astarionposting · 4 months
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Daenerys WIP - (Head Preset)
I have released my Daenerys preset! I fixed the neck seam woohoooo and edited her brows a bit. Thank you @violadesdragons for helping me with texturing and testing it out <3 Unique Tav compatible. I will add a human version with human ears when I wake up, I messed up the code somewhere and it breaks ALL mods so i need to redo it again.
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Oh To Be a Barton (Chapter Eleven)
Tagged: @justgrits
*Several Months Later*
“No. No. It has to be thinner for them to easily disguise it.” Emily groaned in annoyance. 
“If it’s thinner they won’t be able to hold as many bullets. The weapon would be useless.” Bruce explained. 
“They are trained assassins, dad. They won’t need that many bullets. Plus, I’m in the process of instructing a thinner bullet.” Emily informed him. 
“Fine, make it thinner, but then it needs to be longer.” Bruce said. 
“They’re assassins. They need smaller and thinner weapons.” Emily replied. 
Bruce sighed. 
“You give me a headache.” He said. 
“Yeah, well you cause aches in my butt.” Emily retorted. 
“Did you just call me a pain in your ass?” Bruce asked. 
“Yes, but I did it nicely. Now make the gun the height in my plans.” Emily grinned before turning back towards her computer. 
“Lord, grant me patience so I don’t strangle my own child.” Bruce muttered. 
Emily cackled.
“There’s the buzzer. Go see who’s here.” Bruce said. 
Emily groaned and pushed away from her computer. Bruce had rented a small building and opened up a small practice. He did most things for free or charged a small fee. They lived in the back of the building and had his office in the front. Emily skipped through their lab and up to the front of the office. 
“Śubha sandhyā.” Emily greeted. (Good afternoon.)
“Ḍāktāra haẏa?” The lady asked. (Is the doctor in?)
“Ēka miniṭa.” Emily said. (One minute.)
Emily disappeared into the back and made Bruce go into the front. She returned to her work on her weapons and left her dad to deal with the patient. Emily pulled the tablet in closer and moved her pen around changing the shape around trying to get the right size and volume. 
“Emily!” Bruce called out. 
The young girl sighed. 
“What?” She yelled back. 
“I need you.” Bruce said. 
Emily pushed away from the computer and scurried on her way back to the front of the building. She froze mid skip and slid across the floor slightly when she saw Bruce standing there. He was alone, but he had a cake in his hands. Balloons were tied to random objects around the office and presents were stacked on the counter. 
“What is this?” Emily asked. 
Bruce grinned. “Happy Birthday!”
“Holy shit. I totally forgot about my own birthday.” Emily gasped. 
“I figured you did. That’s why I did this all behind your back. I wanted to surprise you.” Bruce smiled. 
“Dad, you’re the best.” Emily sighed happily. 
“Yeah, I know. So why don’t you make a wish and then dig into your gifts.” Bruce said. 
Emily grinned and then hurried over to Bruce. She took a deep breath and then blew out the candles making a wish. After the candles were blown out, Bruce set the cake on the counter and planned on cutting later. He picked up one of the gifts and held it out to Emily. 
“You didn’t have to get me anything.” Emily said. 
Bruce raised an eyebrow. 
“But I’m glad you did.” Emily grinned. 
Bruce shook his head. 
“So what did you get me?” Emily asked, shaking the gift. 
“Why would I tell you when you can open it?” Bruce replied. 
“Okay, okay.” Emily said. 
Emily opened the gift and tore the tissue paper out from the box. Her mouth fell open and she looked up at Bruce. He was watching her with careful eyes. With shaky hands, Emily pulled the chip from the box. 
“How did you get this?” Emily asked. 
“I conned it out of Tony.” Bruce told her. 
“I’ve always wanted my very own artificial intelligence.” Emily said in awe. 
“Kid, I listen to you. Heuristically. Operative. Matrix. Emulation. Rostrum. Also known as, Homer.” Bruce said. 
“Can I connect the chip to my computer?” Emily asked with wide eyes. 
“Why don’t you open the rest of your gifts first?” Bruce suggested. 
“Alright.” Emily said. 
Bruce watched with anticipation as Emily opened the rest of the gifts. The second gift she opened was a Wacom drawing tablet. The third gift was a set of several different language dictionaries to help Emily. Bruce had picked up teaching Emily several different languages. The last gift was a huge one. Emily looked up at Bruce and he just urged her to open it. Emily tore into the wrapping paper. She ripped open the white box and then gasped. 
“Is this the real thing?” Emily asked him. 
“No, but it’s an exact replica and made from the same material.” Bruce said. 
“How?” Emily asked. 
“It’s not from me.” Bruce said. 
“Then who?” Emily asked him. 
“It’s a gift from Coulson.” Bruce answered. 
“That son of a bitch.” Emily smirked and lifted the shield from the box. 
“I think it will look nice hanging over your bed, but remember language.” Bruce scolded. 
“Sorry, dad.” Emily said. 
“I’ll cut into the cake while you go and hookup Homer.” Bruce said. 
“Be right back!” Emily exclaimed running off. 
Emily removed the chip from the small box and then slid into her computer. She clicked through the right files and typed in the right codes. Em quickly entered her name into the code before pushing enter. She watched the green bar slowly fill up across her screen. Emily waited impatiently for the system to finish loading. Her fingers taped against her desk as the bar filled up. 
“Good evening, Emily.” Homer said. 
Emily let out a squeal of excitement. 
“Hey Homer.” Emily greeted. 
Bruce left Emily to connect with Homer. He left out a few slices of cake for him and Emily. He placed the rest of her birthday cake in the fridge. They would be having take out for dinner later. He already had ordered it and had planned it to be delivered after their office was closed. 
“Venga a cuidar de sus regalos.” Bruce said. (Come take care of your gifts.)
“Tulossa!” Emily called back. (Coming!)
Emily left her desk and headed back into the front of the building to grab the rest of her gifts. There was a knock on the door and then Bruce hurried to answer it. Emily stopped to see a little girl standing at the door talking quickly to Bruce. 
“Calm down. What’s wrong?” Bruce asked. 
“My father,” The girl trailed off. 
“Is he sick? Like the others?” Bruce asked her. 
“Please.” She pleaded. 
Bruce glanced back at Emily. 
“Go. I’ll lock up after you.” Emily said. 
Bruce nodded. “I won’t be gone long.” 
Emily watched the little girl quickly run off. Bruce chased hastily after her. Emily locked the door behind her dad. She went back to taking care of her new gifts. She hung the shield over her bed and then took her new tablet into the lab. She tossed her old beaten up tablet to the side and then quickly connected the new one. 
“Homer, play Pandora.” Emily said. 
“Which channel, Emily?” Home replied. 
“Classic rock and blast it.” Emily answered. 
Livin’ on a Prayer by Bon Jovi began blasting from the speakers. Emily pushed her glasses higher up on her nose as she went back to work on the new weapon design. It didn’t take long for her to get lost in her work. She never heard the door click unlock or Bruce calling out for her. 
Emily let out a scream as somebody touched her shoulder. 
“Sorry.” Bruce apologized. 
“God, dad!” Emily gasped. 
“I called your name, but you didn’t hear me over the music.” Bruce explained. 
“What is it?” Emily asked, rubbing at her aching chest. 
“We have a visitor.” Bruce said. 
“This late into the evening?” Emily asked. 
“Yes and they want to see you.” Bruce told her. 
“Really?” Emily cocked an eyebrow. 
“You better go out there.” Bruce said. 
Emily left her chair and hurried out into the front of the building. She let out a whoop of excitement when she saw the familiar redhead standing there. Emily ran towards Natasha throwing herself at the girl. 
“Nat!” Emily exclaimed. 
“Hey kid.” Nat smiled squeezing the girl tightly. 
“What are you doing here?” Emily asked. 
“I’m pretty sure today is someone’s birthday.” Natasha said. 
“You came to see me for my birthday?” Emily asked her. 
“You’re officially a preteen now. I had to come see you.” Natasha said. 
“Did you bring Clint?” Emily asked hopefully. 
“Sorry, Em, but there’s something that you and I need to talk about.” Natasha sighed. 
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Emily asked fearfully. 
“Take a walk with me.” Natasha said. 
Emily followed Natasha out into the darkening night. She kept up in stride with Natasha as the older girl walked through town. Natasha didn’t say anything for several long minutes and Emily didn’t ask any questions. Whatever had happened, Emily knew it was serious and that Natasha needed the right moment to tell her. 
“There’s another reason why I came here.” Natasha spoke. 
“Nat, just tell me what happened.” Emily said. 
“I know you’ve found the files on the Avengers initiative.” Natasha began. 
“Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of files that Shields didn’t want me to find.” Emily pointed out. 
“I’m here because of the Avengers.” Natasha said. 
“Bruce?” Emily asked. 
“Bruce.” Nat stated. 
“So why isn’t Clint here helping you?” Emily asked. 
“Because of this.” Natasha said holding out an iPad towards Emily. 
Emily took the iPad and watched the security clip from one of Shield’s labs. She could see Doctor Selvig with the tesseract. Emily watched in horror as the tesseract began to glow and then a man appeared from the blue light. Emily squinted and watched the video a little closer. Everything had happened so quickly. A small groan escaped her as she watched the man touch his scepter against Clint’s chest. 
“Where is he now?” Emily asked. 
“With Loki under his control apparently.” Natasha answered. 
“Loki? As in the norse god?” Emily asked. 
Natasha nodded. “The one and only.”
“Thor’s brother right?” Emily asked. 
“Yeah.” Natasha answered. 
“Hang on.” Emily said. 
She started to tap away at the iPad. Natasha moved around to stand behind Emily so she could watch the girl work. Natasha smirked as Emily easily tapped into Shield’s system and began pulling up files. Articles about Thor in New Mexico appeared. Pages and pages of info on Loki downloaded next and then the Avengers initiative.
“What exactly are you looking for?” Natasha asked. 
“This.” Emily said, showing her the iPad. 
“Oh no.” Natasha said. 
“Why not?” Emily asked her. 
“Your brother and Bruce have not worked this hard to keep you off Shields radar to only turn around and put you in the middle of it.” Natasha explained. 
“Fury had made Ace so I could be a part of the team when it came to it.” Emily said. 
“Yeah, that was the plan if you were to have stayed with Shield and got all of the proper training.” Natasha told her. 
“I could be helpful.” Emily pointed out. 
“You’re a liability.” Natasha said. 
Emily sighed. 
“Then what the hell am I supposed to do? Where am I to go?” Emily asked. 
“I already have that taken care of.” Natasha told her. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Emily asked.
“Just trust me okay?” Natasha replied. 
Emily nodded. “Of course.”
“Good. Then let’s head back to Bruce. I’m sure your dad is freaking out that I’ve kept you out past dusk.” Natasha teased. 
Emily chuckled. 
“Nat,” Emily said squeezing her friend’s hand. 
“Yeah?” Natasha muttered. 
“Will you promise me to get Clint back no matter what?” Emily asked her. 
“You know I will.” Natasha promised. 
“I know you can do it.” Emily said. 
“Don’t worry Em, I’ll have your brother back to being a pain in both of our asses in no time.” Natasha reassured her. 
Emily smiled. “Thanks.”
The girls walked back to the Banner residence. Bruce had already begun packing bags for both he and Emily. Natasha explained that they had an early flight back. Shields was waiting for them at the airport. Natasha promised to explain everything to both Bruce and Emily on the plane. She’d tell Bruce about his part in the Avenger plan and just where exactly Emily would be staying while her most important people were out saving the world. Natasha told Emily that she would be pretty happy with where Natasha had decided to stow her away. Emily just had to trust her friend that everything was going to be okay in the end. 
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