#Rachel Queen Burton is an abusive man
coochiequeens · 8 months
Another abusive man who started his transition after committing sexual violence.
By Genevieve Gluck. February 6, 2024
A popular transgender TikToker in Australia who previously had gained thousands of followers as a “proud trans woman” has pleaded guilty to aggravated counts of producing and possessing child exploitation material, gross indecency and indecent assault. The South Australia District Court heard that Rachel Queen Burton repeatedly abused two children, and then stalked them and their family into homelessness, before he began claiming to be a “woman.”
Burton was first arrested in October of 2022 by the elite Joint Anti Child Exploitation Team and charged with child abuse and exploitation offenses. In December that year, Burton had denied the allegations, but he has now pleaded guilty. Though Burton is from Coolalinga in the Northern Territory, the crimes were committed in the Southern state.
During recent court proceedings, both the children and their mother strongly condemned Burton in their victim impact statements.
“You are a gross, phony, self-indulgent thing who has cheated my children out of so much, and took it away from them without care,” the victims’ mother said.
“In your online rants, you showed no remorse for your bad behavior, all while knowing what you had done … getting an audience for your false life was far more important. You can wear any mask you like, but the truth is out and everybody knows who you really are, finally.”
The victims’ mother described how, after she discovered Burton’s abuse, she fled the area with her children, only to be followed by the sexual predator. She told the court that at one point, she and her children were residing in a police-issued safe house until Burton “showed up at the window, peering in,” causing them to flee again.
“No food, scared children, too scared to go anywhere, never knowing if you could find us … when the children did sleep, nightmares haunted them,” she said. “Being homeless was extremely grueling, the worrying was relentless, but you were online having the time of your life… We were all betrayed, tricked and lied to. You are the monster, you make me feel sick to my stomach.”
The youngest victim, whose age has not been disclosed, told the court that Burton’s abused had made her feel “like a bird trapped in a cage.”
“I was happy before you broke the rules, I didn’t know what was going on at the time, I feel angry at you for doing the wrong thing to me,” she said. “I felt like a bird trapped in a cage, all I wanted was to be free … I still worry that you will find me.”
The second victim, a boy, said he was constantly “terrified” and that he had difficulty sleeping due to chronic nightmares. “I’m always worried you are going to turn up somewhere, and this makes me feel terrified,” he said.
Burton’s case was first reported by The Advertiser, which referred to Burton as a “woman” and utilized feminine pronouns for him.
Burton was best known for his popular TikTok account, which had over 36,000 followers and boasted 418,000 ‘likes.’ On his profile, he describes himself as a “proud trans woman” who is “living my best life with no regrets.”
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In January 2022, Burton posted a video announcing he had been on hormone replacement therapy for 1 month and providing his viewers an update on his physical health.
“I [thought] I was supposed to get moody. But I haven’t been moody since starting the testosterone blockers … I got a little bitchy — just a little bitchy, that was when I was straight on the estrogen,” Burton explains, “I still cry. I still cry heaps. I’m still an emotional wreck. But it’s a nice emotion.”
Burton, who is currently being held in a correctional facility for men, has been remanded in custody awaiting further sentencing submissions in April.
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  March is the first month of spring, but in the UK spring has not sprung.  Never mind, we can cheer ourselves up with some good books, there are some brilliant ones around.  March was a difficult month for me as I lost my eldest dog and one of my reading buddies Sasha, but books gave me an escape from the sadness.  I read eleven books and listened to two audiobooks, although only reviewed one audiobook, the other I will blog soon. All books reviewed this month can be seen below.
It has taken me a while to choose my top three books of March but here is my final decision.
  Anna by Amanda Prowse I found to be a very powerful book.  The protagonist, Anna, had a very troubled childhood, but was determined to make something of herself, and not to have to rely on anyone else.  She is lucky to meet Theo Montgomery, her soulmate, who may have had a privileged childhood but it was just as traumatic for him.  However, their relationship does suffer, Anna wants a family of her own but Theo is worried he doesn’t know how to be a father was he was never shown affection.  Amanda Prowse is releasing Theo this month so we get the chance to read his side of the story.
  Last Letter Home by Rachel Hore is set in the present day and in the 1940’s England and Europe during the War. It follows Briony in the present as she searches for information about her grandfather and his role during WWII.  In 1940’s Paul is half German and has come to England with his mother after his father is killed by the Nazi’s. He obviously faces prejudice at this time of turmoils but builds a relationship with Sarah, also just returned to England from India.  This is a tour de force, full of historical detail, and a compelling storyline.  Rachel Hore remains one of my favourite authors.
    The Fear by C L Taylor is a wonderfully chilling psychological thriller.  Centred around the difficult subject of grooming it follows Lou, who turns to her home town after the death of her father and decides to face the man who groomed he and abused her eighteen years before.  Cally Taylor looks at the ongoing effects of abuse and how it effects not just the abuser and the one being abused, but also those around them.  This dark and tense thriller demands all of your attention  and puts Cally Taylor on the map as the queen of the psychological thriller.
    If you missed any of my reviews have a look and see if there is a book you may like.  In April I am looking forward to reading The Muse by Jessie Burton, Hangman by Daniel Cole and The Burning Chambers by Kate Mosse.
  March Abridged March is the first month of spring, but in the UK spring has not sprung.  Never mind, we can cheer ourselves up with some good books, there are some brilliant ones around.  
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