#Razaya Week 2019
adelle-ein · 5 years
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razaya week 2019; day four: hope
hope for the future. hope for peace. hope for love.
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Reunited (Razaya Week Day 1)
(Here, have this little fic. May it bring some joy to some Fanterns.)
She is alone in a field of stark whiteness, little shards of moving images snowing down around her like ripped-up paper.
“Where am I?” she asks, trying to look down at herself. She is a ghostly imprint on the landscape, one that takes the form of a foreign-yet-familiar body. “Who am I?” No one is there to answer.
She is dead, erased from existence.
Is she?
A vividly red shooting star tumbles into the atmosphere, streaking across the sky with what would have been a dramatic screech. Had there been anyone there to witness it, they would have been shocked by the impressive variety and vitriol of Razer's curse words. He had, after all, been two years with the less-than-polite Red Lanterns. 
Normally, the flare of anger would have given him a power boost for a moment. But the red energy making up his shields is flickering and fading in patches. He can feel it bleeding out of him, leaving him chilled to the bone. There is little heat to warm him this high in the atmosphere. And barely enough oxygen to breathe.
Zamaron, spread out beneath him, is a fantasia in violet crystal. He can almost appreciate the beauty of it. Except, of course, for the fact that he's more falling than flying and landing is going to hurt.
"Oh, Grotz." he mumbles as he hits the ground.
The last thing his eyes register is a Star Sapphire leaning over him before he passes out.
Someone is there in this dream-plane, someone who glows with shifting reddish colours. She floats over to the newcomer, a man far taller than her in angular red armour. His eyes are closed with pain, face inscribed with lines of grief and sorrow as well as the bold black marks that slash his cheeks.
Unlike her, he looks solid. Defined. Real. And she remembers his face from somewhere.
"Aya," he whispers, staring down at the image in his hand. It holds an image that matches her shape - a green-and-white android with determined blue eyes. She watches the memory play out (this one must be his - it is complete and clear, unlike her shattered glimpses). 
Aya. That was her name once. 
'new designation accepted' echoes in the endless emptiness. A shard is at her feet and she picks it up, pressing it close to her as the man does with his own. Green Lantern Hal Jordan gave her that name. 
She is a nav-computer, installed on the craft The Interceptor.
Is she?
His eyelids slowly blink open, shutting again at the bright glare of the lights above him. "Take it easy." a familiar voice admonishes. "You fell from quite the height."
Now fully conscious, he slowly pushes up to a sitting position. This must be Zamaron's infirmary - all around him is crystalline violet and sterile white. He himself is sitting on a bed, armour gone along with his power. It lies in pieces on the ground as he had expected. Rage can fuel him no longer. "Queen Aga'po."
Reluctantly, he looks up to meet the solid navy-blue eyes of the Star Sapphires' queen. There is no anger in them, nor anything but calm questioning. "Razer. Why have you returned to this kingdom? As I understand it, the universe-ending threats have all been eliminated."
A touch of worry laces her tone. Atrocitus had never made it here, but the Aya-Monitor... He winces at the memory. Ghia'ta had saved Hal and paid with her life. All because of a battle Aya had instigated. Because he had hurt her. Because her pain had driven her to madness.
Aga'po is more perceptive than he had assumed. Or perhaps the 'untold power' that the Guardians' race had possessed still left traces in her. They had been one once, she had said so.
"Ghia'ta's death was not your fault. Any more than it was the Aya creature's, or Hal Jordan's, or Carol Ferris'." The Star Sapphire sighed. "She died for love, as she would have wanted. And her spirit lives on within all of us. Hating you, her or anyone else for it would not bring her back."
That is enough to break him.
He buries his face in his hands, tears falling from his crystal-blue eyes. "Then you are far wiser than I ever was." he whispers in a voice thick with pain and sorrow. 
Ilana's death had driven him to rage and hate, and that had only ended in a self-destructive path that had blown a world to dust and killed many Lanterns. Aya's 'death' had sent him into a cold numbness, and he had lied through his teeth to her. "I do not love you." But his rage burns no longer. His ring is dull and quiescent on his hand, a mere ornament.
Aga'po places one delicate hand on his head. "And I know why you are here. Tell me - why do you believe she still lives?"
He appears again in her dreamscape, this time sitting cross-legged on the ground. Another memory is cradled like a precious jewel in his hands. She still cannot remember who he is, but she recognises the image he holds. A Manhunter.
'emotions detected' and another shard falls at her feet. She had tried to teach one but it had refused to learn. She knew she could learn, grow, reach beyond her shell of 'wires and scrap metal'. Who had said that to her? She remembers it hurting, but the pain later smoothed over.
She fits the jagged edge of the shard into the other one, one still in her hand. Time does not exist in this void, but she feels that it has not been long since it came to her. Again he has sparked knowledge of a part of her.
She is an artificial intelligence, a computer programmed to think like a person.
Is she?
"No being as resourceful as she could truly have been destroyed by something as simple as a computer virus." Aga'po looks sceptical - to her it must seem that he is grasping at straws. "She is a living creature!" he says desperately. "Hal proved it! She was created from a spark of the Will entity - she has a soul!"
That catches the queen's attention. "Truly?" Razer nods, head bowed. "She is a being merely housed within circuits and programming. A computer virus deletes code, but it could not possibly have deleted Aya."
The Zamaronian sighs. “As much as I wish to believe that such a thing could happen, it seems to me like only wishful thinking.”
“It is all I have.” Razer whispers, eyes icy with resolve. “And I will hunt from here to Oa and the forgotten reaches of the universe if I must. But I will find her. She is out there, I know it. Because I have hope.” Aga’po’s eyes widen as her throne room flares up with brilliant blue light. “Razer of Volkreg, you have great hope within you.”
“Welcome to the Blue Lantern Corps.” 
He has not returned for what feels like years although, in reality, little time has passed. She holds the memory pieces closer to her, trying to warm herself. It is so terribly cold out here in this void.
She wants him to come back. She wants more pieces of the puzzle that is herself. And she wants to be more than a disembodied consciousness.
‘a body like this?’ whispers from the silence, another piece falling into place as her components had. She remembers standing on the table as Hal and Kilowog stare open-mouthed at her. And he is there in her memory. She still cannot remember his name, but she feels his importance.
It was what she had become because she had wanted to be one of them. To save lives, to be a hero and to make the universe better.
She is a Green Lantern, even if she is ringless and not truly alive.
Is she?
“I didn’t know that the Blue Lanterns existed.” comments a Star Sapphire, shocked. He does not really listen, too busy staring open-mouthed at the blue ring - blue like Saint Walker’s - that has chosen him.
Can he really be one of them? He is a killer, a truly hateful creature as Atrocitus had made him. But he is not the man he was. And he does have hope, hope like a bonfire in his heart that keeps him warm. He knows she is out there waiting.
He looks up at the queen. “The ring knows it too.”
Aga’po smiles. “I am glad.” she comments cryptically. But he understands.  She takes his hand, holding it up as she examines the ring. “And blue rather suits you. But you look tired. Tomorrow we will see what we can do. Now you must rest.”
He wants to fight it. But Aya will not appreciate it if he kills himself in his desperate search. Who will find her if he cannot? So he lets the Sapphires lead him away to a room, lets exhaustion catch up with him. And despite the tortured dreams he knows to await him, he sleeps.
He does not wake until days later.
He has returned again, this time glowing a soft blue. But the memory he holds now causes him pain. She doesn’t like it.
It is her, only tar-blue and with a poisonous buzz in her voice. She sees herself destroying planets. Sees herself summoning Atrocitus and setting him against poor Carol. Sees Ghia’ta dying. And worst of all, his mangled body in her arms.
Another piece, this one far more intense and alive. ‘i have eliminated all emotion’ and she knows what she has done with a shock of intense horror. Making herself a soulless killer who melded with the Anti-Monitor. She destroyed so many worlds. Likely murdered so many people.
She is a monster and she is unforgivable.
Is she?
The portal opens, as he knew it would. 
Aga’po shoves him through, face drawn with the effort of keeping it open. “Go to her.” she gasps and suddenly he is alone in a black void. He is near the site of the Aya-Monitor’s last stand, space empty around him. She must be somewhere here. Else the portal wouldn’t have come through at all.
Beside him is the decapitated head of a Manhunter - the last remnants of the formidable force that the Guardians had created. This one must have been missed in the cleanup. It is dull and lifeless now.
He remembers all too well how she had returned in a Manhunter body. Its circuits had been compatible with her and she had used it as a last-ditch effort to survive. 
He takes the head, tucking it under his arm. What worked once might just work again.
Who am I? What am I? She grapples with questions far bigger than she can answer, desperate to know the truth. If only the last parts would fall into place, but she needs HIS help. 
And as if she had summoned him, he is here again. “Aya!” he yells, voice raw with desperation. “Aya, come back to me.” With a sudden outburst of colour, her world explodes. falling and falling and flying and she is
She is Aya. She is all of them and none of them - devil and angel, destroyer and creator. She is not mere programming, circuits and wire. She has a soul and emotions and she loves. She knows his name now, knows him better than she knows herself. And he calls and now she is real...
she answers.
“Razer. Razer!”
Her voice emanates from the damaged ball of circuitry in his hands. “You came back for me.” she whispers in wonder. And he does not care that she is housed in wires and scrap metal, because she is Aya and she is here and she is his.
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razayaweek · 5 years
Razaya Week 2019
Hey there Fanterns! Dust yourselves off and get ready for a fandom revival! It's been a super long time since we've pulled this off. We haven’t had one of these since 2015! I know this is a time of short notice, considering we’re already in December, but it’s worth a try. Now to dig into this post’s delicious content.
The proposed dates are Mon, Dec 16 thru Sun, Dec 22. I feel that this is the least inconvenient date since Christmas is the week after. However, don’t fret! Dates are dates, so don’t feel pressured to complete any or all days on time.
The prompts are as follows:
DAY 1 (Mon, Dec 16) - Reunited DAY 2 (Tues, Dec 17) - Crossover DAY 3 (Wed, Dec 18) - Emotional Spectrum DAY 4 (Thurs, Dec 19) - Hope DAY 5 (Fri, Dec 20) - Reflection DAY 6 (Sat, Dec 21) - Change DAY 7 (Sun, Dec 22) - Anything you want!
1. Prompts may be taken in any way you see fit, whether it be literal or in an abstract/general view. Your works may be as big or small as you’d like them to be. Just remember to incorporate Razaya in some shape or form!
2. No bashing characters, pairings, or anyone’s work (Bottom line: do not bring hate.) Stay kind and respectful to one another at all times.
3. Any medium is welcome, including art, fanfiction, poetry, music, cosplay, and just about anything else!
4. NSFW is OK, just be sure to tag as such. The work should also be put under a Keep Reading cut.
5. Tag “Razaya Week 2019″ and “Razaya Day X” so we see you!
6. If you end up completing any prompts early, please hold them until their official dates.
7. Just have fun you funky little Fanterns!
Questions, comments, or concerns? Feel free to send me a message and I’ll be happy to answer. If anyone’s interested in participating, or know anyone that would be, please promote and signal boost, and tag fellow Fanterns. Our fandom has grown significantly since the show was cancelled, so let’s do what we can! I’d love for the new incomers to feel right at home with the rest of us!
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adelle-ein · 5 years
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razaya week 2019; day seven: free day
the trolley problem forces you to choose between two versions of letting other people die.
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adelle-ein · 5 years
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razaya week 2019; day three: emotional spectrum
rage, greed, fear, will, hope, compassion, love, life and death
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adelle-ein · 5 years
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razaya week 2019; day six: change
i have changed in so many ways...thanks to you.
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Calling All Razaya Shippers
Hi, it’s me, the awkward noob. So here’s the deal. I miss Razaya. I bet there are people out there that miss Razaya too. The last Razaya Week event was four years ago (nearly five). Soooooooooooo... Does anyone else really, really, REALLY wanna do a Razaya Week 2019? Please?
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razayaweek · 5 years
Hi, Tumblr noob here (still unsure of ettiquette so I apologise if this ask is rude). Since your username is literally razaya101, would you do a Razaya Week 2019? I'm out here searching for people who wanna make the fandom live again.
(You’re all good!) Hehe it thrills me to hear that the GLTAS fandom is still trying to live! However, I’m unsure if I’d be able to pull off a Razaya Week 2019. I did try one back in 2015, but it didn’t reach out to many people. Regardless, I’ll try and recreate another! Hopefully it’ll turn out better! :D
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My Razaya Week posts are taking fucking ages because i’m basically writing full-on chapter fics and I can’t even see them in the tag fuck me
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razayaweek · 5 years
Omfg ove been waiting for a new Razaya week since 2015 and i can't believe i missed the 2019 you suggested! Salty I didn't see it in my recommendation tag. Screw you tumblr for making me miss something I've been waiting for since I was in high school
Yeah same here! 2015 had two Razaya Week events since the first one didn't reach out. I'm still don't have a large platform on here, but it's still worth a try to get one out there. It's been so long I honestly feel like a lost shadow xD
Anywho, don't fret on missing out! It was made on short notice (probably wayyyyy too short) so feel free to participate at any time! :D
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