Rosenrot Liveblog.
I just noticed how ominous the clouds/mist look.
Till’s voice is deeper than the gaping hole in my bank account.
If I saw some villagers in a remote place, feasting and dancing around a maypole, the last thing I’d do is join them, because you know someone is going to be sacrificed and it’s always the newcomer. These priests have obviously never seen The Wicker Man/Midsommer.
The shot of the sacrificial ram foretelling Till’s fate always gives me chills. I am such a sucker for biblical references even as an ardent atheist. It’s the lapsed Catholic in me. 
Richard cackling like he’s taking over the world instead of just scoring some free food and wine. He’s the eternal drama queen and I love him for it. 
I love how much Till is obviously enjoying the food. I don’t think he’s even acting here. That man lives to eat. 
It still bothers me that she’s so young. Was that because her parents are a big part of the storyline? She does a great job but it’s still a little weird.
Richard flagellating himself like “Oh god. The Pain! *It burns! It burns us! and Till’s all “Just another day at the office” I wonder!*Whack* what’s for *whack* dinner? *Whack Whack* Maybe Flake*Whack* will let me *Whack* have his leftovers.*Whack Whack*
Personally I’m team Richard here. Why the hell would you willingly do that to yourself?
When Richard is sitting smoking, if you listen very carefully you can still hear the sirens of the ambulance heading to hospital with the unfortunate assistant who tried to remove the cigarette from his mouth. Oli and Paul praying that they don’t have to face yet another lawsuit.
Knowing Till this was probably the most courteous stabbing ever. He might murder you, but he’ll return in the morning to tidy up and feed your cat.
I love how everything is blood red here. The house practically screams murder before she does.
Till is adorable here. So soft and so proud of himself. Even though he's a murderer the way his expression falls as he realises what is happening, is heartbreaking. He really is a human teddy bear.
Paul runs like he’s running for a bus that he doesn’t really want to catch because he’d rather take an Uber. 
Why can’t I find a Till under my bed for once, instead of yet more dust bunnies?
The way Till screams in terror here is so convincing. I remember him saying that when he was young he saw a man being beaten almost to death by an angry mob. I wonder if this video brought that memory back?
They’re so casual about killing him. It’s more chilling for me than Till’s murder scenes, particularly because some of those people were his friends, yet they are so cold and callous about it.
Paul is right. Schneider really does have some great, very evocative expressions. 
The contrast between the horses grazing peacefully and the still smoking remains of Till makes the ending all the more horrifying. 
I wonder why only Paul glances back?
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Volkerball Liveblog.(Part 1)
Reise Reise.
I wonder how it feels to walk down that corridor and step on to the stage. It must be terrifying and magical, even after all this time. 
The Hol Weg chant is so atmospheric.  It’s the perfect opener together with that curtain falling. The crowd’s energy level goes to 11 the second that falls.
Till looks, and I hesitate to use the word when describing him, absolutely monstrous and huge here and that is clearly what they’re aiming for. He’s so commanding and sinister. Just utterly mesmerising.
I love Richard’s little twirls here. It makes him look like a six year old trying on a new dress and it’s very endearing.
Till’s stage fright is showing already. I want to hug him.
This is still one of my favourite Rammstein songs and my favourite of their stage outfits. They’ve never looked better.
Links 234
I love Schneider’s gestures here. He looks as though he has fun with this one.
Paris has ruined me because I keep expecting to see a butterfly come out of his mouth.
Schneider’s arms. I need a cold shower.
Richard plays like he’s having an orgasm. After that guitar solo the crowd definitely are.
I love it when Till absolutely roars that note on Links. I don’t know who we’re fighting but I’m ready to join the Rammstein army. Sign me up now. 
Keine Lust
Why do I find it so hot when Till spits and sprays water everywhere? If anyone else did that I’d be like Eww gross. When he does it I practically want to bathe in it.
I love the way he bends and rises in time to the music at the start. He looks so huge and powerful. This is definitely peak Till for me. Muscular with a good bit of chub  He’s a literal man mountain here and I am living for it. 
They really should headbang together more often. I can’t get enough of it.
Feuer Frei
They had better put this song back on the setlist.
Holy shit. Till’s arms
Poor Flake. No wonder he finally snapped and took Till out with that Segway.
The look of utter adoration on that woman’s face. I feel her. 
I wonder if Flake has ever considered trying out the dragon masks, or wanted to?
When he’s just standing there with the dragon mask on with his hands behind his back, he’s so incredibly imposing. Yet you can see how uncomfortable he is that he has to just stand there. 
Asche zu Asche
Richard’s ass lions have made my day. Please bring them back.
You can definitely hear that Till was sick when this was recorded. His voice was busted but he still sounds great and I love the extra growl in his vocals
Half of this is me fangirling over Till and the other half is me fretting over how anxious he obviously is. 
Schneider’s energy is incredible.
Oli sounds so good here. I mean he’s amazing generally but the bassline in here is just perfect.
The burning microphones scare me. I’m always worried that Richard and Paul will burn their pretty little mouths. They’re a great effect though. 
This is on of my favourite concert moments ever. Till’s extended Ich komm Wieder here. I could listen to a ten hour loop of this. It’s magical the way he just lets his voice soar and the sheer emotion in his face makes it even better. 
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Frau and Mann Liveblog.
I know that it’s so overplayed but I still love The Flower Duet from Lakme and it’s perfect here.
One of the saddest things for me, about Lindemann parting ways, is that Peter Stormare probably won’t be appearing in any more of their videos. He’s such a great addition to the Lindemann universe and I’ll miss him.
Peter T does a great job here too. You get a real feel for their characters even though neither of them have said a single word. 
Every time I see the factory scene I always expect them to start singing At The End of The Day.
The “ay ay ay” still surprises me. It is not a sound that I ever expected to hear from Till’s mouth, but somehow it works so well with the song. Rather like Adios and the “Bop Bop Shu Bop.”
I love how gloomy his office is. The factory is too, but his office is even more bleak. It’s perfect for the character who has such a dark, miserable little life and such a contrast from the stark whiteness of the spaceship.
I know that he deserved that blow with the ashtray but it still makes me wince,
Stormare’s sad puppy face kills me.
The building with its peeling facade, the dark dank room, the unmade bed and bleak outlook all tell you so much about this pathetic man. Kudos to the set designer and everyone else involved in creating the set because they did an amazing job with so little. 
Their synchronized suffering is so effective. One in darkness, one encased in bright white. Both stranded in their own little worlds.
Nice cameo from Anar. Till’s expression when he opens the door is the definition of done.
This look is one of my favourites, but when he is getting ready and tilts his head to the side showing his piercings, he’s utterly devastating.
I like how much warmer his parents’ home looks even though it’s still dimly lit It’s much more cosy
I’ll never get over the size of this man’s hands. You could cradle a ten year old in them let alone a newborn.
I love this moment between Till and the actress who plays his Mother. They both do such a great job here. Her affection for him seems so genuine as does the way he tries to brush off her obvious concern.
Till’s Oh Shit expression when he sees Loboda is so effective. He looks so terrified and regretful. I like the almost stigmata style bleeding too. How his body echoes the guilt that he feels. 
One thing that confuses me about this video is that the languages throughout, on objects and news reports, seem to switch between Russian and English. There’s obviously a reason for that, considering the thought they put into the video, but I’m not sure what. 
The ending is almost too abrupt for my liking, I really wanted Peter T to go after him and have a brother to brother talk, but it’s a great punchline(Literally)
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I'm going to be liveblogging Volkerball tonight so if anyone wants to block it my tag is RRTBlogs. I’ll probably do it in two parts because it’s long and I want to cover the bonus songs. 
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I’m going to be liveblogging a few Rammstein and/or side project related videos so for future reference, because I plan on doing more of these, if you want to block them then my tag is RRTBlogs.
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