jinx-6972 · 4 months
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Me trying to catch rde from old whatsaps girls house she messaged me said to bring beer weed and condoms ogmh yea gamecard for music $25 dollars but hell i thought it was legit she gave ne her addres a state away from where im a hell i Google earth her address i fo showed Google earth map a picture right front her house well now we know not herds brick house black shutters 220 green street A4 studio apart ohio USA hell man i knew it was fucking to goid now im thunbing ny eay to my real gf bsvk hine i culd cakl herbut damn she kill me why u in ohio lil johnny why huh huh go figure fuck man what does them whatspp girls are fake scams shit scammin pussy im going to call in better business bureau and tell them about the them whats apps girl's scamming pussy the big pussy scamming hustle none are rea fuck them bitchs sluts fake cuntsl im going to get an AI gf for real my real gf i say be gone when i get home to im going to choke the hel out of my lil johnny my big ole one eye willie thanx dickhead im fucked again thinking with my dick head lil johnny thanx again again and again no happy ending not or bust bullshit im James Ed im outta or bust exit kife shittt damnnnn...!!!¡!!!!!! ;)
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I love you....but, I don't think you are going to talk to me....and, that makes me angry, frustrated, indignant, desirous of starting an explanation from the beginning, adding every piece of fact that I have learned independent of you...every single artifact, large and small (yes, there,are some undeniable groundbreakers....but, they don't necessarily apply today, do they....they may have only been important during a time when I could have been classified as yet another man who loved you....did you not know? REALLY? I am not calling you a liar, but this seems positively bizarre to me. I always assumed that it was even more obvious to you as it was to everyone else....it doesn't take a gypsy and her crystal ball to deduct that a guy who stares at a woman. Nonfucking stop. For an hour, uninterrupted, whose face turns a noticeable Rouge at the mention of your name....who pitely asks the tenants of 1c, where our chess games temporarily migrated, to please end their 45 minute long detailing of every single noise and sentence they heard during the previous night from the adjacent apartment. When they did not take this request seriously, my next reaction caused your future boss (I actually miss that dude a lot....but, I let him know that both his handling of that situation, and, especially, the manner in which he explained everything to countless inquiring minds "after the fact"was not acceptable by any standards, particularly if those standards are derived from a "way of life that demands rigorous honesty", sidenote: I happened to know the entire story, because he whined about it constantly lingbefore you left.So, to hear...why am I talking g about this?Anyway, until years afterward when he was my apologies he thought I had "serious anger issues" cuz of my eventual reaction the aforementioned aituation....I guess that subject is even worse.lol Anyway, I do 't know what the fuck is going on, bit I don't have a good feeling. I would love to be wrong. I care about you, either way....you don't even have my number, or I would say so.e fizzly bullshit like,"whenever, wherever,after whatever,with whomever (actually...I don't know about that one)but it doesn't matter....I wish really 2 things 1) That you could know the true nature and essence of my feelings. I am dogshit at explaining them in any profound way, almost certainly, this is due to the fact that I do not understand the how and why of their existence myself. They are separate from me...operate independently of my will. I used to think of them as unwelcome foreign invaders. I don't anymore...but, I do wish you would hu.or me at least a little bit on this one. 2) It ducks that you don't know me. At all. Worse than not knowing someone is assigning attributes to them that are the opposite of true....and, it seems, the harder I try to improve this situation, the worse it gets...
That's not odd....it is to be expected with the aid of ABSOLUTELY NO REAL communication, and a slew of people most, uhhhhh....LESS THAN compelling from where I sit, who you wilfully allow to constantly alter your views. All in all, I must say things are goid....better, at least. Much better. But, God damn,I want this to change and know that ot really should. I SHOULD SAY "THE SERENITY PRAYER. DONE...WOW!! FUCKING PROBLEM SOLVED.
0 notes
warrioreowynofrohan · 4 years
Thoughts on Mistborn Era 2 (Wax & Wayne):
My main take on these was “ah, looks like Brandon’s taking some time off from his magnum opus to write pulp Western/detective/crime novels”, and I was very amused to look up Brandon’s comments and see a ton of interviews with him saying, “so, this is absolutely me having some fun writing pulp Western/crime novels”. It’s nice to have a writer who’s not too proud to - accurately - describe his own stuff as pulp yet still do a good job of it. They remind me a little of the Dresden Files in terms of the mystery aspects, the urban fantasy tone, the wit, the lack of diplomatic/political subtlety of the protagonists and, of course, the rampant property destruction. But Brandon’s a much more thoughtful author than Jim Butcher, and treats his female characters better.
On the topic of gratuitous property destruction: Wax, for goodness’ sakes, stop shooting the ground! That’s infrastructure, Wax! Fixing the streets takes work, Wax! You’re not a dusty dirt road in the middle of nowhere any more, Wax! Just drop a coin like they dud in the old days! Or a shell casing or bullet if you desperately need to be hardcore. But rampantly firing off weapons in urban areas just to get a base for your Allomancy is a terrible idea.
This was a wonderful follow-up to Mistborn because it was a lot lighter and the stakes were a lot lower, which is nice for a change. I was reading the intro to Elantris where it was talking about people in Brandon’s early writing group telling him he needed to raise the stakes, and personally, I like low stakes. Well of Ascension/Hero of Ages were a grind, much as I liked the ending, and I would be up for more stories like Dawnshard, with low stakes and the heroes resolving the plot by non-violent means.
Marasi and Steris are both very well-done characters - I was definitely shipping Wax/Marasi in the first book and had no expectations of the Wax/Steris engagement lasting, so I was quite surprised, but the switch was well done and I liked it. Marasi and Wax’s feelings were a crush/hero worship and a rebound, respectively. And it’s nice to see a relationship grow gradually like Wax and Steris’ did. What Brandon did with Steris, starting out with a portrayal readers are unlikely to lije and letting her grow on them, is risky (especially with female characters) because readers may hold to first impressions, but I thought it worked very well.
Wayne’s backstory and reaction to it hit hard and was one of the best elements in the series. Another entry in the diverse array of Sanderson redemption arcs. It’s interesting because Wayne both is and isn’t haunted by it - he takes it seriously, it affects him deeply, but he doesn’t habitually brood, and it doesn’t prevent him from being a generally lighthearted, funny, silly person most of the time.
Wayne is absolutely right about the value of certain goids being an arbitrary thing invented by rich people. I’ve had caviar, once (as a garnish on a nice pasta dish at a fancy restaurant). It tastes like nothing. Entirely nodescript. The sole purpose of caviar is to communicate “this dish is fancy (and so, by connection, is the person eating it)”.
I’m deeply protective of Sazed and get very affonted when characters criticize him. I think he’s done an excellent job. It’s hard to wrap my head around the sheer scale of Bleeder’s overreaction to the possibility of her boyfriend moving back to the city. Though on one level it makes sense in that the kandra are of Preservation: she is going to see maintwnance of an existing situation as inherently better and more desirable, even if a change could still turn out well and be something Wax enjoyed. And I don’t feel like Sazed telling him about Bleeder being Lessie would have helped anything - it just would have made the decision to kill her harder, not less necessary, because she was incredibly malicious, destructive, and dangerous and there was no other way of containing her.
The resolution of Shadows of Self is exactly the sort of thing I wanted to see, politically: the mass protests and risk of riot over poor wages, unemployment, and mustreatment of workers is resolved by a committment to address those problems, because the workers’ anger is legitimate and their cause is just.
I’m heartily frustrated by Wax, because it is his responsibility - it is literally his job, he has employees and a Senate seat! - to address the major political and economic problems of Elendel, and he neglects them. I don’t care if you’d rather be out shooting things! You have resposibilities! The workers in your factories are the source of the money and prestige that lets you engage in your gentleman-crimefighter hobby, and you owe it to them to see that the city operates in their interests. You can do far more good in that way than by shootin’ bad guys. Do. Your. Damn. Job. Steris seems to be nudging him in that direction, at least.
In general I’m impatient with a lot of the law-enforcement attitudes. Miles is a villain for whom I have absolutely no sympathy. Oh, so you’ve turned evil because, despite your 15 years of work in law enforcement, crime still exists? Yeah, maybe that’s because your belief that crime will stop existing if you shoot and/or hang enough people was never realistic. Likewise with Wax’s skepticism regarding Marasi’s ideas on how crime can be reduced through better urban planning and social policies - no, Wax, it won’t entirely eliminate crime, there will always be people who are just plain malicious, greedy, venal, or violent, but if you can reduce it by, say, 50-70% by better social policy, that would still be a good thing, right?
The period newspapers are great fun. I want a TenSoon plushie! Come on, Brandon, you’re musding out on a fantastic marketing opportunity! The one thing that bugged me was the ‘Pewternauts’ in The Bands of Mourning. In the first place, it’s a nonsensical name - real-world dreadnaughts, of which these are obviously supposed to be the equivalent, were called that because it literally meant ‘these having nothing they should fear’. The apex predator of military warships at the time, if you will. You can’t just create a random fantasy portmanteau amd pretend that it works - it’s like calling a scandal in a fantasy novel something-gate even though the Watergate scandal doesn’t exist in that world! Secondly, dreadnaughts were part of a massive military arms race in a world where European wars had been commonplace for centuries. The Elendel basin had never had a war in 300 years - these aren’t something that someone would invent just off the bat. Having similar technology to turn-of-the-century earth doesn’t mean it will be applied in the same ways, not with a completely different political context.
In general, New Seran’s complaints seemed overblown. Yes, the transit system treating Elendel as a hub and lacking effective connections between the outlying regions in aggravating. (It’s a provlem that plagues urban public transit systems even now - most routes are either local or feed into the city centre, with relatively few goung from one suburb to another, even as trans-suburban commuting vecomes more common.) But it’s not remotely the kind of thing you fight a war over! I feel like Brandon’s trying to recall the American Revolution, a bit, but the distances are so small (Elendel and New Seran are about as far apart as Ottawa and Toronto) as to make that ludicrous. What they really need is some kind of equivalent to a regional district authority, where representatives of multiple local governments can get together to work on issues of regional planning.
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labrynthorange · 3 years
Woven ways poetry american weilds health true cause as due cause for and of itrevokable able history and deciscions devastated recourses are inaffably itrequite of not solomn knowledge of ways to we these people not upon stable foundations soundvas mean only iherited means value and only allow high-spiced means of secret ingredient to gaud-mavons need to not have damned be able beyond limits fathomed reconcilablecand tesponsive to knowledge healers use could attend to having liberty bell heart soul ours fell woven and marriage coursed even cracked soveriegns honor all pledges trust and opal vale meanings could teenaged mothers afford rows dreams viking ways and wonder american majesty illicited through meals ways necessary and need educated convention and legitimate invalid felt lows offered up ways youth know judgements wrong and not that they are only wrong and burdens we carry because without ways to say ours can be meant mean necessary mensa and nibel as wards with lighthouses garrisoning circes souless cost of only listening to ways worth war as ships and difference dissonance and pacifiable through fsrhoms fear and stirms of loss not worth less whey as lies or orange reason litannybas legislae legitimate and heralded nonpressure golden child with no holds barred banishment of Excuses .. Fear .. Doubt .. Each way not service .. And not only iurs as family farm fresh plots and fields each impovershed mothers whey-layed journey to american romance found feceted fires of wrath not not maternal upon losses offerable to wants wars and wages through ways wavering not as all though ways honoring only confounds even tele-educated valor-collegiate survivors of battles to valid means true on faith against seven woes known of authored works meant need to requite travel pestilence and bigotry as offers to honorrs offering bowl true and our belle liberty and her moon sacred bell liberty wove as moon faces constant and earths true companion in ways evolutional and honorouslybhonorable to find our lady liberty with godvoften biryhrights of likenessess .. Ways ..
You have your mothers spirit in you ..
Your father would be proud to see you and how youve become such an inspiring lady ..
Her grandmoothers wisdom at such a young age ...
And ways hers only to grace fears lore as gifts from ways dragons grant wishes by cost devils collect from bills not mentioned in company children and recalcitrant ..
We children woven from war and woes we are all full up on and stand thirteen infallibly failsafe aproached need whicj we honor her clearly as true daughtervand bloodreign of god our own humolity and ancestry holy as fire crucifix and tridt infallible truths family ways welcome seem familiar and well safe to we her democracy lullaby and nursey ways mother god sacred and losd with leaders we decide to have ways of intelligent compromise afforded and we protect ours as mother bears refuse to not be the best defense .. American mothers Born of true ..
Indulgence is futile ..
Poetry real reasons those bords songs recall ways we hers are also children to the sacred holy losdes of ways we have ways to decide when to say ...
Brcause we said so ..
And histories losses to bear against ways not as merit to woes not the woes on thier wave and woven battles home land and legacies too ..
Everyway except the easy answer .. By power responsible as command woven ours red blue whit stars and ans ways stripes health heraldry and implacable presentation ..
Our morel reasons lady liberty and her moon cracked hearth bell as wedding wellsprings of misintent rue growing pangs none arent fathoms of regailia loss and sox hundred cossacks loss in a charge each way his demands how your faces infants find the way they impossibly beling to sivine god legends goid and mothers imortally maraculous as ..
Steady role models as super models quiet and inwaverable as to why reprrsenting mentor and means without not the fault they look to extoll as excuses we too young and god to accept have ways waving morning flags from woes won impossibly and family irrefutable as inconquerable american necessarily requited to evoke honor only his daughters way our mother state statue and esteem wrought when ways pyramids attest to are mitaculous requisites of civil respect regaurd american faith honored fifty ways thirteen wishes aint not saved more reasons family is worth winning ways hers to rejoice and feem songs at church and dancing at parks city true as well as deciding ways to say thank you are home chicken soup recipes ours to partake of each given sunday through holy walls religious freedom graces waves stone stately and as monumental as everything strong daughters are always ..
Fight to spread educated means each are inspiringly involved as family only faith true and wjen when is said si we as war worth wary regaurd decide to need nothing against ways notable to her and us as hers and hers from ways god and not us too .. dom declared and glory sails commends .. Not without my permission ..
Only when ways ours are trust ..
Forever is only worth democracy woven to ..
Infallible and honired for beckons resource providence and ans prosperity not property or petty .. Pretentious or immiserabley sullen ..
We serious are children her melting pots saving means for vowably wealthy means sacred god mary and roses which account fjording impossiblities each faith family and fathers ways find when they know because blesdings focused on as noble nobel worthy moments capable through recognized means she as jesus then fed with less than enough and survived serving as serfdom each ways imaturity we fathom worth tentative means as risky as a model ours stately whom never has need stand down or mother less ..
We picture faith manger means from billionaire to bullion gold paupers to king of faith are ways americsn family owns proud true as fear of wishes invokable by means spoken only hers as heart geartrain cogs and dizzy spells we worry less about morally judged but regard when knowing mothers way hers and mine and ours creep into worried means crevices that stop progress caused by irresponsible ways which stop none when she says to ..
rue hers as wars worth not loss of another rose child his .. Or honor won and well woven through woes of ours and relentless divine prescence only always sacred as need marrows breath and a womans way
Love our adversity or
Be conquerably in love with children fearless as his daughters ways ours ..
Jesus God
Good Will
Well Woven
Worth each fearless moment kniwn a child family smiles happily ..
Live with wit gods as gods and decide to find ways weceach are able to smile on means ours and proud ..
Kill em with kindness
And honor we who fight fear to smile willingly wry true sly as style hers and necessary upin a paved road of american intentions recusable purposed purposful fruitfully infalliblely not their way to condescend and despair for and fearless on a war against ways good is bad cash lies i dont always understand each need and hpnor children say so too to know ways of well health worth dreams .. as american as gods ways to welcome home family ravens and change because honor is we are on a path of good intentions irrevocodable and power computer correlators honed corcle lies as wit hers as ans and ours when hope requires it .. Less and spirit of dance as war on a music fresh fruit sandwich you only love cause shes real and perfect
Immortally only Hurs
Labrynth Orange
do what you mothers would have your fathets proud true to tomes you doothe worry to your war worry ways true ..
Love liberty
maghitd moon fiend catway
Ans space aged differancent trees after different ryhthms including uou you neveddarily too as always you american are each truevyo ways of global resposibility and family wiven hallows local and beer ..
Never give up ..
God fam and ans faith worth all worth we are ..
Be not alone and ..
Carry on ..
Nothing to see here ..
Alibi as forgivenesd
Honorous as text to speech spoken ways textual ans sensemilla and mexican villas of barrillilo and passion martyr as thorns and love as acceptable
Only always ..
For mothers and miracles
Sacred blues and prayers in faith to ways the mothers skirt woven sky is good yo hid have hide behind as opposed vontend ways hers and jesus fathers and josephall father faith and ways afford what we have we have sacred as fallible famously fathers brothers mothers sisters and safety we each provide .. American solace as though ..
Shes my mom too ...
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cryptidcryptic · 4 years
Free pass to blab about hxh
NeN! This system is so fucking genius man, it’s way of stopping power escalation is ducking brilliant, anyone can win any fight with any nen ability as long as they’re smart it’s 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
It makes fights so much more fun omfg, esspeciallt since the main characters loose fights so regularly that I’m always surprised about the out come of fights!!!
Look at how damn simple it is! Hisoka said it best, sjdhgcv it’s so easy to say what my fav characters from other anime would be (Mura would be a specialist and no I don’t take constructive criticism)
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And it’s frigging maP of actual contents? I c o n I c
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BuT ENOUGH AB OUTTT NEN! The 👏🏽story 👏🏽is 👏🏽so 👏🏽gooood👏🏽 these genius one in a million talent kids just running round beating the ever loving shit out of every adult in their path??? 👌🏽
First ofF you got killua god daMn Zoldyck this lil shIT is from a family of assassinations, next in line to the assassin throne cuz only white haired anime boys can be head zoldyck. His straight up immune to torture, poisons and electricity, cuz in the Zoldyc family child abuse is just your average every day hand me downs.
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One time he juSt tore a guys heart out and handed it back to him??? It was great 🤩 and his friendship with Gon is so pure!!! He just wants friends so bad and he ngdddfsjddggfvvv friendship goals 😭
G o n! This little shit a damn dark horse, you think his gonna be stereotypical anime protagonist no. 47552 but he ducking switches the script!!!! His still a kid and a real fucking selfish one at that, I lov e it!!! He has flaws that are constantly being called out????!??? G o o d, when an assassin tells you to calm tf Down maybe you should Gon ma boiii. Also, his ability is literally rock paper scissors cuz his just cute like that 😭
at first his whole ark is finding his damn absentee dad that just left him at his aunties and bounced
LeOrio is b a b y! He literally entered this exam full of the toughest of the tough as a broke ass med student just to pay his way through school, relatable. We stan a working king 😪👌🏽 also he punches gons absentee dad in the face one time, it was great 💜👄💜
Kurapika is basically just sasuke before sasuke was sasuke: red eyes, dead family someone stole all their eyeballs, r e v e n g e: kurapika 🤝sasuke
As much as I love these four flippers the best part of hxh is that most of the arks we spend away from them, it makes the world seem so much bigger!!! They aren’t the bee all and end all of everything, they really are just kids and sometimes they can’t be involved in shit like war.
And omg the side characters holy shit they could all carry series on their own knuckles, octoboy and camellion best boy are some of the defining side characters 👌🏽 the chimera ant ark is my favourite arks in any god damn anime ever and if you say you watched it to the end without crying you are a LIeR meruem I love you with all my heart omg
AlSo the villains?? ICONIC. Hisoka and Illumi? The best god damn murduos set of CANON husbands in the series and I would pay top dollar to see that wedding
THE PHANTOM TROUP? Poor kids stealing shit and protecting their home even if they live in a literal tip??? Found family in the trash heap????? STAN. Also that one girls ability is literally just hoover with a mouth 👁👄👁 FR NO JOKE
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I would die for egdy boy faitan look AT HIM EDGYYYYYY with the power of speaking in tongues and the sun, he technically does a magical girl transformation whenever he activated his nen 👀 new coat who do dis type of transformation
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And Kalluto has the best damn design be looks so ducking elligsnt, bUt god the fuck did solver aggre to let him roll with the spiders w t f happened to too dangerous?? Please parent your kids silver, do not let youngest zodyck roll with the most dangerous of crews🤡 also Kalluto fights with the power of paper cuts and I love it
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sunjaesol · 7 years
Thoughts during 1x13
- That crossover between Alice and Jug is everything I’ve ever wanted
- Why Archie and Betty, why specifically them? And how does the mayor know they solved it? Heck, Archie didn’t even slove it, he just put on the jacket because Betty wanted him too. 
- That side glance of Jug to Betty was so cute, I actually screamed. 
- Thank God there’s no drama
- I’m praying that Cheryl looking at the hanging rope isn’t foreshadowing
- DID YOU JUST GIVE HEART EYES TO BETTY, LIKE HOW JUG LOOKS AT HER WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP, RETRACK YOUR STEPS AND GO TO RONNIE. I swear to God if the triangle gets in motion in s2 I will fucking lose my shit. Archibald, focus on Ronnie, don’t think of the “picture perfect” relationship with Betty. We’ve closed that book. Thank you.
- bitch Hermione that company is Fred’s life. 
- Cheryl gave away her leading spot on the Vixen’s... that was her life. Cheryl, what are you doing?  
- Veronica asking Betty yet again if she’s fine with the relationship. What’re they trying to do? 
- social services is taking him in? Hell no. 
- FP is honestly the best dad. He sees, observes, knows. He knows his son. My dad would never know those things about me. 
- “He got some darkness in him” - cue to Jug eating a hamburger. I feel so much pity for Jug. I just want to give him a thousand and one hugs. 
- RONNIE AND JUG HAVE A LOT IN COMMON AND IT’S TRUE! watch them fighting over what movie is better THAT IS CANON AND YOU CAN’T DENY IT. 
 - Cheryl is really freaking me out. Is that vulnerable, scared girl the real Cheryl? Was all that sass and sparkle fake? 
- “I’m...” WHAT YOU ARE WHAT? NOT ENDING YOUR LIFE, RIGHT? you are not ending your life, cheryl. 
- and it is Bets locker. Probably because of the article. 
- Oh fight me no one speaks like that to Betty. 
- “and I can’t do anything.” that’s right, Arch. You can’t do anything. for 13 episodes. Still love you though. 
- “I’ve been showing up all year dad, and it hasn’t been shwoing any difference.” I really like this. The show acknowledges Arch had been on the sidelines, which is in his personality triat. Loyal, but submissive. Maybe i s2 we’ll see an active Archie? Curious...
- Hermione, you are such a bitch. You are the people my mom warns me about.
- Penelope is a robot. 
- Having someone close to you commit suicide can increase your chances of doing the same. Jason got mudered and her dad killed herself. I REALLY HOPE CHERYL STAYS SAFE 
- Alice crying and with “no make-up”, the truth? 
- And now... who is the brother? 
- Is that a thing they do at school? Those detectors and police officers? That’s a thing? Is that a thing? 
- awww... idk, am I glad Jug is making friends? It’s not like those people are bad. Probably misunderstood. Like him. Yeah, I’m glad. 
- What the hell is this square relationship tension thing. Bughead are “soulmates” (ronnie’s words) but Archie looks at them (and specifically betty) with uncertainity. I do not like how this is going. 
- “Archie, what is it?” oh god here it comes
- Archie is gonna get Cheryl out of the ice! That’s the scene!
- Cheryl...
- Archie completely lost his shit. I think that’s the... idk moment(?) where all Archie’s pent up emotions go free. he can finally DO something. He was agitated. Loved this. 
- Hermione. I thought you were nice. You are a real serpent. 
- Good explanation, Archie, not sure if it’s 100% legit though...
- Poor Valerie. 
- I suppose Archie is a “local hero” now. He did save Cheryl. 
- The speech was okay, definitely had an impact. 
- boom bitch Hermione you are going down
- is... Cheryl putting herself to flames? 
- Cole’s acting... holy shit dude
- Jughead... picked her UP I AM LIVING
- Archie x Ronnie make-out scene?
- oh yep
- oh it’s sex. that’s cool too. 
- that cockblock doorbell. they would’ve had sex if it wasn’t for the cockblock at the door
- Jug... as a serpent? But you’re a troubled writer, not a weed selling person... thing. 
- Betty I get that you’re frowning but Jug looks fucking hot right now you can’t deny that
- Archie had sex with a broken hand? Damn. 
- Wow wait but this does not mean Fred dies. He was still alive when we last see him. They’ll go to the hospital, right? 
- Now who has the burglar? And what was the point of this scene? 
And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the end of season one of Riverdale. See ya in 2018 folks. 
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jodhiifromthe503 · 5 years
Verse 1:
Never been shit
Never out
Never do shit
Put a slit
On my wrist
Just a smidge
Not deep enough for an Apocalypse
Polly wanna crack the sky
Just a little bit
Turn tides with a full eclipse
Keep my words strapped to my hips
I palm beretta
Til it empty clips
And I loose lips
They sink ships
Verse 2:
I would bite the hand that feeds
But doggie always wants the bone
Zarathustra wants revenge
But I just wanna be alone
I might kill an Ubermensch
Ya I might come for the throne
All your friends are gonna snitch
And now your home is overgrown
Verse 3:
Ya I might glitch
I might spit
Through your pleasure dome
Real g’s move in silence
Like a gnome
And the way you Schadenfreude
Is the crust hum of your weight
And when Mara met Siddhartha
Kafka, keep her at the gate
Verse 4:
Trapped in my mind like a black hole
50 first dates
Gyrating in the Bardo
Ya, Jesus waits and waits
For that true love
Left on read
With a full shrug
I feel like a circus act
Dumbo and his acrobat
I’m feeling vertigo
Gonzo with the shits
Looking for a mole to whack
Condemn me to Tartarus
With a flick of the wrist
And I’m cached ya
Am I dumb or just happy?
Like Sisyphus
Rolling boulders like blunts
I’m a masochist
Like a dysphoric, Narcissist
I see your face in constellations
And the Redwood mist
Bright eyes
Faded back to black
Like you don’t exist
Life’s overrated
Left with hypocrites
Narrating Vanilla shit
Like ventriloquist
Like out played soft rock hits
Every genre’s full of drama
I can’t find no fuckin peace
Call me anti-Dali Lama
I’m the Harlot and the Beast ya
You don’t threaten me the least
You don’t threaten me the least
I’m the Harlot and the
Verse 5:
I’m giving you back your karma
Keep it to yourself
And your dharma
Dummy boy
broke the game just like a toy
Go find another lower life form to annoy
Masochistic repetition
Habits fosters by religion
Life of superstition
might get to heaven
Lead a loan
Check your intuition
For tuition
But it might be bunk though
Like a pyramid scheme
Junk to the junk fiend
Black screen
Searching for Anna Belle Lee
Lost within a dream
In a dream
In a dream
Time to feed the
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotlight mind
Then I hit reset
Don’t wait for me at the gate
Bitch, I don’t repent
You act so certain about a little secret
Do me a favor
Keep it
(We don’t need it)
If my chain hangs low
And it wobbles to the floor
With a pink beam of light
Tessellating on the floor
I don’t wanna do this anymore
Verse 6:
Ya I can’t shake it out
Like a Polaroid
Geekin like a goid
Always paranoid
Like tweakers on parade
Hung up in a gallery
Stuck up in a Thomas Kincaid
Fuck your bonus and your salary
I’m minimum wage
Paid hourly
They harvesting my energy
Investing to devour me
They fear mortality
And always act so cowardly
But never to empower me
If you can’t understand
you standing under me
Verse 7:
Its my life
And I can’t delete it
Even if you escape
Then your bound to repeat it
Like the Pinball Wizard
Do what you can to beat it
But you never beat it
You should fucking quit, bitch
Verse 8:
Building castles out of sand
So run, Ricky, run
Build as fast as you can
Hoping the tide don’t come
You’re the gingerbread man
Toodles lost his marbles
Slipped right from his hands
Now the Universe is gone
Stravinsky effect
Triumph of the Spectacle
Literacy is dead
And the Universe is a cannibal
Its all in your head
Try to hit me on my cellular
But my phone is dead
Assassinate the precedent
And kill God with a 10 strip
Hunt down Prometheus
Blow out his candle, death wish
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