zorkelwds · 3 years
husky -- my muse reacting to your whispering in their air from behind | :3c
All too used to York’s charming persona, Sokolova let her guard down around him more often than she understood. Evidently, it seemed like such was the reason for this discovery of his and, well, abuse of the newfound power. Her reaction to his voice before was cute, but not to the point of hows he reacted today. Busy days completely isolated her from her beloved, leaving her rather ... unsatisfied with the whole ordeal, she missed York’s touch and his lips and his voice and... 
The daydreams were not the usual thing, but Zarina also rarely wished for someone’s presence by her side in the both emotional and physical sense. Nothing satisfied her, her work kept her awake, and unlike before, her interest in having one-night stands was not there as her mind and body only wanted Matteo, him alone, no one else. Thus, she decided to please herself with the thought of her lover’s visage in her mind. Masturbation was her go-to when she couldn’t do anything else to ease this tension and her desires, but today she didn’t think York would even return to her simply because it was deducted he’d be busy with his own business. They hadn’t seen each other in a while, it was only natural she’d finger herself in her office while thinking of how it could be York doing this instead, pleasing her, whispering into her ear, maybe even teasing her. 
“Haa...” She breathed out upon feeling the growing dampness on her underwear, applying some pressure to her clitoris through the fabric. Her skirt laid on the floor, such a waste of fabric, but Sokolova didn’t care. The only concern was this unbearable heat and just how much she wished HE was here to do this instead of her coming to such a sad, lonely decision. Her shoulder twitched as she closed her eyes, her other hand unbuttoned her shirt. “M-Matteo...” His name is saccharine sweet as she thinks of him, but...
--You called, Zarya?
It felt so real, the whisper in her ear, the hands-on her shoulders. This husky, delicious voice made her desire intensify every single time. That low dip in the way he spoke whenever she as much as uttered his true name in-between her moans. But wait, this felt too real. The warmth of his hands on her shoulders, the sound of his voice, the hot breath on her ear. 
The realization hit her hard. Her cheeks flushed uncharacteristically, making the pink blossom on her cheeks to her ears. She liked being caught, but something about today’s fully not expecting him to come in and catch her basically getting off on simple thoughts of him made her feel just a tiny bit ashamed. Simply because she was never embarrassed to speak of her desires, but mayhaps the overworking were to be blamed for that... or something. 
“Y-York?!” A high-pitched squeak of his codename out of shock. Suddenly, her whole body tensed as she closed her thighs moved away from his touch, turning around to meet his eyes. When did he come in?! Yes, she was happy to see him, but how long was he in her office and she didn’t even notice? She didn’t even hear the door open and close. Or was she so concentrating on getting herself off that she didn’t notice. “When... when did you come in? I thought you’re... not coming today.”
He caught her off-guard certainly, the way her blush didn’t calm down as looked away from him to kick the skirt under the couch didn’t make it better. How did she look to him now with her thighs pressed together and her shirt exposing her lacy lingerie? With her face flushed and her actually looking cuter than her usual confident, snarky self. She hated the feeling of heat in her face, but it was a one-time thing, but his voice. Oh, his voice was making her feel hot and bothered, she won’t lie. If he were to tell exactly what she was doing, she might as well just get off on his thigh. 
“Don’t... whisper like that next time. Just say you’re here or better tell me you’re going to come so at least I can put on a show instead of pathetically whining your name alone in the room?” It’s more defensive to hide away the unusual sensation, her blush finally started to settle down and return the natural porcelain color. “Matt...? Are you listening to me?” 
The look he was giving her made her rub her thighs together again. Did he want a show? Did he want to touch her? Fuck, she didn’t care as long he’d just stop being a smug bitch and fuck her later. 
“Do you want to watch or help me out?” Returning back to her old self. But then again, masturbating while Matteo would watch? Zarina would lie if she were to tell it won’t arouse her even more. She didn’t know what she wanted more: for him to touch her or for him to watch her at this point. Both were perfect. “You can... guide me. Whisper what you’d like me to do from behind.”
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