#RPG kid? The physics of cloth and drawing the elements
thegoldendoorknob · 2 years
10 and 15?
10. What’s that one thing that inspired you to make drawing your consistant hobby?
Outside of nature itself lol, videogames and cartoons were also up there. I thought the Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry styles were 'easy' enough for a kid to recreate at the time, which is funny considering they're iconic and hard to recreate characters. As far as the continued hobby goes, it's just much easier to communicate metatextual ideas and memes through visual art than it is to explain things in writing, at least for me. The Mona Lisa's smile makes for many interpretations despite not knowing anything about her.
15. Biggest artist pet peeve?
TAing mellowed me out as far as that goes, the only thing that pisses me off is when artists/patrons gatekeep their genres. It's just unfun for the whole family and actively harms would-be artists in the long run. I also have issues with art teachers that make biased judgements against children trying to use a style they like or struggling to understand, due to it 'distracting from the lesson', because if they bothered to learn anything about them, you can actually use that information to your benefit and remain engaging for the students to learn through that medium. They also need to get better at explaining the 'How and Why' behind those traditional art lessons. For a college student it's pretty clear erasing charcoal is meant to be a lesson on controlling negative space, for a child it feels like a lesson in frustration and wrist smudging.
TL;DR I have more problems with the factory system of artists than I do art... things, itself.
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nezclaw · 6 years
RPG ficlet thing
i wrote a few bits on the monkees if they were characters in an rpg fantasy setting. it doesn’t really go anywhere it was just me playing with ideas.
"We're part-time bards." the tallest one explained. "We'd do it full time except it's really hard getting work. Plus, after that one incident we decided it might be better to specialize in something else."
The shadowy figure coalesced some distance away. None of their attacks were working. Their allies were injured or incapacitated. They were in fact the only one still on their feet. There was no way out. They were going to die here. As they moved, to try to position themselves as best they could, they feel something against their chest. Their pendant, a holy symbol of the faith they were raised in, had somehow come out from inside their clothes. One hand grasped it, and a sliver of hope was felt.
They dashed to the side, crouched, and prayed.
The wizard companion, seeing this, flings a cantrip at the foe. They were out of good spells, yes, but they could at least try to distract it just long enough for the shadowmancer to do whatever they had planned.
A hole appears in the creature's form. Across the chamber the shadowmancer stood, dressed not in inky blackness, but in pure gleaming white. They lower their pistol as the foe advances, and draws a sword and shield, both also gleaming in divine radiance.
A single strike sends the foe reeling, and another couple strikes see it destroyed. Once finished, they sheathe their brilliant weapons and go to where the group's healer has fallen. Radiance is collected and projected onto them.
The cleric revives, their magic restored.
That done, the radiant figure smiles, and collapses. The divine light fades before the cleric can get a reading on the origin, and the figure reverts not to the shadowmancer garb, but to basic sturdy fabric armor.
Even with healing, they remained unconscious and had to be carried out. It wasn't a physical exhaustion, the cleric explained, but a magical depletion.
"Didn't think he had that sorta magic in him..."
"He's got this symbol though..."
Later, the shadowmancer explains that he was raised as a paladin, but circumstances drove him to abandon that path.
"Honestly, I didn't expect to get a response it's been so long since i practiced." he said, twirling his holy symbol. "I do try to keep the faith, but that's more out of habit, y'know?"
"Yeah, but... you're a *thief*."
"I had uh... I do it outta necessity, at least at first. Nowadays I don't steal from shopkeepers, but some rich jerk with a full purse an' no regard for the common people?" He chuckled. "Better that wealth get redistributed to them's that need it."
"Wait... are you the guy who leaves coins in peoples houses? My cousin got a visit from you! She was able to get the kids a new set of warm clothes for the winter."
The rogue shrugged. "I'd heard it was gonna be a bad winter."
"The enchantment on these clothes are incredible. Where did you get these spelled?"
"Actually he did it." He indicated the groups wizard, who grinned.
"It was out of necessity, really. We couldn't afford proper armor, but I got a deal with a cousin who runs a magic shop so I can get spell components really cheap. Plus my instructor was adamant I learn at least a little of how to enchant armor."
"Still, these are remarkably complex. You'd be hard pressed to find armor to beat this. Certainly nothing in my shop is quite this good, although it might look better... You've even got elemental resistances woven into it!"
"Yeah well after the encounter with the young red dragon... and the young blue dragon... and the young white dragon... and the young black dragon..."
"I TOLD him the mountains were called Dragonsnest for a reason... but no he insisted he knew a shortcut," the rogue said.
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