#RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 2020
wordsmatter09 · 1 year
Love Moments
To preserve a very special feeling, I promised myself each day to remember the moment I gazed across the room at you and realized you had taken up residence in my heart; and I wondered if I would ever exist within yours. RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 2020
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wordsmatter9 · 4 years
Broken And Stronger My soul cried a thousand times but no one saw the tears. My heart broke a thousand times but no one could hear it crack. My eyes witnessed betrayal a thousand times, but focused on the path. My arms were empty a thousand times, but I filled them with hope. My spirit was stolen a thousand times, but I found it every time. My conscious wrestled with truth of a thousand times, but returned to its rightful place. My morality stumbled a thousand times, but I always made it right. I slid into the darkness a thousand times, but always found the light. I am grateful to those who helped guide me to the light when I could not find it alone. And there are those who I can never forget; for they aided in rebuilding my thousand broken pieces. Stronger. I began writing this poem in the summer of 1995. And in March 2020 I wrote the last line. And yes, up until the moment I added the last line, I had edited it a thousand times. I am never satisfied with my words. But like a song, we mostly cling to the melody. When the words are attractive within the song, it’s like adding icing to the cake.
RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 1995 – 2020
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wordsmatter09 · 2 years
Broken And Stronger
My soul cried a thousand times, but no one noticed the tears.
My heart broke a thousand times, but no one could hear it crack.
My eyes witnessed betrayal a thousand times, but I focused on the path.
My arms were empty a thousand times, but I filled them with hope.
My spirit was stolen a thousand times, but I found it every time.
My conscience wrestled with truth a thousand times but returned to its rightful place.
My morality stumbled a thousand times, but I always restored the righteous ground.
I slid into the darkness a thousand times, but always found the light.
I am grateful to those who helped guide me to the light when I could not find it alone.
And there are those who I can never forget; for they aided in rebuilding my thousand broken pieces.
We are all broken in some manner.
And those who possess perseverance and a strong determination; restore themselves from the broken pieces, shall be stronger than ever before.
RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 1995 – 2020
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wordsmatter09 · 3 years
Democracy passes when ignorance and blind worship prevail, and truth is no longer a virtue.
 RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 2020
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wordsmatter09 · 3 years
Everyone has wins and losses within the realm of love. However, sometimes a win becomes a loss, and most of the time, a loss becomes a win. But neither are ever absolute.
RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 2020
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