alexiela73 · 1 year
Headcannons for Ramattra and Reaper with an s/o who has a terminal illness? Sorry if this is morbid
No apologies!
The last few months had never felt longer, Ramattra thought...or shorter
It had all happened so quickly. The last six years had been like a dream, and Ramattra couldn't remember ever being so happy before, or knowing such peace
Then, you started to get tired. You were always exhausted and seemingly short of breath. You had said it was likely just the stress of the job getting to you
Ramattra hadn't thought anything of it till he found you passed out on the floor one day
That trip to the hospital had been one of the scariest moments in Ramattra's life...and from there on, it all had changed
The two of you discovered that you had cancer, and an aggressive one at that. It was already stage four, and Ramattra's hand squeezed yours as the doctor explained what that meant
Of course you were offered treatments, but you wanted time to think about it
Ramattra at the time didn't understand what there was to think about. He was scared- scared to lose you before you'd had a chance to share your life together
When the time came to choose, you took Ramattra's hand and all you could say was, 'Travel with me, Ramattra. Show me...the world. Forget the treatment- it won't work, and then my time to explore this world will be gone. Please....please, take me far away from here," you had said, almost begged.
The way you had looked at him, had pleaded... Ramattra couldn't force you
Lifting you, he had touched his forehead to yours. "Anything for you," he had rumbled. At least he'd be able to be there to take care of you- to see you smile and laugh.
The two of you went to so many places. Greece, Japan, Russia- you visited the temples in Nepal, and went diving with the dolphins in Hawaii. Together, the two of you explored.
As the two of you went, you started to get more tired. Your stomach churned every time you thought of food, or you began to lose the contents of your stomach more easily.
Ramattra cared for you- he would hold you as you lay sweating in the middle of the night, wiping your forehead with a damp clothe. Carry you up the hiking trails. He'd softly tell you again, as you tried to fall asleep each night, about the things you'd seen that day- the waterfalls, the trees, the animals.
Your favorite moment was a hike the two of you had taken. Ramattra had found a beautiful peak over the ocean and the trees, and he had cradled you in his lap, helping you sip hot soup....and snuggled together, the two of you had watched the sun rise together on the horizon.
"This," you whispered. "This...is what...I want you to remember. Every time the sun rises and sets on you....I want you to remember these adventures, and how much I love you."
Ramattra leaned his head over yours, thumbs rubbing your palms. "I will, y/n. I promise...I love you.
The two of you have known for awhile
After being married for almost a decade, the two of you knew each other pretty well, so when you started to feel ill, Gabriel had taken note
The nausea, exhaustion and dizziness wouldn't have mattered as quickly if you hadn't spat up some blood too
Now the two of you have been in and out of the hospitals the last year, after having been diagnosed with a terminal illness
The two of you were pretty hopeful- Gabriel had pulled every string he could to get you the best care
You went in for treatments and blood transfusions constantly, though there had definitely been worse days then others
Despite that, there were lots of moments the two of you loved. With all this happening and the fear of the worst, Gabriel made a point of spending as much time as possible with you
The two of you went on the cutest dates- while he wasn’t a theatre type, he allowed you to take him to a Hamilton production
You went to a pumpkin patch and went on a carriage ride
The two of you spent a lot of time walking along trails or going to the beach in your free-time
As the year progressed, there was no sign of improvement, and Gabriel finally decided to work from home
It was important to him to be there with you- to be accessible when you needed help. He knew this was scary for you, as much or more-so then it was for him
Still...this time was precious for the both of you
It did come to a point where you started to get worse. For awhile, you ended up stuck in a hospital bed. Seeing you in that bed, looking so pale and fragile, killed him
It took a week or two, but eventually you seemed to get a bit more energy, but the two of you knew...there wasn’t long left. 
The doctors suggested that you stay, but the two of you had already talked about it
You wanted to pass at home, in a place that you cherished
Gabriel...wanted you to be happy. He knew that at home, surrounded by your gardens and wrapped in your mothers quilt is exactly the place where you’d be the most comfortable
At night, the two of you would lay awake, fingers entwined. 
“Tell me again what their names would have been,” you had whispered in the dark. Listening to his low, raspy voice, feeling his warmth...you felt so peaceful
“Two girls, Skye and Marisia,” he said softly, thumb rubbing your knuckles. “One boy. Cain, maybe...or Cole.”
“And where would we live?” you whispered, your voice faint. You’d both done this each night, talking about the life the two of you would have had. Cherishing the dreams.
“Somewhere quiet...Somewhere with a big yard,” Gabriel painted the picture. “A porch...Maybe even a lake house. I want our kids to be able to have fun- the sky is the limit for them.”
“That’s right,” you said, squeezing his hand. “That’s right.”
Late that night, you passed away in his arms. Gabriel was awake- he knew when your heartbeat stopped. Felt as your warmth started to slip away.
Cradling you there though, he knew... that where you were now, there was no pain. No fear... he reminded himself that as he cried, knowing that that was the last time he’d ever hold you.
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