimized, even detection in weak samples produced satisfactory results.
Request TOC of the Report @ https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=2471
An estimate by the researchers states that the multiplexed detection can be completed within the short span of 35 minutes with over 105 RBCs (red blood cells). This study holds marked significance for blood transfusion safety. The findings of the study show promising prospect for the blood group typing market, since the testing process can be used to devise an effective clinical strategy to improvise on the identification methods for ABO blood groups.
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Regional Outlook
Geographically, North America is a prominent market for blood group typing devices and consumables. The regional market is expected to witness substantial growth in the coming years. The growth of the market is attributed to the constant technological advancements in PCR and assays for blood grouping leading to the design of cost-effective and novel blood-grouping platforms.
Enquiry For Discount @ https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=2471
Meanwhile, Asia Pacific is expected to provide lucrative avenues over the forecast period from 2017 to 2025. The impressive pace of growth of the Asia Pacific market for blood group typing is driven by some promising clinical studies in high throughput devices, increasing healthcare spending, and the growing number of blood transfusions.
Global Blood Group Typing Market: Competitive Analysis
Several players are making innovations in their offerings and using advanced technologies to discover novel methods for blood group typing. Key companies operating in the blood group typing market are Novacyt Group, Day medical SA, Rapid Labs, Quotient, Ltd., AXO Science, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Immucor, Inc., and Grifols, S.A.
The study presents reliable qualitative and quantitative insights into:
Market segments and sub-segments
Market trends and dynamics
Supply and demand chain of the market
Market valuation (revenue and/or volume)
Key trends/opportunities/challenges
Forces defining present and estimated future state of the competitive landscape
Technological developments
Value chain and stakeholder analysis
The regional analysis covers:
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
The vast market research data included in the study is the result of extensive primary and secondary research activities. Surveys, personal interviews, and inputs from industry experts form the crux of primary research activities and data collected from trade journals, industry databases, and reputable paid sources form the basis of secondary research. The report also includes a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of the market, with the help of information collected from market participants operating across key sectors of the market value chain. A separate analysis of macro- and micro-economic aspects, regulations, and trends influencing the overall development of the market is also included in the report.
Highlights of the report:
A detailed analysis of key segments of the market
Recent developments in the market’s competitive landscape
Detailed analysis of market segments up to second or third level of segmentation
Historical, current, and projected future valuation of the market in terms of revenue and/or volume
Key business strategies adopted by influential market vendors
Outline of the regulatory framework surrounding and governing numerous aspects of the market
Growth opportunities in emerging and established markets
Recommendations to market players to stay ahead of the competition
About TMR Research
TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in today’s supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients’ conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.
Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.
TMR Research,
3739 Balboa St # 1097,
San Francisco, CA 94121
United States
Tel: +1-415-520-1050
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years
Tim Pigott-Smith obituary
Stage and screen actor best known for his role in the TV series The Jewel in the Crown
The only unexpected thing about the wonderful actor Tim Pigott-Smith, who has died aged 70, was that he never played Iago or, indeed, Richard III. Having marked out a special line in sadistic villainy as Ronald Merrick in his career-defining, Bafta award-winning performance in The Jewel in the Crown (1984), Granada TVs adaptation for ITV of Paul Scotts Raj Quartet novels, he built a portfolio of characters both good and bad who were invariably presented with layers of technical accomplishment and emotional complexity.
Tim Pigott-Smith in the title role of Mike Bartletts King Charles III at the Almeida theatre in 2014. Photograph: Tristram Kenton for the Guardian
He emerged as a genuine leading actor in Shakespeare, contemporary plays by Michael Frayn in Frayns Benefactors (1984) he was a malicious, Iago-like journalist undermining a neighbouring college chums ambitions as an architect and Stephen Poliakoff, American classics by Eugene ONeill and Edward Albee, and as a go-to screen embodiment of high-ranking police officers and politicians, usually served with a twist of lemon and a side order of menace and sarcasm.
He played a highly respectable King Lear at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in 2011, but that performance was eclipsed, three years later, by his subtle, affecting and principled turn in the title role of Mike Bartletts King Charles III (soon to be seen in a television version) at the Almeida, in the West End and on Broadway, for which he received nominations in both the Olivier and Tony awards. The play, written in Shakespearean iambics, was set in a futuristic limbo, before the coronation, when Charles refuses to grant his royal assent to a Labour prime ministers press regulation bill.
The interregnum cliffhanger quality to the show was ideal for Pigott-Smiths ability to simultaneously project the spine and the jelly of a character, and he brilliantly suggested an accurate portrait of the future king without cheapening his portrayal of him. Although not primarily a physical actor, like Laurence Olivier, he was aware of his attributes, once saying that the camera does something to my eyes, particularly on my left side in profile, something to do with the eye being quite low and being able to see some white underneath the pupil. It was this physical accident, not necessarily any skill, he modestly maintained, which gave him a menacing look on film and television, as if I am thinking more than one thing.
Born in Rugby, Tim was the only child of Harry Pigott-Smith, a journalist, and his wife Margaret (nee Goodman), a keen amateur actor, and was educated at Wyggeston boys school in Leicester and when his father was appointed to the editorship of the Herald in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1962 King Edward VI grammar school, where Shakespeare was a pupil. Attending the Royal Shakespeare theatre, he was transfixed by John Barton and Peter Halls Wars of the Roses production, and the actors: Peggy Ashcroft, with whom he would one day appear in The Jewel in the Crown, Ian Holm and David Warner. He took a parttime job in the RSCs paint shop.
At Bristol University he gained a degree in English, French and drama (1967), and at the Bristol Old Vic theatre school he graduated from the training course (1969) alongside Jeremy Irons and Christopher Biggins as acting stage managers in the Bristol Old Vic company. He joined the Prospect touring company as Balthazar in Much Ado with John Neville and Sylvia Syms and then as the Player King and, later, Laertes to Ian McKellens febrile Hamlet. Back with the RSC he played Posthumus in Bartons fine 1974 production of Cymbeline and Dr Watson in William Gillettes Sherlock Holmes, opposite John Woods definitive detective, at the Aldwych and on Broadway. He further established himself in repertory at Birmingham, Cambridge and Nottingham.
Tim Pigott-Smith as the avuncular businessman Ken Lay in Lucy Prebbles Enron at the Minerva theatre, Chichester, in 2009. Photograph: Tristram Kenton for the Guardian
He was busy in television from 1970, appearing in two Doctor Who sagas, The Claws of Axos (1971) and The Masque of Mandragora (1976), as well as in the first of the BBCs adaptations of Elizabeth Gaskells North and South (1975, as Frederick Hale; in the second, in 2004, he played Hales father, Richard). His first films were Jack Golds Aces High (1976), adapted by Howard Barker from RC Sherriffs Journeys End, and Tony Richardsons Joseph Andrews (1977). His first Shakespeare leads were in the BBCs Shakespeare series Angelo in Measure for Measure and Hotspur in Henry IV Part One (both 1979).
A long association with Hall began at the National Theatre in 1987, when he played a coruscating half-hour interrogation scene with Maggie Smith in Halls production of Coming in to Land by Poliakoff; he was a Dostoeyvskyan immigration officer, Smith a desperate, and despairing, Polish immigrant. In Halls farewell season of Shakespeares late romances in 1988, he led the company alongside Michael Bryant and Eileen Atkins, playing a clenched and possessed Leontes in The Winters Tale; an Italianate, jesting Iachimo in Cymbeline; and a gloriously drunken Trinculo in The Tempest (he played Prospero for Adrian Noble at the Theatre Royal, Bath, in 2012).
The Falstaff on television when he played Hotspur was Anthony Quayle, and he succeeded this great actor, whom he much admired as director of the touring Compass Theatre in 1989, playing Brutus in Julius Caesar and Salieri in Peter Shaffers Amadeus. When the Arts Council cut funding to Compass, he extended his rogues gallery with a sulphurous Rochester in Fay Weldons adaptation of Jane Eyre, on tour and at the Playhouse, in a phantasmagorical production by Helena Kaut-Howson, with Alexandra Mathie as Jane (1993); and, back at the NT, as a magnificent, treacherous Leicester in Howard Davies remarkable revival of Schillers Mary Stuart (1996) with Isabelle Huppert as a sensual Mary and Anna Massey a bitterly prim Elizabeth.
In that same National season, he teamed with Simon Callow (as Face) and Josie Lawrence (as Doll Common) in a co-production by Bill Alexander for the Birmingham Rep of Ben Jonsons trickstering, two-faced masterpiece The Alchemist; he was a comically pious Subtle in sackcloth and sandals. He pulled himself together as a wryly observant Larry Slade in one of the landmark productions of the past 20 years: ONeills The Iceman Cometh at the Almeida in 1998, transferring to the Old Vic, and to Broadway, with Kevin Spacey as the salesman Hickey revisiting the last chance saloon where Pigott-Smith propped up the bar with Rupert Graves, Mark Strong and Clarke Peters in Davies great production.
He and Davies combined again, with Helen Mirren and Eve Best, in a monumental NT revival (designed by Bob Crowley) of ONeills epic Mourning Becomes Electra in 2003. Pigott-Smith recycled his ersatz Agamemnon role of the returning civil war hero, Ezra Mannon, as the real Agamemnon, fiercely sarcastic while measuring a dollop of decency against weasel expediency, in Euripides Hecuba at the Donmar Warehouse in 2004. In complete contrast, his controlled but hilarious Bishop of Lax in Douglas Hodges 2006 revival of Philip Kings See How They Run at the Duchess suggested he had done far too little outright comedy in his career.
Tim Pigott-Smith as King Lear at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in 2011. Photograph: Tristram Kenton for the Guardian
Television roles after The Jewel in the Crown included the titular chief constable, John Stafford, in The Chief (1990-93) and the much sleazier chief inspector Frank Vickers in The Vice (2001-03). On film, he showed up in The Remains of the Day (1993); Paul Greengrasss Bloody Sunday (2002), a harrowing documentary reconstruction of the protest and massacre in Derry in 1972; as Pegasus, head of MI7, in Rowan Atkinsons Johnny English (2003) and the foreign secretary in the Bond movie Quantum of Solace (2008).
In the last decade of his life he achieved an amazing roster of stage performances, including a superb Henry Higgins, directed by Hall, in Pygmalion (2008); the avuncular, golf-loving entrepreneur Ken Lay in Lucy Prebbles extraordinary Enron (2009), a play that proved there was no business like big business; the placatory Tobias, opposite Penelope Wilton, in Albees A Delicate Balance at the Almeida in 2011; and the humiliated George, opposite his Hecuba, Clare Higgins, in Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf, at Bath.
At the start of this year he was appointed OBE. His last television appearance came as Mr Sniggs, the junior dean of Scone College, in Evelyn Waughs Decline and Fall, starring Jack Whitehall. He had been due to open as Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman in Northampton prior to a long tour.
Pigott-Smith was a keen sportsman, loved the countryside and wrote four short books, three of them for children.
In 1972 he married the actor Pamela Miles. She survives him, along with their son, Tom, a violinist, and two grandchildren, Imogen and Gabriel.
Timothy Peter Pigott-Smith, actor, born 13 May 1946; died 7 April 2017
This article was amended on 10 April 2017. Tim Pigott-Smiths early performance as Balthazar in Much Ado About Nothing was with the Prospect touring company rather than with the Bristol Old Vic.
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lucascecil · 1 year
Décimo Doutor - Projeto: Caixa Azul
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TV Stories
◆ The Christmas Invasion
◆ New Earth
◆ Tooth and Claw
◆ School Reunion
◆ The Girl in the Fireplace
◆ Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel
◆ The Idiot's Lantern
◆ The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
◆ Love & Monsters
◆ Fear Hear
◆ Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
◆ The Runaway Bride
◆ Smith and Jones
◆ The Shakespeare Code
◆ Gridlock
◆ Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks
◆ The Lazarus Experiment
◆ 42
◆ Human Nature/Family of Blood
◆ Blink
◆ Utopia/Sound of the Drums/Last of the Time Lords
◆ Voyage of the Damned
◆ Partners in Crime
◆ The Fires of Pompeii
◆ Planet of the Ood
◆ The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky
◆ The Doctor's Daughter
◆ The Unicorn and the Wasps
◆ Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
◆ Midnight
◆ Turn Left
◆ The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
◆ The Next Doctor
◆ Planet of the Dead
◆ The Waters of Mars
◆ The End of Time
Tumblr media
Audio Adventures
- 10th Doctor Adventures
◆ Technophobia
◆ Time Reaver
◆ Death and the Queen
◆ Infamy of the Zaross
◆ The Sword of the Chevalier
◆ Cold Vegeance
◆ No Place
◆ One Mile Down
◆ The Creeping Death
◆ Out of Time
◆ The Gates of Hell
◆ Wink
◆ Expiry Dating
◆ Precious Annihilation
◆ Ghosts
◆ Buying Time
◆ The Wrong Woman
◆ The House of Kingdom
◆ Cycle of Destruction
◆ The Trojan Dalek
◆ The Lost
◆ The First Son
◆ The Dalek Defence
◆ The Triumph of Davros
◆ Splinters
◆ The Stuntman
◆ The Quantum of Axos
Tumblr media
- 10th Doctor Chronicles & Donna Noble: Kidnapped & Short Trips
◆ The Taste of Death
◆ Backtrack
◆ Wild Pastures
◆ Last Chance
◆ Out of This World
◆ Spinvasion
◆ The Sorcerer of Albion
◆ The Chiswick Cuckoos
◆ The Jago & Litefoot Revival
◆ The Shattered Hourglass
◆ Fear of Flying
Tumblr media
◆ The Stone Rose
◆ The Feast of the Drowned
◆ The Revolution Casket
◆ The Nightmare of Black Island
◆ The Art of Destruction
◆ The Price of Paradise
◆ Sting of the Zygons
◆ The Last Dodo
◆ Wooden Heart
◆ Forever Autumn
◆ Wetworld
◆ Sick Building
◆ The Pirate Loop
◆ Peacemaker
◆ Wishing Well
◆ Martha in the Mirror
◆ Snowglobe 7
◆ The Many Hands
◆ Ghosts of India
◆ The Doctor Trap
◆ Shining Darkness
◆ Beautiful Chaos
◆ The Eyeless
◆ Judgement of the Isskar
◆ The Slitheen Excursion
◆ Prisoner of the Daleks
◆ The Taking of Chelsea 426
◆ Autunomy
◆ The Krillitane Storm
◆ Shroud of Sorrow
◆ In the Blood
0 notes