lucyunfair666 · 2 years
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Okay-still not entirely sure if this is a thing but I made it a thing and it is now mine. [REDACTED] is an Ink who fell into the Core during a battle with Error. He lost his vials as he fell and some of the paint landed on his face as it cracked, thus resulting in the unknown substance that's constantly dripping off his face. This substance is unknown and can change colors varying between what emotions he feels. After the incident, [REDACTED] fell into a Void, just like any other Gaster or character would. Ink, being petrified of being forgotten, alone, and the color white, did not take it well at all. At first, he wasn't too concerned. The emotions he had would eventually fade away and he just had to wait for someone to find him. But the emotions never went away. They were stuck to his own face. So yeah. That was a fun, very long, and very traumatic point in [REDACTED]'s life. While [REDACTED] was stuck in the Void, he was terrified that he'd forget his friends' faces, and desperately wanted to draw them. Unfortunately, he had lost Broomie during the battle and was unable to create properly without his vials. At the time, he didn't realize they were stuck to his face, and he could have just used some of the colored magic to make things. So, he did what any suffering artist would have done. He slowly broke the tips of his fingers and used his blood to draw on the floor of the Void, as seen here. He couldn't feel proper pain, so it didn't hurt him as much as it would anyone else. It actually helped [REDACTED] cope with his problem for a while. [REDACTED] is only able to leave the void if someone opens the door (not an asker/creator.) I'm still working on the designs for everyone else in Coreverse, so be patient if you want to see more!! Coreverse by me Ink by Myebi
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lucyunfair666 · 2 years
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#coreverse #inksans #redactedink
So yeah, this is my own ‘verse. His name is Redacted.. And well, he’s not having fun in his little void.
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