#Rappa is not mentioned here sad kfjgkdfggkdf
kakusu-shipping · 5 months
I'm in a mha kick so how about; 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 11 & 12 for fatgum? :3
It's so hard to find screen shots of Fatgum where he doesn't look pissed as hell. At some point you just give up and pick a funny one instead.
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1. Do you and your F/O live together?
Yeah! When we were in Highschool we were dorm mates, and a few years into his hero career I moved in with Taishiro to lighten the load of expenses. Those Gigantification quirk apartments are NOT cheap, plus the amount Taishiro has to eat to maintain his quirk well.. It's a good thing I made it into the Major League basically right after highschool.
Though we're not in that apartment anymore. It was only ever one bedroom which stopped being enough when Tamaki came into the picture, and now Momo too.. The rent was getting crazier by the year anyway, it was overall cheaper just to buy a good house.
2. Do you make dinner, or does your f/o? Is it a joint effort?
Despite being a big eater, Taishiro doesn't really like cooking. He can do it, it' just not fun for him, which was fine when it was just us. We could both live off takeout our entire lives need be, but we have KIDS now and they deserve a home cooked meal.
I'm not great in the kitchen but I started learning when we adopted Tamaki. Back then though what I made was practically inedible, and we still ended up getting take out... But I've gotten better!! When Momo gets days off school she comes and visits, we're learning to cook together now.
So yeah, I make dinner for the kids. But sense they all live at UA now Taishiro and I still get Take Out most nights..
4. Do you and your f/o have any pets?
Unfortunately not, we don't have time to properly take care of a pet. Maybe when we finally retire out to Taishiro's family farm...
5. What does your f/o smell like?
County Fair. Mostly fair food, but always with a wiff of country/farm life and sweat.
8. Ideal vacation spot with your f/o? What would you do there?
On our last vacation we took a trip out to visit Taishiro's family, helped pick safflowers and vegetables, worked their table at the local farmer's market, help the neighbors with their rice fields, helped the other neighbors birth a calf, all sorts of hard farm work... I hope we get a chance to go again soon!
11. Would your f/o still love you if you were a worm? How about vice versa?
Tamaki asked me this same question just the other day. It could be pretty funny, being married to a worm...
Taishiro said if I were a worm he'd put me to work in the mulcher with all the other worms he use to dig out of his momma's zucchini garden. Take that as you will.
12. What was your f/o's first thought about you?
It's not romantic, for all of you expecting love at first sight. If I remember correctly the exact quote he gave last time I asked was; "This guy's real fuckin annoying, am I gonna be stuck with him all year?"
The answer was no, he was gonna be stuck with me all THREE years.
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