#Raps would never give cass a punishment no matter what had happened between them
I have a question, do you believe that giving Cass a form of punishment is too harsh?
S3 Final
[Rapunzel walks inside her room and looks round seeing all the ruble from the fight they had with Zhan Tiri]
Cass did a lot of wrong things but.. she’s my friend and I’m glad to have her back. I think Cass learned what she did was wrong and I can’t hold anything against her because I know this was all Zhan Tiri doing.
{Sees the big hole in her room and gazes outside}
It wasn’t right for what Cass did to Corona, but I know everyone deserves a second chance and I’m willing to give it to her.
I know my father would want to give a punishment to Cass for what she did, maybe she can do community service by helping up rebuild the kingdom? But I refuse to have my father lock her up like she’s some kind of bad person, even after everything she’s done she is still my friend.
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
headcanon dump; varian
In canon verses, Varian never takes any training, therefore all the things he learns is through doing, and reading himself. In Modern verses, when Varian is tasked with Homework, it is generally done when he gets home. He does it first, so he can spend more time on doing the things he loves and researching things he likes over things he has too do.
Doing his homework is a tiring task asked of him, he actually hates it which is also why he would do it first, to get the things he doesn’t like out of the way to leave room for the things he does enjoy.
you know that mocking thing people do when someone they don’t like is talking, when their back is turned? yeah, varian does that when king fredrick talks, quirin has caught this and chide him, but varian has caught him giving the biggest eye rolls ever when the king isn’t looking
Sleep? Him and sleep didn’t get on for a good four to seven years from the moment he saw his father encased in the amber. There were constant nightmares, and he would force himself to stay awake. Other times, he just wouldn’t sleep because he was too focused on his works and couldn’t stop, because he had to finish it. He has been forced to go to sleep by those around him.
despite varian feeling hurt, or like there was some wrong sense of justice when concerning cass’ punishment compared to his, he doesn’t HATE cass or rapunzel. he can’t bring himself to hate them, because at different times they both have helped him. he just needs to work through his feelings, and talk about how the events make him feel instead of bottling it up like last time
varian, concerning his feelings about the whole cass seemingly getting away with her crimes deal, as well as specifically with cass the whole kidnapping ( and others ) thing. he will talk about those feelings first with any of these ; quirin, lance or eugene, before talking about it with rapunzel and cass, just so he doesn’t make them feel bad for his feelings bc yes he still loves and cares for them, they’re like his family even if they’ve had rough patches, he doesn’t want them to feel bad for what he is feeling, even if what he’s feeling is valid.
varian is a quick learner, when it comes to skills. and he can actually pick things up quickly, especially if he enjoys the task / activity
varian masters his potion to enlarge ruddiger to make it more safe for ruddiger
varian also learns about the things fredrick does and redirects his blame ( bc that doesn’t just go away, even if he felt guilty for what he did - he still has the right to feel HURT by rapunzels actions in the show ). but, upon learning that the king is the reason for the rocks in the first place, how the king made his father feel like he won’t listen to reason so therefore making his father lie to try and fix what he could - varian realises the problem is with the king and the system the king has put in place. and because of this, he won’t listen to orders from the king at all even as the ‘royal engineer’, NOR will he listen to nigel.
quirin’s wife, and varian’s mother actually left them when varian turned five / when the blue streak in his hair developed. quirin was open about what had happened in the dark kingdom, and that he feared the streak was something like the lost princess’ hair, his wife couldn’t take it - so left them, under the rouse of ‘going to get some food’ from the town.
varian can lie quite well, he just can’t if he’s put right on the spot or even feels slightly confronted with one of his lies. he does manage to trick rapunzel, all while lying because he doesn’t beleive that raps ‘did what she had too’ at that point in time ( later will truly believe it )
i feel like, it wasn’t just the ‘three interactions’ before varian turned, it was small interactions that garnered a friendship. it was small, ‘hi’s and hello’s’ and a few bigger talks, especially after raps & cass find out about varian knowing about the rocks. it wasn’t a huge friendship in the eye of let’s say the fandom or even maybe cass or raps eyes, but varian it was different, he saw their friendship as a lot because they were the only ones to be his friends ( which aids in varian’s hero worship crush on cass ).
his friendship with eugene and lance doesn’t grow or strengthen until the third season, bc eugene is shown to be sceptical of varian in the first season which is valid because varian’s inventions have been not so safe.
i’ll expand a little on why i said eugene would be someone varian going to about his feelings regarding rapunzel and cass, despite him being close with the two. from this post here
and it is to do with his trust. eugene didn’t have to speak to varian alone about his worries about quirin potentially being a cass minion ( that’s what i’m calling it now ), eugene could have called it out in front of everyone, could have said something while everyone was around, but instead he waited for when he and varian were alone and that made varian feel like, even though he was kind of mad at eugene for it ( bc who wouldn’t ) but he takes it into consideration, because it made him feel like on some level eugene cared about his feelings enough to do it one on one.
and i feel like, over the course of season 3, they developed a friendship which he doesn’t have much of, and he holds it in high regards.
reminder that varian does hold a bitterness towards rapunzel and cass after the events that transpired in the last ep but unlike in season one, he’s grown and is learning to speak about how he feels about it. so he could be a little guarded around these two, and even the king and queen themselves.
he might confinde in his father, eugene, lance, angry or cat first about these feelings because he knows what bottling it up and trying to sort it out himself is like… it doesn’t work out well for him
varian isn’t afraid of heights, not even after cass encased him in a cage at well over 70ft in the air, and then falling from that height. heights do not scare him. but thin ledges? yeah, fuck those, he won’t do that.
varian has a scar on the back of his head from when he injured it in what the hair 
while varian is does everything he can to prove his worth again, to prove he is trust worthy once again to rapunzel, it’s not just that way. much like she doesn’t automatically forgive him, he doesn’t automatically forgive her. it’s a two way street, their whole relationship after the opening of season 3 is the both of them rebuilding their trust and faith in each other
varian hold just a bit of bitterness towards cass / raps? yes, but he has controlled it and doesn’t let it fester. he’s learnt to control it because what it happened last time, he doesn’t want to let himself get that far.
this steams from rapunzel’s actions towards cass vs her actions towards him. he see’s that, from his point of view as different. that cass was forgiven much easier then he was, she didn’t have to do anything to gain the trust back of rapuzel, whereas he felt that he had too ( because in his eyes, when he ‘switched sides back to her’ that was when she forgave him because he had no signs of her doing so before hand ).
also does he feel guilty for feeling like this? you bet
while wearing gloves is a way to mimic his father, and to ‘be more like’ his father, it’s also a sensory sensitivity for varian. he has multiple pairs of gloves because a lot of the time they can burn up or get badly damaged. all his gloves are leather, any other material itches or just doesn’t feel right on his hands and at times, if wearing other material can get him frustrated with them, and then substantially at his work.
while varian does get back on everyone’s good side again, he still hates the king, because he heard the promise of trying to free his ( varian’s ) father, but when he broke out - he automatically went back to his own home, only to find it dusted over - like no one has been there in months - meaning no one has tried to free his father.
varian copies those he looks up too. a few examples are; constantly wearing gloves, his father does that ( we the viewer know it’s to cover his brotherhood mark ), and then, varian does too, to be more like his dad.
he has copied nicknames for people from eugene. example, eugene has called xavier ‘xaves’ and then later on, varian is seen saying that too
varian constantly wears gloves to be like his father, he noticed at a young age, that his father constantly wore gloves - and, so he too then wore gloves all the time.
varian’s ‘crush’ on cass, was more hero worship type crush, then a true crush.
varian get’s one last growth spurt before he turns eighteen, it wasn’t magic or alchemy, though he totally got accused of it, but it seemingly happened over night ( it happened over a period of time where he secluded himself as he worked on something ). he ends up between the height of rapunzel and eugene
Varian eventually learns that magic and science go hand in hand, that magic is itself a form of science itself, and that science is a form of magic. That it’s just a matter if perspective
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