rebelichor · 1 year
@enokvirkow | X
The world started to stabalise around her. It wasn’t just fuzzy figments faded into dark, the room began to fill in with solid colour — what little it had to offer, clinical whites and steels. As her breathing began to slow from her deep, desperate gasps, she seemed to take in more... especially the unknown figure.
Brown eyes locked onto them. Their eyes narrowed on her. It was a stare down between them.
Their hands raised in surrender and she set her jaw. She knew she couldn’t let them see how terrified she was. Never mind her wild display had already given that much away.
Then they — he — dared to utter the most heinous lie.
When he called himself Enok she growled out with her teeth bared. “The fuck you are, chrome dome!” As quickly as she spat out those words in anger, she deflated again. Almost as though she were just some scared kid cowering.
Because the last thing in the world she expected was for her voice to not be her own. It was like a stranger had spoken for, but she had full control. “What... the fuck...”
She recoiled from his approach as much as she could. Her legs, finally cooperating, curled to one side as she shrunk back against the doorframe. He tried to make himself look harmless. But he had already lied to her, and she was a Cyberpunk, she recognised the chrome in his arms. He could slice her up to ribbons.
Her hand reached to feel her own arms. Bare. No monowire. She was like some fucking virgin and she reached up to brush her fingertips over her chip slot. Absolutely fucking nothing. It was like she had been stripped completely.
... but she still had a memory. It ebbed back to her. She had been in this place once. Where someone asked her name, and then she was plunged back into the dark nothing...
“I’m not telling you shit. Fuck you, fuck your little games!” The longer Ariadne gave him nothing... the more time Enok had to come be this asshole’s reaper.
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