#Rabbit Ears {Human Verse 💫💙}
reactivatedrockstar · 8 months
"What?! They say drink lots of fluids when you're sick! Soda's a fluid!"
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reactivatedrockstar · 6 months
Closed starter for @6am-saveme
It was practically a tradition at this point for Freddy and Bonnie to spend a day at the amusement park shortly after the Bunnie family's annual trip. As much as the freckled bassist loved spending time with his siblings, he always ended up watching the younger ones that were too short to ride all the big, intense roller coasters. Mom and Dad took the triplets and Brielle around kiddie land, whereas Brent, Bridgette, and Bibi ran off to go ride all the stuff Bonnie wanted to, leaving the responsible teenager to keep an eye on the fellow middle children. That's why he and Freddy always went back: to give Bonnie the chance to ride what he missed out on.
Bonnie absolutely loved it, because who wouldn't want to spend the day at the amusement park with their best friend?! Especially since he didn't get to ride the park's new giga coaster, Night Train. While it didn't have any inversions, he'd heard nothing but good things about this ride, and it was even made by one of his favorite manufacturing companies, so he knew that the restraints would be nice and comfortable. Bonnie had been geeking out about this coaster for months before it opened, so naturally, standing in line to ride it was a hard thing for the brunette to do.
"I am literally so excited for this."
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reactivatedrockstar · 3 months
[Bro I really want to write Winston, like for a starter from Winston.]
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reactivatedrockstar · 9 months
[Some more human!Bonnie headcanons I thought of:
He doesn't run on caffeine, but he drinks some every day, either from Ghost energy drinks or soda. Sometimes he'll drink coffee though, but he has to destroy it with creamer.
His favorite ghost flavor is green apple
He loves takis, but has no spice tolerance, he'll eat one or two, and his face goes beet red. Make fun of him for that.
He's definitely moved out by the time he's 23, but he gets lonely so he asks his band mates if they'd want to be roommates. His apartment is really small though, so there's probably only room for one other person. Freddy, obviously, is the first person he asks.
He's also a major extrovert, so he has a hard time doing basic things alone, like going to the store. He'll always be like, "hey, I need to go to the store, do you want to come with me?"
He also has buck teeth and gets freckles in the summer. All the Bunnie's have the buck teeth, though, they get it from their dad, and most of them needed braces- they get that from their mom. Bonnie didn't need braces.]
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reactivatedrockstar · 8 months
Bobbi got in trouble with @melatcnin
Bonnie didn't mind picking up his baby brother from daycare, but he did wish that he didn't have to do it so often. Even still, as often as he came, he'd never seen this particular teacher before.
Before even talking to this person, he pulled out his driver's license, knowing he'd probably need it, considering Mom dropped off this morning.
"Bobs!" He called, getting the toddler to turn his head, but nothing more. "What?! What'd I do?!" Bonnie joked, running a hand through his blue and freshly dyed hair. "Hi, I, uh, I'm picking up Bobbi Bunnie?"
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reactivatedrockstar · 5 months
[I've been wanting to use human Bonnie a LOT lately, so like/reblog this post for a rabbit ears starter! Make sure you tell me if you have a preference for before coma or post coma, otherwise I get to choose! >:3c]
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reactivatedrockstar · 8 months
Bonnie was stubborn as hell when it came to performances. He was a known perfectionist when it came to playing music, and even more so when it was his own original work.
So of course by the time he realized he was sick and actively not feeling well, it was far too late to cancel the performance. All the buck toothed bassist could do was pop a cough drop, shut off his mic, and play his instrument as calmly as the music would allow him to. If he had to cough, it had to be brief.
Of course, the loud music, bright lights, special affects, it eventually got to him. How could it not? By the end of the show, the crowd was shouting for an encore, which ordinarily Bonnie would have been ecstatic about. Instead, however, he looked to Freddy, signaling that he needed the show to end. He was not feeling well.
By the time he got backstage, all he wanted was to be alone, because he felt awful. His skin felt like fire, his head was nothing but a greasy sweat blob, his limbs felt like trembling jello, and he was just winded from being so stuffed up. He hoped he didn't look as bad to the audience. He sat down in front of the vanity with a groan, looking over his face. His eyes were red, and his face was pretty flushed, even through his contour, which was now making the rest of his skin look ghastly pail in comparison. A whine escaped this time as he put his head down on the vanity before hearing a knock at the door.
"Ugh, yeah, come in...."
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reactivatedrockstar · 2 months
[I feel like a common thing with human Bonnie is him dropping something, trying to catch it, and then slapping it across the room with the might of Zeus.
And he just stares like ŌuŌ "whoops."]
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reactivatedrockstar · 4 months
‘You’re safe now. Nothing’s going to hurt you.’ ⊱ Moon ⊰
Nightmares: a meme compilation (Accepting in Human Verse)
Whenever it was Bonnie's turn to pick up his literal baby brother from daycare, it was usually not a big deal. At most, the toddler might have bitten someone or fallen, leaving the older sibling to sign an accident report.
Now, today, Bobbi was getting picked up early- something about Dad wanting to take them all out for lunch before his tournament this weekend, he couldn't remember, he was distracted by his music. However, when Bonnie walked into the toddler room, Bobbi was screeching and crying into his teacher's chest, merely inches away from his cot.
"Oh my gosh- what happened?" Bonnie asks, wondering if he'd just walked in on his brother getting hurt.
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reactivatedrockstar · 5 months
@glammingrockinchica liked for a Rabbit Ears starter
"Anything you buy at Hot Topic can be a tax write off if you wear it onstage." Bonnie informed with a goofy smile. "I guess that could apply to any store, but Hot Topic has more of our aesthetic. Oh, and before I forget, I need to stop over at Game Stop before we leave the mall. I need to find something for my sister's birthday."
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reactivatedrockstar · 5 months
Becka set her purse down in the adjacent chair, pulling up her playlist on YouTube. She turned the volume to a low level, so it was mere background noise, but set it next to her older brother's head, so he could hear it. The playlist itself consisted mostly of David Bowie songs and maybe a few of the Beatles. All with the same vibe. Nothing too loud or outlandish, all calm and slower. The kind of stuff her sibling would listen to in one if his lesser known mellow moments.
The sounds of Bowie's Space Oddity filled the room, along with the beep of the heart monitor.
The young actress couldn't help herself. She leaned on the hospital bed of her comatose sibling- the silenced rockstar- the blue-haired bassist- the rabbit ears of the family. She gently took his hand in hers, biting her lip as she choked back her sniffling.
"Hey, Bonnie." She hated the way her voice cracked, but she ignored it for now. "Practice was okay, but you'd hate the show. You're... not missing much, but it's... still gonna be weird without you there." The girl swallowed, staring at the stubble that was once the rockstar's iconic blue hair. "Oh, Bartleby made another drawing for you. You would think this one is so cute... sorta." She pulled a sheet of paper from her purse, and unfolded it for him, despite knowing he couldn't see it. The drawing was of him with his long blue hair, his red Van Halen shirt, his favorite jeans, and some black knee high boots. At least, that's what Becka thought the five year old's drawing was of. On the picture, written in crayon read 'I MIS YOU WAK UP SO YOU CAN CUM HOAM.' "She got your favorite lipstick and eyeliner just right. She wants you home... well, we all do.... but she actually wrote it. Her handwriting is getting better. Oh, and Bobbi is talking more, now. He's getting so big, but I bet you're tired of seeing is grow anyway." A single tear rolled down her cheek, and she gently rested her head on his bed. "Sorry I don't have a lot to talk about today. Not much happened today...."
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reactivatedrockstar · 8 months
[Giggling over the mental image of human!Bonnie giggling over silly cat tiktoks and he makes little comments over each one like
"Oh! Oh no poor babie ahahah! Get wrecked! Awwww- OH NOHOHOHO! WELL. HE'S BALD NOW."]
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reactivatedrockstar · 9 months
@glammingrockinchica needed a ride home.
"Before I start driving," Bonnie started, but he already had the car on and warming up by this point, "do you know how to get home from here, or should I plug it into the GPS?"
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reactivatedrockstar · 7 months
"I'm so mad." The poor guy wheezes out, although given the state of his voice, he sounds more like he's on the brink of crying. "You would think, with how often I get sick, I have the immune system of a god by this point, but no. I have siblings." A sinus infection from Bradley, a double-ear infection from Beckham, and one very angry and sick musician. "They don't share anything else, but when it comes to germs, suddenly it's an all you can share buffet." Now he was just complaining at this point, but how could he not? It hurt just behind his nose whenever he breathed, and the sorness extended to his throat and ear canals, especially when he swallowed. Bonnie never dealt with ear pain well. "And of course, the doctor's office closes early on Fridays."
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reactivatedrockstar · 8 months
"I hate it when you're wearing false lashes and you sneeze."
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reactivatedrockstar · 9 months
Bonnie is getting some opinions from @muutos
The brunette-turned-blonde looked at his now dry hair in the mirror. As often as he has to maintain his hair, he's still never quite used to the look of blonde on his head. Although, as he picks up the long strands of his hair and drop it, it looks far more 'yellow' than 'blonde' to him.
"I don't know, Rox, it just looks so brassy to me. Do you think I should go for another round of bleaching before I try for blue? I don't want to be green." Of course, he'd wait a few days before bleaching again, he wouldn't want to melt his hair.
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